Senior News

Negaunee Senior Citizens Center Senior News January 2016 Monthly Newsletter January Events 4 Respecting Choices by Appointment 6 Blood Pressure Diabetes Prevention Presentation 7 NCOA Meeting 12 FootCare Clinic 13 Budgeting for the New Year Presentation Hawaii Group Travel Meeting 14 Commodities 15 Potluckers 18 Respecting Choices by Appointment 20 Blood Pressure YMCA Presentation 25 Parkinsons Support Group 26 FootCare Clinic Cribbage Tournament 27 True North Empower Presentation Negaunee Senior Center (906)475-6266 [email protected] 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday Visit us on Facebook! Helping area senior citizens live independently, with dignity, since 1974. Newsletter postage is paid for by sponsors. The Negaunee Senior Center is supported by the City of Negaunee, Marquette County Senior Millage, UPCAP, United Way, other grants and the generous donations of individuals and organizations. In accordance with applicable State and Federal Laws, we do not discriminate in employment or the provisions of its services. Focus on your health, well being in 2016 H appy New Year! As 2016 arrives, don’t forget to take care of your- self first with these programs designed to manage your health: • Tai Chi for Arthritis (TCA) will begin at 10 a.m. on Thursday, January 7. TCA is a gentle exercise for older adults that even can be done from a chair. It increases balance, strength and flexibility in participants. The class will meet every Thursday. • A Matter of Balance series will begin Monday, January 18. The class, which focuses on falls, building strength for balance and awareness of common fears, will meet twice a week for four weeks. Instructors teach easy exercises to build strength and facili- tate discussions about fears of falling and how to confront the aging process. Classes run from 1 to 3 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesday at the senior center. Advance registration only. • The Diabetes-PATH class will begin in February. It is designed to provide the skills needed by adults liv- ing with diabetes to improve their health. Two trained leaders conduct the workshop. Call 475-6266 to sign up. E very adult has the right to choose what medical care they think is best for themselves. Planning your care ahead of time allows others to know and honor your choices. Certified facilitators can help you and your caregivers discuss, consider, and understand what is important to you and how you want to live. Tell those caring for you what you value and wish for even if you were having a health crisis. Advance Care Planning (ACP) lets you choose someone to be your advo- cate (speak for you) and tell health care providers what to do for you when you are unable. ACP lets you remain in control of your care. Facilitators will be available at the Negaunee Senior Center on Monday, January 4 and Monday, January 18. Call the center at 475-6266 to make an appointment. Planning for your future health care now Inclement weather reminder T he Negaunee Commission on Aging reminds everyone the Negaunee Senior Center will be closed when the Negaunee School Systems are closed for a SNOW day. This means the roads are not fit for travel due to ice or snow. No homemaking services will take place on a snow day; they will be rescheduled at a later date. • The Negaunee Senior Center will be open when the Negaunee School Systems are closed for a COLD day. This means the temper- atures are too cold for children to stand at bus stops, but clients can choose to come to the center if they want to brave the cold. Homemaking services will still take place on cold days. Clients who are unsure whether or not the center is open should call the center and listen to the answer- ing machine message, which will provide details. If the center is open, we will answer the phone during our regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Transcript of Senior News

Page 1: Senior News

Negaunee Senior Citizens Center

Senior NewsJanuary 2016 Monthly Newsletter

January Events4 Respecting Choices

by Appointment6 Blood Pressure

Diabetes Prevention Presentation

7 NCOA Meeting12 FootCare Clinic13 Budgeting for the New

Year PresentationHawaii Group Travel Meeting

14 Commodities15 Potluckers18 Respecting Choices

by Appointment20 Blood Pressure

YMCA Presentation25 Parkinsons Support Group26 FootCare Clinic

Cribbage Tournament27 True North Empower

PresentationNegaunee Senior Center

(906)[email protected]:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday

Visit us on Facebook!

H e lp ing a re a s e n io r c i t i z e n s l iv e ind e p e nd e n t ly, w i th d i gn i t y, s in c e 1974 .

Newsletter postage is paid for by sponsors.The Negaunee Senior Center is supported bythe City of Negaunee, Marquette County SeniorMillage, UPCAP, United Way, other grants andthe generous donations of individuals andorganizations. In accordance with applicable

State and Federal Laws, we do not discriminatein employment or the provisions of its services.

Focus on your health, well being in 2016Happy New Year! As 2016 arrives,

don’t forget to take care of your-self first with these programs designedto manage your health:

• Tai Chi for Arthritis (TCA) willbegin at 10 a.m. on Thursday, January7. TCA is a gentle exercise for olderadults that even can be done from achair. It increases balance, strengthand flexibility in participants. The

class will meet every Thursday.• A Matter of Balance series will

begin Monday, January 18. The class,which focuses on falls, buildingstrength for balance and awareness ofcommon fears, will meet twice a weekfor four weeks. Instructors teach easyexercises to build strength and facili-tate discussions about fears of fallingand how to confront the aging process.

Classes run from 1 to 3 p.m. onMondays and Wednesday at the seniorcenter. Advance registration only.

• The Diabetes-PATH class willbegin in February. It is designed toprovide the skills needed by adults liv-ing with diabetes to improve theirhealth. Two trained leaders conductthe workshop.

Call 475-6266 to sign up.

Every adult has the right to choosewhat medical care they think is

best for themselves.Planning your care ahead of time

allows others to know and honor yourchoices.

Certified facilitators can help youand your caregivers discuss, consider,and understand what is important toyou and how you want to live. Tellthose caring for you what you valueand wish for even if you were having

a health crisis.Advance Care Planning (ACP) lets

you choose someone to be your advo-cate (speak for you) and tell healthcare providers what to do for youwhen you are unable. ACP lets youremain in control of your care.

Facilitators will be available at theNegaunee Senior Center on Monday,January 4 and Monday, January 18.Call the center at 475-6266 to make anappointment.

Planning for yourfuture health care now

Inclement weather reminderThe Negaunee Commission on

Aging reminds everyone theNegaunee Senior Center will beclosed when the Negaunee SchoolSystems are closed for a SNOWday. This means the roads are not fitfor travel due to ice or snow. Nohomemaking services will takeplace on a snow day; they will berescheduled at a later date.

• The Negaunee Senior Centerwill be open when the NegauneeSchool Systems are closed for aCOLD day. This means the temper-

atures are too cold for children tostand at bus stops, but clients canchoose to come to the center if theywant to brave the cold.Homemaking services will still takeplace on cold days.

Clients who are unsure whetheror not the center is open should callthe center and listen to the answer-ing machine message, which willprovide details. If the center isopen, we will answer the phoneduring our regular business hours of8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Page 2: Senior News

Negaunee Senior Center News 2 January 2016

This month’swish list

The center is in need of the follow-ing items, for those who want to

help us out.• Brownie mix (pairs if possible)• Cake mixes (pairs if possible)• Cheese in blocks• Cool whip (tubs)• Liquid dish soap• Liquid hand soap• Mr. Clean magic eraser• NapkinsIf you want to donate to a special

event such as our meals, ask at thefront desk for ideas. We always appre-ciate homemade baked goods for ourevents, but it’s helpful to know aheadof time so we can plan on making less.

As always, we thank you for yourgenerous donations; we couldn’t keepthings running without your help!

We are respectfully requesting thatfolks do not donate the follow-

ing items, as we do not have room instorage or cannot accept these itemsfor other reasons:

• No paper towel• No plastic containers• No decks of playing cards• No magazines or books• No knick-knacks or decorations• No religious greeting cards• No tea

Potluckers plancomfort food mealThe next Potluckers will be held on

Friday, January 15, and will fea-ture a feast of comfort foods. Dishesmust arrive by 11:30 a.m. and themeal is served no later than noon. Pre-registration must be done byWednesday, January 13.

Those who wish to eat, but don’twant to bring a dish can pay a $5 feeand also must pre-register.

A limited number of slots are avail-able for those not bringing a dish toensure we have enough food. Couplescan bring one main dish, two sidedishes or one side dish and pay $5 forthe second meal.

To sign up, call 475-6266.

Next cribbage tournamentscheduled for January 26Acribbage tournament is sched-uled for 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday,

January 26 at the center.Advanced sign-up is mandatory by

Friday, January 22; the charge is $5per person. Partners can sign uptogether, or the senior center can helppair up partners.

Door prizes will be given away toparticipants, and a 50/50 drawingwill be available.

To sign up, stop in at the center.No over-the-phone entries will betaken, as we need your entry fee toreserve your spot. For details, call475-6266.

West end tax volunteers neededThe Negaunee Senior Center is

seeking volunteers to help withvarious parts of tax preparation in2016.

The center is looking for a mini-mum of four people to be trained byAARP to eventually prepare taxes atthe center for the following year. Theonly requirement is that you have abasic understanding of how to use acomputer; volunteers of any age arewanted.

Also, there are different levels ofinvolvement, depending on abilitiesand availability. The local AARP taxpreparation coordinator is hoping tostart Negaunee-based assistance sowe can better serve local clients.

We currently have limited appoint-ments available in Negaunee; we arehoping to expand appointmentsavailable for 2017.

For details, please call Rich at361-0172.

New Year greetings andreminders from center staff

AHawaiian Adventure is on tap forMarch 31 through April 9, 2016.

The trip features stops at threeislands (Oahu, Kauai and Maui), 13meals and airfare and ground trans-portation. Cost begins at $4,959.

For details, call Kristy at(906)475-6266.Savannah sign-up open to publicThe Savannah trip now has a hand-

ful of seats left that are open tothe public. From May 13-23, 2016,

the senior center will lead a tour ofSavannah, Georgia, including JekyllIsland and Beaufort.

See Victorian homes that makeSavannah famous, and enjoy a fullguided tour of the historic district.Island-hop to Jekyll and St. Simonsislands. Jekyll Island is home to the“Millionaires Club,” where wealthyelite lived and played.

Seats can be reserved with a $75deposit. For details, call Kristy at(906)475-6266.

Savannah, Hawaii slots available

Happy New Year from theNegaunee Senior Center staff!

We have a few reminders, as well aschanges with the new year.

First, we thank you for your gener-ous donations in 2015. Due to yourcharity, we do not have to raise ourprices for meals or coffee in 2016.We appreciate our donors and volun-teers, and thank you for your support.

A note that we will no longer have

the soup luncheon on PotluckerFridays. Because of the potluckergroup and its wonderful food, oursoup sales go down. Please continueto join us for soup on the otherFridays of the month, however.

Please note that our phone systemis updated with weather and holidayclosures, so if you call and get themachine, listening to the announce-ment will answer most questions.

Page 3: Senior News

Negaunee Senior Center News 3 January 2016

Monthly ServiceNews & Notes• The Negaunee Senior Center

FootCare Clinic will be held onTuesday, January 12 and Tuesday,January 26. Call the center at 475-6266 to make your appointment. Thecost for the clinic is $15 and includesa foot soak, nail clipping and a footinspection. In-home service is avail-able by calling U.P. Home Health at485-4545. Thank you to U.P. HomeHealth for providing this service.

• The Negaunee Senior CenterBlood Pressure Clinic is held at 10a.m. on Wednesdays, January 6 andJanuary 20. Blood pressure and bloodsugar screenings are free. There is a$5 charge for cholesterol checks. Wethank U.P. Home Health & Hospicefor providing this long-time service.

• Grocery Grabbers will be heldon Wednesday, January 6. Deadline tosign up is 2 p.m. on Monday, January4 for the bus and meal. Marq-Tranpicks residents up at RichmondTownship Hall, travels to theNegaunee Senior Center for a meal,and then goes grocery shopping.Participants are dropped off at theirhomes and assisted with carrying theirgroceries. The bus will stop at RangeBank in Negaunee prior to going gro-cery shopping. Thank you to Marq-Tran for providing this service.

• The Marquette Range RetiredSteelworker’s Club will meet at 1:00p.m. on January 13.

• Do you have legal questions? TheNegaunee Senior Center can help youfind answers. Call 475-6266 to sched-ule an appointment with a local attor-ney. This service is free to any seniorcitizen in our service area.

• If a person is injured or becomesill while at the Negaunee SeniorCitizens Center and the illness orinjury appears to be life threatening,911 will be called. A family memberor designated person will be notified.Responsibility for the ambulancecharge is with the individual.

• In the event of a power or otherutility outage, the center must closefor safety and health regulatory rea-sons.

Parkinsons group speaker setThe Negaunee Senior Center’sParkinsons Support Group

takes place at 1:00 p.m. on thefourth Monday of the month. If youor anyone in your family is affectedby the disease and wants to getmore information, please come tothe group.

The senior center’s nextParkinsons Support Group is onJanuary 25. The presenter will beRandy Carlson, a physical therapistfrom U.P. Rehab Services inNegaunee. He has worked in outpa-tient and inpatient orthopedics forthirteen years, and has specialtyexperience in kinesiotaping,vestibular (balance) and geriatricrehab.Fuel assistance funds availableSenior citizens who need heating

or utility assistance may qualifyfor the Deliverable Fuel Programthrough AMCAB.

The center also has True NorthCommunity Services Empowerheat and energy assistance applica-

tions for 2015-16; the programfocuses on the heat and energyneeds of residents living in ruralMichigan. They can help with elec-tric, natural gas, propane, wood,pellets, coal, fuel oil, other deliver-able fuels and existing balances.

Call Brittany at 475-6266 formore information or if you needassistance applying.The Negaunee Senior Center

offers the following services:• Financial Management—Help

with Medicare, Medicaid, under-standing insurance and other bills,balancing checkbooks, etc.

• Homemaker Aide—Generallight household cleaning, laundry,light meal preparation, etc.

• Chore Service—Windowwashing, snow removal and othertasks. Call today to get on the listfor services.

• Grocery Shopping—Home-bound clients may be eligible forour staff to do grocery shopping forthem every few weeks.

Call 475-6266 for details.

Social Worker’s Corner

Focus on financial,physical health in 2016

The Negaunee Senior Center has avariety of presentations set for

Wednesdays in January that will helpyou improve your health—bothphysical and financial.

On January 6, Lauren fromUPDON will talk about diabetes pre-vention. The Upper PeninsulaDiabetes Outreach Network willoffer information on finding out ifyou are at risk for having diabetes. Itis estimated that one out of threeadults have pre-diabetes, and 90 per-cent of those people don’t know theyhave it. Learn more at this presenta-tion to preserve your health.

Patty from Wells Fargo will talkabout Budgeting for the New Year onJanuary 13. Get your questions

answered about bill pay, avoidinglate fees and how to do the most withyour money.

On January 20, staff from theYMCA in Negaunee will come andtalk about the programming theyhave available, including Moving forBetter Balance, Pedaling forParkinson’s and more. Come andfind out about what the YMCA hasavailable for you.

Len from True North Empowerwill present information about theassistance programs True North hasavailable on January 27. If you are inneed of heat or energy assistance thiswinter, this presentation is for you.

All presentations begin at noon,and are free and open to the public.

Page 4: Senior News

We thank Bea & Darlene Parolini for their donation in memory of Vera Brisson.We thank Kristy & Eric Malmsten for their donation in memory of Lorraine Basolo.We thank Kristy & Eric Malmsten for their donation in memory of John Basolo, Sr.We thank George Stagliano for his donation in memory of Sam & Alice Davis.We thank Alice & Bob LaJoie for their donation in memory of Anne Dompierre.

We thank Barb Cohan & Marlene Lawson for their donation in memory of Leo & Singe Herman.We thank Joy Holman for her donation in memory of Betty & Kip Holman.We thank Jim LaJoie for his donation in memory of Shirley Jandreau.

We thank Dave & Pat Lahti for their donation in memory of Robert Johnson.We thank Dave & Pat Lahti for their donation in memory of Phyllis Meni Lafkas.

We thank Ernie LaJoie for his donation in memory of Jerry LaJoie.We thank Nancy Kallioinen, Norma Greenwood and Marsha Larmour

for their donation in memory of Ronald Leiviska.We thank Marsha Larmour for her donation in memory of Vivien Leiviska.

We thank Kristy & Eric Malmsten for their donation in memory of Oiva & Gladys Makinen.We thank Kristy & Eric Malmsten for their donation in memory of Doug Mood.

We thank James Paquette for his donation in memory of Robert Paquette.We thank Jill & Ed Champion for their donation in memory of Leonard Pizziola.

We thank Donna & Mike Van Straten for their donation in memory of Taito & Mary Pynnonen.We thank Kristy & Eric Malmsten for their dona-

tion in memory of Ray Rappazini.We thank Joyce Rogers Pavicic for her donation

in memory of Russell & Lila Rogers.We thank Dorothy Seppanen for her donation in

memory of John Seppanen.We thank George Stagliano for his donation in

memory of April Stagliano.We thank George Stagliano for his donation in

memory of Lona Stagliano.We thank Olivia Stanaway for her donation inmemory of Norman “Boosta” Stanaway.We thank Byron Tossava for his donation

in memory of Robin Tossava.We thank Ernie LaJoie, Jim LaJoie for his

donation in memory of Jim White.We thank Brian & Chelsea Downing for theirdonation in memory of all those we miss.


Negaunee Senior Center News 4 January 2016

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Page 5: Senior News

Joy Holman—ChairpersonLarry Dillman—Vice Chairperson

Ernie LaJoie—TreasurerDebbie Filizetti

Grace JalonenLee JohnsonKate PetersonEarl PleauAl Rautio

Negaunee Senior Center News 5 January 2016

To the Negaunee Commission on Aging:Thank you!

To our other great volunteers:Ernie LaJoie, Linda Perucco, Rose Stanaway andWanda Westman for running Bingo.

Larry Dillman for help with maintenance.John Basolo, Gert & Irene Cevigney and Darnel Chevrette for helping with cribbage.

Marion Olson for helping in the kitchen on Wednesdays.Rodney Etelamaki and Larry Dillman for delivering commodities every month.

Ed & Nancy Berta for running the Monday AMCAB meals.Linda Dillman, Marge Healey and Cheryl Ulvila for doing our laundry.

Jill Champion for helping with aerobics.Ernie LaJoie and Earl Pleau for delivering newsletters to residents at Lakeview Apartments.

To our Kitchen & Wish List donors:Cathy Andrews Elaine Ault

John & Terry BasoloDonna Bond

Gert & Irene CevigneyDave ChampionLinda DeGabriele

Linda & Larry DillmanEastwood Nursing Center

Shirley FordByron HaraskiBob Hewitt

Joy HolmanPaul HomburgBob HookerJackie Jachim

Ed & Annette JachimskiLolita JarviVickie JarviAnn KananenBeth MeliLarry MelkaPainting ClassParkinsons Group

Kate PetersonIlene RappaziniAl & Paula RautioBrad RobertsTom StanawayPete TousignantFrancine ValentiHannah Weingarten

We also thank those who have asked not to be named. Without our donors and volunteers, we could not provide the activities and services that we do for our seniors.Thank you! Seniors and non-seniors are welcome to help out at the center.

To get your name on our volunteer list, please call 475-6266.

Page 6: Senior News

Negaunee Senior Center News 6 January 2016

Donation SlipUnder State and Federal Regulations, we are required to give persons receiving our services

an opportunity to donate to the Negaunee Senior Center. The use of this form is optional when making a donation.Please remember that a donation is not required to receive services.

Those donations received without including this form will be credited to the person signing the check only.

$_______General Center Operations$_______Memorial Fund in memory of_____________________________________$_______Chore$_______Homemaking Services$_______Other ________________________________________________

Your Name______________________________________________________________

Thank You!

John & Lorraine AdamsTom AndersonCathy AndrewsTerri Beard

Mary BrintlingerH. Charles BrownRuth ChamberlainWayne Connors

Rita & Robert CorradinaRemigia DaveyLinda DeGabrieleMary Gervae

Steven & Elaine GiuchinKaren HakalaEtta HartmanBetty HemmilaBob Hewitt

Albert & Dorothy HillWilliam Hill

Jasper Jezabelles of IshpemingFran Johnson

Mike & Colleen JuidiciHelene KainulainenRonald D. KauppilaGrace KorhonenSarah KorpiArt KorsmanErnie LaJoie

Phil & Pat LangloisLaverne LaramieEdna LaurilaAlfred Lehto

Marion LindbergMary Ann Lynch

Mqt Range Steelworkers ClubLouis & Mary Ann Mitchell

Sheila MockLeino Pynnonen

Christie & Richard SaloSheila MockYvonne Niemi

Gerald & Mary Paju

Kathleen PalomakiVera & Don PalomakiMary ParkkonenMary PetersonCatherine PietilaDon & Millie RobareSandra Sarasin

Theodore SeppanenMargaret SippolaDorothy Sivula

Lonnie & Marion St. AubinNancy Stoll

Beverly StromquistPaul & Martha SuomiTino’s Bar & PizzaVic Valenti

Buzzy & Marie ViolettaBetty Waara

Russel & Connie Williams

Last Month’s Center DonorsThe following people have made monetary contributions to the Negaunee Senior Center

from November 18 through December 18. We couldn’t do it without your continued support!

Page 7: Senior News

Game WinnersWe are looking for former and new card players to play. If you are interested, come on in by 12:30 p.m. on the days

we play, or call and offer your name on the substitute list. All are welcome; come join the fun.

Drop-In Cribbage11/19/15—Charlie Brown & Annette Jachimski—121212/1/15—Gert Cevigney & Bill Scarbrough—1197

12/3/15—Beverly Scarbrough & Darnel Chevrette—119612/8/15—Marsha Larmour & Charlie Brown—1203

12/10/15—Beverly Scarbrough & Gert Cevigney—121112/15/15—Mary Morcom & Ralph Keto—124812/17/15—Bob Johnson & Tom Borlace—1204

Drop-In Pinochle11/23/15—Pete Halverson & Buzzy Violetta—6600

11/30/15—P. Halverson, M. Kauppila, B. Violetta—505012/7/15—P. Halverson, B. Violetta, D. Ellis—5300

12/14/15—Pete Halverson & Edwin Jachimski—5810

Negaunee Senior Center News 7 January 2016

Happy Birthday!1 John Heidemann

Judith Maki2 Darlene Nelson

Betty Waara3 Emma DeCorte

Shirlee Schwarz6 L. Gail Mahan

Joseph McCormick7 Ron Ulvila8 Bonnie Pellinen9 Karen Wertanen10 Mary Paju

Shirley FolstadGloria GagliardiMary Turvey

12 Loraine Lehto

13 Michael Roose14 Goofus Ammesmaki15 Thomas Talsma16 Pauline Johnson

Barbara MillerMary Lou Maki

17 Marlene OmbrelloMary PynnonenJohn ThompsonClifford WatersYvonne Lee

20 Betty CarlsonJake HolappaBunny McDonnell

21 Carol Johns23 Donald Luokkala

Mary ParkkonenCharlene Nerone

25 Joseph Peura25 Patricia Varda26 Shirley Terzaghi

R. Edward Dobson27 Bruce Anderson29 Shirley Kujala

Ada Veale30 Connie Johnson

Anna Anderson31 Kristy Malmsten*

Gail LongtineAl Reynolds Stephen TalagaLinda Olsen

The following seniors, senior center staff (*) and friends of the center celebrate their birthdays in January.

If you notices the name of a person who has passed away, please let the center know.

Congratulations to theNovember cribbagetournament champs:Paulette Piirainen &Shirley Pizziola

Page 8: Senior News

Negaunee Senior Center410 Jackson StreetNegaunee, MI 49866


BULK RATEU.S. Postage PaidPermit #3Negaunee, MI49866

January Wednesday Lunch ScheduleJanuary 6: Roasted TurkeyMoist, slow-cooked turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy served with vegetables.

January 13: Shepherd’s PieSeasoned ground beef with peas and carrots, topped with creamy mashed potatoes and cheddar.

January 20: MeatloafHomemade meatloaf with gravy, baked potato, vegetables and fresh bread.

January 27: Ham DinnerMoist, hand-sliced ham, potatoes and vegetables.

A limited amount of take-out orders are available by calling before 11:00 a.m. on the day of the lunch.$5.75 for seniors, dine-in or take-out; $6.75 for the general public, dine-in or take-outLunches are homemade by our center staff and served on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to noon, or until sold out. If the center is closed on a Wednesday due to inclement weather, the meal will be held the next day we are open.