SCOAP 3 – NOW! Ann Okerson ALA Midwinter January 2013 Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access...

SCOAP 3 – NOW! Ann Okerson ALA Midwinter January 2013 Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics

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Page 1: SCOAP 3 – NOW! Ann Okerson ALA Midwinter January 2013 Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics.


Ann OkersonALA Midwinter January 2013

Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics

Page 2: SCOAP 3 – NOW! Ann Okerson ALA Midwinter January 2013 Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics.

Refresher: What/Who is SCOAP3?

• An innovative model to achieve open access to peer-reviewed journals in high-energy physics (HEP).– Converts HEP articles in the leading journals to “gold”

open access.• SCOAP3 converts an ENTIRE discipline – first ever.• The objective is to convert content in these journals

from their current subscription-based model to open access, while preserving the values provided by quality publishers and publications.– Quality assurance in the publication process (peer review

and editorial services).– Provision of the final published versions.

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What/Who is SCOAP3?

• The product of extensive coalition-building with stakeholders in the community of scholarly communication across the world.– Researchers/authors, funders, libraries and

publishers.• CERN, the center of the global high-energy physics

community, has led the SCOAP3 efforts and will administer/host this effort going forward, sharing leadership with the global community.

• Budget envelope: 10M€/year (2014-2016).

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SCOAP3 Steering Committee

“to co-ordinate the SCOAP3 tendering process, designing the consortium governance, and bringing the initiative into its operational phase”

• Jun Adachi, NII, Japan• Paul Ayris, JISC Collections, U.K.• Stefano Bianco, INFN, Italy• Miriam Blake, LANL, U.S.• Martin Koehler, DESY, Germany• Salvatore Mele, CERN, Switzerland (Convener)• Joao Moreira, FCCN, Portugal• Ann Okerson, CRL, U.S.• Ralf Schimmer, MPG, Germany• Xiaolin Zhang, CAS, China• Ivy Anderson. CDL, U.S. (ex-officio TWG liaison)

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SCOAP3 Technical Working Group

“to address the key question of the price reduction for content today in large-scale subscription packages and eventually to be converted by SCOAP3 to Open Access [...and] collect requirements, analyse principles, and suggest ways forward toward a concrete implementation and monitoring ”

• Ivy Anderson, CDL, U.S. (chair)• Paola Gargiulo, CASPUR, Italy• Anne Gentil-Beccot, CERN, Switzerland• Paul Harwood, JISC Collections, U.K.• Carol Hoover, LANL, U.S.• Tomonari Kinto, Tokyo, Japan [support: Satoru

Kinoshita]• Angelika Kutz, TIB, Germany• Tom Sanville, LYRASIS, U.S.• Jiancheng Zheng, CAS, China

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J. Krause et al. CERN-OPEN-2007-014

Fair Share PrincipleEach country contributes its share

of worldwide HEP article publications

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SCOAP3 Timeline (what took you so long???)

2005-2006 - Consultation within HEP research community and consensus on the SCOAP3 idea.

2007 - Initial rough design of the business model.2008-2010 - Worldwide outreach and collect “expressions

of interest.”2011 - Go-ahead decision from DG, start operationalizing.2012 - Publisher tender concluded; results published.Oct 1, 2012 - Launch meeting with NCPs & outreach begins.

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SCOAP3 Tendering Process

• Spring 2012 – publishers of HEP journals invited to submit proposals for participation.

• Evaluation process was based on:– Price per article quoted by publisher (based on

2011 article volume, with price to hold steady in 2014-2016).

– Quality (Impact factor, CC license, format, etc.).– Agreement to reduce subscription $$ according to

volume of articles converted to Open Access.

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SCOAP3 Tender Results(alphabetical order)

Publisher JournalSCOAP3 Articles(2011)

SCOAP3 Percentage


APS Physical Review D 2989  ALL1900 USD

APS Physical Review C 107 9.9%1900 USD

Elsevier Nuclear Physics B 284 ALL 1800 USD

Elsevier Physics Letters B 1010 ALL 2000 USD

Hindawi AHEP 28 ALL 1000 USD

IOPp/DPGNew Journal of Physics 20 2.7%

1000 GBP

IOPp/SISSA JCAP 138 30.9%1200 GBP

IOPp/CAS Chinese Physics C 16 7.2%1400 GBP

JagellonianActa physica polonica B 23 22.1%

500 EUR

Springer/SISSA JHEP 1652 ALL 

1000 GBP

Springer/SIF EPJC 326 ALL  1500 EUR

OUP/PSP PTP 46 36.2% 1200 EUR

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SCOAP3 tender results (grouped for calculations process)

Publisher Journal SCOAP3 Articles(2011)

SCOAP3 % (2011) Status

APS Physical Review D 2989  ALL Subs

Elsevier Nuclear Physics B 284 ALL  Subs

Elsevier Physics Letters B 1010 ALL  Subs

Springer/SISSA JHEP 1652 ALL  Subs

Springer/SIF EPJC 326 ALL  Subs

IOPp/SISSA JCAP 138 30.9% Subs

APS Physical Review C 107 9.9% Subs

IOPp/CAS Chinese Physics C 16 7.2% Subs

IOPp/DPG New Journal of Physics 20 2.7% OA

Hindawi AHEP 28 ALL  OA

Jagellonian Acta physica polonica B 23 22.1% OA

OUP/PSP PTP 46 36.2% OA

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SCOAP3 Schedule

• Now through March 2013, SCOAP3 partners calculate $$ of their existing subscription payments in order to redirect these to SCOAP3.

• Training/documentation are being provided.• 2013 thru Q3 CERN will establish the SCOAP3 article

repository, create attendant services, and negotiate final contracts with participating publishers.

• “Go-live" on January 1, 2014; ongoing operations will be overseen by a governance organization comprising representatives of the SCOAP3 partners.

• Phase I covers all new HEP articles published in participating journals in 2014, 15, 16 – no price increases.

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The Wider Context

• Prompts libraries into actively engaging with open access and transformation of traditional journals into OA journals.

• This engagement is not just a task for SCOAP3 institutes, but becoming an important task for almost all academic libraries.

• In addition to the policies of RCUKs and EC Horizon 2020, the Global Research Council Summit next May in Germany will talk about "an action plan for implementation of open access as the main paradigm of scholarly communications."– Measures for implementation include supporting Gold OA and

transferring subscription funds of libraries to pay for OA fees.

• It is not only SCOAP3 now - libraries cannot afford "opt out" of this trend.

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Summary Partnership Benefits

• SCOAP3 is a new organization evolving in real-time, envisioned as a collaborative and open project of the global community it serves.

• Contributing partners will: – have guaranteed reductions in subscription costs to

journals participating in SCOAP3.– have a voice in the governance of SCOAP3. – have the option to automatically populate their

institution’s digital repository with the SCOAP3 peer-reviewed articles.

– be part of an open access community that is effecting positive change in scholarly publishing.

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Reducing Prices for Re-Direction

• How can we be sure this will happen for titles in packages?– As part of the Invitation to Tender (ITT), publishers have

committed to pulling out of packages the HEP titles, without penalizing the rest of the pricing of the deal or package, and without double-charging.

– This is one of the foundational principles of SCOAP3, and all are in agreement with it.

– It will be a contractually enforceable point in the agreement between SCOAP3 (represented by CERN) and the publishers.

– The contracts will contain a list of all libraries and the agreed-upon reductions.

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Viewing and Pricing

• Where will I see the journals?– You can view on publisher or CERN sites or both

• How does invoicing work?– Publishers or agents will continue to bill these

titles as before, but will show $00.00 price on invoice.

– Lyrasis will invoice US libraries for the “redirected” price.

– Lyrasis will remit funds to CERN.

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What Happens with Backfiles?

• Journal backfiles will become OA to the extent that they are today.

• If backfiles are already OA or part of the current subscription (for example, "current year plus 4," that will continue, except that as SCOAP3 years cumulate, the 4 years will grow year by year.

• If backfiles are/were not OA and had to be paid for, then likely not – except for going forward.

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Cost to Participants?

• Cost for 2014 is identical to subscription prices you paid in 2013.

• Libraries don’t allocate any new collections funds.• This swap-out (funds re-direction) has already been

negotiated and agreed by participating journals and publishers.

• Because cost-per-article has been fixed for 3 years, that price will not increase.

• Participation is pretty much a “no brainer”

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Time Spent by Libraries?

• Refresh key contact staff about SCOAP3.• Each library's identified "key contact" is signed up for the

"scoap3usa" contacts list.• The "key contact" will join a one-hour webinar about the

Calculator Tool and how to complete it for their SCOAP3 titles.• They will complete the Calculator for applicable SCOAP3 library

subscriptions. • Internally, the ILS or ERM record should be identified to show

that future billings will be sent by Lyrasis.• Conservative estimate is about a day in the aggregate. • We also hope that some will be interested in participating in

governance activities of SCOAP3 on an ongoing basis!

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How Will Success be Measured?

• A very important and key question.• Once the new governance structure is firmly in place

and SCOAP3 is launched (January 2014), assessment will be among the first topics addressed.

• May require its own focused, detailed working group.

• Obvious measures will include successful operations, financial viability, and satisfaction on the part of authors, partners, and publishers.

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PS. The Dog‘s Breakfast

• Categorizing the US library methods of journals acquisition and lessons learned from ~70 libs so far:– No consistency, no standardization in package payment

arrangements.– May be a local; may be a made-up entity to “make a deal”– Could be formed ad hoc, or by a subscription agent, or by a

state agency, or who knows.– Libraries are not sending a clear signal to publishers, nor

speaking with one voice – it’s a cacophany• SCOAP3 facilitates speaking with one voice, by

negotiating and publishing the per article prices.• The process becomes transparent.

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Sites and Contacts

• Key sites are:– Global web site:– US web site:

• E-mail to:– Ann Okerson, Steering Committee & US Key Contact:

[email protected]– Tom Sanville, Technical Working Group (TWG) & US Lead

Organization: [email protected]– Ivy Anderson, TWG, Steering Committee & CDL Key

Contact: [email protected]– Miriam Blake, Steering Committee: [email protected]– Carol Hoover, TWG & Department of Energy Key Contact:

[email protected]