School of Geography and the Environment

School of Geography and the Environment REVIEW 2015/16

Transcript of School of Geography and the Environment

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School of Geography and the EnvironmentREVIEW 2015/16

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“The School is well positioned to contribute to understanding global challenges and their solutions.”

Contents Foreword from the Head of School Welcome to the latest Review from the School of Geography and the Environment. Geography has never been more relevant, as the world faces increasing challenges, and solutions to human and environmental problems are urgently being sought. The School is well positioned, in terms of its research, teaching and outreach activities, to contribute to understanding global challenges and their solutions. Researchers within the School have recently, for example, contributed to the UK Climate Change Risk Assessment 2017 (Dr Pam Berry), produced an atlas of the UK’s population to offer a comprehensive view of a nation undergoing rapid change (Professor Danny Dorling), and published results about how climate change influences extreme weather events

such as floods (Dr Friedericke Otto). Our researchers have also participated in a discussion panel on Al-Jazeera about unrest in Burundi (Professor Patricia Daley), and received a European Research Council Consolidator Grant of €2m over five years for the project Cities in Global Financial Networks: Finance and Development in the 21st Century (Professor Dariusz Wójcik).

When I took over as Head of the School in April 2015 from Professor Sarah Whatmore I inherited a diverse and dynamic academic department which her skilled leadership had piloted successfully through the 2014 REF and other challenges. The School has experienced continued and rapid growth over the last 5 years. It now includes three affiliated research centres (after the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment joined SoGE in 2013), has a total staff of around 300, approximately 500 students and a total annual income more than £17 million. During the last 5 years we have worked hard to improve integration of the research centres, increase the numbers of core academic staff, and provide more career development support for research

students and contract researchers. The School has also completely revised its undergraduate degree programme, and developed and evolved an over-arching research strategy.

My ambitions for the School for the coming 5-10 years are to pursue strategic, managed growth in our research activity, work towards providing an internationally competitive set of scholarships for our MSc, MPhil and DPhil students, and strengthen the position of Geography within the collegiate University. Following clear financial management and a very strong performance in REF 2014 the School’s financial position is now very good, but we cannot be complacent. All categories of staff are overstretched, and there are multiple demands on everyone’s time. We’ve all worked extremely hard to get to the successful position we are now in, and it’s now time to ensure that we maintain our success whilst continuing to support our staff and students and enhance their working environment. I hope that this Review conveys a strong sense of purpose within the School, and provides a snapshot of the types of activities that we are engaged in.

Professor Heather VilesHead of the School of Geography and the Environment and Professor of Biogeomorphology and Heritage Conservation


























Foreword from the Head of School

Financial Report: 2015/16

SoGE at a glance: 2015/16

SoGE event highlights: 2015/16


Undergraduate degrees

Undergraduate awards and prizes

Graduates: MSc results, and prizes

Graduates: DPhil results

Graduates: Prizes and achievements

Map of DPhil research over the last 5 years


Research impact: case studies

Research output: publications

A home to world-class research institutes

Geographical grants: Where does our research funding come from?

Research grants awarded 2015/16

Academic awards and honours

Where does our work take us?

Staff list

Academic and teaching staff

Researchers & programme leaders

Management, Technical and Administrative Staff

In Memoriam

Thank you

SCHOOL OF GEOGRAPHY AND THE ENVIRONMENTOxford University Centre for the Environment

South Parks RoadOxford, OX1 3QY

+44 (0) 1865 285070

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As the academic year 2015/16 draws to a close we are able to reflect on another successful year in which the School achieved its strategic aim of managed growth. In the financial year 2015/16 the School of Geography and the Environment crossed a notable milestone with total income reaching in excess of £17.8 million, growing 20% from the previous year and returning a surplus in line with the University’s target. Strong financial management and planning has provided the foundation required for the School to position itself as a world leading hub for teaching and research and has ensured considerable growth over the last ten years. This positive trajectory continues with income for 2016/17 estimated at over £19.1 million.

The robust financial position that the department enjoys today is, in part, a reflection of the considerable expansion in the externally funded research portfolio that the School hosts. Research income has seen considerable year-on-year growth and now accounts for £6.2 million in income which represents 35% of the School’s total income. SoGE is the most research intensive department within the University’s Social Science Division accounting for approximately 21% of the research related turnover for the Division in 2015/16.

Alongside the intensive research activities SoGE has continued to contribute as a

world leading School, offering excellence in teaching for students at all levels across our Undergraduate honours School, MSc, MPhil and DPhil programmes. We are incredibly proud that in recent years we have been able to meet our goal of offering in excess of £350,000 in postgraduate Scholarship funding directly from the School’s budget, in addition to the fully funded doctoral scholarships that we have been able to secure for 50% of our incoming students. In 2016/17 we are, for the first time, running two fully funded undergraduate residential field classes which further demonstrates SoGE’s ongoing commitment to access and opportunity for all. The broad range of backgrounds and nationalities within our student body encompasses the diversity of the department and securing funding for Scholarships and access to education remains a key priority for the School.

While the world is somewhat uncertain and the current climate volatile, the School has placed itself on a strong financial footing ready to face the challenges ahead of us.

Richard Holden,Head of Administration and Finance

Financial Report: 2015/16Income, 2015/16 (£000)

JRAM (Fees & HEFCE) 6,707.6

Research Income 6,168.3

Other Income 4,968.3

Total Income 17,844.2

Expenditure, 2015/16 (£000)


Payroll (4,390.9)

Non-Staff costs (1,777.4)

Total Research (6,168.3)

Core Activities

Payroll (5,915.9)

Operational (5,081.9)

Total core Activities (10,997.8)

Total Expenditure (17,166.1)

Balance, 2015/16 (£000)

Surplus/(Deficit) 678.1

£350k“In 2015/16 the School was proud to contribute £350,000 to post-graduate scholarships.”





Research Income

Other Income


Core Activities - PayrollCore Activities - Operational

Research - PayrollResearch - Non-Staff costs






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Within the School of Geography and the Environment are three research centres (see page 28): the Environmental Change Institute (ECI), the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment (SSEE), and the Transport Studies Unit (TSU).

Research across the department is organised into five thematic clusters: Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Conservation; Climate Systems; Landscape Dynamics; Technological Natures: Materialities,

Mobilities, Politics; and Transformations: Economy, Society and Place (see page 22).

The School has also been an active participant in fostering the Oxford University Networks for the Environment (ONE), which link up over 1000 individuals within the University on the themes of Biodiversity, Climate, Energy, Food and Water. Go to to discover ONE events and sign up to the mailing list.




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5 RESEARCH CLUSTERSBiodiversity, Ecosystems & Conservation

Climate Systems & PolicyLandscape Dynamics

Technological Natures: Materials, Mobilities & Politics

Transformations: Economy, Society & Place

172 Researchers and program



esea c e s a d p oga



(MSc, MPhil and DPhil)

4 MSc/MPhil Programmes:Biodiversity, Conservation & Management

Environmental Change & ManagementNature, Society & Environmental Governance

Water Science, Policy & Management



il109 MSc/MPhil students


i09 Sc/



BA (Hons) Geography


U de g aduates


Based within the University of Oxford’s Social Sciences Division, the School of Geography and the Environment (SoGE) is a dynamic, diverse, interdisciplinary academic department, home to natural and social scientific interests. The School is internationally recognised for the quality of its teaching, research and wider engagement across the breadth of human and physical geography and environmental studies.

The School provides world-class, multidisciplinary teaching. Our Undergraduate Honour School provides undergraduate students with research-led teaching across human and physical geography, and environmental studies by internationally recognised academic staff. More than two hundred and fifty graduate students from a range of nationalities make our International Graduate School one of the largest and most diverse in the discipline.

SoGE at a glance: 2015/16



£17.8mTOTAL INCOME 2015/16


“In the financial year 2015/16 the School of Geography and the Environment crossed a notable milestone with total income reaching in excess of £17.8 million, growing 20% from the previous year and returning a surplus in line with the University’s target.”



£6.2mRESEARCH INCOME 2015/16



”SoGE is the most research intensive department within the University’s Social Science Division accounting for approximately 21% of the research related turnover for the Division in 2015/16.”


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SoGE event highlights: 2015/16

1 | Saturday 19 Sept 2015 ‘Meeting Minds’ Alumni WeekendSoGE welcomed alumni back to the department during the University’s annual Alumni Weekend 2015. Alumni were treated to the annual Herbertson Lunch, tours of the Radcliffe Meteorological Station and lectures by Dr Friederike Otto (ECI Senior Researcher and Scientific Coordinator of and Dr John Ingram (Leader of the ECI Food Programme), both pictured above.

2 | 5-6 Feb 2016 Pedalling Innovation: Oxford’s first cycling hackathonCo-organised by SoGE’s agile-ox and Oxford University Estates Services Sustainability Team, and in collaboration with TSU, Broken Spoke Bike Co-op and SMART Oxford, this two day event brought people together to develop ideas to monitor and improve cycling in Oxford and beyond. Participants came with an interest in delving into a problem, and designing diverse and creative solutions in a new and exciting way.

3 | 25 Feb 2016SoGE Annual Lecture 2016: A new map of the financial world and why it matters Dariusz Wójcik, Professor of Economic Geography (pictured above), delivered SoGE’s third annual lecture, which looked at the way the financial sector has responded to new regulation, the expected shift of economic activity to Asia-Pacific and the Global South, and the digital revolution. In the lecture, Professor Wójcik argued that geography offers a distinctive perspective that helps cut through media hype and ideologically charged debates on the virtues and vices of finance. His lecture is available online:

4 | Big Ideas for a Human Dominated PlanetThe ECI’s Big Ideas Seminar Series, running throughout 2016-17, was opened by Professor Pete Smith (pictured above). In his seminar he asked how we can deliver food security and climate change mitigation without wrecking the planet. Watch his bitesize big idea on the ECI’s YouTube channel.

5 | 20-22 April 2016 Training Better LeadersAs part of the ECI’s Sustainability Internship programme, the Training Better Leaders workshop taught sustainability tools to 60 students from across 15 departments. Workshop photos can be found at

6 | 26 April 2016 Smith School celebrationIn April the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment celebrated the Smith Family Educational Foundation’s establishment of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment (SSEE), at a reception with all SoGE members. This event followed the final Trustee meeting where SSEE members presented recent achievements and discussed the upcoming challenges as the SSEE takes on financial responsibility for its independence following the Foundation’s completed donation. Sir Martin and Lady Smith are pictured above cutting into the Celebration Cake. Event photos can be see online:

7 | 21 May 2016Local engagement brings much-loved ruin to life with new interpretation panel A new interpretation panel was unveiled at Godstow Abbey ruins near Oxford in May. The plaque was jointly-designed by SoGE academics, the Ashmolean Museum and the Wolvercote Neighbourhood Forum (WNF). Following an introduction and thanks by Head of School, Professor Heather Viles, special guests Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, John Harwood, and Lord Mayor of Oxford, Cllr Mohammed Altaf-Khan, (all pictured above) did the honours of unveiling the new panel.










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8 | 11-19 June 2016 | SoGE at Low Carbon Oxford WeekPictured above, the TSU participated in the ‘Test Drive the Future’ event, as part of Low Carbon Oxford Week to promote awareness and knowledge of electric vehicles on Sunday 19 June. SoGE’s agile-ox project also organised 4 events for LCO week, to put cutting-edge Oxford-relevant research in the lime-light. From climate change and flooding, to ‘keeping the lights on’ in our homes, over 150 members of the public attended the SoGE events. You can watch Professor Danny Dorling’s talk on ‘Geography, Pollution and Inequality’ at

9 | 9 June 2016 International Symposium on Directors’ Liability for Climate Change DamagesAs part of SSEE’s Sustainable Finance Programme, the first of three high-level international symposia on the legal exposures of company directors for climate change damages was held in June, in collaboration with the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative (CCLI). The speakers included James Thornton, CEO of ClientEarth (pictured above, left) and Professor Myles Allen, Leader of the ECI Climate Research Programme (above right).

10 | 20 - 21 June 2016 2nd International Conference on Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology (SEAHA)The SEAHA Conference 2016 was organised and chaired by Scott Allan Orr, a current DPhil student (pictured above, with Professor Heather Viles). Over 150 delegates attended the two-day conference, representing 75 institutions based in more than 20 countries. The conference is a student-led initiative of the EPSRC-funded SEAHA Centre for Doctoral Training, of which the University of Oxford is one of the primary academic partners, alongside UCL and the University of Brighton.


SoGE event highlights: 2015/16

11 | 11-22 July 2016 Enterprise and the Environment Summer School The inaugural Enterprise and Environment Summer School posed the question ‘Can business save the environment?’ to 22 students from across the world. Delivered by Smith School faculty, students were given an insight into Oxford research in the fields of climate change economics, corporate environmental management, sustainable finance, resources and development.

12 | 17 Sept 2016 The Smart Handpump comes to the School’s car park At this year’s ‘Meeting Minds’ weekend, alumni encountered ‘research in action’ in the form of a newly installed Smart Handpump at OUCE (above). Originally developed by Patrick Thomson (pictured), the Smart Handpump is part of a research collaboration between SSEE and the Department of Engineering Science. The technology, currently installed in three counties in Kenya, provides hourly data related to water usage and pump functionality informing the FundiFix model for water infrastructure maintenance and the recently launched Water Services Maintenance Trust Fund.

13 | 20-22 Sept 2016 1.5 Degrees: Meeting the challenges of the Paris AgreementIn September the ECI brought together over 220 researchers, policy makers, businesses and members of civil society to understand the impacts of warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and assess the feasibility of meeting the challenges in the Paris Climate Agreement. The conference was opened by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Louise Richardson (pictured above) alongside some of the key players behind the Paris agreement. Go to to watch the videos from the conference.




*BASED ON VIEWS, OCT 2015 - SEPT 2016.




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Undergraduate Honour School Our undergraduate programme is as popular as ever, recruiting 79 exceptional new undergraduate students who matriculated in Michaelmas 2015.

Oxford Geography repeatedly appears among the leading departments in subject league tables within the UK and beyond.

Open to allSoGE’s annual undergraduate studies Open Day was a great success earlier this year, with a talk from Professor David Thomas on ‘Deserts, dust and climate change: Why Physical Geography matters’ and demonstrations of Mala Geoscience’s high-resolution ground penetrating radar, courtesy of doctoral student Scott Orr (pictured below).

Masters ProgrammesIn recent decades our postgraduate teaching has undergone a major expansion. Over the last two decades we have created four new Masters programmes and substantially grown our doctoral training programme. We are now one of the largest graduate schools in geography and the environment internationally. Our combined courses attract some of the world’s most talented minds and offer a unique and invigorating opportunity for learning.

SoGE remains top in the world in the 2015 QS World University Rankings by SubjectFor the sixth year running, the School of Geography and the Environment has successfully held on to the top spot in the QS World Rankings for Geography & Area Studies, and retained its QS five-star status.

The QS World University Rankings by Subject highlights the world’s top universities in a range of popular subject areas. Published annually since 2011, the rankings are based on academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact.

SoGE ranked highly for student satisfaction by University GuideIn July 2016, the School of Geography and the Environment was ranked 2nd in the Complete University Guide’s league table for Geography and Environmental Science 2017, however the independent league table ranked Student Satisfaction as “significantly higher” than the University of Cambridge, that clinched this year’s top spot. It went on to comment that “impressive Research Quality and Graduate Prospects make it clear that Oxford is offering a demanding but rewarding education” and it also praised the department on the “diversity of modules on offer... with specific units on anything from Contemporary India to Forensic Geography.”

TeachingIN 2015/16:








Over 7,000 students have read Geography and related degrees at Oxford, passing through the doors of one of the oldest Geography departments in the UK. The first taught diplomas began under Professor Halford Mackinder in the early 20th Century and evolved into a full Honour School in 1933. Now, nearly 90 years later, we find ourselves with a 500-strong undergraduate and postgraduate student body, coming from all around the world.

Dr Katrina Charles, Departmental Lecturer and Course Director, MSc/MPhil in Water Science, Policy and Management, delivering a lecture.

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Undergraduate degreesCongratulations to the following students, who graduated with a BA (Hons) Geography in the 2015/16 academic year:

Charlton BANNISTER (Christ Church)

Catriona BARKER (Worcester College)

George BEECHENER (Brasenose College)

Catherine BENSON (St Anne’s College)

Georgina BERRIMAN (St John’s College)

Amy BISHOP (Hertford College)

Oluwaseyi BOLARIN (Hertford College)

Naryan BRANCH (St Catherine’s College)

Sarah CLARKE (St Catherine’s College)

Ruth COOKMAN (Worcester College)

Leila DENNISTON (St Anne’s College)

Aine DONNELLY (Christ Church)

Milica DUSANOVIC (Keble College)

Emma DYER (Christ Church)

Charlotte EAST (Hertford College)

Louise FAVRE-GILLY (St Edmund Hall)

Charlie FRASER (Christ Church)

Elizabeth GANT (St Peter’s College)

Bethany GARRETT (St John’s College)

Oliver GLANVILLE (St Catherine’s College)

Alexander GOODMAN (St Anne’s College)

Alexandra GRIME (St Catherine’s College)

Olivia HADJINICOLAOU (Keble College)

Amy HAMMOND (Brasenose College)

Eliza HARDWICK (Regent’s Park College)

Alice HARMAN (St Edmund Hall)

Catherine HEARSUM (St Peter’s College)

Laura HENDY (St Hilda’s College)

Alex HENRY (Keble College)

Arthur HILL (St Edmund Hall)

Francesca HINE (Brasenose College)

Emma HINE (St John’s College)

Edward HOWELL (Brasenose College)

Jonathan HUBBERT (Jesus College)

Theodore JONES (Jesus College)

Tabitha KENNEDY (Hertford College)

Rachael KERSHAW (Mansfield College)

James KING (St Edmund Hall)

Grace KNEAFSEY (St Catherine’s College)

Benjamin KOBRYNER (St Peter’s College)

Holly LEADBITTER (Mansfield College)

Thomas LEES (Christ Church)

Cameron LESTER (Jesus College)

Ryan LEWIS (Mansfield College)

Jessica LORING (Mansfield College)

Heloise LOWENTHAL (Keble College)

Christopher MAHON (St Hilda’s College)

Alexander MANBY (St John’s College)

Hibba MAZHARY (St Catherine’s College)

Connor MCCARTHY (Brasenose College)

Blathnaid MCCULLAGH (St John’s College)

Benjamin MESURE (Worcester College)

Anna MURGATROYD (Christ Church)

Harrison NEWBERRY (Jesus College)

Claire PAULUS (Keble College)

Lara PYSDEN (Mansfield College)

Louise REILLY (St Edmund Hall)

Jack REMMINGTON (Keble College)

Laura ROBERTS (St Hilda’s College)

Lucy ROBERTS (St Catherine’s College)

Katherine ROBINSON (St Edmund Hall)

Chloe RUTLAND (St Catherine’s College)

Liam SADDINGTON (St Catherine’s College)

Helen SHEPPARD (Worcester College)

David SMITH (Mansfield College)

Anna SOLOMKINA (Hertford College)

Jonathan STREATFEILD (Regent’s Park College)

Eleanor STRETCH (St Anne’s College)

Helen TATLOW (Keble College)

Frances THOMPSON (Mansfield College)

Joanna THOMPSON (St Catherine’s College)

Georgina THURLBY (Jesus College)

Luca TIRATELLI (Keble College)

Sarah Kai Zhen TOH (Jesus College)

Ben VALENTINE (St Edmund Hall)

Louise WILLIAMS (Jesus College)

Undergraduate Awards and PrizesFinal Honour School Prizes 2016We are delighted to announce this year’s winners of undergraduate prizes for outstanding achievements in Final Honour School (FHS) exams.

The C.D.D. Gibbs prize in Geography is awarded on the results of the examination for the Honour School of Geography in Trinity term 2016. Prizes are awarded for the best Human Geography (A.J. Herbertson) and Physical Geography (H.O. Beckit) Dissertations, for submitted work and for the best climate science dissertation (MOAP award).

Following a generous recent bequest we are delighted to award the third J.C.A. Meldrum prizes in memory of past student John Charles Alexander Meldrum (1947, Jesus College). These prizes are offered to the best fieldwork reports in human and also in physical geography as well as to the best essays associated with the FHS option courses.

For the third time the prizes were awarded in person at the Herbertson Lunch, our alumni reception at the Alumni Weekend in Oxford, on 17 September 2016.

Gibbs PrizesLouise WILLIAMS (Jesus College) | C.D.D. Gibbs Prize for outstanding performance in examinations for the Honour School of Geography (1st overall)

Edward HOWELL (Brasenose College) | C.D.D. Gibbs Prize for outstanding performance in examinations for the Honour School of Geography (2nd overall)

Alexander MANBY (St John’s College) | C.D.D. Gibbs Prize for outstanding performance in examinations for the Honour School of Geography (3rd overall)

Amy BISHOP (Hertford College) | C.D.D. Gibbs Book Prize

James KING (St Edmund Hall) | C.D.D. Gibbs Book Prize

Dissertation PrizesAlex HENRY (Keble College) | H.O. Beckit Prize for best Physical Geography dissertation

Louise WILLIAMS (Jesus College) | A.J. Herbertson Prize for the best Human Geography dissertation

Submitted Work PrizesAlex HENRY (Keble College) | J.C.A. Meldrum Fieldwork Prize (Tenerife) for

best field trip report - Tenerife (joint winner)

Arthur HILL (St Edmund Hall) | J.C.A. Meldrum Fieldwork Prize (Tenerife) for best field trip report - Tenerife (joint winner)

Louise WILLIAMS (Jesus College) | J.C.A. Meldrum Fieldwork Prize (Copenhagen) for best field trip report - Copenhagen

Louise WILLIAMS (Jesus College) | J.C.A. Meldrum Essay Prize Winner for best 3 extended essays

Jonathan STREATFEILD (Regent’s Park College) | J.C.A. Meldrum Essay Prize Runner Up - 3 extended essays

Georgina THURLBY (Jesus College) | J.C.A. Meldrum Essay Prize Runner Up - 3 extended essays

James KING (St Edmund Hall) | J.C.A. Meldrum Essay Prize Runner Up - 3 extended essays

Met Office Academic Partnership AwardAlex HENRY (Keble College) | Met Office Academic Partnership award for the best Climate Science dissertation

2016 prizewinnersProfessor Rob Whittaker, Director of Graduate Studies (taught), and Rosalind Tolson (graduated in 1949), daughter of geography lecturer J.N.L. Baker, celebrated with some of the prizewinners at the 2016 Herbertson Lunch.


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MSc: Ahmed AMAROUCH (St Hilda’s)

Antonio ANDRES (St Catherine’s)

Matilda BECKER (St Catherine’s)

Heather BOND (Worcester)

Ishumael Tapiwa CHINYERERE (St Anne’s)

Michael C ESTEBAN (Linacre)

Zali S. Y. FUNG (Green Templeton)

Amitai JACOBSEN (Linacre)

Si Jia LEE (Mansfield)

Lydia NGONZI (St Anne’s)

Saskia NOWICKI (Linacre)

Carys Louise PINCHES (St Cross)

Birendra RANA (St Anne’s)

Anna Julia ROBOTHAM (Wadham)

Lydia SLACK (St Cross)

Isabella SUSNJARA (Christ Church)

Ashley THOMAS (Green Templeton)

Arturo VILLANUEVA MORENO (Brasenose)

Natasha N. WESTHEIMER (Green Templeton)

MPhil:Ranu SINHA (Somerville)

Water Conservators’ Prize (dissertation): Matilda BECKER

Huber Prize (overall performance): Saskia NOWICKI

MSc:Mujon BAGHAI (Green Templeton)

Paballo CHAUKE (Oriel)

Kaitlin DEUTSCH (Christ Church)

Lucie DOUMA (Mansfield)

Jeneen HADJ-HAMMOU (Linacre)

Nicholas HARVEY (Brasenose)

Allwin JESUDASAN (St Anne’s)

Clarke KNIGHT (Wolfson)

Marcel MALLOW (Regent’s Park)

William MILLS (St Cross)

Alex NICOL-HARPER (Linacre)

Srushti Anil PARANJPE (St Anne’s)

Yew Aun QUEK (Brasenose)

Daniela REQUENA SUAREZ (Regent’s Park)

Claudia SANTORI (St Anne’s)

Christopher SHARWOOD (St Anne’s)

Grace THOMAS (St Edmund Hall)

Joanna TREWERN (St Edmund Hall)

Sien VAN DER PLANK (Linacre)

Victor VAN DOOREN (St Catherine’s)

Jennifer WONG (Brasenose)

MPhil:Tamara MURDOCK (Green Templeton)

Wallace Prize (dissertation): Joanna TREWERN

Overall performance: Sien VAN DER PLANK





MSc: Diane BORDEN (Regent’s Park)

Maira BROETTO (Kellogg)

Celine COLLIS (St Anne’s)

Katherine DAVIES (Keble)

Louie DAVIS (Hertford)

Jennifer DODSWORTH (Wolfson)

Matthew DRANE (Jesus)

Katja GARSON (Worcester)

Chloe GLASSONBURY (Hertford)

Benjamin GOLOFF (Worcester)

Keir GRAY (Regent’s Park)

William JOHNSTONE (St Edmund Hall)

Timo MAAS (Linacre)

Alyssa MENZ (St Edmund Hall)

Cyrus NAYERI (Keble)

Andre PETHERAM (Green Templeton)

Foley PFALZGRAF (Regent’s Park)

Christoph RATAY (Keble)

Charlotte REED (Keble)

Heather SEMOTIUK (Linacre)

Amber TODOROFF (Green Templeton)

MPhil:Paola CASTENADA (St Anne’s)

Britain HOPKINS (St Peter’s)

Dissertation Prize: Diane BORDEN

Overall performance (joint winners): Diane BORDEN and Jennifer DODSWORTH

Graduate degrees and prizes: MSc/MPhilCongratulations to the following 2015/16 MSc and MPhil students, who graduated in 2016*:

MSc:Andrew ABRAHAM (Regent’s Park)

Semsia AL-ALI MUSTAFA (Oriel)

Heather ASARE AWUKU (Linacre)

Hazim AZGHARI (St Anne’s)

Seth COLLINS (Keble)

Matthew DIXON (Linacre)

Tanya GEMPERLE (Pembroke)

Vanessa GERBER (St Cross)

Jessica GLENNIE (Pembroke)

Stefan HANUSKA (Hertford)

Maheen IQBAL (St Anne’s)

Karolina KALINOWSKA (Mansfield)

Radhika KANNAN (St Anne’s)

Samuel LEVY (Oriel)

Hamish MCKENZIE (Green Templeton)

David MOORE (St Hilda’s)

Christopher RONEY (Green Templeton)

Ridwan Bin Salim SANAD (Linacre)

Richa SINHA (Kellogg)

Eleanor THOMSON (Oriel)

Laura WEST (Pembroke)

Dominic WYARD (Green Templeton)

MPhil:Celine JENNISON (Kellogg)

Dissertation Prize: Christopher RONEY

Overall performance: Christopher RONEY


* Some students from the 2015/16 cohort who are awaiting their results at the time of going to print, will be listed in next year’s report.

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Graduate Awards and PrizesSocial Sciences prize awarded to ECI DPhil student at British Turkish Academics Doctoral Researcher Awards On 14 May 2016, ECI doctoral student Scott MacDonald (pictured, left) received first place in the Social Sciences category of the Association of British Turkish Academics Doctoral Researcher Awards. Scott gave a presentation on his research, looking at sales of green electricity to consumers, alongside the other finalists. The event was held at University College London (UCL) and celebrated the achievements of young researchers. Through the DRA, ABTA aims to cultivate junior academic research in the UK and encourage young academics by acknowledging their contribution to the academic world.

SoGE student wins UBS-SSEE essay competition with impact investment ideasFor the past three year UBS and the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment hosted a competition to stimulate fresh ideas on tackling pressing environmental issues and championing intellectual leadership on sustainable enterprise. This year’s winning essay ‘The Role of Impact Investing in Financing Renewable Energy, Infrastructure and Habitat Conservation’ was by Aven Satre-Meloy, SoGE MPhil student.

SoGE students win Green Impact and Carbon Innovation AwardsMembers from across the University were recognised for making a positive impact on society and the environment at the University of Oxford’s Sustainability Showcase, held on 15 June 2016. Joanna Trewern, BCM MSc student at the School of Geography and the Environment (pictured above), has been recognised for her sustainability work within the University. Alan Rusbridger, Principal of Lady Margaret Hall, presented Joanna with the Green Impact Student Award 2016 at the special ceremony on 15 June 2016. SoGE students were also part of the winning Carbon Innovation Award team. David Moore and Seth Collins (MSc ECM), Aven Satre Meloy (MPhil) and team-member William Darby (MEng Materials Science) won the award for their Variable Air Volume (VAV) system project, that aims to set the minimum fan speed for the Chemistry Research Building’s eight laboratory exhaust stacks based on local wind condition.

Graduate degrees: DPhilCongratulations to the following DPhil students who were awarded their doctorate between 1 October 2015 and 30 September 2016:

Ariell AHEARN-LIGHAM (Green Templeton) | The Changing Meaning of Work, Herding and Social Relations in Rural Mongolia

Samin Ishtiaq AHMAD (Worcester) | What Controls Algal Greening of Sandstone Heritage? An Experimental Approach

Anna Viktorovna ALEKSEYEVA (Hertford) | Planning the Soviet everyday: Re-imagining the city, home and material culture of developed socialism

Thomas Edward ASHFOLD (Wolfson) | Work, Time and Rhythm: Investigating contemporary ‘time squeeze’

Cristina CABELLO BRIONES (Harris Manchester) | The Effects of Open Shelters on the Preservation of Limestone Remains at Archaeological Sites

Rebecca CATARELLI (Worcester College) | Rising Seas, surprising storms: temporalities of climate and catastrophe in Vermont, New York and the Florida Keys

Yi’En CHENG (St Peter’s) | Restructuring of education, youth, and citizenship: An ethnographic study of private higher education in contemporary Singapore

Myung Ae CHOI (Hertford) | Governing Deceleration: the natures, times and spaces of ecotourism in South Korea

Daniel Gompertz COOPER (St Antony’s) | Under Mount Roraima: The Revitilization of a Shamanic Landscape and Practice

Tahia DEVISSCHER (St Cross) | Wildfire under a changing climate in the Bolivian Chiquitania: A social-ecological systems analysis

Carlo Inverardi FERRI (St Cross) | Invisible Spaces: Variegated Geographies of Waste in China

Timothy Ross FOSTER (Brasenose) | From Cash Flows to Water Flows: An assessment of financial risks to rural

water supply sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa

Linda GEAVES (St Catherine’s) | Public Priorities and Public Goods: The drivers and responses to transitions in flood risk management

Alexis Theresa GUTIERREZ (St Edmund Hall) | The Sustainable Seafood Movement -- Bringing Together Supply, Demand and Governance of Capture Fisheries in the US and UK to Achieve Sustainability

Rory Anthony Daniel HILL (Hertford) | ‘Local, Loyal and Constant’? On the dynamism of terroir in sustainable agriculture

Mary Ng’endo KANUI (Linacre) | Variety for Security: A case study of agricultural, nutritional and dietary diversity among smallholder farmers in Western Kenya

Irem KOK-KALAYCI (Brasenose) | Politics of Transparency: Contested spaces of corporate responsibility, science and regulation in shale gas projects of the UK and the US

Alexandra Joy LITTAYE (Linacre) | Finding Time in the Geographies of Food: How heritage food discourses shape notions of place

Yuge MA (Wolfson) | The Emergence of Low Carbon Development in China and India: Energy Efficiency as a Lens

David Anthony MAGUIRE (St John’s) | Learning to Serve Time: Troubling Spaces of Working Class Masculinities in the UK

Lucy Alexandra MAHONEY (Mansfield) | Investigating the Interactions of travel Behaviours and Wellbeing: A Longitudinal, Mixed-methods Case Study of Penarth and Cardiff, Wales

Grace Muthoni MWAURA (St Hilda’s) | Educated Youth in Kenya: Negotiating Waithood, Greening Livelihoods

Andre Rodrigues NEVES (Mansfield) | The impact of walking and cycling infrastructure on personal travel and carbon emissions: the case of Cardiff Connect2

Balqis Mohamed REHAN (Wolfson) | Risk-based flood protection decisions

in the context of climatic variability and change

Nicholas Luca SIMCIK-ARESE (St Antony’s) | The Commons in a Compound: Morality, Ownership and Legality in Cairo’s Squatted Gated Community

Chase SOVA (Green Templeton) | Decision making, agenda setting and preference shaping in Ghana’s agricultural climate change adaptation policy regime: a political ecological perspective

Sarah TERRY (Regent’s Park) | Spaces for Nature: Neoliberal Conservation in Post-Reformasi South Sumatra

Scott Richard THACKER (St Hilda’s) | Reducing the Risk of Failure in Interdependent National Infrastructure Network Systems

Kerrie Dawn THORNHILL (Harris Manchester) | Reconstructed Meanings of Gender Violence in Postwar Liberia

Marina TOPOUZI (Oriel) | Occupants’ Interaction with Low-Carbon Retrofitted Homes and its Impact on Energy Use

Charlotte Gabriele VON MANGOLDT (St John’s) | Student Environmentalism in Beijing, China

Liwen WANG (St Peter’s) | Developing Innovation Capability: The Case of Chinese Automobile Companies

Katrin WILHELM (Kellogg) | Improving non-destructive techniques for in situ stone weathering research

Yin YANG (St Peter’s) | The Economic Geography of Urban Water Infrastructure Investment and Governance - A Comparison of Beijing and London

Katherine YOUNG (Linacre) | Strategic Appraisal of Interdependent Infrastructure Provision

Haiyan YU (St Hilda’s) | Water, Power and IWRM (Integrated Water Resources Management) - A Comparative Study of Village Water Governance in Arid and Semi-Arid Northwest China

Zichen ZHANG (Kellogg) | Electric Vehicles in China: Past, Present and Future

SoGE students have Green ImpactThe Green Impact Student Award 2016 was presented to Joanna Trewern, School of Geography and the Environment, by Alan Rusbridger, Principal of Lady Margaret Hall.

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Worldmapper creates cartograms of SoGE’s research

The cartograms and spacial data visualisations on page 34 and opposite, have been drawn by Honorary Research Associate, Dr Benjamin Hennig. Dr Hennig works on spatial data analysis and geovisualisation. His research interests include social and spatial inequalities, humanity’s impact on Earth, global sustainability and new concepts for the visualisation of these issues. Further writing, cartograms and information about his work can be found at


The maps presented are equal area cartograms, otherwise known as density-equalising maps. The cartogram re-sizes each territory according to the variable being mapped.

Colours and regions

The colours used on the maps group the territories into 12 geographical regions, and allow for an easier visual comparison between the maps than would otherwise be possible. The shading of each territory within a region is consistent throughout all of the maps.

Doctoral research around the world: 2011-16 Mapping SoGE

Dr Benjamin Hennig awarded the Society of Cartographer’s Wallis Award

Dr Benjamin Hennig has been awarded the Society of Cartographer’s Wallis Award for ‘excellence in cartography’. He received the award for the cartograms series that he is currently writing for Geographical Magazine, many of which can be viewed online on the magazine’s website. SoGE’s Professor Danny Dorling, who is also president of the Society of Cartographers, presented the award at the annual joint conference of the Society of Cartographers and British Cartographic Society in early September (see above).

Mapping the focus of doctoral research

Of the 228 DPhil students who have undertaken research at SoGE August 2011 - August 2016, 71% have a clear geographical focus to their work. Whilst the majority of research is UK-based, with 28 DPhil projects focused on the United Kingdom over this period, the combination of China- and India-focused research projects (18 and 12 over this period respectively), influences Asia’s overall dominance in regards to regional share.

22% ASIA









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Home to cutting-edge interdisciplinary researchResearch within the School of Geography and the Environment is carried out by over 240 academics and research staff, in collaboration with the graduate student community and a range of visiting researchers. Cutting-edge interdisciplinary research is nurtured further through our three research centres; the Environmental Change Institute, the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, and the Transport Studies Unit, which you can read more about on page 28.

Reinforcing research excellence SoGE reinforced its position as one of the UK’s top departments of Geography and Environmental Studies in the results of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) released on 18 December 2014. REF, the new system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions, ranked SoGE second in the Research Volume/Power index. Case studies of SoGE’s research impact can be read on page 24.

Over 80% of the department’s total submission was judged to be “world-leading” or “internationally-excellent” (graded as 4* and 3* respectively). This has been achieved in a year when successful staff submissions almost doubled (53.85 compared to 28.5 submitted to RAE in 2008), and which

included more early career researchers (17) than any other department within the Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies category, demonstrating the department’s commitment to ‘research apprenticeship’, career development and inclusivity.

SoGE was the only Geography department to score 100% (4*) for the quality of our research environment.

Forging research partnerships around the worldFrom working with a wide range of stakeholders in Ethiopia, to find ‘Cooperative filling approaches for the Grand Ethiopian Dam’ (Kevin Wheeler, ECI), to collaborative research on the deterioration and conservation of earthen ruins on the Silk Road in NW China (Heather Viles, SoGE), the department is forging partnerships around the world to help push its research’s scale, reach and impact.

In addition to this, SoGE’s Honorary Research Associates programme brought 77 academics from around the world to the School in 2015/16, in order to share ideas and network among the wider global research community.

Research£6.2m2015/16 RESEARCH INCOME





We actively embrace the academic diversity of the Geography discipline with a tradition of working across different research cultures within the natural and social sciences; from biodiversity, ecosystems and conservation; climate systems and landscape dynamics; to technological natures: materialities, mobilities and politics; and the study of economy, society and place. Our research takes us to places and practices at the heart of contemporary geographical issues.

Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Conservation

Climate Systems & Policy

Technological Natures: Materialities, Mobilities, Politics

Landscape Dynamics

Transformations:Economy, Society and Place

Members of this research cluster work on both scientific and social scientific dimensions of the functioning of ecological and biogeographical systems, with principal interests in macroecology, island biogeography, diversity theory, ecosystem dynamics, conservation biogeography, conservation governance, biodiversity and climate adaptation, and conservation and traditional ecological knowledge.

The cluster aims to build on research excellence in three areas - physical climate and biogeochemical processes, impacts and adaptation to climate change, and mitigation policy and science. The work of the research cluster is enhanced through the School’s Radcliffe Meteorological Station.

Work incorporates landscape processes, long-term landscape dynamics, dryland environments and human-landscape interaction as researchers address issues that form the natural world. Cross-cutting themes investigate today’s key geographical question - how the physical environment shapes the earth and impacts society - through research, fieldwork and lab-based analysis, in the department’s Oxford Rock Breakdown Laboratory and Oxford Luminescence Dating Laboratory.

Technological Natures’ work is distinguished by a two-fold commitment to: (a) develop novel conceptual resources for understanding the practices, devices, and techniques through which the natures of the worlds we inhabit are technologically articulated and; (b) contribute substantively to the re-imagining of politics, publics, and policies adequate to the complexity of these articulations.

Building upon our strengths in the geography of finance, work and employment, gender, class and ethnicity, governance, social justice and social change in both the developed and developing worlds, the Transformations research cluster seeks to better understand both institutional and life-cycle change, inter-generational equity and commitment, and mobilities, expressed in the geography of economic, social and cultural processes.

SoGE research clusters

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SoGE academics and researchers published 527 peer-reviewed papers and books in 2015 alone. For the full list of publications published in 2015/16, go to, or see below the titles which have featured on the monthly ‘Publications’ display board outside the OUCE’s Senior Common Room (on the ground floor.)

Adamou, A., Peters, O. and Dorling, D. (2016) Dynamics of inequality. Significance, 13(3): 32-37.

Allen, M. (2016) Drivers of peak warming in a consumption-maximizing world. Nature Climate Change.

Allen, M.R., Fuglestvedt, J.S., Shine, K.P., Reisinger, A., Pierrehumbert R.T and Forster, P.M. (2016) New use of global warming potentials to compare cumulative and short-lived climate pollutants. Nature Climate Change.

Anderton, K. and Palmer, J. (2015) Evidence-based policy as iterative learning: The case of EU biofuels targets. Contemporary Social Science, 10(2): 138-147.

Barford, A. and Dorling, D. (2016) Mapping Disease Patterns. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online.

Barnfield, A. and Plyushteva, A. (2016) Cycling in the post-socialist city: On travelling by bicycle in Sofia, Bulgaria. Urban Studies, 53(9): 1822-1835.

Barua, M. (2016) Lively commodities and encounter value. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.

Bennett, G.L., Roering, J.J., Mackey, B.H., Handwerger, A.L., Schmidt, D.A. and Guillod, B.P. (2016) Historic drought puts the brakes on earthflows in Northern California. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(11): 5725-5731.

Berry, P., Fabok, V., Blicharska, M., Bredin, Y., Llorente, M., Kovacs, E., Geamana, N., Stanciu, A., Termansen, M., Jaakelainen, T., Haslett, J. and Harrison, P. (2016) Why conserve biodiversity? A multi-national exploration of stakeholders’ views on the arguments for biodiversity conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation.

Bhagwat, S.A., Economou, A. and Thornton, T. (2016) The Idea of Climate Change as a Belief System: Why Climate Activism Resembles a Religious Movement. GAIA, 25(2): 94-98.

Brand, C. (2016) Beyond ‘Dieselgate’: Implications of unaccounted and future air pollutant emissions and energy use for cars in the United Kingdom. Energy Policy, 97: 1-12.

Bussi, G., Dadson, S.J., Prudhomme, C. and Whitehead, P.G. (2016) Modelling the future impacts of climate and land-use change on suspended sediment transport in the River Thames (UK). Journal of Hydrology.

Bussi, G., Whitehead, P.G., Bowes, M.J., Read, D.S., Prudhomme, C. and Dadson, S.J. (2016) Impacts of climate change, land-use change and phosphorus reduction on phytoplankton in the River Thames (UK). Science of The Total Environment.

Caldecott, B.L., Kruitwagen, L., Dericks, G., Tulloch, D., Kok, I. & Mitchell, J. (2016) Stranded assets and thermal coal: an analysis of environment-related risk exposure. Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford (Oxford, UK). ISBN: 978-0-9927618-2-0.

Chaudhury, A.S., Ventresca, M.J., Thornton, T.F., Helfgott, A., Sova, C., Baral, P., Rasheed, T. and Ligthart, J. (2016) Emerging meta-organisations and adaptation to global climate change: Evidence from implementing adaptation in Nepal, Pakistan and Ghana. Global Environmental Change, 38: 243-257.

Christopherson, S., Clark, G.L. and Whiteman, J. (2015) Introduction: the Euro crisis and the future of Europe. Journal of Economic Geography

Clark, G.L. and Urwin, R. (2016) Best-Practice Pension Fund Governance. In, Satchell, S. (ed.) Asset Management: Portfolio Construction, Performance

and Returns. Springer International Publishing. pp. 295-322. ISBN: 978-3-319-30793-0.

Clark, K.E., West, A.J., Hilton, R.G., Asner, G.P., Quesada, C.A., Silman, M.R., Saatchi, S.S., Farfan-Rios, W., Martin, R.E., Horwath, A.B., Halladay, K., New, M. and Malhi, Y. (2015) Storm-triggered landslides in the Peruvian Andes and implications for topography, carbon cycles and biodiversity. Earth System Dynamics, 4: 47-70.

Correia, R.A., Malhado, A.C.M., Lins, L., Gamarra, N.C., Bonfim, W.A.G., Valencia-Aguilar, A., Bragagnolo, C., Jepson, P. and Ladle, R.J. (2016) The scientific value of Amazonian protected areas. Biodiversity and Conservation: 1-11.

Cottee-Jones, H.E.W., Matthews, T.J., Bregman, T.P., Barua, M., Tamuly, J. and Whittaker, R.J. (2015) Are protected areas required to maintain functional diversity in human-modified landscapes? PLoS ONE, 10(5). e0123952.

Daley, P. and Popplewell, R. (2016) The appeal of third termism and militarism in Burundi. Review of African Political Economy..

Dittmer, J. and McConnell, F. (2016) Diplomatic Cultures and International Politics: Translations, Spaces and Alternatives. Routledge, Abingdon. pp. 202. ISBN: 9781138845695.

Dorling, D. (2015) Danny Dorling on Inequality. Chapter 17 in, Warburton, N. and Edmonds, D. (eds.) Big Ideas in Social Science. Sage, London. pp. 157-166. ISBN: 9781473913806.

Dorling, D. (2016) A Better Politics: How Government Can Make Us Happier. London Publishing Partnership.

Dorling, D. (2016) Brexit: the decision of a divided country. BMJ, 354(i3697).

Dorling, D. and Thomas, B. (eds.) (2016) People and places: A 21st-century atlas of the UK. Policy Press, University of Bristol. ISBN: 9781447311362 & PB: 978-1447311379

Garrick, D.E. (2016) Water security and adaptation to climate extremes in transboundary rivers of North America. In, Renzetti, S. and Dupont, D.P. (eds.) Water Policy and Governance in Canada. Springer. pp. 121-137.

García-Llorente, M., Harrison, P., Berry, P., Palomo, I., Gómez-Baggethun, E., Iniesta-Arandia, I., Montes, C., García del Amo, D. and Martín-López, B. (2016) What can conservation strategies learn from the ecosystem services approach? Insights from ecosystem assessments in two Spanish protected areas. Biodiversity and Conservation.

Garmendia, E., Apostolopoulou, E., Adams, W.M. and Bormpoudakis, D. (2016) Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure in Europe: Boundary object or ecological trap? Land Use Policy, 56: 315-319.

Girardin, C.A.J., Malhi, Y., Doughty, C.E., Metcalfe, D.B., Meir, P., del Aguila-Pasquel, J., Araujo-Murakami, A., da Costa, A.C.L., Silva-Espejo, J.E., Farfán Amézquita, F. and Rowland, L. (2016) Seasonal trends of Amazonian rainforest phenology, net primary productivity and carbon allocation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.

Greenhough, B. (2016) Conceptual multiplicity or ontological politics? Dialogues in Human Geography, 6(1): 37-40.

Greenhough, B., Dembinsky, M., Dyck, I., Brown, T., Robson, J., Homer, K., Sajani, C., Carter, L., Duffy, S.W. and Ornstein, M. (2016) Evaluating a DVD

Research Impact Case Studies from 154 Universities in the UK were published at the end of 2014, as part of the Research Excellence Framework. SoGE’s team of academics and researchers submitted six case studies showcasing a diverse range of how the department’s research is felt in the real world; including ‘greening’ the conservation of ruined heritage sites, enabling climate adaptation in the UK and internationally, and shaping energy efficiency policy in the UK. You can read more about three of our other featured case studies below, or go online to to read all six of the department’s impact case studies in full.

Research impact: case studies Research output: publications

Providing the evidence base for conserving tropical forests

The ECI’s Ecosystems Group, led by Professor Yadvinder Malhi (pictured above), has been actively engaged in natural science and policy/governance research, which has had impacts on both the UN’s REDD+ programme (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) and also non-governmental “voluntary” forest carbon sequestration projects. The group’s natural science research has developed scientific methodologies for measuring tropical forest biomass, through in situ plots and satellite imagery, and they have been actively involved in establishing pilot REDD+ projects in several countries. On the policy and governance side, the Forest Governance Group, created in 2009, has played a key role in establishing global databases on the effectiveness of protected areas in conserving forests, provided international comparative analyses of forest policies outside protected areas, and actively engaged in REDD+ policy-making fora.

Engaging communities in flood risk science and management

Research led by Professor Sarah Whatmore applied an experimental method of public engagement - Competency Groups (CGs). Working in two test areas (Ryedale, Yorkshire and the Uck catchment, Sussex) the project has enabled novel research collaborations between scientists and concerned citizens that have generated bespoke flood models and new flood management options. The work of the Ryedale CG and the `upstream storage’ proposals that it generated were incorporated into a successful multi-agency bid to Defra to test and construct new flood management solutions for Pickering. Having become a national exemplar, the reach of the Competency Group approach in tackling public controversies about environmental expertise continues to extend beyond these two areas, within the UK and also abroad. The ‘Slowing the Flow in Pickering’ project won a Judges Special Prize at the Civic Voice National Design Awards (pictured above).

Reconfiguring policy scenarios in transport

Research at Oxford in the Transport Studies Unit (TSU) has enabled cities and governments (regional and local) in the UK and internationally to adjust their transport policies over the longer term (to 2050) towards low carbon alternatives. Its impact has been to reconfigure decision makers’ thinking on transport policies from trend-based projective studies for transport policy options, towards trend breaking `backcasting’ studies for sustainable transport policy futures. Several national and international agencies have used both the backcasting approach, and also two simulation models developed as part of the research.

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Publications (continued)

promoting breast cancer awareness among black women aged 25-50 years in East London. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Hall, J.W., Berkhout, F. and Douglas, R. (2015) Responding to adaptation emergencies. Nature Climate Change, 5(1): 6-7.

Hall, J.W., Tran, M., Hickford, A.J. and Nicholls, R. (2016) The Future of National Infrastructure: A System-of-Systems Approach. Cambridge University Press, UK. ISBN: 9781107066021.

Harrison, P., Dunford, R., Holman, I. and Rounsevell, M. (2016) Climate change impact modelling needs to include cross-sectoral interactions. Nature Climate Change.

Haustein, K., Otto, F.E.L., Uhe, P., Schaller, N., Allen, M.R., Hermanson, L., Christidis, N., McLean, P. and Cullen, H. (2016) Real-time extreme weather event attribution with forecast seasonal SSTs. Environmental Research Letters, 11(6). 064006.

Hennig, B.D. and Dorling, D. (2016) To Rule the Land: mapping the 2015 general election. Bulletin of the Society of Cartographers, 49: 31-40.

Hopkins, D. (2016) Can environmental awareness explain declining preference for car-based mobility amongst generation Y? An examination of learn to drive behaviours. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94: 149-163.

Hutchins, M.G., McGrane, S.J., Miller, J.D., Hagen-Zanker, A., Kjeldsen, T.R., Dadson, S.J. and Rowland, C.S. (2016) Integrated modeling in urban hydrology: reviewing the role of monitoring technology in overcoming the issue of ‘big data’ requirements. WIREs Water.

Ingram, J. (2016) Sustainable Food Systems for a Healthy World. Sight and Life, 30(1): 28-33.

Ingram, J.S.I., Dyball, R., Howden, H., Vermeulen, S., Garnett, T., Redlingshöfer, B., Guilbert, S. and Porter, J.R. (2016) Food Security, Food Systems, and Environmental Change. Solutions: 63-71.

Jiménez-Muñoz, J.C., Mattar, C., Barichivich, J., Santamaría-Artigas, A., Takahashi, K., Malhi, Y., Sobrino, J.A. and van der Schrier, G. (2016)Record-breaking warming and extreme drought in the Amazon rainforest during the course of El Niño 2015-2016. Scientific Reports, 6. 33130.

Kama, K. (2016) Contending geo-logics: energy security, resource ontologies, and the politics of expert knowledge in Estonia. Geopolitics.

Kirchherr, J., Charles, K.J. and Walton, M.J. (2016) Multi-causal pathways of public opposition to dam projects in Asia: A fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). Global Environmental Change, 41: 33-45.

Kirchherr, J., Pohlner, H. and Charles, K.J. (2016) Cleaning up the big muddy: A meta-synthesis of the research on the social impact of dams. Environmental Impact Assessment Review.

Klinke, I. (2016) Self-annihilation, nuclear play and West Germany’s compulsion to repeat. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.

Klinke, I. (2016) The Russian Cyber-Bride as Geopolitical Fantasy. Journal of Economic and Social Geography, 107(2): 189-202.

Koehler, J., Thomson, P. and Hope, R. (2016) Mobilizing Payments for Water Service Sustainability. In, Broken Pumps and Promises. Springer International Publishing. pp. 57-76.

Kovacs, E.K., Kumar, C., Agarwal, C., Adams, W.M., Hope, R.A. and Vira, B. (2016) The politics of negotiation and implementation: a reciprocal water access agreement in the Himalayan foothills, India. Ecology and Society, 21(2): 37.

Kwan, M.P. and Schwanen, T. (2016) Geographies of Mobility. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 106(2),243-256.

Ladle, R.J., Correia, R.A., Do, Y., Joo, G-E., Malhado, A.C.M., Proulx, R., Roberge, J-M. and Jepson, P. (2016) Conservation culturomics. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 14(5): 269-275.

Li, S., Gilbert, L., Harrison, P.A. and Rounsevell, M.D.A. (2016) Modelling the seasonality of Lyme disease risk and the potential impacts of a warming climate within the heterogeneous landscapes of Scotland. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13.

Littaye, A.Z. (2016) The multifunctionality of heritage food: The example of pinole, a Mexican sweet. Geoforum, 76: 11-19.

Lorimer, J. (2015) Wildlife in the Anthropocene: Conservation after Nature. Minnesota University Press, Minneapolis. pp. 264. ISBN: 9780816681082.

Lorimer, J. (2016) Gut Buddies: Multispecies Studies and the Microbiome. Environmental Humanities, 8(1): 57-76.

Lorimer, J. and Driessen, C. (2016) From “Nazi Cows” to cosmopolitan “Ecological Engineers”: Specifying rewilding through a history of Heck cattle. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.

Malhi, Y., Doughty, C.E., Galetti, M., Smith, F.A., Svenning, J. and Terborgh, J.W. (2016) Megafauna and ecosystem function from the Pleistocene to the Anthropocene. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Massey, N. (2016) Feature tracking in high-resolution regional climate data. Computers and Geosciences, 93: 36-44.

Mayaud, J., Wiggs, G. and Bailey, R. (2016) Characterising turbulent wind flow around dryland vegetation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41(10): 1421-1436.

McConnell, F. (2016) Rehearsing the State: The Political Practices of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile. ISBN: 9781118661284

McCormack, D.P. (2015) Governing inflation: price and the everyday life of emergencies. Theory, Culture and Society.

McDowell, L. (2016) Migrant Women’s Voices: talking about life and work in the UK since 1945. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 9781444339192.

Middleton, J. (2016) The socialities of everyday urban walking and the ‘right to the city’. Urban Studies.

Mitchell, D., James, R., Forster, P.M., Betts, R.A., Shiogama, H. and Allen, M. (2016) Realizing the impacts of a 1.5 °C warmer world. Nature Climate Change.

Nield, J.M., Wiggs, G.F.S., King, J., Bryant, R.G., Eckardt, F.D., Thomas, D.S.G. and Washington, R. (2016) Climate-surface-pore-water interactions on a salt crusted playa: implications for crust pattern and surface roughness development measured using terrestrial laser scanning. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41(6): 738-753.

Otto, F.E.L. (2016) Extreme events: The art of attribution. Nature Climate Change, 6: 342-343.

Otto, F.E.L., Haustein, K., Cullen, H. and van Oldenborgh, G.J. (2015) Climate Change increases the probability of heavy rains like those of storm Desmond in the UK - an event attribution study in near-real time. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 12(12): 13197-13216.

Otto, F.E.L., van Oldenborgh, G.J., Eden, J., Stott, P.A., Karoly, D.J. and Allen, M.R. (2016) The attribution question. Nature Climate Change, 6: 813-816.

Palmer, J.R. (2016) Interpretive analysis and regulatory impact assessment. Chapter 4 in, Dunlop, C.A. and Radaelli, C.M. (eds.) Handbook of Regulatory Impact Assessment. Edward Elgar. 512 pp. ISBN: 978178254955 0.

Pan, F., Zhao, S.X.B. and Wójcik, D. (2016) The rise of venture capital centres in China: A spatial and network analysis. Geoforum, 75: 148-158.

Pfeiffer, A., Millar, R., Hepburn, C. and Beinhocker, E. (2016) The ‘2°C capital stock’ for electricity generation: Committed cumulative carbon emissions from the electricity generation sector and the transition to a green economy. Applied Energy, 179: 1395-1408.

Powell, R.C., Klinke, I., Jazeel, T., Daley, P., Kamata, N., Heffernan, M., Swain, A., McConnell, F., Barry. A. and Phillips, R. (2016) Interventions in the political geographies of ‘area’. Political Geography.

Pyhälä, A., Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Lehvävirta, H., Byg, A., Ruiz-Mallén, I., Salpeteur, M. and Thornton, T.F. (2016) Global Environmental Change: Local perceptions, understandings and explanations. Ecology and Society, 21(3).

Restrepo-Coupe, N., Levine, N.M., Christoffersen, B.O., Albert, L.P., Wu, J., Costa, M.H., Galbraith, D., Imbuzeiro, H., Martins, G., da Araujo, A.C., Malhi, Y.S., Zeng, X., Moorcroft, P. and Saleska, S.R. (2016) Do dynamic global vegetation models capture the seasonality of carbon fluxes in the Amazon basin? A data-model intercomparison. Global Change Biology.

Rolla, U., Mittermeier, J.C., Diaz, G.I., Novosolov, M., Feldman, A., Itescu, Y., Meiri, S. and Grenyer, R. (2016) Using Wikipedia page views to explore the cultural importance of global reptiles. Biological Conservation.

Rosenow, J. and Eyre, N. (2016) A post mortem of the Green Deal: Austerity, energy efficiency, and failure in British energy policy. Energy Research and Social Science, 21: 141-144.

Schepers, F. and Jepson, P. (2016) Rewilding in a European Context. International Journal of Wilderness, 22: 25-30.

Schwanen, T. (2016) Geographies of transport: Reinventing a field? Progress in Human Geography, 40(1): 126-137.

Schwanen, T. (2016) Rethinking resilience as capacity to endure: automobility and the city. City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action, 20(1): 152-160.

Seddon, A.W.R., Macias-Fauria, M., Long, P.R., Benz, D. and Willis, K.J. (2016) Sensitivity of global terrestrial ecosystems to climate variability. Nature, 531: 229-232.

Stern, P.C., Janda, K.B., Brown, M.A., Steg, L., Vine, E.L. and Lutzenhiser, L. (2016) Opportunities and insights for reducing fossil fuel consumption by households and organizations. Nature Energy.

Thornton, T.F. (2016) Discovering Opportunities for Adaptation in the Arctic. Cultural Anthropology.

Trakimas, G., Whittaker, R.J. and Borregaard, M.K. (2016) Do biological traits drive geographical patterns in European amphibians? Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Viles, H.A. (2016) Technology and geomorphology: Are improvements in data collection techniques transforming geomorphic science? Geomorphology, 270: 121-133.

Wanasuk, P. and Thornton, T.F. (2016) Aboriginal Tourism as Sustainable Social-Environmental Enterprise (SSEE): A Tlingit Case Study from Southeast Alaska. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 6(4).

Waters, J. (2016) Theorizing Mobilities in Children’s Educational Experiences: Promises and Pitfalls. Geographies of Children and Young People, 6: 231-244.

Waters, J.L. (2016) Education unbound? Enlivening debates with a mobilities perspective on learning. Progress in Human Geography.

Wheeler, K.G., Basheer, M., Mekonnen, Z.T., Eltoum, S.O., Mersha, A., Abdo, G.M., Zagona, E.A., Hall, J.W. and Dadson, S.J. (2016)Cooperative filling approaches for the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. Water International, 41(4): 611-634.

Wiggs, G., Bailey, R. and Mayaud, J. (2016) Characterising turbulent wind flow around dryland vegetation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

Wilhelm, K., Viles, H., Burke, O. and Mayaud, J. (2016) Surface hardness as a proxy for weathering behaviour of limestone heritage: a case study on dated headstones on the Isle of Portland, UK. Environmental Earth Sciences.

Wójcik, D., MacDonald-Korth, D. and Zhao, S.X. (2016) The political-economic geography of foreign exchange trading. Journal of Economic Geography.

Wolter, J., Lantuit, H., Fritz, M., Macias-Fauria, M., Myers-Smith, I. and Herzschuh, U. (2016) Vegetation composition and shrub extent on the Yukon coast are strongly linked to ice-wedge polygon degradation. Polar Research, 35. 27489.




Page 15: School of Geography and the Environment


European Commission (13%)

UK Charity (2%)

Other UK govt (29%)

Other (16%)

UK Research councils (41%)

A home to world-class research institutes

Environmental Change Institute (ECI)

Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment (SSEE)

Transport Studies Unit (TSU) Director: Professor Jim Hall

The Environmental Change Institute is Oxford University’s interdisciplinary institute for research on the complex processes of global environmental change, the exploration of sustainable solutions and the promotion of change for the better through partnerships and education. The Environmental Change Institute has 25 years of experience in helping governments, business and communities anticipate and respond to the risks and opportunities of environmental change. Director: Dr Tim Schwanen

The TSU advances interdisciplinary approaches to the study of transport, with particular emphasis on mobility within and between cities and on transport’s social, economic and environmental implications. Founded in 1973, the TSU has acquired a strong international reputation in the fields of transport policy analysis, the development of new methodologies and studies of transport behaviour and urban mobility. Director: Professor Gordon Clark

SSEE is a leading interdisciplinary academic hub focused upon teaching, research, and engagement with enterprise on climate change and long-term environmental sustainability. it seeks to encourage innovative solutions to challenges facing humanity; its strengths lie in environmental economics and policy, enterprise management, and financial markets and investment.


The above chart explores the source of funds for SoGE’s full research portfolio, (based on active awards at the end of the 2015/16 academic year). From small awards to multi-million projects spanning multiple Universities; the above graph charts where successful SoGE grant bids worth a combined

£61.9 million have been funded from. The school is incredibly grateful to its funders, from government departments, research councils, charitable trusts and foundations for investing in its cutting-edge research. You can see the full list of our funders on page 41.

Geographical grants: Where does our research funding come from?

European Commission (13%)

UK Charity (2%)

Other UK govt (29%)

Other (16%)

UK Research councils (41%)


Page 16: School of Geography and the Environment


£1 million +PI Affiliation Funder Title Dates Amount

awarded FEC

Jim Hall ECI EPSRC Mistral | Massively Multi-scale Infrastructure Systems Analytics | Large consortium also involving Universities of Cambridge, Cardiff, Leeds, Newcastle, Southampton and Sussex | Total grant awarded £5,374, 638 (FEC £6,726, 923)

11/02/2016 – 10/08/2020

£2,240, 013 £2,800,017

Darek Wójcik SoGE ERC City Net Cities in Global Financial Networks: Financial and Business Services and Development in the 21st Century

01/08/2016- 31/07/2021

£1,330,549 Consolidator Grant

£500,000 - £999,999PI Affiliation Funder Title Dates Amount

awarded FEC

Nick Eyre ECI Oxford Martin School

Integrate | Also involves Law, Engineering Science, Materials total award £1,492,000 (FEC £2,377,455)

01/10/2015 – 31/03/2019

£889,525 £1,419,623

Phil Grünewald ECI EPSRC Meter | Measuring and evaluating time and energy use relationships

04/10/2015 - 03/10/2020

£829,093 £1,036,367

Richard Bailey SoGE Oxford Martin School

MATH | Managing the High Seas | MATH is led by Zoology, also involving Law Total amount awarded for project £1,499,855, FEC £2, 345, 917)

01/01/2016- 31/12/2020

£546,601 £943, 904

Myles Allen ECI The Nature Conservancy (led by Oxford Martin School)

Extreme weather events | Complex ecosystem responses and resilient land use planning in a changing climate

01/04/2016 – 31/03/2020

£543,890 £808,454

Richard Washington SoGE NERC UMFULA | Uncertainty reduction in models for understanding development applications | UMFULA is led by SoGE, but also involves Physics. The amount above is total budget for the project. The amount awarded to SoGE is £496, 211 (£620, 263 at FEC)

01/9/2015- 31/08/2016

£507,518 £634,397

Cameron Hepburn SSEE P4NE A new approach to modelling energy transitions 01/01/2016 – 31/12/2018


£100,000 - £499,999PI Affiliation Funder Title Dates Amount

awarded FEC

Heather Viles SoGE Getty Foundation

Built Heritage Research Initiative 48 months £279,000

Tim Schwanen TSU ESRC Depict | Designing and Policy Implementation for encouraging cycling and walking trips

01/10/2015 – 30/09/2018

£266,906 £333,632

Thomas Jellis SoGE British Academy

Post Doc Fellowship | Burnout A geo history of contemporary exhaustion

01/09/2016 – 31/08/2019

£263,213 £327,516

Yadvinder Malhi ECI NERC Biomes of Brazil - resilience, recovery and diversity 01/04/2016 – 31/03/2019

£239,031 £298,789

Nick Eyre ECI EPSRC Glider Incumbent Energy Systems 01/02/2016 – 30/06/2018

£235,959 £294,948

Dave Thomas SoGE Leverhulme Trust

Landscape archaeology of the Kalahari: How did major hydrological shifts affect Middle Stone Age environmental use in the late Quaternary?


£234,895 £610,908

Yadvinder Malhi ECI NERC El Nino | Socio-ecological response and resilience to El Niño shocks :The case of coffee and cocoa agroforestry landscapes in Africa

01/04/2016 – 30/09/2017

£228,478 £263,785

Ben Caldecott SSEE EC H2020 ET Risk | Energy transition risk: developing an energy transition assessment framework for equities and bonds

01/02/2016 – 31/07/2018


Richard Washington SoGE NERC Additional funds to purchase lldar equipment £200,000 £200,000

Ben Caldecott SSEE Norges Bank An analysis of Norges Bank’s exposure to coal companies 01/09/2015 – 15/01/2017


Jim Hall ECI NERC Multi-Hazard Resilience Estimation and Planning of Interdependent National Infrastructure Networks

01/01/2016 – 31/12/2016

£172,308 £215,385

Giles Wiggs SoGE EC H2020 Sand Mitigation and Railway Tracks 01/10/2016 – 30/09/2020

£176, 311

John Ingram ECI EPSRC Water Energy/Food Nexus Sandpit | Led by University of Glasglow

01/10/2015 – 30/09/2018

£166, 952 £208,690

Kärg Kama SoGE ESRC Future Leaders | Geo-logics and Geo Politics: The Collective Governance of European Shale Gas Development

01/10/2016 – 30/09/2018

£147,329 £184,161

Jim Hall ECI EC Global excellence in modelling of climate and energy 01/10/2016 – 30/09/2020

£124, 137

John Ingram ECI EPSRC Water Energy/Food Nexus Led by | Engineering Science 1/10/2015 - 31/01/2017

£114,898 £143, 622

Fiona McConnell SoGE British Academy

Mid Career Fellowship | Diplomacy in the margins 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2017

£100, 794 £125,992

under £100,000

PI Affiliation Funder Title Dates Amount awarded


Myles Allen ECI Oxford Martin School

Safe Carbon Investment 01/05/2015 – 30/04/2016

£99,982 £150,618

Derek McCormack SoGE British Academy

Mid Career Fellowship 1/9/2015-31/8/2016

£99, 068 £123,835

Pam Berry ECI NERC Tools for planning and evaluation urban green infrastructure: Bicester and beyond

01/01/2016 – 30/09/2017

£98,696 £123,371

Jim Hall ECI NERC A national scale model of green infrastructure for water resources

01/01/2016 – 31/12/2017

£97,537 £121,922

Tim Schwanen TSU EPSRC (via University of Cambridge)

Maximising home delivery 01/05/2016 – 31/10/2017


Jim Hall ECI EPSRC GCRF Piloting and developing a major programme on infrastructure systems in developing countries


£77,000 £116,212

Yadvinder Malhi ECI Fell Fund Building a virtual 3D Forest: a new partnership between ecological research and commercial software engineering

01/01/2016 – 30/06/2017


Ben Caldecott SSEE European Climate Foundation

Future pathways to 2 degree C-Compatible oil majors 01/03/2016 – 28/02/2017


Rob Dunford ECI Fell Fund Nature’s value in policy and practice Evaluating trade-offs between forest and freshwater ecosystems

01/08/2016 – 30/06/2017

£53, 433

Sarah Whatmore SoGE ESRC IAA From environmental competency groups to community modelling

01/09/2016 – 30/04/2017

£49, 670

Jennie Middleton TSU Wellcome Trust Urban Austerity, care and new parenting 01/09/2017 – 31/08/2018

£49, 153 £126,778

Tim Schwanen TSU Research Council of Norway

TEMPEST | Transforming household mobility practices through shared consumption

01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019


Tim Schwanen TSU Department of Transport

Young People’s Travel Behaviour 28/01/2016 – 30/06/2016


Steve Raynor ECI British Council | Newton Fund (led by Anthropology but funds an ECI researcher Michael Gilmont)

Delivering food and water security in the Middle East in flux

01/04/2016 – 31/03/2017

£33,219 £74,328

Fredi Otto ECI Climate Central Extension to World Weather Attribution project 1/04/2016 – 31/3/2017


Ben Caldecott SSEE Tellus Matus Foundation

Managed decline of oil majors 19/10/2015 – 18/10/2016


Joost Vervoort ECI CGIAR CCAFS 2016 01/01/2016-31/12/2016

£ 58,824

Sarah Whatmore SoGE HEIF What counts as environmental evidence? Improving social science research impact



Ben Caldecott SSEE HSBC Ultra high net worth individuals private banks and the state of green investment

01/07/2016 – 31/12/2016


Tim Schwanen TSU Research Council of Norway

Commute | Changing commuting in large urban areas 20/01/2016 – 19/01/2020


Ben Caldecott SSEE European Climate Foundation

Stranded Assets and coal fired utilities in Japan 01/04/2016 – 30/06/2016

£18, 181

Ben Caldecott SSEE Climate Works Foundation

To understand options for a managed decline of oil majors as a result of action to mitigate climate change

01/10/2015 – 30/09/2016


Tim Schwanen TSU EPSRC End Use Energy Demand Centres Collaborative Projects 25/04/2016 - 24/02/2018

£16,000 £20,000

Ben Caldecott SSEE City of London Green Finance Survey 04/04/2016 – 03/10/2016


Richard Bailey SoGE The Nature Conservancy

Assessing the potential of agent-based modelling to inform forest conservation policy issues in South America



Daniel Tulloch SSEE Fell Fund EU Energy Network Planning Software 01/06/2016 – 14/02/2017


Tim Schwanen TSU Fell Fund Bus Rapid Transit: evaluating the wider economic impacts for urban growth?

01/01/2016 – 39/09/2016


New research grants awarded 2015/16 The grants listed below were newly awarded in the 2015/16 academic year (1 Oct 2015 - 30 Sept 2016) and add to our rich and diverse portfolio of research, carried out by a wide-range of SoGE academics.

Page 17: School of Geography and the Environment


Dr Maan Barua has been appointed as Adjunct Faculty of the National Institute for Advanced Studies, in Bangalore, India.

ECI Emeritus Professor John Boardman has been elected as a Fellow of the British Society of Geomorphology, in recognition of his services to the Geomorphology; the study of landforms, their processes, form and sediments at the surface of the Earth (see photo, top left).

In May 2016 Christian Brand was awarded the title of Associate Professor by the Social Sciences Divisional Board, in recognition of “distinction in his field and his contributions to the research, teaching and administration of the TSU and ECI.

Ben Caldecott has been appointed Academic Visitor at the Bank of England as well as Visiting Fellow at the EU Centre on Shared Complex Challenges, University of Melbourne. He also sits on the Green Finance Initiative steering group, City of London.

Patricia Daley (pictured above, centre), member of the School of Geography and the Environment, and Helen Morag Fellow and Tutor at Jesus College, has had the title of Professor of the Human Geography of Africa conferred on her by the University, in recognition of her academic distinction.

In late 2015, Professor Danny Dorling was appointed Senior Associate Member of the Royal Society of Medicine and became a member of Public Health England’s (PHE) Mortality Surveillance Steering Group, monitoring trends in death rates in England.

Danny became a member of the Society and Ethics Expert Review Group of the Wellcome Trust in 2016 and, along with Sheffield MP Louise Hague, became an Honorary Patron of Heeley City Farm, Sheffield in 2016 - a pig was named after him.

‘The Social Atlas of Europe’ by Dimitris Ballas, Danny Dorling and Benjamin Hennig has been awarded Outstanding Academic Title for 2015 by Choice, the US Library Journal.

Nick Eyre (pictured above, right), Leader of the ECI’s Energy Programme and Jackson Senior Research Fellow at Oriel College, has had the title of Professor of Energy and Climate Policy conferred on him by the University, in recognition of his academic distinction.

Dr Tara Garnett has been presented the 2015 Premio Daniel Carasso award at a ceremony in Madrid for her commitment to reducing the food system’s impact on the climate through research and dialogue.

Dr Phil Grünewald was made a Fellow of the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE). He is also the recipient of an EPSRC Fellowship, which he is using to address the question ‘What do households use electricity for?’ to help understanding of electricity demand timing and distribution and, in turn, allow us to integrate renewable energy into our system effectively.

Professor Cameron Hepburn (pictured opposite, far left) of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment has been recognised for his work on clean technology at an awards ceremony honouring Australian leaders and innovators around the world. The Advance Global Australian award was awarded to Professor Hepburn, for his work to combat climate change through three ventures he co-founded: Climate Bridge, Vivid Economics and Aurora Energy Research.

Lecturer in Human Geography and Supernumerary Fellow at Mansfield College, Dr Thomas Jellis has been awarded a British Academy postdoctoral fellowship and will be undertaking a programme of work on ‘Burnout: a geo-history of contemporary exhaustion’.

Dr Kärg Kama has been awarded an ESRC Future Research Leaders Fellowship and will be undertaking a programme of work on ‘Geo-logics and Geo-politics:

The Collective Governance of European Shale Gas Development’. Dr Kama is a SoGE Research and Teaching Fellow and holds the Biegun Warburg Junior Research Fellowship at St Anne’s College.

Dr Fiona McConnell became associate editor of Political Geography from January 2016. Dr McConnell is also the recipient of a BA Mid Career Fellowship from January 2017 to work on “Representing the unrepresented: diplomacy in the margins”. Dr McConnell is Associate Professor in Human Geography and Fellow and Tutor at St Catherine’s College, Oxford.

Professor Linda McDowell, (pictured above, centre), Professor of Human Geography and Fellow of St John’s College, has been appointed CBE for services to geography and higher education. Professor McDowell is an economic geographer interested in the connections between economic restructuring, labour market change and class and gender divisions in the United Kingdom. She has been at the forefront in the development of feminist perspectives on contemporary social and economic change, as well as in the development of feminist methodologies and pedagogic practices.

Professor McDowell was a plenary speaker at the University of the Arctic in Tromso in June 2016. She also continues

to Chair the Research Awards Committee of the British Academy.

Senior ECI Research and Scientific Coordinator of, Dr Friederike Otto, will take up the post of Deputy Director of the ECI in early 2017. One of the aims of the post will be to help the Institute join up across research programmes and develop new collaborative and interdisciplinary research opportunities.

In August 2016 Professor Gillian Rose was appointed as the School of Geography and the Environment’s newest Professor in Human Geography, in association with St John’s College. Previously Professor of Cultural Geography at the Open University, she was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 2015. She joins the department in October 2017.

TSU Director Dr Tim Schwanen has been invited to become Visiting Professor of Human Geography at Gothenburg University, at the Human Geography Unit at the School of Business, Economics and Law. After the first year (2016-17) there will be an option to renew his position for a further two years.

Dr Schwanen was also guest editor of the eighth special issue of the Annals of the American Association of Geographers, in collaboration with Mei-Po Kwan. Published in March 2016, this edition

brought together 26 articles on the Geographies of Mobility.

Former Head of School, Professor Sarah Whatmore (pictured above) has been announced as the next Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) at the University of Oxford. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Louise Richardson commented: “Sarah has a truly impressive record of achievement in research, in teaching, and in contributions to the Social Sciences Division at Oxford.” Professor Whatmore will formally take up her duties in January 2017.

Professor Dariusz Wójcik has been awarded grants from the Regional Studies Association to create a Research Network on Financial Geographies and from the Australian Research Council to study the development of financial centres in the Asia-Pacific region.

He is also the recipient of the prestigious European Research Council Consolidator Grant for ‘Cities in Global Financial Networks: Finance and Development in the 21st Century’ project. The five-year study will focus on how financial and business services, including law, accounting, and business consulting, have been affected by the global financial crisis and the Eurozone crisis, and how they are changing in response to new financial regulation, the rise of the Global South, and the digital revolution.

Academic Awards, Honours and Appointments

Page 18: School of Geography and the Environment


Where does our work take us?2011-16(1 August 2011 - 31 July 2016)

The cartograms above provide visualisation of the destinations of undergraduate, postgraduate and staff field research visits over the last 5 years. The UK is the most popular destination, with a total of 463 trips in and around the UK over this period. Other popular destinations include: the United States, Kenya, India, China, Ghana, Brazil, South Africa, Ethiopia, Peru and Bangladesh (in that order).






Page 19: School of Geography and the Environment


Professor Myles ALLEN | Professor of Geosystem Science | SoGE ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Elia APOSTOLOPOULOU * | Departmental Lecturer in Human Geography | SoGE

Gruia BADESCU ** | Departmental Lecturer in Human Geography | SoGE TECH TRANS

Dr Richard BAILEY | Associate Professor in Geochronology | SoGE LAND CBMP OLD DPC

Dr Daniel BOS | Departmental Lecturer in Human Geography | SoGE

Dr Peter BULL | Associate Professor in Physical Geography | SoGE LAND

Dr Katrina CHARLES | Departmental Lecturer and Course Director, MSc/MPhil in Water Science, Policy and Management | SoGE TRANS

Professor Gordon L. CLARK | Director of the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment | SoGE SSEE TRANS CEWF

Dr Martin COOMBES | Departmental Lecturer in Physical Geography | SoGE LAND OXRBL

Dr Simon DADSON | Associate Professor in Physical Geography | SoGE LAND CLI

Professor Patricia DALEY | Professor of the Human Geography of Africa | SoGE TRANS

Dr Luke DICKENS ** | Departmental Lecturer in Human Geography | SoGE TECH TRANS

Professor Danny DORLING | Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography | SoGE TRANS

Dr Chris DOUGHTY ** | Departmental Research Lecturer | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Professor Nick EYRE | Jackson Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Energy and Climate Policy | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Dustin GARRICK * | Departmental Research Lectureship in Environmental and Resource Management | SoGE SSEE TRANS

Dr Beth GREENHOUGH | Associate Professor in Human Geography | SoGE TECH

Dr Richard GRENYER | Associate Professor in Biodiversity and Biogeography | SoGE BIO CBMP

Professor Jim HALL | Professor of Climate and Environmental Risks | SoGE ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE ECI-WATER ECI-CROSS

Dr Rob HOPE | Associate Professor | SoGE SSEE TRANS

Dr Thomas JELLIS | Departmental Lecturer in Human Geography | SoGE TECH

Dr Paul JEPSON | Course Director, MSc/MPhil in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management | SoGE BIO TECH CGL

Dr Ian KLINKE | Associate Professor in Human Geography | SoGE TRANS

Dr Anna LORA-WAINWRIGHT | Associate Professor in the Human Geography of China | SoGE TECH TRANS

Dr Jamie LORIMER | Associate Professor in Human Geography | SoGE TECH

Dr Marc MACIAS-FAURIA | Associate Professor in Physical Geography | SoGE BIO

Professor Yadvinder MALHI | Professor of Ecosystem Science | SoGE ECI BIO CLI OCTF ECI-ECO

Dr Fiona MCCONNELL | Associate Professor in Human Geography | SoGE TECH TRANS

Dr Derek MCCORMACK | Associate Professor in Human Geography | SoGE TECH

Professor Linda MCDOWELL | Professor of Human Geography | SoGE TRANS CEWF

Professor Judith PALLOT | Professor of the Human Geography of Russia | SoGE TRANS

Dr James PALMER | Departmental Lecturer and Course Director, MSc/MPhil in Nature, Society and Environmental Governance | SoGE TSU TECH

Dr Richard POWELL | Associate Professor of Human Geography | SoGE TECH TRANS

Dr Tim SCHWANEN | Associate Professor in Transport Studies | SoGE TSU TECH TRANS TSU-EE TSU-CS

Professor David S.G. THOMAS | Professor of Geography | SoGE LAND CLI OLD DPC

Dr Tom THORNTON | Director of the MSc/MPhil in Environmental Change and Management and Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor | ECI BIO CLI ECI-ECO

Professor Heather VILES | Professor of Biogeomorphology and Heritage Conservation | SoGE LAND OXRBL DPC

Professor Richard WASHINGTON | Professor of Climate Science | SoGE LAND CLI

Dr Johanna WATERS | Associate Professor in Human Geography | SoGE TRANS

Professor Sarah WHATMORE | Professor of Environment and Public Policy | SoGE TECH

Professor Robert J. WHITTAKER | Professor of Biogeography | SoGE BIO CBMP

Professor Giles WIGGS | Professor of Aeolian Geomorphology | SoGE LAND DPC

Professor Dariusz WóJCIK | Professor of Economic Geography | SoGE TRANS CEWF

Staff list 2015/16



* Joined SoGE between 1 Aug 2015 31 July 2016

** Left SoGE between 1 Aug 2015 31 July 2016


SoGE School of Geography and the Environment

ECI Environmental Change Institute

TSU Transport Studies Unit

SSEE Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment


BIO Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Conservation

CLIM Climate Systems and Policy

LAND Landscape Dynamics

TECH Technological Natures: Materialities, Mobilities, Politics

TRANS Transformations: Economy, Society and Place

CGL Digital Conservation Governance Lab

CEWF Centre for Employment Work & Finance

CBMP Conservation Biogeography & Macroecology Programme

DPC Dryland Processes and Change

OLD Oxford Luminescence Dating Lab

OXRBL Oxford Rock Breakdown Lab


ECI-CLIMATE Climate programme

ECI-CROSS Cross-cutting research

ECI-ECOLAB Ecosystems Lab

ECI-ECO Ecosystems programme

ECI-ENERGY Energy programme

ECI-FOOD Food programme

ECI-WATER Water programme


TSU-CS Culture and Society

TSU-EE Energy and Environment

TSU-HW Health and Wellbeing

TSU-GPP Governance and Public Policy

Academic Staff







Page 20: School of Geography and the Environment


College Lecturers & affiliated University Academic Staff

Academic AssociatesDr Elizabeth BAIGENT | University Reader in the History of Geography | SoGE

Professor David BANISTER | Emeritus Professor of Transport Studies | TSU TECH TSU-EE TSU-CS TSU-GPP

Dr Brenda BOARDMAN | Emeritus Research Fellow | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Professor John BOARDMAN | Emeritus Professor | ECI LAND ECI-CROSS

Professor Jim BRIDEN | Emeritus Professor | ECI

Professor Colin CLARKE | Emeritus Professor of Geography | SoGE TRANS

Professor Allan FELS | Visiting Professor | SSEE

Professor Andrew GOUDIE | Emeritus Professor in Geography | SoGE LAND

Professor David GREY | Visiting Professor | SoGE TRANS

Professor Richard JONES | Visiting Professor | SoGE

Dr John LANGTON | Emeritus Research Fellow | SoGE TECH

Dr Tony LEMON | Emeritus Research Fellow | SoGE TRANS

Professor Sir Chris LLEWELLYN SMITH | Director of Energy Research, University of Oxford | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Professor Benito MüLLER | Convener International Climate Policy Research, ECI | ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE

Professor Ceri PEACH | Emeritus Professor of Social Geography | SoGE TRANS

Dr Ken ADDISON | College Lecturer | SoGE

Dr Janet BANFIELD | College Lecturer | SoGE

Professor David BRADLEY | MSc Teaching Staff | SoGE CLI TRANS

Dr Pam BERRY | College Lecturer and Researcher | ECI BIO CLI ECI-ECO

Dr Julie DURCAN | College Lecturer | SoGE LAND DPC

Dr Fiona FERBRACHE * | Research Associate in Transport Geography | SoGE TSU TECH

Dr Andrew HACKET PAIN | College Lecturer | SoGE

Dr David JOHNSTONE | MSc Teaching Staff | SoGE CLI

Dr Christine MCCULLOCH | MSc Teaching Staff | SoGE TRANS

Dr Nick MIDDLETON | Fellow of St Anne’s College | SoGE LAND DPC

Professor Edmund PENNING-ROWSELL | MSc Teaching Staff | SoGE TRANS

Michael ROUSE | MSc Teaching Staff | SoGE

Dr Abi STONE | MSc Teaching Staff | SoGE LAND OLD DPC

Dr Lorraine WILD | Academic Administrator and Fellow of St Edmund Hall | SoGE

Dr Bettina WITTNEBEN | MSc Teaching Staff | ECI BIO

Daniel ADSHEAD * | Researcher | ECI

Researchers & Programme leadersDr Nihan AKYELKEN ** | Research Fellow and Departmental Lecturer, Sustainable Urban Development | TSU TECH TSU-EE TSU-GPP

Dr Liana ANDERSON | Post Doctoral Research Associate in Land Cover Dynamics and Carbon Emissions | ECI BIO CLI ECI-ECO

Dr Irina ARAKELYAN | Researcher | SoGE BIO TECH

Dr Ian ASHPOLE ** | Postdoctoral Research Assistant | SoGE LAND CLI

Dr Paola BALLON * | REACH Researcher in Development Economics | SoGE SSEE

Emily BARBOUR | Researcher | ECI SSEE CLI

Dr Maan BARUA | Research and Teaching Fellow | SoGE BIO TECH

Matilda BECKER * | Research Assistant | SoGE TECH

Dr Pam BERRY | College Lecturer and Researcher | ECI BIO CLI ECI-ECO

Dr Lisa PATRICK BENTLEY | Post Doctoral Researcher and Wolfson College Research Fellow | ECI ECI-ECO

Finella BLAIR * | Data Manager for NERC Human Modified Tropical Forests Programme | ECI BIO OCTF ECI-ECO ECI-ECOLAB

Dr Benjamin BLONDER | NERC Independent Research Fellow | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Edoardo BORGOMEO ** | REACH Research Associate | ECI ECI-WATER

Rosina BORRELLI * | IFSTAL Workplace Liaison Officer | ECI ECI-FOOD

Dr Géraldine BOUVERET * | Researcher in Stranded Assets | SSEE

Dr Christian BRAND | Senior Research Fellow and Associate Professor | ECI TSU CLI TSU-EE ECI-ENERGY TSU-CS

Dr Sallie BURROUGH | Trapnell Research Fellow in African Environments | ECI LAND ECI-ECO OLD DPC

Dr Gianbattista BUSSI | Researcher | SoGE LAND

Ben CALDECOTT | Researcher | SSEE

Dr Yue CAO * ** | Researcher | ECI ECI-CROSS

Dr Paula CARMONA-QUIROGA ** | Marie Curie Research Fellow | SoGE LAND OXRBL

Dr Ernesto CARRELLA | Researcher | SoGE LAND

Xi (Casey) CHEN ** | Research Associate - Data Analyst | SSEE TRANS

Dr Percival CHO ** | Researcher | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Dr Christina COOK * ** | Social Science Coordinator | ECI

Julian COTTEE * | Researcher, Nexus | ECI ECI-FOOD

Dr Jill CROSSMAN ** | Researcher | SoGE CLI

Andrew DANSIE ** | Research Assistant | SSEE TRANS

Dr Sarah DARBY | Senior Researcher and Deputy Leader, ECI Energy Programme | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Peiqi DENG ** | Research Assistant | SSEE TRANS

Dr Gerard DERICKS | Researcher | SSEE

Dr Sabine DöRRY ** | Marie Curie Research Fellow | SoGE TRANS

Clare DOWNING | Climate Adaptation Science Officer (UKCIP) | ECI CLI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Robert DUNFORD | Senior Research Fellow | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Ellen DYER * | Postdoctoral Researcher in African Climate Science | SoGE SSEE CLI

Dr Jane DYSON ** | Researcher | SoGE TRANS

Dr Julie EKLUND | SEAHA Administrator | SoGE LAND OXRBL

Jakob ENGEL * ** | Research Associate in the Income Protection Gap | SSEE

Dr Sebastian ENGELSTAEDTER | Researcher | SoGE CLI

Dr Tina FAWCETT | Senior Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Wenfeng FENG | Researcher | SoGE LAND

Milja FENGER * | FCRN Research and Communications Officer | ECI ECI-FOOD

Dr Fiona FERBRACHE * | Research Associate in Transport Geography | SoGE TSU TECH

Roger FERNANDEZ URBANO ** | Research Assistant | SSEE TRANS

Dr Rebecca FORD * | Researcher and Programme Manager, The Oxford Martin Programme on Integrating Renewable Energy | ECI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Jaume FREIRE GONZáLEZ ** | Researcher | ECI ECI-WATER

Dr Nikolaos FYLLAS | Post Doctoral Researcher in Forest Dynamics/Modelling | ECI BIO CLI ECI-ECO

Dr Tara GARNETT | Food Climate Research Network Leader | ECI ECI-FOOD

Dr Helen GAVIN | Project Manager: MARIUS project | ECI CLI ECI-WATER

Dr Joe GERLACH | British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow | SoGE TECH

Dr Michael GILMONT | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-WATER

Dr Cécile GIRARDIN | Post Doctoral Researcher and James Martin Fellow | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Nancy GLADSTONE * | Water Programme Coordinator | SSEE

Susanna GOODALL | Researcher | SSEE TRANS

Dr Mark GRAHAM | Research Affiliate | SoGE TRANS

Jessica GRINTER * | Research Assistant | ECI


Dr Benoit GUILLOD | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE

Professor Robert HAHN | Senior Research Fellow | SSEE


Elizabeth HARNETT * | Researcher | SSEE

Dr Paula HARRISON ** | Researcher | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Dr Neil HART * | Postdoctoral Research Assistant in African Climate Science

Dr Karsten HAUSTEIN | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Victoria HAYMAN | Knowledge Exchange and Co-ordination Officer (UKCIP) | ECI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Shuaishuai HE ** | Researcher | SoGE LAND OXRBL


Professor Cameron HEPBURN | Professor of Environmental Economics | SSEE TRANS

Dr Sarah HIGGINSON * | Researcher-RealValue | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Mark HIRONS | Post Doctoral Researcher | ECI BIO CLI OCTF ECI-ECO

Dr Feyera HIRPA * | Post Doctoral Researcher in African Hydrology and Climate | SoGE LAND

Dr Timothy HODGETTS * | Researcher | SoGE TECH

Dr Debbie HOPKINS * | Research Fellow in Low Carbon Mobility and Energy Demand | TSU

Sonia HOQUE * | Post Doctoral Researcher in Water Security and Society, REACH Programme | SoGE SSEE

Dr John INGRAM | Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow, Somerville College | ECI CLI ECI-FOOD

Dr Matt IVES | Systems Modeller | ECI ECI-CROSS

Dr Rachel JAMES | ECI Research Fellow: Climate Modelling for Climate Services | ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Kathryn JANDA | Senior Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Chris JARDINE | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY


Kay JENKINSON ** | Communications Manager (UKCIP) | ECI CLI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Yu JIANG | Infrastructure Network Analyst | ECI

Dr Kärg KAMA | Research and Teaching Fellow | SoGE TECH TRANS

Dr Gavin KILLIP | Researcher | ECI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Peter Wynn KIRBY | Research Fellow | SoGE TECH

Johanna KOEHLER | Researcher | SSEE TRANS

Lucas KRUITWAGEN * | Researcher | SSEE

Dr Catharina LANDSTRöM | Researcher | SoGE TECH

Dr Russell LAYBERRY | Senior Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Samuel LEE-GAMMAGE * | FCRN Research and Communications Officer | ECI ECI-FOOD

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Management, Technical & Administrative Support Staff

Dr Sen LI | Researcher | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Iona LIDDELL | Unrepresented Diplomats Project Co-ordinator | SoGE TRANS

Dr Wee Ho LIM ** | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-WATER

Alexandra LITTAYE * | Development and Research Associate | SSEE

Dr Steven LORD | Researcher, TRANSMANGO | ECI ECI-FOOD

Dr Nicholas LYNCH ** | Researcher | SoGE TECH TRANS

Dr Yuge MA * | Postdoctoral Research Assistant | ECI ECI-CLIMATE


Dr Jens MADSEN * | Postdoctoral Research Assistant | SoGE LAND


Dr Neil MASSEY ** | Researcher | ECI ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Linus MATTAUCH * | Departmental Research Lecturer in the Economics of Environmental Change | ECI

Ruth MAYNE ** | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Constance MCDERMOTT | Senior Fellow in Forest Governance | ECI BIO OCTF ECI-ECO

Dr Caitlin MCELROY | Researcher | SSEE

Dr Sarah MCGILL * | Researcher | SSEE TRANS

Dr Kirsty MCGREGOR ** | Researcher | SoGE LAND

Dr Eoghan MCKENNA | Researcher, Lower Carbon Futures | ECI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Patrick MCSHARRY | Researcher | SSEE

Dr Jennie MIDDLETON | Senior Research Fellow in Mobilities and Human Geography (on Maternity Leave) | TSU TECH

Dr Richard MILLAR * | Postdoctoral Research Assistant | ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE


Dr Alex MONEY | Researcher | SSEE TRANS

Dr Sam MOORE | Post Doctoral Research Assistant in Tropical Carbon Dynamics | ECI BIO CLI ECI-ECO

Dr Alexandra MOREL | Post Doctoral Researcher | ECI BIO ECI-ECO



Claudia NEUSCHULZ * ** | Research Assistant | SSEE

Dr Denver NIXON * | Research Associate in Transport and Mobilities | TSU

Dr Imma OLIVERAS * | Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Plant Traits Analysis | ECI BIO ECI-ECO ECI-ECOLAB

Dr Friederike OTTO | Senior Researcher and Scientific Coordinator, | ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Raghav PANT | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-CROSS

Rathana PEOU * | Researcher, CCAFS | SoGE ECI ECI-FOOD

Marie PERSSON | FCRN Communications and Network Development Officer | ECI ECI-FOOD

Dr Jacquelyn PLESS * | Postdoctoral Research in Economics of Innovation | SSEE

Dr Anna PLYUSHTEVA * | Researcher and Executive Education Programme Coordinator | TSU

Patrick PRINGLE | Adaptation Scientific Officer (UKCIP) | ECI CLI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Grace REMMINGTON * | Research Assistant | SoGE SSEE

Dr John RHYS * ** | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Terhi RIUTTA | Post Doctoral Researcher in Ecosystems | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Tom RUSSELL * | Software Technician | ECI

Dr Lucas RUTTING | Researcher, CCAFS | ECI ECI-FOOD

Dr Norma SALINAS REVILLA | Post Doctoral Research Assistant in Tropical Carbon Dynamics | ECI BIO CLI ECI-ECO

Dr Eric SARMIENTO ** | Researcher | SoGE TECH

Mim SAXL ** | Project Coordinator for the Agile-Ox Local Impact Project | ECI ECI-CROSS

Paul SAYE ** | Researcher | ECI ECI-WATER

Dr Alexander SHENKIN | Post Doctoral Researcher | ECI BIO CLI OCTF ECI-ECO


Phil SIVELL | ARCC Network Science Officer | ECI CLI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Alison SMITH | Researcher | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Dr Amanda SNELLINGER ** | Researcher | SoGE TECH

Freya STANLEY-PRICE | Energy Network Coordinator | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Sigrid STAURSET * | Researcher | SoGE LAND

Dr Troy STERNBERG ** | Researcher | SoGE LAND OXRBL DPC


Alastair STRICKLAND * | Oxford Water Network Coordinator | SoGE ECI ECI-WATER

Roger SYKES | Food Systems Programme Manager | ECI ECI-FOOD

Alexander TEYTELBOYM | Researcher | SSEE CLI

Dr Scott THACKER * | Infrastructure Network Analyst | ECI ECI-CROSS

Joanna THOMPSON * | Research Assistant | ECI

Patrick THOMSON | Researcher | SoGE TRANS

Dr Marina TOPOUZI | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-ENERGY

Dr Daniel TULLOCH * | Researcher | SSEE

Briony TURNER | Senior Knowledge Exchange Officer (UKCIP) | ECI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Alexandra TZVETKOVA * | Part-time Research Assistant in Wealth and Integrating Renewable Energy | SSEE

Peter UHE | Researcher | ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE

Dr William USHER * | Infrastructure Systems Modeller | ECI ECI-CROSS

Alexis VAN LENNEP ** | Researcher | SSEE


Dr Michael VIEHS ** | Researcher | SSEE

Dr Pete WALTON | Knowledge Exchange Research Fellow | ECI CLI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Rupert WAY * | Researcher | SSEE

Dr Rebecca WHITE | IFSTAL Education Coordinator | ECI ECI-FOOD

Professor Paul WHITEHEAD | Researcher | SoGE CLI

Prof Noel WHITESIDE * | Researcher | SSEE TRANS

Dr Katrin WILHELM | Researcher | SoGE LAND

Tanya WILKINS * | Science Communications and Knowledge Transfer Manager, UKCIP | ECI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Yin YANG * ** | Research Assistant | SSEE

Dr Jianjun YU | Researcher | ECI BIO ECI-ECO

Dr Kasia ZIEMINSKA * ** | Postdoctoral Research Associate | ECI BIO OCTF ECI-ECO ECI-ECOLAB

Dr Monika ZUREK | Senior Researcher, SUSFANS | ECI ECI-FOOD

Parviz ABDURAKHMONOV | Finance Manager | SoGE

Simon ABELE | Research Officer (Spatial Data Analysis) | SoGE ECI

Lesley ALGAR * | Receptionist (Afternoon) | SoGE

Ailsa ALLEN | Cartography and Graphics Officer | SoGE

Dr Caroline ANDERSON * | MSc Coordinator (BCM and NSEG) | SoGE

Jane APPLEGARTH | Administrative / Project Assistant to the Ecosystems Programme | ECI BIO OCTF ECI-ECO

Joan ARTHUR | ECI Office Co-ordinator | ECI

Anna BAGINSKA * | Events and Engagement Co-ordinator | SSEE

Dr Szilvia BAJKAN | Luminescence Laboratory Technician | SoGE LAND OLD

Daniel BALTZER ** | Development Officer | SSEE

Dr Christine BARO-HONE | Alumni Relations Officer (on maternity leave) | SoGE ECI

Rosanna BARTLETT * | REACH Partnership Funding Manager | SoGE SSEE

Dr Erato BASEA ** | MSc Coordinator (ECM and WSPM) (Maternity cover) | SoGE

Christopher BENTLEY * ** | Building Facilities Assistant | SoGE

Sue BIRD ** | Reader Services Librarian Geography, Bodleian Libraries | SoGE

Alex BLACK | Facilities and Services Manager | SoGE

Jan BURKE | Personal Assistant to Head of School, Prof. Heather Viles | SoGE

Alice CHAUTARD * | Events and Engagement Officer | SoGE ECI

Tim CHURCHOUSE | IT Officer Mac Desktop Specialist | SoGE

Elaine CRAIG ** | Executive Education Programmes Coordinator | SSEE

Ian CURTIS | Development Officer | SoGE ECI

Sarah DAVIDSON ** | MSc Coordinator (BCM and NSEP) | SoGE

Dr Mona EDWARDS | Laboratory Manager | SoGE LAND OXRBL

Dr Sebastian ENGELSTAEDTER | Researcher | SoGE CLI

Emma FARRANT * ** | Alumni Relations Officer (maternity cover) | SoGE ECI

Stephanie FERGUSON | Knowledge Exchange Officer (UKCIP) | ECI CLI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Patrizia FERRARI ** | Events and Engagement Co-ordinator | SSEE

David FORD | IT Manager | SoGE

Anita GHOSH | REACH Programme Manager | SoGE SSEE

Emma GOLLUB * ** | REACH Research Administrator | SoGE SSEE

Tina GOTTHARDT | Athena SWAN Officer | SoGE

Claire GREGORY * | Finance and Research Assistant | SoGE

Saher HASNAIN * | Alumni Relations Officer (maternity cover) | SoGE ECI

Miriam HIGGINS * | HR Assistant | SoGE

Richard HOLDEN | Head of Administration and Finance | SoGE ECI

Dr Stephanie HUDSON ** | PA to Professor Gordon L. Clark | SSEE

Ussanee HUNTLEY ** | MSc Coordinator (ECM and WSPM) | SoGE

Miguel JODRA * | Laboratory Technician | ECI BIO ECI-ECO ECI-ECOLAB

Abigail JOHNSTON | Human Resources Officer

Angelika KAISER | Programmes Manager | SSEE

Sue KING | PA to the Director of ECI and the Director of Energy Research | ECI

Sarah KING ** | Finance and Research Assistant | SoGE

Armpen KRISTO * | Building and Facilities Assistant | SoGE

Lucy MAHONEY ** | Executive Education Programmes Coordinator, Global Challenges in Transport: Oxford Leadership Programme | TSU

Karis MCLAUGHLIN | REACH Communications and Events Manager | SoGE SSEE

Miriam MENDES | ITRC Programme Manager | ECI ECI-CROSS

Joe MILKOVIC | Building Facilities Technician | SoGE

Sue Bird RetiresSue Bird, Geography Librarian for over 25 years, retired at the end of the 2015/16 academic year. The Bodleian Library and SoGE marked her retirement with a reception at the Weston Library, at which Sue is pictured above with current and former Heads of the School, Professor Heather Viles (left) and Professor Andrew Goudie (right).

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Thank you

The inaugural Adrian Fernando Lecture was held by the Smith School in May 2016 (pictured below), to commemorate the life and contribution of Adrian Fernando (inset). He was the CEO of EcoSecurities Group plc, a company conceived to tackle climate change based on the idea of using market mechanisms to properly price the environment.

Helen MORLEY * | Information and Communications Officer (maternity cover) | SoGE ECI

Sally MULLARD | UKCIP Administrative Assistant | ECI UKCIP ECI-CLIMATE

Dr Faith OPIO * | MSc Coordinator (ECM and WSPM) | SoGE EC

Donna PALFREMAN ** | Receptionist (Morning) | SoGE

Susan PRING ** | IWSP Administrative Assistant | SoGE

Kirsty RAY * | Administrative Officer and PA to the Director of the TSU | TSU

Emily READ | Project Assistant to the Ecosystems Programme, ECI | ECI BIO OCTF ECI-ECO

Helen RIVERS | Senior Human Resources Officer | SoGE

Hannah ROWLANDS ** | Communications Officer for project | ECI CLI ECI-CLIMATE

Anne RYAN * | Administrative Assistant, LCF and Climate Research Lab | ECI ECI-ENERGY ECI-CLIMATE

Jennifer SABOURIN * | PA to the Director of the SSEE | SSEE

Ruth SAXTON | Research Degrees Coordinator | SoGE

Saroj SHRESTHA | IT Support Officer | SoGE

Angela SIDAWAY ** | Administrative Assistant | SSEE

Geis SIMMONS * | Finance Officer | SoGE

Lorna SOFTLEY | REACH Programme Administrative Support | SoGE

Deborah STRICKLAND | Information and Communications Officer (on maternity leave) | SoGE ECI

Sally TATE ** | Administrative Officer and PA to the Director of the TSU (on maternity leave) | TSU

Annette VANEEDEN | Receptionist (Mornings) | SoGE

Iryna VINK ** | Undergraduate Coordinator | SoGE

Emma WEISBORD ** | Events and Communications

Officer | SoGE ECI | Karen WEST | Finance

Assistant | SoGE

Chris WHITE | Information and Communications

Manager | SoGE

Dr Lorraine WILD | Academic Administrator and

Fellow of St Edmund Hall | SoGE

Milembe WILKINSON | Human Resources Assistant

| SoGE

Gillian WILLIS | Research Officer | SoGE

Lucy YOUNG * | Undergraduate Coordinator and

Admissions Officer | SoGE

Hong ZHANG | Research Technician | SoGE OXRBL

Professor W Mike Edmunds (1941-2015)

Professor Martyn J Webb (1925-2016)

Professor David N Collins (1949-2016)

The department was greatly saddened to lose an ‘inspirational’ colleague and teacher, Professor W Mike Edmunds, in 2015. You can read his obituary and find out about the annual memorial lecture that has been set up in his honour at

SoGE was also sad to learn of the deaths of two former colleagues this

year. Professor Martyn Webb (1943), alumnus and Departmental Lecturer in Economic Geography between 1953 and 1964, passed away in January this year, and Professor Dave Collins, who was a member of staff between 1994 and 1999, passed away on the 8 Sept 2016. You may read both of their obituaries online, at:

In Memoriam

We would like to recognise the financial support of the various research councils, charities, organisations and benefactors who have supported research within the department this year.

Making research happen: funders of current research at SoGE (as of 1 October 2016)


Arts and Humanities Research Council

Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council

British Academy

British Council


CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agriculture

City of London

Climate Central Inc

ClimateWorks Foundation

Danish Council for Strategic Research (DSF)

Danish International Development Agency

Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs

Department for Transport

DFID Department for International Development

E3G - Third Generation Environmentalism

Ecofys Netherlands BV

Economic & Social Research Council

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation

European Climate Foundation

European Commission

European Environment Agency (EEA)

Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Getty Foundation

Global Challenges Foundation

Higher Education Funding Council of England (HEFCE)

Historic England

Historic Environment Scotland

Hong Kong Research Council

HSBC Bank Plc

ILSI Research Foundation

Independent Social Research Foundation

Institute of Transport Economics

J. Paul Getty Museum

James Martin 21st Century Foundation

James Martin Institute

John Fell Fund

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Klima und Energiefonds (Austrian Climate and Energy)

KR Foundation

Leverhulme Trust

MacArthur Foundation

Met Office

Natural Environmental Research Council

Natural Resources Defence Council

Nature Conservancy

Norges Bank

Ocean Conservancy

Otto Poon

Oxford Martin School

Patsy Wood Trust

Rainforest Research SDN BHD

Regional Government of Andalusia

Research Council of Norway

Royal College of Surgeons of England

Royal Society

Swedish Research Council

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

Swiss Philanthropy Foundation

Tellus Mater Foundation (TMF)


Universita Degli Studi Del Piemonte Orientale Amedeo Avogardro (UPO)

Wellcome Trust

Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

Summer Holiday 2016Support staff made the most of the long summer break with a barbecue in University Parks. Head of Finance, Richard Holden (pictured left, with Milembe Wilkinson, HR Assistant) organised the event, with help from Facilities Manager, Alex Black (above), Joe Milkovic and Alice Chautard.

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