scientific roots of Indian culture

Science Paper Presentation By Akshay Kale


few of the scientific roots of the traditions and customs that are followed in Indian culture are presented in this ppt !

Transcript of scientific roots of Indian culture

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Science Paper Presentation By

Akshay Kale

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India is my country. I am proud of its rich varied heritage and culture.

Indian culture is most ancient and prosperous ! Culture is the art of living It refers to the intellectual development evolved out

of the physical and mental training acquired in the course of ages in our country.

Such a wonderful culture as we all know !

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But who made it? Why made it? What was that for? To whom all was it made? There also occurs one question … WHAT ARE THE SCIENTIFIC ROOTS OF INDIAN


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From where to begin...? Take Indian lengths and breadths Or Take body from head to toe Or Take our food habits Or Take seasonal festivals EVERY WHERE THERE IS FULL FLEDGED AND RICH


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Introduction Indian culture

What it says?It gives everything about life, leading life with good health and

Peace of mind..By eliminating ‘restlessness’

Which is ultimate eternal goal of spiritual life !..

One should have physical and mental fitness to achieve peace of mind and a sound body

..Our culture is the best way to gain them

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Indian culture

Ayurveda Yoga Meditation

These 3 are the basic foundations for Indian culture

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Ayurveda is knowledge of health and science or wisdom of life.

This is not recent one, the oldest ever medical branch. It is an ancient philosophy based on deep understanding of eternal truths about the human body, mind and spirit.

This gives us enormous knowledge on what must be our intake during what time and what season.


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It includes major things as Food and diet Routines (daily habits) Medicine Seasons and festivals

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Food and diet

Attitudes to food vary from culture to culture , traditionally Indians have always recognized both nutritional value and the health aspects of different foods

Appetite and digestive functions vary according to seasons, temperature, climate and Ayurveda recommends which foods to eat and which to avoid and there are even recommendations about which food combinations are potentially harmful.

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Food and diet


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Food and diet

Consumption of the food must be after every 5 hours i.e. after the previous meal digests.

Breakfast and lunch must be done properly at proper intervals and at proper time daily without change in its time-table.

This helps in proper secretion of enzymes and proper functioning of digestive system.

Not to consume any snacks between heavy meals.

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Seasons Spring :

As digestive function is reduced, food with high acidic content must be reduced as it can cause stomach ulcers.

Sweet foods should be avoided as body finds it difficult to burn up the calories.

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Seasons Summer :

Cold, sweet, soft foods cool the body. Acid and bitter food and heat producing food should be avoided otherwise it increase acidity and heat.

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Seasons Rainy and Winter:

Digestive function increases therefore heavier foods are digested more easily.

Light foods are not suitable because digestive system is more active

Milk, oily, etc., can be consumed.

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Festivals Food habits during different festivals: Ramanavami falls in chaitra-maas and hence our

culture recommends us to have sharabat and other liquids.

Naga-panchami falls in shravana-maas(during rainy season). Here we consume heat producing items like varieties of laddus.

Deepavali and sankranti fall during winter season. We intake oily foods that increase fat(adipose) content to protect us from cold.

And many more..

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Routine (daily habits)

One should get up before sun rise to maintain good blood circulations, in turn this activates the brain and mind power with concentration and increases intellectuality

Exercise and yoga helps in good blood circulation and oxygen intake of body.

Meditation after bathing increases concentration and peace of mind that enables a person to be fresh and active throughout the day.

Early to rise and early to bed makes man healthy-wealthy

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Indian medicine basically consists of ayurvedic and herbal medications that doesn’t give side effects.

Tulsi, turmeric, eucalyptus, neem, and many many more are examples of this.

Kashaya prepared out of different varieties of medicinal plants improves immunity and if consumed as beverage, it acts as an agent in eliminating dreadful diseases.

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Yoga and meditation Yogasana is method to keep ourselves healthy through various

aasanas (exercises).

No need to tell more about this since this is flourishing world wide as a cult now-a-days. Yoga has become a must for people abroad. They go to classes for the peace of mind, to relax and chill, to remove tensions and set the mind free and active. Also, this helps in apt functioning of each and every organ of our body by supplying good amount of oxygen and blood to all parts of body.

And proper care must be taken to do yogasana properly in a correct manner.

But what are we doing !? We are following western exercise which gives us just EXERCISE !! (Gym, jogging, etc)

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Yoga and meditation

Pranayama is the best solution for almost all the tensions and body-aches.

Because by doing correct pranayama we get proper supply of oxygen to the lungs and thereby we gain energy.

In present life cycle, no one here does the actual breathing. It seems like the air we inhale doesn’t even reach lungs !!

Addition to that we have all pollutants in the air.

So its recommended to do pranayama daily in the early morning to gain most use of it.

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Meditation is remedy for all problems Meditation is the only simple way to eliminate all sorts

of problems Meditation also enhances our concentration and will

power and thinking ability It purifies heart and mind. Many yogis who are said live for about 100s of years

have a simple rule in their life.. MEDITATION


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Meditation is nothing but clearing off the mind, relax and sit and just breathe in and out with thinking about nothing.Sit calm and blank in a place and just breathe in and out thoroughly ! It relaxes all muscles and blood veins and neural system !…….But there is also deep meditation where-in we want nothing out of this hectic world and only think about almighty !At times after long meditation, body starts itching, mind stops thinking and everything seems to have stopped but our mind at summit in a place where there’s no one but just our views on almighty.A stage where it seems as though we have stopped breathing !Where we attain a very small bit of spiritual mind.Where yogis keep on moving further and further for ultimate goal of enlightenment.Where knowledge flows through all our veins !!That is deep meditation !!

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Rituals and others Women in our country wake-up early in the

morning and worship tulsi and visit banayan tree, peepal tree.

Why was that made ?

Tulsi is most valued medicinal plant and to worship it and preserve it with its importance, a ritual was laid down by our ancestors .

Banayan and peepal tree give out huge amount of oxygen during dawn. Those trees are worshiped in order to preserve its importance.

Also due to Sun in the dawn, vitamin D is produced in the body which increases calcium content in body and strengthens bones.

So it was mandatory for the women to perform this ritual.

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Rituals and others The age and life cycle was divided into : BALYA BRAHMACHARYA GRAHASTASHRAMA VANAPRASHTASHRAMA Which we study in our history now. From vedic ages itself , this division was made and

followed depending on the physical age and mental level of the men.

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Rituals and others Why Hindus pierce ears of a baby?

Answer: After a baby is born, it is a general practice in Hindus to pierce his/her ears. Actually, it is a part of acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture and acupressure is not new to Hindus. Even it is said that these techniques originated in India and later they were conserved and modified by Chinese. Outer part of ears carry a lot of important acupuncture and acupressure points. The point where the ears of a baby are pierced is known for curing asthma. That is why even ancient Hindus used to wear earrings but now a days most Hindus do not wear earrings. They do not even pierce the ears after first piercing. The holes in their ears become invisible after as they grow up. Only Hindu female wear earrings as a tradition.

But there are males of some castes in Hinduism who wear earrings as a tradition till now.

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We get the human body after our soul passes through 84,00,000 species.

Hindus believe we get a human body after our soul passes through 84,00,000 species. Initially, critics of Hinduism used to say that this is just a myth, so many species do not exist. But with the advent of science, it is revealed that there are about 84,00,000 species on the earth. So, the above statement is symbolic for the fact that human being is born through evolution and we human beings are the most advanced stage of evolution.

Why only some castes are allowed to eat non-vegetarian food and others are not?

Answer: Basically, who should eat and who should not depends on the occupation of a person. If you ask a modern doctor, he will simply tell you that if you have need for more calories and you do a lot of physical labor, then only you should eat nonvegetarian food. If your occupation is of sedentary type and you eat a lot of high-calorie food, you are bound to gain more weight and invite many sorts of diseases related to obesity.

The medieval caste system of India was based upon the occupation of a person. Therefore the people from a particular caste doing more physical labor were allowed to eat meat. For example, job of a Kshatriya was to fight with enemy and protect the people. So, they required a lot of energy. Hence, Kshatriyas were allowed to eat meat. In the same way, a farmer who requires a lot of physical work was allowed to eat meat. On the other hand, other castes like Brahmins who do Prayer and intelligent work requiring less hard labor were restricted from eating meat. In the same way, weavers, businessmen were not allowed to eat meat.

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Superconductivity is a phenomenon in which the electrical resistance of certain materials becomes exactly zero, below a characteristic temperature, usually well below 0 degrees Celcius. For example, some cuprate-perovskite ceramic materials become superconductors at -183 degrees Celcius.

When the material becomes superconductor, magnetic lines do not pass through them and they float in the air. This can be easily demonstrated in the lab using liquid nitrogen and the superconductor material. The same principle applies to the body of the Yogi.

In Dnyaneshwari, written by Saint Dnyaneshwar, he has described his experience of what happens when Kundalini Shakti arises in the body. He has mentioned that it feels like Kundalini power drinks all the blood and eats up all the flesh in your body and your body becomes very, very cold. After some time, it again regenerates everything and your body becomes as fresh as a newborn.

It is quite possible that when the temperature of Yogi’s body decreases, it reaches to a point where Yogi’s body becomes a superconductor and hence, the gravitational lines do not pass through his body and he floats in the air. Though, there is no proof for this but it is quite possible.

Hence, it is not a superstition that Yogis float in the air. The ad makers who mock the Hindus in the ads by making fun out of the Yogis floating in the air should consider this fact.

Today India is the world’s largest democratic country. With people from varied backgrounds living in the same country, India customs and traditions are infinite to describe.

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“Throwing Currency Coins into a River” Many of us would have noticed our co-passengers throwing coins into rivers especially when traveling over river bridges.

Possible Reason: The general reasoning given for this act is that, it brings Good Luck back to us. It is also believed that it will bring back Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi to our households.

Scientific Reason: In the ancient times, most of the currency used was made of copper unlike the stainless steel coins of today. Most of us even know of the ANNAs (made of copper) which were used in the pre-independent times. Copper is a vital metal very useful to the human body. The intake of copper with water is very good for health. Throwing coins in the river was one way our fore-fathers ensured we intake sufficient copper as part of the water. Rivers were the only source of drinking water. Making it a custom by saying it will bring good fortune to us has ensured that all of us follow the good practice.

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“Joining both palms together to greet others”

In Hindu culture, I have seen people greeting others by joining their palms together. This is termed as “Namaskar” as per Hindu traditions. This is the most common way of greeting others.

Possible Reason: The general reason that would be given is that greeting elders and others by joining both the palms is the way of respect given to them.

Scientific Reason: While greeting others, we join both the hands together. Joining both hands ensures joining the tips of all the fingers together; which are denoted to the pressure points of eyes, ears, and mind. Pressing them together is said to activate the pressure points. This helps us to remember the person for a long time.

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“Applying Tilak on the forehead”

Tilak is a ritual mark on the forehead. It can be put in many forms as a sign of blessing, greeting or auspiciousness. Applying Tilak on the forehead is a very important and mandatory ritual custom followed by the Hindus. Women should always put this tilak at the center of the forehead, the place in between the two eyebrows. Many of the males belonging to the orthodox communities would also put tilak on their foreheads.

Possible Reason: Hinduism is very much concerned about this custom and I myself faced a great opposition from my family members if I have not put tilak by mistake. This is considered as a evil practice if women do not put tilak.

Scientific Reason: The tilak is applied on the spot between the brows which is considered the seat of latent wisdom and mental concentration.

This spot present in between the eyebrows is said to have the

nerve connection to the brain.

And putting tilak in this spot regularly would stimulate this spot and helps

us to have good concentration and mental concentration.

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Mango and Neem Leaves to the doors on auspicious days”

Possible Reason: The general reason given for this act is that tying mango and neem leaves would not allow the evil powers to enter the house.

Scientific Reason: On auspicious days and on special occasions, all of us gather at one place along with our relatives and friends. Photosynthesis is a process where in plants take in carbon-di-oxide and give out oxygen. This process helps in circulation of oxygen and in turn keeps the room temperature at an optimum level. Mango leaves and neem leaves are very effective in the photosynthesis process comparative to other plants. Neem leaves purify the bacteria too. In order to keep the temperature cool and to circulate air, we tie mango leaves and neem leaves to all the doors.

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“Why do women apply turmeric paste to their foot and legs.”

Possible Reason: The general reason that is given for turmeric application is that it is a to be done act by women.

Scientific Reason: Women traditionally used to perform many household duties which involved bringing water from the river, cleaning the house with water, washing clothes, and cooking. Most of the houses were made of mud and clay which were soaked in water at regular intervals for cleaning purposes. All these activities required women step into/on water. In order to prevent their feet and legs from the bacterial and fungus infections; they were advised to apply turmeric paste to their legs. In today’s medicine we all know that turmeric is an very good antiseptic agent. Our forefathers knew this too and therefore they used turmeric extensively in their day to day lives.

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“Madi while cooking”

“Madi” is a process in which an individual cleans himself and dresses himself into a traditional costume to perform an activity like cooking or any other religious activities. This custom is still prevalent in many orthodox families. This custom is commonly followed by Brahmin community in India.

Scientific Reason: Madi is a process of purifying the physical body before undergoing any sort of actions like cooking, religious rituals. It is always good to be clean before cooking to avoid any sort of bacteria and germs entering the food. So our ancestors have introduced a custom, called Madi. But in the recent times, it has been noticed that this custom has misinterpreted by treating people who are not in Madi as un-touchables.

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“Raangoli in the month of December.”

It is one of the common custom followed by everyone with full of enthusiasm and interest. The home makers and the kids would involve putting rangoli in the month of Deccember, with the mix of rice powder.

Scientific Reason: In India, the month of December, it is a bit cold month comparative to the whole year. And the small insects and ants that live in the soil would not have food for the winter. Indian tradition of India tells us to help others and not to harm, even knowingly or unknowingly. Inorder to help the small insecticides, we would put rangoli on the floor, with rice powder. This would help them in providing food for the winter.

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“Women Staying away from rituals during menstrual cycle.”

Women under menstruation are asked to remain indoors and restricted from performing most of their daily activities as a custom in many Indian traditional families.

Scientific Reason: This is probably one of the most misinterpreted customs that prevails in many traditional families. During menstruation women undergo both physical and emotional changes and may not be ready for rituals that required concentration and strength for execution. Women in the ancient times used to do a lot work that required a ritual to be completed. This custom was to ensure that women under menstruation are given rest during rituals. Over time this has been misinterpreted by many that women under menstruation are to stay away from rituals since it brings ill effects to the ritual.

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“Why do elders rotate crystal salt, lemon around head?”

Most of the time, I see my maternal grand mother taking crystal salt or lemon and revolve around us, her grand children saying“Drishti”, evil eye. She always does this when I visit her.

Possible Reason: “Dristhi” is stated as an evil eye on the person who feels jealous about others. It is believed that if a person gets “Dristi”, he would be ruined or would fell sick due to the evil eye. As a cure and remedy to this evil eye, elders take dristhi by revolving salt or lemon around the person.

Scientific Reason: Salt can be considered as the first antibiotic. Not only that, the salty and acidic substances would less affect the magnetic field. Keeping these properties if lemon and salt in mind, we revolve salt and lemon around the person.

The salt and lemon when revolved around, it would kill all the bacteria around the person. It forms an aura layer of antibiotics around the person. Not only has this, revolving around the person balance the magnetic field too. This would make the person affected with dristi feel better

“The theme of joint family and nuclear dint exist until we were westernized !”

Always we lived in joint family, where feelings shared and broadmindedness increased and lived happily.

Now-a-days some part of family stays somewhere and other elsewhere.

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Not only these but also, Vastu-Shastra, Homa-Havana, etc.,. Are a part of great culture, Indian-culture !.


Because of our busy and hectic schedule now-a-days, we forget what is important for us and keep ourselves involved in our professions or enjoyments.

In the present situation, people are just worried about the money and sensuousness.

We forget that the only thing that also helps in a such a busy and tension life is our culture and tradition and mind-set.

Better late than never

So start giving a try, try thinking and start doing what our own scientific methods tell us.

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Conclusion Although we have a such flourishing and wealthy tradition and

culture, we stay unaware of its importance in our life.

And we fall captivated and attracted towards western culture and tradition which gives only upper texture and a good amount of pleasure in showing off.

Its not that, western culture is wrong ! But the way we follow it, is wrong and always wrongly done !

Remember my dear friends, Every single thing done by ancestors had a meaning. We try to

question it and probably get few answers and sometimes not.

One truth forever lies, that is, every single culture also has its own significance and SCIENTIFIC ROOT


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