Sekhukhune Dispatch 14 November 2014

Friday 14 November2014 Year 6 139th Edition Tel: 013 262 4416 DAN MDLULI Health workers at a clinic in Leeuwfontein refuse to treat patients if they don’t bring a college exercise book. Patients say nurses at the public health facility turn the unwell away if they fail to produce the books. Selinah Ntsane (69), a resident, said: “When my son was terribly injured to the back of his head on Sunday, the first thing I had to search for was a college exercise book before we could get him to the clinic to get help. Another resident, Lucky Kekana (33) said he went to find help at the local clinic as he suffered terrible stomach aches and continuously vom- ited. He said when he arrived at the facility he was told to go get an exercise book before he could be attended to. Kekana explained: “At the time I felt weak. I dragged myself to the nearest shops in pain to buy the book the No Book, No Health Care nurses wanted so I could get treatment. The exercise books were finished at the shops. I resorted to seeking help from scholars I knew around the area to assist me get an exercise book. It was humiliating. I would not wish for anyone to go through my experience with the clinic. One day the nurse’s practices at the facility will cost a life.” The Limpopo provincial health department said it was not aware of the allegations. The depart- ment added it would not condone such treat- ment to its clients. Macks Lesufi, spokesperson for the depart- ment, said: “Our investigation tells us that there is no truth in these allegations as we pride ourselves with providing health care services to our people. Furthermore, we interviewed patients at the clinic who had no knowledge of such demands.” An insider at the clinic confirmed the patients’ claims that without the exercise book patients were turned away and would not receive health care treatment at the facility. The books are used to record details of treatment, the time the patient received health care and the medication provided to the patients. Itumeleng Legwabe (21) shows the exer- cise book she was demanded to pro- duce before she could be treated at the Leeuwfontein clinic after she had went to the health facility for care.


District news for Groblersdal and the Sekhukhune Municipality

Transcript of Sekhukhune Dispatch 14 November 2014

Page 1: Sekhukhune Dispatch 14 November 2014

Friday 14 November2014Year 6 139th Edition Tel: 013 262 4416

DAN MDLULIHealth workers at a clinic in Leeuwfontein refuseto treat patients if they don’t bring a collegeexercise book.Patients say nurses at the public health facilityturn the unwell away if they fail to produce thebooks. Selinah Ntsane (69), a resident, said:“When my son was terribly injured to the backof his head on Sunday, the first thing I had tosearch for was a college exercise book beforewe could get him to the clinic to get help.Another resident, Lucky Kekana (33) said hewent to find help at the local clinic as he sufferedterrible stomach aches and continuously vom-ited. He said when he arrived at the facility hewas told to go get an exercise book before hecould be attended to. Kekana explained: “Atthe time I felt weak. I dragged myself to thenearest shops in pain to buy the book the

No Book, NoHealth Care

nurses wanted so I could get treatment. Theexercise books were finished at the shops. Iresorted to seeking help from scholars I knewaround the area to assist me get an exercisebook. It was humiliating. I would not wish foranyone to go through my experience with theclinic. One day the nurse’s practices at thefacility will cost a life.”The Limpopo provincial health department saidit was not aware of the allegations. The depart-ment added it would not condone such treat-ment to its clients.Macks Lesufi, spokesperson for the depart-ment, said: “Our investigation tells us that thereis no truth in these allegations as we prideourselves with providing health care servicesto our people. Furthermore, we interviewedpatients at the clinic who had no knowledge ofsuch demands.”

An insider at the clinic confirmed the patients’claims that without the exercise book patientswere turned away and would not receive healthcare treatment at thefacility. The books areused to record detailsof treatment, the timethe patient receivedhealth care and themedication providedto the patients.

Itumeleng Legwabe(21) shows the exer-cise book she wasdemanded to pro-duce before shecould be treated atthe Leeuwfonteinclinic after she hadwent to the healthfacility for care.

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One male suspect (27), was arrested and hisaccomplices fled after they were found in pos-session of stolen goods the police said. Ac-cording to the Marble Hall SAPS Spokesper-son Constable Lethunya Mmuroa, the suspectwas arrested at the Marble Hall informal settle-ment on Tuesday 11 November by the policewho were patrolling in the area.“The police patrol car saw four men carryingsome luggage. They stopped the car next tothem and the suspects started fleeing on foot.They chased them and managed to apprehendone suspect,” he said.He added that the suspects was found in pos-session of clothes, shoes, sound system, plasmaTV, toiletry, cellphone and watches estimatedto the value of more than R51 300-00.“The goods were stolen at the Marble hallresidential area the night before the arrest. Theproperties are already identified by the owner.He alleged that he left his house to Pretoria onThursday 6 November and come back on Tues-day 11 November 2014 in the morning to findthat he was robbed. Upon his arrival at homehe noticed that thieves broke the window andstole his properties. He called the police forassistance and he was impressed to hear thathis properties were recovered and one suspecthas been arrested,” he said.Mmuroa said one suspect is arrested andcharged with housebreaking and theft. He willappear in court soon. Police are still busy withthe investigations.

Goods recovered before ownerknows its gone

A 22 year old man named Kutullo Maboke, wassentenced to 18 years in prison for rape at theSekhukhune Regional Court.According to Constable Boitumelo Matlala fromMotetema SAPS, the accused came across thevictim in the morning of 3 March 2013 at MoedingVillage.“The victim came from the cultural ceremonyaround the village when the suspect approachedher. He started threatening her with a knife andforced her to go with him to his place. On arrivalhe told her to undress and he started rapingher,” he said. Matlala added that the victimmanaged to escape in the morning and then shewent to report the matter to the police. Theaccused was identified and arrested on thesame day. He was found guilty and sentencedto 18 years imprisonment at the SekhukhuneRegional Court.

Rapist sentenced

Constable Silas Khosa showing off the goods recovered by the police after theywere stolen in Marble Hall while the owner was away to Pretoria.

Kutullo Maboke was sentenced to 18years in prison at Sekhukhune Re-gional Court for rape.

Page 3: Sekhukhune Dispatch 14 November 2014


The contracts of two companies supplyingfood to schools in Limpopo have been termi-nated, the department of basic education saidin a statement. Pupils have been hospitalisedafter eating school lunches tainted with crushedglass and stones.They suffered diarrhoea, dizziness, vomitingand cramps. They were admitted to hospitalsand local clinics where they were treated anddischarged. "Contracts have been terminatedwith immediate effect for the companies impli-cated in the food contamination that resulted inlearners being hospitalised in Limpopo," saidthe Department of Basic Education Spokesper-son Elijah Mhlanga. "The Limpopo Depart-ment of Education, supported by the Depart-ment of Basic Education served the letters oftermination to two companies and another was

DOE terminated school foodcontracts, 5 leaners died

given a warning toimprove its service,"he said. Mhlanga saidthe contracts ofDingatana andAmandla Karabo wereterminated after thedepartment con-ducted several inves-tigations into the alle-gations of food con-tamination and paidunannounced visitsto the suppliers' ware-houses to conduct inloco inspections ineach of the ware-houses. "The investi-gation establishedthat Amandla Karabofailed to comply withstated requirementsand standards, bothin terms of the qualityof the fooddeliveredto schools and thecondition of theirwarehouse. The moni-toring team stronglyrecommended thatAmandla Karabo bereleased with immedi-ate effect from theNational School Nu-trition Programme(NSNP) in Limpopo.Relations will bestrengthened with thehealth environmentalpractitioners inLimpopo," he said.He added that themonitoring team rec-ommended thatDingatana's involve-ment in the NSNP inLimpopo should bediscontinued with im-mediate effect afterseveral attemptsfailed to locate thecompany director andits physical addressfor inspection.Mhlanga said the de-partment would alsoinvolve the South Af-rican Police Service toconduct an investiga-tion into allegationswith a view to layingcriminal charges.He said the depart-ment would introduceadditional monitoringmeasures with school-

based monitors to report daily on the implemen-tation of the programme. "The NSNP monitor-ing system is being reviewed to tighten criticalstages of food supply chain, and to solicit thesupport of the department of health and localmunicipality. Relations will be strengthenedwith the health environmental practitioners inLimpopo to draw lessons and replicate a proc-ess of establishing checks and balances onmonitoring suppliers in all provinces. Pupilswere taken to hospital for suspected food poi-soning. They complained of headaches, stom-ach cramps, diarrhoea and vomiting, after eat-ing at school. Food samples and water from theschools were taken for laboratory tests,” heconcluded. The Democratic Alliance (DA) inLimpopo says it will open a fifth murder caseagainst the Limpopo Department of Education.

This comes after a learner from Magale PrimarySchool in Tshehloaneng, outside Burgersfort,died last week after allegedly eating contami-nated food. DA Provincial leader, JacquesSmalle says they want the service providersand the Department of Education to be heldaccountable for the death of all five learnersthat died after eating food contained brokenbottles. “We will be laying a charge at thePolokwane Police Station for the most recentdeath of Tshehloaneng learner that passedaway on Monday 3 November. The first casewas about the four learners and the secondcase will be for the fifth learner. We will belaying charges against the department as wellas the service provider and we feel that both ofthe parties are liable for the death of the chil-dren,” said Smalle.

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As the matric examinations are underway, theMoutse East Circuit established a motivationalprogramme that will take place annually duringexaminations period.Recently, the circuit held a motivational talk atthe Ndlovu Miracle Theatre in Elandsdoorn,Dennilton. Learners from all secondary schoolswithin the circuit including Kgothala Second-ary, Mohlamme Secondary, Nala Secondary,Ramogosetse Secondary, Magana Secondary,Sereme Combined and Ngwato a Mphela Sec-ondary attended.Moutse East Circuit Manager Mr. BZ Stewart,representatives from teachers unions SADTU’sLucky Gulube and PEU’s Mr. Malapela werealso present. A dignitary from the SekhukhuneEducation Mr. TG Nkadimeng also attended.Groblersdal Amper Alles featured the day byawarding a trophy to the circuit for their per-formance and they were also included in themotivational platform to guide dozens of pupils

Motivational Programme for Matricsduring the day.During the day learners were requested to signa pledge that was providing the rules andregulations of writing examinations. This wasdone throughout the whole country of SouthAfrica as it was adopted by the National De-partment of Basic Education.Each and every speaker focused on wishing thegrade 12 learners good luck during the matricexaminations when given the platform.According to the Moutse East Circuit Curricu-lum Coordinator Mr. PS Nonyane, Amper Allespresented a trophy to the circuit to be awardedto the top performing school in the matricexaminations every year.He said that the trophy will be circulating toschools that have done well after the release ofmatric results each and every year.“If a school performs better than the otherschools for three consecutive years, they willkeep the trophy and a new trophy will be

provided. This will serve as part of our motiva-tional programme to confident learners andeducators during the course of the year,” hesaid.

Alpheus Mello (52), was sentenced to three lifeimprisonments at the Motetema Regional Courtafter raping three minors. The accused commit-ted the crime in the early hours of 1 January 2013at Manapyane Village.According to the police report, the accusedraped the three boys at his house in Manapyanewhile their parents were away. He was arrestedafter the boys told their parent about the inci-dent and charged with rape.The police managed to track and arrest him thesame day. He received his heavy sentence,which is three lives in prison, at the MotetemaRegional Court.

Rapist ofminors

gets threelife


From left to right Ms Monageng, Mr Ratlou,Mr Stewart B.Z and Mr Madisa with thetrophy donated by Amper Alles inGroblersdal.

Mr. G Mametsa presenting the trophy to Mr.Stewart the Circuit Manager of Moutse EastCircuit

A 52 year old Alpheus Mello was sen-tenced to three life imprisonments af-ter raping three minors at ManapyaneVillage.

Page 5: Sekhukhune Dispatch 14 November 2014


On Friday 31 October Slovo Park Primary Schoolorganized a farewell function and graduation ofthe Grade R at the school’s premises. Withspeakers from various organizations motivat-

Constable Lethunya Mmuroa the police spokesperson of Marble HallSAPS scooped first runner-up administrative employee of the yearaward at the 2013/2014 Limpopo SAPS Prestigious Awards. Mmuroawas awarded during the Limpopo SAPS Prestigious Awards ceremonyheld at The Range Hotel on Friday 7 November 2014.This is his fourth award since employed at Marble Hall SAPS as aCommunications Officer.On 05 November 2008, he was awarded with Provincial Commissioner’sAwards by the former Limpopo Provincial Commissioner Calvin Sengani.

Award to Marble HallSAPS Spokesperson

The hardworking Constable Lethunya Mmuroa showing hisaward at the Limpopo SAPS Prestigious Awards held at theRange Hotel on Friday 7 November.

Year End Ceremonies at Slovo Parking the students, the school has also bid theirgrade 7 learners farewell at the school’s farewelland graduations with a prize giving ceremonyto learners who performed outstandingly.

A learner Lerato Ditshego, was amongstthe programme directors of the day.

Some of the learners doing gum-bootsdance at Slovo Park Primary duringthe event.

Pantsula dance was amongst activitiesat Slovo Park during the farewell func-tion and graduation ceremony.

The Grade R graduates approachingthe stage to receive their certificates atSlovo Park Primary School.

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The Integrated Schools Health Services Pro-gramme specializing with the immunization ofGrade 1 learners is underway. The programmedone in partnership with the Department ofBasic Education and focused on physical ex-aminations to Grade 1 learners in all schools atSekhukhune District. The physical examina-tions specialize in dental decay ears and eyescheck-ups.According to the Department of Health person-

Integrated SchoolHealth Services

continual atSekhukhune

nel who work in the programme, learners withproblems that cannot be treated on the spot arereferred to hospital for further treatment.“We also check psycho-social problems in-cluding learning disability and social problems.After identifying pupils with psycho problemswe do referrals to psychologists. Those sufferwith social problems such as abuse are referredto social workers for assistance,” said one ofthe Primary Health Care (PHC) team.

The programme alsoincludes the preven-tion of HumanPapiloma Virus. Thisis where female learn-ers from the age of 9,mainly in grade 4 areimmunized to preventcervical cancer.The programme hasreached many disad-vantaged communi-ties since it waslaunched nationallylast year.

The Sekhukhune PHC team at one of the schools in Moutsefor the Integrated School Health Services Programme.

The Marble Hall police arrested a 24 year old male after stealing from an accident victim on thescene. The suspect was arrested on Tuesday 11 November at Marble Hall. According to ConstableLethunya Mmuroa from Marble Hall SAPS, the suspect was arrested shortly after stealing thevictim’s cell phone on the accidentscene where a car collided with a motorbike at Ficus nearEphraim Mogale Local Municipality offices.“After the accident happened, people rushed to the scene and the suspect took a cellular phoneand put it in his pocket. One of the people who were at the scene saw him and alerted the policeon their arrival. He was searched and the phone (Blackberry) was found inside his pocket. Thephone was off and police asked him to switch it on and he failed to match the password. He wasarrested and he is expected to appear in court soon,” Mmuroa said.He added that one person was injured during the accident and he was rushed to GroblersdalHospital for medical treatment. Police opened a case docked of reckless and negligent driving andthey are busy with investigations.

Arrested after stealing onthe accident scene

Police and emer-gency personnel atthe accident sceneafter a motorbike col-lided with a vehiclein Marble Hall. A 24year old suspect wasarrested after stealinga cellphone just afterthe accident hap-pened.

Page 7: Sekhukhune Dispatch 14 November 2014


Supatsela Primary School at Homeland inMoteti , little hands and feet were the maincentre of attraction when the school heldgraduations of the Grade R learners a usualevent on their school calendar programme.Parents, educators and learners came innumbers to attend the function that washeld at the school’s premises on Friday 31October and started at 10:00.Eighty one graduates were seen on stagewhile parents and educators were dancing,singing, cheering and taking pictures incongratulating their children for progress-ing to Grade 1 next year as they werecollecting their certificates.

Grade R Graduations at Supatsela Primary School

Lethabo Bahula (left) and Reitumetse Mafokoane (right)showing off their Grade R certificates at Supatsela PrimarySchool.

Kamogelo Bafedi (left) and Lindiwe Mahlangu (right) atSupatsela Primary holding their certificates during theGrade R Graduations Ceremony.

Lehlogonolo Koka was amongst GradeR learners who graduated to Grade 1 atSupatsela Primary School in home-land, Moteti.

A 31 year old male was sentenced to ten year inprison the police said. According to ConstableBoitumelo Matlala from Motetema SAPS, theaccused, Lucky Dikotope, was sentenced atthe Motetema Regional Court.“He was convicted and sentenced after repeat-edly raping a 20 year old victim at Tafelkop Ga-Matsepe Section on 28 June 2013,” he said.Matlala said on the day of the incident thevictim was sleeping. Around 00:30 the accusedforced entry through the door. He then in-structed the victim to undress and started rap-ing her.“The accused then fell asleep while on top ofthe victim after he raped her twice. He wasfound by the victim’s aunt while still on top ofher and she called the police and he was ar-rested on the spot. He was sentenced to tenyears imprisonment at the Motetema RegionalCourt,” he said.

Ten yearsimprisonment

for rape

Sekhukhune ANC YouthLeague Conferences

suspendedThe ANC Sekhukhune Regional ExecutiveCommittee (REC) has suspended the ANCSekhukhune Leadership Conferences held onTuesday 4 November. The suspension cameafter the region discovered that two confer-ences were held in different places on the sameday.According to the ANC Youth LeagueSekhukhune Regional Spokesperson Mr. VusiNtuli, the legal conference was held at PhokaneVillage to elect the new leadership of the YouthLeague. He said other comrades illegally organ-ized a conference at Moses Mabotha Hall inJane Furse the same day.“This resulted in the ANC Sekhukhune Re-gional Executive Committee to suspend bothconferences. We still don’t have clear answerswhy some comrades organize an illegal confer-ence in the Jane Furse area,” he said.

He added that the conference is scheduled totake place soon and it will be convened by theREC. He said that at this stage the REC and theYouth League are discussing the matter toavoid such thing to happen again in future.“We are in negotiations discussing the wayforward about the matter. We will soon comewith a date and venue of a conference that willbe convened by the REC. The date and venuewill be announced soon after we reached reso-lutions with the REC,” he said.

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To ensure that children are taken off the streets and participate in sports,residents from Jane Furse and surrounding villages introduced differentsporting activities ranging from soccer, netball, volleyball, to cricket andrugby. Senior citizens are featured in indigenous games and are mostlyknown through participation in the Indigenous Golden Games everyyear.“When we started this local club development committee in 2010, weknew that it was the start of great things,” said the Sports Planning andMonitoring Projects Manager Lloyd Mankge.He added that although they involve the community in various sportingactivities, their main focus is in soccer. He said currently young soccerplayer are taking part in the under 17 Zonal League around the Jane Fursearea.“Currently we have five soccer teams from four villages participating inthe league. This allows young people from Jane Furse, Molepane,Makalaneng and Ntwane to take part in the soccer league,”He said that Molepane Young Stars FC, Maboneng Home Stars FC,Silver Stars FC, Makalaneng FC and Ntwane FC are the five teams withinthe league.“Our mission is to provide skills and nurture the talents of youngstersto become more confident on the pitch. We also want to encourage theparticipation of women and youth in sport as well as promoting thedevelopment of sports among our mentally and physically challengedcitizens,” he said.Lloyd went on: “Our vision is to be the ambassadors of sports in thisdisadvantaged rural community and embrace the spirit of sport and goodhealth. We commit to serve our children with respect and professional-ism. We are also busy with a research that will help us to identify andunderstand the number of needy local teams in our area. This will alsohelp to promote the standard of sports in this disadvantaged rural areain order to motivate and encourage local children to participate indifferent sporting activities after our draft research target.”He further said that the community is still lacking resources to perfectthe boys to match other teams within the province. Lloyd mentioned theirchallenges as shortages of soccer jersey, soccer boots, socks, soccerballs and first aid kits. He also said that they also need capacity buildingfor coaches and technical officials. He added that they need the involve-ment of local municipality to help them participate in provincial compe-titions including in selections taking place every year.“These teams are in dire need of resources in order to go forward. Webelieve that sport is not only important for children's health but it alsoenhances learning achievement, resilience, psycho-social and motordevelopment. Children who do sports from young age are more likely togo on doing so when they are older. Sports activities and interestsprovide many positive opportunities for children. We think that goodsportsmanship provides guidelines that can be generalized to classroomand lifelong achievement. Participation in challenging sports conteststeaches children to love classroom challenges. It also teaches childrento cope well in a competitive society,” he concluded.

Jane FurseCommunity

tackles crimethroughsports

Molepane Young Stars FC, many young soccer players

Can you believe this? You are reading the Dispatch Newspaper alreadyfor the past 6 years.Started as a small newspaper for only the Dennilton area, the Dispatchhas grown to a community newspaper distributed in Dennilton, MarbleHall, Groblersdal, Tafelkop, Motetema, Leeufontein and even JaneFurse. It is our goal to supply the communities with accurate, fair andinteresting news. We would like to continue our support to all thatneeds it and reach out to those that still needs a megaphone to speakthe truth.We hope to reach an even bigger area in the years to come.Thank you to all our loyal readers and advertisers. Without you wecould not have done this!

Dispatchturns sixThanks to all