School front cover

I opened Photoshop and created a portrait new project so I begin designing my front cover for the school magazine .

Transcript of School front cover

I opened Photoshop and created a portrait new project so I begin designing my front cover for the school magazine .

I then went to the gradient bucket and created a purple and white background as the colour for my front cover. I chose purple as it is a bright but not tacky colour that would catch the readers eye.

I used text tool to insert my masthead and centred it at the top of the page. I aligned it to the middle rather than the left because I wanted the reader to be able to tell that that was the title of the magazine.

I used the lasso tool to take away the back ground of the image, I did this because it clashed with the colour scheme of the magazine.

This is what the image looked like once I had finished using the lasso tool. I think it looks and fits in the front cover more than it did before.

I began adding my coverlines to the front cover with the text tool. I chose to use white as it stood out more in the purple background however I switched between black and white to fit with the colour scheme.

I used text tool to continue adding my coverlines, I then used shape tool to insert the shapes round the text. Finally, I went to file and imported the barcode image. This is my finished magazine front cover.