SCMHRD 1 - Developed by EduCorp

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  • 7/27/2019 SCMHRD 1 - Developed by EduCorp


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    Time: 120 minutes

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    No. of


    General English 40 40Quantitative & Data Interpretation &Data Sufficiency

    40 40

    General Awareness 40 40

    Analytical & Logical Reasoning 60 30

    Total 180 150

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    1. What is the sum of the digits of the product 23000.53002?1. 3 2. 8 3. 7 ` 4. 2

    2. A shop-keeper purchases 10 bulbs. But 2 of them are defective and hence he has to throw themaway. If he sells the remaining at a mark-up of 12.25%. Find his profit or loss percentage.1. -10% 2. +10% 3. +8% 4. no loss no profit

    3. 20 kgs of sugar costing Rs. 10/kg is mixed another variety of sugar costing Rs. 12/kg such thataverage cost price of the mixture is Rs. 11/kg. Find the quantity in kgs, of the second variety ofsugar used.1. 10 kg 2. 15 kg 3. 20 kg 4. 25 kg

    4. What is the remainder when 3333 is divided by 26?1. 1 2. 2 3. 3 4. 4

    5. Akash start from his home at 10 a.m. and reaches Atuls home at 12 noo n. Atul starts from hishome at 10 a.m. and reaches Akashs home at 1 p.m. At what time do the two meet? 1. 11 a.m. 2. 11:12 a.m. 3. 11:30 am 4. 12 noon

    6. Two friends planned to go for a trip. The place they have chosen is 500 km away from their home.They took their bike and covered 100 km at a speed of 50kmph. Then they took a car and coveredremaining distance in 5 hours. Find their approximate average speed during the journey.1. 61 km/h 2. 71 km/h 3. 61.42 km/h 4. 71.42 km/h

    7. n when divided by 12 leaves a remainder of 6. What will be the remainder when n is divided by 6?1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. None of these

    8. Two workers A and B are paid a total of Rs.690 per week by their employer. If A is paid 130percent of the sum paid to B, how much is B paid per week?1. 400 Rs. 2. 300 Rs. 3. 200 Rs. 4. 100 Rs.

    9. How many positive integers exist between 108 and 109, the sum of whose digits is equal to 2?1. 5 2. 7 3. 9 4. 11

    10. If the average of p and q is 48 and the average of q and s is 74, what is the value of s-p?1. 52 2. 56 3. 55 4. 54

    11. A goldsmith has two qualities of gold. One of 24 carats and another of 28 carats purity. In whatProportion should he mix both to make an ornament 25 carats purity?

    1. 3:1 2. 2:5 3. 4:3 4. 5:4

    12. Three numbers are in the ratio 5:6:9 and sum of their squares is 2272. Find the smallest of these

    numbers.1. 24 2. 36 3. 32 4. 20

    13. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 80 has 5 or 7 in the units digit?1. 30% 2. 20% 3. 10% 4. 5%

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    14. The average age of 9 students is 22; if 3 more students are included to the group average age isincreased by 2. What is the average age of 3 new students?1. 30 2. 24 3. 27 4. 29

    15. In a school there are 640 students. The ratio of the boys to that of the girls is 5:3. How many girlsshould join the school so that the ratio becomes 5:4?

    1. 100 2. 120 3. 130 4. 140

    16. If abaa11=aaaa, then what is value of ab?1. 0 2. 121 3. 10 4. Cannot be determined

    17. A phone is sold at a profit of 20%. Had it been sold Rs. 60 less, there would have been a loss of20%. What was the cost price?1. 300 2. 200 3. 150 4. None of these

    18. The age of a lady is 4 times that of her daughter. 10 years ago, the lady was 7 times as old as herdaughter. What will be the age of the lady after 10 years?1. 90 2. 80 3. 70 4. None of these

    19. Ram and Sham can run 500 m in 40 and 50 seconds respectively. How far is Sham from thefinishing line when Ram reaches in:1. 350 m 2. 250 m 3. 450 m 4. None of these

    20. Of the three numbers, the first is half of the second and second is half the third. The average ofthese numbers is 28. Find the smallest number out of these:1. 10 2. 12 3. 48 4. 24

    21. 1919+26, when divided by 9, would have a remainder of:1. 0 2. 1 3. 2 4. 3

    22. Ankit, Varun and Raja started from toward y at intervals of 20 minutes in the order given i.e.Ankit started first and Raja the last. If ratio of time taken by them is 5:4:3 and if Raja reached y 20minutes before Varun. How many minutes before Ankit did Varun reach y?1. 20 minutes 2. 30 minutes 3. 40 minutes 4. None of these

    23. Fresh oranges consist of 80% water whereas dry oranges consist of 30% water. Find the amount ofdry oranges that can be obtained from 70 kgs of fresh oranges?1. 10 kg 2. 15 kg 3. 20 kg 4. 25 kg

    24. 1-2+3-4+5-6+. +49=1. 0 2. -25 3. -24 4. 25

    25. At a certain rate of simple interest, a principal become 4 times in 12 years. In how many years willthe principal amount becomes 16 times?1. 48 years 2. 24 years 3. 60 years 4. 64 years

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    Directions for questions 26 to 35:Each question is followed by 2 statementsMark (a) if statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is not sufficientMark (b) if statement II alone is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficientMark (c) if both statements I & II together are sufficient but neither statements alone is sufficientMark (d) if statement I &II together are not sufficient.

    26. A, B and C are integers. Is B an even number?I. (A+B) is an odd number.II. (B+C) is an odd number.

    27. Is a(X-Y)2II. X>Y

    31. When X is divided by 2, is the remainder 1?I. (-1)x+2=-1II. X is prime

    32. A set contains the following elements :{ 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, Y}. What is the value of Y?I. Elements are in arithmetic progressionII. Y is a prime

    33. By what percentage the price of a watch is reduced?I. The original price of a watch is Rs. 675II. The reduced price is 125 less than original price.

    34. What is the value of x2y?I. Y=x-5II. Y=x2-5

    35. What is the width of rectangular playground?I. The ratio of its length to its width is 5:2II. Perimeter of playground is 280 cm

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    Directions (36-39) Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions. Following is the graphof production of commodities P and Q in different years.

    36. For which of the following pairs of years, the total production of two commodities together isequal?1. 1987 & 1990 2. 1992 & 1993 3. 1991 & 1993 4. 1988 & 1989

    37. What is the ratio between the total production of commodities P and Q for all the seven yearstogether?

    1. 26:27 2. 13:14 3. 27:26 4. 14:13

    38. During which year the percentage decrease/increase in production of commodity Q from theprevious year was the maximum?1. 1988 2. 1990 3. 1993 4. 1992

    39. Approximately, what was the average production of commodity Q?1. 225 2. 216 3. 195 4. 185

    40. 20, 80, 30, 60, 40,, 50, 201. 40 2. 51 3. 50 4. 41








    1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993



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    Directions for Questions from 41 to 46: Read the passages given below and answer the questions thatfollow them.

    Passage - 1

    400M people speak English as their first language; another 1.4 billion as a second tongue. Born 1,600years ago among the Germanic tribes of northern Europe, English became global as a result of trade,

    conquest, migration, the media and the rise of the economic power of America.

    A new exhibition at the British Library just down the road from two of Londons main immigrant entrypoints, Kings Cross and Euston railway stations, traces for the first time the incredible journey launchedby the Frisians, Saxons, Angles and Jutes who sailed to south-east England and whose descendantscreated the Vespasian Psalter in the eighth century. Alongside an image of King David playing the harpare the words, Dominus inluminatio mea and underneath Dryhten inlihtnis mine (The Lord is mylight).

    Difficult to understand for todays English speaker, the roots of the language are nonetheless discerniblythere. From the Vespasian Psalter the journey moves on through Englands early literary heroes, Beowulf,Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knight, and on to Jonathan Swift, who wrote that the English Language, as

    it is spoken by the politest part of the nation, and as it stands in the writings of our most approved authors,often offends against every part of Grammar.

    Henry Alford was among the earliest grammar policemen to write a Plea for the Queens Style Guide aswas Robert Lowth, bishop of London and professor of poetry at Oxford University, whose anonymousgrammar was reprinted 45 times between 1762 and 1800. Lowth had a lifelong fascination for thepreposition, but could never make up his mind whether it was indeed a sin of taste to end a sentence withone. Others who came later were made of sterner stuff, prompting the famous comment perhaps

    apocryphally attributed to Winston Churchill: this was regulated English up with which we will not put.

    The curators of Evolving English have been clever to focus not just on English at school and English atwork, but English at play. From spoonerisms to malapropisms, puns and palindromes and the 1,800 words

    invented by William Shakespeareamong them "green-eyed", "go-between", "well-read" and "zany".Strange then that the exhibition fails to explore the one thing that, above all, gives English its wittyflexibility, its gift for pun and double meaning, and that is the absence of accents and grammatical gender.No masculine, feminine, neuter, acute, grave or cedilla for your free-spirited Anglophone. Not only wasShakespeare the greatest English writer, he could have been no other kind.

    41. Which of the following has been referred to in passage, in context to the English language?1. The influence of Shakespeare on the development of English language2. The cultural influence that English language has experienced in the due course of its

    development3. The flexibility, with which English language can be used to create double meanings4. All of the above

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    42. Why did the author quote Winston Churchill in the passage?1. To highlight the fact that Winston Churchill was notorious for using a preposition towards the

    end of a sentence2. To highlight the discomfort of the self-called grammar policemen, who did not even spare

    Winston Churchills misuse of a preposition towards the end of a sentence 3. To highlight the evolution in attitude and leniency towards the misuse of preposition by

    grammar policemen from Mr. Lowth to the later period Grammarians4. Winston Churchill was blessed with the power of rhetoric, though he often misused the usage of


    43. What is the tone of the author in the passage?1. Descriptive & Suggestive2. Descriptive & Critical3. Critical & Awed4. Descriptive & Neutral


    I met an oriental man in an authentic-looking dark costume, with a Fu Manchu mustache, dark orange

    skin, a black oriental skullcap, who I knew brought with him certain essences of oriental wisdom. Iwanted to ask him questions, to get answers, but I didnt know what to ask. I asked him why orientalwisdom stressed passivity and passive reaction. And he didnt exactly answer. Then somehow I foundmyself doing a task, as if he directed me to do it, as if he was my master guide, sort of like the orientalteacher from the old television show,Kung Fu.

    The task was not very physical, I could do it sitting down somewhere; but it was a frustrating task andmade me tense and somewhat hostile to my teacher. But then I realized I was approaching a sort ofrecognition about how trust and frustration and discouragement relate and about how you arrive at amoment of tension and hostility where you dont know how to do something, or you dont want to do itanymore. I realized that there is a certain kind of understanding to be learned from this type of experienceof being suspicious but going on anyway.

    But I sensed that for me there is a central link, not related to logic, between that experience of being at theedge of your patience, feeling frustrated and yet involved in the experience. It is also important to me thatI met such a distinctly and thoroughly traditional oriental, even an historic stereotype oriental. This tellsme something about my respect for oriental wisdom and gives me some issues I might think more aboutin my life these days.

    Nearly everyone agrees that it takes imagination for a person to produce the liveliest and effective writingpossible. English teachers can certainly be counted among those in academia who have long paid at leastlip service to the value of the imagination. But it is only recently as more and more fields of study havefocused on the imagination and its importance to us that we seem to have become actively concerned withteaching the imagination. As a profession we are novices at organizing and describing the ingredients ofpedagogy of the imagination, although some English teachers have no doubt had great individual

    successes in working with the creative possibilities of the mind. In this essay I claim no such history ofpersonal success, however. I simply wish to report on an experiment I have engaged in during the lastyear or so to attempt to teach my students to use their imaginations more effectively. The above visionof the oriental man was the mental experience I had the first time. I tried to lead my students in probingtheir imagination in a writing class.

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    44. The primary purpose of the author of the passage is:1. To highlight the importance of creative thinking and show how oriental thinking is required for

    creative writing.2. To showcase the needs of the process of writing and how oriental wisdom can be used for the

    same.3. To highlight the shortcomings of the existing English teachers and show how they can undergo

    self improvement.4. To show the need for creative thinking in writing as well as teaching English and how one

    should probe ones imagination.

    45. The tone adopted by the author of the passage can be said to be:1. Predatory2. Effusive3. Probing4. Expounding

    46. The authors experience with the oriental man served which out of the following purposes:I. He found that such exercises really served no tangible utility, one that could be clearly labeled

    and named.II. He became aware of his respect for oriental wisdom.III. He developed a certain understanding of experience wherein one is suspicious but still goes on

    with the task at hand.

    1. II only2. I and II3. II and III4. I and III.

    47. Let1. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d

    2. 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b3. 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b4. 1a, 2d, 3b, 4c

    Directions for Questions 48 to 53: Choose the correct meaning of the following idioms.

    48. What does it mean when someone has to face the music?1. To listen to absurd music2. To accept the unpleasant results of one's actions3. To face something without fear4. To be very bold in ones actions

    49. What happens when someone casts a spell on his audience?1. When someone confuses his audience2. When the audience doesnt understand their performer3. When the audience is not given a chance to interact4. When someone intrigues and delights his audience

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    50. What is the meaning of a slim chance?1. A chance which is likely to happen2. A chance which is unlikely to happen3. A chance which has more losses than profit.4. A chance which is offered by a loss-making party.

    51. When someone has a score to settle with his colleague, it means?1. He needs his colleagues help2. His colleague has asked him for help3. He has a problem to clear up with his colleague4. He doesnt understand his colleague

    52. When someone does his work, without further ado, it means?1. He does his work without any delay2. He does his work promptly3. He does his work without errors4. He does his work all by himself

    53. What happens when one scrounges around for something?1. One is trying hard to understand a complex problem2. One is trying to look around all over for someone or something3. One is trying to solve a crime4. One is trying to save money

    Directions for questions 54 and 55: Each of the sentences given below, contain a phrasal verb which hasbeen listed incompletely, and is underlined. Your task is to select the most appropriate preposition fromthe options given below, so as to complete the phrasal verb in the best possible manner, which isgrammatically and semantically correct.

    54. I veered away ------------- the clichd tourist vacation spots.

    1. From2. Along3. By4. Behind

    55. It didn't occur ------------ us that we had left the iron on.1. In2. By3. To4. For

    56. Find the odd one out from amongst the words given below:

    1. Coddle2. Mollycoddle3. Insinuate4. Caress

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    57. Which two sentences in the following convey the same idea? Choose from the combinations listedbelow:1. Sania looked a bit worn out in last Fridays match, but shes certainly on song today.2. Sania is taking it easy today.3. Sania is in a carefree mood today.4. Sania is performing well today.

    58. Choose the correct meaning for the word praxisfrom the options given below:1. A set of theoretical propositions2. A prescribed norm3. Coddle4. None of the above

    59. If Walk: Prowl, then,1. Cheat: Pretend2. Smile: Grin3. Applaud: Disapprove4. Listen: Eavesdrop

    60. If Discussion: Altercation, then,1. Planning: Action2. Speech: Tirade3. Dialogue: Conversation4. Group: Convention

    61. Find the maximum number of times any one of the given words fits the sets of sentencesAWAKE AWOKE AWOKEN AWAKENED1. We all ------------ to the sound of the rustling leaves and whispering wind.2. They have finally ------------ to the challenge of protecting their nation against the onslaught of

    evils like xenophobia.

    3. He stayed ----------- the whole night, shivering in fear.4. The students interest was ---------- by the lecture.

    1. In all four sentences2. In 3 sentences3. In 2 sentences4. In 1 sentence

    Directions for question 62: Choose the word that completes the first and begins the second word.

    62. Back ---------- and ------------- book.Bite


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    Directions for questions 63 & 64: Choose the word that cannot be coupled with the given word to forma new word.

    63. Hand1. Out2. Shake

    3. Writing4. Fold

    64. Key1. Note2. Board3. Tune4. Hole

    Directions for Questions 65 to 68: Fill in the blanks and choose the correct definition for thegrammatical question.

    65. ------------- is a word that indicates the relationship of a noun (or noun phrase) to another word.1. Adjective2. Conjunction3. Preposition4. Adverb

    66. ------------- is a sentence which gives a command.1. Interrogative2. Imperative3. Run-on4. None of the above

    67. Verbs that modify other verbs are called -------------.1. Modals2. Conjugative3. Preposition4. None of the above

    68. A verb acting like a noun in a sentence is called --------------.1. Gerund2. Interjection3. Infinitive4. None of the above

    Directions for questions from 69 to 72: Choose the correct alternative from amongst the answer optionsgiven with each sentence, and fill in the blank in such a way that the sentence makes complete semanticsense.

    69. Employees were lured with the ------------ of annual bonuses and other seemingly attractiveschemes, which nothing other than carrot-and-stick techniques.

    1. Bait 2. Bate

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    70. The ------------- of academia are still very rigid and admit only the historically accepted andnormative authors.1. Cannon 2. Canon

    71. The committee ------------- abruptly from its parent union, without any prior notice, following anasty altercation.

    1. Seceded 2. Ceded

    72. The demagogue committed a -------------when he mispronounced the motto of his party agenda.1. Gaff 2. Gaffe

    73. Choose the sentence/s where the underlined word is used in-correctly, and then select the optionwhich states the incorrect sentence/s, if any.

    a. The students saw through the superficial charm of their teacher.b. She is busy seeing to the household chores these days.c. She asked the babysitter to see after her children while she was gone.d. She saw the guests off at the door.

    1. Only b2. b & c3. Only d4. None of these

    Directions for questions from 74 to 80: Complete the sentences by choosing the correct words from thegiven alternatives.

    74. She put a note of Do Not Disturb --------- the door for privacy.1. At2. On

    3. In4. Above

    75. A baby swan is called ------------.1. Swanlet2. Swan3. Cygnet4. Squab

    76. Some people may not like their identity being flashed in TV advertisements without their -------------, even if they are the only ones to see it.1. Admission

    2. Permit3. Allowance4. Permission

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    77. One can change ones attitude towards life --------------- to psychologists.1. Following2. According3. Concerning4. Imitating

    78. Usually it is not very complicated to perform a laser operation ------------- the doctors are qualifiedand the equipment is right.1. Unless2. Only if3. If4. In case

    79. By the time children -------------- their teens, most of them start expecting a rise in their weeklyallowance.1. Arrive2. Reach3. Get

    4. Attain

    80. Anita was full of ------------- for the doctors for saving her life.1. Gratitude2. dedication3. Admiration4. Reverence

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    81. Which among the following states have topped India Human Development Report 2011?1. Kerala2. Tamil Nadu3. Himachal Pradesh4. Punjab

    82. Which among the following is Indias Permanent Representative to the United Nations?1. Arundhati Ghose2. Hardeep Singh Puri3. B N Rau4. Nirupam Sen

    83. Name the e-mail prioritizer bought by Facebook?1. MailRank2. MailRanger3. MailMerge4. MailNic

    84. Name the director appointed by Apple recently?1. Darian Adler2. Marc Benioff3. Eagle Berns4. Robert A Iger

    85. Who is set to make debut appearance in 2012 Abu Dhabi's Golf Championship?1. Saurabh Sangvekar2. Tiger Woods3. Om Prakash4. John Pluthero

    86. Which country is set to donate used laptop for charity?1. Dubai2. Singapore3. Malaysia4. Russia

    87. What is the total sms limit per day raised by TRAI as on 1st November 2011?1. 150 smses a day2. 200 smses a day3. 250 smses a day4. 300 smses a day

    88. Who won the 38th women's National Premier Chess championship?1. Tania Sachdev2. Nisha Mohota3. Chandika Divyasree4. Eesha Karavade

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    89. Name the British CEO whom Olympus sacked recently.1. Spencer Hyman2. Michael WoodFord3. Richard Moross4. Ian Hogarth

    90. Which technology major acquired Skype for $8.5 billion?1. HCL2. Microsoft3. Wipro4. TCS

    91. What is the name of the weather satellite launched in India on Oct 12,2011?1. PSLV-C19 carrying Megha-Trophiques2. PSLV-C18 carrying Megha-Trophiques3. PSLV-C17 carrying Megha-Trophiques4. PSLV-C14 carrying Megha-Trophiques

    92. Which two Indian sportspersons is given the Lieutenant Colonel rank by the Army?1. Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid2. M S Dhoni and Abhinav Bindra3. Sachin Tendulkar and Virender Sehwag4. M S Dhoni and Viswanathan Anand

    93. Who became Formula one's youngest double world champion after finishing third at JapaneseGrand Prix?1. Sebastian Vettel2. Jenson Button3. Fernando Alonso4. Mark Webber

    94. Which MotoGP giant pulled out of Motor sports until 2014?1. Volkswagon2. Suzuki3. Maruti4. None of these

    95. Which one of the following is the tallest tower in the world?1. Canadian National Tower2. Ostankino Tower3. Oriental Pearl Tower4. Milad Tower

    96. Noctiphobia is the excessive fear from1. Night2. Day3. Evening4. Morning

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    97. NESCO World Heritage Sites, in India are1. Ajanta Caves2. Ellora Caves3. Taj Mahal4. All of the above

    98. Everything is funny as long as it happens to somebody else, was said by1. Shakespeare2. Will Rogers3. Sophocles4. William Cowper

    99. A great indian astronomer and mathematician, who adorned the court of ChandraguptaVikramaditya, after whom the first satellite has been named was?1. Aristotle2. Aryabhatta3. Patanjali4. Panini

    100. Which North African country has been readmitted as member of the UN Human Rights Council?1. Algeria2. Libya3. Morocco4. Sudan

    101. Every year in January, India and Pakistan exchange their list of nuclear installations through theirdiplomatic missions under an agreement on prohibition of attacks against nuclear installation andfacility. In which year, such agreement was signed?1. 19862. 1987

    3. 19884. 1989

    102. Femina, the famous womens magazine of India is published by which among the followingpublishers?1. Times Group2. Hindu Group3. HT Group4. Indian Express Group

    103. Which among the following is the NASA telescope, that tries to search for life in corner of galaxy?1. Chandra

    2. Hubble3. Kepler4. Euclid

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    104. Carol Bartz was recently fired from which of the following internet firms/brands, after she wasunable to increase market share?1. Bing2. Yahoo3. Facebook4. Google

    105. Which among the following is the most polluted city of India as per recent World HealthOrganization estimates?1. Kanpur2. Ludhiana3. Chennai4. Jamshedpur

    106. What is the name of the worlds cheapest tablet PC, priced at around Rs.1,200, recently released byGovernment of India?1. Sakshat2. Aakash

    3. Sagar4. Avatar

    107. Indias Jwala Gutta and Aswini Ponnappa play which among the following sports?1. Badminton2. Table Tennis3. Lawn Tennis4. Hockey

    108. Daps one immunotherapy is related to which among the following diseases? 1. AIDS2. Tuberculosis

    3. Leprosy4. Malaria

    109. The Indian Sugar ethanol program sets a target of what fraction of bio ethanol incorporation intotransport fuel?1. 5%2. 10%3. 15%4. 20%

    110. The Vallarpadam Terminal, which is a container transshipment facility, launched in February 2011,is the only trans-shipment port in India. It is a part of which among the following ports?

    1. Chennai Port2. Vizag Port3. Port Cochin4. None of them

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    111. Which of the following is the name of the brand under which Orient fans is all set to enter domestichome appliances market.1. Orient Foray2. Orient Actus3. Orient Extra4. Orient Advanced

    112. Which Bollywood movie have been watched by over 1.3 lakh Chinese since its Mandarin versionrelease?1. Taare Zameen Par2. Lagaan3. Guzaarish4. 3 Idiots

    113. Name the education technology solution launched by Texas Instruments in association with COREEducation and Technologies to facilitate a better learning experience for students in classroomsacross India.1. EdTech

    2. Promethean3. Both A and B4. STEM power

    114. Who has been selected to create the theme music for the London Olympics 2012?1. Scottish Marmaduke Duke2. Scottish Del Amitri3. Scottish rocker Mark Ronson4. Scottish Pearlfishers

    115. Which of the following is the Worlds cheapest laptop launched in India?1. Samsung RV 510

    2. Aakash3. Toshiba C6604. None of these

    116. Who has shot a film in 47 days titled Facebook 1. RP Patnaik2. Aryan Rajesh3. Baladitya4. Gopichand

    117. What is the World health Organization (WHO) criteria for leprosy elimination?1. 1 case in 1000 individuals

    2. 1 case in 10,000 individuals3. 1 case in 100,000 individuals4. 1 case in 10,00,000 individuals

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    118. What is the average density of earth in g/cm3?1. 5.5152. 4.4153. 4.5154. 6.515

    119. The 9th SAARC Conference in Police Matters was held on 5 & 6 April 2011 in which of thefollowing cities of the world?1. Colombo2. New Delhi3. Dhaka4. Thimpu

    120. Hawk Eye technology was invented by1. Malaya Peninsola2. Paul Hawkins3. Allan Plaskit4. Ernst Heinrich

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    Directions of question number 121 and 122: Long ago, Maharaja Ranjit Singh organized a sword fight.The entry fee for a participant was 1 silver coin and total number of coins collected would be distributedamong 4 finalists. All the four finalists were awarded with a different number of coins, however winner inthe first position got the maximum coins and so on, so, the winner in the fourth position got the leastnumber of coins. Ram, Sham, Atul and Arpit were the first four winners in the competition (notnecessarily in the same order) such that;

    I. Ram did not come first, Sham did not come second, Atul did not come third and Arpit did not comefourth.

    II. Sham won more coins than Atul.III. Arpit won more coins than Sham.

    121. Atul, one of the four winners ended the competition in position number?1. 4 2. 2 3. 1 4. Cannot be determined

    122. If 11 participants took part in competition, then how many coins did Sham win?1. 4 2. 2 3. 3 4. Cannot be determined

    Directions of question number 123 to 125: Read the following information to answer question 125 to

    127.Six boysVijay, Aman, Sanju, Rajat, Rajiv and Deepak play one out of football, cricket and tennis andindoor games carom, chess and ludo. Each boy plays one indoor and one outdoor game; and each game isplayed by two boys. Study the statements given below and answer the questions that follow:(1)Vijay and Deepak do not play football.(2)Sanju and Rajat do not play cricket or chess.(3)Vijay and Aman do not play cricket.(4)Aman does not play tennis and ludo and Sanju does not play football and ludo.(5)Cricket players play chess.123. Which two games does Rajiv play?

    1. Cricket and Carom2. Football and carom3. Cricket and ludo4. None of these

    124. Which two boys play tennis?1. Vijay and Deepak2. Vijay and Sanju3. Sanju and Deepak4. None of these

    125. Who plays tennis and chess both?1. Aman 2. Sanju 3. Deepak 4. None of these

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    Directions of question number 126 and 127: Read the following information carefully and answer thequestions given below:Twenty one children are standing in a row to play a game. The rules of the game are the following.1. All odd numbered children must be facing east and all even numbered children must face west.2. At any given time during the game, if someone shifts to another position, the children will recount

    there position and align themselves towards east or west as per the rule 1.

    126. Anju who is eighth from the right end is shifted by five places towards left end of the row. Whichdirection is she facing now?1. East 2. West 3. North-East 4. Data inadequate

    127. Anju who is eighth from the right end is shifted by five places towards left end of the row. Howmany children changed directions After Anju shifted?1. 7 2. 14 3. 16 4. 5

    128. There are 100 students in a class. They decided to play a tournament. All the students cameforward to play in a game. Every time a student loses a game he is out of tournament. There are noties. How many games must be played in order to determine the champion?

    1. 100 2. 101 3. 99 4. 50

    Directions 129-130: Study the following information to answer these questions:One credit card, two identity cards, three Atm cards and four Debit cards are to be arranged in a triangulardisplay with one card in 1st row, two cards in 2nd row, three cards in 3rd row and 4cards in 4th row. Thearrangement is subject to the following conditions:(i) There is to be no Debit card in 4th row.(ii) There are to be no more than two cards of any type in any of the rows.(iii) No Debit card is to be next to and in the same row as Atm card.

    129. An acceptable arrangement can include which of the following?1. A debit card in every row

    2. Atm card in 1st

    , 2nd

    and 3rd

    rows.3. All the Debit cards in 2nd and 3rd rows.4. Two Atm cards in the 3rd row.

    130. Which of the following can make up 3rd row?1. One Atm card and two Debit cards.2. One identity card and two Debit cards.3. One identity card and two Atm cards.4. A credit card, a Debit card and an identity card.

    131. In a fresher party of my college my friend Shweta won the title of miss fresher. A boy went to her

    and asked her age. But smart Shweta puzzled him by saying, my age after four years mul tiplied by

    5 and from that subtracted 6 times my age four years ago will give you my exact age. Can youfind her age?1. 20 2. 22 3. 24 4. None of these

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    Directions for Q. No. 132: Study the following information carefully to answer the questions givenbelow it:Question is followed by 2 statementsMark (a) if statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is not sufficientMark (b) if statement II alone is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficientMark (c) if both statements I & II together are sufficient but neither statements alone is sufficient

    Mark (d) if statement I &II together are not sufficient.

    132. Is Tina the tallest in the class?I. Tina is the tallest girlII. Tina is taller than all boys.

    133. Anita went to her friends birthday party. Before going she wanted to buy a gift for her so she wentto a gift shop. She had approximately between Rs. 150 and Rs. 170 in 2 rupee notes and 5 rupeenotes. After buying the gift she had as many 5 rupee notes as she originally had 2 rupee notes andas many as 2 rupee notes as she had 5 rupee notes. She came out of the shop with half the moneyshe had. How much did she spend on purchasing the gift?1. 90 Rs. 2. 88 Rs. 3. 86 Rs. 4. 84 Rs.

    134. I was attending a party of my friend. There I saw a man who was eating burger continuously oneafter other. When he met me he said it is my 5 th party in this month and on each party I ate 5burgers more than on previous party and last one I ate today was my 90th burger. Can you tell howmany he will eat on his next party.1. 32 2. 33 3. 34 4. 35

    135. I went to an electronic shop to buy a clock, a calculator and a T.V remote and I had Rs. 250 withme, when I came back I spent all money on buying same. Remote cost Rs. 130/- more than thecalculator and the remote and calculator cost together Rs. 150 more than clock. How much did Ipay for Clock?1. 60 Rs. 2. 35 Rs. 3. 165 Rs. 4. 50 Rs.

    136. In my class, we have to choose a president from boys and vice-president from girls. There are 20girls and 25 boys in our class. In how many ways can the selection be made?1. 45 2. 500 3. 480 4. 75

    137. What is the least of the followingLog(3 + 7), (log3 + log7), log(84) and (log8log4)1. Log(3 + 7) 2. (log3 + log7) 3. log(84) 4. (log8log4)

    138. The fruit seller sells half his apples and half an apple to his first customer. To the second customerhe sells half of what he had left and half an apple, and to the third customer he sells half of what hehad then left and half an apple. By the way he did not cut any apples. In the end three apples were

    remaining. How many did start out with?1. 29 2. 35 3. 31 4. 39

    139. If 5 men can pack 5 packets of chocolate in 5 minutes. How many men are required to pack 50packets in 50 minutes?1. 5 men 2. 6 men 3. 7 men 4. 8 men

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    Direction for questions 140-141:Given below is a statistical record of usage of 4 shampoos in terms of number of persons over 5 years in alocality.

    Products 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988

    P 600 500 700 500 450

    Q 500 550 400 470 520

    R 640 700 800 420 500

    S 200 250 300 350 370

    140. The only product which is showing an increasing trend is1. P 2. Q 3. R 4. S

    141. The biggest fall in usage came in1. case of R in 1987 2. case of Q in 19863. case of P in 1988 4. none of these

    142. In a class of 150 students, 60% of the students have taken Mathematics and 70% of the students

    have taken History. How many students have taken both the subjects?1. 40 2. 45 3. 35 4. None of these

    143. There are 8 students on the tennis team and 12 students on the badminton team. What is the totalnumber of students on the two teams if three students are on both teams?1. 15 2. 12 3. 17 4. 18

    144. Which number is missing from the bottom grid?

    1. 56 2. 52 3. 54 4. 60

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    145. Which letter goes at the bottom of the following figure?

    1. U 2. W 3. T 4. V

    146. Jeevan is extremely fussy about numbers. He likes 441 but not 420; he loves 841 but hates 840 and

    he also prefers 961 over 960. Which of the following numbers is he likely to prefer over others?1. 1444 2. 360 3. 1061 4. 145

    147. Which two numbers complete the following sequence?

    1. 12, 7 2. 11, 7 3. 10, 5 4. 11, 5

    148. Out of the four figures given below, one completes the sequence. Identify that figure.

    1. 2. 3. 4.

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    149. If the bottommost cog is turned in the anticlockwise direction, then which of the following optionswould be true?

    1. The flag will move upwards2. The flag will move downwards3. The flag will not move4. Cannot be determined

    150. Only if Seema does not return from Agra, then Balbir will not go to Agra.A. Seema returns from AgraB. Balbir goes to AgraC. Seema does not return from AgraD. Balbir does not go to Agra1. AB 2. DC 3. AB & DC 4. BA