Selling Your Soul to Satan by Robert Ing


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The concept of selling ones' soul to Satan seems to always pique people's interest whether they actually admit to it or just keep it in the back of their mind. Selling your soul to Satan is purely a creation of literary fiction which has been passed down for centuries as a theological truth by organized religion to maintain the "fear of god" in their followers.

Transcript of Selling Your Soul to Satan by Robert Ing

Page 1: Selling Your Soul to Satan by Robert Ing

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic scientist, broadcaster, author, life strategies coach,magician, mentalist and occultist. For more information please visit Copyright 2011 Dr. Robert ing

An Essay of Curiosityby Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, FAPSc

Selling Your Soul To Satan

The concept of selling ones' soul to Satan seems to always pique people's interest whether they actually admit to it or just keep it in the back of their mind. Selling your soul to Satan is purely a creation of literary fiction which has been passed down for centuries as a theological truth by organized religion to maintain the "fear of god" in their followers.

The first literary reference to selling ones' soul to Satan was in the Dutch 15th century play, “Mary of Nijmeghen” by Anna Bijns where a beautiful young woman sells her soul. Later in the 16th century, the Northern German, “Historia Von D. Iohan Fausten” offered the basis for what would become the most famous soul seller of them all, Dr. Faustus. Thus, in the 17th century Christopher Marlowe introduced the world to Dr. Faustus in his dramatic work, “The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus.” The rest so to speak is history or would that be folklore?

As well in an 18th century Grimoire authored by Saint Alphonso Maria de Ligouri(1696 - 1787), details on reclaiming one's soul after it had been sold to Satan should the seller change their mind was detailed in four simple steps. (I) Renounce and cease contact with Satan, (II) Destroy any black art writings and other related items, (III) Burn the written Satanic pact or if a written copy doesn't exist, make a declaration that you regret and reject the pact, and (IV) Make restitution for any harm you may have caused.

One cannot sell their soul to, or make a pact with Satan because in Satanism, Satan does not actually exist as a living entity much less a god. Satanists consider that the soul and physical body are one, not separate components and that a soul is only of value to its birth holder.

Page 2: Selling Your Soul to Satan by Robert Ing

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic scientist, broadcaster, author, life strategies coach,magician, mentalist and occultist. For more information please visit Copyright 2011 Dr. Robert ing

An Essay of Curiosityby Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, FAPSc

Even if a person could really sell their soul to Satan, the only people selling their souls would be the stupid, desperate or bored. If you were Satan would you really want the souls that belong to such individuals? Stupidity is the primary cardinal sin of Satanism, so stupid people need not apply. Desperate people who would sacrifice the last thing they own, their soul, would have to have a pretty good sales pitch to gloss over their lack of responsibility and character that wound them up on the road of desperation. As for the bored that find their life so boring that they must entertain such a serious remedy, well these individuals are certainly going nowhere with all the time to do it. Believe it or not, real Satanists are highly educated, intellectual and goal oriented.

Having said this, there are Left Hand Path rituals, not necessarily Satanic, that involve pacts with representations of demons and devils as symbols of commitment, personal acknowledgement and faith rather than the selling of one’s soul. However, to many these pacts are often confused or misconstrued as a soul selling rite. Careful and meticulous examination of most of these pacts will reveal that they are of commitment and personal acknowledgement rather than the selling or trading of a soul.

The Internet over the years has offered those who wish to sell their soul to Satan everything from step-by-step how to e-books, online pacts with Satan, so-called Satanic organizations that will bill your credit card monthly as maintenance for the soul you sold to their "Satan" and last but not least an online auction site that caters to people who want to sell their souls to the highest bidder! If you take any of these online methods to soul selling seriously you had better join an organized religion fast, but stay away from Satanism!

Page 3: Selling Your Soul to Satan by Robert Ing

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic scientist, broadcaster, author, life strategies coach,magician, mentalist and occultist. For more information please visit Copyright 2011 Dr. Robert ing

An Essay of Curiosityby Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, FAPSc

For approximately six years (2004 – 2010) I conducted an Internet based survey to determine the reasons why people would consider selling their souls to Satan. The specific question I asked was, “What would you sell your soul to Satan for?”Here are the results based on 3,600 survey participants, and the options I offered as responses.

What Would You Sell Your Soul To Satan For?

25% - For Supernatural Powers23% - For Money17% - For Sexual Prowess14% - I Would Never Do This10% - Other Reason4% - To Resolve A Bad Situation3% - To Live Forever2% - For Fame1% - To Resolve/Cure A Medical Condition1% - To Help A Friend/Family Member

Having reviewed several soul selling websites over the years, I have observed that the three top reasons why people sell their souls to Satan remain pretty constant, so my small survey would seem to confirm what the general motivation may be. Here is a closer examination of the top three, with abridged commentary based on the feedback I have reviewed on these websites.

1) Money. Most of the individuals who sell their souls want millions of dollars or simply want a continuous monthly cash flow for the remainder of their physical existence.

Page 4: Selling Your Soul to Satan by Robert Ing

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic scientist, broadcaster, author, life strategies coach,magician, mentalist and occultist. For more information please visit Copyright 2011 Dr. Robert ing

An Essay of Curiosityby Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, FAPSc

2) Sexual Prowess. People want to be bigger, harder, stronger, last longer, able to attract any mate they want and of course be able to give and receive multiple orgasms - need I say more?

3) Supernatural Powers. What good is it selling your soul if you can't be like an evil demon yourself? People want the ability to read minds, make people unknowingly succumb to their will, travel through time, foretell the future, levitate objects, fly, cause anything they desire to materialize and to heal.

So what would you sell your soul for? Everyone has a price - or do they?

Pacta Conventa Daemoniorum - Circa 1593

Page 5: Selling Your Soul to Satan by Robert Ing

Dr. Robert Ing is a forensic scientist, broadcaster, author, life strategies coach,magician, mentalist and occultist. For more information please visit Copyright 2011 Dr. Robert ing

An Essay of Curiosityby Robert Ing, DSc, DLitt, FAPSc

The item pictured on the previous page is from my own personal collection of curiosities and is an exemplar of a 16th century Pacta Conventa Daemoniorum(“Pact with the Devil”) outlining the ritual, terms and conditions that must be agreed to by the “Celebrant” who has chosen to make such a pact and signed in their own blood on the last page.

This document is written using Theban script (Honorian Alphabet) also known as the Witches’ Alphabet in Dragon’s Blood Ink (Dracaena and Daemonorops resin based ink), totals 42 pages in length and is ledger bound in the shoulder leather of a blood let cloven beast. The use of Theban script and Dragon’s Blood Ink in occult ritual and spells was believed to increase the power of the magical working and, in the case of Theban script, keep its contents secret from outsiders. The first documented use of Theban script (Honorian Alphabet) appeared in 13th century Rome, while the first documented use of Dragon’s Blood Ink appeared in 1st century Rome. Just in case you are wondering, no - this pact was not signed by me, and no - this item is not for sale. However, you may now add to your life experiences that you have seen a 16th century Pacta Conventa Daemoniorum(“Pact with the Devil”)!