Script commissioning presentation

Script Commissioning Process

Transcript of Script commissioning presentation

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Script Commissioning Process

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I will be looking into the commissioning process of scripts within the media industry. I will be researching different companies such as the writers guild Great of Britain and America, BBC

writers room and ITV. I will find out the ways in which a script can be commissioned as well as the guidelines and rules set

out when doing so.

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Script Commissioning

Commissioning a script involves creating a new and original piece of work and sending it to a company that are looking for work to produce. Companies are always seeking new talent in the media industry, networks such as the BBC, ITV and

Channel 4 will accept new scripts to look through and process. If a script catches the right attention, it can then be taken further and maybe even brought to life.

The media industry is a competitive sector, so all work needs to be eye catching, well presented, creative and imaginative. Getting involved with the Writers Guild of

Great Britain and The Writers Guild Of America, West can help with this process as they give writers the advice and support they need.

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Commissioning a script can be a long process which requires hard work and patience. New and original work needs to be created to be able to achieve this, as well as a passion for writing.

Networking pays a big part in the commissioning process.

“They say it’s not what you know but who you know, that certainly goes for the media industry”

Ray Frensham

Talking and socialising with people within this industry helps build a working relationship and can make a big impact when trying to get work. Making an impression on someone working in the business makes it easier to break in, they can help build your profile, work with you or

put you in contact with someone who can hire you.


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A writer needs to believe in their own work and feel confident enough to promote and sell it to others that already have a name in the industry

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Writers need to send in their work to different companies working within the industry. Persistence is key when competing for jobs. Companies will receive 1000’s of scripts

and they will only take the ones that stand out.

“New writers who telephone or write are usually asked to send in an example of their previous work. If it is interesting they will be asked to submit story ideas and/or write

half script (without fee)”William Smethurst

Writers or are determined and constant with their work are more likely to be contacted by an employer looking at their ideas. There ideas need to be appealing and attention-grabbing

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New writers especially need to show persistence and commitment to the industry, determination is the only way to make it in a tough and competitive trade.

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The BBC writers room is an opportunity for new and inventive writers to send in their work.

“We look for the best new writers and best writers new to the BBC with the potential to be developed and produced for BBC broadcast.”

BBC Writers Room

They look for original work and look for the best drafts that can be created. They look at different kinds of scripts, these are: Film, TV drama, Radio drama, TV sitcom, Radio sitcom, Children's drama, Children's sitcom. This is

the type of material that the BBC will regularly read and produce.

The BBC will look at scripts that sent to them as long as all the requirements are met. Amateur screenwriters need to show professionalism when trying to get a script commissioned. The BBC will only loom at these forms.

The way in which a script is presented is crucial, all scripts must be bind together and numbered correctly, handwritten scripts will not be accepted and they must represent and mirror one of the media standard.

After the script has been received the BBC will send an acknowledgment email and it will then be looked at and if the BBC feel they have seen potential they will contact the writer.

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The Writers Room is a great step for up and coming writers, it gives an opportunity for new work to be seen by rising


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ITV will commission scripts that are sent in to them, they will be processed and sorted through to see the strongest candidates taking into account heir creativity,

originality and strength on fan idea. But unlike the BBC, ITV will only take scripts from writers who are already established or have an agent.

“The Controllers select their strongest offers and bring them to a round of meetings held usually twice a year in the spring and autumn”


ITV will look at the scripts they receive and will only take forward the work that has the best potential.

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The Writers Guild Of Great Britain look after writers who are trying to get work

“We campaign and lobby on behalf of all writers” Writers Guild Of Great Britain

They are a trade union that will represent writers within all aspects of the media industry, areas such as TV, film, radio, books, poetry and gaming are all included.

In a lot of fields the guild will recognise terms and practice agreements for the writers.

A membership is offered from the Guild, this has many benefits for writers, giving them ne information and tip about event occurring that maybe of interest, as well as advice and

support from professional staff.

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The Writers Guild Of America, West is a union or writers for TV movies, news programs, documentaries, animation and Internet.

“The WGAW Registry is the world’s leading screenplay registration service”Writers Guild of America, West

The WGAW register over 65,000 pieces of work every year, the main principle of registering is to determine the completion date of an original work.

The guild aids writers with resources to help them with their original work, such as writing for TV, agency lists

The WGAW can help protect a writers work and give it a recognition, writers can then know their work is confined and sheltered.

The WGAW has experts from the industry waiting to help build the new talent, giving out advice and support and answering any questions that writers may have to help start and build their


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The commission process for any writer can be tedious and very long, but diligence can be key in this business. All the hard work will pay off once an employer sees

something they believe in and feel can be turned into something appealing, worthy and will attract an audience.

An employer will see thousands of new pieces of work a year so standing out is strategic and vital. If the work is unique and inspiring and something fresh to see

then they will pick it.