SEJ441 Project Proposal

SEJ441- Engineering Project A Research Proposal Project Title: Modelling the performance of a sand filter that is used to treat a polluted pond Civil Engineering Student Name: Busiku Silenga Student ID: 210037589 Supervisor Name: Associate Professor Jega Jegatheesan Submission Date: 13 th April 2014


Modelling the performance of a sand filter to treat a polluted pond

Transcript of SEJ441 Project Proposal

  • SEJ441- Engineering Project A

    Research Proposal

    Project Title: Modelling the performance of a sand filter that is used to

    treat a polluted pond

    Civil Engineering Student Name: Busiku Silenga

    Student ID: 210037589

    Supervisor Name: Associate Professor Jega Jegatheesan

    Submission Date: 13th April 2014

  • Contents Chapter 1.Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3

    1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 3

    1.2 Background ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

    Chapter 2.Project Definition .......................................................................................................................................... 4

    2.1 Key objective/ Issue(s) to be investigated .................................................................................................. 4

    2.2 Project benefits ............................................................................................................................................... 4

    2.2.1 Financial benefits ........................................................................................................................................ 4

    2.2.2 Environmental benefits .............................................................................................................................. 5

    2.2.3 Health benefits ............................................................................................................................................ 5

    2.2.4 Technological benefits ............................................................................................................................... 5

    2.3 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................... 5

    2.4 Methodology .................................................................................................................................................... 6

    2.4.1 Evaluation of different coagulants .................................................................................................................. 6

    2.4.2 Enhancement of sand filter ............................................................................................................................. 6

    2.4.3 Design of backwash system ........................................................................................................................... 7

    2.4.4 AQUASIM Software ................................................................................................................................... 7

    2.5 Apparatus .............................................................................................................................................................. 7

    2.6 Project Deliverable .............................................................................................................................................. 7

    Chapter 3.Literature Review/ Research ...................................................................................................................... 8

    3.1 Rational and significance of the study (with references) ............................................................................... 8

    3.2 Brief research strategies ................................................................................................................................... 11

    Chapter 4.Tentative Brief Timeline ............................................................................................................................ 13

    Chapter 6.Conclusion/ Reflective Paper ................................................................................................................... 17

    6.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 17

    6.2 Reflective paper/Document .............................................................................................................................. 17

    7.0 References ........................................................................................................................................................ 18

  • Chapter 1.Introduction

    1.1 Introduction

    Water is the most essential material for human survival, after air (Ahuja, 1986). The uses we make of

    water in lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams are greatly influenced by the quality of the water found in them.

    Different activities, be it fishing, swimming, boating and waste disposal have very different requirements for

    water quality. The introduction of pollutants from human activity has seriously degraded water quality in

    many parts of the world, often turning pristine water bodies into foul open sewers with few life forms and

    even fewer beneficial uses (Mckenzie L Davis and David A Cornwell, 2008). Water pollutants are

    categorized as point source or nonpoint source, the former being identified as all dry weather pollutants that

    enter watercourses through pipes or channels. Storm drainage, even though the water may enter

    watercourses by way of channels or pipes is considered nonpoint pollution. The total waste load in a water

    body is represented by the sum of all point and non-point pollutant sources (Shubinski and Tierney, 1973).

    Point source pollution comes mainly from industrial facilities and municipal wastewater treatment plants

    while nonpoint pollution sources include agricultural runoff, construction sites etc. (Ruth F Weiner, 2003).

    Water pollution can be defined as any change in the dynamic equilibrium in aquatic ecosystem(s) that

    disturbs the normal function and properties of pure water .The symptoms of water pollution of any water

    body include bad taste of drinking water, offensive smells from water bodies, unchecked growth of aquatic

    weeds (eutrophication).The quality of water is vital for mankind as it is directly linked with human welfare

    (Anil K and Arnab Kumar, 2009). Water pollution is caused by domestic sewage (84 %) and industrial

    sewage (16%), though the latter has less load on water bodies, it contains toxic matter which is more

    hazardous (Anil K and Arnab Kumar, 2009). The large number of water pollutants is broadly classified

    under the categories of; Organic pollutants, Inorganic pollutants, Sediments, Radioactive materials and

    thermal pollutants. (Ruth F Weiner, 2003).

    1.2 Background

    Most ponds are unfenced and multipurpose; consequently making most pond water moderately or

    seriously polluted, and thus cannot be considered for use without treatment. Ponds are generally preferred

    because of their proximity to the point of use, lower turbidity and reliability. These sources may be

    developed by using a Sand filter. The Sand filter technology relies on a straining, settling and adsorption to

    purify water (Huisman and Wood, 1974). Sand filters because of their simplicity, efficiency and economy

    are appropriate means of water treatment (Nigel Graham and Robin Collins, 1996). When source water

    quality is beyond the range recommended for Sand filters used alone, pretreatment can extend the

    capability of this process. Higher turbidity, color, NOM and synthetic organic chemicals can be removed

    when pretreatment or post treatment processes are added (Gary S Logsdon,2008).Since filters are not

    generally designed to remove dissolved compounds, which can constitute roughly half of certain pollutants,

    enhancement of the sand filter can greatly enhance the removal of these compounds.

  • Chapter 2.Project Definition

    2.1 Key objective/ Issue(s) to be investigated

    The aim of this project is to develop a polluted pond filtering and cleaning system and use AQUASIM

    software to evaluate the water quality before and after treatment using chlorine decay studies. This will


    Evaluating different types of coagulants,

    Determining which treatment process is required based on the initial parameters of the polluted

    water samples (direct filtration or coagulation, flocculation and then filtration)

    Enhancement of the sand filter using different filter media configurations

    Design of a backwash system

    Further improvement using a ceramic membrane for further treatment.

    Comparison of different treatment processes and filter media configurations to evaluate which is the

    most effective and establishing a relationship between experimental and predicted data.

    Use AQUASIM software to evaluate the water quality before and after treatment using chlorine

    decay studies. Reduction in chlorine demand will help to evaluate the performance of treatment in

    removing organic compounds and others that consume chlorine.

    2.2 Project benefits

    The immense impact of water pollution on peoples daily lives has increased the importance of conducting

    research that will enable assessment of environmental damage in economic terms. Water (pond) pollution

    control and treatment is an important topic in Environmental engineering. Gaining an understanding of it

    and expanding on that understanding will have huge financial, environmental and health benefits. Although

    the project is based on pollution in ponds which are relatively small, generally the same principles can be

    applied to treatment of larger water bodies.

    2.2.1 Financial benefits

    Water pollution can be damaging to entire economies as it is expensive to treat and prevent contamination.

    Many industries require the use of fresh water, some are entirely based on it and as more water becomes

    polluted the price to purify this water begins to grow as do the costs involved in those industries. Treatment

    methods such as sand filters and chemical additives help to prevent pollution of nearby water bodies.

    These are very simple techniques that are easy to implement, although they cost money to maintain, it is

    much cheaper preventing pollution than cleaning up water pollution that has already significantly occurred.

    This project will help us explore ways in which we can make treatment methods like sand filters more cost,

    performance and environmentally effective.

  • 2.2.2 Environmental benefits Water pollution has been shown to have drastically negative impacts on wild animals and the environment

    as a whole. For example it is possible for the pollutants to raise the temperature of the water enough to

    force fish out in search of cooler water, this in itself can create an ecological dead zone. Pollutants can also

    significantly increase the rate of algal blooms. These blooms create massive fish die-offs as the oxygen in

    the water gets depleted (Jared Skye, 2014). If the right treatment methods are implemented such cases

    can be avoided, this project will help explore more environmental, performance and cost effective ways of

    doing that.

    2.2.3 Health benefits

    Water pollution can pose health dangers to humans who come into contact with it, either directly or

    indirectly. Risks include contaminated drinking water, high mercury level risks and other health effects of

    toxic runoff. Developing cost effective ways to treat water would result in huge health benefits especially in

    developing countries, where people spend more money on treatment of sicknesses resulting from polluted

    waters instead of treating the polluted water which would result in solid financial and health benefits. This

    project will help us gain an elementary theoretical and practical understanding of how water treatment

    methods, specifically sand filters can be designed and enhanced in order to achieve high water quality in

    areas affected by pollution.

    2.2.4 Technological benefits

    This project will help us to expand and improve on the already existing water treatment methods

    specifically, sand filter technology. Our design will explore ways in which to make treatment of polluted

    water using sand filters more effective, in terms of maintenance cost, purchase cost, accessibility, ease of

    use and performance.

    2.3 Scope

    The scope of the project will include;

    A literature review, to investigate and evaluate the methods and ways in which water pollution is

    treated by enhanced sand filtration systems

    Experimental methods in which polluted samples will be treated in order to evaluate which process

    and/or configuration is the most effective.

    An oral presentation in which the outcomes of the project will be presented

    A written report that will encompass all the findings of the report and present them in report format

  • 2.4 Methodology

    This project will include both theoretical study and practical experiments. The theoretical study will mainly

    discuss the theories behind water pollution, its effects and information on different types of pollutants and

    their behavior in water bodies(transport phenomena, chemical reactions etc),its treatment, including

    treatment using different filter media configurations. This part of the project will be covered by using

    academic and scientific resources such as, academic journals and papers from academic databases, as

    well as scientific data sheets.

    The practical part of the assignment will be done in the Civil Engineering laboratory at Deakin University

    Waurn Ponds Campus. It will basically be implementing the theories and designs discussed in the

    theoretical part.

    2.4.1 Evaluation of different coagulants

    The polluted samples will be collected from the different ponds located at the Deakin University Waurn

    Ponds Campus, their initial parameters will be measured (pH, turbidity, etc). Jar testing will then be used to

    evaluate the different coagulants (Alum, Ferric chloride, etc) and coagulant doses, to see which is more

    effective in terms of cost and performance. These samples will be chlorinated at every stage in the

    treatment process. Jar testing will be done in three stages which will take approximately 1 hour. 1 minute

    for rapid mixing at 201 RPM, 30 minutes for slow mixing at 20 RPM and 30 minutes for settling, parameters

    of the effluent will then be measured.

    Figure 1: Jar testing (Deakin University 2014)

    2.4.2 Enhancement of sand filter

    Enhancement of sand filter will be conducted in Deakin University Laboratory and will be done by trying

    different configurations of the filter media (adding different material) and evaluating which configuration is

    the most effective after having measured the parameters of the effluent.

  • 2.4.3 Design of backwash system

    Design of backwash system to be conducted in Deakin University Laboratory, it will be used to remove

    solids that accumulate in the filter media and is generally performed by backwashing clean water in the

    opposite direction of flow. This will be accomplished periodically to control head loss through the filtration


    2.4.4 AQUASIM Software

    AQUASIM software will be used to evaluate the water quality before and after treatment using chlorine

    decay studies. Reduction in chlorine demand will help to evaluate the performance of treatment in removing

    organic compounds and others that consume chlorine.

    2.5 Apparatus

    In order to perform our experiments and tests, we will need the following apparatus;

    pH meter

    Stirring machine(for Jar testing)

    Volumetric flasks

    Watch or clock

    Turbidity meter

    Sand filter

    Different materials to enhance sand filter media

    2.6 Project Deliverable

    The findings of this project will be presented in a formal verbal presentation and a formal written report. It is

    expected that the project will provide valuable information and a clear understanding of pollution in ponds

    (types of pollutants and their effects and how they behave in water bodies) and how sand filters can be

    enhanced in order to make the treatment more effective. It is also expected that a clearer understanding on

    backwash systems and how they can be designed will be gained. Also the project will provide an

    understanding of different coagulants and their effectiveness in treating polluted water. Overall the project

    will produce a pond cleaning and filtering system design that will be used to treat the provided, polluted

    water samples and is both cost and environmentally effective, this design will then be evaluated by

    AQUASIM software in order observe the water quality before and after treatment using chlorine decay


  • Chapter 3.Literature Review/ Research

    3.1 Rational and significance of the study (with references)

    Pond treatment technology is used in tens of thousands of applications serving many millions of people

    across the globe because it is efficient and effective. While pond treatment technology offers relative

    simplicity in its application, it incorporates a host of complex and diverse mechanisms that work to treat and

    cleanse polluted waters before their return to our environment .While performance and cost are obviously

    key bottom line requirements, the importance of selecting a technology that is appropriate to the needs and

    constraints of the local situation where it is installed is essential to achieving long term reliability and

    success (Andy Shilton, 2005).

    Table 1: Considerations concerning the risk levels in surface water sources (Joseph Cotruvo, 1998)

    Filtration is one of the most important elements in traditional water treatment systems. The effectiveness

    of filtration systems is determined by their ability to remove microorganisms, turbidity and color (Color is

    imparted to water supplies by organic material and can be removed by coagulation) (US EPA, 1999). Sand

    filters have proven effective in removing several common pollutants from polluted water. Sand filters

    generally control storm water quality (storm water runoff is a major contributor of pollutants in water

    bodies), providing very limited flow rate control. Sand filters take up very little space and can be used on

    highly developed sites and sites with steep slopes. Sand filters are able to achieve high removal

    efficiencies for sediment, biochemical oxygen demand, and fecal coliform bacteria. Total metal removal

    however, is moderate and nutrient removal is often low (EPA, 1999).

    A sand filter system typically consists of three chambers: and inlet chamber that allows sedimentation and

    removal of gross pollutants, a sand filter chamber and a high flow bypass chamber. The shape of a sand

    filter can be varied to suit constraints and maintenance access, provided each of the chambers is

    adequately sized. Filter retention time = filter size/pump rate (EPA, 1999). Sand filters have no vegetation

    to break up the filter surface; therefore maintenance is critical to ensuring continued performance,

    particularly in preserving the hydraulic conductivity of the filtration media (McGarry and Eddie 2011).

    Regular maintenance involves removing the surface layer of fine sediments that can tend to clog the

    filtration media. In order to significantly increase ease of maintenance for a sand filter, direct physical

    access to the whole surface of the sand filter chamber will be required to remove fine sediments from the

    surface layer of the filter media as they accumulate forming a crust. Also the sedimentation chamber needs

  • to be drained for maintenance purposes. Having freely drained material significantly reduces the removal

    and disposal maintenance costs. Also provision should be made for flushing of any sediment build up that

    occurs in the pipes. (McGarry and Eddie 2011).

    Table 2: Typical pollutant removal efficiency of sand filters (Galli, 1990)

    Table 3: Comparative properties of different filtering media (Galli,1990)

    The performance of a filtration technology is greatly impacted by the processes that precede it. Chemical feed, rapid mix, flocculation and sedimentation may need upgrading to improve overall system performance or accommodate system expansions. The three basic aspects of chemical feed systems are chemical type, dosage management and the method of chemical application (US EPA, 1999). During coagulation, chemicals that assist in the removal of suspended solids are added to the untreated water. Coagulants, rapidly add electrochemical charges that attract the small particles in water to clump together as a floc. The initial charge neutralization process allows the formed floc to agglomerate but remain suspended. Coagulation is usually a high energy, rapid mix unit process. Detention time of the coagulation is about 2-3 seconds (McGarry and Eddie 2011). During flocculation process, the precipitates combine into larger particles Flocs. The large amorphous aluminium and iron (III) hydroxides adsorb and enmesh particles in suspension. By slower mixing, turbulence causes the flocculated water to from larger floc particles and

  • increase in mass. These flocs are then easier to remove via the subsequent processes of sedimentation and filtration. Large paddles as mixing devices enhance the formation of the floc. Detention time of flocculation ranges from 10-30 minutes (McGarry and Eddie 2011).. The flocculated water is applied to large volume tanks where the flow speed slows down (the flow is almost devoid of turbulence) and the dense floc settles to the bottom. The settled floc is then removed after it resides at this point to remove all settleable particles from coagulation and is then treated as waste product. Detention time =tank volume/ incoming water flow rate, i.e detention time is inversely proportional to the incoming flow rate- as the flow rate increases, the detention time decreases (McGarry and Eddie 2011).

    Coagulant pH Range Dosage mg/L

    Ferric sulphate (FeSO47H2O) 5.5-11 8.5-51

    Ferric Sulphate (Fe2(SO4)3 5.5-11 8.5-51

    Ferric Chloride (FeCl3) 5.5-11 8.5-51

    Sodium Aluminate (Na2Al2O4) 5.5-8 3.4-34

    Aluminium Sulphate(Alum)- Al2 (SO4)3, 18H2

    5.5-8 5-85

    Table 4: Common coagulants and dosage for best floc formation

    Research on enhancing sand filters and designing them to remove dissolved phosphorus as well are

    being researched (Erickson et al.2012). Research on other enhancements to remove dissolved metals is

    also under way (Andrew J Erickson, 2013). Improving filtration systems can increase plant capacity and

    improve effluent quality. This is usually achieved by changing the configuration of the filter media, for

    example changing the filter media to dual or mixed media or replacing the top layer of sand with anthracite

    coal. Filtration aid application is also another way in which filtration systems can be improved. These aids

    prevent premature turbidity breakthroughs by controlling floc penetration into the filter. Also addition of

    polymers to the backwash water can reduce the initial turbidity peaks during filter ripening following

    backwash and extend filter operation before breakthrough occurs (US EPA, 1999).Although filters are not

    generally designed to remove dissolved compounds, dissolved phosphorus removal can be significantly

    enhanced if the sand is amended with iron, calcium, aluminum or magnesium (Arias te al.2001). Another

    modification that may improve sand filter design and performance that is being tested is the addition of a

    peat layer in the filtration chamber. The addition of peat to the sand filter may increase microbial growth

    within the sand filter and improve metals and nutrient removal rates (Arias te al.2001)..

  • 3.2 Brief research strategies

    1. Understanding project objectives

    2. Investigating key issues and benefits of the project

    3. Develop a solid background about the project using resources provided by the Deakin university

    website, google scholar, books and documents provided by the supervisor

    4. Organizing and scheduling the project (e.g diary, logbook, outline and end date) using Microsoft

    project software (gannt chart)

    5. Having a weekly meeting with the supervisor in order to update and get feedback

    6. Reading through recent journals and research papers in order to get more information about the

    latest progress on modelling sand filters to clean polluted water bodies.

    7. Improving on gained information by doing more advanced research

    8. Writing down a brief literature review

    9. Developing and expanding literature review

    10. Identifying suitable materials for the experimental aspect of the project (e.g coagulants, materials for

    sand filter enhancement)

    11. Ensuring a solid theoretical background on the experiments to be performed

    12. Communicating with Leanne Farago to be under her supervision in the water laboratory

    13. Having a session in order to observe and practice on equipment being used in the experiment

    14. Knowing the experimental procedures and being aware of any safety issues that might arise during

    the experiments and how to react to them

    15. Measuring initial sample parameters (turbidity, pHetc)

    16. Selecting appropriate method for experiments and determine which one is the most effective

    17. Experimentally evaluate different types of coagulants and their effect on polluted water samples

    18. Experimentally enhance sand filter using different material configurations

    19. Design a backwash system

    20. Determining which configuration is the most effective and basing our model design on these results

    21. Collecting all experimental data and analyzing it

    22. AQUASIM software will be used to evaluate the water quality before and after treatment using

    chlorine decay studies. Reduction in chlorine demand will help to evaluate the performance of

    treatment in removing organic compounds and others that consume chlorine.

    23. Matching all theoretical and predicted data with our final results and analyzing any potential


    24. Doing the final analysis

    25. Writing the final report

  • Strategies Chart:

    Project Objective


    Books and journals Deakin libraryWebsite

    Previous Research papers

    Theoretical Analysis

    Enhance sand filter

    Evaluate different coagulants

    Design backwash system

    Practical analysis

    Comparison of theoretical and practical results

    Final Report

  • Chapter 4.Tentative Brief Timeline

    The project timeline basically presents the entire project tasks with the time frame for each task, starting

    from understanding the target of the project and finishing with the final project thesis conduction.

    Table showing a brief timeline is shown below:

    Tasks Sub Tasks Description Duration

    Understanding the

    target of the


    1 Finding references Searching for the related

    references to the research topic

    Week 2

    2 Reading task Reading through references and

    narrowing down the research


    Week 2

    3 Having first meeting

    with supervisor

    Identifying key questions to be

    investigated and getting a clear

    understanding of the project


    Week 2

    Understanding the

    theoretical and


    expectations and

    outcomes of the


    1 Contacting Technical

    officer Mrs Leanne


    1. Safety induction

    2. Getting a clearer

    understanding of what is

    expected from lab work,

    gaining an understanding

    of how the equipment


    3. Organizing materials

    needed for the


    Week 2

    2 Preparing project


    1. Developing a research


    2. Defining the project


    3. Scheduling a timeline for

    project thesis

    Week 3

    Writing project


    1 Having second

    meeting with


    Narrowing down project

    objectives and developing

    methodologies that will help

    strategically meet project aim

    Week 3

    2 Constructing project


    1. Outlining the objective of

    the project

    2. Defining the benefits and

    outputs of the project


  • 3. Providing a literature

    review including



    1 Gathering experiment


    Gathering results from previous

    experiments and from our own

    experiments to be used for data


    Week 5-8

    2 Having third meeting

    with supervisor

    Get feedback on project progress

    and ideas on how to make it


    Week 7

    Oral Presentation


    1 Powerpoint


    Prepare a powerpoint

    presentation to express the idea

    of the project in its entirety

    Week 7-9

    2 Presentation of


    Explain and present the data we

    have collected and analyzed

    Week 7-9

    3 Having fourth meeting

    with supervisor

    Get feedback on PowerPoint

    presentation and discuss ways in

    which to improve it.

    4 Presentation of final


    Present the final result, and

    explain how we got to choose

    this as the most effective

    Week 7-9

    Preparing a

    research report

    1 Collecting data from

    research papers

    1. Gathering information

    about the performance of

    sand filters and pollution

    in ponds

    2. Analyze the data to be

    used in a case study

    Week 9-11

    2 Surveying Literature 1. Developing extended

    literature review about the

    performance of sand

    filters and pollution in

    ponds and expand

    understanding using

    recent studies.

    Week 9-11

    3 Having fifth meeting

    with supervisor

    Get feedback on research report

    and discuss ways in which to

    improve it.

    Week 10

    4 Writing Final research


    Putting all the information gained

    so far in report format

    Week 9-11

  • Timeline of the project as illustrated by a Gannt chart is shown below:

  • Chapter 6.Conclusion/ Reflective Paper

    6.1 Conclusion

    In conclusion, the proposal outlines how polluted pond water can be treated using water treatment

    methods specifically a sand filtration system and the parameters that should be considered in order to

    ensure that the design is effective in terms of performance, accessibility, cost and maintenance. AQUASIM

    software will also play a huge role in evaluating the water quality before and after treatment using chlorine

    decay studies. Reduction in chlorine demand will help to evaluate the performance of treatment in removing

    organic compounds and others that consume chlorine.

    6.2 Reflective paper/Document

    The main strength of this project lies in the practicality of it. The amount of experimentation and testing

    that will be done on different coagulants and different filter media configurations will give a wide range of

    results which will ease the criteria for selecting the final design. It will also give a practical understanding of

    how the pretreatment and filtration stages of water treatment processes work, and help outline ways in

    which they can be improved in order to be more effective. Another practical aspect of the project is the use

    of AQUASIM software, which will reduce the cost and time of having to experimentally evaluate the water

    quality before and after treatment. The project, thanks to the amount of research involved will enable

    implementation of theoretical understanding in a practical way (design).

    One of the weaknesses of the project is the fact that because pond pollution and filter enhancement is

    not a topic that has been intensely researched in the past, there is limited access to vital information which

    may not have been researched yet, but the project does have the advantage of being one more resource to

    be used for future reference.

  • 7.0 References

    1. Weiner, Ruth F, 2003. Environmental engineering. 4th ed. Amsterdam; Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.

    2. Kumar, Arnab, 2009. Environmental engineering. 1st Ed. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers.

    3. Ravenscoft, Peter, 2009. Arsenic Pollution: A Global Synthesis. 1st ed. United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    4. Liu, David H.F, 2000. Groundwater and Surface Water Pollution. 1st ed. USA: Lewis Publishers.

    5. Shilton, Andy, 2005. Pond Treatment technology. 1st ed. United Kingdom: IWA Publishing.

    6. Logsdon, Gary S, 2008. Pond Treatment technology. 1st ed. United States of America: American water works association.p.220

    7. Erickson, Andrew J, 2013. Optimizing Storm water Treatment Practices: A Handbook of Assessment and maintenance. 1st ed. United States of America: Springer science and business media.

    8. Graham, Nigel, 1996. Advances in Slow Sand and Alternative Biological Filtration. 1st ed. United states of America: Wiley Publishers.

    9. Graham, Nigel, 1996. Advances in Slow Sand and Alternative Biological Filtration. 1st ed. United states of America: Wiley Publishers.

    10. Cotruvo, Joseph A, 1999. Providing Safe Drinking Water in Small Systems: Technology, Operations, and economies. 1st ed. Washington D.C: Lewis Publishers.

    11. Gimbel, Rolf, 2006. Recent Progress in Slow Sand and Alternative Biofiltration Processes. 1st ed. United Kingdom: IWA Publishing.

    12. AECOM + McGarry and Eadie. April 2011. Water Sensitive Urban Design for the Coastal Dry Tropics (Townsville): Design Objectives for Stormwater Management. Prepared for Twonsville City Council.

    13. Erickson, Andrew J, 2013. Optimizing Stormwater Treatment Practices: A Handbook of Assessment and Maintenance. 1st ed. New York: Springer Publishers.

    14. US EPA.2002. Technologies for upgrading existing or designing new water drinking water. United States Environmental Protection Agency.

    15. Effects of Water Pollution. 2014. Effects of Water Pollution. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 April 2014] .

    16. EPA. 2014. Stormwater technology fact sheet. [Accessed 13 April 2014]

    Chapter 1.Introduction1.1 Introduction1.2 Background

    Chapter 2.Project Definition2.1 Key objective/ Issue(s) to be investigated2.2 Project benefits2.2.1 Financial benefits2.2.2 Environmental benefits2.2.3 Health benefits2.2.4 Technological benefits2.3 Scope2.4 Methodology2.4.1 Evaluation of different coagulants2.4.2 Enhancement of sand filter2.4.3 Design of backwash system2.4.4 AQUASIM Software2.5 Apparatus2.6 Project Deliverable

    Chapter 3.Literature Review/ Research3.1 Rational and significance of the study (with references)3.2 Brief research strategies

    Chapter 4.Tentative Brief TimelineChapter 6.Conclusion/ Reflective Paper6.1 Conclusion6.2 Reflective paper/Document7.0 References