SectionsZPsiges bo i Q IS- ainebi1k · THE...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN JULY 17 1909 fesciumox OF LAND XAMK OESCWPT1O np UX0 SNA IKOKOVNRU MSCMPTION OF LAND a o 5 o Second SectionsZPsiges Q bo IS- i VOL XXVI NO lit GAINESVILLE FLORIDA JlLY 17 tHOU TEN CENTS A WEEK or W 1- 1r j or QW J X t F 0- f S E 0 0 c- z U Z- ft 0 01 c 020I- II ro Z 4 i r f- un SAIL tHA Y w o w e m iv- i x y 11 YFR i r dti s pCr 7- I h Nrr Irnll lllita- C f Ii ainebi1k 4Iai1 V > = > < = < THIRTYEIGHT SENA- TORS ARE MILLIONAIRE Representative Adair of Indiana Shows Controlling Influence in Enacting Tariff Legislation I I ¬ WASHINGTON July Hi There m thlriyvlRht nnlliniiain lit tin Lnlttd States Senate Seine i r thins art multimillionaire Tit iiiirtt fight are able to wlng may propwl lion they desire l It reasonable to presume they would allow thlr for tunes to Influence tiltin in voting on an Income tax1- lleprenuntntlvp John A M Ailnlr who comes front n little town In In illann answered this query In one of the most remarkable speecho that has been mail on tlu lloor of the house In month The rotintry in orally will nt vur road Mr Adnlrs- Hpevch however The great pre as- sociations cloudy allied to tit He publican party do not handle bpeeche like Adalr ev n when Wattle In the Ameilraii Congress Speeches of men like LaFotlette e n nre frequently Ignore The action the Senate In dealing with the tariff emplin lr tit fact tint we have too mousy million airus In that lady Adair I am Informed there are now In the Inltid States Senate thirtyeight millionaire representing over 140 000000 What mn till people cxjHct at their hands hilt legislation design- ed to aid the cIalprivlltied clai 8 It In n shame and a disgrace Mr of d All t Gi l 1 it ti t > > > ¬ < + Killed Fellow Convict Georgia Negro Must Hang TIPTON Ga July 1C Cleveland Westbrook colored who stabbed ames Davln ohio colored a fellow ouvict on the Tift county chain gang on the night of January 2 vlll die at Tlfl countyM lint legal hanging unless the court Interfere Wcntbrook who In an ugly hu mor was raising a disturbance among his fellow convicts around the camp lire on thu night of thu killing and some of them called Supt Davis at- tention to the fact that VvHtbrttok had a knife When Davis called on him to glue up the knife the negro tried to get to the superintendent him but was held by the chain to which all the convicts were fasten- ed and Davis kept stepping buck irit of his reach Seeing he could not reach Davis Westbrook In a paroxysm of rage to- ut tart wait ¬ ¬ ¬ SuaktT that our tent of lariuit the hiiHirliiK maw who u unit and four or tle children in eoiitrlbiitfs tome toward the i xteii th of the iovernnient than does the mllllotmrie who IK too proud to nilso a family and hUM no out to clothe end feed except a wile and a MKcIlf flog The State of New York has a tax commUnion cousUtlim of fifteen mem hers and that commission has made a rejKjrt showing that the wealthy clntrt of that State only tax on II out of 130 while the pour man who cannot cover up hln property toys tax on over dollar he Is worth There are no more loyal and patriotic people on earth thou thoso who work for wages mill they are willing to my their Jut short of the Government expciifiM hut they do object to whole vale discrimination agalnht them in favor of the rich Mr Speaker I believe the future of this country deiwnds on the enact- ment of logixlatlon that will give rights to all men and special privileges to none Indcr our prevent of tariff taxation and In the abMnco of efftctlve antitrust leglsU thou stupendous trusts and romblnnt- ioiiH have sprung which have trans- ferred a majority of the wealth of under deer equal system rtupt ort pay >> ¬ ¬ turned on James Davis the nearest convict to him on the chain and slashed him horribly with the knife lie had to be beaten Into submission before he could be handcuffed The case was called yesterday morning in Tift superior court and the Jury returned a verdict of guilty- In the afternoon The court appoint- ed Cols R D Smith and R E Dins more to defend the negro and they made a stubborn light for him The witnesses for the State wore Supt Davis who Is now superintend- ent of public roads for Newton county and Warden G W Walker of the Tift county gang Judge Mitchell has not yet fixed the date for the execution Isnt there something which only q want ad can do for you today ¬ Williams Again Likely- To Control the Seaboard ATLVXTA Oa July 16Is the temporary truce declared between the lung opposing factions of John Skeltou Williams and Thomas F Hjran of thin oard Air Line Railway Company- to result In the final victory of Will- iams as the controlling head of the organization- This interesting question Is being asked among railroad men especial- ly In view of the fact that the re- organization of the road is to occur In a short time and the line to be placed on one ot the most solid operaUng bases that It baa known since Its organization It Is understood that Williams and Ryan have compromised so that the II ¬ ¬ road will not necessarily be sold a decree of the United States court At the same time It Is being rumored that Wllllama U making every effort to consolidate his tnt eats so to finally control tho road It Is further stated that Ryan Is will- ing to sell his Interests In the road to Williams provided the latter i able to finance his scheme to own the road Appointments that have been re- cently made Incidental with plans foi the reorganization have been Will lams appointments This create tbe opinion that Williams and Ryat have reached some agreement b which the long fight will be ended with Williams In complete control un- der ¬ K country tutu the liaiil t a There surely much alarm in- he tart i men now unn V- ier tent of all tin vualth of the cot r and each one of tie UlHtici i- iii IW MI up 1 that ID property me remnls show Ir that iiKii who have Ineti tit of HClnl fg lntliH- low own XN Niiim n of tit ruun- r H wealth I IM H tattMiitallv fut tInt un id the entire wealth of the InUcd States in tlnrt roiiccntrnliHl In tit hands cit 1 tiled nun are du at Ing the legifliitioo ot NTH ii Mon of CotigriMi The to nilo taco by Intel ectual and moral force the text tiUfbiimMrhlp ol a former day I uhi paoslng away while ealth mcrownid king nrroiai v rulen In- i domain where It i only fitted ti serve Now conies n new tar r l II Hhli promises to boor heavily on pructicul nil o the people and especially thoke who work for wages Sennto aFollette has houn that on clothln alone the oople be robtud o user I Ufo II k i I I fore snit there the power of the II I less it third filth today r will > > > 120 0 JCOO unuuallv and tliU U tint out of a thoiumid Viols where Hlnii Inr extortions will be pniutked The cotton iimtiufiuturcrH art given a prohll itt duty and lui- un absolute monopoly on their llnlhh ed product On G2i worth of cottoi cloth such ns la used by the people tuere Is n tax of Jlf7 imiiii the Dlngley law leO yards ol un blenched sheeting was taxed 4 while under this bill It ls taxed 006 and tine same Is true nil through the cot- ton fecnedultv Three dollars ordinary cotton stockings IH taxed 165 The woolen schedule IH worse Un a woolen suit of clothes costing 15 there Is a tax of 6SO Twenty five yards of wormed valued at 6ur are taxed 710 yards of cueap flannel valued at Ssu are taxed 525 Seven and a half dol law worth of cheap woolen hats are taxed 47C If this bill becomes a law the sugar trust will continue to rub American people of y 5ouo0i0 and the woolen manufacturers will continue to exact from the con- sumers over 100000000 each year In excess of what ls a fair profit the lnlttd States Steel Corporation will continue to exploit the people of mill- ions annually while the 400 trusts set out In Moodys Manual will build up colossal fortunes wrung from the pockets of the working people Mr Speaker on behalf of the la- borer who will be compelled to pay more for the necessities of life and who already has a hard time to teed and clothe his family I protest against the passage of this bill On behalf of U000000 poor working girls who will be compelled to pay more for their dresses more for their hosiery and glows more for they wear I earnestly proton ngalnfit the passage of this unjust LOCHLOOSA ITEMS IOCHLOOSA July 10Mr anti J It Thomas of Sparr were In town last week visiting relatives II V OmulU returned to tier home at Island drove Monday af- ter spending a few days lucre with her parents Mr ami Mrs J N Hay man Mrs O M Turner and daughter of Wauchula ore hero visiting friend rolatlvr llmrtln ot Crs Cre te here visiting bis grandparents Mr and Mrs J IU Tompkins Mr and Mrs W R Abstcln ol plait worth- of tI measure I anti A II Twent eve an- nually every- thing Mrs Mrs is < > ¬ > spent Sunday with the lat tcrs parents Mr and Mrs F M Coleman of this place Owen Slkes of Island Grove spent Sunday In town with friends Mrs 8 F McEwen left Saturday for Inverness Mrs Julia Ladel of Santos was In town last week the guest of her sis- ter Mrs F M Coleman- T E Bates left Tuesday for Tampa r c J M1e copy WE BUILDING FALLS TAKING SEVEN LIVES FiveStory Structure Crashes Down Without Warn ing Upon Nearly Two Score of Workmen I ¬ 1IIIIAI lu 1 In Oil cf tin lilmlt M ciUiiii ill tine rii tUltl- ut a whin iliituttumlH of pelt ftrluns were Kut lng to nfld fro the Hvvbtory brick building at the north uut t coniur of iuwnih ami Market htreetjt Witch will Ming reconstruct td but the Iliu tad lnpii fluent otMpuiij iiiti u a i rrlflc- i ur ycfiordnv afternoon or ill Il Intill inf nlir lllli tWO iiwii iti u ouch ilend one mlcslUK one fatally Injured and twentyfour more or less seriously Injured The dead Charles l r en 45 I tin Ii w ar h bury p art > > > > < year old subMituie foreman of ear INtittTh Peter rrltz Sfi year old Carpenter Paul Ilnnnlng 1J your old laborer Alfred Ihnl is years old mvro lalMirer Slwnund l mi herg 2 old laborer Alvin IM years old a Swede and an unknown man terribly mangled James Ilaggerty 20 years old with n fractured skull IH fatally injured The two lower floors had been torn out tad the thre floors were shored up by hunvy timber St l girders wire bruting the shoring It suppose tint bv moving one of girders the entire structure was loosened The ira1 came vlthout warning and nnrnw escapes were many Thrilling Re ue Maoe The roar of the collapse was beans for blocks Bystanders and passersby lied In desperation n It thought an otploslon had occurred When I t- I opts II was stars > Harry Thaw Threaten Life of His Younf Wife WHITE PLAINS X Y July 16 Harry K Thaws wife formerly the chorus girl Evelyn Nesblt went on the stand here yesterday and gave damaging testimony against him It was the strongest point scored so far by the State In Its fight to keep Thaw In the asylum for the criminal Insane at Matteawan When the days session was concluded adjournment was taken until July 2fi For three days the State has been trying to bring out that Thaw threat- ened hU wifes life on one of her vIMttt to Matteawan ns tending to show his Irrationality Illocked at first by objections sustained by the court Thnws attorney nt failed to show that till alleged vuiivvrsa pmt at Matuawan was confidential as between man and wife and when Thaw took the witness chair ft rdav afternoon her were un twilid She related HB if In fear Thaws alleged threat to take her life If he were released from tin asylum Whether assumed or not she ex- pressed apprehension while testifying- Kb WWB fgssssS afterward a artn that sW testified 6t l treat- ment she received at the of Thaw famUy but on the stand she apparently struggled hard not tell and when compelled to do ac I last I I 1 the to Erin lip because bands ¬ ¬ by the court the obeyed reluctantly and tearfully Did Harry K Thaw threaten to take your lifer she was direct- ly by Deputy AttorneyGeneral Clarke The court room was hushed and Evelyn Thaw turned appealingly to Justice Mills She begged to at not to aiusrer because she silted be r dozed sal d ¬ ihtv rfallnnl what had happened Iople locked to the ruins and began a series 01 thrilling rescues Before professional old could bo mustered automobiles ttanutcrs wa gnus anil nil sorts of nearby vehicles were filled with the dead or Injured and hurried to hospitals It was a sweltering day and several of the rescuers were overcome by the heat and dust from the debris Almost OH strenuous as digging up tilt Injured was the task of keeping the congested masses from too closely tho The walls which were left of ptOllle wreck- age ¬ landing looked unsafe but the people urged forward heedless of the tinner For n time service on the subway line which runs along Market street- In front of the building was tied up A woman subway ticket seller terri- fied by tho crash of and tho shower of bricks stones that dropped down the stair faint- ed In her office Many Instances of ktrolsm were witnessed One BUB 4ose leg was broken was pinned beijitth ome When firemen within hall ing distance fee a fe f at they at- tend the more The entire of the building lay slant afftM the side of the adjoining bnlMtaf Wttlng oK In a section twenty whc it Is believed tile pulsing man i burled Workmes l s4Tklght contl wed digging In the rataft lured t tho collapse 8 subs tim- bers tow serf r poor sir Pert quare ¬ ¬ she knew she weald his ever- lasting animosity nut the court rmU4 that the only possible grounds vgtn which aha could decline to a f r Were that It would tend to her sad ho added that he Mt see how that would be applicable M her eltuatlon Then Evelyn Thaw niwcred the quoMlnon Yes he did ah old In a low voice What were Wi ettct do mandvd Mr Clark He When I t out of I supiKwe I will hareto kill you Why did he set thin We were dlscuislnjt his mental nmdlttun I bad asked him what ho mount and he said You knew l- wnn tint crazy on the night that r hot I asked Wm again and lie said You know l t I mUsed White by two minuteo the day bo foreThaw when asked about his wifes after court said he was surprised at her attitude but de that he bad ever threatened her that be talked with reasons which uoot Stan ford White principal alleged de here hit 1 l 1M VIt- ti I O facer lat ate did words aid t1 lfe lunacy Comas tittd about the < < > > + > baucbtng of young said was carried onIn WWlos famous rendezvous Anthony Comstock president the hew York Society the Sup presalon of Vies described bla eHorts to assist Thiw to g t aoffldent etl- d nc of Whites practJc to prosecoM him rrimlBlly H believed Thaw use of for v 0 x i < =

Transcript of SectionsZPsiges bo i Q IS- ainebi1k · THE...

Page 1: SectionsZPsiges bo i Q IS- ainebi1k · THE GAINESVILLE SUN JULY 17 1909 fesciumox OF LAND XAMK OESCWPT1O np UX0 SNA IKOKOVNRU



a o 5 o

Second SectionsZPsiges Q bo IS-


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Representative Adair of Indiana Shows Controlling

Influence in Enacting Tariff Legislation




WASHINGTON July Hi Therem thlriyvlRht nnlliniiain lit tinLnlttd States Senate Seine i r thinsart multimillionaire Tit iiiirttfight are able to wlng may propwllion they desire l It reasonable topresume they would allow thlr fortunes to Influence tiltin in voting on

an Income tax1-

lleprenuntntlvp John A M Ailnlrwho comes front n little town In In

illann answered this query In oneof the most remarkable speecho thathas been mail on tlu lloor of thehouse In month The rotintry inorally will nt vur road Mr Adnlrs-Hpevch however The great pre as-

sociations cloudy allied to tit He

publican party do not handlebpeeche like Adalr ev n whenWattle In the Ameilraii CongressSpeeches of men like LaFotlette e n

nre frequently IgnoreThe action the Senate In

dealing with the tariff emplin lr titfact tint we have too mousy millionairus In that lady AdairI am Informed there are now In theInltid States Senate thirtyeightmillionaire representing over 140

000000 What mn till people cxjHctat their hands hilt legislation design-

ed to aid the cIalprivlltied clai 8

It In n shame and a disgrace Mr


d All













Killed Fellow Convict

Georgia Negro Must HangTIPTON Ga July 1C Cleveland

Westbrook colored who stabbedames Davln ohio colored a fellow

ouvict on the Tift county chaingang on the night of January 2

vlll die at Tlfl countyM lint legalhanging unless the court Interfere

Wcntbrook who In an ugly humor was raising a disturbance amonghis fellow convicts around the camplire on thu night of thu killing andsome of them called Supt Davis at-

tention to the fact that VvHtbrttokhad a knife When Davis called onhim to glue up the knife the negrotried to get to the superintendent

him but was held by the chainto which all the convicts were fasten-ed and Davis kept stepping buck iritof his reach

Seeing he could not reach DavisWestbrook In a paroxysm of rage




wait ¬



SuaktT that our tent of

lariuit the hiiHirliiK maw whou unit and four or tle children

in eoiitrlbiitfs tome towardthe i xteii th of the iovernnient thandoes the mllllotmrie who IK too proudto nilso a family and hUM no out toclothe end feed except a wile and aMKcIlf flog

The State of New York has a taxcommUnion cousUtlim of fifteen memhers and that commission has madea rejKjrt showing that the wealthyclntrt of that State only tax on IIout of 130 while the pour man whocannot cover up hln property toystax on over dollar he Is worth Thereare no more loyal and patriotic peopleon earth thou thoso who work forwages mill they are willing to my

their Jut short of the GovernmentexpciifiM hut they do object to wholevale discrimination agalnht them infavor of the rich

Mr Speaker I believe the futureof this country deiwnds on the enact-ment of logixlatlon that will give

rights to all men and specialprivileges to none Indcr our prevent

of tariff taxation and In theabMnco of efftctlve antitrust leglsUthou stupendous trusts and romblnnt-

ioiiH have sprung which have trans-ferred a majority of the wealth of




rtupt ort





turned on James Davis the nearestconvict to him on the chain andslashed him horribly with the knifelie had to be beaten Into submissionbefore he could be handcuffed

The case was called yesterdaymorning in Tift superior court andthe Jury returned a verdict of guilty-In the afternoon The court appoint-ed Cols R D Smith and R E Dinsmore to defend the negro and theymade a stubborn light for him

The witnesses for the State woreSupt Davis who Is now superintend-ent of public roads for Newton countyand Warden G W Walker of theTift county gang Judge Mitchellhas not yet fixed the date for theexecution

Isnt there something which only qwant ad can do for you today


Williams Again Likely-

To Control the SeaboardATLVXTA Oa July 16Is the

temporary truce declared between thelung opposing factions of John SkeltouWilliams and Thomas F Hjran of thin

oard Air Line Railway Company-

to result In the final victory of Will-

iams as the controlling head of theorganization-

This interesting question Is being

asked among railroad men especial-

ly In view of the fact that the re-

organization of the road is to occurIn a short time and the line to beplaced on one ot the most solidoperaUng bases that It baa knownsince Its organization

It Is understood that Williams andRyan have compromised so that the




road will not necessarily be solda decree of the United States

court At the same time It Is beingrumored that Wllllama U makingevery effort to consolidate his tnteats so to finally control tho roadIt Is further stated that Ryan Is will-

ing to sell his Interests In the roadto Williams provided the latter iable to finance his scheme to ownthe road

Appointments that have been re-

cently made Incidental with plans foi

the reorganization have been Willlams appointments This createtbe opinion that Williams and Ryathave reached some agreement bwhich the long fight will be endedwith Williams In complete control




K country tutu the liaiil t a

There surely much alarm in-

he tart i men now unn V-

ier tent of all tin vualth of the cotr and each one of tie UlHtici i-

iii IW MI up 1 thatID property me remnls show

Ir that iiKii who have Ineti titof HClnl fg lntliH-

low own XN Niiim n of tit ruun-r H wealth I IM H tattMiitallv fut

tInt un id the entirewealth of the InUcd States in tlnrt

roiiccntrnliHl In tit hands cit1 tiled nun are duat Ing the legifliitioo ot NTH

ii Mon of CotigriMiThe to nilo taco by Intel

ectual and moral force the texttiUfbiimMrhlp ol a former day I

uhi paoslng away while ealthmcrownid king nrroiai v rulen In-

i domain where It i only fitted tiserve

Now conies n new tar r l II Hhlipromises to boor heavily on pructicul

nil o the people and especiallythoke who work for wages SenntoaFollette has houn that on clothlnalone the oople be robtud o


I Ufo II k

iI I

foresnit there








third filth







120 0 JCOO unuuallv and tliU U tintout of a thoiumid Viols where HlniiInr extortions will be pniutked

The cotton iimtiufiuturcrH artgiven a prohll itt duty and lui-

un absolute monopoly on their llnlhhed product On G2i worth of cottoicloth such ns la used by thepeople tuere Is n tax of Jlf7 imiiiithe Dlngley law leO yards ol unblenched sheeting was taxed 4 whileunder this bill It ls taxed 006 andtine same Is true nil through the cot-

ton fecnedultv Three dollarsordinary cotton stockings IH taxed

165 The woolen schedule IH worseUn a woolen suit of clothes costing

15 there Is a tax of 6SO Twentyfive yards of wormed valued at 6ur

are taxed 710 yards ofcueap flannel valued at Ssu aretaxed 525 Seven and a half dollaw worth of cheap woolen hats aretaxed 47C

If this bill becomes a law thesugar trust will continue to rubAmerican people of y 5ouo0i0

and the woolen manufacturerswill continue to exact from the con-

sumers over 100000000 each yearIn excess of what ls a fair profit thelnlttd States Steel Corporation willcontinue to exploit the people of mill-

ions annually while the 400 trustsset out In Moodys Manual will buildup colossal fortunes wrung from thepockets of the working people

Mr Speaker on behalf of the la-

borer who will be compelled to paymore for the necessities of life andwho already has a hard time to teedand clothe his family I protestagainst the passage of this bill Onbehalf of U000000 poor working girlswho will be compelled to pay morefor their dresses more for theirhosiery and glows more for

they wear I earnestly protonngalnfit the passage of this unjust


IOCHLOOSA July 10Mr antiJ It Thomas of Sparr were In

town last week visiting relativesII V OmulU returned to

tier home at Island drove Monday af-

ter spending a few days lucre withher parents Mr ami Mrs J N Hayman

Mrs O M Turner and daughter ofWauchula ore hero visiting friend

rolatlvrllmrtln ot Crs Cre te

here visiting bis grandparents Mrand Mrs J IU Tompkins

Mr and Mrs W R Abstcln ol






antiA II

Twent eve











spent Sunday with the lattcrs parents Mr and Mrs F M

Coleman of this placeOwen Slkes of Island Grove spent

Sunday In town with friendsMrs 8 F McEwen left Saturday

for InvernessMrs Julia Ladel of Santos was In

town last week the guest of her sis-

ter Mrs F M Coleman-T E Bates left Tuesday for Tampa


c J

M1e copy



FiveStory Structure Crashes Down Without Warn

ing Upon Nearly Two Score of Workmen

1IIIIAI lu 1 In Oilcf tin lilmlt M ciUiiii ill tine rii tUltl-

ut a whin iliituttumlH of peltftrluns were Kut lng to nfld fro theHvvbtory brick building at the northuut t coniur of iuwnih ami Markethtreetjt Witch will Ming reconstructtd but the Iliu tad lnpii fluent

otMpuiij iiiti u a i rrlflc-i ur ycfiordnv afternoon orill Il Intill inf nlir lllli tWO

iiwii iti u ouch ilend onemlcslUK one fatally Injured andtwentyfour more or less seriouslyInjured

The dead Charles l r en 45






hbury p



> >



year old subMituie foreman of earINtittTh Peter rrltz Sfi year oldCarpenter Paul Ilnnnlng 1J your oldlaborer Alfred Ihnl is years oldmvro lalMirer Slwnund l mi herg 2

old laborer Alvin IM

years old a Swede and an unknownman terribly mangled

James Ilaggerty 20 years old withn fractured skull IH fatally injured

The two lower floors had been tornout tad the thre floors wereshored up by hunvy timber St l

girders wire bruting the shoring Itsuppose tint bv moving one of

girders the entire structure wasloosened The ira1 came vlthoutwarning and nnrnw escapes weremany

Thrilling Re ue Maoe

The roar of the collapse was beansfor blocks Bystanders and passersbylied In desperation n It thoughtan otploslon had occurred When









Harry Thaw Threaten

Life of His Younf WifeWHITE PLAINS X Y July 16

Harry K Thaws wife formerly thechorus girl Evelyn Nesblt went on

the stand here yesterday and gavedamaging testimony against him Itwas the strongest point scored so farby the State In Its fight to keepThaw In the asylum for the criminalInsane at Matteawan When the dayssession was concluded adjournmentwas taken until July 2fi

For three days the State has beentrying to bring out that Thaw threat-

ened hU wifes life on one of hervIMttt to Matteawan ns tending toshow his Irrationality Illocked at

first by objections sustained by thecourt Thnws attorney nt failed

to show that till alleged vuiivvrsapmt at Matuawan was confidentialas between man and wife and when

Thaw took the witness chair

ft rdav afternoon her were untwilid She related HB if In fearThaws alleged threat to take herlife If he were released from tinasylum

Whether assumed or not she ex-

pressed apprehension while testifying-Kb WWB fgssssS afterward a artnthat sW testified 6t l treat-ment she received at the of

Thaw famUy but on the standshe apparently struggled hard not

tell and when compelled to do ac












by the court the obeyed reluctantlyand tearfully

Did Harry K Thaw threaten to

take your lifer she was direct-

ly by Deputy AttorneyGeneral ClarkeThe court room was hushed and

Evelyn Thaw turned appealingly to

Justice Mills She begged to atnot to aiusrer because she




dozed sal d


ihtv rfallnnl what had happenedIople locked to the ruins and begana series 01 thrilling rescues

Before professional old could bomustered automobiles ttanutcrs wagnus anil nil sorts of nearby vehicleswere filled with the dead or Injuredand hurried to hospitals It was asweltering day and several of therescuers were overcome by the heatand dust from the debris

Almost OH strenuous as digging uptilt Injured was the task of keepingthe congested masses from

too closely thoThe walls which were left

of ptOlllewreck-



landing looked unsafe but the peopleurged forward heedless of thetinner

For n time service on the subwayline which runs along Market street-In front of the building was tied upA woman subway ticket seller terri-fied by tho crash of andtho shower of bricks stones thatdropped down the stair faint-

ed In her officeMany Instances of ktrolsm were

witnessed One BUB 4ose leg wasbroken was pinned beijitth ome

When firemen within halling distance fee a fe f at they at-

tend the moreThe entire of the

building lay slant afftM the side ofthe adjoining bnlMtaf Wttlng oKIn a section twenty whcit Is believed tile pulsing man iburled Workmes l s4Tklght contlwed digging In the rataft



tho collapse8



bers tow



sirPert quare



she knew she weald his ever-lasting animosity

nut the court rmU4 that the onlypossible grounds vgtn which ahacould decline to a f r Were that Itwould tend to her sadho added that he Mt see how thatwould be applicable M her eltuatlonThen Evelyn Thaw niwcred thequoMlnon

Yes he did ah old In a lowvoice

What were Wi ettct domandvd Mr Clark

He When I t out ofI supiKwe I will hareto kill you

Why did he set thinWe were dlscuislnjt his mental

nmdlttun I bad asked him what homount and he said You knew l-

wnn tint crazy on the night that rhot I asked Wm again and

lie said You know l t I mUsedWhite by two minuteo the day boforeThaw

when asked about his wifesafter court said he was

surprised at her attitude but dethat he bad ever threatened her

that be talked withreasons which uoot Stanford White principal alleged de




l 1MVIt-

ti IO


lat atedid





lunacy Comas tittdabout the






baucbtng of youngsaid was carried onIn WWlos famousrendezvous

Anthony Comstock presidentthe hew York Society the Suppresalon of Vies described bla eHorts

to assist Thiw to g t aoffldent etl-

d nc of Whites practJc to prosecoM

him rrimlBlly H believed Thaw






