download SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 THE DAY AMERICA CHANGED By: Grace Hupp.

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First Attack -8:19 am Flight 11 Hijacked -Hijacked by Mohammad Atta -8:46 am Flight 11 crashed into the North tower of the WTC -Killed all aboard and hundreds inside the building -10:28 North Tower collapsed

Transcript of SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 THE DAY AMERICA CHANGED By: Grace Hupp.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 THE DAY AMERICA CHANGED By: Grace Hupp Attacks -Attacks were leaded by Osama bin Laden -Founder of Al-Qaeda -Attack on the U.S. on the 11 th of September, 2001 First Attack -8:19 am Flight 11 Hijacked -Hijacked by Mohammad Atta -8:46 am Flight 11 crashed into the North tower of the WTC -Killed all aboard and hundreds inside the building -10:28 North Tower collapsed Second Attack -8:41am Hijacked flight :03 am Flight 175 crashed into the south tower -Once again killing everyone on board and inside the building (floors 75-85) -9:59 am south tower collapsed Third And Fourth Attack -9:37 Hijacked Flight 77 crashed into the pentagon -Kills 49 people aboard and 159 militants inside -Flight 93 is Hijacked and calls family members -passengers learn about 9/11 attacks then try to retake plane -Flight 93 crashes in a field in Pennsylvania. Things That Changed -U.S. invaded Afghanistan in attempt to wipe out Al-Qaeda -Two years later U.S. went to Iraq to dethrone President Saddam Hussein who was suspected to produce weapons of mass destruction -More security in airports -Checking ID -Removing shoes -Checking carry-on -Body screen checking -Medal removed Quiz -Who was the leader of the 9/11 attacks? Osama Bin Laden -Where did the first plane crash? The north tower of the World Trade Center -What happened to both of the towers when they were crashed into? They collapsed -What flight tried to retake the plane then crashed into a field in Pennsylvania? Flight 93 -What was the president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein accused of doing? Producing weapons of mass destruction