Sediment Problems of Irrigation Canal11

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  • 8/4/2019 Sediment Problems of Irrigation Canal11


    Sediment Problems of Irrigation Canals: Field Studies to Assess the Changes in

    Canals Profiles and Cross Sections

    Dr. Taha Mohammed Tahir Dr. Eng Abdulla Abdulkader Noman


    Wadi Zabid is one of the main agricultural Wadis in the Tihama Plain. Wide ranges

    of crops have been cultivated such as cereals, vegetables, fruits, and some cash crops

    like cotton, sesame and tobacco. It has provided the country with high valued food

    basket as well as exporting to the neighboring countries. The government realized

    the importance of Wadi Zabid and started in 1979 constructing diversion works and

    canals to maximize the agricultural output of the Wadi. During the past twenty

    years of operations, sediment deposition in front of the diversion works and along

    the canal system posed serious threats to the project network. Sediment deposition

    caused many problems such as blocking the off take pipes and gates, raising canal

    beds and reducing canals slope, increasing the field levels and reducing canal flow

    capacity. This study would assess the changes in canal sections and profiles at whichthe present canal profiles and sections are drawn and compared with the canal

    profiles and sections of the previous years to provide sound basis for problems

    assessment. Laboratory experiments and sieve analysis were conducted to analyze

    canal bed samples in order to draw recent grading curves and compared it with the

    previous grading curves of the canals. This study exposed the fact that canal

    sections and profiles are changed greatly due to the accumulation of sediments in

    the upper reaches of the canals whilst equilibrium sections and profiles existed in

    the middle parts with section erosion in the lower parts of the canal reaches. It also

    indicated that greater sediments sizes were deposited in the canal upper reaches,

    which meant that canal behavior is changed and does not work as it was designed


    Key words: Sediments, Irrigation Canals, Profile, and Cross-section

    1. Introduction

    1.1 General Description of the Study Area

    Yemen Republic is located in the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula

    (figure 1.1). In the western part of Yemen is the Tihama coastal plain, bordered to

    the west by the Red Sea and to the east by the mountains. The Tihama plain is a

    semi-arid coastal plain, which is 25- 45 km wide. The total cultivated land is about500,000 ha which is used to produce various cereal, vegetable and different crops.

    More than 30% of the Tihama plain consists of alluvial fans, crossed by seven major

    Wadis originating from the mountains in the east as shown in figure (1.1). These

    seven Wadis have steep bed slopes of 0.5 to 100 and their flows are characterized by

    series of multi-peak flash floods (spates). The water flows in a series of multi-peak

    flash floods.

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    The discharge in this Wadi may rise to more than 1000 , returning to less than 1 in 4

    to 10 hours and the flow velocities can exceed 4 m/s [1].

    Settlement in the Tihama plain has been dependent on flood-spreading techniques

    of Wadi flows for irrigation, which have been developed over many years. In order

    to make best use of the agricultural potential of the Tihama plain, the Ministry ofAgricultural and Water Resources planned a single-wadi development strategy,

    starting from the three major wadis; Zabid, Rima and Mawr. Major irrigation

    development projects have been completed in the three wadis (Zabid (1979), Mawr

    (1984) and Rima (1988)).

    1.1.1 Wadi Zabid

    Wadi Zabid is the second major Wadi after Wadi Mawr in the Tihama plain (see

    table 1.1). Wadi Zabid runs east west direction from the foothills of Ibb

    Governorate with a total length of 250 km. It contains one of the oldest and most

    highly developed traditional spate systems in the Tihama plain and was the firstarea given funding for development.

    Wadi Zabid's climate is generally described as tropical with a rainy summer and

    dry winter. The annual rainfall varies from 100 mm near the Red Sea coast to 600

    mm in the foothills. The annual rainfall in the catchments area of the Wadi ranges

    from 400 to 600 mm/yr, which increases in some years up to 1000 mm [2].

    There are two rainfall seasons and one dry season in Wadi Zabid:

    1. The first wet season from March to May: rainfall occurs in the middle and upper

    catchments areas of the Wadi and generates floods.

    2. The second wet season from May to September: rainfall occurs in the Tihama

    plain and in the Wadi catchments also [3].3. The dry season from October to March: a strong southerly wind is predominate

    and there is seldom rainfall.

    The annual average temperature in the area is 30.5 0C, the maximum is 43.6 0C and

    the minimum is 15.00C as measured in the FAO camp at Jerbah station in 1970.

    The annual sunshine duration was 2760 hours during the year 1970 (7.6 hrs on

    average). The relative humidity ranges from 15% to 98% with an annual average of

    65% [3]

    Wadi Zabid traditional irrigation system consists of 16 main supply canals, which

    divert flash floods and base flow from the Wadi to the fields by means of deflectors

    or dykes crossing the Wadi bed. The structures are made from poorly compacted

    earthen materials (soil, gravel, tree branches and boulders). Hence these structures

    are often damaged or completely destroyed by medium to large floods [4].

    In Zabid area basin irrigation has been practiced for centuries and water was

    distributed by a field -to-field method. The water rights in the Tihama Wadis

    declare the priority of higher lying area over lower lying ones in diverting water

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    from the Wadi for irrigation (Al Aala-Fal -Aala), [4]. In the Zabid area special

    water rights have been formulated approximately 500 years ago. These rights make

    maximum use of the base flow and periodic floods by means of a time and space

    relationship based on the experience of centuries. The irrigated areas supplied by

    the 16 canals were divided into three groups. The timing and frequency of water

    intake were defined for each group as shown in table (1.2). In 1996 the existingwater rights law still recognized [3].

    Wadi Zabid irrigation system has 5 diversion structures with 9 head regulators (see

    figure 1.3) serving 16 canals (see table 1.3), which allow the available spate flows to

    be allocated in accordance with the traditional water rights [4].

    The average quantity of suspended sediment in an average year in Wadi Zabid is

    about 3,000,000 tons (1,600,000 ) and the bed load is about 430,000 tons (240,000 )

    [1]. The sediment concentration especially in the sand size rages rises to more than

    10% by weight during large floods [6].

    1.1.2 Existing Problems in the Irrigation System

    There are two kinds of problems, affecting the irrigation system namely operation

    and maintenance problems sedimentation problems. These problems would be

    described in the following sections. Operation and Maintenance Problems

    The main problem in the operation and maintenance is the inadequate control of the

    head works to divert the Wadi flows to the irrigation canals. This problem occurred

    by the following:

    A. The erosion of the concrete in the head regulators and sluiceway: -This erosion occurs as a result of filling of the headwork pool to the weir crest level


    sediment, which caused the flow velocity to increase until it exceeded the design

    velocity. Also erosion was caused by big stones, which were carried by large floods


    passed through the sluiceway or over the weir crest causing severe damages to the


    the weir body and stilling basing.

    B. The intake was incapable to divert sufficient irrigation water: -

    i- The bed level has been increased in the head reach, especially behind the gates as

    shown in pictures (1)

    ii- Decreased of the bed slope in the head reach behind the gates, which was caused

    by sediment deposition in this place.

    iii- The level of the sluiceway and the intake was at the same level, which caused the

    sluiceway to flush sediments only to the level of the intake gates.

    C. The erosion of the canal sides: -

    i- Change the flow direction in the canals.

    ii- The soil was too loose at the canal sides; there were no banks stabilization made

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    from stones or stone mattresses.

    iii- In some places along the canals the farmers plant crops on thecanal sides, which

    resulted in canal flows to erode soil banks.

    D. Problems due to the lack of any light during the nights and due to the no

    operation of the sluiceways on Fridays and during holiday. Sediment Problems in the Irrigation Canals

    The sediment deposition was the main problem in the irrigation system, which was

    in fact a result of mismanagement of the control structures. The medium and large

    floods always carried heavy bed and suspended loads, which was deposited when the

    velocity decreased in the pool until the sediments accumulated up to the weir crest

    level and then the sediment is deposited in front and behind the intake gates of the

    head regulator. Then the sediment entered the irrigation canal and is deposited in

    the head reach and along the canals. This sediment deposition prevented the head

    regulator to control the Wadi flood flow in a correct way.

    The sediment deposition caused the following problems

    1. The sediment deposition upstream of the weirs increased the bed level of the pool

    up to the weir crest. See picture (2)

    2. Canal bed level increased, especially in the head reaches;

    3. Field levels increased; the level became higher than the water surface level in the

    main canal so the fields cannot be irrigated any more. See picture (3)

    4. A reduction of the canal flow capacity lead to insufficient flows to meet the

    irrigation requirements;

    5. Complete closure of the fields off takes. See picture (4)

    6. High costs for the mechanical sediment removal, especially when the canal banks

    became very high due to the deposition of the removed sediments.7. The coarse sediment and debris blocked off-takes pipes and the secondary canal

    bed rose especially in front of and behind the off-takes. See pictures (1 and 4).

    2. Materials and Methods

    2.1 Sediment transport studies in the Tihama plain

    Several sediment transport studies were carried out in the Tihama wadis as part of

    the various visibilities / design studies of the irrigation systems in these wadis such

    as the following: -1) TESCO -VIZTERV -VlTUKI, (1971): This firm investigated

    the suspended sediment and bed load transportation in Wadi Zabid main canals.They estimated the quantity of suspended sediments and bed load in an average

    year at 3 and 4 million tons/year.

    2) TIPTON and KALMBACH, (1980): This firm used DH-59 sampler, with a series

    of single-stage samplers at the gauging site at Wadi Mawr. The sediment

    concentration measurements were made for discharges ranging from 2-90 . They

    defined that the suspended sediments, concentration varies from 150 to 50,000 ppm.

    3) LAWRENCE, (1986 and 1987): This firm made a study to predict the sediments

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    concentration in Wadi Zabid irrigation system concluded that the sediments

    concentration during high floods could reach 10% by weight.

    4) NESPAK, (1989): This firm made a study to predict the sediments concentration

    in Wadi Siham main channel. The measurements were made at two stations with

    discharges of 2 and 12 . They concluded that the sediments concentrations at the two

    flows were 10,000 ppm and 23,000 ppm respectively.

    2.2 Data collection and measurements

    This study was partly carried out in the field at which measurements of the

    discharges, the particle size, the cross-section profiles and the longitudinal profiles

    for parts of the canals were investigated and partly in the labs. During the

    laboratory and field experiments several measuring equipment and apparatuses

    were used, such as current meter, bed load sediment sampler, suspended sediment

    sampler, leveling equipment, stopwatch, filter paper, etc. This part would provide a

    short outline of the types of measurements and the experiments conducted, their

    purpose and the equipment used.

    2.2.1 Longitudinal Profile and Cross-sections Measurements

    The longitudinal profile was measured to find the bed level elevation at several parts

    along the canal to estimate the sediment deposition in the canal bed. The profile was

    measured by leveling equipment (level, staff, etc). The measurements of the profile

    were taken at the centre of the canal bed and at an interval of 100 m along the canal.

    During the fieldwork two profiles were measured; one for the Bunny-Barry canal

    with 2700 m long (see figure 1.3) for the whole profile. The second profile was for

    the Mawi- Yusifi canal with a total length of 2100 m (see figure 1.4) for the whole

    profile. The cross-sections were measured to find the elevation and shape of the

    canal at specific points and at different dates.

    2.2.2 Measurements of particle size, discharge, and velocity

    2.2.3 Particle size measurements

    A sufficient large portion of bed material (not less than 500 g) was taken from the

    sample and put in an oven at 110 C for 24 hours. The dried sample was then put in

    a mechanical sieve apparatus and sieved for 15 minute. The weight retained and the

    percentages passing were determined and the grading curves were drawn. A

    comparison of the grading curves were compared with those of Lawrence (1983) [6],

    showed clearly that the bed material of the measured curves was coarser than those

    curves made by Lawrence (1983) [6], which was due to the following reasons:

    a) The increase in bed slope.

    b) The use of the total flow during small to medium floods without flushing of the


    gate, especially at the beginning of every flood during the irrigation period

    c) Sediment accumulation in the pool behind the weir until it reaches the intake


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    A sufficient large portion (mass) from the sample, which was brought from the field

    as suspended load, was washed through the sieve no.200 (0.075m) in order to

    obtain a mass of 500 g. This mass was placed in the oven at 110 C for 24 hours to

    dry. Discharge and velocity measurements

    The discharge at a given section could be measured by several methods such as:

    current meter method, float method or dilution method. The choice of the method

    depended on the conditions present at the site. To facilitate comparison, the sites

    chosen for discharge measurements were the same as those selected by Lawrence

    during his 1982-1983 fieldwork. The accuracy of the discharge measurement

    depended on the number of verticals at which the depth and the velocity were

    measured. The position of the verticals should be in line with the variation in canal

    bed elevation and the horizontal variation in velocity. The width between any two

    verticals should not be more than 1/20 of the total width. The channel width was

    measured from a fixed reference point (usually the initial point on the bank). Agraduated tape determined the distance between verticals and the depth was

    measured with the graduated metal rod of the current meter.

    The velocity was measured at one or more points in each vertical. The velocity was

    then determined by counting the revolutions of the propeller of the meter during 50

    seconds at every point. The average velocity was determined by the three-point

    method, which took the velocity observations in each vertical at 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8

    intervals of the total water depth measured from the water surface. The average of

    the three values gave the mean or average velocity in the vertical.

    3. Results And Discussion

    3.1 Canals Longitudinal Profiles and Cross Sections

    The elevation surveys of Bunny-Barry and Mawi-Yusifi canals were done during the

    fieldwork. From these surveys the bed levels were computed and compared with the

    designed bed levels (as shown in figures 1.3 and 1.4). A deposition of sediment

    occurred in all canals reaches, but it was most severe in the head reaches of canals

    close to the head regulator and at the upper portions of every reach before the drop

    structure. The deposition at the head reach caused the canal bed level to increase to

    the extent that water level became higher than that in the upstream of the head


    3.1.1 The Bunny-Barry canal longitudinal profile shows:

    There was much sediment deposition in the head reach of this canal and little

    erosion in the downstream reaches (as shown in figure 1.3). The present longitudinal

    1996 profile for the downstream reaches appeared lower than the design and other

    profiles which were measured in the previous years. However, the head reach

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    profiles for the years 1996 and 1983 survey were similar due to a high sediment

    deposition and the widening of the canal. The following observations can be made: -

    i. Large sediment deposition in the head reach of the canal (from 0 to 600

    mdownstream the

    head regulator) especially the first 300 m. The deposition of sediments decreasedalong the

    canal in a downstream direction until erosion occurred near the end of the reach.

    ii. Less sediment deposition was observed in the 600 to 1250 m reach.

    This sediment deposition also decreased in a downstream direction until erosion was

    observed at the end reach;

    iii. In the 1250 to 2000 m and 2150 to 2730 m reaches much erosion has been


    This erosion of the canal bed was due to an increase of the bed slope and flow

    velocities.In the 2150 to 2730 m reach erosion increased with time (as shown in

    figure 1.3) and due to the increase in bed slope which increased the flow velocity;iv. In the 2000 to 2150 m reach a balanced condition for erosion and deposition was

    observed, especially for the present survey.

    The cross-sections profiles of Bunny-Barry canal showed both the rise in canal bed

    levels and the reduction in canal width in the downstream reaches. The reduction of

    canal width in the downstream canal cross-sections was partly due to the natural

    deposition of sediments in the canal side where the flow velocity is slower. The

    second reason for reduction of canal width was the disposal of sediment on the canal

    banks and there back filling into the canal sides. The cross section at the head

    reaches was enlarged forming a small settling basin immediately downstream of the

    head regulator. The bed level at section no.1 during the present survey was about1.0 m above the design full supply level. The accumulation of sediment caused a

    reduction of both the canal intake capacity and the bed slope near the head

    regulator. Cross section no.1 (figure 1.5) shows the enlarge section since the 1987

    survey, which could be the result of sediment removal from the canal bed to the

    canal bank. However, there was a reduction in the cross-section area and erosion in

    the canal bed at the downstream reaches (section. 2, 3 and figures 1.6 and 1.7). The

    erosion in the canal bed was due to the increase of bed slope and flow velocities, and

    the sediments clearance before the present measurements

    3.1.2 The Mawi-Yusifi canal longitudinal profile shows

    Substantial depositions of sediments occurred, especially at the head reach near the

    head regulator (0 to 429 m reach) and after drop structures 1 and 2. The deposition

    in these reaches was about 1.5 m thick at the upper part, which decreased, in a

    downstream direction forming a very steep bed slope (as shown in figure1.4). This

    figure also shows similar but thinner layer of sediment in the (429 to 800 m, 800 to

    1580 m and 1580 to 2100 m) reaches.

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    From the longitudinal profile, the sediment deposition height reached about 1.5 m

    above the canal bed at some places (as shown in figure 1.4). This canal need

    sediments clearance to prevent the sediment transport of coarse materials through

    the downstream reaches and finally to the fields.

    Comparing the existing canal bed slope for each reach (as determined from theprofiles data) with the design or built bed slopes (see table 1.4), it became clear that

    the bed slop has increased with time due to the sedimentation on the canal bed and

    the erosion of this bed in some reaches due to the increased bed slopes and flow

    velocities. The results in table (1.4) show that the average in the bed slopes of

    Bunny-Barry was about 1.6 times the design bed slope except at the head reach

    where this increase was about 2.6 times the design bed slope.

    The overall increase in bed slope of Mawi-Yusifi is about 9 times the built slopes in

    all the sections. At the head reaches and upper portion of some reaches the sediment

    deposit was around 1.5 m above canal built bed level.

    Finally, for all canals the most significant impact of sedimentation occurred at thecanal head reach, near the head regulator. This sedimentation may reduce the

    diverted water to the canals especially when the bed level closer to the intake

    becomes higher than the intake bed level. In this case the sediment had to be

    removed (mechanically) in order to increase the diverted wafer to the canals and to

    minimize transporting sediments downstream through the canal an finally to the


    3.2 Canal Bed Materials

    Bed materials samples were collected from various locations along the Bunny-Barry

    canal and from the Mawi-Yusifi canals. The bed material of Bunny-Barry canal wasfound to consist of coarse sand and gravel at the head reach (see section 1 of figure

    1.8) and coarse to fine sand at the downstream (see sections 2 and 3 of figures 1.9

    and 1.10, respectively). The comparison of the grading curves of the Bunny-Barry

    canal profile observed by Lawrence and the present grading curve from Mawi-

    Yusifi canal (see figure 1.11), clearly demonstrated that the bed material of the

    measured curves was a little bit coarser than that mad by Lawrence (1983) (6). This

    due the following reasons:

    a. The increase in canal bed slope.

    b. The use of the total flow during small to medium floods, without sluiceway

    flushing especially at the beginning of every flood during the irrigation period.

    c. Sediment accumulation in the pool until it reaches the intake entrance, which

    allows the coarse bed load to enter to canal head reach.

    The close to the head reach (in the first 100 m) ranges from 30 to 17 mm in size and

    reduces in the downstream reaches to 0.36 mm. This bed material was a little bit

    coarser than that observed by Lawrence in 983.

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    The suspended sediments, which enter the fields, cause elevation of the soil surface,

    which eventually caused difficulties in irrigating the fields from the usual off-take.

    To overcome these difficulties, farmers usually lay down a temporary earth dykes to

    pond the water up to enter the fields. These dykes retained the sediment behind

    them and causing canal bed rising

    The sediment quantities, which entered an irrigation canal, were estimated from thefield measurement for two floods: one in Bunnay-Barry canal (section no.1 at 100 m

    downstream head regulator) and one for Mawi-Yusifi canal (section no. 1 at 100 m

    D/S head regulator). The rate of sedimentation was about 39 ton/ day for Bunnay-

    Barry canal and 126 ton / day for Mawi-Yusifi canal.

    Moreover, from the economical point view, the field data indicates that the

    clearance of sediments from the canals costs 700 YR /ton (5.6 US $/ ton). So the

    sedimentation of one day will cost about 30,000 YR /day 240 US $/day) for Bunnay-

    Barry canal and 90,000 YR / day (720 US /dy) for Mawi-Yusifi canal. According to

    the rate sediment predicted during this study the total costs per season (for 45 days

    floods) are 1,350,000 YR /year (10,800 Us $ /year) and 4,050,000 YR / year (32,400U5$/year) respectively.

    4. Conclusions and Recommendations

    4.1 Conclusions

    Based on the results and discussion in the preceding sections, the following

    conclusions can be drawn:

    1- The deposition of sediment along the irrigation canals in Wadi Zabid caused

    change in canal bed slope and cross section.2- The operation of sluiceway was not sufficient to eliminate the bed load from the

    flow before entering the canal.

    3- There was no use of sediment control structures.

    4- Farmers should be prevented from constructing earth dykes across the canals to

    raise water levels.

    5- High sediment concentration naturally existed in Wadi Zabid especially during

    medium to high floods (which reached 100,000 ppm in very high floods; according

    to Lawrence, 1986) (6) required thorough investigation in order to prevent sediment

    deposition in the systems.

    6- Canal maintenance and removal of coarse sediments from the head reaches

    would prevent sediments from transporting further down stream the canal systems

    and to the fields. The coarse sediment transported to the fields caused blockage of

    the off-takes pipe and changed the fields soil uniformity, which will negatively affect

    the planting practices

    7- The sediment deposition at the head reaches near the intakes resulted in a large

    reduction in the quantities of diverted water for irrigation especially during medium

    to large floods.

    8- More water could be diverted to the canals if the openings intake gates were

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    adjusted during medium to large floods and the sediments were always removed

    from the head reach.

    4.2 Recommendations

    In order to improve Wadi Zabid irrigation system (by reducing the sedimentationproblem through the irrigation canals and minimizing the sediment clearance costs)

    the following recommendations are made:

    1. The head reach of the irrigation canals needs more frequent sediment clearance

    than the down stream reaches in order to keep its bed level as constructed in order

    to increase the diverted water to the canals (especially during medium to large

    floods) and to reduce the coarse bed materials transportable to the downstream


    2. The canals intakes gates should be adjusted during medium to large floods and

    sluiceway should be operated according to the operating procedures. This will

    increase the diverted water to the canals (especially during medium to large floods)

    and to reduce the coarse bed martial that entered to the canals.3. The heavy sediment load could be prevented from entering the irrigation canals

    by closing the head regulators intake gates and excluding all flows with heavy

    sediment concentration for 15 to 20 minutes at the beginning of floods (especially

    during medium to large floods)

    4. In order to minimize the bed load sediment in the irrigation canal flow, sediment

    extractor (Vertex tube or Tunnel type) could be constructed at the canals head

    reach5. Several settle basins could be constructed along the canals especially at the

    first two reaches from the head regulator where much sedimentation occurs. These

    settle basins would be easer to clean than clearing the entire canal reaches.

    6. For maintenance purposes the irrigation canals could be divided into several

    sections with specific users being responsible for each section close to their lands.The maintenance and cleaning of the irrigation canals should be the responsibility

    of the various users, each in respect to his irrigated area. This would minimize the

    sedimentation problem and avoid the bed-load sediment transport to the fields, and

    would decrease the maintenance cost.


    [1] TESCO, " Survey of the Agricultural Potential of Wadi Zabid in Yemen",


    Report No. 12, Budabest , Hungary ,1971.

    [2] Scheitz, E. L., " Certain Aspects and Problems of Wadi Development ", Vizier

    Consulting Company, Budabest, Hungary, 1987.

    [3] NESPAK, " Wadi Siham Project Inception Report ", Mai Report, TDA, Yemen,


    [4] Tahir, T.M. " Traditional Water Rights Versus Water Availability- Case Study


    Siham ", Water Resources In the Arab World Conference, Tripoli, Libya, 1996.

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    [5] Lawrence, P. et al, "Sediment Control in Wadi Irrigation Systems ", Hydraulic


    Wallingford, UK, 1986

    [6] Lawrence, P. et al, " Wadi Zabid Diversion Structures-Field Performance


    ", Report No. 73, Hydraulic Research, Wallingford, UK, 1983


    Figure 1.1 Topographical map showsTihama plain and Wadi.

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    Figure 1.2 Wadi Zabid Irrigation Systems

    Figure 1.3: Longitudinal profile of Bunay-Barry cana

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    Picture (1) sediment deposition in front of the gate with coarse sediments

    Picture (2) Sediment deposition upstream of the weir increases the bed level of thepool up to

    the weir crest

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    Picture (3) Deposition of sediments U/S of a drop showing the severe change and

    increase in the canal bed level.

    Picture (4) Complete closure of off take

    Table 1.1: Mean annual flow and catchments area of the three majorwadis (after [4])

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    No.Name of Wadi

    Catchments area (

    )Annual Flow ( )

    1 Mawr 8180 166

    2 Zabid 4740 137

    3 Rimaa 2757 86

    Table 1. 2: Water distribution according to water rights

    Canal Group Existing water rights (Service period)

    I From 19 Oct to 2 Aug

    II From 3 Aug to 13 Sept

    III From 14 Sept to 18 Oct

    Table 1.3: Wadi Zabid canals, Capacities, Lengths and Irrigated







    Canal Bank Capacit






    area ha



    area ha

    I 1 Rodah Left 2.5 2.3 30 25

    I 1 Bunav Right 8.65 9.8 950 855

    I 1 Barv Right 2.35 2.2 300 270

    I 1 Gerbah Left 2.5 3.4 600 540

    I 2 Mansury Right 15.0 10.4 1200 1080

    I 2 Ravvan Right 15.0 13.5 1250 1125

    I 2 Bagr Right 10.5 7.6 475 430

    II 3 Mawi Right 30.0 14.7 2400 4325

    II 3 Ebri Left 20.0 5.6 900 810

    II 3 Yusfi Right 30.0 10.1 1275 1150

    II 3 Gerhazi Left 20.0 9.8 1200 1080

    II 4 Gereb Center 2.5 3.4 275 250

    II 4 Bira Left 40.0 10.4 1475 1330

    II 4 Nasery Right ---- ---- 2650 2385

    III 5 Sharabi Right 20.0 7.3 625 560

    III 5 Maharaqi Left 10.0 6.6 300 270

    III 5 Hrama Left 10.0 5.8 250 225

    III Wadi Ain ---- ---- 275 250

    Wadi Bed --- --------

    ---- 470 420Totals 238.5 122.9 16900 15216

    Table 1.4: Canal bed slopes comparison with design and built bed slopes





















    Ratio of


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    A: Bunnay-Buarry canal

    0 0.6 0.001 0.0012 0.002 0.0026 0.0022 0.0026 2.6


    1.250.001 0.0016 0.0019 0.002 0.0014 0.0018 1.8


    0.001 0.0015 0.0014 0.0021 0.0015 0.0013 1.3


    2.150.001 0.0064 ----- ---- 0.0012 0.0016 1.6


    2.50.001 0.0016 ----- ---- 0.0015 0.0021 2.1

    B: Mawi-Yusifi canal













    Ratio of


    s built)

    0 -0.429

    0.003 0.0017 0.0027 9


    0.003 0.0026 0.0041 13.67


    0.003 0.0015 0.0021 7

    1.58 -2.1

    0.003 0.0008 0.0018 6