Secrets to Perfume and Smell

Secrets to Perfume and Smell Today’s Article

Transcript of Secrets to Perfume and Smell

Page 1: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

Secrets to Perfume and Smell

Today’s Article

Page 2: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

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Page 3: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

Do you wear perfume? Why or why not?

Page 4: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

What kinds of smells do you like? Why?

Page 5: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

What other perfume notes do you know? Talk about them.

Page 6: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

wear (v.)

It’s cold outside. You should wear a coat.

- put on (v.)

sweet (adj.)

Alice is so sweet. She bought me a hot drink on this cold day.

- loving, charming (adj.)


Page 7: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

probably (adv.)

There are gray clouds in the sky. It’s probably going to rain soon.

- likely, seemingly (adv.)

different (adj.)

Howard only likes pineapple, but I like lots of different fruits.

- varied, assorted (adj.)


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perfume (n.)

She sprayed the perfume on her wrist and coughed.

personality (n.)

Natasha’s shy personality keeps her from making friends easily.

- What kind of personality do you have?


Page 9: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

like (prep.)

Kelly loves doing exercise in her free time, like going hiking and swimming.

- such as, for example (prep.)

note (n.)

What notes does your perfume store sell? I’m looking for something fresh.


Page 10: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

smell (n.)

What’s that good smell? Is someone cooking here?

smell (v.)

Do you smell that? I think there’s garbage somewhere.

smell + adj.

Your blanket smells bad. Did you take a shower before bed?

smell of sth.

My clothes smelled of meat after I had a barbecue tonight.


Page 11: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

Many people love to wear perfume. Ancient Egyptian men and

women used perfume to hide bad smells. Perfume smells nice, and

it tells people something about you. Find the right kind of note for

your personality:

Today’s Article

Page 12: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

Floral Notes

Are you a sweet person with a kind personality? Floral notes are

probably perfect for you. They have the smells of different flowers

like roses or jasmine. Floral notes are light and fresh.

Today’s Article

Page 13: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

Fruity Notes

Fruity notes are really fun. They smell of oranges, peach, or even

lemons. A bright and happy person might like something fruity.

Today’s Article

Page 14: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

- Briefly summarize the article today. What did you learn?

- What is your favorite perfume note? Why do you like it?

Summarize and Opinion

Page 15: Secrets to Perfume and Smell

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