Sentence Formation Presentation

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Transcript of Sentence Formation Presentation

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Formation Presentation


    Sentence Formation

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Formation Presentation


    What is a sentence?

    Which of these are sentences?

    I hope you happy and healthy.

    I on a holiday with my family.

    We went to a hill resort

    My family and I a variety of interesting things the




  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Formation Presentation


    What is a sentence?

    A sentence must contain a subject, a verbanobjector complement.


    &erb ! $resent # $ast #Future%

    'bect!"oun#$ronoun% #(omplement!adective# adverbial%

    I hope you

    are happy and healthy.

    I went on a holiday with myfamily.

    We went to a hill resort.

    My family and I did a variety of


  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Formation Presentation


    *et+s apply the formula.$lease refer to your writing uestion.

    short wal- greenery fresh air butter/ies a

    Subect !"oun#$ronoun% &erb ! $ast tense % 'bect!"ou(omplemeadverbial%

    We went for a shortgarden.

    )he garden was surrounded by greene

    I saw many plantorchids and

    We could breathe fresh air.

    I was ama2ed by the bea

    I never seen such scene

    Butteries and birds were /ying around us.

    noun noun noun noun

    3laboration 4 Whatdo yousee?

    3laboration 4 5ow doyou feel?

    6se all the notsentences and pr

    where necess7uestions !whwhat, why and

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Formation Presentation


    Ma-e the sentences longer andcoherence by4

    oining sentences using 4

    adding connectors, adverb, words that indicate t

    and but so because although before

    after since as who which whose

    whom that if where when

    8rst ne9t after that ne9t then afterwards

    later beforethat

    8nally lastly besides Inaddition

    'therthan that

    'n theotherhand

    therefore however As theresult


    )here# suddenly during as soon 'n the In

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Formation Presentation


    ;oin and organise your sentence

    Whenwe arrive there, we went for a short walgarden whichwas surrounded by greenery. I sawplants such as orchids and 0)ualang1 trees. We coalsobreathe fresh air. I was ama2ed by the beautscenery asI never seen it beforein the city. The

  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Formation Presentation


  • 7/25/2019 Sentence Formation Presentation
