Screw The Corner Office! Millennials & Success

Screw The Corner Office A look at Millennials & their viewpoints on success

Transcript of Screw The Corner Office! Millennials & Success

Screw The Corner OfficeA look at Millennials & their viewpoints on success

SUCCESSmeans a lot of different things to a lot of different people

For some, it’s being able to take a private jet from your LA job back to your home in

Upper East Side, NY.

To others, it’s spending time with your family and not

having to worry about how you’ll support them.

Although there are various meanings of success, a lot of it stems from one root:


Money rules the world.

People fight / kill / go to war / leave their country / work three jobs / and bend over

backwards all because of money.

While America may be the worst offender of taking money for granted, the 2008 recession changed the economy forever and caused an awakening

within the newest generation.

After The Great Recession, Millennials started to open their eyes.

graduate high school

be well rounded

go to college

maintain a high GPA

get internships

become a leader in an organization, etc.

We soon realized that even though we’re doing all the things people told us to do:

things aren’t going to turn out the way we were taught to believe.

• Is getting $75,000 debt really worth it if I can’t even get a job?

• Do I want to work 80 hours a week for a job that makes me unhappy?

• What do I really want out of life?

We started asking ourselves:

With those questions, and a lot of self-reflection, came a whole new

outlook on life and a brand new definition of success.

@kelly_ashworth: I think GenY will be less focused on $ which failed for many of our parents and more focused on happiness.

@steve_campbell: Gen Y doesn’t necessarily care about following a set path to find happiness.

@Outlaw_Inc: GenY’s success = having the freedom and flexibility to pursue passions, have great experiences.

@NahumG: Let’s see..if the American Dream is supposed to be living on your own with a career and great family I’m on my way, but it’s taking a LOT longer than I thought it would take to get there.

@E_Hanson: We’re more focused on doing what truly makes us happy and experiencing everything we possibly can.

@daniellewriter: For me, success is liking my job, not how big my paycheck is.

Millennial Marketing, 2010

What Does Success Mean to Millennials?

Nothing on that list mentions recognition, money, fame, wealth, or anything along those lines because

Millennials know there is more to life than that…

…And when thinking about life in America it’s hard not to imagine,



Getting a Good Job

Going to CollegeMarriage


But what about the 7% of Millennials who identify as part of the LGBTQ community and aren’t even

allowed to get married in some states?

ABC News/Washington Post, 2013International Business Times, 2015

Or the women and men who don’t want kids and choose to focus on their careers

instead of finding a significant other?

Back in the day these issues were NON EXISTENT in the mainstream world.

Everyone just did the same thing as everyone else.

While Millennials still relate to the idea of a “dream” of limitless possibilities, we’re now in the process of crafting and redefining those possibilities in a less

material and more experiential way.

Millennial Marketing, 2010

So we’re finally finished with college and freshly graduated.

Next up in the American Dream is getting a good job.

Let’s pretend we’re not in the 44% of Millennials who are unemployed/underemployed and that

we’re working at a nice office with a pretty good entry level income.

Forbes, 2014

…Now what?

For prior generations, successful people would constantly say it’s all about what you know and who you know.

But all that is superficial.

Millennials want to know more of the story. What happens after you get the job? What actually goes on at the workplace?

For us, success is now placed on who you work with and what you work on.

84% of Millennials believe helping to make a positive difference in the world is more important than professional recognition.

We want to believe in the mission, believe our efforts are going towards something

bigger than just our paycheck.

Financial reward is somewhat of a commodity, an undervalued one at that.

Bentley University, 2013

• Am I learning from the people I work with?

• Are we succeeding together as a team?

• Do I share the same values as my colleagues?

• Will I fight for them? Will they fight for me?

This is what truly matters to Millennials in the workplace

PWC, 2014

Many Millennials have a burning desire to chase their dreams. We take more risks, think in more

abstract ways and more confidently chase happiness.

But where is this happiness hiding? In experiences and side hustles.

According to Urban Dictionary a side hustle is: a sideline that brings in cash; something other than your main job.

What is a SIDE HUSTLE?

Millennials work hard, but we understand that we should not spend all our time working.

We need to refuel with outside activities, passions, and side hustles.


Accountant by DAY

Develops Apps by NIGHT

Food Truck Vendor on WEEKENDS

Steve has TWO side hustles

75% of Millennials say it’s important to have a side

hustle that can turn into a job.

55% respect the hustle more than an MBA.

MTV Insights, 2012

70% of Millennials seek immersive, interactive, hands on experiences.

Boston Consulting Group, 2014

Exploring passions, side hustles, and outside work activities continually add to our overall experience tank.

Pew Research, 2011

We’d rather throw cash at new adventures than rack up more debt on something that’s

unfulfilling and not rewarding.

“A state of mind that is free of pain and suffering. Happiness is overall gratefulness of life and love for everything you surround yourself with.” - Amber, 22

“Being able to live free, walk down the street and smile for no reason and love who you are.” - Sydney, 22

“Happiness is weightlessness and freedom from life’s insecurities or frustrations, even for only a few seconds. It’s forgetting about bills, work, and other burdens so that for those few seconds or hours, you are free.” - Laura, 23

“Something that triggers the mind to cherish something forever and whenever you are down you will look back upon for joy.” - Sean, 22

“Truly being the person you want to be.” - Jess, 22

“Loving yourself and feeling confident with your present.” - Pat, 22

What Does Happiness Mean To You?

Thought Catalog, 2014

Millennials are creating a movement in taking alternative routes outside of traditional lifestyles. We are no longer confined to the restraints of “the norm” to find success.

An integral piece of this movement is constantly questioning, “Does this make me feel good about

myself?” rather than just chasing $$$.