Saturday Press. - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you...

to, -- El! THE SATURDAY PRESS. A NRWATArftR Plllf.fMIIKt) WrtKKI.Y ni riVKBOIiliAHS AVKAIl IN ADVANCE tahserlberssnil Aitwllsus wlilsiMreas Mr TMs.Oi Thrum HtiMntM Mnir r All rimtlT fir th Halnnlnr l'ri slioliM n inMrrsse.l In llm- HATI HIM I'lUilN" A Vnmr Girl. Him Irntinl lirr Iwnil nil nlicly linnd, Ami lot Imr i(lrllh f ftnry rnto Amid tint tliiifty dliiHrfVm Him ilronnmf nf lotMn nnd of l'ivi, YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you filMim,'' HimiMil tint (ho Krlm iiriifoanorcnii, "Ami llml llir tflri of lit iliKnoii Ami W iiiHmI.' mum or !. Htm stnrtrd tip fttlli llunliliiK fner, Ami looked nrnMiil tint room, linir-fwnr- I 'llicn until, ipirti'tnlicrlim tlm plnrr, 'Nolprep.irrdl" Him linil i lover llkn rt ir1nro, A liyrnl lovnr, Iimi, t wlM Ami ImitiHli 'li" MKiifil IndllTnri'iiPP, Jlor foolish lltlln liriitl Wim Ids. Ho wlii-- tin tlm nlntllt alrnnd tin npolin of nil IiIh honvi nml fnnrri, Ami irimd Iiit soil pitrlrlnii Imml, tin total III luvn to '.vllllnu on ml Tliotluli "till, nlm would not yield im vnt, lit-n- t liialionld think nlm rrnlly tniil, Hut wlilntiri'd low, tint nly rin 11", "Not prelaw. ill" Tlmy mrtrn onunpi'd J nml tln'M njjnht To trot Hint Inter i Hli" trrnliil dim with nml illmlnlii, Ami 'llrliil 11101 ontMKconily. Hut when licr Inter rninn no more, Him wriitn nml hiiIi), rvmnrni'fiilly, " Will you lint mwlt inn n linfnrn Iti'iliN'iii jnur i1imIkh nml mnrry mo '" 'I hit nimwor rmniii i wllli lilunli illvlnn Him lirnkii tlm wnien wnl, lutlf-nnim- l, 'llieii WM'plii",, rertil tlm liiln Him "Not iimmri'it I" Attn t'ufumhhmi, "Writing for tho l'rcw. I. Writo tijioti utio diilo of llio nlird only. Why? HccniiNU it in oftrm nccpRsnry In out llio piyCH into " liikcn " for llio uoniionitom, nml tliiH ontuiiit bo tiono wlioti liulh Hid os nrn written upon. II. Wrilo oloirly nml (listinotly, being jnrticulnily cmofnl in llm timttcr oT propur jmmoH, nml words fiom foreign IniigiingoH. Why? Urcfttiso j'on htvo nu right to nnk citlicr clit(ir or cointioKitor to wimtu bin tituu puzzling out tho remilt of yonr mjII'ihIiiiokh. III. Don't writo in n microBcopio linntl. Why? DocjniiRO tho compositor linn to rtind it ncroHS his ense, nt a tliitnnco of ncnrly two fcot ; also, becruiHo tho oditor ofton wnntfl to rnafco ndditioiiR runl other clinngco. IV. Don't begin nt. tho very top of tho first jingo. Why? llcrmiho, if yon hnvo writton n head for your nrliole, tho editor will probably wnnt to chniigoit; nnd if you hnvo not, which is tho hotter wny, ho miml, writo one. lk'nidc, ho wantH room in which to writo Iiim instructions to tho printer im to tho typo to bo used, whoro nnd when tho proof is to bo oont, olc. V. Never roll your manuscript. Why ? Kcciuso it mnddoiiH ami exasperates every one who it editor, compositor nnd jironf-rcndu- r. VL Uo brief. Why? BccaiiBO pooplo don't rend long storieH. Tho number of renders which any two nrtielcs lmvo in in- - verwly proportioned to tho Rquaro of their respectivo length. That is, a hnlf-colum- n nrticlo is read by four timos ns many poo-pi- e as ono of double that length. VII. Havo the fear of tho wasto-baslc- ct constantly and htcaclily before your cyos. Why? UccaiiBO it will save yon a vast ninount of uhcIohb labor, to hay nothing of pnpor and pootngo. VIII. Always writo your full nnmo and nddrosa plainly at tho end of your letter. Why ? JlcoaiiRO it often hnppous that tho editor will want to communicnto with you, nml liccauso ho needs to know tho writer's nnmo as a guaranteoof good faith. If you ubo pseudonym or initials, writo your nnmo nnd address bolow it; it will novor bo divultrcd. IX. " TIicro precepts in tby momory koop," and, for fear you mightforgot thorn, cut thorn out nnd put thorn where you can rondily run through thorn when tempted to Bpill innocent ink. Causuor's word for it, thoso who heed those rules will bo belo ved and fnvorcd in every editorial sanctum. A Notable Marriage. Tho mnrringo of tho IJnroncss Bnrdott-Cout- ts and William L. Ashmoad Bnrtlctt was celebrated nt Christ Ohurch, Picca- dilly, London, on tho 12th inst. Only tho nearest rclativos nnd most intimnto frionds woro prosont. Tho bridogroom will hence- forth bo known ns Mr. Ashmoad Bartlott Coutts, tho delay of a fortnight in tho marriago having boon caused solely to complete thoifurmalitios necosBary for this change of namo iu order to provont tho forfeituro of property under tho Will of Harriott, Dutchess or-b- t. Aiuans, irom whom tho brido inhoritcd hor vast estate. Tho present Baronohg since coming into hor fortuno of $100,000,000 in 18U7, has appropriated more than $25,000,000 to various benevolent and charitable purposos, nnd is now snid to bo tho possessor of $500,000 a year, having gained not loss than $250,000 a year from tho profits of Coutt's Bank. Mr. William Ashmoad Bartlott is tho youngor son of tho late Ellis Bartlott, for-nior- ly ofNow Bedford, audi of his wife uca Aalimoad. He wnR after his fnrthor'e.doath Ukon to England by his mother, who finally sottled in Loudon, graduated at Oxford Collego, became a protogo of tho Baronoss with whom ho mndo his homo, acting ns her privato secretary. Tho Baronoss will bo 67 yonrs old next April, and Mr. Bartlott is about 32 yoars of nge. It is tho general vcidict (says n Loudon correspondent) that the brido looked quito aa attractive aud almost ns youug as tho bridegroom. The winter is ono of exceptional sev- erity in Europo as well ns in nil parts of tho United, gtatos! People havo been ac- customed to congratulate thotnselves in tho milder climato of the States nnd Territor- ies of tho Pnoifio coast, whero tho air is so tempered by a warm current from tho ahoroH of Japan that suow nnd ico nro raroly soon there ; but this year thoy nro groater suffcrors than wo on tho colder . Atlantic. Whtlo tho States east of tho Hooky Mountains have experienced tho discomforts of sovoro cold, on tho othor aide of that rangij thero has boon immenM) destruction of property by floods that have urnawicd in extent anything ever recorded before. Tho devastation caused along tho line of tho Central Pacific and in tho valley ot tuo oncrameuvo nas uocn announced by telegraph, but later reports from Oregon bIiow that aUo iu ono of tho choicest farming regions of that produc tiva State there has been serious and wide- spread disaster. Meantime wo hoar that iu parts of Moxioo persons have been froieii to death; that in Holland the dykea hv keen - swept by tho so and a whole 'province inundated; causing great lose of property end much Buffering; that ia Loudon there have been Boods and .nn .tnrma that necessitated a temporary ZjSi'at airbusinese and iutlicted dJi.gto th. tM( often million dol. Ura , Uitt is RuaU Urg coloaiM of Ger - j Saturday VOLUMIfl I. tnnns havo bron rcilurfd to extreme ilcsli-tiilio- n, nnd that in tho military hnvo boon ctlled out to naninL in clearing tlm rotds. Estimated TrnfTlc Through tho Projected Panama Canal. A Now York journal OBlimnloft Hint wlion tho I'niinmii Ciitinl is completed tho trnlllo through it will corlninly iimoiiut to 0,000,000 toiut ntimially. At prenoiit Cnli-forn- ia nnd llio othor Hlnlrs on tho t'noifin noibonnl semi more than 1,000,000 Ioiib of prodnco every yi-n- r to I'hiropu; wltllo tho trnlllc butwcuii llio Atnnrienn .StnloH on tho Hhnres of tlinAtlnntic nml thoHii on tho Pneillc nlso exueetU 1,000,000 totm. Wlion the cotiitiiiinicntioti hotwenn Ihe IwoocoatiH h fncilitntcd tho tnwio bntwecn them will incrnnAii by nt lcnt !I0 per con I., bo t lint it may bo cl I lint, llio United Klntcs nloiio will numl !l,000,000 tons through the :niinl iiiimiiilly. Whim tho'oiuinl is opened, ngniu, tho whole of tho trnllic between the UiiKflinn posHCBsioiiH on tho Pncifio nnd Europe, bolweoii Europo nnd tho oust const of America on tho ono Imml, nml Jnpiii, China, the Philippine Ifilnmls and Aiintrnlin on tho Other, will nlso through tho now wnter-wn- y; nnd nt present Uhina Minds 200,000,000 poumlH, or 100,000 totiH, oflen, nnd AiiBtrnlia 000,000,000 pounds of wool, twid other products, wliioii togolher ntnouut to UOO.OOO tons, ovory year to LiUropo.. Peru exports nuuiiiilly 400 000 tons of gunno, Rnltpetrc, sugar, nnd metals; vhilo Chili Bonds out every year florno 100,000 tonn of copcr, siiltpotre, silver, ml corn. Ecuador nml Bolivia export nuually moro than 200,000 tons of metnls, 'ocon, colFcc, nnd other roducts; whilo tho ' American ropnblicri mid tho prov- ides of Mexico on tho Pncilio shores send 100,000 tons of vnrioiiB products every 'ear to Europo. All thoso exports to Eu-op- o mnko a totnl of 1,000,000 tons; nnd if t is nRRtimcd that in roturn for them 1,400,000 tons nro sont back, tho trnllic hrough tho canal from theso sourcos will mount to nnother (1,000,000 tons. tit. rumen' Guzetlc. Patterns by Crystallization. Tho curious nralnsquos produced on win-lo- w panes by frost havo Ruggostcd to n 'Vouch inventor n systom of obtnining do-ig- for printed fituirR by crj'stnllizition. lo has mndo experiments with solutions of ulphnto of zinc, copper, iron, nluminn, nml iingnesin, into which plates ot glnss wcro t coped, nnd then allowed to dry hlowly nt lilTereiit temperatures. Tho crystals thus lepusiled formed n great variety of fnnci-i- i I figiiics, flowers, feathors, stars, etc Clicse may bo fixed by an addition of nlbu-iio- n or gelatine. If copper plntcs nro used, ho doBignR thus obtained may also bo undo permanent by cloctrotyping. Tho ;roat difllculty is to obtain continuous pnt-crn- s to bo reproduced on tho cylinders used for printing ; but tlmt mny ho over- come by using cylindrical plates of copper, and turning them on their axes whilo tho cvnporation is going on. Tho crystallizi-tlo- n is, howovor, frequently irregular nnd loaves blank spices which spoil tho har- mony of tho design, but this defect will probably bo overcomo by cxperionco. It is not certain thnt tho method has yot been practically employed, but tho idea is in- genious, nnd probably will bo ovontually turned to account. If wo mny judgo from tho " Hight-IInn- d Record nnd Nowspapor Directory" of Mr. II. P. Hubbard, of Now Haven, Conn., tho United Stntcs nro vory well supplied with newspapers. Tho sninllcst villages hnvo thoir JJemld, Jtvwrtcr, or Trlegraph. A population of 310 nnd less will often sup- port n journal of thoir own, and, to judgo from tho circulation, which scoms never to fall bolow 400, ovory man, woman, nnd child in tho plnco must subscribo for ono conr if not for two. Now York, with n population of 1,110,000, hns twonty-oig- ht dailies, wherons London, which numbers nt lcnst'thrco timos ns many inhabitants, hns but eighteen. None of tho twenty-eigh- t, however, havo a circulation cqunl to that reached bj' somo of tho London jour- nals. Tho .lYcics boads tho list with 182,-00- 0, tho Htm comes next with 119,000, nnd tho Herald third with 115,000. Tho strength of tho German clement in tho city is shown by tho 40,000 which tho Slant-Zcitui- i; circulates, loaving room, howovor, for tho threo other rivals of tho sumo language Of weekly journals New York has about 170, nsngninstiionuou'ssoventy. Tho Southern Stntos, howovor, show n far smaller demand fur this kind of literature. "Now Orleans, with n population of nearly n quarter of n million, hns seven dailies, not ono of which circulates moro thnu ten thousand ; whilo tho Statoof Louisiana has n totnl of ninoty-tw- o journals of ovory kind. ns against 1171 which nppear iu tho State of Now York, Tho Indians havo tho literary tasto moro developed than tho Southorners. Ono bundled nnd twonty-tiv- o " Crcoks" who livo nt Kufaula cousumo ncnrly four timos ns many copies of tho Indian Jour-nai- f nnd tho ' Ohorokces" of Vintn nro nearly ns good supporters to tho Indian Herald. The Stormy Seas. Tho prosont Win-to- r will long bo romombercd ns ono of po. oulinr hardships on tho oco-in- . During tho mouth of Jnnuury tho total number of ves-ic- ls belonging to or bound to or from ports in tho United Stntcs reported lost wns 44, of which 25 woro wreokod, 11 nbandoned, nnd tbo rest wero foundered or tuisaiug, The month of February has nlso been n very trying ouu, aud tho list of disasters ia ominously large. A large number of colored laborers from tho Southern States aro being introduced into Colorado to work on tho Denver nnd llio O ramie llnilroad extensions. It is ex- pected that tho number will reach C'000 during tho coming Summer. SCHOOL OF COOKERY RESTAURANT, Richards Stroat, Between Merchant and Queen Streets. Board 4 per week. 81 Mral Tickets t4. fVT WVKII CIMIWWI.-- M Hi'sMI.-- A I limited number of boarders only. Strict atten- tion to their comfort a specialty. NO CKLKoTtAl.o EMPLOTKU. Unslliy, cuaininess, anu economv en. ess lauio in iioiiuiuiu. wait aim jbWijj JJ; For Hill of Kara see (Uiarrs. 1 kTsu , ALVHKU U. UUUGUTO.N, Proprietor. HONOLULU, II. J., SATURDAY, II. W. HKVKILANfJK. Ifnwnllnri fJotMiil Be. CntiMiliultni Mnrrlinnt 7 aid ( ullfrirnln HI . I nl . Ittmm Ho, i. j J, M. DAVIDSON, Attoniny nnit Comunllor nt Ijitt I M'N'llMll HI ,ltllllllll, II I. ED WAUD TIHiSTON, Attnrnny nml Oomi?illnr nt Law, ly m Kort Htrfit llinftlnl, t MHS. D. b. omrriN, I ir) Inrt Ht , lliinnlulii, 1'iitliloiin.tiln Mllllnnr nml IDrri4 Mnlmr. I f.'rw O.....I. ami Hlyli ric unlit ry wniitli. ly Dili N. D. EMKKSON, jtiiyenoiAN viv xyi.rnrr (inicnt Dr. Ilnirmitnti'i' llnu Store, 21 Mcrclmht HI Hreirt,.i,(.oriier Knkul nml I nit UrcKlhiiul'l hnter prenilnf") Oflltriliiiiir-- U to II a m,3 to I e. x 3 J. NOTT & CO.. Impnrtor nml Dmilnr In Slovci, Rnti;r, .Metnl, nti tt Ktirnleliln v Oiimln, (,'rockfry. lllm nml Chlnn Wnrr, I'rncllcnl Mrcl nritc. Itoiioliiln, II. I, I ly !PIX-I3i:3tJL''- S CHAMPAGNE CIDER MANUFACTORY AND GROCERY. A ,n. II l.llllm Mrrrl. j A.W. niCKAHDSON ScCO., IHruiirKiM ami iikai rn !! Ilnnti, Hlioea, I'uril l III m; (looilit, Hutu. dnpi. Tnmlo, VbIIum, Ivrfuinery nml Hnaii, Wnlthnm Witlchi1, I'Iiip Jrwrlry, i lc, rnrnir of l'ort nml .Mrrehnnt !.. lloiltllnlll, If, I, I ly M. DICKSON, Photocrfiphlo Artlut, IW nml Hll Port Htri'H. l'Iclnr'ii of nil lriii nml kluiN maili to onlcr, nml rranien of nil ipcrlpllon ciinttnntly mi linnil. Alio, Hlirll. I.'ornln. nml iltirlmltlcn iif tin) 1'oclflc. -' ly U W. HOPP, Cntilnot Maker, UjitioNtoror, Donlar In Fnrnltnrn, No. KSKIiib Htrrrt, lirttveon Nininnii unit Kurt Hlreetii. .MntlrcBi'i'B cnnilniillr on hnnil or inndi- - to nnlcr. V1 TIIOS. O. THRUM, Importing nnd MnnnfnotnrinR Stntloner. Now Acont, Book Blnilur, &o Merchant Strert. anil Denier III Kino fltntlnncry, Ilookf, Mulc, Toyn nml I'nncy Oomlii, 1 Kort Hlrctt, nenr Hotel, lliinululii. ly w. M. wrM.vrn, Jims iwkmiu, "WENNER & CO.. J'ort atrrct, nppoalto Oild l'cllow' Hull, Mnnnfnoturlnt; Jowolon, Diamond Sottnm, KnurnvrrH, nml Dcnlcm In .lewiflry of nil kinds. Hhi-l- l and Knknl .Icttilry nnuln lo order, Oritur aIho re ridvcit nml foitli fully nttendcil to for all kliidn of llnlr Work In Jewelry or .Memorial t)tl(;ni 1 ly FRANK OERTZ, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER No. M Merchant .St., next to Thou O Thrum. llool mill Nlioi'i Mmlo to Orili-r- , or lli'it ,11 it- - K'rlitl.iiuil nt ltiMtiililo I'rlpet. Boots and Shoos ma do for Cash only ajy M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Importer nnd 'Wholnnalo Doalom in Gono- - rnl Morohnndlso, 3 Makcc'it lllock, (Jueen Street. ly M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Torwnrtlinp; nnd Commiuion Merchants, till California Ht.,Snii frnnclnco. Special facilttlc for nnd particular attention paid to 3 conalgnmentit of Inland produce. ly "VOILiOiSLlSrO HOUSE citA'rrit fir of in..un. W. IL LKNTZ, MANAGER. Plenty to cat. a rnntlnc fire, clean beds, and tho ct attendance on tlm nnwnilun imaniin VU Itor rcnuirlm: nny iiuplny or volcanic nciinn win Kimiiyi he Mnnni'er nt leant ten day notice In fine weather, nn from eleven to thirteen In foul. T ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY. R. LOVE A. BROTHER, Proprietors, XUUANU SHEET. Pilot, Medium nnd 'ay Bread alway on hand and mode to order Also, Water, Soda and lluttcr Crack- - cri, Jenny Llnd Cnken, &r. Ship llrcad on ttio rhortest notice. Family Uread. made of the Best Flour, baked dally and alwaya on liauu. X. II. n II r mil or tlm Ilcxt Quality jy T. J. MOSSMAN, Importer and Denier in Crockery, Plain and Decorated Porcelain, Cut and I'resi-c- 01ns, Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery, C'handcllcr, Lamps, Chlmneya, Etc. Fire Proof Store, cor. Kluc and Xuuanu Sts., Honolulu. y E, COOK WEBB, M. D., IHomeopathht, (Late Chief of Stall Homeopathic Hospital, Ward'i Island, '. Y.) Onicc 60 Fort Street. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Offlco lioiirK Until 10 A. M. g to r. a. 3 ly O. SSOKLKrN. O. INOU.Nfi. G. SEGELKEN & CO., No. 5 Nuuanii Street, Tinsmiths nnd Plnmbors. Doalors in Stoves, o,..,n. Tin Ml.oet frmi mill Ciinner Ware, keen con utantly on hand a full assortment of Tinware, Gulvan- - lzed Iron and Lead Pipe, India Itubber Hose, lc, Ac. a ly . HIOGINS &. JESSETT, Nos.SUandUKIngHt., afigJrS-- Cnrrtngo Bnlldon, Trlm-- si WWmtn, Painters, Varnishors 3-- Ei All kinds of Itepalrliisnttciuled to, and good work Ijiuraiiteed at Low Kntcs. 8 ly A. Is. SMITH, 41 rOBT STniET, liriHITEII AND DKaLrn IN M'rlden Quadruple Plated Ware, Olaajware. Klnc's Combination Spectacles nnd Kye Olasscs, Brackets, Vases, Lustral Wire Ware, Fancy Soaps, Picture Frames, Wostonholm'a Pocket Knles, hclnors. Pis- tols, Powder, Shot nnd Ammnnltfatn, Clark's Spool Cotton, Machine Oil, nil kinds of Machine Needles, "Domestic" Paper Fashlous, Sole Agent for tho uni- versally acknowledged Light Running Somestlo Sowing Mnchino (jiicii. mtowrv ATTORNET AND CODNSELIOR AT LAW. NorAitY I'uni.ic And Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instrnmantsfor tba Island ofOshu. oSl No. 8 Kaahumanu Strest. Ilnnolnln, II. I. ly i'iii:o. ii. avii:m. LT Jasioh, Oaiki k Co.J IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT aid ait roa I.loyd'sandlhllTrpoolUndrwrllrs, nrltUh and foreltn Marine Insurance Company, and Northern A ssnrance Cmiipany. oM- - y ii. w. n.t:iMKiint At co.. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION KERCHANTS, Koblnson's QussnStrset, Honolulu, n.I. aointh roa Tin OImjow and ltonololn l.loa of Tacksts. John Hay Co's Llveriol and Loudon Packsts. The Walkspn I'lanutii'ii, The Spencer PlanUtlon. Illlo, Dskalau Hlsnlallim, Hllu. Mlrrlses, Tsli . Walson, 8ne;ar Maehlnsry. Tl, PiiiikiaMlittD lUiahCumpAttT. Tl J. I. AIIMIOII I, X., IIOOkK, SHIPPINQ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS IMl'OHTKRS AND Doalors in Conoral Merchandise, No. 10 Kin3trsst, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ., aoknts ron. The Union Iniaranea Compsnyof n rranelseo. Ths Nsw ensland muiiisii.ii n.u.u. ,...,.,..., ..,..... a.. ..- - i'aiksat Llnr. TntKotiaUt'lsntatlon, till '" "" - - V' The Haiku I'lantatton, lir. Jyi A itiViCtUbcMM l.IIolnaast Wllu IMSIIUHOII. lihe'.lsr A Wilson's. Swln ttamskua t'lanlatlon. Machine. lo'wi BISHOP ft CO., :b l isr :b. aa n. m , IIONOIsVLV. I ! HAWAIIAN IsUsAMD . . DRAW rSXClIANQK O.- H-. IHE IsAHK Of CILIFMNIt, :::$ FMKMC0 -- .ivasiaaaiTM- Hsw York, aloa, Aacklaaul, mOMEMUl'imcWNilTW. : : : IMMa '. n r AID TSIIBSatlCSIIIS MellMara, And lraaMt aQsasral Bas.ln( Bastasai. IM ly wiijii:u a '., Cornr of Inn unit CJiif.n Mi.-- U lit rotoln, Lumber, Talnti, Ollt, Halli, Malt and Building Ji Materials of yery kind. IIII..I. II. .IIIN'I'lS. O OVITMlliJ,OTt V'X TJVtV JWI Nn. lKslinmaniittit BARTOW TUCKER, Auntloneers, Hairs Jtoom, No M tjui-e- Street ejtd.iorto Wm (I Irwin KVn'n UK ly V. A. ''H.tlil'l'.lt Ac '0.. Importorn A Commlaslon MorohnntB jfU lleti'ltlii llmhM llli.l (ly . H. 'IJ,il,vlirJH. .11. !.. BUItOEON AND 1I0ME0PATH10 IHYBlCHK. (Ifflen Orii-- r fort and tlrsliisH,, Irt II. l. AI,t.1IN, Auctioneer nnd Commisslnii Merchant. QnjiilMrrrl.Jllitiriliiln II. I. Is" i:i ioi'CN;ioi.Ai::i:tt a ., luronrEits AND COMMISSION MF.ItCHANTB llnnnlnln.Ostin II, I. n- -) ty r. T. LENEHAN & CO., Importers nml C'litiittilssioii Morohnnt, Ml N n a ii ii Hirer t. Ilonoliilu, 13 a. n. !i,i:Jiioitr. Ac ;.. mrnarns ahii nrsltas iv Gonornl AiXox'olxaaa.cliswo, 7S4 f'orner (n-.- ri anil Kitsliitniniitirllrrrls, If ii. ii,;i: .'iliii Ac ;o., OEHEKAt COMMISSION AOENTS, Oiirn-- ftf'M. Ilonolnlh. II. I. (IJ lyl A. IV. II I'M II. GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Famllyllrocsryand Fsed more, ;'. lyl 60KrlHlrf-l.lli)iilnl- n. MRS. A. M. MELLIS, FnsbtonnMn Drnas nml Clonk Mnlior, 101 Kort street, lloiioliiln, II. I, rf) M) ly iii.i.i:m ac :o.. Ship Chandlers and Commitiion Merehnnti. pQrtcrianilll4slfrsln Oenernl Merclinii.lUe,Qoeiirqtrdt llnn'ilillll.llawsllaiilsUliils. MOly i.Airsi: a. ;.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Importers ofsml llesltrs In Ilay, (Jrslo, slid (Irnrral -. I .lulu. II. 1. til ly .IOICj II. IVt'I'V, NOTARY PUBLIC and COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, For the Mali s nf California and New York. Office t the JUnk i. f A. Co., . llntiiilittn. tibia ly .ioii. T. uatiikiioiim:. IMPOnTEIl AND DEALEH IN OENEKAL MEP.CUANDISE. l Qiihii Nml, llimoliilii. II. I. ly JNO. A. HASSINGER, Agent to tnlio Acknowledgments to Con-trnc- tn for Lnbor. 813 1 Interior Onice. Hon luln. ly .1. .u. win r.i;v, ,vi. i., . i . Dental P.ooms on Foit Street, OlUce In Brevier's, llirck, comer Hotel end Fort street, Oil ly Entrance, Hotel .Vre't lhu sritEc.tti a. w. o. uiwi.v. iv.ii. a. mtriii a. ;., Sugnr Fnctors and Commission genti Honolulu. 11.1. ii. i:. ,iioi.'iviti: A: iiito'rin:u. RROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of King and Fort streets, HONOLULU. ly IIUDT. C. M. rooKE. 1. 1: iv : it m a : ou i: , Successors to Lzwzns A Bicksox, IMPORTERS & DEALERS.IN LUMBER And all kinds of Building Materials, Fort Street. dD-- i ly Honolulu. DR. EMERSON. PKYBICIAPir JVIWI3 BCnOEON Oftkc at Dr. Iloirmnnn's, SI Queen street. Ilerlilence Corner Fort and Kukui sts. (the old Kiuper ptimUes. 818 Otllce hours 'J to 11 A M.. 2 to t P. M. ly lll.l.li4.'IIA.1l Ac CO., IMPOKTEKS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Cutlery, Ury noods, Paints and Oils, and General Mer chnndiiie. No. 37 Street. Honolulu. ITU ly it. F. j:iisL.i:ie. Ac ;o., DEALERS IN DRY OOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Fori 81.. aboveOiM yellows Hall. llt-I- y ' II. O. HAL.I. Ac !.04, IMPORTERS AND DEALEBS IN HARDWARE Dry Goods, Paints, Oils and Oentral Merchandise, (TM.ljr CiirnerFortand KlngSts. b. a. p. cAnraa, f. c. joins, Ijo. C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 7m Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands, ly A. W. PEIRCE & CO,, 8HIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AOKMTS rOU ' Brand's duns and Bomb Lances, Perry Davis' rain Kiuer, 8VV- -.1 No. 40 Queen street, Honolulu. ly S. M. CARTER. Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con- tracts for Labor. Offlco at P. M. S. Dock, Esplinade, Honolulu, II. I. Kll 15 ly u. E. wmTNxr. Established 1S50, j, w, bobihtson WHITNEY Sc ROBERTSON, (Successors to II. M. Whitney) Importing svnil Mannf-ctnrl- ng Stationers, Publishers, News Sealers, Book-Binde- rs and Paper Rulers. 10 & at Merchant Street, Honolulu. II. I. KM SO CASTLK A HATCH, Attorneys rvt Xjattct. V. IL CASTLK, Notary Public, attend all the Courts of the Kingdom. Particular attention paid to the negotiation of Loan a, Convoyanclnc, Collectlnc, etc. otr Money to loan on sfiirlcage. Drticei No. IS Kaahumanu strest. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. "0 ly IIV.IIArV 'IIIIOM., Importers of General Merchandise FItOM FJIAXOE, ENGLAND, GERMAyV, AND UXI TED STATES, No. 29 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I, IIY.1I,IK UKON., WHOLESALE GROCERS, SIS and SIS California Street, HAN r II A ! ! 1H V o . ttf TartlcuUr Attention paid to ttlllug and shipping Island orders. tu ly THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL, AI.I.AX HEKBKKT, Proprietor. fai Msygai?FiasjMjEfrt S? HOTKL 8TKBET.UONOLULU. Entrances on Hotel, Klrhirds, and BereUnla Streets FIRtT-CLAI- S IM KVKWY RKSPlCT. Prices tha asms at Flrat-CUa- s Hotel to San Franclxo, 831 a rJAYOnSlX EXTRA MUSS UKKP J Kssteru KXUA friuie riKK, California rig Fork, tarsals by ' Wl 15 aWLLZB vp. Press. " s ts x zzsrz MARCH 20, J8S1. ED. V. ROWE, If ouan ttnil Slicn Pnlntnr, Pnpor Hanger, &o, 1, ?f.i )Q7 King Hlrt, llnnolnlri j V.H. .lOIIMO, TWCoxola.n.Tit Tnilor. lot .to Hi full hi,, blor. WInfiM'. y : iCi'iTi.rTiTm" ' BLACK8MITH AND MACHINIST 11 ran Miui'liiu, CitrrliiK'' Ufirli, I'lniitntloit ,11 lie III ll pry, Ar. ffn filiop onKlngHlrset ne faslln f note's w PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Dakory 3T. IIOHN, PrsetlenI Confectioner, Pantry Ccofe And EaVer, SIS 1 Hotel stieebetwe en Nnuanu and Fort, ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. f?PTl. ."TBAM, t.'flAll MILLH sfcsViH. Hollers, C.)olr, Iron, tlr..n'l l.'.d C.tllnut Mnchlnory of Every Doscrlptlon, -- .Mdeli0(i)r -- lis Particular attention paid to Shlp'i BlnekimlthlnB r JQII Wf)llKfiild on lh shot test nolke. (i,SIl ly TIIO.IIAM (!K,' M AOHIKTIS T, Jfn. 10 fort ftircel, Q q win .....! ih.Ii ..,,.. tM .... sksrsiA I ! P,.U . sr ...., Luuri, uun a ucncnuL ntrflin Line. Ha will iclve lil lo eleaulnK, repslrlns; and regulstln; Hewlnf Maelilnet, nnd all other kinds of Light Machinery and MeUI Work of every iltvflpllon. lllactsiiiithli.K, etc. Alvi, on hand arid fur sola cheap, A Variety of Sowing Machines limn, I'lalola. Miol, Ammunition, Mnchino Oil, Needles, Olc, die., Ac. eewlnir lnyin Tuckers, lllnd-r- s. and all other eiirn and duplicate parts of machines supplied on shoit notice. - lit st ilachHe TwHI.-sr- n Mf Ag'nt in thtt Kingdom or The Florence Hewlns; Jlacliliie, from 1 40 to (!0. Whltu Hewms; Machine, rrooi n lo 74. llomothiiillelewInK Machine, from III t,) S. Kir Including all estras o. ly i iiavi: Ni:;i:itKi a FIRST -- 0LA33 HORSE- - SHOER F f3slyM!iV j "s Anil nm prrpnreil lo inrry on llila llrnnrfs ol rar lllMlne In n iitmiiicr siitls. factory lo my I'Klroiio. OWNERS OF FINE STOCK Will do well to give me a Call. Horses sent to my King St. Shop Will be fai lliulli attendnl lo. " 3m C, WEST. C3rVLCfTSt 001137", JIAKUFACTURED OF REFINED A. NO. 1 SUGAR BY Pratical Confectioner & Pastry Cook Pioneer Steam Candy, Factory Lemon and Tamarind Svrups always on hand T . m Ct 1 1 33. 3. s Put np In A. Ko. 1 Keflned Sugars, highly recommended for Sea voyages. American, French, English and German Pastries Made to Order at short Notice Wedding Cakes Ornamented In the highest St)lcof Art. lllch fresh home made Chocolate Creams, Coco j nut and Cream Candles. Xo. 71 Hotel Ntreet rl. .Vunann and rort fli ly qr THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established 1W6. Unlimited Liability to Stockholders. Assets S3I.SW.100 itescrve. ,750,(00 Income for 1ST3: Premtnms received after deduction of rein surance $ S,332,?35 Losses promptly adjusted and paid here. 1 3m IIINIIOI dc Co.. Acrnts. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Compahy. A Leading Home Company. Asssta, June 30th J7S707.I7 Additional Cash Capital (now being called In) SS0,0u0 CO Total Assets $1,11707.17 rpiiT: riRKMA2s"'S FU'D ISU1- - X ANCE COMPANY bails Its claims to the best upon Its sound financial condition, reinforced Eatronage of capital, giving It over a million dollars In assets; Its eitenslve system of Agencies, In- suring It a Urge premium Income, without the neces- sity of heavy concentration of lines; Ita adherence to tho best principles and practices of Underwriting; by open, fair and clearly expressed contracts, and prompt and equitable adjustment and payment of legitimate losses, Kor seventeen years It has been favorably known aa a conservathe underwriter, and during that time has paid over 1,000,000 IN LOSSES, Tasting triumphantly through the heaviest conflagra- tions known in modern history. BlHlltip Co., Ainu, 1 3m Honolulu, II. I. Insurance Notice. THE I'NUKKNIUMKII AK: PKlPARMI write upon Merchandise, per first-clas- s vessels between this and tho Coast Ports, covering loss or damage. If amocnllng to III percent, or more, on tba sound value of the whole shipment at port of delivery, upon favorable terms. BISHOP Ar Co. Agents of the Firemen) Fund Insurance Company. Honolulu. Jan. 3), IS). tM In GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. General InsurancejCompany of Berlin. ABIE l.SUMA!irE CB-'A- Xtl THE established a General Asency here, and tha undersigned, Ueneral Agents, am aiithotlied 10 take Itlaks KKalual Ibe llntSKcraasr llse sseasal Iks) MtMt KraiaosiakU Kales, stud ass Ik Host t'stvorabls Trrssss. 815 ly F. A. hCHAEFER t CO.. general Agents. NORTH BRITISH AMD MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO.. or LONDON and kuimbukgii. k3TAnUSIUO IIM. OAPITAI. .777.. sll.MT.IIII Atsmisaialatcfl aaal IiitssUsI Vsansl. t,mt,lll UMDKRiaa7KDHAVK BKKM A P. POIMTKO AOKNTS far Ueaaadslcb Island., and are aslhetttsxl lolassrlasl riieapoa laiorabls Itrans. BisSa lakss la aa j part of let I.laad.oa Stoat and VTikmIss BaiMiaaa and aisrchaadlsa stored therein. Dwslliaf lUaaes asd furaltars, ar, Cutis, Ihlpa la fcartwr sartata or with sal aa4sr resale. IM Ij HO. fifcmioisi CO NUMBER ,30. HoMon Hoard of I'mlrrwrllrrs. A (ll'.MTn for the lUtvallnn fstanils, ,1 " J I llRr.WKIH CO. I'hlladrlphla Hoard or li'iidrrwrllcrss AKJIT for the llsitsllslt, t iiitr.v, nt rn. '. -- . h;ii,ti:i'i:it. AOKMT orilremrM llo r.l nt tiiile'rtrrlters, of f)ftn IpMflnf t'nderxll.ri, Ant af Vl.nn llourf r.f, Clslms sulri't Intnrsnee fm nln llbln th. rIMt.tlt f th slt IkisMs of dflsrwrlUrf, will hars lo eft fld tnl.y lhealyirarenl tomVltim valid fsw If T It A - A T I. A .X T I C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ifA.mifiKi. Capital : t : til Miltlon IMcmmark. imiii:m o.f nrrMii.MiN. r.. rhandlvs and Furniture, on liberal trrns, lr T.11 lr It ItAfKrilMI ffl Arenl. ii,.iiitiii(jiinui:.vii:, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. rini: t'xiti,HNii;i luriMi nr.r.Ai. pointed ,u-- nl of th alxive Company, are pre. psred lo Insure risks sjslnit fi.- - on filmif and Uriels iiiiiiiiiiKs, ann on tinr threln,on the rnot favoraol' terms Knr partlenlan apply at the omre of Kl Ijr r A rilllARPfilt ACU. HAMQURC-MACDEBUR- C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ok luifiiijiif;. Bitr,ni.xjt. ,ifi:itciiA.'inisir. Insured aa;lnst Jlreon the most favorahle terms. A. JA i:Uf.U, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. Ml ly Insurance Notice. TIIK AHUM KOIt TIIK IlltlTIIII Vor. lsrlne In.nrsnc Company, (MrnllHI, hss -l Inttrnctloei to r.dnee the rales of Impure, b'tveen llonolalo snd I'urls In the I'scllle, and la now to lisne Policies at the loat rttra, with titlil redncllvu on frlf(lit per steamers. THKO. II. UAVIKS, ly HI Aasntnrlt. for. Mar. Ina.CA.. MmllM UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OK HA It Fit AX CI II CO. 3VCn.xlza.o. IKOOHPOKATBD, 1806 CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 111 For Ills Hawaiian Islnnds. I NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, Fire .Millions Reichsmark. i'.ih: MHMJMlll IIAVIWIJ WIKW3 Tin: Agents for the above Company, ate now ready to Issue I'oliclroiisfnlnat Risks ofl'lreoii nnllaV llllf", Jlereliiiinllae mitl I'liriillMrei on terms equal totboae of other respectable companies. Losses paia xoranu aoiuateu nere. Kor uartfculars . anDlr to Kit H. IIACKKEI.U Co . Ajents. Rhenish Wostphallan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, Of M. ULAUBAC'If. ItheiiUta Prtsaalia, Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, or AACIIRX. (AIX.I.A.CIIAPKI.I.E.) 4 1.1. SJI.AI.VfN FOIt I'AHTHJCI.AR AVHt. J AUK so.tln.d by Goods arrlvlna; here, and Insured In tne aove mpanle. have to b made with iheos;-nltanc- e of and ceritlUl to by tha underahrned. In order t H valid. M;ly J. C. (ILI)K. .Irwt. THE New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OPB03TOX, MASS I X c. o it i' o ua t r. n , i a 33 . 7he OUUst Purely Mulwd Life Insurance the Untied Stales. Policies limed on the mott favorable Terras. example or I'lisis I.VSUriEU AflE. S5 LIFE VHP 1 Annual premium continues I'olley 2y srs dsja Annual prennnm roniinuea oucy years I nays v 3 Animal premium cntitinea Policy ft year. 27 days v 4 Annual premium cnr.tlnne. P.ley S yearstS days a Annual prenunmconiiQaes t'iey iu years fto aays t-otss. 1 gia.BOO.OOOi IiOssea Fold lhroiis;li llnussluln Acerser, $40.000 CASTLE & COOKE, AJENTS 8I FOn TIIF. IIAWAIIA5 ISI.A.1IIS. ly WILDER & CO., Agent for the Ilawatllaii Islands, OK THE Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF MEW YORK. Largest, Safest and Moat ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD! Assets .(i880)...$9O,OOO,OOO --xxsXj ovisxr. Now is a Good Time to Insure None but FJrit-Cla- js Rl.ks laksn, Sll.-l- u THOS.G. THRUM, . IMPORTIXaANDJIAXUFACTUBISO cm a. . !s- - ro, jr rrH.yfte, IjmW aPsaLaVHHPSsV STATIONER. NEWS AGENT AND BOO.EC. XXiTXXlXl. Merchant Street, anil Dealer In Fine Stationery, Books, Fancy Cools Tort Street (Brewer's Block). TVEJTV OOIS Received for each Department every month, and Special Orders attended to with promptness. The Bindery Department Is tht only Competent Establishment la the city to attend lo all work from Pamphlet to Presentation Uook mndlnra, ana liunk Book xannrsctarlnf 01 any de- scription. THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENT It belnc renewed with Staple Ooods and Novelties constantly, anions th most successful of which tor time and money savlti; and convenience, are Letter Paper a4 Xete Paper In Blocks of V Keatr, each, or Ii Ream slnrle sheets. SOMETHINO NKVr-U- tter Heads and Notelleads- -f all sheet wlih view of Diamond Head. Can be hasl la stnjle iheeta to desired. THI NEWS DEPARTMENT Hat special ears and attention, ta insnra accarsey sad prompt dtllvsty. HI am rTHKIel'BKaT NtRTstM strains, and of all azea. rOK SALS, boied and delivered to steamer or schooaer, AT MODERATE PRICKS. saasaasaa sstaaslslsr ta aaairt Bilk Iks) ssv ls Isapravss ksi lks mmw sssavsa, M Vajr Us saalra is stfclss. IM A. HSKIIIatT, HiwaUa Heist. G. BREWER & CO. NOW . Oltor tlio Cargo OF THK AStr.RICAN BARK "EDWARD MAT,", JMftTrR, (! from Boston abont the mlddlef Msrth,) CONRInTinrj IN TART AB TOhUffrtt Stcnm, Cnmncrlnnd and Store Coaf Keroiene Oil, " ElertrJc" Brand. Kcroiene 0il,"Brewer'i Bent," 160 Tet O n, r tl 1ST. ntcltcn, naalern Pino Uirrcl Rliooks, Oars "CopriT-llpfieiJ- ," Umln, I'ilch, Tnr, Fire Clay, Plailrr Parii, Ico HafrfBcrator varJnos tiren, BARRELS EXTRA MESS SERF, Pick nod A 20 Handles. Pamber UnckeU, MULE CAETS, Heavy and Light, Farmers' Iloilcrs, for Plantation use ; An lnvoico uf Cut Nails, aesarlcil; Ames Hhuvcls, Hunt's Axes and Hatchets. a hkm hkm-xte- Stock of Cboioe Groceries t Lewis' Tomatoes, Cases Sausage Meat, Orccn Corn, Kuccotaili, Ulierkins, 1 and i gall, lioston linked Beans, Corn Starch, Tomrnto aad Mock Turtle Soap. Sandwicli Ham and Tongue, Irish Slew, HarrJcnt of .Mntton, Slewed Calves' Head, Dairy Salt, Qr Uarrcls Family Pork. Cases Lard, 5 Hi tine, fall weight Boston Crushed Sugar. XJoaiat Boards, FAIRBANKS' PLATFORM SCALES t Iron Safes, Yellow Metal nnd Kails, Manila Cordage, New Iicdford make; WhitcwGod, Slates, Hoscndale Cement. An Invoice of Carriages, COJIWtlSISO BOME OF Ttio Xjcttoiare sVt3rlo A.XDOF JUTTED XA.fVrACrCRKIM. Basket Phaetons. Cabriolets. 3Iineral Paint, Caustic Soda, Hubber Packing, Sheathing Felt, Griudstooes, Sugar. and Coal Bags. Portland Cement. The above Goods III be offered for sale to arrive UPON REASONABLE TERMS. ? KM I :. Bknri:n re - WILDER CO. Importers and Dealers in LUMBER ASD BUILDING MATERIALS ! OF AM, KIXIM. JUST RECEIVED EX LATE ARRIVALS! SEVEIUt URGEaND WEll-SEUCT- CARGOES III!TII .nr P5T LUMBER couVtiai.o ALL IHE USUAL SIOCK SIZES is SCAHTLIHO, TIMBES. PLAII, 10A1BI, FEBCIIO AD PICKETS ALSO, ON SELAJST A XMt Coayltt Stock f DRY REDWOOD! Scantliog; Plank, sarfaeed and roogb, Boardi, sorlacet' and roogb; Battens, Picket, Route, Lattice, Clapboard. AIM, IX M&CB. k FINE ASSORTMT OF Will PAPER LATBKT muisV MAILS. LOCH, 1UTTJ, KIXOEI, WLTi. SCSIWI. EU Paint and Whitewash Brushes WHITE LKAB, WMITB EC. mut eiu NRsUUG AND OTUft PAUTII Class, alt, Flrswsst, DOORS SASH BUNDS ALL SIMM. Of tarn ntf Htornla Make. MR SALE IX 41 AKTtTIEI T KIT ASD AT I.O' Wailuku Pr PetrOtoiy.8 QUATsITY OF PAIAI ktAK. ufMHirJltoaiuaUj. Ail elts ltsk 4k Caleb It a

Transcript of Saturday Press. - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you...

Page 1: Saturday Press. - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you filMim,'' HimiMil tint (ho Krlm iiriifoanorcnii, "Ami llml llir tflri of lit iliKnoii



A NRWATArftR Plllf.fMIIKt) WrtKKI.Yni

riVKBOIiliAHS AVKAIl IN ADVANCEtahserlberssnil Aitwllsus wlilsiMreas Mr TMs.Oi

Thrum HtiMntM Mnir rAll rimtlT fir th Halnnlnr l'ri slioliM n inMrrsse.l

In llm- HATI HIM I'lUilN"

A Vnmr Girl.

Him Irntinl lirr Iwnil nil nlicly linnd,Ami lot Imr i(lrllh fftnry rnto

Amid tint tliiifty dliiHrfVmHim ilronnmf nf lotMn nnd of l'ivi,

YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you filMim,''HimiMil tint (ho Krlm iiriifoanorcnii,

"Ami llml llir tflri of lit iliKnoiiAmi W iiiHmI.' mum or !.Htm stnrtrd tip fttlli llunliliiK fner,

Ami looked nrnMiil tint room, linir-fwnr- I

'llicn until, ipirti'tnlicrlim tlm plnrr,'Nolprep.irrdl"

Him linil i lover llkn rt ir1nro,A liyrnl lovnr, Iimi, t wlM

Ami ImitiHli 'li" MKiifil IndllTnri'iiPP,Jlor foolish lltlln liriitl Wim Ids.

Ho wlii-- tin tlm nlntllt alrnndtin npolin of nil IiIh honvi nml fnnrri,

Ami irimd Iiit soil pitrlrlnii Imml,tin total III luvn to '.vllllnu on ml

Tliotluli "till, nlm would not yield im vnt,lit-n-t liialionld think nlm rrnlly tniil,

Hut wlilntiri'd low, tint nly rin 11","Not prelaw. ill"

Tlmy mrtrn onunpi'd J nml tln'M njjnhtTo trot Hint Inter i

Hli" trrnliil dim with nml illmlnlii,Ami 'llrliil 11101 ontMKconily.

Hut when licr Inter rninn no more,Him wriitn nml hiiIi), rvmnrni'fiilly,

" Will you lint mwlt inn n linfnrnIti'iliN'iii jnur i1imIkh nml mnrry mo '"

'I hit nimwor rmniii i wllli lilunli illvlnnHim lirnkii tlm wnien wnl, lutlf-nnim- l,

'llieii WM'plii",, rertil tlm liiln Him"Not iimmri'it I"

Attn t'ufumhhmi,

"Writing for tho l'rcw.

I. Writo tijioti utio diilo of llio nlird only.Why? HccniiNU it in oftrm nccpRsnry In outllio piyCH into " liikcn " for llio uoniionitom,nml tliiH ontuiiit bo tiono wlioti liulh Hid osnrn written upon.

II. Wrilo oloirly nml (listinotly, beingjnrticulnily cmofnl in llm timttcr oT propurjmmoH, nml words fiom foreign IniigiingoH.Why? Urcfttiso j'on htvo nu right to nnkcitlicr clit(ir or cointioKitor to wimtu bintituu puzzling out tho remilt of yonrmjII'ihIiiiokh.

III. Don't writo in n microBcopio linntl.Why? DocjniiRO tho compositor linn to rtindit ncroHS his ense, nt a tliitnnco of ncnrlytwo fcot ; also, becruiHo tho oditor oftonwnntfl to rnafco ndditioiiR runl other clinngco.

IV. Don't begin nt. tho very top of thofirst jingo. Why? llcrmiho, if yon hnvowritton n head for your nrliole, tho editorwill probably wnnt to chniigoit; nnd if youhnvo not, which is tho hotter wny, ho miml,writo one. lk'nidc, ho wantH room in whichto writo Iiim instructions to tho printer imto tho typo to bo used, whoro nnd whentho proof is to bo oont, olc.

V. Never roll your manuscript. Why ?Kcciuso it mnddoiiH ami exasperates everyone who it editor, compositor nndjironf-rcndu- r.

VL Uo brief. Why? BccaiiBO pooplodon't rend long storieH. Tho number ofrenders which any two nrtielcs lmvo in in- -

verwly proportioned to tho Rquaro of theirrespectivo length. That is, a hnlf-colum- n

nrticlo is read by four timos ns many poo-pi- e

as ono of double that length.VII. Havo the fear of tho wasto-baslc- ct

constantly and htcaclily before your cyos.Why? UccaiiBO it will save yon a vastninount of uhcIohb labor, to hay nothing ofpnpor and pootngo.

VIII. Always writo your full nnmo andnddrosa plainly at tho end of your letter.Why ? JlcoaiiRO it often hnppous that thoeditor will want to communicnto with you,nml liccauso ho needs to know tho writer'snnmo as a guaranteoof good faith. If youubo pseudonym or initials, writo your nnmonnd address bolow it; it will novor bodivultrcd.

IX. " TIicro precepts in tby momorykoop," and, for fear you mightforgot thorn,cut thorn out nnd put thorn where you canrondily run through thorn when tempted toBpill innocent ink. Causuor's word for it,thoso who heed those rules will bo belo vedand fnvorcd in every editorial sanctum.

A Notable Marriage.

Tho mnrringo of tho IJnroncss Bnrdott-Cout- ts

and William L. Ashmoad Bnrtlcttwas celebrated nt Christ Ohurch, Picca-dilly, London, on tho 12th inst. Only thonearest rclativos nnd most intimnto friondsworo prosont. Tho bridogroom will hence-

forth bo known ns Mr. Ashmoad BartlottCoutts, tho delay of a fortnight in thomarriago having boon caused solely tocomplete thoifurmalitios necosBary for thischange of namo iu order to provont thoforfeituro of property under tho Will ofHarriott, Dutchess or-b- t. Aiuans, iromwhom tho brido inhoritcd hor vast estate.Tho present Baronohg since coming intohor fortuno of $100,000,000 in 18U7, hasappropriated more than $25,000,000 tovarious benevolent and charitable purposos,nnd is now snid to bo tho possessor of$500,000 a year, having gained not lossthan $250,000 a year from tho profits ofCoutt's Bank.

Mr. William Ashmoad Bartlott is thoyoungor son of tho late Ellis Bartlott, for-nior- ly

ofNow Bedford, audi of his wife ucaAalimoad. He wnR after his fnrthor'e.doathUkon to England by his mother, whofinally sottled in Loudon, graduated atOxford Collego, became a protogo of thoBaronoss with whom ho mndo his homo,acting ns her privato secretary. ThoBaronoss will bo 67 yonrs old next April,and Mr. Bartlott is about 32 yoars of nge.

It is tho general vcidict (says n Loudoncorrespondent) that the brido looked quitoaa attractive aud almost ns youug as thobridegroom.

The winter is ono of exceptional sev-

erity in Europo as well ns in nil parts of

tho United, gtatos! People havo been ac-

customed to congratulate thotnselves in tho

milder climato of the States nnd Territor-

ies of tho Pnoifio coast, whero tho air is sotempered by a warm current from tho

ahoroH of Japan that suow nnd ico nro

raroly soon there ; but this year thoy nro

groater suffcrors than wo on tho colder. Atlantic. Whtlo tho States east of thoHooky Mountains have experienced thodiscomforts of sovoro cold, on tho othoraide of that rangij thero has boon immenM)

destruction of property by floods thathave urnawicd in extent anything everrecorded before. Tho devastation causedalong tho line of tho Central Pacific and

in tho valley ot tuo oncrameuvo nas uocn

announced by telegraph, but later reports

from Oregon bIiow that aUo iu ono of tho

choicest farming regions of that productiva State there has been serious and wide-

spread disaster. Meantime wo hoar thatiu parts of Moxioo persons have beenfroieii to death; that in Holland thedykea hv keen - swept by tho so and awhole 'province inundated; causing greatlose of property end much Buffering; thatia Loudon there have been Boods and.nn .tnrma that necessitated a temporaryZjSi'at airbusinese and iutlicteddJi.gto th. tM( often million dol.

Ura , Uitt is RuaU Urg coloaiM of Ger -


SaturdayVOLUMIfl I.

tnnns havo bron rcilurfd to extreme ilcsli-tiilio- n,

nnd that in tho militaryhnvo boon ctlled out to naninL in clearingtlm rotds.

Estimated TrnfTlc Through tho ProjectedPanama Canal.

A Now York journal OBlimnloft Hintwlion tho I'niinmii Ciitinl is completed thotrnlllo through it will corlninly iimoiiut to0,000,000 toiut ntimially. At prenoiit Cnli-forn- ia

nnd llio othor Hlnlrs on tho t'noifinnoibonnl semi more than 1,000,000 Ioiib ofprodnco every yi-n-

r to I'hiropu; wltllo thotrnlllc butwcuii llio Atnnrienn .StnloH on thoHhnres of tlinAtlnntic nml thoHii on thoPneillc nlso exueetU 1,000,000 totm. Wlionthe cotiitiiiinicntioti hotwenn Ihe IwoocoatiH

h fncilitntcd tho tnwio bntwecn them willincrnnAii by nt lcnt !I0 per con I., bo t lint itmay bo cl I lint, llio United Klntcsnloiio will numl !l,000,000 tons through the:niinl iiiimiiilly. Whim tho'oiuinl is opened,

ngniu, tho whole of tho trnllic between theUiiKflinn posHCBsioiiH on tho Pncifio nndEurope, bolweoii Europo nnd tho oust constof America on tho ono Imml, nml Jnpiii,China, the Philippine Ifilnmls and Aiintrnlinon tho Other, will nlso through thonow wnter-wn- y; nnd nt present UhinaMinds 200,000,000 poumlH, or 100,000 totiH,oflen, nnd AiiBtrnlia 000,000,000 poundsof wool, twid other products, wliioii togolherntnouut to UOO.OOO tons, ovory year toLiUropo.. Peru exports nuuiiiilly 400 000tons of gunno, Rnltpetrc, sugar, nnd metals;vhilo Chili Bonds out every year florno100,000 tonn of copcr, siiltpotre, silver,ml corn. Ecuador nml Bolivia exportnuually moro than 200,000 tons of metnls,

'ocon, colFcc, nnd other roducts; whilo tho' American ropnblicri mid tho prov-

ides of Mexico on tho Pncilio shores send100,000 tons of vnrioiiB products every'ear to Europo. All thoso exports to Eu-op- o

mnko a totnl of 1,000,000 tons; nnd ift is nRRtimcd that in roturn for them1,400,000 tons nro sont back, tho trnllichrough tho canal from theso sourcos willmount to nnother (1,000,000 tons. tit.

rumen' Guzetlc.

Patterns by Crystallization.

Tho curious nralnsquos produced on win-lo- w

panes by frost havo Ruggostcd to n'Vouch inventor n systom of obtnining do-ig-

for printed fituirR by crj'stnllizition.lo has mndo experiments with solutions ofulphnto of zinc, copper, iron, nluminn, nmliingnesin, into which plates ot glnss wcrot coped, nnd then allowed to dry hlowly ntlilTereiit temperatures. Tho crystals thuslepusiled formed n great variety of fnnci-i- i

I figiiics, flowers, feathors, stars, etcClicse may bo fixed by an addition of nlbu-iio- n

or gelatine. If copper plntcs nro used,ho doBignR thus obtained may also boundo permanent by cloctrotyping. Tho;roat difllculty is to obtain continuous pnt-crn- s

to bo reproduced on tho cylindersused for printing ; but tlmt mny ho over-come by using cylindrical plates of copper,and turning them on their axes whilo thocvnporation is going on. Tho crystallizi-tlo- n

is, howovor, frequently irregular nndloaves blank spices which spoil tho har-mony of tho design, but this defect willprobably bo overcomo by cxperionco. It isnot certain thnt tho method has yot beenpractically employed, but tho idea is in-

genious, nnd probably will bo ovontuallyturned to account.

If wo mny judgo from tho " Hight-IInn- d

Record nnd Nowspapor Directory" of Mr.II. P. Hubbard, of Now Haven, Conn., thoUnited Stntcs nro vory well supplied withnewspapers. Tho sninllcst villages hnvothoir JJemld, Jtvwrtcr, or Trlegraph. Apopulation of 310 nnd less will often sup-port n journal of thoir own, and, to judgofrom tho circulation, which scoms never tofall bolow 400, ovory man, woman, nndchild in tho plnco must subscribo for onoconr if not for two. Now York, with npopulation of 1,110,000, hns twonty-oig- ht

dailies, wherons London, which numbersnt lcnst'thrco timos ns many inhabitants,hns but eighteen. None of tho twenty-eigh- t,

however, havo a circulation cqunl tothat reached bj' somo of tho London jour-nals. Tho .lYcics boads tho list with 182,-00- 0,

tho Htm comes next with 119,000, nndtho Herald third with 115,000. Thostrength of tho German clement in tho cityis shown by tho 40,000 which tho Slant-Zcitui- i;

circulates, loaving room, howovor,for tho threo other rivals of tho sumolanguage Of weekly journals New Yorkhas about 170, nsngninstiionuou'ssoventy.Tho Southern Stntos, howovor, show n farsmaller demand fur this kind of literature."Now Orleans, with n population of nearlyn quarter of n million, hns seven dailies,not ono of which circulates moro thnu tenthousand ; whilo tho Statoof Louisiana hasn totnl of ninoty-tw- o journals of ovory kind.ns against 1171 which nppear iu tho Stateof Now York, Tho Indians havo tho literarytasto moro developed than tho Southorners.Ono bundled nnd twonty-tiv- o " Crcoks"who livo nt Kufaula cousumo ncnrly fourtimos ns many copies of tho Indian Jour-nai- f

nnd tho ' Ohorokces" of Vintn nronearly ns good supporters to tho IndianHerald.

The Stormy Seas. Tho prosont Win-to- rwill long bo romombercd ns ono of po.

oulinr hardships on tho oco-in- . During thomouth of Jnnuury tho total number of ves-ic- ls

belonging to or bound to or from portsin tho United Stntcs reported lost wns 44,of which 25 woro wreokod, 11 nbandoned,nnd tbo rest wero foundered or tuisaiug,The month of February has nlso been nvery trying ouu, aud tho list of disasters ia

ominously large.

A large number of colored laborers fromtho Southern States aro being introducedinto Colorado to work on tho Denver nndllio O ramie llnilroad extensions. It is ex-

pected that tho number will reach C'000

during tho coming Summer.


Richards Stroat,Between Merchant and Queen Streets.

Board 4 per week. 81 Mral Tickets t4.fVT WVKII CIMIWWI.-- M Hi'sMI.-- AI limited number of boarders only. Strict atten-tion to their comfort a specialty. NO CKLKoTtAl.oEMPLOTKU. Unslliy, cuaininess, anu economv en.

ess lauio in iioiiuiuiu. wait aimjbWijj JJ; For Hill of Kara see (Uiarrs.1 kTsu , ALVHKU U. UUUGUTO.N, Proprietor.


Ifnwnllnri fJotMiil Be. CntiMiliultni Mnrrlinnt7 aid ( ullfrirnln HI . I nl . Ittmm Ho, i. j

J, M. DAVIDSON,Attoniny nnit Comunllor nt Ijitt

I M'N'llMll HI ,ltllllllll, II I.

ED WAUD TIHiSTON,Attnrnny nml Oomi?illnr nt Law,

ly m Kort Htrfit llinftlnl, t

MHS. D. b. omrriN,I ir) Inrt Ht , lliinnlulii,

1'iitliloiin.tiln Mllllnnr nml IDrri4 Mnlmr.I f.'rw O.....I. ami Hlyli ric unlit ry wniitli. ly

Dili N. D. EMKKSON,jtiiyenoiAN viv xyi.rnrr

(inicnt Dr. Ilnirmitnti'i' llnu Store, 21 Mcrclmht HIHreirt,.i,(.oriier Knkul nml I nit UrcKlhiiul'l hnterprenilnf") Oflltriliiiiir-- U to II a m,3 to I e. x 3

J. NOTT & CO..Impnrtor nml Dmilnr In Slovci, Rnti;r,.Metnl, nti tt Ktirnleliln v Oiimln, (,'rockfry. lllm nml

Chlnn Wnrr, I'rncllcnl Mrcl nritc. Itoiioliiln, II. I,I ly



A ,n. II l.llllm Mrrrl. jA.W. niCKAHDSON ScCO.,

IHruiirKiM ami iikai rn !!Ilnnti, Hlioea, I'uril l III m; (looilit, Hutu. dnpi. Tnmlo,

VbIIum, Ivrfuinery nml Hnaii, Wnlthnm Witlchi1,I'Iiip Jrwrlry, i lc, rnrnir of l'ort nml .Mrrehnnt !..lloiltllnlll, If, I, I ly

M. DICKSON,Photocrfiphlo Artlut,

IW nml Hll Port Htri'H.l'Iclnr'ii of nil lriii nml kluiN maili to onlcr, nml

rranien of nil ipcrlpllon ciinttnntly mi linnil. Alio,Hlirll. I.'ornln. nml iltirlmltlcn iif tin) 1'oclflc. -' ly

U W. HOPP,Cntilnot Maker, UjitioNtoror, Donlar In

Fnrnltnrn,No. KSKIiib Htrrrt, lirttveon Nininnii unit Kurt Hlreetii.

.MntlrcBi'i'B cnnilniillr on hnnil or inndi- - to nnlcr.V1

TIIOS. O. THRUM,Importing nnd MnnnfnotnrinR Stntloner.

Now Acont, Book Blnilur, &oMerchant Strert. anil Denier III

Kino fltntlnncry, Ilookf, Mulc, Toyn nml I'nncy Oomlii,1 Kort Hlrctt, nenr Hotel, lliinululii. ly

w. M. wrM.vrn, Jims iwkmiu,"WENNER & CO..

J'ort atrrct, nppoalto Oild l'cllow' Hull,Mnnnfnoturlnt; Jowolon, Diamond Sottnm,KnurnvrrH, nml Dcnlcm In .lewiflry of nil kinds. Hhi-l- l

and Knknl .Icttilry nnuln lo order, Oritur aIho reridvcit nml foitli fully nttendcil to for all kliidn of llnlrWork In Jewelry or .Memorial t)tl(;ni 1 ly


No. M Merchant .St., next to Thou O Thrum.

llool mill Nlioi'i Mmlo to Orili-r- , or lli'it ,11 it- -

K'rlitl.iiuil nt ltiMtiililo I'rlpet.Boots and Shoos ma do for Cash only

ajyM. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,

Importer nnd 'Wholnnalo Doalom in Gono- -rnl Morohnndlso,

3 Makcc'it lllock, (Jueen Street. ly

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Torwnrtlinp; nnd Commiuion Merchants,

till California Ht.,Snii frnnclnco.Special facilttlc for nnd particular attention paid to

3 conalgnmentit of Inland produce. ly

"VOILiOiSLlSrO HOUSEcitA'rrit fir of in..un.

W. IL LKNTZ, MANAGER.Plenty to cat. a rnntlnc fire, clean beds, and tho ct

attendance on tlm nnwnilun imaniinVU Itor rcnuirlm: nny iiuplny or volcanic

nciinn win Kimiiyi he Mnnni'er nt leant ten day noticeIn fine weather, nn from eleven to thirteen In foul.

T ly


XUUANU SHEET.Pilot, Medium nnd 'ay Bread alway on hand and

mode to order Also, Water, Soda and lluttcr Crack- -

cri, Jenny Llnd Cnken, &r.Ship llrcad on ttio rhortest notice. Family

Uread. made of the Best Flour, baked dally and alwayaon liauu.X. II. n II rmil or tlm Ilcxt Quality


Importer and Denier in Crockery,Plain and Decorated Porcelain, Cut and I'resi-c- 01ns,

Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery, C'handcllcr, Lamps,Chlmneya, Etc.

Fire Proof Store, cor. Kluc and Xuuanu Sts., Honolulu.y

E, COOK WEBB, M. D.,IHomeopathht,

(Late Chief of Stall Homeopathic Hospital, Ward'iIsland, '. Y.)

Onicc 60 Fort Street. Special attention to diseases ofwomen and children.

Offlco lioiirK Until 10 A. M. g to r. a. 3 ly


No. 5 Nuuanii Street,

Tinsmiths nnd Plnmbors. Doalors in Stoves,o,..,n. Tin Ml.oet frmi mill Ciinner Ware, keen conutantly on hand a full assortment of Tinware, Gulvan- -

lzed Iron and Lead Pipe, India Itubber Hose, lc, Ac.a ly .


afigJrS-- Cnrrtngo Bnlldon, Trlm-- si

WWmtn, Painters, Varnishors 3--EiAll kinds of Itepalrliisnttciuled to, and good work

Ijiuraiiteed at Low Kntcs. 8 ly


M'rlden Quadruple Plated Ware, Olaajware. Klnc'sCombination Spectacles nnd Kye Olasscs, Brackets,Vases, Lustral Wire Ware, Fancy Soaps, PictureFrames, Wostonholm'a Pocket Knles, hclnors. Pis-tols, Powder, Shot nnd Ammnnltfatn, Clark's SpoolCotton, Machine Oil, nil kinds of Machine Needles,"Domestic" Paper Fashlous, Sole Agent for tho uni-versally acknowledged

Light Running Somestlo Sowing Mnchino


NorAitY I'uni.icAnd Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instrnmantsfor

tba Island ofOshu.oSl No. 8 Kaahumanu Strest. Ilnnolnln, II. I. ly

i'iii:o. ii. avii:m.LT Jasioh, Oaiki k Co.J


aid ait roaI.loyd'sandlhllTrpoolUndrwrllrs,nrltUh and foreltn Marine Insurance Company, andNorthern A ssnrance Cmiipany. oM- - y


Koblnson'sQussnStrset, Honolulu, n.I.

aointh roaTin OImjow and ltonololn l.loa of Tacksts.John Hay Co's Llveriol and Loudon Packsts.The Walkspn I'lanutii'ii,The Spencer PlanUtlon. Illlo,Dskalau Hlsnlallim, Hllu.Mlrrlses, Tsli . Walson, 8ne;ar Maehlnsry.Tl, PiiiikiaMlittD lUiahCumpAttT. Tl



Doalors in Conoral Merchandise,No. 10 Kin3trsst, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

., aoknts ron.The Union Iniaranea Compsnyof n rranelseo. Ths Nsw

ensland muiiisii.ii n.u.u. ,...,.,..., ..,.....a.. ..- - i'aiksat Llnr. TntKotiaUt'lsntatlon,

till '" "" - - V' The Haiku I'lantatton,lir. Jyi A itiViCtUbcMMl.IIolnaast Wllu IMSIIUHOII.

lihe'.lsr A Wilson's. Swln ttamskua t'lanlatlon.Machine. lo'wi

BISHOP ft CO.,:b l isr :b. aa n. m ,



IHE IsAHK Of CILIFMNIt, :::$ FMKMC0--.ivasiaaaiTM-

Hsw York,aloa,


mOMEMUl'imcWNilTW. : : : IMMa'. n r AID TSIIBSatlCSIIIS

MellMara,And lraaMt aQsasral Bas.ln( Bastasai. IM ly

wiijii:u a '.,Cornr of Inn unit CJiif.n Mi.-- U lit rotoln,Lumber, Talnti, Ollt, Halli, Malt and BuildingJi Materials of yery kind.

IIII..I. II. .IIIN'I'lS.O OVITMlliJ,OTt V'X TJVtVJWI Nn. lKslinmaniittit

BARTOW TUCKER, Auntloneers,Hairs Jtoom, No M tjui-e- Street

ejtd.iorto Wm (I Irwin KVn'n UK ly

V. A. ''H.tlil'l'.lt Ac '0..Importorn A Commlaslon MorohnntBjfU lleti'ltlii llmhM llli.l (ly

. H. 'IJ,il,vlirJH. .11. !..BUItOEON AND 1I0ME0PATH10 IHYBlCHK.(Ifflen Orii-- r fort and tlrsliisH,, Irt

II. l. AI,t.1IN,Auctioneer nnd Commisslnii Merchant.

QnjiilMrrrl.Jllitiriliiln II. I. Is"

i:i ioi'CN;ioi.Ai::i:tt a .,luronrEits AND COMMISSION MF.ItCHANTB

llnnnlnln.Ostin II, I. n- -) ty

r. T. LENEHAN & CO.,Importers nml C'litiittilssioii Morohnnt,Ml N n a ii ii Hirer t. Ilonoliilu, 13

a. n. !i,i:Jiioitr. Ac ;..mrnarns ahii nrsltas iv

Gonornl AiXox'olxaaa.cliswo,7S4 f'orner (n-.- ri anil Kitsliitniniitirllrrrls, If

ii. ii,;i: .'iliii Ac ;o.,OEHEKAt COMMISSION AOENTS,

Oiirn-- ftf'M. Ilonolnlh. II. I. (IJ lyl


Famllyllrocsryand Fsed more,;'. lyl 60KrlHlrf-l.lli)iilnl- n.

MRS. A. M. MELLIS,FnsbtonnMn Drnas nml Clonk Mnlior,

101 Kort street, lloiioliiln, II. I,rf) M) ly

iii.i.i:m ac :o..Ship Chandlers and Commitiion Merehnnti.

pQrtcrianilll4slfrsln Oenernl Merclinii.lUe,Qoeiirqtrdtllnn'ilillll.llawsllaiilsUliils. MOly


And Importers ofsml llesltrs In Ilay, (Jrslo, slid (Irnrral-. I .lulu. II. 1. til ly


For the Mali s nf California and New York. Office t theJUnk i. f A. Co., . llntiiilittn. tibia ly

.ioii. T. uatiikiioiim:.IMPOnTEIl AND DEALEH IN OENEKAL

MEP.CUANDISE.l Qiihii Nml, llimoliilii. II. I. ly

JNO. A. HASSINGER,Agent to tnlio Acknowledgments to Con-trnc- tn

for Lnbor.813 1 Interior Onice. Hon luln. ly

.1. .u. win r.i;v, ,vi. i., . i .Dental P.ooms on Foit Street,

OlUce In Brevier's, llirck, comer Hotel end Fort street,Oil ly Entrance, Hotel .Vre't

lhu sritEc.tti a. w. o. uiwi.v.iv.ii. a. mtriii a. ;.,

Sugnr Fnctors and Commission gentiHonolulu. 11.1.

ii. i:. ,iioi.'iviti: A: iiito'rin:u.RROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY,

Corner of King and Fort streets,HONOLULU. ly

IIUDT. C. M. rooKE.1. 1: iv : it m a : o u i: ,

Successors to Lzwzns A Bicksox,IMPORTERS & DEALERS.IN LUMBER

And all kinds of Building Materials,Fort Street. dD-- i ly Honolulu.

DR. EMERSON.PKYBICIAPir JVIWI3 BCnOEONOftkc at Dr. Iloirmnnn's, SI Queen street. IlerlilenceCorner Fort and Kukui sts. (the old Kiuper ptimUes.

818 Otllce hours 'J to 11 A M.. 2 to t P. M. ly


Cutlery, Ury noods, Paints and Oils, and General Merchnndiiie. No. 37 Street. Honolulu. ITU ly


MERCHANDISE,Fori 81.. aboveOiM yellows Hall. llt-I-y

'II. O. HAL.I. Ac !.04,

IMPORTERS AND DEALEBS IN HARDWAREDry Goods, Paints, Oils and Oentral Merchandise,

(TM.ljr CiirnerFortand KlngSts.

b. a. p. cAnraa, f. c. joins, Ijo.


7m Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands, ly


AOKMTS rOU 'Brand's duns and Bomb Lances,

Perry Davis' rain Kiuer,8VV- -.1 No. 40 Queen street, Honolulu. ly

S. M. CARTER.Agent to take Acknowledgments to Con-

tracts for Labor.Offlco at P. M. S. Dock, Esplinade, Honolulu, II. I.

Kll 15 ly

u. E. wmTNxr. Established 1S50, j, w, bobihtsonWHITNEY Sc ROBERTSON,

(Successors to II. M. Whitney)Importing svnil Mannf-ctnrl-ng Stationers,

Publishers, News Sealers, Book-Binde- rs

and Paper Rulers.10 & at Merchant Street, Honolulu. II. I. KM SO

CASTLK A HATCH,Attorneys rvt Xjattct.

V. IL CASTLK, Notary Public, attend all theCourts of the Kingdom.

Particular attention paid to the negotiation of Loan a,

Convoyanclnc, Collectlnc, etc. otr Money to loan onsfiirlcage.

Drticei No. IS Kaahumanu strest. Honolulu, HawaiianIslands. "0 ly


Importers of General MerchandiseFItOM



No. 29 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I,


WHOLESALE GROCERS,SIS and SIS California Street,

HAN r II A ! ! 1 H V o .

ttf TartlcuUr Attention paid to ttlllug and shippingIsland orders. tu ly




HOTKL 8TKBET.UONOLULU.Entrances on Hotel, Klrhirds, and BereUnla Streets

FIRtT-CLAI- S IM KVKWY RKSPlCT.Prices tha asms at Flrat-CUa- s Hotel to San Franclxo,

831 a

rJAYOnSlX EXTRA MUSS UKKPJ Kssteru KXUA friuie riKK, California rig Fork,

tarsals by ' Wl 15 aWLLZB vp.

Press." s ts x zzsrz

MARCH 20, J8S1.

ED. V. ROWE,If ouan ttnil Slicn Pnlntnr, Pnpor Hanger, &o,

1, ?f.i )Q7 King Hlrt, llnnolnlri jV.H. .lOIIMO,

TWCoxola.n.Tit Tnilor.lot .to Hi full hi,, blor. WInfiM'. y: iCi'iTi.rTiTm" '

BLACK8MITH AND MACHINIST1 1 ran Miui'liiu, CitrrliiK'' Ufirli,

I'lniitntloit ,11 lie III ll pry, Ar.ffn filiop onKlngHlrset ne faslln f note's w

PIONEER STEAMCandy Manufactory and Dakory

3T. IIOHN,PrsetlenI Confectioner, Pantry Ccofe And EaVer,SIS 1 Hotel stieebetwe en Nnuanu and Fort, ly


sfcsViH. Hollers, C.)olr, Iron, tlr..n'l l.'.d C.tllnutMnchlnory of Every Doscrlptlon,

-- .Mdeli0(i)r --lisParticular attention paid to Shlp'i BlnekimlthlnB

r JQII Wf)llKfiild on lh shot test nolke. (i,SIl ly


Jfn. 10 fort ftircel, Q qwin .....! ih.Ii ..,,.. tM .... sksrsiA

I ! P,.U . sr ....,Luuri, uun a ucncnuL ntrflin Line.

Ha will iclve lil lo eleaulnK, repslrlns;and regulstln; Hewlnf Maelilnet, nnd all other kinds ofLight Machinery and MeUI Work of every iltvflpllon.lllactsiiiithli.K, etc.

Alvi, on hand arid fur sola cheap,

A Variety of Sowing Machineslimn, I'lalola. Miol, Ammunition,

Mnchino Oil, Needles, Olc, die., Ac.eewlnir lnyin Tuckers, lllnd-r- s. and all other eiirnand duplicate parts of machines supplied on shoit notice.

- lit st ilachHe TwHI.-sr- n

Mf Ag'nt in thtt Kingdom orThe Florence Hewlns; Jlacliliie, from 1 40 to (!0.Whltu Hewms; Machine, rrooi n lo 74.llomothiiillelewInK Machine, from III t,) S.Kir Including all estras o. ly

i iiavi: Ni:;i:itKi aFIRST -- 0LA33 HORSE- - SHOER

F f3slyM!iV j

"sAnil nm prrpnreil lo inrry on llila llrnnrfs

ol rar lllMlne In n iitmiiicr siitls.factory lo my I'Klroiio.

OWNERS OF FINE STOCKWill do well to give me a Call.

Horses sent to my King St. ShopWill be fai lliulli attendnl lo.

" 3m C, WEST.C3rVLCfTSt 001137",



Pratical Confectioner & Pastry Cook

Pioneer Steam Candy, FactoryLemon and Tamarind Svrups always on hand

T . m Ct 1 1 33. 3. sPut np In A. Ko. 1 Keflned Sugars, highly

recommended for Sea voyages.

American, French, Englishand

German PastriesMade to Order at short Notice

Wedding Cakes OrnamentedIn the highest St)lcof Art.

lllch fresh home made Chocolate Creams, Coco j nut andCream Candles.

Xo. 71 Hotel Ntreet rl. .Vunann and rortfli ly qr



Unlimited Liability to Stockholders.Assets S3I.SW.100itescrve. ,750,(00

Income for 1ST3:Premtnms received after deduction of rein

surance $ S,332,?35

Losses promptly adjusted and paid here.1 3m IIINIIOI dc Co.. Acrnts.

FIREMAN'S FUNDInsurance Compahy.

A Leading Home Company.Asssta, June 30th J7S707.I7Additional Cash Capital (now being called In) SS0,0u0 CO

Total Assets $1,11707.17

rpiiT: riRKMA2s"'S FU'D ISU1- -X ANCE COMPANY bails Its claims to the best

upon Its sound financial condition, reinforcedEatronage of capital, giving It over a milliondollars In assets; Its eitenslve system of Agencies, In-suring It a Urge premium Income, without the neces-sity of heavy concentration of lines; Ita adherence totho best principles and practices of Underwriting; byopen, fair and clearly expressed contracts, and promptand equitable adjustment and payment of legitimatelosses,

Kor seventeen years It has been favorably known aa aconservathe underwriter, and during that time haspaid over

1,000,000 IN LOSSES,Tasting triumphantly through the heaviest conflagra-tions known in modern history.

BlHlltip Co., Ainu,1 3m Honolulu, II. I.


write upon Merchandise, per first-clas- s vesselsbetween this and tho Coast Ports, covering loss ordamage. If amocnllng to III percent, or more, on tbasound value of the whole shipment at port of delivery,upon favorable terms.

BISHOP Ar Co.Agents of the Firemen) Fund Insurance Company.Honolulu. Jan. 3), IS). tM In

GERMAN LLOYDMarine Insurance Company of Berlin.

General InsurancejCompany of Berlin.

ABIE l.SUMA!irE CB-'A- Xtl

THE established a General Asency here, and thaundersigned, Ueneral Agents, am aiithotlied 10 takeItlaks KKalual Ibe llntSKcraasr llse sseasal Iks)

MtMt KraiaosiakU Kales, stud ass IkHost t'stvorabls Trrssss.

815 ly F. A. hCHAEFER t CO.. general Agents.



OAPITAI. .777.. sll.MT.IIIIAtsmisaialatcfl aaal IiitssUsI Vsansl. t,mt,lll

UMDKRiaa7KDHAVK BKKM A P.POIMTKO AOKNTS far Ueaaadslcb Island., and are

aslhetttsxl lolassrlasl riieapoa laiorabls Itrans.BisSa lakss la aa j part of let I.laad.oa Stoat and VTikmIss

BaiMiaaa and aisrchaadlsa stored therein. Dwslliaf lUaaesasd furaltars, ar, Cutis, Ihlpa la fcartwr sartata or withsal aa4sr resale.

IM Ij HO. fifcmioisi CO


HoMon Hoard of I'mlrrwrllrrs.A (ll'.MTn for the lUtvallnn fstanils,,1 " J I llRr.WKIH CO.

I'hlladrlphla Hoard or li'iidrrwrllcrssAKJIT for the llsitsllslt,

t iiitr.v, nt rn.'. -- . h;ii,ti:i'i:it.

AOKMT orilremrM llo r.l nt tiiile'rtrrlters,of f)ftn IpMflnf t'nderxll.ri,

Ant af Vl.nn llourf r.f,Clslms sulri't Intnrsnee fm nln llbln th. rIMt.tlt

f th slt IkisMs of dflsrwrlUrf, will hars lo eftfld tnl.y lhealyirarenl tomVltim valid fsw If

T It A - A T I. A .X T I C


Capital : t : til Miltlon IMcmmark.imiii:m o.f nrrMii.MiN. r..rhandlvs and Furniture, on liberal trrns, lr

T.11 lr It ItAfKrilMI ffl Arenl.ii,.iiitiii(jiinui:.vii:,

FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.rini: t'xiti,HNii;i luriMi nr.r.Ai.pointed ,u-- nl of th alxive Company, are pre.psred lo Insure risks sjslnit fi.-- on filmif and UrielsiiiiiiiiiiKs, ann on tinr threln,onthe rnot favoraol' terms Knr partlenlan apply at theomre of Kl Ijr r A rilllARPfilt ACU.



Bitr,ni.xjt. ,ifi:itciiA.'inisir. aa;lnst Jlreon themost favorahle terms.

A. JA i:Uf.U, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.Ml ly

Insurance Notice.TIIK AHUM KOIt TIIK IlltlTIIII Vor.

lsrlne In.nrsnc Company, (MrnllHI, hss -l

Inttrnctloei to r.dnee the rales of Impure,b'tveen llonolalo snd I'urls In the I'scllle, and la now

to lisne Policies at the loat rttra, with titlilredncllvu on frlf(lit per steamers.THKO. II. UAVIKS,

ly HI Aasntnrlt. for. Mar. Ina.CA.. MmllM


3VCn.xlza.o.IKOOHPOKATBD, 1806

CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS111 For Ills Hawaiian Islnnds. I


Capital, Fire .Millions Reichsmark.i'.ih: MHMJMlll IIAVIWIJ WIKW3Tin: Agents for the above Company, ate

now ready toIssue I'oliclroiisfnlnat Risks ofl'lreoii nnllaV

llllf", Jlereliiiinllae mitl I'liriillMreion terms equal totboae of other respectable companies.

Losses paia xoranu aoiuateu nere.Kor uartfculars . anDlr to

Kit H. IIACKKEI.U Co . Ajents.

Rhenish Wostphallan Lloyd


Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co.,Limited,


J AUK so.tln.d by Goods arrlvlna; here, and InsuredIn tne aove mpanle. have to b made with iheos;-nltanc- e

of and ceritlUl to by tha underahrned. In order tH valid. M;ly J. C. (ILI)K. .Irwt.


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.OPB03TOX, MASS

I X c. o it i' o u a t r. n , i a 3 3 .

7he OUUst Purely Mulwd Life Insurance Co.inthe Untied Stales.

Policies limed on the mott favorable Terras.

example or I'lisisI.VSUriEU AflE. S5 LIFE VHP

1 Annual premium continues I'olley 2 y srs dsjaAnnual prennnm roniinuea oucy years I nays v

3 Animal premium cntitinea Policy ft year. 27 days v4 Annual premium cnr.tlnne. P.ley S yearstS daysa Annual prenunmconiiQaes t'iey iu years fto aays

t-otss. 1 gia.BOO.OOOiIiOssea Fold lhroiis;li llnussluln Acerser,



WILDER & CO.,Agent for the Ilawatllaii Islands,


Mutual Life Insurance Co.OF MEW YORK.

Largest, Safest and Moat


Assets .(i880)...$9O,OOO,OOO--xxsXj ovisxr.

Now is a Good Time to InsureNone but FJrit-Cla- js Rl.ks laksn,

Sll.-l- u


cm a. . !s- -ro, jrrrH.yfte,IjmW aPsaLaVHHPSsV


BOO.EC. XXiTXXlXl.Merchant Street, anil Dealer In

Fine Stationery, Books, Fancy CoolsTort Street (Brewer's Block).

TVEJTV OOISReceived for each Department every month, and

Special Orders attended to with promptness.

The Bindery DepartmentIs tht only Competent Establishment la the city to

attend lo all work from Pamphlet to Presentation Uookmndlnra, ana liunk Book xannrsctarlnf 01 any de-scription.

THE STATIONERY DEPARTMENTIt belnc renewed with Staple Ooods and Novelties

constantly, anions th most successful of which tortime and money savlti; and convenience, are

Letter Paper a4 Xete PaperIn Blocks of V Keatr, each, or Ii Ream slnrle sheets.

SOMETHINO NKVr-U- tter Heads and Notelleads- -fall sheet wlih view of Diamond Head. Can be hasl

la stnjle iheeta to desired.

THI NEWS DEPARTMENTHat special ears and attention, ta insnra accarsey sadprompt dtllvsty. HI am

rTHKIel'BKaT NtRTstMstrains, and of all azea. rOK SALS,boied and delivered to steamer or


saasaasaa sstaaslslsr ta aaairt Bilk Iks)ssv ls Isapravss ksi lks mmw sssavsa,

M Vajr Us saalra is stfclss.IM A. HSKIIIatT, HiwaUa Heist.



Oltor tlio CargoOF THK AStr.RICAN


(! from Boston abont the mlddlef Msrth,)


Stcnm, Cnmncrlnnd and Store Coaf

Keroiene Oil, " ElertrJc" Brand.Kcroiene 0il,"Brewer'i Bent," 160 Tet

O n, r tl 1ST. ntcltcn,naalern Pino Uirrcl Rliooks,Oars "CopriT-llpfieiJ- ," Umln,I'ilch, Tnr, Fire Clay, Plailrr Parii,Ico HafrfBcrator varJnos tiren,


Pick nod A 20 Handles.Pamber UnckeU,

MULE CAETS, Heavy and Light,Farmers' Iloilcrs, for Plantation use ;An lnvoico uf Cut Nails, aesarlcil;Ames Hhuvcls, Hunt's Axes and Hatchets.

a hkm hkm-xte-

Stock of Cboioe Groceries t

Lewis' Tomatoes, Cases Sausage Meat,Orccn Corn, Kuccotaili,Ulierkins, 1 and i gall,lioston linked Beans, Corn Starch,

Tomrnto aad Mock Turtle Soap.Sandwicli Ham and Tongue,Irish Slew, HarrJcnt of .Mntton,Slewed Calves' Head, Dairy Salt,Qr Uarrcls Family Pork.Cases Lard, 5 Hi tine, fall weight

Boston Crushed Sugar.XJoaiat Boards,


t Iron Safes, Yellow Metal nnd Kails,Manila Cordage, New Iicdford make;WhitcwGod, Slates, Hoscndale Cement.

An Invoice of Carriages,COJIWtlSISO BOME OF

Ttio Xjcttoiare sVt3rloA.XDOF JUTTED XA.fVrACrCRKIM.

Basket Phaetons. Cabriolets.3Iineral Paint,

Caustic Soda,Hubber Packing,

Sheathing Felt,Griudstooes,

Sugar. and Coal Bags.

Portland Cement.

The above Goods III be offered for sale to arrive


WILDER CO.Importers and Dealers in












ALSO, ON SELAJSTA XMt Coayltt Stock f

DRY REDWOOD!Scantliog; Plank, sarfaeed and roogb,Boardi, sorlacet' and roogb; Battens,Picket, Route, Lattice, Clapboard.





Paint and Whitewash BrushesWHITE LKAB,





Of tarn ntf Htornla Make.MR SALE IX 41 AKTtTIEI T KIT


I.O'Wailuku Pr PetrOtoiy.8

QUATsITY OF PAIAI ktAK.ufMHirJltoaiuaUj. Ail elts ltsk 4kCalebIt


Page 2: Saturday Press. - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you filMim,'' HimiMil tint (ho Krlm iiriifoanorcnii, "Ami llml llir tflri of lit iliKnoii


In liwl tinsiness. matter we find no material changesIn rrport lnrp our last, though the arrival of the steam-i- f

Australia from, and In ilrpnttirc nf tint vessels forHsrl Pmnrlwo In a lmIH niir cllv fronl to a certain ex

"tnT Tins' steamer Ukrllke ha resnmH mvlee andthri new steamer Iwatanl has entered Immediate! upon)rf coasting route -- for Knn ami Kan-l- hla week.

On ftalnnlar last, the steamship l.v.lla arrirrd withTls) rawi f'hliiMsiand, llkn several cargiei prrctdlng,

'iiTvT befii oMIgnl to KOlnIS quarantine lliroitgli iliaOutbreak of imall-pfi- t amongst Ihem, from Han Francisco per Australia do notany f linnf slnee thmiepsrlnrsMif the Inalanl.

Wn make the following rxlrseta from Williams DlmnndtCVa mniilhljr circular, of the Wid Intl., for which wcare Indebted to the llatttte.

nine our respects or llkn natnrf, dated t'th nit., wnhave hail mnrr dry wcatlii r, and wn arc pleased to noten slight Improvement In traile.

l!tliislJ Milatr, 37 Indus.I'rnspert Is flattering for a large vshsal rrop thla

jenr In spite of Hie damage ilooe by excsstp rains,HUOAIl. Tlirnlrmatid for refined la active at there,

iliicml prli at 'i of a cent, per pound nil round estnl,.lliheil by the refiners last week. 'Iho New York marketli)r both n fined ami t'cbs refining gradea la active anilfirm, the litter having advanced if front th" reeentlydepressed minlatl'ins. In Iok how HJ4 (or W per rent.,Tiii npunliKjnf Hprlng Irvleanil the apprmeh of hotweather, nxully canrra an appriclatlmi in th valtis ofsugais In both pnelnrlog consuming ( ountllea,Manila basis remains J'l&J for III .per rent 1.111I No III.

.MUisAMtKrl. Tho rmiulrr Is light ns there hna notbeen n stifllrlciit supply lately for the vinegar inannfai

and tin rare, using llarley, quotable at !1'4 forchoice In moderate quantities to Jobber anil at j eta.In large Iota,

HICK The market lias lost a firmness, anil thetwo prlnilpal hohlera being roinpctltora for the mod-- ,

rfato demand frimi .InlineM. prices ire lower, haleern trimlo yeatenlay nt !', rta, time, nnd nun hnliler la

reponeil aa offering at fijt, hut the former figure willprobably reiniln aa the prlre, unless, the prlnclpnlhnliler decides In clone out. 'the large Quantity whichIt wn alleged wniilil go to the Knatern rililea haa notticun fornrileil Onr 1'aclfic Coast consumption can-no- t

exceed CH,llni per annum, for soma tunc. Any, excess must find n millet cIsM'here, or he consumed

ly the Chinese. (;hlna Itice la now very low. jl.ft.1 perlsl lha, full weight for old crop, nml jl.uvac, for newctop mixed.

WIIALK !W. eta.TAM.OVV. Maylieqiiotidnt(ifft,' per III. for

and h & "U eta per. lb for beat refined In 'hip-ping order.

WOOL. -- Krcelnla are amalll we qtinto Han Joniinlnand rloiitliern Kail at Itt IV ctai Northern yilSOr.t.Kaatern tlregon prlngi4&M ct nlii I'all LimbaXI

l'f.VlU.-- (l. (I. tlaker extra tl.TSiHtnr Jllll Jl.wt.IIUAN- .- Jl'.'.fi per ton. I'rlcea will drop whin horao

1 pldeinle. anhldea,UUIUMtlK. Attention la railed to nn ndvnnce of onn

cent, per liniinil all round which look ifTixt thla Meek.Itnapeetlng the apeeiilatlon movement In Hi,; Him

I'rnrtclaen market In II iHnllali rice we clip the follow.lug from the UtnM A Marltt Htrlur. "Htoeka of(Ililn I'lihd HI.1111 urn Inrgu nml free, vthlle Il.nvnllAn lalargely conreiitrnltd, being h'ld by epeenlnlori. whocontrol nearly till here nnd to arrive, and they are ship-ping mora or leaa of thla Hawaiian Table overland,where It oerma to bn well appreciated, being iiacil ita aeiibatltnto for O'.irullna Itlce. the atork of which l aaldto be light. Wuijtioielfiiwallaii utliUftoc; No. I China,Uy,:tH; Xn.V 1I11, V,(AUc

we leiirn that tiiu large nnear Plant, now lying on thewharf oppoallo the Uurtout Ili.n"' na leccntly aold bythe Airenta of .Mlrrleea. 'I'alt .t YVataon. to the llaknbioHugarOo., lit Ililn, llnwnll, foruhlch .Merra. Irwin .t

. fo are Agent. Wc nlao niiderataml that In connection. ,wltli thla tali) Mr. (I. W. Macfnrlano whlln In Han

'rinetecn, rolil to Mr Claim Wpricklea, n largo Tripleeirect nppirntiia.n 'MxM .Mill Hearing, Engine andC'nnij Cnrrlira. for hie Maul catntc.nnd aaiiH Milieu-- ,

for thn (Jloivalti estate, the anlea embracing In thoover one hundred thoiiinud dollara. It feemi

; Hint thla celebrated make nf augur machinery la grow-ing In great favor here and taking the lead nmongilour Planter We nr Inform) it tliat something overhalf 11 million dollar worth of this make haa been

by the Agrnta within three ycura.(In Mnmliy next Mr, H. I'. Ailama will offer several

tnrcela of valuaSlu Itenl Kalnte, embracing the wellknown llmltoii Iliy I'remlaea, cornerof (uci-- and I'nrtetrcete, nml aevcrnl Home lota In Honolulu nml

belonging to the I.uualllo Kitnte nml the I.lllkot' VI Dilation, aftrtato at Mnkanao, V. Maul, comprisingsome inn) acres.

Our exports for the week embrnco two heavy ship-ments of suar. Hie l.ndy t.nmpson nnd Atnlanln, eachI1M11L' over I,HI,IJ lbs. 'I he amount of sugar shipped' for the week foots up :i,tOI,lll lbs. nnd like, VU,tt)lhs. 'I lie total value of exports nre S'.'II.IM.


Vowels in Port,Jnlult bgtno Nlcolaus,Ilnw bgtue I'omare. TrippAm sell W II Meyer, llowoHaw bk Kalakaua, .lenks

. Am bktuu Kuri'kn, Nordhnrg(Jcr 8 H I.jdla, I'aulsi--Am bktue Kate Fllcklnger, YoungAm bgtue Morning ijtnr, llrayAm tern Compeer, Illrkholm

- Vonsola Expected nt Honolulu, from ForeignPorta.

llrbk Alkshnw, Taltc, Olasgow, duo March G Wjf.. Jlncfnrlano ,t Co, Agents

m iAui uk i.uwuni Jiny, joiukoo, jioiton, due April u, uW ltrewer X Co, Aireuts

llrit bk Hlzhilycr, Nchllcmann, London via St Michaels,gr - uiiu npiii j jirewLT v v.o, .geuisllaw bk Kale, ltollifus, London, duo Juno 5, II Hnik- -

fuld i Co, wtceutsllawlikilnwnll, Whitney, S S Islands, due in all

Mnrch, I'rcsldcnl Hoard Immigration, Agent(Jcr bk Musca, from Urummen, due, II llackfcld &

Co. AgentsAm bk Cluihlrr, Gacliclder, XowYork, dno JIny 10-l-J,

Castle A Cooke, AtreutsIlrlt bk Zoe, Cimpbell, Liverpool, duo May 5, T II

Davles. AL'eul1, Ger bk Cedcr. Itohlfs, llremcn, duo May 5, II Hack- -

i fcld Co, AgentsAm bktno Kutu Sudden, Hates, Newcastle, N SW.duc

Anrll LIMS teentsAm bk Harvest Home, Mutton, Departure. Day. duo II

Hnckfcld .t Co, Agents1' M H s City of New York, Seabury, bidney, over due,

, " i 11 II ickfold A Co, AgentsI Ilrlt bk I'aclrlc Slope, , Newcastle, N 8 W, duo Hi

-- nil April. All-- n ,t Itoblnson, AgentsAm bk Ainto, hnn dberg, Ncwscastle, N S W, duo In all

March, AlUnA ICnblnsou, AgentsAm bktne Kmmn Augusta, Port Gamble, for KahiilulAm sell I.ctlltia, , Fori Oamhlc, duo March ), II

, llackfeld X Co, Agentst fAui bktne Discovery, l'enhallow, San Francisco, to fall

'March 10, II llackfeld ,t Co. AgentsIlolbk Don Nicolas. Gray, from Nariilmo, duo March

O Ilrcwer A. Co, AgentsAinbkll W Almy, Fricnian, from San Francisco, to

mill March --2, Cnstlc & Cooke, AgentsAm bktnu Jilla. Turner, ftoni Sjn Francisco, duo March

! .!iV!),0 Ilrcwer A. Co, Agents" Am bktuu. Wrestler, hchnauer, San Francisco, to sailft u March 1 1, K T Lenclun A Co. Agents

I'M 8 it Zenlandla, t'hoaller, Sydney, duu April 11, IIllackfeld ,t Co, Agenta

Ilrlt ship City of Hominy, Lowell, Olasgow, to sail mid-dle March, G V" Macfarlanu A. Co, Agents

A --Am bgtue I'nnsr.elo, Howanl, San l'ranclrco, to (all( 1 March 31. W O Irwin i. Co, AgentaAm Ik I.ImIu Murshall, llirgmann. Port lllakcly, dno

April Alien ii Itublnsoii, Agentsllnw bgine Storm Illrd, Tie rney. South Sea Islands, due

In all March, President Hoard of Immigration, ActIIuw seh Knlunn, Cook, from Galapagos Island, duo hi' t all Mutch, A V Cooke, Ageut 'Am bk Camden, llardle. Pott Gamble, duo April 0, II

1 ', IlarkfcldA Co, AguiUWUiiloiit to touoh fit Honolulu, In all

Murchtintl April,Am bk Atlantic, from New Itedford: bk Han Wtb-- ,

fter, ditto; bk Nortieru Llghl,dllto;bk A brum llufker. from cruise; bk Ellzu, ditto; bk Kalubow, ditto;bk Pacltlc, dltlo.

ArrlvotLMar O It tllshop, trem Kannl

Stm Klliuea Hon. from Kahnlnll!T- -Svli ullaina, from Kohala

21 P M 8 h Australia, Cnrelll, from San FrancltcoI Am stm wn Ilelvedere, Munter, from a crulsu

ntr iinwau' Seh Knuikeanull from llamakua, Seh Haleakala, from lllfo

jy-- Am bglnii Mornlug Siar, llray, from Micronesia.Mil icrn i.oninecr, intKiioim, ui naya irom

- . - Port 'luit'tisendS!l-- 8ch Kekaulnohl, from Hanalel!0 y Sell Walehu, from Kanlaear,t, aiun, 11,1111 itiiu

I Stm Jus Makee, from Kauaisen t'rlnce. from KouaSeh Walmulti, from KohnlaSeh Warwick, frum KalaupapxSth Manuokawal, from llanamauta, htmr Moknlll, frimi koolan,

bV-S-ihr Nellie Merrill, from Uihalua.Tolegtaphed, 7 t lit Wu bk patting Coco Head.

Stilled.Mar VJ-- bk 11 (1 Murray, lUten, for San Frnnclscog- l- P M S S Australia, Carglll, for Australia,. . ?' I'Uka. for Koliala

Vhld.CuwIeyjforVaunbKa Islandi 1 ft 1 Mm lllilinp, for Kauai - 'Stm Kllauea llou. for KahululSeh Wallcle,.fer Mallko

l.lkellke, for circuit nf HawaiiStm Iwalaul, fur Koua ami KauSeh Jt'iiny. for NawlllwiltSt-l-i Mary K Foster, for Kn and KauSrh llaleuknta. for KnuoukneA

. . j tit r bk Aulaiila.Mohrmanii.for San Franeitco,! Urlt bk Lady Lampton, .Martten, for San Frau- -

etsrows'ntiVmJ'S!,ll,1 K'tpcrUu,VJndlu, for Snclieo

Am stm whaler llehedcrc, Manlcr, for cruisentr Hawaii91 Seh Kauikeaoiill, for llonckaa

Seh I'lUma.''t T ,Mb beahl, for Honolpu

85-- bk Martha Itldtout. Wlckhurg. for Portt, xtnts; liwiinnd


The new bktne, Wrestler li attracting considerableattention at Mission tlhnl iu tcrount of her tiur

bho (a loadlug for Honolulu !u McrrllPUllc,i-.t'-J." Tho Aru bk Harvest Honie, Matton, front PciAtturllt" for this, port, befora rrportrtl at hailug pat IntoyKin Fia,neito repair vP. tailed ruiu that twitvefiirllonnliilH March Nh.

The Ger bk (I Y llari.del has been beard of agllv.Under date of Port Stanley. January lit, we learn thattump cargo from the II ' llendclv all reioitrttl fromunder wuler and much burned and otherwise damagetl,lias betu told at anctlou. The wreck and the reuialudrr

ft'1' the (argu haf lil'O been dapotd of, rrallilug x't5.Tho purchasers ham beeii working for soiuti weeks, butupparently up to ttu jircseul tlmo without sucrt-ss- . Thovalun of all the rargo sard auiounlcd to i.'l.-.t(f- a.

Th Ilrlt ship city t Sliaughal, fruut Glasgow forthis pott, bad beeu withdrawn; the Itrlt thin City of. Humbay, Ctutatu Umell, would tako her place, 10 sail

t abouiunittrddlcofMarfl: , : iThallawbk Kahj sailed from Loudau for thlt portJnvsryiluili; iuHd Ilovvr Ksbruarv Ub. 'She Uas au

A The Urlt bV Alkthaw, frow Ulasgow November 15lhtiw'T0,i'imt l"'-l- (n UcceuibcfiiiiU lu lat li g, Ion

Us't Tuesday, March S.M, beinfi tho aaulvcttary of

Kmperor William Mrthdiv all the shipping In the.harbor waa gaily derorated vilth bnntlng

On Weilneaday laat I'oter Co steamerIonian). ( aptaln Cntler, nart'd ofT on hi'r pioneer tripto Maala'a. Konl, and Kan Kh ateamnl esal nf theharbor and np thy reef In fine style We ejipflfohenrn gorj repirt from her on her return. If she tmfld havetaken Mnifer. we have no dotibt bnt h wrnld havelim crowded, a she It lilted up tr comfortably.

The Ilrlt bk Lady Lampann. Her bk Atnlanta, and Ambftne Hesperian all sailed for Man the ZM.We 1 vpeet to tienr nf some good tailing. Captain Mars-to- n

says he'll get lo the ( mat first, and Caplalhs Mohr-man-

and Winding m ther will git there flrrti andrarh will teat their vessel a sailing inalllles pretty wellon thla trip, Of ronrse the Ijidy' mint have the lead.

The I, Ikelike completed her repairs and talkd lastWednesday for Iheilrrnlt of Hawaii, with a f nil freightand over l"l iaeneri. the latler having all lieen Inquarantine In ordir to goon this trip.

The Am sell Amsrlean Olrl, Captain flaekna, arrivedA Kahulnl on the Itth Instant, from llnmlioldt, with itrargo of nslwoml consigned to W U Irwin A Co. Alterdlsenarglng the will lead with sugar dlrrct for HanKranrlsco.

The sleam whaler Ilelvedere arrived last.Monday fromrmlte, and tailed again on Wednrsday for another

ernlte of two weeks around Hawaii, and to stop ntKealakekna to give tne men liberty. Hh will thenreturn In this port, win n Captain Owen will take torn-ma-

nnd proeeed north.A private, dispatch received at Han Franrlseo from

rnnnmn says that tho I'HS I'ensarnla talltd fiom thatport for Honolulu February I lib.

Ihe Am wh bk Northern Light, (HtTirrl, arrived atIIHo. Hawaii. March l.'ith, from New Ibdford via Canede Verde Islands 11 porta !WI sperm. The Am wh bkJohn Howland, (Ireeii, arrived at I'onape February 1st,H days from llonolnln; cb'Bn. Thewhbk Thus I'npe,Millard, was rrnlslngnn thciameltlands February Ibth,reporting 1") barrels iperm.

The sell Clans Hprerkela, Conslns, sailed from CanFrancisco Msrrh litis for Kahulnl; and the rch llosarlo,Hwlft. sailed same day for llllo, where she would ills,rhargo rargo and then proceed to Kahnlttl, to load forMan l'rancltuu direct.

The Am mlsilonnrr packet Morning Htar, llray, hashauled alongside of Messrs Tlbkeia & Horenson's wharftiiilUcharge, etc. Fern full and very Interesilngaccountof her voynge see another column.

Thn stm I. 'htm has rompletril her repairs, and sailson Mnmlny ill xt for MoloLal and liana.

'Iho srh W II Merer la loading with sugar, etc. atIlrcwer A Co's wharf. Hhe will sail for Nan Irauclscuthis nfUrnnon,

The Am bktne Knte Fllcklnger li at Allen A, llobln.son's wharf discharging n cargo of lumber The Com-pter la also discharging lumber nt Ihe fool of Fortstreet. After discharging ihey will both probably loadWilli sugar for Hin Franclco.

The F.urckn has discharged her cargo of coal nt Llke-llk- n

wharf. Who mil load with dispatch for Han Fran-cisco.

The (ler a a Lydla nnd Haw schra Julia and JennieWalker am In Quarantine.

The Kalnkaua has hauled to the Pacific Mall dock totake the Belvedere's oil. Captain Janks expects to sailfor Man Frnmlsco the latter part nf next wet k.

The I' M s s Australia arrived HIT the port last Mondaymorning. Cnptnln Carglll thought nt Drstthat he wouldnot enter tlin ui count of small-pox- , but finallyafter lyliu outside for four or live hours, he concludedlo romo In and discharge his cargo; nfler which hetailed IhnsamecKtilng lor the Colonics, but would nottake any passcngeia from this port.

MEMORANDA.Heport of the I'M M S Australia, Carglll. Command-

er Left San Frinclseo on March 11th, ami dischargedher pilot olf Golden Gato ntfi.3) p. in., met with strongwind and cloudy weather. Kncounten-- n fresh gainnml high N. W. sea, 011 the lltli fresh breero and cloudyweather with pnsslng snualls on the 15th, met withlight nnslcndy winds and smooth sen from the ICth tothe 'Jllll Sighted tho lsld. of Moloknl at 3 a. m. of thegist, and received pilot off Honolulu nt noon.

IMPORTS.Froni Utsalady, per ICatcl'llcklnger, Mnrch

feld A Co., r;t.',,SO ft lumber, U,MI.' pickets,From San Francisco, per stmr Australia, March

SletMJ Hose, 7 pkgs mdset A Jiegir, !! pk" watchmaterials, 'les pistols, tics Jewelry; Z S Spalding, 1 csplants; Whitney A Hobertson, 1 es stationery; T OThrum, I cs stationery; C Afong, V) ska potatoes. Ill cabulter; llolllsler A Cnilci tobacco; llackfeld A Co 6pkgs, 2 bills wheels and frames; Otto Friedlander. I csjiietune; J M Lnwler. tics crockery; A W Plerco A CooQ bxa potatoes; K Timelier, I c pictures; A W ltlchard-son- ,

ft ca mats, etc. 1 bx mdse; (, rliibutim A Co 'J cs drygoods, e:c; .1 Waterhouse, D cs hats and dry goods, ' csmillinery; Holies A Co, V) sks potaloea, I cs groceries;A W flush, 1(1 pkgs groceries; Hart Hros, II c eirgs;Hyman llros, lies cigars, 21 cs dry goods; J M Thomp-son, 1378 pkzs Iron etc; Castle A Cooke. 3 pkgs drug;Telcphonn Co. 3cs mdse; L C Owen, Si) bxs potatoes, II pku mdse; C It Hlshop, 1 cs coin, I pkg mdse: T HDavles, ;i pkgs machinery, 77 cs bread. Ml mats rice, 1 cclothing; I, G Hresovlcb A Co, 3 sks oysters, 8 bxsonions, 12 bis apples; W O Irwin A Co, 7 pkgs md"e, 1

b plnnta; A M McllI", 1 pkg dry goods; C.itlACooke. 1 pump; Hyman Hros, 1 c tweeds; llackfeld ACo 1 c samples; W II Pnnls. 1! pkg books; F SchneferA Co, 1 bx colli, 12pkgs to address, 12d pkgs groceriesetc., to Chlnusu firms; 13,020 pkgs transt.

From Micronesia Island, per Morning StncMnrch22 Sundry mdse for parlies, to care of E O Hall ASon.

From 1'ortTownscnd per Compeer. March 2J n0,f2ijft lumber. 122.7M) shingles, It) bis salmon, 5 bgs pota-toes, to llackfeld A Co.

EXPORTS. jLFor San Francisco, per I) U Murray, March

lbs sugar. 17,717 galls molasses, ICU hides. 2Ji bchsbananas. Domestic vnlne, SKi.'-'I- 'i; foreign, u.

I'or ranning'a Island, per Vl id, Jlnrch 21st Assortedfoitlgn merchandise. JTaluc, V3M W.

I'or a cruise, pirlelvidcre, March 21st Foreignalue, $25. fFor Sun Francisco per Hesperian, March 23d 6.'.7,70."

lbs sugur, 125 hclis bananas. Domestic value, $12n5 C2.

For San Frifnclsco. per Lady Lampion, March 23dl.l&UhUlbsugnr, lllti galls molasses, 2S hides, GI.TU)lbs rlco. Domestic value, 341,15.1 C7.

For tjftn Francisco, ;er Atalanta. March 2M 1,101,027lbs sugar. .VI.Htl lbs rice, 7IX) lbs coffee, 2UD bchs bananas.Domestic alue, Jii7,UH :ia.

PASSENGERS.For San Francisco, per D C Murray. Mar 10 J Jan-so-

II (i Wignall, M O Walton. Capt T W Flcmlnir. W OKlncald, F Janson, J Schoener, Capt V011 Schmidt,Miss Walter, Mrs S M llret. Geo I.jnd, Mr Kelshnwand 2 children. O G Mnrlfie, Mr Mclvunv. V A Ilradeu,A Cllloomer, II D White, G V. Folger. II Harlow..! Hocmlll. J Walker, J Hoser. P llradley. A C Arthur, J

Delancy, I' J Turtle, A A Magary and A Chinese.Tor San Trand'co, per Hesperian, March 23d A G

Holmes, II Netter, G Kdwards, A Gale.For Sail Francisco, tier Lady Lampton, March 2&1

Miss Ilarncv. FS Dodge, Miss Thurston, Miss .Fuller,Miss Heed, Mrs Hums.

For Snn Frnnclsco, per Atalanta, March 2d E ATomlinsou, Mr Utlech, W Young, Mr l'crry, M OHcilly, FOMIUiell.

From Sau Frjuclsco. per Australlla, March 21st MissC P Swaln.MlisF! Lehman, Miss I. Lehman, A Lehman,T (J Campbell, 11 F Wing, O F Shipman, L C Owen, MrsIlj man. Pilchard Green, Geo K Koninler.J Lewis andwife. Master Lewis, Jiu M Killy, J M Thompson andwife. J M Lira lor. K K Potter nnd wire, 1) lluckley, K IIItlcluirds, Chas Williams, John Anderson, Wm Mor-rire-

M Soia, Thos Austin, It llltmer. N T Vlera, MissVlera, A Churl, wife nnd four sons, John 1) Itobcrls, ALeach, Miss Mary Churl, Frederick Smith, and thrcoChinese; 31 passengers in transitu.

From Mlcronesian Islands, per Morning Star. March22il Hov J F Whitney, wlfo and two children, Hev F KHand, wife and daughter, I, P K Nawaa and wife,Simeon Kahnlctnauna, James Kramer.

For Port Townsend, per Martha Hideout, March 21th,N.'Mead and W. Cope.

BORN.In this city, 011 tho 23rd lust., to tho wlfo of A. J.

Cartw right, Jr., a daughter.In this city, March 2lrd, to the wife of Fran k Geua Daughter.In this city, March Will, IS-- I, tn the wife nf Xal-gatin- g

Lieutinant G, K. Gresley Jackson, Itoyal Naty,a daughter. Ud Kngll.h aud Australian papers pleasecopy.

DIED.PUltVIS Died nn tho Sib of March, nt Kohala Ha

wail, to ihe Inexpressible jtrlef of his family, ;,su:JotEiliiir; Peiivis, thtr beloved daughter of Kobert undAnnie Pnnls, aged 19 years.

NKW At Walakea, Hllo, Hawaii, March 13th, IleumNew, a native of New Zealand, aged about 2U jcar.Nbw Zealand papcrt jileasv copy.

HEKHS-- lu this city. March lSlh, of heart disease.IlEMir A. Hekks, a iiatlvttof the state of New York,and for the past 22yars a resident of these Islands,aged IS years. lie limes a wife and four children tomourn his loss.

Foixowino nro the l'olico Court iiroeeetiiugu (ortho week. Criminal record: KaliuhUula,Oio, Knlllii.lliwikalkii, VntnivilB, Clmrles, Kahimnnu, Koohou,,,toiittit .viti, u., uiie, ciiiuieia,

Moola, Knlvl. 1'ulii, Kama, Keoia,Kekuhitin, Knelenmlule, Knuonhi,

l'nhukulii. I'linrcftl viulatiniz tlio reuiilatnnw rtlto ikmrd of Health, btiti(5 viuployeU in tho const- -tng trntle in certain (:(, to it Joints Jnier,Jui-tuN- , .Vmy .'. ywlrr ami Jtunlt, ami havingion inrho Tt'iux'iH wiiuoui a permit irom the llonrilof Health. Oio plumled guilt v nml wiu tinwl fl;tlio otliers were f.iutul guilty anil llrxtl 1 nml $1rtiHtti nicU. W. Woollmin, uhbimlt nnd luitterv onAlt Tuck; plvnOnl Ktiilty. ;iml wn.s fml S nnil SIcostt. Knuakuolr. ilruuk-piuieiu- fined $fi and JlcostH. MiHila, violating regulations of lkwml ofltmllh j no ,iiutui tntunxl by prtssecatiou.Uotig hhe.1 Hnn.Clitnest). charged with murder oflln Uo, remanded tmbject to tmler of tlto Court.AuLlu, Ah lice, fnat dritiug, pJe.ided guilty andvua lhud (iti nnd 91 vontn. Ah too. vlnl.iiiin, nmr.

nntiuo reguUtlotiH j uollturusftii ettteritl byJ. HfWimtw,, Kautaillnn, Ainia-nuiuan- u,

Him Kelly. Kaleleiki, dniukennetw,pleaded not guilty! null jiryMf entered by pros.vuttuu j nituan.111111, vioiaiitiK rn(iliniloii( lit lltxiruof Health by leaving vesnel, $T untl jil codta.John Hird, nMuit on O. W. Hatt;nalU prolan!outered by prosecution, ilnlala, w., dctuirting herliusUuid, pUvided guilty nnd wns wnUmxtl tothreo montlis bard labor and to pny fa nisu. 'I'hUMiialier fourtli otleuso. John llrowu, violatingluarajititw regulntiou by visiting a (luamutiued

wiclosuw, plcnded guilty nnd vraa fined foil nndsfil rotita; caw Hpivitletl to intermediary Court,i.tvll rtconl-H- lii Via Cbong Co.. v ChungFung, notion on promiwry noto for I33 81; iudc-nio- ut

for plaiutttT for f 107 W. Cong Che andChung, vailip. Wo Chung 4 Co., action on twoliroiuisnrv iioUm for tl'JA IWKs ludutuent forliDUutitl for f l&S !t Ab Part, vn Chinu On, m.Butuimit; defendant xmffK.ics judgment for t beuiu, tuuouiitiug to 73 25. 8. D, Bur- -

roWS. TM H. li. xtotltltiinn. HutntinuU , ItnlttiMtit .rplaintiff nmountiiiR with nmu to U9 61. T. '.U.Vitluo,deertimj bouud ;riotn

IliMtvtXCo., guilty and wan orderrd to ntnraaud ivty coU of trait, fit.

THE SATURDAY PRESSPublished f..r the SATintiar I'nisss Asocistio by

ItOIIKHT OHIF.VK,Hook, Job and General Printer,

Honolulu, II I.

The HxTCnnxr I'urta cannot ndsrtake to r'tnrncnmmnnlrallnns, ac'eptsd or relseied, and we ha. e toreQiiest eorretpondente to append thslrtroe nsmit andaddresses, not nectssarlly for pnhllratlen. If so

but a a guarantee of (he ciM faith nf the writer.(Kii. MaTL'iuiar Pnssa.


Wk iiavr endeavored to put licforo ourrcndcfH noma fdc.t of tlio atnto of tlio lifiormarket tn lliU Kingdom y (nvltlng llio ngcntnor rcprcrientatlvr of Iho prlnclpnl employers)to stnto tlio number nfUlit hnnd, exclmiti nfnil tkllltil labor, required to work tlio vnrions)

CBt.itcn for wlilcli tliey net, .Messrs. Hnckfcldnnd Mcmm. Irwin head tho lint, nnd stfilothat they can employ 2,500 or labor-c- m.

ench, Theo, il Davles needs) 100, Mess..Afong & Co., ISO; 0. W. Jlacfnrlnno & Co.,100; theno nmomit logothcr to 3,810 Inlxircrn.Thrco other largo employers) tell n that thoycannot nrrlvo nt tho numbers, thny could cm-pl- oy

without correspondence with tho manag-

ers) on the various; cotates,Tliero nro nt leant twenty considerable plan-tatiot- m

tinreprcBcntcd by tho nlsovo figures,which figures) nlmw tho esilimnled neodn ofnbont forty plantntionn, no that It in renaonabloto ndd nt leant 3,000, mid odd hundred tn thototal reported upon, miking in round numbers:10,000 field handn required at present. Addto thuno tho numlierrt of Chinamen employedan domestic scrvnnts, mechanics), &c, thonoon unreported rico plantations, it would deemthat thcro In ntnplo employment for all

nnd field Imttda, liotli hero now nnd ontheir wny from Kttropo or Chin ; but tlio gon-cr- al

impression nmongnt employers, nccnis tobo thitt if nil the laborer, in Iho Kingdom woroin employ, thcro are, including those to arrive,HtilTicictit for our prenent needs.

Tiik Bmnll-po- x still claims !t daily tributefrom amongst tut, nnd will contintio to do so,wo fear, whilst cnrclcsinncnB of infection nndconcealment ofdincaso nro Kit practised here.Scarcely n day pasxen without the police find-- n

Homo hidden utiffurcr or pcrhapn tho bodyof (toino one dead of this fearful discanc, butleft lying in a still inhabited honso. In nearlyevery case of tho kind tho culprits have beencither natives or Chinamen.

Wo can quite symptthizo with theso poorpeople when they nro led upon to deliver tipsoino nick relative, but then as a rule, theyhave neither tlio means or tho inclination toisolate their households:, and it would be wellif thoso who Itavo tho ear of thoriativc9, nndtlio head men of tho Chincso, would makejomo endeavor to assure their respectivecountrymen of tho caro and consideration withwhich tho patients nnd their friends detainedtin tho roof aru treated by thoso who hnvothem jri charge, rather than bo spread! ng;rcpocts about tho hardship of tho journey nutto (ho hospital and tho ueirlccts nnd lack ofattention met with there. It is wcil-know- nj

that now, nt all events, every comfort andconsideration i'b shown to tho unfortunatesufferers, although perhaps for tho first fowdays tho strain upon tho resources of thoBoard of Health was excessive, and the effortsmade' by the officials could not at onco meettho sudden requirements of tho case, butwhatever was wrong was repaired as speedi-ly ns possible, and has long been a thing; ofthe past. Tho lato physician to tho Boardwas forced into resignation by misrepresenta-tions. This constant carping can do no otioany good.

The articlo on tho proposed Marino Rail-

way which wo published on Saturday Inst,together with a weighty communication on

tho samo subject, seem tohavo borne fruit,aud just exactly that fruit which wo hopedfor, viz: open discussion, and freo ventila-tion of both sides of tho question, for wo arealways glad to admit that every public matterhas its two sides, both of which we aro gladto see tho general community well informedupon.

Tho Gazette takes ns and our correspondentto task for supposing that it is "throwingcold water" upon tho project. It is perfect-

ly truo that that pnper does not " throw coldwater " on the project, us stuch, but it decided-ly docs do so on tho advisability of its earlycommencement.

Delays, little or great, nre proverbiallydangerous, nnd wo say that considering ourrapidly increasing inter-islan- fleet, and therapidly increasing value of each vessel em-

ployed, and of tho wurk exacted from each, itis high tiino tlio work was begun. Again, itis estimated that tho labor of construction willprobably cover u year nnd a hulf, bo that if itbe commenced tho first ship willnot bo drawn up until ufter the lapse of thatperiod,

Xow, what sort of loss to tho whole mercan-

tile community tloes this represent ? Tako thoLeltMi, Three duys and u very considerable cx-pe-

were devoted to preparing to hcavodown, hor engines had tn bo most carefullyshored up, heaving down spars placed nndsecured, pontoons put under her, before thowork of repair could bo taken in hnnd at nil.She misses 0110 entire week's work, her own-

ers their earnings, aud her customers theirconveniences.

Tho account stands something in this wise.As nt present, heaving down expenses nrobumuwhoro nenr $1000, nnd repairing

extra, and a whole trip lost ; with thorailway two tn thrco days' work, railway ex-

penses nbout $300 moro or leas, and workifstinted ; balance in favor of railway, say$700 cash and a week's wot k. Now, seeingthat this boon, if it bo grunted, cannot botuado available for more than a yoar hence,seeing that tho money fortius pttrposo has beenalready voted, bearing in mind, moreover,that tho Legislature of 1862 may nullify thatwhich was done in 1650, that tliero uio manyitems in tho last appropriation Act whichmight bo drawn upon for exceptional outlayincurred by tho epidemic rather than thisMarino ltailway vote, coronations, pedigrees,Chincso subsidies, nnd all euch rubbish, it seemsto us, that nothing remains but to conclude- awelUdufmctl bargain with somo reupoiini-bl- o

person or persons, and put the work inliuud as soon as thoso couditious can boassured.

The construction of tho railway will givoemployment to a largo iiumbei of mechanicsand laborers for nioro than a year, and asbooh as it is completed tho whole inter-isla- nd

lleot will want to usq it. It appears tobo beyond question that liuch conveniencewill bo ait uUolulo necessity, which willshow itself to bo more and more urgent everyweek from the present day until tho railwayis ready for use, so why delay ? The ownersof Ihe coasters, and all the merchants, plant-ers and mill owners ought to be able tn feelnoiso sort of asaurauce that their supplies canbe forwarded, aud their produce brought upwith regularity and dispatch, and in order toeffect this, there are needed facilities for re-

pair which shall be at ouce certain, speedyand ecowMiicsJ, aad so sgaiu the sooner thebetter.

A mo.t extraordinary document, or scries ofdocument, was suddenly put forth on Thurs-day morning. It may bo remembered thntsomo six month ngo a most brutal murderwas committed on Hawaii, when a nativo manfirst smashed the head of his wifo, with aheavy, blunt weapon, tho spoke of a wagonwheel, nml then mutilated her body with nsharp-cutti- ng weapon. For this atrociouscrimo ho was duly tried, found guilty, andsentenced ns the law directs. This sentencewas passed aliotit five months ngo, and orderswcro issued lint It ho put In execution onFriday, the 2Sth Instant. Daring these monthsno question was raised as to the justice of thesentence, either on the ground of extenuatingcircumstances not brought forward at thetrial, but since then made known, or as to thesanity or othcrwino of tho criminal, when sud-denly, less than twenty-fo- ur hours before thotlmo nppointed for the execution, these docu-ments, being petitions to U.It.II. tho PrincessIlcgcnt and a scries of Idlers addressed toHer Koynl Highness, were passed in, somealleging tho discovery of new evidence ofcariextenuating nature, and others pleading thoInsanity of the prisoner. Thus tho Regent andhor advisers wcro placed in a most difficultnnd painful position. The tlmo was too shortto allow of anything like an Investigation Intoso serious a question, but tho knot was cutfor tho tlmo by tho Chief Justico availinghimself of articlo 1160 of the Civil Code, andgranting a renpito of four weeks, Now it isimportant to the pttblic wclfaro that It shouldbo known why, nnd by whoui, and for what.objects, these petitions anA letters were so

suddenly sprung upon 'Iho executive. Thopatulous contained tho signatures amongstothers of Itight Kcvcrcnd Dr. Maigrct, Bishopof Arathca, nnd a'liumbcr of his clergy. Asto their motiv-j- s wo have no wish to say aword : probably puro philanthropy, possiblydisapproval of capital punishment. However,wc know not. But when wo hear of anothergroup of names, it seems as if some light wcrolet in on the subject.

Tlio editor and tho stafT of tho Advfrtiierappear prominently; tho papers wcroprinted nt that office ; tho signatures of manypersons were procured, of whom wo maysafely say that however kind-heart- theymay be, they know nothing xchalectr of themerits of the case, or tho truth of tho allega-tions thoy have subscribed to. In fact, itseems pretty plain that tho Venerable andWell-belov- ed has got down from his pedestalaud has got up this business,

A session of tlio Privy Council was held onWednesday, nt which tho editor of the Adcer-lis- er

was present as a member, nnd neither he,nor any ono else, alluded to tho approachingexecution; yet tho very next morning thesopetitions and letters were got up.

If during five months this notable friend ofthe Hawaiians knew nothing of tho defectivolaturo of tho evidence at the trial, nothing oftho insanity of tho prisoner, how catno he tobo no instantaneously enlightened ? If through-out all this long period no official, medical,legal or executive, knew anything of thisrevelation may wo not ask for somo explana-tion of tltij strange ignorance, or still strangerreticence, if the allegations of tho petitionwere known, and known to be truo? Are notthe prisoners occasionally visited by the Gov-

ernor, tho Physician, the Warders of the jail ?

If so, how or why has this insanity been un-

known 'all this timo unsuspected for five

months?Have not prisoners any opportunity of com-

municating with friends, and through them,or through tho officials of tho prison, makingstatements to, or asking advico from, counsel,if thoy wished to produce fresh evidenco?How is it that theso petitioners hung back solong, and how did they urrivo at their conclu-sion ? We see pretty plainly the central figurein this affair. The editor of tho Advertiser,posing in his ed character of tho" Friend of the Hawaiians" 1 Is not this mur-dur-er

a Hawaiian ? He must bo saved fromthe grasp of the law nnd by me! My effortsshall do it, and none shall kuow it 1 o pageof tho Elele, no paragraph of the P. C. A.,shall mako known to the public I am ho I Iam Qibsou 1 I am tho editor of tho ESelel Ilose money by it 1 I am tho personage ofwhom it was said or sung,

' Let humble G n, with an awkward thane.Do good by ttealth and blush lo find It fame' I

Why ! this modest philanthropist actuallyaddressed a letter to tho Princess Regent re-

questing her to authorize tho appointment ofa comtuitteo of medical men nominated byhimself, to ascertain tho sanity or otherwiseof this unhappy crimiual. If this greatchampion of the race is so affected by the na-tionality of tlio culprit, who, we ask, was thevictim. Did the tears flow forher? It has taken five mouths to start themfor tho murderer. This is a desperate bid forpopularity amongst the natives, and nothingelse.

Now, one word in behalf of the poor criminal.How many deaths has he died in tho last sixmouths? how many more bufuro the time comeswhen ho must pass to a living tomb, if not totho hands of tho executioner? Verily, "thotender mercies of tho wicked are cruel 1 "

Article UbO of tho Civil Codo provides thatany Judge o a Court of record may, for cnusushown to his satisfaction, rcspito any convictedcriminal for any length of time sufficient fortho purpose of mercy or not to work injury toany innocent third parties,

Articlo 1181 provides that " No person attho timo insane shall buffer capital punish-ment. '.'(.Tho Privy Council will meet again y,

when probably tho matter will bo taken undordiscussion.

AVISO.CoMsuutiHi ni: uia EsTaoos Ustpos I

lit ililJlCU, IS HoXOlVLC.A lot Cludtdanosdala llepubllca Xcjieanat Los ine

periqnexcau a eta llepubllca, ton avl.tdos jior mediode esio Consulado, de rejlstrar tus uombret lo maslironto poslble, a nn do conteguir la dehtda protecciundel Goblcruo, para sus Interne que tc)uetcutan en tVUcludvdy lat demas Itlat do Hawaii.

It. W. Litxs, CSssCL di Mexico.Oficlna, Calls de Fort, No. 31. Honolulu, It. 1. 81 i ST 3m.

Notice.Tu Ihe Sugar Manufacture of tho ilawallaa Islands.

1. TULLY would respectfully offer his service at a.tju.-i-r Holler, hiving had twenty year experience Inthat rapacity In other countries, acd three In this, liofeet competent to Hit th position tn any Hailingllou so In thlt Klujnlom. flood references etita Ifrequired. ADUUCSS 11UX til.

0J0 SI 3m 1'ost Offlce lUaolala

Waltkutsm WsrtckuM.frum fJU SfImv IktUf TtttyivpH, Ju4 5. 18M.

The Walltum. Watch Company hav been awarded theonly cold medal jtven for walehu at lha Sydney Inter-national Exhibition, and ar tho only exhibitor In anydata trout the United Stale who hat received thltdistinctive, recognition.

M.xfcIXKRXr.t ttols Agent for U llanalliat Islands


who stole Ik Wstea, Chain and Locket on Ikenight of March ut1, wilt return th same all will bwsjll. Ulhtrwtt th law tkall take Ita course.


the care of children. Apply at T. U. THKCxi'Mcrcsaal almt atoca. Uu

S25 REWARD.T WIMs OlVIIrJUo TOKNOWMVIIOI are the Original iref the Malicious fltnrUt that have

rwen elrenlai about me and 1 hreby give nntlet thst1 will ntoseenle anyone rlrrnlstlns: taen rTxrrlt. ThltIs no flankom, I mean business, A. JloYv At SK


Practical Job Printer,NO. 104 TORT STREET,

(Over Mellit ritire )

.TO All orilrt ftlthfu"y attend"! to iy


TOAIMtyK I'EK "ZOE."ron salk nv

815 an THEO. H DAVIE3.



No. 109 KINO STREET,Where he will b P'"'"1 ' " hl' j',,len1?, "? Jj'

'ttne Inpublic in t-- o ' w'n "Tlowest mtrk't pf!'

Fresh Inland IJiittrr received crcry week.M (IIVB HIM A CALL.

$400 Reward.aiksvi: itr.vvAitfs wii.i, itr. paidTuntny person or persons who will rlv sneh Infor-mttlo- n

as will l'd to the arrest of LKONH t.l'NO.whoInftlet'd the wounds on HA LKK. a Chinaman. InI'anoi Vall'yon HL'NH.W, Ih'Slh Instant.

HaldLKONfl Lt'NO I auoot years of x. shortand stout In bnlld. hts a large promlnnt nms. fIreompl'ilon. rather light. W C I'AHKn,

fot M lm Marshal.



foil HAK I1YRM TJ lm if. HA'Mt'i:t.rt a to.

AI.tHM.STKATOK'.S 0TICE.IIKKX AI'IMII.VTEIIHAVI.XsJ the Estate of Edward Everett, Ittr of

Honolulu, deceased, all persons having eltlms a;alnsttho said estate are lreby notified to present the same,duly auther.tlcatfd, within six months from this date,or they will be forever barred; and all persons owingsaid estate to makt payment to the undersigned.

a.j. CAirrwHitriiT.Administrator Estate of Edw'd Everett.

Jfareh . IfHI. 31

Oats, Bran, Barley.200 Sacks Oats,20O Sacks Bran,200 Sacks Barley,100 Sacks Small Yellow Corn,100 Sacks Potatoes,

roil SALE AT LOW HATES IIT811 i lm E. P. ADAM".

Ex "AtaJLuita,"German Hitter Beer, in qte und pta ;

German Crystal Leer, " "Heidsicck Gliamjiagne,Kliinewine and iiockheimer,Tort Wine, Sherry, Cogniac,Selters "Witter in jugs,

HAVANA CIGARS, fcc, efce.r'OK SALE 5

lm II. IUCKFKr.n A CO.


Get your Pianos Tunednr a

COMPETENT TUNER,Who haa Just arrived from San Francisco.


nELLS' JICMC STORE,Ml S3 (A and 6S Fort Stieet.

Great Reduction in Prices.


Furniture Company,E. P. ADAMS, AGENT.




AT REDUCED PRICES!At 'Ware Rooms cm King St.

UI S3 3m E. P. ADAMS. Agent


Islands, in Probate. In the Estate of C. S.11ARTOW, of Honolulu, deceased. Intestate. BeforeJlr. Justice Judd.

On reading and fllln; the petition or Richard F. BIekertonandJ O Tucker of Honolulu alle-rtn- ; that C. S.Bartow of Honolulu, died Intestate at Honolulu, on the18th dav of March. A. V. 1MI, and praylns that lettersof Administration Issue to them, and that In the meanwhile ther be appointed temporary Administrators.

It It ordered that TUESDAY the flftb da of April.A. II. 1SJI be and hereby- Is appointed hor bearing saidPetition before the said Justice, in thj Court Room ofthis Court, at Honolulu, at which time and plaee allpersons concerned may appear and show canst. If anythev have, why said Petition should not be granted,ana that this order be published in the Enz'.lsh je

for three successive weeks In the Satarday Prctanewspaper In Honolulu.

Dated Honolulu, II. 1.. March 18th. A D. l$St.A. FKAM'IS JUDD,

Attest: Jxo. E. Barxard, JusttceSupreme Court,Clerk. w 3t

CtlKt'l'ir tOtlKT Of TIIK IIAYVAIIAXCd Circuit, In Probate. In the Esuta of

DANIEL LYONS, of Lahalna, deceased, Intestate. Be-fore Mr. Justice Pomander.

On readinc and fllln; the petition of J. K. Wilder, acreditor of Danltl Lyons, uf Honolulu, alleging thatDaniel Lyons, of Lahalna, Maul, died Intestate at La-halna un the OS day of January, A. D. Iftjl, and pray Insthat Letters of Admlnstratlon Ittua to Dim. It Is or-dered that THURSDAY, the 3tst day of MARCH. A. D.ISsJl, at I'J A. M..bc andberebr Is appointed for hearlnssaid petition before the said Justice, In the Court Hot mof this Court, at Lahalna at which time and place allpersons concerned may appear aud show cause. If anyIhey have.why said prtltlon should nut be jrramed. andthat this order be published In the English Un;turfor three consecuilvtiweeks ina newspaper published In Honolulu.

Dated Lahauu, 11 I., March 3d. A. D. 1 Wl.AUIL FORNAN'DER,

3 3l Circuit Judge. Snd Judicial Circuit. II. I.IWAIIA IN.

v lands, in Probate. In the Estate of LEONof Honolulu deceased, Intestate. Before Mr.

Justice Judd.On reading and alloc the Petition of Adsle Dejean

of Honolulu allc'lnc that Leon Delean of Ilonoluladied Intestate at Honolulu on the lvtn day of FebruaryA. D. 1&! and praying that Letters of AdministrationIssue to her.

It Is ordered that TUESDAY the S)th day or MarchA, D. lo. -- M., be and hereby Is appolnttd furhearing said Petition befora th said Justice. In theL'oml Itiwm of this Cijurt, st Honolulu, at which timeand place all persons concerned may apprar and showcause. If any Ihey have, why said 1'etltlon should notbe granted, and that Ihls order he published In theEnglish language for three successive weeks In thebaturday Press, a newspaper In Honolulu.

Dated Honolulu, II. I., March 10th A. I), l&l.A. r'H.VNClsJL'DD.

Attesti A. IUiss, Justice of the Supreme Court.Deputy Clerk. 3 3t

Marshal SalesIHrl'KUI'AHHirilt' KXKCITIOX

Issued out of the Police Court of Honolulu on iheJib day uf March, A. D. 141. In favor of lllgglus X Jts-se-lt

fur. the saw of ITS.TU, against Kim, hauaauna. Ihive levied upon, aud shall expose for 1 at th Sta-tion House, in Ilonolula, at VI o'clock noon, on Mitur-da- y

the Ha day ef April, A. D. I&3I, One expresswagon, unless said Judgement ertered and cost bepreviously satisfied. V. C, PARKE.

M at , Marsha).


of Lnualilo aud Piikol atrccts. lo be had oneasy tennt. For particulars enquire of the owuer.

K.W.t,BA.NMS.On the premises, or of

Vf b. B. POLK.

Xrse Itddiaf XattrM Hay,wKLIa CUHtsii, UAiiKU AND

asllvsred In quanllf lu tail.AT OMS BOUM VOL 1M YOUHM.Apply, through the Post Office, to


C. P WARD,iM'm or at Ward' Dray Und, otTera Mr tlFtrt Wm4, Ciurttl. tell u4 WWU SmU,




of Goa1, jhhl re civil' from New York and Snn Francisco, ex " JJcapcrian,'

"Murray," "Kalakaua," " Wrestler," and other late arrivals, xchich they offer atthe lowest market rates, jjirgc invoices of Choice Goods to arrive per " 7x" fromLiverpool, and " Cheshire," from New York.

MOLINE PLOWS.All izc, made to onr order, extra atronp.

SULKEY PLOWS. Kxtra riowParU comtantty on !ind.

WATER FILTERS AND COOLERS,A new Invoice of the favorite Hyrsfcnio Porou Fillers. Jewell". Water Filler nd

Coolers, and Cooler only, aorteil size.


KEROSENE OIL-hi- gh test, best quality.Having made nrrnnKcmentii to Import direct Irom fimt hnd, we are now prepared lo offer

the Jjctit oil in tlio innrkcl (150') nt faroralile rates. Tl.i oil is; bronlit from tlio haat to SanFrancico br railrnml, In cam owned by tlio Company, and the prcat loo from leakage amielftcrioratlori Is avoided. Tlie oil is put up in Cans and Harrcls. In the latter form it will bofound a Kreut convenience to families nnd retailers. The barrels are lined with heavy tin, and

are provided with a convenient faucet. So leakage, ami no charRo fur containers which aroreturnnblo when empty. We can also supply low test Oils, guaranteed to pass the Govern-

ment Test, at reduced rates.

POWDER, SHOT, CAPS,Of English and American Manufacture, in packages to suit--.

RUBBER-- HOSE.A fresh Invoico of the Celebrated " CarbolizeU" 3 & i ply, and " Standard" 3 & J ply


Will each find a fresh Well Assorted Slock of Implements, Tools and

Supplies suited his requirements.


LUBRICATING OILS, Pure, UnadulltraUd. t&" Uso genuine oils if you wish lo preserveyour bearings.




Continental Oil and Transportation Co.Ilallidie's Uarbed Wire and Staples,

Hallidie'it Patent Wire Rope,Avcrill'a Chemical Paints,

The Rain Wagon,

Compound,Americnn Lubricators,







Amount of Wet Caah Aaaeta, January 1, 1881,Revenue Account.

mriiuiTj siLess deferrsil Premiums. January l.lH)...Interest and rents. (Inclndlng realized yalnr on real estate sold).........Lesa Interest accrned Jan. 1, lSW

Siabnxscaaaat Aeoonat.Losses by death, Inelndlnr neversionarr additions to sameEndowment matared ana discounted. Including Reversionary additions to same...Annuities, dividends, and returned premiums on cancelled policies.Taxes and re.lntorances...... ...... .......... .................................Commissions, brokerage, azracy expenses and physicians' fees .Office and law expenses, advertising, printing, xc... .........

Aasata.Cash In bank, on hand, and In transit (since received) $tt?WS.10Invested In U. b.. New York City, and other stocks (market valne, $H.7St..06) H,S'r,,tTt.tsj

Uondtf &nd mortac Ant lien on ml putsf, (bnlldinx thereon losartd for $I5jy3,- -UO.iUaod the policfe ftfulnttl to thcCompaD ih iddttionil collateral ecaritjJ..15,4Mj5'i:3

Temponry loanf, (cecored bx etuckf, market Tilof, ).MJ) , 2lnt)UU.U)





2.MJ.IHSurplus at Jan. 1,

cent. 1,131.371


is4a4 on cxiftinff poiiciet, iav rreervc ucia oj lae ompnj an mete policiesunoanu to J .........

and on due to Jan.lCOlaa

on coarse of andreserve on these JtrOSI) Included In liabilities)

Agents balances..Accrued on Jan. I, lShl. ...

Excess of market value of over cost.ichtiiutt tut Uurj uilt accompany tt mnal report jUtd vitA

IX t)f the of Jfeir Yort

Cash Assets, 1, 1881- -

as roixowa:losses, due subsequent to Jan. 1, 1W0losses, astaiting proof, dc-- . ...........

llaured endewmcnlt, die and (claims not presented).,Annuities, aus ana unpaiaKaervedl



on cent,arllale net at pe cent. net

for to Dividend Fund, and above atlleserTecent, reserve on existing of that class.

for pala in advance

DaVvUBltt fct 4 jOMT rBHtEatlmmted Surplus iy the, New York State 4H



Flora surplus of l99, Usi llord of Trastets declared toin to thur contributing lo of next annual

During tan year 6.948 kara awstm


rollciet la force

1ST"!, $t,M;,Death la", l.sis.l

Claims !9;s, l.Gir.67Sraid. IhTV, ICI.sjMlf,


Jan. I, 4J.1.Jan. 1. ti.UJCl.Jan. 1, aa.nev.Jan. 1. ti.rto. at ntk.Jan. IS.S4S.

flSTt,Income 11,157

fromInterest 1S7U, 2,Ut,rou

lieu, 317eO

A Co., 8. A. Oenral HOS. V.Local Board, for ban

ft&vt C C. Afirtan. ki.tavsj m aa w,p T-- "



DlCizxxonca.HO. KAAJtTOfArTO IT.

A.U STYLES OfMad order, unique In design, and ol th

most patterns

SpciaUiythe FiaeHt Mechaainm


and SettUfto.

Heist nwraattalljr retaaaitalelitrall sissasaa aairaeleal ay rare and assure allmy of perfect tecantr of thslr gouds. It 3n



rairiitiH ffEalU liaM Caio No,l KaUiag.Caeea T, CUm

BlHi MrvVaPy

K. -l'p orn T. T. Cos, atVtreet.

Albany Lubricating

California Wire Works,Albany Cylinder


1st, 1881.


...t7.01l-19J- B... vr.yeos&-f,fA&n-sx

... SITSS.lI 2r11T88A-$8M,T1-


..$I.731.TMJ7.. SM.S-J.-

.. srooijjia..... TTtuoajn... 3AX.0M $Srje,CO0jl




$43,183,934.81.. $.i.i.. 1,'tlM.. ii,&a.!s



S38,88837At' '

SUadard at cut, - SrOOOVOOOOO

fJan.I Jan, 1, liT7UlB7Jan. 1, KiitAHJan. 1, la, 1


Jan. LISTS,i 167V,

per I Jan. I, 1H),I, laui, se,uai

sCT "" " F ' " aajaaj ajBtfaaaja.


Qnarterl seml-anna- premlama rxlfltnj; pollclet, tabeqaenl1 afttaaaaaatiaaasssasjasavtiasi

Premiums existing policies in transmission collection (estimatedpolicies.......................................................................

Interest Investments .....securities ....Jidttaittd 0 annual

Insurance Department State







existing policies: participating Insurance t 4 perpremium: 5 Carlisle premium.

contingent llabilittea Tontine over I perpolicies

Buenred premiums


the nndlvided the haa a Itcversionarr dividend par-ticipating policies proportlou surplus, available on settlement premium.

poUdee laamati, lmamriac talMIS.dumber



1S77, Amount1ST8,lsta,l&U,

1, 11,$I,S,M

IS77.157s, l.KW.OiS

WILLIAMS, DIMOSD Oeneral Agents; SWALX, Manapers T LOWResident Francisco, Ilavtallan Islands, andAuilralia; '

H. HACKFELD Co., Cnral Ant,i far thBERCEIt. Srtecial fHassrsaUa.

Watchmaker, Eagraver,




Xulcui Jowelry aWatches of


Estfratlar Stoe Fraaatly

er--i ijrarirpatrons



tTaUHriaf QMt, Tk;

teaajriar mtt, Faaa,


Sulra, LaataM!

... 2.C5jr77.SS








TjtLO SaXLtlXe loorci-- r-


Caffwnl! D' C"' B 0b'Ul, R th0 otttj Cfc IJ

IS KOW OFFEmED JOB IAX1LThlt herd, consisting of one hoadtasl head, la

ONE OF THE BEST IN AMERICA.. Mr.Carrhat taken great paint In selecting and breed.'.T ' herd regardless of eapeate.aad It Ua choicehH if cattle, noioulv In refsrvnet to weedlna but laregard tr. Indistdual merit. It la from lha

UfHt iMpertfMt aa4 Aaaerieu 8tk.The MtnUnt Dmocri sajs of Mr. Carr'e stock i" la this herd a 111 compare withrtspooalag BuuWr of cattle la Untie SUteT'

siraias of the uost Improied stock." '" "The .Vafll Ut auX Jomrn I m;ii s

oil'foarradsrwlHtuniloCaliforaUUa locaUoa of a ruuk aklaaavs411 aalat

ahort-hor- a f.lnds la aVilCTL w uirroat aaastrutia sosiws at have haaai lelaatarr taaal.rnooy as to lae soprrloriij oMIr.


6Attlt4JU4M tH HeMti.

o ' n






Page 3: Saturday Press. - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you filMim,'' HimiMil tint (ho Krlm iiriifoanorcnii, "Ami llml llir tflri of lit iliKnoii






or- -








Auction SaleOF


Ilr order nf Cniitnln Chr. IOritngc.

MONDAY : : MARCH 28th,At III o'clock noon, at Half Hootn, I will offer

at I'nlillc Auction,

WITHOUT RESERVEAll the right. Iltle ml Interest of Christian 1,'Orange

In ttie Valuabln Kstale lit Maluwao, .Maul,known as the.

ILilikoi SugarPlantation

WITH AM. T)ir.

louses, Hiillilliigs,Slock, Appurtenances,

Ami Hugnr Cano Thereon.

SCHEDULE OF PROPERTYtn the Illstrlct of Makanan, Island of Mntil. comprising

n portion nf the l.lllknl I'lnnlMlon

LANDS HELD IN FEE SIMPLE.I tTB seres, more or left, being lot known as West

Kaiimkulua2ml 1 acres, mine or less. In tio 111 of Kokomo,

LEASEHOLDS.tnt 100 seres, morn or le. known as the 100 acre lot of

.Miner's wihkI land, In t.lliknl, leased hy 0 K.Allnrrlii Delemar nnd Boilers; linn, Ave years,from February U, 1S7S, with the privilege nf 85years additional Annual rental, $J, payable

lll every six months2nd 771 acres, known as tho " Ijind nf l.lllknl,"

leased by (I. Miner to Delemar anil Armstrong,esni(", acres, term, rile years, from Kehy. I,

l7rt, wllh the. privilege nl M years. Yearlyrenin), JWiOj payable In ainance,In Installments of IUD each. The lease pro-vides that the lean a have the right of purchas.Ing the whole of l.lllknl (7H0 acres, more orless) at any time during the term of tlm leasefor ,tl,m.

3rd 272 acres, more or less. In 1'nnwela. Ilamaknaloa,li.ipcd hy I) Criiwnlngliurg and others to h.Ilclcmar .t Co, saving I acre of house lotTcrmfive yiars, from January 1st, A. I). IN?,, withthe privilege of extending term lo SS years.Anneal rental $'li pajable In advance Inequal payments.


Tho Waters and Water Rights,Granted or secured to Delemar A Co.

1st Hy agreement of Delemar A, Co. with Haiku HugarCompany, dated July 111, 1S75, and recorded Inthe Hi glairy of Deeds In book 40, pages 210, 211

and 'Jli2nk Hy lease from Kaahlkl to Delcmir & On. nnd

Haiku Hugar Company, recorded lu snlil Hegla-tr- y

In book 18, pages 1'J'iiinil lll.3rd Hy lrase from I'nu ct nls, to same, recorded In

said lteglstry In hook 18, pages W nnd 210.Hh Hy lease from Iliiluole to samo, recorded In said

lteglstry, In hook 17, pnges Hand II.

ALSOT.Atwl In Ttrtinl Tnte,it. "Vn .TT.ft. lieM lir mortpaee Cnn" " " ' ": :. ,.:-- i "": .,.ivevanco from Kauiiena to K. iJClcinur, returui--

In book M), pages 206 nnd 2U7.

SUMMARY. Acres.Land" held In fee simple,'. Bt 5

Leaseholds Kli 7.10

Total 917 0

Total annual rental of Leaseholds, exclusive ofrantal for water right $1,342 U

2? acres of Plant Cane nnd 00 acres of Itattoons tocome oft" In August, 1881 Ul acres ol Plant Cnuc nnd 13

acrts of Ilattoons to come off In July. lhSi. Tho plantcane taken oft" during tho pnt two jenrs nveraged 2itons per acre. The growing crop la in goon conuiuon.

Upon tho properly arc

TWO DWELLING HOUSES,2 Cottages, 1 1 Laborer's Houses,1 Cook House, 1 More Houac,1 Carpenter's Shop, 1 Stable, 1 Tool House.

STOCK., ETC.,7 Horses and 1 Colt, 30 head of Cattle,5 Ox Carts, 1 llorso Cart, 1 Wheelbarrow,2 Harrows, 2 Cultlxatore, I Plows,1 Keed Cutltr, ITI Yokes, 25 How s,10 Chains, 20 Jloes, It Spades, 15 Picks,2 Hay Korks,3 0os,8Cnno Knlies,2 Orlnd Stones, 1 Chest Carpenter's Tools,'5 Stocs, 1 bcale, IPO Fcnco Posts,1UO0 Ibif. Wire, Ac., Ac.

P5Tor further particulars apply to Capt. Christian

(L'Orangc, Makawao; orE, P. ADAMS, Auctioneer.

Land on Maunakea St.By older of H.H.Dnle.Esq.. Attorney for the Executors

of the will of Admiral William lleynolds. late ofnvnnigvun, u j.

MONDAY, MARCH 28th,At 12 noon, at Sales Hoom, 1 will sell at public

auiciou, mm v -

Piece of LandWith the Buildings Thereon,

On the Walk Irldcof

Maunakea St., Honolulu, Oahu.""Now occupied hy Mr. Humphreys,

With a frontage of about 20 feet and a depth of aboutSN, ttct.

E, I. ADAMS, Auct'r



- Br Order of the Trustee of tho Katate of Lunalllo,

t i


ON MONDAY, HA110H 28th, 1881,


That valuable piece of Land with the llulldlngs tl.'ereon,

on tho comer of queen and Kurt streets, Houolulu,

known as tho

Hudson Bay Premises,'naluTF. frpnt.e of IM feet cm Fort street and 16J feel

311 iuceii street. ItreaBlVU squaro fathoms. Iltle,pana2ud of ltojal Paliul Ui!)5.

This property Is situate In the center of Ihe business

portion of Honolulu, and present, an opportunity for

profitable Investment which is rarely uflered.


A House Lot at Kakaako,NEAR FISHERMAN'S POINT,

Comprising one-fou- of an acre and fronting on the

taibor. Title, ltojal I'aUutTUt; award, Si apsna, 1.bousa lota in Honolulu, on the niakal side ofTwo

aueet next east of the AllloUnl House. Title,IwtW MT, Apana T, Kojral Patent sow, i"

ALSO, IN LAHAINA, MAUI,Lot In Puako, Lalialna, Including au area of S niuara

AwaidluM, HovaUatinlMAJ, to Polea,S5d frini liunan and lo Lunalllo, lu liber J),

Nul, mostly Ulo land, in Uliatiu,few! tt & .r5

ligalnerJou. Tltl, Award to Lunalllo,

Plans ud oaillculara cau be had by appllca- -

Uouto VB.l)QLKiTrutwtor' js, l ADAMS. AuclV

A U0T ION S A I j KS .



Lands at Manoa Valley !

Belonging a the Estate nf Chas, Long

TJII'nSDAY, : : MAKCI! 31st,At 13 o'clock noon, at Sales Itmim,

The undersigned Is Instructed by the Administratorof Ihe shove Kstale and guardian of the children of thelate Chas Long, with tho concurrence of Ihe widow, Inoffer for sale,

A I.cne for n term nf Tr-- Venn,I'rom the 1st April, IHHI, of

All tho Lands in Mnnoa Valley,....with tiu:....

BUILDINGS THEREON.Belonging to the I'.'tale, comprising nboul PS acres of

Kalo nnd Kula Lands. Kent piyntdo semi-annually In adianre

Partleulara may he Ind ny niplylng lo 1". A SOIIAK.Fi:it, Ksq., Administrator) nrlo

V.. I'. ADAMS, Attcfr.


At 10 A. M. nlNnlls) Itilom,

Dry Goods,Clothing,

Fancy Goods,AND A







PABTIES IN HONOLULU"Or other pnrta of the Island,


Orders Filled at Lowest RatesI!y application to Mr. K V A I)A5ls, rjuceo Street, who

has our lJescrlptlveCiitulogue wllh l'rlcis.


ki.mi srui:KT,Black Walnut Bedroom Sets,

15 1 lick Wnlniit Sitlcbunrds,llluck Will n lit Dining Chairs,

Ouk Cune Sunt Dining Chuiia,Cctlnr Itcdroom Sets,




Planters and the PublicTHAT I AM FHEPARTEO TO


Steam Portable Tramways,With or Mlthout Cars and Locomotives,

Specially adapted for Sugar PlantationsSteam Ploughing nnil Cultivating Mnchincry,Traction Knginert mul lloail Locomotives,Locomativea or nny gnuge of Kaihny,Fortnblo Engines for nil purposes,"Winding KngincH for Inclines.


Of Leeds, England, hnm I represent, hac suppliedPortable Hnlhiajs for hngnr Plantations in Cuba, Trini-dad, Demarara, Peru and .Mexico, for all of n hleh placesthir hale supiillid btiam Ploughing Marhlnery.

They havcal.o during tho lost 1.1 years inannfacturulLocomotives for Itailujs in Great Britain and the

India, Mexico, Ceylon, Eirypt and Peru, fromgauge up to 6 feet 3 inch finite, and suited for all

kinds of tracks and tralllc- -

They have supplied the Oo ernments of Great Drilalc,Germany, Russia and Italy nlth Traction Enginesuhtch have glten ocry satisfaction, us well as lari'enumbers for prhnto use.

Any communications to be addressed to R. II. Fowler,care of V. L. Green, Esq., or U. W. .Macfurlano L'o.,Honolulu, who will act as their Agents.

Catalogues, with illustrations, models and photo-graphs of ihe utono plant and machinery may bu seen

.ui me iniice (I u. i jiaciari ane ,v i.o.R. II. FOWLER, forJXO. FOWLER CO.

U. n. I propose io visit tlio dllferent Islands duringhe next fow weeks, nnd shall be pleased In glo any In.lormatlou with regard to the application of lhudiderentstyles of tho Hboe machinery to each locallt).ii it. 11. 10WLER.


INC'ltltlMiKATKII ii:c. ai, 1HHO.


AUK MOW KIll'AKKIt Til NKI.I. OKWi: to the public forprhate purposes only, com-plete outAts of Telephonic Instrumeiiis of the latestpattern 6, liicludlui; the celebrated lllake Trunsinilter.'

We lll also furnish estimates to erect prlialeTele-phoni- c

lines on the other Islands. For particulars,apply to C.0, 11EROER.

HI.' '.D Om Bec'y llaallan Dell Telephone Co.

BEST AMERICANSTEAM ANDJVATER PIPE.Wo would call tho attention of those requiring Piping

to our large stock of

154,000 Feet On Hand!lll.tck Weldeil Steam Pipe U to T In. diameter.Ualiaulted Water Pipe H lo.'l lii,d(uuiet(.r,

(.V 1 ho above at Moderate Prices,THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS COMFY

K- -a :iui


and Is now constantly In receipt or the best of

BEEP, MUTTON', VEAL A.1 L.VJIB,From Choicest Herds.

Pork Sausages, llolo.'iias, Head Cheese, GermanSausacrs, tvc.,aln ays hand, as also the best of Poultryand

Our Meats are all cut and put up In Eastern style. Allorders faithfully atteuded lu, and delivered lu any pailot tho city.

ITtlin RAUPP i. hOHlIABEK. Proprietors.

IBIOCTOXjTTXjTT.nv Mas. h. r. jrnu,

JUST ItECElVKl), A SKCOXDof the aboio iuterestlng books, at

T1IOS. fl. THRUM'S.'.T lm Fort Street Store.


Commiuion Merchants and Forwardiag Agents.

OlMce No. SO California St., Sob Francisco.Consignments from the llavtatlan Islands desired.

The lit t Price Warunled, and bales (luaranteed.HIM 4 ly .


and other produce, (Jce at 0,'W Macfarlan A Cotjueeu Btreet. S 3a


Ualldlug, corner of liueen nit Fort 'A- '- WJlJ?



ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.Al New Sales Room of llnrtow.t Tucker,

TfESDAV, : : MAHCII 'J!)tli,At 11 o'clock a. m , will be sold

Lot of Useful FurnitureAND PERSONAL ErrECTS.

-- Comprising ,IinnilOOM I'URNITURn,-ncdstea- ds, rturran, Wash-stan-

Wnrilrohe, ,e.HirriNO ROOM FURNITURE-Tabl- rs, Easy Chairs,

Louniie, Pic Hires, Ac,PERSONAL i:rFECT.S-VaIua- ble Gold Watch and

Chain, Clothing, Ac,,

And othor Fancy Articles.1IARTOW A TUCKER, Anctloneers.

ROOMJALE.At Our Now Sales Room,

feit door to W. O. Irwin A, Co.

THUHSDAV, : : : JWAHUII 3 1st,At 10 o'clock A. M will be sold,

Dry Goods and Clothing,AND A LINK OF

FRESH GROCERIESConsisting in pnrtns follows!

Tins Peneh Hotter, Apple Hotter, Assortrd Jams,Table ami Pie Krnlls, llnknl Macrnroiit.llolniitii Sausage, lluast thlrki n.Sall Mackerel,I'ormd Ileef, lleail Cheese, Lunch inane,

nip, hi i. Iloner.lose Syrnp. Assorted dickers, Oystirs,

Lima Ilfntis. Itoneless Hmokld llerrlnvs. Mnstartl.Hollies I'lcMes, (lioiinil Pepper and Sage.'alls of Lanl, Hags Com Mini, lliixra Tea, Ch cese,

Hdcon. Hairs Whi-at- . Hoxes C'anillis.Iloe Het Vellow Hnan,3lbira Inliorj lloxcs TobaccosSpanish Saddles, Ac, Ac.

fjJT'For further particulars see Posters.HAltrOW A TUCKER. Attcfrs.

For Sale.M:roTT,ii; pi.ixo, a uoontoned Instrument.


MULES AND HORSES.fBi. oitii:itN wii.f, nt: i(:ri:ivi:i nvs3n?i the undersigned for the purchase of Mules andfirxff Horsi s, and persniinl nlluillnn given by a

J ) son In Han I'raiiclno to sehcllng nnd pur-chasing tho same according to order given.


REAL ESTATE FOR SALEValuable ns nn linrstmeiit.

Rented to good tenants for a long pirlod. llulldlngs Ingood repair and pleasantly located. Apply to



THK UXJ)KUSK.NKD IIAVKInto copartnership for the transaction of n

(leneral Auction and Commission Huslness, under ihefirm nainoof llarton A Tucker, to data from March 1st,1NJI. C. S. HA1UOW,



FOlt SAN FIlAiSClSCO.The Pine American llrlg


Will have anickDispatch for theabovePortFor 1'rclght or Passage, apply to811 C. IIREWER A Co , Agents.

FOR HONGKONG.The A 1 Steamship

7?Pll- - " T vn T Al.n'TJi91UI) tons Register,

Panlscn, Commander.Due hero on or about Saturday, the 10th Instant,

Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort.For Freight or Passage, npply to811 WM. O. IRWIN & CO., Agents.

FOE SAN F11ANC1SCO.Tho Fast galling llarkcutlnc


Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort.Tor freight or pustago, apply

THEO. II. DAV1EH. Agent.


rW: AHK1TS OF THIS IMiPCf.AR T.IXK,JL Messrs, W. II. Croisnmn A Ilros , o. 118 Cham-

ber Street, New York, will dispatch n first class vesselthe latter part of May or larly In June for this port.

Parties desiring to ship hy this faiorito line will for-ward their orders early, to secure the n;cessary room.

r reigtil at low cat rates.CASTLE A COOKE,

811 3m Agent" In Honolulu.

From Honolulu to Hilo Direct.The A 1 Clipper Schooner,

GOODMAN, MASTER,Will sail from Honolulu to Hllo direct, and will call at

Intermediate Ports on the return trip.For Freight or Passage, apply to tho Captain on hoard,

i oh or A. ruAiMv uuuai., Agcni.





On or about Monday, March 14.


AUSTRALIACAItlilM.. CIISinAMIKII,On or about Saturday, March 19

For t're'ght and Passage, apply to831 an. 11. HAC1CFKI.D A CO., Agents.JuuiU tor Nlilineiil iter Ntcnmer cull now

Ue, Ntureit, frt'O ul Cllnruc. Ill Hie 'l rs.iruulWnruUuniMt ni'iir tliti Nlrnuivr Mlinrf.


Wallolo, f? MnloloWaloll. MM xaiiu,

Wniohu, 4r?AW Wnimnlu,Gfin. Slesal sssttsaBii Kalunn,

and Maaa.FI.A(l-R- ;d with While Hall. Onicn-Co- of Qneen

Mi and Niiuanil .Streets, 1



MI1.I. I.KAVKHONroNl.NTIIINMMKsAffWfroiii May 13th to Jiiue 1st next. Orders forjSsUC (loods by Ibis esscl should leave, hero on or be-

fore April tlth. For further particulars apply toO. UltKVlKll CO.


jt O. Brewer Co. --Agent.JEbV Merchandise received Murnice free.and liberal cash advances inad on sblnmrnU by I hisUna. W0 ly U, UKEVYMllC liU.


u O. Brewer Co.-Age- ntt.

Herser tfanll ssniinim.infi t llunVI Km

mil fnr storiju and thlnmrnl nf Oil. uone. WMd and other Mrchftuilla to New Ilfdrunl, Boston,New York, and other Kaittm Port, tVCash advanrtsm4d. TbO ly C. ItUGVlt A CO.

SAXjMON!Jut to hand Xs "EweVm," and (or Bale by

tit Uadcnigaed,

lOOMla. Prlwe PIsatstloa SlwwAt Ihe Loicmt Morktt Kale.


wr-- --tbcfa,3ye33165



INFORM THE PUBLICTlmt Ihnf linvo moved Into tltnlr


In the Flic Proof Unlldlng

NO. 00 NUUANU, STREET,Three doors below their old stand, where may bo found

tho most complete assortment of

Drugs, Ohomicals & Toilet Articlesi. tiii: 'irv.

Among a few of their Upeclillles may bo found a Pullrl lock of

The Crown GoodsCONHISTINO Or

Perfumes, Soaps, Cosmetics,AND Till', CELEHRATKI)

Opaline Face Powder.These floods' received Ihe highest award at the late

Hydncy Inhibition ovir all other competitors,


Hair and Tooth Brushes,Cnnicllhio for tho Complexion nnd Teeth,

LUBIN'S AND PINAUD'SSoap Cosmetics and Face Powder,

CELLULOID TRUSSESEspecially adapted tn this climate.

A Full Lino or

Humpliroy'8 Homeopathic Specifics,

Carbolic Acid and Chloride or Lime, for disinfect-ing purposes,

Agents for F, Lorillard & Co's CelebratedTobaccos, and Drawing Boom

Tobacco and Cigarettes,

Buchanan & Lylo's Tobaccos,Which wc have lately Introduced here, and which Is

rapidly growing Into fuior and demand.



Which are so well known all over the world as to needno comment from us.


ALWAYS IN DEMAND!Among our One Hundred brinds of CIOARS, wo

would call especial attention to the

"Hon.BardwellSlote,"The Favorite Red Brand, Pedro Murios,

The Fragrant Stump.They also continue to manufacture

Soda Water in all its Branches.Together with their

B e 1 fa,s t Ginger Al e.811

E.O.HALL&SONHavo Jtut Received a Large

STOCK OF GOODS,-- : 332K. -

Late Arrivals.Besides our usual full assortment of merchandise, e

would call attention to the. following Hems:

OIL! OIL! OIL!The standard brands, Noonday and Downcr'a, fresh

from the Rellncr'.ce. '1 lie .Noondaj Oil Is of high tetand Is now considered Til. IltJl't 1'AJUL.i OILlo he had In the market.

LARD OIL in cases nnd in barrels,LUBRICATING OILS-L- ow Priced-Cas- tor Oil,

Neats Foot Oil, Cylinder Oil, Cheap Japan forSmokestack nnd iron work'.

Hall's Steel Plows,A full line from No. 0 to No. 15, Ith extra Shares and

Handles. A full car load direct from Mollnc.

Hairs Hickory Trash Forks,A new article, made for turning trash. Please

order samples to try.

Hall's Cano Planters or Covorers,A new tool for covering cane seed after being

placed in tho furrow; with it one mancan do the work of three.

Barstow Stove Company's Celebrated

Stoves, Eanges and Cabooses,Farmers' Caldrons, assorted.

STUB Fine Machinist's Tools,PACKING-A- 11 Sizes.

Seine Twino nnd Fish Lines.

Hubbuck's Faints and OilsMafliiry's Colors In tins, for House or Coach Painting,

acknowledged by all good painters to bu the lltit Jtaili.Water Tiltcrs. Ico Cream Freezers, Refrigerators,

Hydraulic Jacks, liftiim 7 tons 24 inches. Bur-dick- 's

Foddor Cutters, Nails of every description,Lock's of every description, Amoskeag Denims,bv tho bale or picco ; Amoskeag Ticking, by thepiece.

POWDER Blasting, Giant nnd Hcrcnlcs, Snort-Powd- er

from to 35 lb. tins, Giant Powder nndPercussion Caps.All for sale cheap by

E.O. HALL & SON.IT Corinr Kluif mid t'ort Ntrrcbk


THEI OAH.OOOf the Qeruian Dark

"ATA LA NT A,"Wm. Sfohrmann, Master,

Jtut Arrived from Bremen, 122 dayi,Consisting of a large assbrtiuent of

DRY GOODS,Fancy Goods,

Clothing-- ,




Orders from the other Island carefully txecuted by



to the rAcino commkuoial auvir- -

TI8KK OfllH up to and Including the SUth day of Augustmost be .titled wllh J. II. Black only. All Indibleduessupto th.saatedat.tslllbo.cttledby .. II. BI.ACK

Honolulu, August , im, ur- -a

SATURDAY PRESS.MA Roil 20, 1881.

Unslnoss Aqrut's Nnllrc.All adverllsemenU rorthe SjitfnnAT I'nfss must he

sent In by Friday noon Jfo Insertions fur the currentIssue can he guaranteed when sent In later.

Advertisers will mark Ihe number of Insertion" desired, from which dale they charge. Any not sd markedwill uo charged .1 months.. TIIOS. O. THRUM, nnslnen AgcnU

" Imitation Id tlio slnccrcst form of flaUtcry," Tlio Adttrthtr generally comcn outflomo tioiir nftcr tlio l'nr.s.1, nnd Inst BaturdnyIt wnn Inter tlittn ttniml,

It Cdiitnlncd nn extract frnm n Lonilon med-

ical work, prcclncly identical with one whichwo had mndo curly in tlio week, though tlioAilterlhtr rIvca n tlllTcrciit litlo to tlio hookfrom tlmt which wnii horno by tlio work fromwhich wo quoted. Tlio comment ntipomlcdwns nlmost exnetly tlio unino nn oiim, tlio prin-cip- nl

(lifTcrcnco (icing tlmt in tlio Advertiserit stood nhocf, nnd In tlio Piiksi Ubw tho ct,

Wns this n chatico coiiicldcnco or an.ittoiingituiUtioii?

Tin! (titirniitincd Clihmmcn promiso togivoHomo trouble buforo wo nro rid of thorn. On

Tucmlny Mr. AfoiiK wont out to tlio tpinran-lin- o

Htntioii, nnd wnn ncctiRcd by bin ciiiiutryincnof Homo misrcprcsontiitiuiiR tnndo to them, nndwoio it not for tho uid of tho Cliiticso lo

might hivo been roughly lintullcd; nn itwim, forly odd Cliltmmcti broke out but worospeedily lodged in tlio Station liouso, wherotlioy wcro booh pacified, nnd returnedpenccably to tho (tinrantino ground, two onlyof tho ringlcadors being detained. On Tliiira-da- y

morning it was proposed to rcmovo ittiumbor of tlio Chiticio from tho Lydin to tlioqtinrnntino grotiinlx on tlio rcof nnd at Fislior-iiiiiii- 'h

l'olnt, but ng.iin somo mischief-make- rs

had been nl work, and tho inoti positively rofused to quit tho ship, kneeling, praying,weeping ni.d crying out that they wcro tn bomndo slaves, nnd dcmniiding to bo taken backto China. All tho efforts ol tho Onptain, Mr.Koopmanschop nnd tlio doctor visiting tlioHiiHI-po- x patients on board, fulled to allay tlioexcitement, and nt otiu time tho slnto of nfTiiirathreatened to become very sorious, but bydegrees appears to havo calmed down. Stilltlio men refused to loavo tho ship, nnd ongoing to press woro still on hoard in dcfi.incoof all unlliorily.

Tun question of tlio advisability of thisKingdom cntoring tlio Postal Union, to whichncaily every civilized country in tlio worldbelongs, has been engaging attention hero forhoiiio time, and thero has been considerabledifference of opinion as to which would bo tlio

propor courso to pursue to remain ns wo nroor enter tlio Union. Tlio United States Gov-

ernment has notified thu Interior Departmentof tliis Government that nt tho expiration ofsix months, articlo 5 of tho postal conventionsigned May 5th, 1870, will bo abrogated. Asit is this provision of tho postal conventionbetween tlio two countries that ennblcs us torccoivo our European mail freo of charge fortranscontinental conveyance, thero is now nonltcrnativo but to enter tho Union or havo ourpostage rates considerably increased. Tlionrticlo spoken of leads us follows:

AnTtOLEfi. Letters mailed in tho Hntvniian King-dom nnd addressed to countries boyondtho UnitedStates, with vi hich tho United States hnvo directlxistnl relations, may bo forwarded through theUnited States to their respective destinations, unb-je- ct

to tho samo additional postage chargeH ns nronaid bv tho inhabitants of tho United Stales tosuch countries, which, in nil cases whero prepay-ment is obligatory in the United States, may bopaid by tho senders in the Hawaiian Islands, bynfllxing uncancelled United Stntcs postage stnmpsof Huflicient value to effect such prepayment.

On the other hand, prepaid letters from foreigncountries, received in nnd forwarded from thoUnited States to tho Hawaiian Kingdom, shall bodelivered in said Kingdom freo of nil chargeswhatsoever j nnd letters received in tho HawaiianKingdom from tho United States, addressed toMicronesia or ncighborim islands, will be for-warded to destination, subject to tho same condi-tions ns nro applicable to correspondence orifrin-atin- g

in tho Hawaiian Kingdom nnd addressed tothoso islands.

TOPICS OFTHE DAY.A fow days npo wo glnnccd linstily throufih n

book recently published by Hnrper A Brothers,nnd of which wo hnve Been frequent notices inAmerican papers. The book is " Tho Boy Travel-ers in the Far East," a talo nf tho adventures oftwo youths in a journey to Siara nnd Java, withdescriptions of Cochin China, Cambodia, Sumatraand tho Mnlay Archipclnfio, and is written byThomns W. Knox. The book contains 41R illus-trations, representing scenes in thoso distantlands. The second illustration in the book, werecognized as one used a fow years ago in Harper'sMagazine, to ropresont a students' parlor in VussarCollege, in the State of New York, nnd anotheramong tho first pages which is given as represent-ing " Frank's Dream," was uuco used in the samemngazino to illustrato one of Jean Ingclow'spoems. Turning over a little further ne noticedthat tho illustrations of tho ruins of 'WngkonWut nro the same as thoso in Vincent's " Land ofthe Whito Elephant," but tho uioit bare-face- d

theft in the book is nn engraving spoken of ns"Stone with ancient sculptures," and reputed tohavo come from thebo ruins, but which is in facttho famous " Calonder stono of the Aztecs "found in the ruins of Mexico, which once npiearedin llatper's Moiilhli. A " House in the suburbs ofOodong," is represented by nn entrr.n ing of thoresidence of King George of the Tonga Islands,nuil a " View near l'nknam" is also n scene in theSouth Sea Islands. "A forest scene in Siam " nndn "Scene in n sninll canal nenr Bnngok," havoboth douo sorvico in llatjiers' Magazine, m illus-trating scenes in Florida, mid n view of the mouthof n river on tho coast of Siam is ronlly the mouthof tho St. John's ltiver in Florida. A cut showingthe "Haunts of son-bir- on the Siamese coast isthu samo that was used to show tho haunts of soa-bir-

on tho Farallou Islands, in NnrdhofTs workon California nnd tho Sandwich Islands. Fourother illustrations taken Irom Nordhoffa book are,n cut of tho King's l'alncu in Honolulu, which ismade to represent nn Eistern " bungalow;" a viewof Diamond Head mid Wiiikiki-kn- i, which is givenas n representation of ntrndiug station on theconst of Sumatra ; the King's i'ulnce nt Wnikiki,which represents a "scene near Siiignixire ; " nnd anillustration of the crater of Kilnueu, which doesduty fur a "monster" in Java. Anceuoalong thu lino of a railway in Java vwis used many

ears ngu ns a scene on tho J'auania i ; a cutof a largo suako charming a bird, will bo familiarto all who have read l'aul Duchaillau's travels ip.equatorial Africa ; scones of colleu plantations inJava would do vory well if they had not onoo beenused to illustrate like scenes in Brazil i "climbingtho mountain in Macassar" we rvcoguizo nsone ofthe most striking illustrations in a book of trau'Uin tho Andes Mountains in South America, a pros-pectus of which was published in llaiptt'e Maya-lin- e.

Wo noticed many other illustrations in thisbook given us louajiue scenes of what they nromndo to represent, which wo have formerly sueii iuHarptn Magazine, representing scenes in SouthAmerica, Africa, iloruU, thu Hawaiian Islands,Central America, South Son Islands, the WestIndia Islands, the Atlantic coast of tho UnitedStates nnd tho coast of California. The authoracknowledges that he ha used some of the Illus-trations 01 Vincent's "Land of the Whito

and says in the preface t "The publishershavo kiudly allowed tho uso of sumo illustra-tions th it havo already appeared in their publica-tions relative to the 'Fnr East,' iu addition tothoso specially prepared fur this volume," leaving'the reader la infer that all nro Eastern scenes.The nbterving rendor who had not seen theseeiiuraviuus before would undoubtedly bo irazilidto account for tho difference in vegUatiou, dressof the people, olc, shown on opposite pages, andall supposed to be from tho same place and ivenchildren would wonder to sea the queer-shape- d

boats of the "Fnr East," the dug-ou- ts nf Floridaand tho Hawaiian cauoea, with outriggers, nilrepresented in this book. It U the greatest " sell",of the kind we have ever seen iwrpetrated, udMr. Kuox has borrowed so much, in foot, fromothers, that we are strongly inclined to believethat he U an "easy chair traveler," who has neverseen any country but hit own, and very little ofthat. Moat books are intended to instruct thUout aetua to do tnieiuieu to rmaieau.

Tumi will be a, meeting at the. Bethel vestry at7 JO p. it. this evening, to which all are cordiallyinvited, particularly thoae who are interatod inthe cause of temperance. Ladies as well ea gentle-uie- u,

it ia hoped, will come to confer on thu sub-ject of vital pressing importance to every one inthe community.

Now that the daya are Browing longer, would Itnot he well to have the Saturday afternoon BandConcerts begin at 4 at) r. M. instead of 4 o'clock, aoas to give mechanic, olerka and other an oppor-tunity to attend and enjoy the mu- -o I

MOTES Or THE WEEK.Tnr. nntlvn who was lo havo liccn cxecntrd yrv

lerday morning for murder, ban been rcapltcd forfour .

AM Inlercatlng rrHrt of Urn cnilan of thovesiol.lfornJn5rrwlll bo found clmiwhero

in I'nrjw.

Trio now steamer Iimlani snllwl from this jiorton her initial trip to Kona nnd Knu, Hnwnil, onVeliir"!dny at.

W, CCnointE, recenllyof llio California Then-tr- o

Cominnv in Ilonolulii, la now playing in thoCalifornia Tlicnlro In 8111 Frnnclscu,

Tim Inxlynf tho young man Fain, brollicr-l- n lawof Cnptiln tOrnnge, who wim drowned tieir KnatMaui plniilntiou rocoutly, wns found 011 tho 1.1thInstant.

Wb notleail Hint on tlio Inat.. nil llio Govern-we-

nnd Omanlar llagi wero hofstrd in honor ofllio Hltli birth-da- y of tho grand old Emperor ofUermany.

Laht Wednoailay's ls.uo of tho r.UU comes outmlnm tho"lioiof tlm week," I'orlmpi tho Chiefrnbrlcnlornf Hint print hat gono off to tho limboOf tho EnllRhtoiitir.

ANUMnrnof tho ladles of Honolulu meet nt tlioFort street church on Thursdays to row gnrmontsfor llio inifortnnalo mnal.ox pntienls on tlio reef,Children's clothing is mint needed at tho presentlime.

Tub bark 1. C. Mutiny, which hiIImI for Bin1'rniicisco InatKiturday carried thlrty-iiln- e whitopiatciigcra and a number of Chinean, nnd thostcnmiT Antliiilia brought forty-011- 0 to Oils jiortfrom Cnlifornia.

The barks Alalaitla nnd tjniiy Lmnjinm nndbrlgantliio Iltfperlnn sailed frnm tills jiort forHau1'ranclsfo lait Wednesday. 'Ilia Alahmtu carriedthu mnll Hint was waiting for tho mail steamerCVf " Jftif 1'ork.

Tub ngpiits of tlio Oeriimn steamer LuiVn hnvogiven bomU to Ihooxtuntof sf(J,(J00 lo defray nillicctsoiry exiienses that may uriso through thoChineso p.issengnrs brought hero by that vessel,who nro now In quarantine.

Is tlio haheat cot put cano which camo np licforotho Biiprtmo Court this week, thu Court decidedthat thu ordinance of 1881, relative to immigrants,is n part nf tho law of tho land, nnd refused togrant thu iwtitioti for release.

Tiihouoii tho oxerlioiis nnd clow nltrnlion ofDr. Fitch, tlio smnll-po- x on tho island of Knunlhas not been nlloued to spread buvotid tho dis-trict whuru it first nppuarcd. Up to tho 'J I til ioat.,thero had been twenty cases mm five deaths,

Ovr.n fivo hundred Chinamoii hnvo been takenfrom Honolulu to vnrious plantation 011 tlio otherIslands during tho weok. Thirty men and ninowuiucti of tho South Sea Islanders who arrived bytho I'omme worn nlso taken from Honolulu by thoI.tkelike, for Ooknln Hawaii.

The Chinaman who w.11 confined at tho stationliouso for assialt on Captain Boss nt Wnlnnno,made his cscapo ono evening this week, and hasnot visited tho place sinco. It is not encouragingto havo tlio public funds spent iu tlio capturo ofculprits that can't bo kept in confinement whencaught.

O.i tho ovming of tlio ir,th instant nt tho nnnnalmeeting of tho Amateur Musical Society, tho fol-lowing named persons woro chosen olllcers for thoregular term of ono voir : President, F. A. Hnrn-de-

t, A. T. Atkinson; Secretary,J. Scarborough; Treasurer, Chnrles M. Cooko;Director, II. Bcrgor.

The steamship Australia nrrived from SnnFrancisco last Monday, two days behind schedulotime. She laid off tho harbor Homo time to mnkoinquiries ill regard to thu siiiall-jKi- x nnd anchoredoutsido tho reef. She nfterwnrd camo Insido butwould not take nny passengers from this port totho Colonies. Shu brought no nows of tho City ofXtw York nnd nothing is jet known hero of thomissing steamer.

We wcro glad to see tho steam rollor nt work ontho newly melnlled part of tin- - Nuuanu Avonuo.Tho roller should nlwnvn bo applied ns onrly nspossible after tho stones nre laid, otherwise thopassing vehicles, which naturally follow as nearlyns possible, each in tho tracks mado by its pre-decessor, soon displace tho road material beforeit has had timo to bind, nnd mnko long rats ortracks in tho now road.

Tnr following is tho programme for tho openair concert iu Emma Square at 4 o'clock thisnftcrnoon iMarch The Hnntlns Call FanstOierture The Village Dragoons.. (new) Malllart(Juadrllle Vis a VU....(iicn) Czlbulkallallad The Last Ollmnse of Krln..(ne) MooreOallon Bonn the lloid..(new) HarperSelection Tho 1'lratcs of Pmzancc, (byrcquest)


TrtE fence on the lot belonging to tho Government on Berctnnin street opposite tbo residence ofMr. Mny has projected on to tho sidewalk formouths. Somo weeks ago n bnilding was movedon tho place, and the heavy beams used for thopurpose have been lying on tho sidewalk eversinco, to tne great lnconventenco 01 pedestrians.Had this been private property, somo ono wouldhave been officious enough to havo had thesoobstacles removed long ago.

Tjte Eceninq Bulletin of San Francisco nnd thoClothier anil FurnMitr of Now York each publish-ed the following item: At No. oOU Montgomorystreet can bo seen an expensive suit of cloths, con-sisting of merely n dress oont and n pair otpantaloons, the cost of which, nevertheless, is?700. The suit has been made for Col. W. N Arm-strong, one of the members of tho suit of KingKalnkaua, nnd is for use on stato occasions. Tbofront nnd borders of tho coat are ornamented withn mass of gold embroidery, six or eight incheswido, consisting of loaves nnd sprigs worked byhand with gold bullion wiro. Tho pantaloons havestripes formed of leaves of tho samo costly mater-ial.

List Kiorrr n row occurred on beard of thosteamer L'ldia between tho olllcers of tho steamerand her Chineso passengers. The origin of thetrouble was that several Chinamen from shorewent off to the steamer in small boats nnd com-menced n conversation with her passengers, whenthoy w ero ordered off by the officers on board, ntwhich the Chinamen on board took olfenco, nnd nlively row was the result, which nt one timo lookedserious for the olllcers. Tho polico were soon onbonrd, togother with n detnehmentof soldiers, whosoon quelled the disturbance. Several shots werofired and missiles thrown, without any serious re-

sults. Order is now restored.

Tne Chinaman who was with Leong Lung whenbe murdered Ha Leo in Pauoa valley was arrestedtho other dny in n building on King street nonr thostntion house whero ho had been concealed. Hois one of thoao who nrrived hero a short timo ngoby tho bark Jlermine, Tho reward of J.iO offeredfor his apprehension induced 0110 of his country-men to disclose his hiding placo. Loong Lung hasnot yot ln'nn found. The Chineso residents havoadded $50 to tho amount of tho reward offered forhis arrest ; tho total sum now offered for bin iaSj;!00. Placards iu Chineso havo boon posted up111 various parts of the town, corresponding witlithoso In English nnd Native, describing tho mur-derer and stating thu roward offered for him.

One of the pissongora from this place to SanFrancisco by tlio barkentino Ella pictures a most

condition of the " "deplorablo pest-nddo- n city ofHonolulu to the S. F. BulUtm, A portion of bisstorv is correct, but many statements nre untruo.lie says : "All the ronds nnd paths leading out ofthe city nre closely guarded, so that no ono canlenvo for the interior br enter from the rural dis-tricts. Communication between one island midanother in tho group is nlso strictly prohibited,The mail steamers will not take anything onbonrd except the mails, remniniug outside thoreef to receive them. A largo portion of tho white

l. l.I, m. a fniiMHn . n fntl vlitlln.. .r. .!. Oltn ..IllIlUUIllllll- -, 1VM4UIK ..W..1MO --4. .MV DwUKV,nro endeavoring to leave." What wo havo quotedabove is false, mid could not have emanated fromnnjonu having oven the most elastic regard fortho truth.

The Pnrk proved Iho sourco of great attractionon Saturday Inst to n goodly number of personswho take an interest iu racing. Two events werohet down 011 tho programme, and a third ouo wasarranged on tho field. The n pacersDan Itice nnd Defiance, both having n record un-der 2M, were matched lu inico to harness for aBum ot fMW, niiln heats, the lie.t three in five.Dan was the favorite, nnd ha carried off tho firstheat in such magnificent stylo that odds of a to 1

were freely laid ou him winning ths race. Thetables were turned, however, aa Defiancetook the second, third, and fourth heat consecu-tively, nnd wns declared winner of the race.Dr. J. Welr'a br. g. Defiance," Oieen 2,1.1.1T. McUlellan'. b g. " Dan Illce," McClullin ..1,3,2,2

Tlino Jiwft ; sim aiau j viu.The next event waa Dolly Vardeu against

trotting to harness, the former in sulky,and the latter in wagon, tho best two out of three,milo henU. Dolly took the first heat in 2 min.Kl sea, the best time aha has ever scored on thUtrack. Bismarck, however, came oul in belterform, winning .the second nnd third libaUas beliked. Tho running raco between True Blue anda roan mare resulted iu favor of the bitter, whowaa n strong favorite in the betting. Time, 'J min.0)i second. The gousl time made la attributed tothe excellent atate tne iracK waa in. a moat en-

joyable afternoon was spent by all who witneaeedthe sport, and aa the best norm won in each ernewithout Hiiy dispute, money matters were quick-ly Adjusted to the eutire satisfaction ol thewinners.

MoOorrix, of San Franciaco, whowa recently in tbeae Islands, in speaking of laborhere to a reporter of the a F. (. aayai "Itia true thai J waa pnctleally Use Am to eaaploywhite labor on large scale on the Island, andny eiperUuoe JiutiAed the calculations I made.I foead with the cooiiea that there waa alwayaabont per cent, of them that I etmld not aet wuie Meld, nun as 1 boarded mew, mm mnmn m a.

not m wtw im i w wy ey.

They wern on llio ground every tiny, worked wrllnnd no satisfied was I with thorn that, After I hadplanted over 100 ncrcs of cane, I mndo each of f howhites n gratuity of $10 nl Ihn expiration of theirconlrncls. I found thn eiperienco of oilier plant-ers relative lo llio Chlnene llio samo ns mi own.Tho whito men nro fnr better worth f'JO permonth nnd lmnrd than llio Chinamen nrn worth

1 i." of Honolulu, Mr. McCoppIn anvsi" While Honolulu Is a very beantlfnl city, rinitonnlnno In lis Iroplcnl cmlmwermont, I should rd

It ns necessarily unhealthy from the rntlronlnenco nf drnlnngn with lis concomitants. Whenepidemics, such ns mnnll.poi, measles, nnd thellkn break out there, tho tnortnlity among thonatives Is very prrnt, owing to tho careless habitusual nmnng nborlginrs of tropical countries. Thonnllvos nro fast decrenalng, nnd tho Mongolianelement Isi so fast Increasing that thn HawaiianIslands must, In n fow yenra, completely pass nn-d-

tho dominion nf tho Intlcr race."

Hawaii Norm.Vrnr hcivy rnins havn fallen In Kohala, nnd ths

brldgo of tho Kohala plantation has been carriednway.

Tub whaling Mrk Snrlhern T.hhl Arrived AtHllo frnm tho Cnpo tie Vcrdo Islands nnd cruiso ontho ICth Inatnnt.

Htii nnd vicinity Is making np for Ihn long dryspell thai has prevailed sinco Novomler fth, whentlio flow of lava from Manna Ion commenced.

Tub ronds In thn vlelnlly of Hilo have bwn verydangerous to travel of lain but nro now Ipmioving.Pnrtlcs hnve been iletalni d in town several daya011 account of their bad condition.

Tub Wnllnku has been vory hlirh. Immcnsoquantities of wood nnd leaves wero brought downby it nnd hnvo drifted nnhore, nnd tho nativeshnvo piled up mnny cords of wood which is forsalo.

The ntonmcrMefiA has been missed nt Hllovery much. A mail nrrived on tho 18th Inat by nschooner which left Honolulu on tho 11th. Thoname vcsael left Hilo for this plnco with tho mailon tho lath. tins been no cases of smnll-po- i nt Hiloyet. Tho building on Coconlint islntiti Is ready for1110 In rnno nny ono should lm no unfortiinato ns tohnvo tho dread, disease. Hilo wna never inoroheilthy thnn now.

A connKsroUDK'TT writing from Lnuptlioohoo ontho inh lust, says: Wo nro having tho most saveronnd long continued rain that tins fallen for twojeini. Tlio mall from Hilo, timo over duoniii not nrrived yet, nnd tlio steamer nlso is be-hind. Tho rain is now coming down in floods nndthero nro no signs of tho weather clearing off.

Tns end of tho throo flown from Maunn Loa cannllll be seen from Hilo. They do not seem so largonor so brilliant nsthoy did n few weeks ngo. Therohas been but ll.tlo opportunity of fleeing themlately on account of n ten day's rnin. In ono dnytho rainfall wan UK inches, moro rain thnn linsfallen in ono dny in mnny years, nnd In IH! bournIt nmounted to 11! K inches. Wero It not Hint Hilois located ns it is, it would hnvo been flooded.

Report of the Small-po- x HospitalFor tho week ending at 8 a.m. of Friday, MnrchMth i

I'atlcnts In hospital March lSlh 120Kecelved front town.. 23llroka out on premises 7 29

"iDied 23,Discharged cured 22 41

Itcmalnln. March 22nd 103

. Ciiaih.zs T. Kouoeus, M. D.Honolulu, March 25th, 1881.

Small-po- x ReportFollowing is tho Board of Health's report of

small pox cases for tho week ending Fri-day, Mnrch --T.tli, nt 12 St.!Small-po- cases reported since last report CO

Cases previously reported 357

Total small-po- x cases reported 437

Number of deaths since last report inNumber previously reported US

Total number of deaths 14S

Placed In quarantine since last report, at KohotoloaHospital 33

At residence 43Placed In quarantine as koltuas .'..1 145In quarantine at last report 1748

Total 1973Discharged well 22Died : 33Itcleascd from quarantine, kokuas 9)

" " " Chinese 10541129

Total In quarantine this date.... ."844J. A. IlAssiMocn, Secretary.


1 Puamnnn, k, tS years, Quarantine Hospital'2 Knimanalna, w, 2a years, do sa3 Knnnkn, w, 35 years, do4 Kninninn, k, 45 years, dofi Knne, boy, 4 years, doC Malio, w, died on the way nenr Knukonahua7 Hnlcmnno, boy, 9 years, Kenohoni8 Kulnia, girl, 5 years, Puukolo9 Naknpa, w, 27 years, Knpnnkea

10 Akoni, k, 4 years, Wnikiki-wncn- a

11 Ulii, w, 35 yenrs, Quarantine Hospital12 Jog Frita, k, 53 years, do13 Knwnhamana, w, 31 years, do14 Ouwi, (Tahitian) k, 20 years, do15 Loke, w, 30 years, do1G Akowai, boy, 8 days, do17 Kckuololani, k, 48 years, do18 Malau, k, 46 years, do19 Kalama, k, 29 years, do20 John Mnno, k, 37 yenrs, do21 S. Kukuma, (S. H. 1.) k, 45 years, Manoa Val.22 Mnboe, girl, 3 years, Puukolo23 Emalalna, w, Kalihi24 Kenlakaola, k, 30 years, Quarantine Hospital25 Knnui, boy, 8 yenrs, Mnnoa Valley20 Mrs. Knui Morris, 37 years, Kalihi27 Knuahiku, w, 30 years, Puukolo28 Kailianu, w, 30 .ears, Quarantine Hospital29 Apo, boy, 4 yenrs, do30 Pake, w, 29 years, do31 Kekoa, k, 35 years, do32 Mrs. Ah Nin, 22 .cars, Knpnlama33 Knloi, boy, 4 yenrs, Mnkaho


A Ivie Asaortaaent of


Superior Clarets,Port Wiae. Sherry.

Madeira, Sauteme Wines.Brandies, Ac--, Ac--, If.



Copartnership Notice.

CMOW KUNO AND All SING,tho firm of Wing WoTal&Co., and

both residing In Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, will,after the 1st day of April, A. D. 1881, continue to do awholesale and retail merchandise and spirit Jobbingbusiness at No. Vi Nuuanu Htrret, In said Honolulu,under the firm name ot Wong Wo Chan A Co.

O, MOW KUNO,30 3t A. 81XO.

Notice.CHIN SUN, OF IIOKOIYUX1U,E. and TO.NO WO, doing business lu Sail Francisco

as Tune W Co' wllli "' " i,x ''- -r o( April, A.I).lsjl, do business at No, 41 Nuuanu Ktreet. lo saidHonolulu, under the firm name of Win. Wo Tal A Co.The flnn nam. nf the new partnership to be signed by,he said E, Chin -- uualoac. -- .


Ulunge of l'arUershlp.ri MOV KUNO AND AH SINGJ lately doing business In Honolulu, Hawaiian

Islands, under the firm nan of Wine WbTal A; Co.,have sold out their wholesale and retail slck lu tradeand plantation lutere.ts lo E. Chin Hun, of Honolulu,and Tung Wo Co.. of ban franclsco, with the exrla-siv- a

right to the said firm naino of Wing Wo Tal 6 Co.,said sale to lake effect on the 1st day .f April, A. D.IWI, whereby the said E. Chin Hun and Tung WoCo. tlolng business aa Wing Wo Tal Co. win, afterthe said 1st day ot April, collect all accounts due andnay all Ilahllttlsa owing by ,u"cu,;o1$,-,rljS-


M3t per E. CHIN HUN- -

l. m. vjaa m mtm,Mskea's yire-rroo- f Block,

Honolulu, H. I.W Flags of all descriptions made and repaired..


.'X"x'o-ft.vB- ir a.? xsa94 3. Merchaat St.. cor. of Fort St.

CottaffwTo Lt,T N K.U U A NU AVENUE.I Apply to (W 1 n) J. T. WATXBMOUtl.


premlMS, cornet of Lanalllo andfllkol aHMlt. I If tf


Page 4: Saturday Press. - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you filMim,'' HimiMil tint (ho Krlm iiriifoanorcnii, "Ami llml llir tflri of lit iliKnoii


To-da- y find

If t'orlnno with n niiiilltiKStrew rovH on onr wny,

When dlinll wn stoop to pick Ihcm np ?

'J twlny, my love, Hwlny !

Ililt KliHitlit oho frown with fnronf enroAnd talk of ccimitifc norrow,

When shall wo nHiier, If urievo wo mint ?love, 1

If thoflfi who'rn wrotiKrd own llicfr faults,And kindly pity pray,

When slinll wn linteii nnd forniTO ?

To day, my lno, !

tint if slim Juntico Hrn rebuke,And wnrnith from mein'ry borrow,

When nhnll wo chide, If clifiln wo mint ?Ime, I

Chnrltn ilnckmj.

Foreign News Items.

J5y tho nrrivnl of ilio Mnil Hlc.imor

Amlruhu from Stut Francisco InBt Monday

wo rcccivo ndviccs to tho l'Jtli itmt.

London, Mnrch 10th. In tho Houso ofCommotiM y GlntiRtotio stated thnt thoOovcrniiicnt nsEontcd to a prolongation oftho nrinmlico with tho Uoorn. J ho

wns received with chcors bytho Hndirnls.

Jlnrtington pnid tho order for tho with-drawn! of tho Uritiflh troojw from Candahnrlind nlrendy been given.

London, February Cth. " Carlylo'sJlotiiitiiscotices" woto pnbliHlicd yestorday.Over four thoiisnnd copies wcro tnkon inndvnneo. Thoy contain many moro

dotaiU than woro expected.Tliuro nro Bovoral characteristic nlliiHioiifl

to early contomporarirB. Urief sketches ofjimny porsoim nro given, including LeighHunt, I'arr, Do Qninoy, Chalmers, Murray,Dihrnoli, Hazlitt, mid n tlozon of whatCnrlylo calls "thin celcbritieH." Ho

"Demosthenes Disraeli."K rondo, buforo publishing tho book, sailedfor Madeira in ill health.

Dun I. i.v, March 10th. Tho Coorcion notis hauling in its victims from tho south nndwest at n rato which must bo highly satis-factory to tho authorities. To-da- y somoof tho most prominent Forster " villagotyrants" wcro deprived of their liberty. Itis a romarknblo fact that all arrcstf. havobeen effected so far without any local

nnd litllo orritomont. Tho mostnotnhlo arrest is that of tho celebratedfvjnb Nnlly, ono of tho defendants in thohtnto trinls, who was taken nt his fnthcr'shoiiNe, in JJellii.

London, March 8th. Tho Royal SpanishAcadomy havo decided to opon a )oeticalcom petition in London to colebrato thoforthcoming second centennial atinivcrsaryof tho poet Caldoron do la Unvca. Thocontributions nro to bo in honor of Calderon,nnd in tho English language. Tho Arch-bishop of Dublin, James llnsscll Lowell,nnd Lord Houghton havo been appointedjurors. Tho successful competitor will

tho gold medal of tho Acadomy nnda diploma.

Corr.NiiAdEK, March 9th. Qncon Caro-lin- o,

widow of King Christian VIII., isdead.

I'akis, Mnrch Cth. Do L'jsscps says:Much work is already accomplished on theIsihmus, tho surveyors boing engaged inirin'pping out with a view of collecting in-

formation. Do Lo6bcps said ho was sur-piis-

that no Amoricaus had npplicd tohim for positions us civil engineers, physi-

cians, clerks, etc., at Panama, Colon, nndalong tho lino of tho proposed works. IIooxpiosscd a docidod willingness to employAmerican talent and mechanical skill when-- u

or possible to nso it. Nathan Applotonhas been appointed gonoral agent of thocompany in America. Tho medical sorvicoof tho Canal Company is thoroughly or-

ganized (on paper) by nn ominont physicianof Paris. II is tho intention of tho companyto build pavilions and lodging houses ntolovnted points whoro tho air is purost nndtho sito most wholesome- for laborers.

Duisiian, March 7th. Dr. Harbor, nndDr. Dyas, while boing escorted from Trans-va- ul

to tho Orango Freo Stato, wcro firedupon by their Uoor escorts after theyrcachod tho Fioo Stato. Dr. Barber waskilled nnd Dr. Dyns wouuded. Tho affairwas similnr to the murder of Captain El-

liott. Tho younger Burghers of tho OrnngoFreo Stato havo becomo increasingly hostile,nnd aro reported to bo looting wagons ontho road to JN'ntnl.

EWOAstm:, March 7th. General SirDvelyn Wood wont to Mount Probjioct to-

day, nnd subsequently bad nn iutcrviowwith .Joubort, which resulted in an arm-istice to tbo 14th. Humors of ponce arorife, but I learn that it is improbable unlesswo ngrco to nil tho Boers' terms. Thesonro formally stated ns tho complcto in-

dependence of Tratibvnnl (iu fact nil thoyio.ho to obtaiu), nud amnesty to nil lenders.By tho armistice permission is granted toh'oiid "provisions for eight days ro tho belea-

guered gnnisous.London, March 7 th. Tho various

to quoatiouB iu Parliament y

fjhow thnt tbo Qovorntuont has approved ofGonoral Sir Evelyn Wood's action rclntivotu tho nrmibtico with tho Boors. Duringtho, duration of tho armistico both partiespromibo uot to mako any forward move-ment, but to retain tho liborty to movewithin thoir own linos. Only provisionsno ammunition is to bo sent to tho gar-risons. Joubort undertakoi to inform theHarrisons of tho armistice, and will uso hisitiiluonco to induco tho Boer commanderstu purnut tho removal of tho British wound-t'- d

in tho garrisons to Xntnl, Joubort alsoundertakes to paBs provisions for tho be-

leaguered garrisons through tho Boer lines.Un tho. arrival ot provisions at tho gnr-ribo- us

tho blockading and besieged partiesnro to Buspoud hostilities for eight days'.

DuttBAN, March 8th. General Wood hasinformed tho Boors thnt if poaco wns uotconcluded hu would nssnult Ilningsuek im-

mediately. Tho armistice is ended. Gen-eral Wood says ho infers from tho tone oftho Boers that thoy are desirous of peace.

Natal, March 8th. Tho convoys withprovisions havo started for the beleagurcdJauglish gnrribons.

London, Mnrch 8th, In tho ITooso ofCommons, Gladstone said thnt tho Govern-ment never instructed Gonoral Wood to ubkthe Boors for an armistico, but it fully

Augusta, (Me.), March 8tU. At thoHopoblicau encua to-da-y uktluHiombora ofthe Legislature nilliara If. Fryo wasHQiniuutyd by acclamation as r ccaudidatofor tho United States Senate to succeed

" 'lllnino.'Mibisoir, Mrc 10th. Angus Cameron

wns to-da-y elected United State Senator,vica Carwsutcr, deceased.

fV.WAUHKQKw, Varck 8tk. lx-Scrt-

Gotl", who wont Jmckrto his ,Iisctrict AutorneyV ofllceMn West' Virgiuia, and ry

KVa'rts, who' iiTreeidcnt oftjtetlireo American Commissioners to tho ParisMouetary Conference, are in truth the only

membors of Hayes' Cabinetwho will bo connected in nny way with thopublic serw'co under tho new Administra-tion. Evnrls' family will remain hero untiltho 1st of May. Tho Washington housovacated by Mr. Evarts will be taken bySonalor Hill of Colorado.

Devcns will spendtho summer leisurely, nnd in tho fall hangout his law shinglo in Boston.

Srhnrz is going to sotllo inSt. Louis, nnd dovoto much of his timo tohis iio.tvfm.incr interests there.

Mnynnrd is go-

ing back to TonncBBCP, where be has somoproperty. Ho will look into politics downthere., Ilnmscy will lolurn to his

'homo in Minnesota, whoro ho has muchproperty. Ho intends to look after his ownbusiness, nnd givo politics n wido berth.

Hnyes, who has gono backto Fremont, O., intends to live tboroquiolly.

who Ins gonoto Florida for somo weeks, will, after hisreturn, mako n long visit to Europe Hohas a competency, nnd has withdrawn alto-

gether from tho political world.Wasiunoton, Mnrch 8th. Tho Trcnsnry

oflicials cstimato tho surplus revenue fortho romniniug four months of tho presentlicnl year at 15,000,000. Tho sinkingfund will rcquiro p,000,000 to completeit. By tho end of tho present fiscal yeir,nccording to this cstiinnto and exhibit,thero will bo n surplus of $117,000,000available, botween now nnd Juno ilOth,with which tho Secretary mny puichasoand cancel uouas.

Tho following is an npproximato distri-bution of tho total population of thoUnitodStates, as given by tho Census od'ico :

Males, 25,5t0,582j females, 21,(2,281.Nnlivcs of tho United Slates, ia,47u,u0(j ;

foreign born, G,G77,i)G0. Whiles, 'l!l,40t,-87- 7

; colored, 0,577,151 ; Indians, 00,122 j

Chinese, 105,-ltia- .

Nkiv Yokk, Mnrch 8th. A monstor de-

monstration of tho Irish-Americ- Landnnd Iudnstrinl Le-ign- took placo ht

nt tho Brooklyn Academy of Music.After tho mealing tho following messngo

wns sent to Charles Stewart Pnrncll, Housoof Commons, London.

Six thousand peoplo nssomblcd in Brook-lyn, say to you, Novor surrender.

Mayou Howell.Ni;w Yokk, March 9th Tho 'JKImne

says : Tho news of tho British defeat ntMojcla Mountain has imparted frenh im-

petus to tho movement in favor of thoBoers which was started n month ngo inthis city by tho Transvnnl sympathizers.Tbo Committco through Colonel CharlesOtis, Treasurer of tho organization, is indaily receipt of money from Americans,Dutchmen nnd Irishmen. Part of thornoiioy will bo used to pay tho expenses oftho coining mass mooting nt Cooper Union,which has been postponed for a few days.Henry Word Becchcr nnd Colonol RobertIugcrsoll havo been rcqueslcd by tho Com-

mittco to speak nt tho meeting. Tho Com-mittco havo invited Wm. 11. Vnndorbilt,John Jny, Eov. Dr. Howard, Crosby,Clarkson N. Potter, nnd other prominentcitizens, to bo ts of tho moot-

ing. Largo sums for tho Boers havo beensent across tho ocean. According to nrumor current iu some circles, which wnsdiscussed nt tho last meeting of tho Trans-vaal Committee, n bark carrying ovor 500well armed Irishmen nnd four Gntling gnns,secretly sailed from Koy Wost, FloridiJ,thrco weoks ago, bound for Dclngon bayand tho Trnnbvaal.

Chicago, March 10th. A mass meetingof sympathize with tho Dutch Boers intho Transvaal was hold ht in theFirst Dutch Bcformod church. Thero nro9,000 puro Dutchmen in tho city, nnd thoywero Inrgely in preponderance nt tho meet-ing, which was a largo, orderly nnd de-

termined body of men. Speeches woromade and resolutions adopted, declaringthat tho English nation was determined toconquer tho Boers in Africa only becausothoy nro naturally froemou, nnd tenderingcordial sympathy to their countrymen intbo Transvaal, who nro heroically vindica-ting their right to freedom ngainst thopowor nud usurpah.a of England.

City op Mkxico, March lbt. Tho Committco appointed to examino tho questionot tho nntionnl dobt roports that $W&,0UU,-00- 0

of tho debt should bo recognized. ThoCommittco rccomonds the consolidation oftho dobt nud tho issuing of bonds boaring3 per cent, intorost to holdors of tho prcsoutbonds, tbo batno to bo received for publiclnuds.

Grape Sugar.

Tho scarcity of any article in tho marketsold as " grnpo sugar," or "glucose," in

distinction from enno sugar, blinds ono totho actual extent of tho grapo sugar in.dustry in tho United Stntos. Thero aroto-da-y in oporation nnd iu progress of con-

struction ton sugar factories iu tho country,which will represent nn investment of 0,

nnd will consume daily 55,000bushels of enno (tho namo " grnpo sugar "

of courso, is technical, nnd has nothing todo with grapes). Three of theso factoriesnro iu Buffalo, but tho othors nro in thoWest, distributed through Michigan,Illinois nud Kansas. Nearly nil nro run-ning night nnd day to fill orders. Theirproduct does not nearly nil corno on thogonoral market as sugar, for a largo pirtis nt onco absorbed for uso in tho processof making ale atid beer, of curiug

and limns, of making confectionery,nud of adulterating cano nnd Bugar syrups.Siuco glucoso is uot simply a cheaper sugar,with less saccharine matter than cano sugar,but is under grave suspicion of containinginjurious ncid elements, tho Inst two usesaro objectionable ; tho rest aro prubibly en-

tirely harmless, and it is ground for con-gratulation that a cheaper sugar has bcoufound for theso processes. It is but fair tosay thnt nt tho last meeting of the SocialScionco Association, two authorities of re-

spectability took exactly opposito groundoil the iujuriousncssof glucoaoj tho bttlaucoof opinion, lioweyer, is ngsiust its ubo mfood. In tho cases where it is not takendirectly into the sybtom, hut only U6ed iuprcpiring other foods, ns iu curing hams,there is probably no danger about it.

ino whole luaustry lias grown up sincetho first pormauont iuolorjr was cstauliuhetliu 1872. Tho chotnical treatmont requiredis no secret, but tho uocesbary skill in waui-palatio- n

is posschsed by only a few, whoguard it as a secret. Tho amount of rawmaterial used, nud tho animal product isalso kept a secret probably on account oftut) Huuuureuuu jiracjiiccei, ii way uu cal-culated, however, that thirty nouuus of thoaugur do not cost more than 75 cents j nndas they aro sold at $1 25 to 1 30,. nud auaverage of 5,000 bushels of cano per day,'usvd (00 P9uids of sugar to a bushel)gives a daily profit of $2,500.


Florida WaterTho Bost In tho Market.


T rfTIJJfcJ-.r.r-- t 1.1' 1"V'VTtT.


Florida Water.Thfl richest, mo't tantlni?, yet tnot ilctlcto nf all

perfumts for tttn on tho llnriilUnrclilcr, at- thoTot lot and In Ilio Hath, ilcilk'hlfnl and lictlthfnlIn Ilio flck room, rrllovc wcaUncs, fatigue, prostra-tion, nervousness and headache. Iiok oat for counter-feits. Always nslc for tho Florida Water preparedby thn solo proprietors, .Messrs. J.injun it Kmr,New York.

Tor Cih t; farfiaeti, Irajc'.iti "1 r:er C::ii Etueii.



ImperishaWe Fragrance.

SJiiffl Murrav & Lanman'aiJT&rrA K


FloridaTho richest, most last--

ilnc;, jctiutystfltllcatcofnil a for u.e on,l..ff...i.fknalU.

at the 'Collet nnd In tho Until, dulchtful andhcnlihfnl In tho sick room, relieves weakness,

Lookout for connlerfi Ita, always ask for tho Flor daWatir prepind by tho bo'o proprietors, Mcssra.Lanroan & Kunp, New York.Tor Bale by Perfuners, DrncchU nd Taney

Ono3s Dealers.Tor sale ery low. In bond or nuty paid. A treat sar

ins by buying ft box of ono doim bolllisbl.'i III M. .McINi:itNV.



HONOLULU, OAKU, H. I.INSTITUTIOX UKI2sGTHIS from city allurements, Is un ncknnulcdgcd

safeguard for morals for salubrity of climate, Is l.

'I'lK'tiullillnp; ore Inrginnd commodious, nhlluthe- grounds allord the puplU opportunities for hialth- -

lui exercise..(Inn mltlliiL' nttintlonwillbc j;hen tnthclntelkctinl

nml mornl culture of the iuplls. NonCatholIc pupilswill bu free to attend tho nucleus exercises or not,

as their pan nts or Riiardlnns may desltc.I'liplls arc reel ived nt an time during tbo jear. No

reduction will bo mada from regular charRis, except forabsence caused by protracted Iuium.

No lene of abscucodurln.; tbo scholastic ytnr,cxceptnt the Colleac ac.itlons or by spulol permission.

Knch pupil must on entering oblnin one suit of uni-form, wfikh ulth nil other ncccsrury clotblni;. Ac, Ac.will be furnished nt moderate co- -t bytho (Julke; butnone of the'o will bo provided lj the Colles unless byspecial arriincenieut.

1'nMuentK nru to bo mado quarterly, and irnarlablyIn advance.

Tint eonrso of study Is Classical, Scientific and Com-mercial; Latin, Greek, French, bpnui-h- , German andItalian nro taught.

Particular intention will bo paid to tho UncllshIn all Its branebes. l.Ucraliin. l'uni nud .Mixed

Slathemnttcs, Illslorj, Geography, Chemistry and iat-ur-

l'hllotopliy, .(.c.TERMS:

For Thmrd, Lodcini:, Tuition nnd Washing, perScliolnnic Year. $3W m

rntran.'ofec IU CO

Vacation at College Ill WMusic, vocal and Instrumental, Drawing nnd Jlodem

Languages oxt rus.DAY l'Ul'II.S hcnlor Class $W U)

JuniorClusi. , IU Ul

The Scholastic Year consists of luo Sessions, eacheomprlslni; ft period etf Ihu monllis. 'Ibu first sessioncommenees on tho 'JOth of August; tho second on thesjutii or Jnniury.

For all und further nnrtleula.s, apply tuJtllV. V. J. LAliKIN, President.

o. 7.1 lte'rctnnia st.

Etcnln? School Heimrtinont of St. LouisCollege.

Tho President has decided to Include this branch Intho curriculum of the Collcce.

Its objfet Is to atlord all classes ot Ilio community themeansotiicqutriiiKit theoretical and practical kuonl-cd;- c

of all commercial nud business transactions Inilallyuse; und ulo to Iveun Insight into the workingsnnd application of tho different Trades, which it Is sopsseutiul In do In these Islands.

Tho Theoretical llranch will be under thosupcrtlslonof the President and Professors of tho College. ThoI'ructlcnl and most important Ilrineh ulll be speciallyattended to by Mluiit cr from tho parlous nmicr artl-znn- s

ninong us, who havo kindly nnd generously prom-ised their services tothlsusefulandtaluubluenitrprise.

Theyvvlll, nltemntely, di vote hnlf an hour ruch even-ln- c

to the task of Impurllni; knouledo to the students.All the Implements necessary to each trnde, and lo Ag-riculture, "111 be furnished by tho Colic pe.

Knch mnster.nrtU.iu, while eomieeted with the Col-lege, will be eutltlul In memo oneto thnprivlllces of this Ever Inn School Department.

TEItMH Knch student per week, Wets. lhu EveningSchool will open lit 7 o'lock p. in. IB Ml




Wwts ol" ovory ltiiiilALWAYS ON HANI).

Fresh Eastern Oysters in the ShellIIKCKIVUD DY HACK STKAMKIt.



LUNCH PARLORS,Xos. 70 uud VSMIotel Street,


Hoard by tho Duy, Week or Transient

Cluast, Cigarettes and Tobacco,

Soda Water and other Iced Drirdu.

Meals Served in lint-Cla- w Style


Direct from KvStoH wi New BedfordEx bark As'y Turnr, w bar irclr4

ini'K sum. i to iu. (dttoxCorroN i ot. lo 10 01. Cottun&all I'm luo 6, 6, 7 audduly. New UeJIoid Uutl Conlticv, sljfs from tit to5 Ibch. blsal IWtir, eL ! and U Ibrc4il. Suunsru3 yarn and J )ru, toqscliii hllui:. .. 1 and IStbrtad. MAMfc-A- sb. Oars, tliea from lj H (ct.

Allot vlilch will bo sold as low a ran U bouflitlnltd market. Ml to HOLIES X CO.



Callforrla Ilarler, California Oronnd Ilarley,California Coin. Callfornli Wheat. California llran.

All fresh ah.l In roo1 ordef, and for le InwlijrIIUI.LKa CO.

FI.OUK.ti.vri: f.xrii; (Joldcn Hate Ilakers' Kxtra,

I'.xcel.lor Kxlra,Ex Iwrk Kalakana, for rate br I10LM.8 A LO.

CltOCKKir.N KX " KAI.AKAUA."a Mi:itllll.l.'M T"tIlltlAro.v Ten, Knllsh Ilrcnkfisl Tea,

( riislml Hnitt, (iraniilatid, tube Snirar,For (tale l.y HULLKS 4 CO.

IHtOVIMIOMM.IMIItli. i:IH JflHH IIIJKI' IUfJiltlMf. Extm Family liter In half barrels. Hxtra

IMj- - I'ciil, In I, . i and H barrels. Ilutter In so lb k(anil 4 lb class Jars; Hams and llacon (extra nice), Lard,

For sale by llul.U: ,c Uo.

na17.m(.v.a tmjr.KNW.jiojriJf iitiitr.iHCiot.iT.Hiu barrels, Canned rJnlmon 1 and !l lb tins.


i, i mi:.4 may Mir v.x iiitid w. ir. .itr.Yiut,

A. I'or sale by IIOLMia A CO,

CICAItS.o.mi: vimy ri.Ni; h)iim

Kx Kalakann, for sale by IIOLI.ES .t CO.March IV, INil 815 !H

Per City of Sydney.iOO IIACS8 KIKSTQlIAhlTY I'OTA- -J tie, Iiirs Sllverskln Onions

Cnllforsln Dairy Ilutter. In 3 lbs kees, nnd I lbsOlns.Iar. put up Ilxpressly for onr 'Irade.

llonele L'tinh, D.i.lcrn Hams,Kii.Iitm Union, Cmnet KiikII'Ii lltcnkfn.t Ten,

In ft It butt. Onmei tlnlnni; Ten, fi lb boxrs.Salmim. Pilot llrenil, Crncktrs, nnd Cake, llcdlum

Jtreud In Cnsos.

A"1) OIl.S.-A'rriAN- TIC, llublnick's Lead, llnbbnck'n Zinc,Vridlgrln, lllnck I'alnt. Uhniinp (Ircen,Chronic Yrlliiw, l'ntls (Ireen, nnd alull Fancy Paints.

For nilu by IIOI.LIJS & Co.

i Lint iji'sunu oil i jjiils.Bo S ration ennr. Haw I'alnt Oil, th" pure llnieed,For sale by IIOM.IIS Jt Lo.

T UH1HCATIXO OILSj Castor Oil Iu 'i and 1) fallen cans; I.nrd Oil, InImrrels and cans. For sale by IIUI.M'.H i, Co.

iDAciric nuiimnt PAINT,.L A full assortment nf this colcbratrd paint In !.(.1 nud ft L'allun packages nil nic iicsiroui,. sii.iuc4 andLolurs. For sulu by HOLI.IIS A. Co.

UAItLHY, 1JIIAX. COKX,' Wheat and Hay, pir " I). C. .Murray ' nnd "Y. II.Dlmond." Formic by IIUI.I.KS A Oo.

IDOTATOKS.X A lino lot per " City of Sydney." For snln br

IIOM.KS .t Co.

COIjU.MUIA IlIVKIt SATijrON, IXbarrels. For sahi by


GAS13 GOOJJS,assortment of Fruits, Meats, Fish,

l.oblirs, Clnms, Oystirs, Slirluipn, ,ieJust received, and for sale by DOI.LES Jfc Co.


tI7.1!N KltO.1I 1ICII ro a I.M'UFX. FORZ7 Wale by 110I.LKH A, CO.

3 818

MANILA COHDAGK.Aissoitr.iu:M' or NizKN rno.n

six thread to flc Inch.1 ma IIOLLES A CO.

OUTTKIt AXD GII12KS13,jl ucciivcu uy uic City of Sydney." For sale by

iiuii.K.a &, lo.HEMP CORD A GK. AND HOLT ROPE.

, As.suitrm:.T or N17.CS 'J !- -V Inch lo 8 Inch. Also, Spunjnrn, Se l! hlir. lUtlin.llousellue, Marline, Itoundln;;, Ac


HLOOKS AND MAST HOOPS.X),Ti:.vr ntix HTitAi'i'i:i iii.ocknJl Metallic Iron .Strapped Illoeks, Patent IlushinRPlain lluslihi'', a full assortment of sizes.

S 818 1IOM.KS A. CO.

AISIXS KIGIIT1IS, (iUAKTEKSHalves anil Wbolo Iloxes of best Mucatcl.

Kll IIUI.I.KS & Co.



Tlie Cargoesor


(108 Iliiya 1'ukiikc)

JUST TO SCL3STXConslstinj; of the usual assortment of

DRY GOODS & CLOTHINGQnlvanizcd Iron Hoofing nnd Fence Wire,l'ortlnnd Cement (Whlto's),l"iro Bricks, Hlue Mottled Soap, t4

Bent Welch Stoain Conl,Gnlvnnizcd Iron Wnre, Saddlery,II pair Jlirrlecs, Tnit A Wntson's Centrifngnls.Wines, Liquors, Ac. ic. &o.



BO TonalKaUroad Iron, T ltall,Koollng Slates, &c. &c.



A Tiarge ZiotofHayOF THE NEW CItOI'. ALSO,

Whole and Ground Varley, Oats, llran,and Alfalfa Hay,

W carry tho largest stock of Tlnne l'eed In thisKtu.p.lemi, und we are always prepared to rill all orderanltu .ii customed promptness, and


Ground to Order.EWheat, Corn, Cracked Corn. Oil Cake, Middlings,

Mixed Keed, etc., always on"

hind.' 'it 3m LA1NE A CO.

At the Old Corner, Front aud Wslanulnul 8s. i


Dealers in General Merchandise,Groceries, Hardware,

Boots und Shoes, Clothius,Dry and Fancy Goods, eto.

Ladles' nud Oontleuien's Furnishing UoodsLate importation, In great variety.

Choicest Brands of Tobacco, iiad Cigar.'FULL ASD COMrLKTE


Ordera from tte country promptly and carefully cxeruled.

Particular attention J; Win to the purchaiilnx of coodaon ipt'clal order, eltlier la Honolulu or st the C'oa.i, byour iptcUl ajenU

iv m J. 11. MAHY. Manager.


Va ouum Pumpi.fflMK VNHKBSIS3MBB UVtK- - Jt'T BE--ft nitlVKI) per ur Turner. from Hutou,a full sartwiiv ot tbtaa clraraU4ruoip.ibicKarinsiaii

tued lute cheaper aud Utur'tkan aaty vther atiUisipump Imported. Wa cM tkt aiuoiloa of plsaura MrUe-- iularly lo Ihe Vacuum Pump, wulch la laaa coBpilsattedtad more aerTlce4bla has uta( samps. .It i

Ml Jin 14 U V. WllCWEIt CO,



"ATALANTA," FROSl JIKKJIKN,(To ba followed by tho "Kale" an MbUnl,")

And per Steamer, via Panama.INVOICES OF

The Following GoodsAro now In onr rxwcBsIoni


Ww 1'rlnla. Slnr l'niln. AcIlrown CnttotiH, Horrock'n Wlilto Cottnn,A A IITurkey llctl rtton, Tickino"llltio Cotton Drill, llliinnntl I'inncyFIiANNEIj, ulolli. ItcniM.Knncy Wlilto nnd lllnck Drtl-S- S GOODS,,Tnctti.ird, .Mulinir, MouHnellno, .fnconetsi, Ac,UnrcKO, I'urtnltifl, Ijimbrciiuina, Tnblo CovctB,


TAILORS' GOODS:Ilticknkitit, Doosklnn, OitlnRS, Dlnpjonnlf!,1'rlnlcd Molcnklnn, llrnwn Cordo,Wlilto Linen UrllU, Ac.

An Assortment of Shirts,Woolen, Flannel and Cotton Mixed,Merino nnd Cotton UnderslilrlH,Wool JacketH, Shawls, lllankuU, Towols, Ac.

nOSIKltY:Sookn nnd HtockliiRS, llnlbrlgRnn,Cliildrcn'fl Ac.

Hllk Unndkerclilcffl, i'onlnrda,T. II. nnd 1'niicy Cotton Handkerchiefs,Ntcktlen, Wool nnd Hilk lirnldsjItililxitm, 'Ilirend, Iltittunn, Ac.

India Rubbor Coats and Overallsfancy nnd Toilet ArticltH: floridn Water,

Oeiiiiliiti Kan do ColoKtio, I'liilocoiue,Coiiibn, 'lootli JlmnlicH, Lttliin'H Kxtntctft,feather DuHtcrn, Harmonicas,Violin Strltif-H- , i'layint CnriN,LejokiiiK OIiibm'H, Vienna Cbnitfl.

STATIONERY:Ulntik llooki, LedKcrs, .lonrnnlw,Day UookH, Copy and Receipt llookg,Oofd Leaf. WJfAl'i'INO l'Al'LH,Superior I'rlntitiR IMixir, two sizes,Manila Hot nil Bizet. Spunjnrn,;rlax and Hump 1'acklnn,

Sugar cj Ooal BagsWoolpack, Ilnrlnps. Sail Twine,India ltubber l'aeklnn,

SADDLES Sydney and English.l'owder, Load and Zinc faint,


fenco Wire, 4, C, C: Hoop Iron, ltlvetB,Gnlvnniml Iron l'ipei i to 1 Jf inch,Yellow Metal 10 to it! o NniU, Steel llniKJ'erforated Ilrasa. liucl.cts, Cutlory, Scissors,Ilutclicr nnd l'ocltct Knics,Hnrarn, Sheep SlicarH, Saw files, Ac. .

CnOCKlIUY in Assorted CrntcH. Alio,Dinner, Ilrcnkfast and Tea Sets,Bowls, llieo Dishes, Cups, flower l'ots.


Sardines. VincRar, Duret's Olivo Oil,Gorman S.ius.igo,Ultra Wash Hit, lllno Mottled Soap,Tnblo Salt, Steanno Candles, t 7. Ac.


Iloutcllau Brandy, Gin, Bum, Alcohol,St. I'.iuI'b Ale, Midler's Laper Bier, Cli.iriipiinno'Ch. Furru mid Hidsieck Dry Monopolo, Ac,Empty Demijohns, Market BiiBkets,Molasses und Tallow Barrels.


Stockholm Tnr. Firo Clay, Firo Bricks,Bed Hncks, Tiles, Slates, Boats,Blacksinith'H Coal, Steam Coal, Ac.


Pianos from L. Neufeld, BerlinFOIt bALE 1IY

831 1 II. IIACIKI'KI.n CO.

Latest Departure.



Nickle Mounted in Sets or SinglePieces, such as

Tea Pots, Coffee Pots,

Cream Jugs, Water Jugs,

Slop Jars, Sugar Bowls,

Spoon Holdors,

, t ;Teu and Coffeo Urns, ,

Sets Tote-a-Toto,- v r -

Buttor, Bowls.

-- ALao-

Flain GraniteIron. Stone Ware

The abore ware la put together not simply 10 take tbere bat Is w ell made In et err respect.


fcrockery!-- AND

Ware!Platos, Plattors,

Dishes, Chambers,

Gups aud Saucers,

Toilut Sets, plain and fancy,

Ohccso OoYors,

Diuuor and Tea, Sots,

Desert Sots, Ac, Ac.


METALS,Agricultural Implements.

1ix "War.c.

rractlcal Tin, Copper and Bheet Iron Workm,1 y Kaahumanu Stroet. Hunolnl

ET1SUX WILL tUMI,Th Honolulu Iron Works

1 1 now prepared to

rusnta vugm ami now iamplmJfYMM AMtVKVMWM

MatiMal TftW Wtrki Co' !Wrlu,A,TMKI!F01tT, PA.,

Aad to loake coqUacU to dellTH It In Urge inallSttuttte te thla eilf . - M M



". 1. .tl EL' " CaaaHraaaB1",'I


0 co'Mo3

Z o.


vta Ci i OV i Oo

o .'3o auo E



J3 0)C

3 Ho



Si & Ico"3u' u

A LAROK STOCKjV 1 - K5Sadalr

Of the Favorilo



Automatic Shcot Mtifiic costs nbotit thoNow Mu&ic enn bo ordered nt nny time.

Slylo "A" costsonly JSHS:612, nnd plnys tho Bitino

kind of musio ns Stylo


laSaafVST IWa

T r


PI a

I tss 1


in o 2

w B Sw

22 POD s

s. a2


Theso Instruments roprcsont both the Orgnn nnd Orgnnist, Mnsic, Mnoicinn nndMusic Tcncher. Piny Hymn Tunos, Popular Airs, Sets Qundrillcs,. Pollens, WnltzosKeels nnd llornjiipefl with elenrnoss, nccurnoy nnd perfect execution.

is Send JTor CJlroxxlair- -




W. H. Whiton, from New York, City of Madrid and City of Nnkin, from Englnnd,


Plantations, Country Stores and FamiliesAnd booRht from FIRST HANDS FOR CASH, nnd will lio sold CASH, with best disconnt on

snmo, or on usual terms to parties approved. Wo offer on lmnd nnd to nrrivo,

Palace Water White High Test Kerosene Oil,Vulcan Water Whito Above Standard Keroseno Oil.

Lnrd Oil, Castor Oil, Nenta Foot Oil, Under Oil, Flnx Stenm l'nckinfr,Indin ltulilxir Flnt I'lickine;, :UG, Ac: Aobe-Htci- Steam 1'nckiiiK. Asbegtos Boiler CoverinBlinbbit Metnl, Cnnnl Ilnrrows, Lnco Lfntlier, Lenlbcr Beltinn, a, 4t. H, 10 nud 12 inch ;

Vchtm's Centrifupal 11011111", u mipcrior nrticlo ; DiBston's Cnno Knies,Hubh Sojthcs nud Simiths, 0 IIowh, Jlnlo Cnrt Axles, Mnlo Collnrs nnd Hnmcs, Mnlo Shoes,Heavy Gnrden Hoes, Lnno's Planters' Hoes, Aio and Tick Jlnttocks, l'liris HrenkinK Plows,JJj, old favorite nnd nnoxcellctl Molina Steel Urenkinc Plow, 0 und XI Steel Horse Plows,EiiRle No. 20 Plows, Plnnot jr. Horse Hoe.n few MOLINU GANG PLOWS,John Dccro mnkoQlt How, !M, 1,1 nnd 2 inch: "teUest Standard Weston's CentrifUKal LininKs, VJ nnd inch, best qnnlity ; Portable For(?es, -Daldwin Feed Cuttors, Knp;l An lis, Siienr .t Jnckson's ; Disston it Stubbc' Assorted Files,Disston's celebrated bnws, nil hizen ; MucuiiMts' Mnsons' nnd Hlncksiuiths' Hnmnicrs,Sacclinrometcrs nnd Synip aiiennointters, Cut Nnils, nil sizes ; Cut Spikes, Wrought Nails,Horso Shoes, Uorso Nnils, FiuishiiiK Nnila.


Locks, Butte, Screws, HiiiRcs, Aupcrs, Auger Bits, Chisels, Saws, Braces, Bolts, Catches Ac.,Mnchino nnd Cnrringo Bolts, best manufacture i bmooth, Jack and Jointer Planes,Plouh nnd Match Planes. A Full Lino of

Paints and Oils of tho lkst English and American Brands 1

STAPLE GOODS, SUQU ASAmookeap: Denims, 8 and 0 oz. Tickings, A C A B nnd I) Bleached Cottons, 4 wide, best make;Unbleached Cottons, Chcrp, Medium aud Fine ; Brown nnd Bluo Drills, Linen Drills, heavy ;Russia Diaper, Puro Linen Sheeting, Fine Mosquito Lace, Blue Flannel, Scarlet Flannel,A Superior Assortment of American White Flannels.

"ltSTAPLE GrROCEEIES :Extra Family Flour, Hawaiian l'in. Corn Starch, .Tnpnn, Comet nnd Chcnp Tens,

Culm Sugar, Hawaiian Sugars, Corn nnd P ns, Condensed Milk, Corned Beef and Tongues,"' -- "Sardines, Oxford Sausages, McMurrny's filers, Evans A. Lescher's Finest Spices, 3'rJ? t fTho Fnvorito Fancy nnd Wnshing Soaps, Cnlifornin nnd Eastern brands ; "

Hams, Corn Meal, Avena, Graharo Flour, Ac, Ac, Ac.

:F. &

Co.& Co. the

and an,W. and bf. in

THIS SPACEin. e'i u.iaia.j 1 hsTaw nn




VT r i r j nu,0UAiIITREE)


u jc w. r oi i 1 i



i f ',?IN IMS

m-- aaco. nmier in J are ana svria. woeeae, Ca,Aiaortrd Table Caaard Jams aud In ni.d IT... m HU.I ....k.t:sieaianaCaidlc. of,f&nufiu









n h








Golden Onto




" 525 TO 515!snmo ns sheet munio prcpnrod for tho Piano.




. t.n.

k r


t4tif h mi if .vifrtf fii

faoaimo'iq a uovImXX


J joJ. auoH. Ai f tO'l ' a '" it j t m.


" ' ' L1MK iv ...500& sTmtmst-ff'- W

BIS --w t iv ' - y",jt...IXUft MssM'sasskf i'--isvtw-- --ulna aaft ' Uj. BUM.sX'

On ConsignmentThe Geo. Blake Mfg. Co's Steum Feed Irrigating Vacuum Fumpi

Wcston'a Falent Centrifugal1!, ,

Woodward Brown's Ccleltrated Pianos,Ncxo Haven Onjan Parlor Organs

Washburn Mocn Nfg, Barltd Wire, Best Barbed 'Wire manufacturePortland Cement, Sugar Bogs, Oats Bt California Say,

Columbia Bher Salmon, bbla., Salmon Bcllir Kits Xtry'Fint?


LnnH 000,5


solo xa



araaSfhl hSua







Page 5: Saturday Press. - University of Hawaii · 2015. 6. 1. · YVIimi "Tnkii Urn, If you filMim,'' HimiMil tint (ho Krlm iiriifoanorcnii, "Ami llml llir tflri of lit iliKnoii




t,M Saturday Press Supplement, March 26,t




ft t







'. i FJ .1


li Kit. . . "J

ffi; ,"ti.T.



IV- v;


Report of tho Tenth Voyage of the Mis-signi-

i.ijijt "nuriiiii' to Mico-nes-


TliH vntiol mllod from Honolulu Juno IfWO,

with nix inliiionnrios nnd Avo other pimonRcrs onltoinl.

Willi Unlit wiudl nnil ciltnt It took tit twenty-si- x

diys to reach llntaritnrl, tho first island wcvititoit In tho Gllbsrt Oroup. Ilem-iinc- tlinro oliodiy mill thou H iltuil for Apiiittip;, nlxty-fiv- o milesdUtiut, nnd reiolied It in flvo daya. Hov. Mows.'I'nylor niul Wnlktip concluded to ntnlllsli theirtraining Rohool nt tint inland rather than ntIlnt'iriUri. Hem-line- llicro ono wrok mid landedhoiiMoinmlKoidi for llio and Hilled forI'apilotiut, our Hontlierninoil Islam!.

After ollit diys of calms nnd current mid afailure in riuclnnn: it, we re icheil Apannmi, imv-iii-

Hilled f17 miles to accomplish '.X), landing in nlo it at Murnkei on tho wny.

Sailed from Apeiimma Alienist 18tli in compmywith tlm linrk llumill lo mako nnothor nttenipt toroach Tapiteiion. Took n calm of Hixty-nin- o hornsmid drifted west KK1 miles out of our conrsc, nndllualli anchored at Miima. l'rom Mai itii wo ranover "to Tarawa, mid fiom there luck nniin to

piinntf to replenish our fresh water, nnd silledfro.n there August iWlh, to mike n third attemptto reach Tniutuuoi aCl miles nouth of Apiianji.To accomplish this work, uo siiled north ni(iiu tothe I itlttnlo of (!', touchliw for a few hours afjiiuat Ilttiritiri, mid than bo it :J)1 milos to tha oist,mdat list suoceJiltfJ in reicUlnj Tipitotiai ineighteen diys, whero we met Ilia hrifi llazrml.

I'liiifililiu tho work at I' ipiteasn, wostirto I Inekfor Apiiiti' to lind thu mission ines, and ro lolledTiriwi attor anotlur lone; pisu-j- u of twelvn d' s,atil toik tlia.n ovor to Apiiitifc in n 1)3 it, II f toonmiles from onr anchor iro.

t'odd WJ miloiflillliu we hid boon thlrtv-ou- o

diys, anil miled a distinct) of 1811) miles. To doth work of the Glib rt Group (.ill tho direct

combined being but IKW niilei), not overfour diya' siillns for the Moulin;) Star, we hid

forty-nin- o d.ivs, after roiclunp; them, andsailed '.'TO miles. We had fSl miles head current,and 17li lionra de id cilm, mid was obliged to doMil miles of work in the bo its.

Silled from Taraw i for .Strong's Isl md October:.M, and anchored there October 15th. nfter four-

teen diys ot drifting in a fair current and cilm.Dutin-iHomoo- f the -- 7." honrs of calm wo had onill it pisiige, our sills were all t iken in as if atanohor. ami we drifted 10(5 miles of tho distance.

October i!tt we suUsl trom Girong s isismi, toIm it to the Maiskill Isl mds, with Dr. I'ease and

lr. Whitnoy on boird, and re ichod Ebon, the firstU md, November ltli. 11 m lined thcro ti diys,nnd Hilled for .luluit ; but when oft island oI Kik a blow from the e ibt 111 it brought us down loroofed topsails and mains ul, and took us towards.VI iloo ip, tho lagoon of which-w- o entered at thenorth end November lfith, mid it took tlirco dayswith light nirs to be it to tho mission station.

Killed from M iloeap to Jlejuro, wlieru wo hadauither blo.v mid loit our largest anchor, withseveral fathoms of cibto; had our whaloboatsniished, and was throitoned with foundering.I'lio nifht of this blow wo spent in the bo itin the lagoon witli tho mission irios, on our wayfrom tho station to tlm fihip.

H tiled from Jlojuro to Aruo, twenty miles dis-- tmt, November 20th, but did not reach thoro for

three diys. During that timo wo had another blow,and wore under b.ilinco reefed iu linsail. foresail,

Arrived nt Millu from Aino Noiombor L'llh andtook on bo ird tho Hawaiian missionary S. J". K.N iwaa and family, for Honolulu, and h ulcd fromthfio to Jaluit NoiHinber L'7th mid aimed intvieuty-fou- r lionrs. Wo found tho birk Hawaiithere trom Honolulu, with a mail for us, una thoshun Mrtl tirnvul the next d.ij, bound to Hono-lulu, by which wo forwardid a mail.

I rom Juluit we went nguii lo Ebon midday, from thuie to Namenk whom we

rem lined auotiierdiy and then s died nguu fordirong'H Island.

Utunonr second visit to btiong'fl Island we le-- ni

lined eight dajs. Took in wood, water andhjiI for Apiang, and Kev. J. 1. VShltueyand family for Honolulu, and willed fiomttie Marshall Ihluudi Dtcrfinbtr, after djingtho woikof iliitKioupiubeioiih-lnodHy- s.

December lHtli. VVo 8topiJd at ringtlap, theiirst ot tho Caroline Group, and at Jlokil, on tholUU.iind arrived at l'ouapi December alar. Ho

uisincd there ill e diys, and s.nled for theKevs. Mesjrs. Duauo and Hand,

and arnie.l at ljukuiior the -- Hth. In the lagoonsof Eulumor and Uito in wo bo iteil to Ouiop andtook l!ev. H. W. Ljgan and f uiuly on bond forI'oimiw. i Tn, Mor, Kutu and htal, and sailedJ uiu try lith, 1BS1, for tho Island of Nnmolouk, midston ietl tueio on tnu 7th. January btti we anchor- -

. ' . 1 -- .... it.lail till tllM Utrtl. lllwl Ufll'tltea uiuosap, iiuutwuiHu - -

th it d ii lying oif and on at Nam I. Jauuiry lltliwe authored in the l.ugo lagoon of Huk, near tho

f i nun. iin ino iiu wo iintnoreti atWokilsluid mid on tho Mill at Uiet, mid leftI'nii toe le ichers upon tho two 1 ittur. VVo spent

i .... .if tinitnotriy tureo tiays on " n...t. -- . .yj ;

lagooa, and its surrounding leof, and found itetv Uilloreiit trom nuy cliait of it that has jet

i....... i,,l. It is entireh suriounded by n coralreef, which aboauds in wide and deep passagesmiou all sides, tho widest of iiliicu is at tlio south-

west end ot t o lagoon, and is four miles in,vidth.

ii ..!.i,...1j .,r imtiwia that visited us hid nevorboforu been on aboird Bhip, and at tho Bight ofwhite, ladies bouio of them lied over tho sido

k Into thutr ouuies.I Jauuiry lbth. Having reached the. moath nirtof ur ixork in ir.1 'JO H. longitude, wo Btart-r- i

id upon tho return trip and tirrnod ugaiu at lo- -

fiiniw January astli, inter an auseneo uiremained at X'ouaie nlno efajsinak- -

lint tiruiurtiliuiiH u wu ky ",wihomeward trip February 7th. with

ir p i' Uiinanuu iaiuiiy,aiao iiiuiiiuoi 1U1IV.IUH- -

'iirirs who had rum lined at routino uuriug our

UlVebruiry OtuVVilliu Hand, Mr. Hand's jouiir.elil I who canio on bo ird rathur ill, dieel. Tho

bodvwiBprcservidforHouolulu.K0 wliillng birk 'iV.oifl f..i-- , i llard.wiis

nboutl'ouaiH,, nnd rwiorted 100 birreljoruWiig lio nrriied tlierooil Tho John .., Oreen

?-- i , oitilitvon days from Honolulu, bring-- h

m Hi! ..othiug, mid was cruising

,,lriBBit!,,.lwa been expected for Homotlme'buttwtUliiBJiiiabueiiwcn or heard from

hor. .... ,..,.. ..1..1.4 toimiilj iluriiu tho vov.Wob guteu "Ytwi "nty-wiW- hoiub of tholn

ilK 'nd thXPUiu?H. VVoeiiUirod sixteen lagoons,off nud ou

?1U hour! ' wtlaid nt imclior soventy-nin- o days,


TT. nsmmk''

t43S5U3ffjSS!iSS. X

mid lioited ras miles Tarried 211 ptssengers,had !)S!) Iiours calm, nnd tho wholo distanco Billedon Jho loynpo is in.TKl miles.

Wo had nothing like tho regular tr id atnny pirty of tho viijage. Hluco leaiing I'on ipo wohad tho wind from every ipi irter till ro ichmg thetneridlin of 180 , 1!) days out, and slnco tliat timelight winds from tho oiiBt, midcilms. I wouldlako this opportunity to offor iu behalf of thomissionaries, and nil on board, our most cordialand hearty thanks to thu maiiv friends of Honolu-lu who bo generously conti United the good thingsof thin life at tho llmo of our Billing from thisport. IbwahHiut, MustT.

Plncos of Worship.Shamrn's IIetiiki -- llcv H (' Cnmnii. Clmplnlii, Klnie

street, mar llio Hallorn' Home. Pn aching nt II a m

Heats free. Hnlibaili Hcliuol linferc the laeriilng tcrvlce,I'rayor tneellnir n Wcilncsilay evening nt 7'4 o'clock.

1'oiit Hniri.T Ciiunni Itev W l'rcnr, l'ator, corneror l'nrt niul llcrclntiln utrecls PrencMng cm Siimlnriiat 11 a m nnil 7M l-- m. Salibmli tJclieol nt 10 a k,

St Amiiirw'r CathkiiiiaI- - nngllfh mrilccm Jit Heithe Illthop Dt lliiiioliilu nnil Itei Thoi' lllnckljiirn.

netTlc! Iliv Alex Mncklntciuli .:), Holyuoniiniiiilnii; U.:iU, Xlntlnx nnd Sirmen (llnwnllnn); II,Mntlim. I.ltitnv and hrrinun (i:ngllrli); I, i:cnpong(Ilnnnllanls 7..y), nvciixmi; nnd H'imoii (niiglluli).Hymns (I.iigllnli), mariiingi HI, V8H, an; rvenbig! SI'.',HI, US",.

Kamaiaiiao Ciiuiicii -- licv II II ratkrr, Tnnter, KingHired, above the Pulnce. Hen let III Hawaiian everyHiimlsyat II a m. Hnlilmlli Silmnl at IUa m. i:enbigncrvlcMnt7L, o'clmk, nllvriintlne with Kniininkiiilli.District meeting In tatloimclinpcN at3 30i m. I'rnjermeeting every WVilnend ij at 71, ! t.

Kaumakai'iii Ciitincn Her M Knncn. raster, Heretanla ftrret, nenr Nniiann. .Scrilcc In Hnwullan ricryMtinnay nt 11', a m. Hnblmth Sclmol nt V, a m. Hioii-ln- g

Htrvli'Mt nt74 o'clmk, nltcrniltlng wllh Knwulnlinnrrayir meeting cicry Meilnctday nil!., vv.

Homan Oatiiolio Oiiiiiic.1I- - Under Hie charge or litItev lllnhnp Mnlgret nmlstod by Koi 1 allicr Hermann;I'urt ulrcet, near lln ctnuln. ben Ices ei cry hiinilny nt10 a m andy l' m.


'jmik irxj)iiisifiNi;i) r.'iNr.1 obliged lo bae llio UI.iihIk, ofTirs for Kale, In le

to pnlt bujcri', th wlinleof


Cmic niul l'ustiirn Lands, Iloiise.s, iuililin;smill VVluirf, Horses anil Calllc,

Cnne and Homo Wagons, llnllillnc: nnd V licnlwrlglillne,yinterlnls. (Uiuinl .MercbnndUc, &c , Ac.

If not sold by the flrit day of Jnno the above will beoffered nl public unction I'orUrins. apply In

SI", h. TAIXHS. Knlml.i




m wii.i, ii,km:tahi:i'i'i:tii rI bale eKtablUhcd n lteal Kslatc Olllce in Hono-

lulu --n lino or bunlnei which has lung been wanted Inthi community.

My intention In to advertise both In Cnli fornln andthe Colonics, nnd on all Mel?, o tbat.our friendsabroad who are continually t migrating here, ni well asonr prnnlc on llit're Inlands, who wish to changelocalities, mar nou llnd Homes to suit, without btintrsubjected to the aunoyiiiL; tnumwnicuco which tinsheritufora txlstnl. To nil who wish to glie me HieARoncy ot their Itooms, Uoui and l'roiicrty they willllnd It cspcclnll lo their ailiuntsge, as I Intend to gliethis branch or business tny fullest attention.

EMPLOYMENT BURfEAU1 Iiaiealsa opened an Kniploi incut Ilntcnu, and take

pleasure in calling Hie attention nf

Aonts mid Mnnagon of Plantations,Shipping; Asout,

Oiviiors oFVosols, Trmlosincu.nnd all nllur emplojers who desire careful nnd proinjitattention to their business to untirj me wheuiacanclesexist.

llespectfully,j. e. vvisi:max.

Heal Hstate broker nnd Hniploynunt Iliireau,No. !J7 Merchant Mrcet, lloiiidulu.

8120 1m Opposite Illsbcp A, Op's.


20 Tons China Nut Cake,

ff.ii ia

l'OH KEItTIbl.INt! I'l'lll'OSKS.In Quantities to Suit.

ii tiA'iiii:i,t .v 'i.NOTICE.

5 i.i. i'i:itso!. Atti: tn:iti:iiv MMit.M:tniraliist tresuassliiLr III and uiion the Mrcnm ut

VValpafiu, UnowniiHtbe WAIl'AHU HTltUAM.ns It Ismy Intention lo prosi elite nil trespassers to the utmostextent of the law.

X 811 U A. W. llUhll.

TO LET.It'll l0'.i:SMf.V Afltll. Isl. THATW I cry desirable residence 'o. I!).", Niiuaiiu

Aicuiie. euiitulnlng elglit inoiuv, kltcln u, puntr), bathroom, servants room, ccuch house, tlablo and fowlhouse. Apply to .1. II. WOOD, or

813 13 tf J. i:. VV1HEMAN. .Merchant Ht.

HAMBURG i.iiJT.ssiiw.i: ro say roo jmcii txStpralsu of this good old standard I'limlly Medicine

It cannot he too hluhly recoinmi ndi d, us it Is truly n

.llni'tel ol llio K'. nnil no household should buwithout It. It prm cuts as well as cures Nklu 1Im.enset, (out. ICIieiiimitixni, 41rikel and all lllil-iie- y

IINi'iui's Airevtuil I.lii'r, lleiKlnclie,ntDien, lllle. Wind, IiiillKeillou. C'untlliii-lloi- i,

I'eters mill l(ll', SleepluvitiiekO, l.ansl-linl- e.

l'o ill Ilreulli, and every disease brought on oruggraiated by a dlsorderi'd stomach.

It purities the Wood, Ulcuntci tho htomadi and How

els, and gWuj tho whole sistcin a Healthy and Ucllsht-- fill Tone. There never wus a medlc'iic for the Nursery

equal tu It, uii'l bln' composed of Herbs only, It canbe glicn safely to Infants. It Is a triumph la medicine

yet culcaclous. luialuablo In the family, ontho road, at sea, and ever) w here.

For falo by all Druggists, and. at wholesale by810 MuLUAN HltO.H,


tftr-- Orders cmi lie Irri nt T O Thrum's Fort Hlr-- ct

and Merchant Strec t Hlorcs S"J Cm

s. w. ncriiuii & nOFFPAl FOtt SAUJ

Tlie IPollowiiig Goods,


From Grcjil l)ritiin mid Fninci'

Uaskets of tho Colebratod

Green Seal Champagne,In Quarts and Pints.

A I'ow Cases ol" ,ory Supt'ilor Old I'orl,


The I'lncst eicr .iinpnrtcil here, nnd highly recent-inenili- d

for msdlclunl use.

A l'i:V 0A8HH o?

Genuine " Chateau Lafltte" Claret.


Martull's V. S. I). Very Superior Old Ilranily

llclng two grades above !l stir In quality, nnd thefinest nnd oldest llrandy known to the q'rnde.



Tho Leading I! rami

In all the Markots'of tho World.

Bass' .A.1,A new article, elegantly libelled and capsuled.


Hock, Claret, Sauteme,AND OTHER LICHT WINES,

All of which will be olfcrriil

At Very .Moderate Prices'."J at C. W. MACFARLANE & CO.


CYLINDER LUBRICATORroii sai.i: liv Tin:

HONOLULU IRON WORKS COq'hls llttlonpnaratus oils the cylinder constantly and

perfectly. So little oil Is usid that a savlui; of oil andwear equal lo four times its cost may be etlectcd In oneseason.

. Pint Size, $45. Half Pint Size, $30.e.10 a a ui

REAL ESTATE!Desirable l'roicrly on Fort SI. For Sale.

rpiIK '.j ICNOWN" LOT SITU- -X nted on Fort btrcet above Ileretnnla. This lot Is

1U0 foct froiUnse on Fort street, and 181 feet rear. ThereIs a y dnelllui; housu on the lot, nearly new,with cook holme, bath bousvuiid privy, nud two wellsCO feel deep, well stoned up from tho bottom for sower-aii- o

purposes. The water Is laid on In four dlhereniplace., and plplni; all In good condition. There Uample room for the erection of two large cottages. Thercnclnc I all new. This is ynu or tho most healthy andcentrally located lots for a residence of any iu the citynf Honolulu Thu above sale ufiers a good opportunityfor the permanent investment ot capital.

Title perfect. Deeds at tho expense of thu purchases.A part of the purchase money may remain secured bymnrti;aj;o mi tho premises. For further particulars, applvto (1. W. MAO V, on the premises, or

A.J OAUTWItlUUT, KsoWlieru a plan nf tho lot can be seen. 7


HEIDSICKrme ununBm

And Foi Halo byx

it--mwiiuruiEII. HAOKFKLI) X CO,






wummmwummfflM vmm iitiiiiiiiii mi mi ii 'iiiiiiiiii nwiiimniiniiiiiBiiiiiiii'ii


.'- -f iJmMmfflWl





