SEE MORE Virtual House

e v a l u a t e & r e f i n e l e a r n & a n a l y z e e n v i s i o n & d e s i g n P E R S O N A S S C E N A R I O S S K E T C H I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S The roof that protects a home is one of the most expensive house systems. Customer avatars can safely learn how the inspector looks for potential issues. The thorough home inspector is aware that the crawl space under the porch or house may have clues to the home’s condition. Customers can join him in this tight space. It’s important that an inspector not harm the seller’s home in any way, so a careful inspector comes prepared with coveralls and shoe protection, and parks offsite. The home inspector looks at the entire site as a system. Water is the biggest enemy to a home and a good inspector starts by assessing all possible exterior entry points. Jenna & Josh | Avatars • First time homebuyers • Nurse & Marketing Manager • Newlyweds, no children • Avid gamers Joanna | Avatar • Real Estate Agent, 5 yrs • Married with one child • Creates virtual home tours • Learning Photoshop Jim | Avatar • Moving from apt to condo • High School teacher • Divorced, 2 grown sons • Enjoys games, motorcycles Jason | Avatar • Real Estate Agent, 10 yrs • Single, owns condo • Looking for new social marketing techniques A WIN Home Inspection inspector’s main role is to communicate with homebuyers about their new home, and how its systems work. Accurate information is an important factor in the success of the inspection. Client Problem Prospective homebuyers are often confused about the home inspection process, and problems found in the home can seem overwhelming. The client, WIN Home Inspection, wanted to educate and reassure homebuyers about the process. User Centered Design • Conducted qualitative interviews with stakeholders • Defined user personas to understand user needs • Designed scenarios based on use case analysis • Generated sketches & prototype • Refined business & design requirements Solution = Experience Interactive information system in Second Life®: Second Life® is an immersive virtual world that’s free and accessible. WIN can effectively educate & talk to homebuyers in a simulated environment. Customers can learn about home systems and experience inspections from the inspector’s point-of-view. Feature goals • Interactive views of home systems including roof, crawlspace, plumbing, furnace, windows, etc. • Educational displays and videos • Metric-gathering scripts to learn about the virtual home visitors and prospective customers • Games and prizes to encourage repeat visits Social networking goals • 3D Twitter feed to permit external communication • Staging in-world events to engage visitors • Real-time open house to network with agents • Annual WIN Conference conducted virtually Evaluation • User testing and surveys • Virtual world heuristic guidelines • Analysis of data gathered on site with scripts THE SEE MORE VIRTUAL HOUSE Home Inspection as Immersive User Experience The Personas The Design Process Inspector Identity The personas exercise was particularly important for a virtual world project where trust can be an issue. It’s critical to gain the trust of potential users via good design, and to help the client assess how Second Life users translate to real customers.

Transcript of SEE MORE Virtual House

Page 1: SEE MORE Virtual House

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The roof that protects a home is one of the most expensive house systems. Customer avatars can safely learn how the inspector looks for potential issues.

The thorough home inspector is aware that the crawl space under the porch or house may have clues to the home’s condition. Customers can join him in this tight space.

It’s important that an inspector not harm the seller’s home in any way, so a careful inspector comes prepared with coveralls and shoe protection, and parks offsite.

The home inspector looks at the entire site as a system. Water is the biggest enemy to a home and a good inspector starts by assessing all possible exterior entry points.

Jenna & Josh | Avatars•Firsttimehomebuyers•Nurse&MarketingManager•Newlyweds,nochildren•Avidgamers

Joanna | Avatar•RealEstateAgent,5yrs•Marriedwithonechild•Createsvirtualhometours•LearningPhotoshop

Jim | Avatar•Movingfromapttocondo•HighSchoolteacher•Divorced,2grownsons•Enjoysgames,motorcycles

Jason | Avatar•RealEstateAgent,10yrs•Single,ownscondo•Lookingfornewsocial



Client ProblemProspective homebuyers are often confused about the home inspection process, and problems found in the home can seem overwhelming. The client, WIN Home Inspection, wanted to educate and reassure homebuyers about the process.

User Centered Design• Conducted qualitative interviews with stakeholders• Defined user personas to understand user needs• Designed scenarios based on use case analysis• Generated sketches & prototype• Refined business & design requirements

Solution = ExperienceInteractiveinformationsysteminSecondLife®:Second Life® is an immersive virtual world that’s free and accessible. WIN can effectively educate & talk to homebuyers in a simulated environment. Customers can learn about home systems and experience inspections from the inspector’s point-of-view.

Feature goals• Interactive views of home systems including roof,

crawlspace, plumbing, furnace, windows, etc.• Educational displays and videos• Metric-gathering scripts to learn about the virtual

home visitors and prospective customers• Games and prizes to encourage repeat visits

Social networking goals• 3D Twitter feed to permit external communication• Staging in-world events to engage visitors

• Real-time open house to network with agents • Annual WIN Conference conducted virtually

Evaluation • User testing and surveys • Virtual world heuristic guidelines• Analysis of data gathered on site with scripts



