School Development Committee Terms of Ref - Sept 09

TERMS OF REFERENCE TERMS OF REFERENCE TERMS OF REFERENCE TERMS OF REFERENCE – SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE Name of Committee Name of Committee Name of Committee Name of Committee The School Development Committee Status of Committee Status of Committee Status of Committee Status of Committee Non Statutory Membership Membership Membership Membership 5 Governors and the Headteacher Appointment of Chair Appointment of Chair Appointment of Chair Appointment of Chair Appointed by the Governing Body Clerking Clerking Clerking Clerking Chair Meeting Meeting Meeting Meeting At least once each term, prior to full governing body meeting Quorum Quorum Quorum Quorum Three Governors including the headteacher Voting Voting Voting Voting By majority with the chair having the casting vote Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes To reach committee members within one week of the meeting and all other governors with the papers for the next full governing body meeting.



Transcript of School Development Committee Terms of Ref - Sept 09

Page 1: School Development Committee Terms of Ref - Sept 09


Name of CommitteeName of CommitteeName of CommitteeName of Committee The School Development Committee Status of CommitteeStatus of CommitteeStatus of CommitteeStatus of Committee Non Statutory MembershipMembershipMembershipMembership 5 Governors and the Headteacher Appointment of ChairAppointment of ChairAppointment of ChairAppointment of Chair Appointed by the Governing Body ClerkingClerkingClerkingClerking Chair MeetingMeetingMeetingMeeting At least once each term, prior to full

governing body meeting QuorumQuorumQuorumQuorum Three Governors including the headteacher VotingVotingVotingVoting By majority with the chair having the casting

vote MinutesMinutesMinutesMinutes To reach committee members within one

week of the meeting and all other governors with the papers for the next full governing body meeting.

Page 2: School Development Committee Terms of Ref - Sept 09

School DevelopmentSchool DevelopmentSchool DevelopmentSchool Development Committee Committee Committee Committee ResponsibilitiesResponsibilitiesResponsibilitiesResponsibilities The full governing body must take all decisions concerning its responsibilities for the school development planning and curriculum development. The committee's task is to identify options and make recommendations. These should include working closely with the headteacher to:- Advise the governing body onAdvise the governing body onAdvise the governing body onAdvise the governing body on:

� The School's development plan � Their statutory responsibilities within the plan.

Provide information to the governing body aboutProvide information to the governing body aboutProvide information to the governing body aboutProvide information to the governing body about:

� How the School Development Plan has been formed, expected impact across the school and how it is going to impact on standards.

Review the policy and provision Review the policy and provision Review the policy and provision Review the policy and provision for and make recommendations to the for and make recommendations to the for and make recommendations to the for and make recommendations to the governing body concerning:governing body concerning:governing body concerning:governing body concerning:

� Collective worship � Religious education � Sex education

Ensure, on behalf of the governing body thatEnsure, on behalf of the governing body thatEnsure, on behalf of the governing body thatEnsure, on behalf of the governing body that:

� The requirements of children with special educational needs are met as laid out in the Code of Practice.

Monitor and review, reporting regularly to the governing bodyMonitor and review, reporting regularly to the governing bodyMonitor and review, reporting regularly to the governing bodyMonitor and review, reporting regularly to the governing body:

� Information about school performance ( * to be discussed further) ContributeContributeContributeContribute:

� To the formulation, monitoring and review of the School Development Plan.