Sanislo Chinook Poetry 2011



Poetry anthology by the students of Sanislo Elementary School, "the small school with big ideas" compiled by the library in cooperation with Writers in the Schools program.

Transcript of Sanislo Chinook Poetry 2011

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Sanislo Elementary School students worked with poet Ann Teplick and the S.A.L.

Writers-in-the-Schools Program to craft many of poems

in this book.

It was assembled and shared by the library at Sanislo

1812 SW Myrtle Seattle, WA 98106

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I AM FROM By Heckano (4th)

I am from

Eritrea that Had War

With the Ethiopians.

I am from A place that

Has peace And flowers.

I am from A place with

Rich and long History.

Eritrea is A place

That looks Like a key on a

Map. The Flag on the red

Means blood Shed. The

Blue stands For water.

The green stands For grass. Gold

Stands For riches and


HOME TO ME -Ann Teplick Scottish oatcakes Cedar and hemlock Raspberry farm Crows shoulder-to-shoulder On ledges of roof and fence Telephone wire Full moon, half moon, sliver Moon fired with fog Owls at midnight That sing the ravine Waddled opossums Orange eyes Surprise! It’s snowing! Flannel PJs with curlicue sheep Sleepy with cellos, a book Ginger tea Pup on my lap To nap Dream Of home.

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Sun -by Kate Sun is sunny, Sun is great Sun is warm, Sun is summer And sun is for you and me

Fun -by Kate Fun is for everyone! Fun is when you play outside Fun is when you ride a bike. Fun is when it’s your first day of school And fun is everything!

Wake Up - by Kate

Wake up, wake up. Eat your breakfast fast

Before the children go to class!

Snow by Kate

Snow is fun for everyone You play outside when there’s no sun

Build a snowman with a carrot nose And get your hands shivering cold.

Snow is fun for everyone!

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Forest Haiku - Carly Monsters of Sundown Towers over living life Black shadows swaying.

Love <3 -Lyanne Love is like gloves

In the sun During summer,

When people are in love, It’s brightness in your soul.


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The Exotic Jungle of Wah-Wah Pahoo -Olivia

In the exotic jungle of Wah-Wah Pahoo, Lived raindrops, and vines and a cow that said moo A lily, an iris, a few bumblebees, And a girl named Elli Who hung from the trees.

In the exotic jungle of Wa-wa Pahoo, Lived crimson leaves, and jackies, and maple trees-just 2, Wild birdies, a valley, daisies, a horse And a tiny old tack room-for ponies of course! In the exotic jungle of Wah-Wah Pahoo There’s a fireworks show, and a gigantic zoo A few little huts And some coconuts. That’s what is in that jungle! What do ya’ think is in the exotic jungle of Wah-Wah Pahoo? Well I don’t know,

It’s all up to you!

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Heart -Mayra A heart is for

My mom and my dad, My sisters and brother,

My friends and my uncles, My aunts and my cousins,

To me, to you, To love.

The Fox -Mayra There once was a fox Who jumped in a box And found Goldilocks With socks in the box.

Pick Me Up -by Theo Tide and time wait for no man, But despite your words you wait for me.

I walk in a sullen stride to your doorstep Like a man forcing his forgiveness. My excuses trouble me. You let my mistake go Without a word or look. You say in your raspy, But yet smooth voice, “Come and talk to me.” I resist, Though my heart pulls me Toward your arms You can pick me up.

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Secret Agent Place (a list poem)-by Ridwan Hole in the floor Secret comfy bed Flat screen TV Robot maid in the kitchen Swimming pool Pool table PS3 Science lab Pet Cheetah Lamborghini

Where I am From -Sebastian

From long roads to pool to making pizza

To biking to my cousins To spraying soda everywhere

To playing soccer To cliff diving and climbing mountains

To stinging beaches to nice houses To eating and walking in the scorching sun

To restaurants To wasps

to feeding cats and to feeding three kittens To everyday.

And to Italy, where I am from.

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Group Poems from 4-5th

HOME Mr. Apostol’s Class I am from the goal area in soccer From the house with three loud dogs— Zeus, Karry, and Mal From the dearly beloved dogs Mia and Sebastian I am from Guadalajara, where there’s a lot of crime From all the geckos on the wall From my two-year old baby brother Miguel Wisconsin, where bread is hot, and cheese is being made From the town of loneliness and crimes I am from my black fluffy puppy Bruno running around crazy From the person in front of the Xbox, TV, or playing Hide and Seek in the back yard. I am from a city that is so hot From the summertime heat of Houston, Texas

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PEACEFUL FOREST Mr. Apostol’s class Rabbits Scratches on the bark from bear or elk horn Hawk and eagle bringing food Witches butter fungi Waterfall Birds chirping Rushing water Sunset Green grassy smell Stream, campfire Cedar wood Stumps with moss Bumpy rocks Smell of soil, dirt and dew

UNTITLED Naeem (4th) I am from football and I am tackle and Center. It smells like dirt and grass. It’s rainy, it hurts when you’re tackled Or when you tackle someone else. You Can’t run no more, but you have to win. You throw the last football and You catch the ball and you win. The score is 37-36. You’re whole team is happy.

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I AM FROM Mr. Simmons’ Class I am from a strong family, and if we stop being strong, they will push us even harder. A Mexican family that speaks Spanish and English. Two palms pressed together before each meal in prayer of thanks “itadakimasu.” I am from wild possums running through the yard, that frightened my mother and made her want to move to the city. The smell of machine oil that clings to the soles of my sneakers, to my fingertips and to the hair of my nostrils. The dripping tree in the yard covered with birds, rainy Seattle. I am from a communist country, Romania, and set free in America. A family that loves me and my siblings. A nice town, Georgetown, and a sister who takes care of all of the kids. I am from Pho, that was steamed in a bowl with meat

HAIR By Anton Tomcal My hair is as shiny as a new penny. My sister’s hair is as strong as a ruler. My mom’s hair is as soft as a duck’s belly. My dad’s hair reminds me of my rooster Bob Part of my hair.

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THIS DOG Mr. Simmons’ Class Has long skinny legs, as long as a stick, a pole, a straw Has a long skinny tail, as long as a giraffe’s neck or a pencil Its ears hang down This dog has fur as black as velvet and shaggy like yarn Eyes as smooth as melted caramel that are amber Nose as slimy as a snail. This dog whimpers as sweet as silk Is silent as a moonlit night As squeaky as a chip monk He has a bark as deep as a boulder Whines like steam from a cinnamon roll Fresh from the oven Cries softer than hot chocolate His tail crashes against the wall Which sounds like metal crashing on metal He sounds like an elephant spraying steam out of its trunk. And has a bark as rough as a porcupine This dog smells like hot biscuits straight out of the oven Smells like coffee with lots of cream Smells like a peppermint candy cane Or dark spring soil after a large thunderstorm. He smells like wet soggy pancakes with syrup and whipped cream.

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Waterbed Pillows filled with Twinkies Window with sun streaming through Curtains, blue and yellow daisies. A closet as big as an elephant Books lined up in the book shelf Big flat-screen TV Smells like carrots. A rabbit on the waterbed eating carrots. Smells like vanilla from lit candles Aroma of chocolate cupcakes waft beneath the door Floor of chocolate chip cookies Crunching of a mink eating peppermint candy Bubbling of water from the fountain In the garden Sounds of flowers blooming Birds humming. My peaceful bedroom.

RAIN SHOWER Ms. Prinzing’s class Green as seaweed Raindrops as fat as a truck Grass that smells like a wet dog And Jolly Ranchers A guy who is opening his purple umbrella Rain beating down on the umbrella like an elephant Catcher’s mitt catching a ball Crack of the bat hitting the ball Squirrels skittering for shelter

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DOG Ms. Prinzing’s Class Short, white, curly fur As short as a milk carton Teeth as sharp as razor blades Fur as curly as the hair on a person’s back C laws as sharp as dinosaur teeth A color as red as blood Fur softer than a horse’s ear Smells as stinky as a hippo Smells as sweet as strawberry shortcake after a bath As loud as a car horn, an ambulance siren, huge music speakers at the stadium As quiet as an ant, a butterfly flapping

HAIR Ms. Prinzing’s Class My hair is as gold as a sunflower petal As straight as a Chinese noodle As long as Rapunzel’s hair As big as a blackberry bush As fluffy as a lamb As strong as a sumo wrestler As spiky as a sea of swords, a bed of nails, Dinosaur teeth, thorns on a poison ivy bush Grows like a weed As brown as a chocolate mountain of cake As curly as the ripples in the ocean As curly as spiral corkscrew noodles As gold as the wheat in the sunset in the countryside As dark as an undertaker’s song As dark as a tunnel with no light As black as black ink.

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MY HAIR IS Mr. Apostol’s Class

Greasy as a Big Mac Spiky as a star Spiky as the sharp tip of a mountain Fluffy as a poodle’s back Soft as my cat Black like a dark marker Curly as a curly fry from Jack in the Box Tangled as ramen noodles before they are cooked Long as Rapunzel’s hair Curly as Rotini pasta

MY HAIR Mr. Simmons’ class Is as black as Miss Ann’s socks Is as black as this marker’s ink Is like silk Is as beautiful as a warm summer day Is as short as a porcupine’s quill Is as long as twenty pieces of licorice Is as curly as a piggy’s tail Is as straight as a line Is as curly as sheep’s fur Is a rainbow of color Is as long as the Eiffel Tower Is as straight as a ribbon Is as short as a shaved dog.

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HAIR by Alan (5th) My hair is as dark as midnight On a stormy night. As dark as space without stars. As clean as glass marble Which man has never laid a foot on. As clean as a brand new car. As smooth as X-box controllers. As smooth as baby cheeks. As short as a Smurf. My dad’s hair is as short as an eraser As straight as parallel tracks. as straight as a ruler.

HAIR Theo (5th) My hair is as round As Charlie Brown’s head. My hair is as brown as Thanksgiving gravy. As short as Nepolian. My hair is as straight as a ruler. It’s as disobedient as the rest of me. My dad’s hair is short and sticks up An inch in the air. My mom’s hair is long and black as ink. Granddad’s hair is as thick as 2 x 4s And as grey as wolves. My hair is like a couch Strong and soft.

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PEOPLE’S HAIR By Anya (5th)

My hair is as purple striped As a tiger’s orange stripes. My hair is puffy Like a swollen scab. My mom’s hair is as yellow as the sun At its brightest moment. My papa’s hair is as rough as leather. Isaac, my brother’s hair, is as crazy As a chimpanzee. Now, my Au Pair’s hair Is as long as an elephant’s trunk As smooth as velvet As dark as a dead computer screen And her hair smells like all sorts of shampoos And conditioners, like all sorts of flowers I have never smelled before. She is from Brazil.

BILLIONS OF HAIRS ON YOUR HEAD By Alyanna (5th) My hair is as puffy as a soaked up sponge. Geena’s hair is as messy as grapevines Growing on a black-fenced house. Jacob’s hair is as short as a freshly cut Dark brown lawn. Pap’s hair is like a mix of salt and pepper. Mama’s hair smells like hair spray, Even before she puts it on. Everybody’s hair is different.

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MY HAIR Alexis (5th) My hair is as warm and soft as a hug A hug that comforts your heart. My hair smells like the cold breeze in winter The winter that is peaceful and quiet Just for two people. I can feel a kitten When I touch my hair. When I wake up, my hair is messy. Messy as if you had your hair wet And blow dried it crazy. My hair can part on one side to the other. It can pull back in a ponytail Or stay down. My hair is as black as the dark night, So dark, you can hear the owls Calling to each other. But my hair is only really black When it’s winter. In summer, my hair looks like a brownish Red color in the direct sunlight. Everyone’s hair is different, But this is my hair.

MY HAIR By Hans (4th) My hair is shiny as a mirror Reflecting light. My hair is dark as a void. My hair is smooth as my white board. My hair feels like grains of sand.

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HAIR By Khoa (5th) Hairs in my family are special.

My father’s hair is as smooth as a tumble rock After 100 years. My mom’s hair is very long, As long as a small rope that is black. My hair is as short as grass. It is very black As space without anything It is as dark as rainy stormy night in winter. My hair is as spiky as a wooden stake. And finally, my brother’s hair Is as tasty as a barbecue. It has a very good smell, like when after You take a bath. It is like smelling a rose that is just born. It is very valuable, like finding 1000 pounds of gold. And he cares for it like it’s gold My family’s hair is wonderful.

HAIR By Alex (4th)

Like crunching cookies Fuzzy as a brown teddy As dark as a shirt Feels like a round rock Smells like hair oil Tangled as a jump rope Curly as a spiral of noodles

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I am from Vietnam From the world with loud noises. I am from the old world, Where machines and buildings are normal. I’m from the dusty small house, From the fish tank that stays in the middle of the house, With the strong little dog barking at strangers. I am from the world of soccer, Where the players play fairly. I’m from the tile factory Where my dad puts all his heart in. I’m from the parents that are nice and kind, From the brain that is always concentrating And never gives up. I am from a nice world.

HAIR By Gaylane (4th) My hair is as black as the flashing Eyes of a wolf going in for a kill. My hair is as choppy as Baby bear’s fur. My hair is as short As the grass That has just been burnt By a wild fire.

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By Theo (4th)

I am from the sautéed peppers In my grandmother’s pan. I am from

The weak fig tree in my backyard Managing to stand tall and somehow Bearing fruit. From the soft rhythmic Sound of ball on pavement, spinning Softly into the long white net. From

The boy On the rock crouching, watching Over the river below. The words

Of my parents flowing In

Out Of my ear drum

As I stare mindlessly at the blank TV.

MY TRADITIONS By Alianno (4th) My traditions My traditions I am from Samoa My traditions My traditions All my brothers dance a special dance—Haka My traditions My traditions We dance for the past, present and future My traditions My traditions We have a big feast—Taro chicken, noodles, ribs My traditions My traditions These are my traditions

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A PEACEFUL PLACE by Hien (4th) A peaceful place, sitting next to my grandma at her house in Vietnam, in her yard, sitting together on the rocking chair with a pillow at our back that’s heart shaped and red. My grandma sitting next to me singing me a Vietnamese song called “I love my family.” Singing in Vietnamese as soft and slow as a whisper. A song, like our family eating a dinner together of rice and chicken and fish soup. When my grandma is done singing, I clap and hug her. Even the birds love her, too. They fly to the fence and say, “Cheep! Cheep!” A peaceful place, sitting next to my grandma while she sings to me.

THE OLD SHACK Alex (4th) I am from Cambodia From the house next to the old shack With a snake inside. I am from a mother Who had to cross the border to get To Thailand and escape Pol Pot,

Editor’s Note: Hien read this poem at Benaroya Hall on 5/24 to 2500 people at the Seattle Arts and Lectures event featuring poet Wendell Berry. Bravo Hien!

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MY HAIR By Taylor (4th) My hair is as wavy brown

As a chocolate mountain of cake. It is as shiny and silky As conditioner and fresh milk. It is as shaded dark as the night sky By the moonlight. Smells like fruit. As strong as a hippo. As short as my little kitty cat. Swift like the stormy breeze In a clockwise traveling storm. As soft as cotton candy in the carnival. Trust me, it tastes as bad as dog meal With fur on it. That is my hair now and for a while.

HAIR by Janice (4th)

Everyone in my family

Has the same black hair But different texture.

When my dad’s hair is newly cut,

It is as prickly As thorns on a rose.

My brother’s hair

Is as dark as a shadow on a tree. Sometimes black, and sometimes brown.

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FAMILY HAIR by Alex (4th) Everyone in my family has dark hair, except me. My mom’s hair is as wavy as the waves in the sea. My dad’s hair is as brown as the dark chocolate candy That he got my mom on mother’s day. My brother’s hair is as floppy as a mop after cleaning And as dark as a black lab. My hair is as fluffy as a giant cotton ball Dribbling itself into a gigantic field of feathers.


By Mari (5th) I’m from the sunny big city

Of Houston, Texas, and the very rainy town

Of Seattle. I’m from the Friday night barbecues

Of my back yard. I am from the quiet nights with loud

Crickets chirping. I am from the mean Cat that gives me permanent scars.

I am from another cat that acts like birds I am from #1 unicyclers and 1

Excellent baritone player. I am from the Central District

Where I have 1 millions friends.

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I KNOW SOMEONE By Levi (5th)

I know someone

Smart and funny (or at least trying to be). I know someone who is British

And Syrian. I know someone who loves sushi

And Nutella and spaghetti. I know someone who loves

To BB gun. And read. And read. And read.

You might know this person, Because this person isn’t you

But me.

UNTITLED By Ivan (5th) I am from the loud trumpet at home. And the smell of flower Febreeze perfume. I am from the smelly armpits at my boxing gym That smells different from my house. I’m from the 8-week old dog named Jo-Jo That is a red nose Pit bull That always wakes me up at night That scratches my door and annoys me.

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MY HAIR IS ALWAYS WITH ME by Chandra (5th) My hair wakes up with me In the morning After I’ve twisted ‘n turned in bed Where my hair is as tangled and knotted As a bird’s nest. My hair jumps up with me In the afternoon When I run with my friends Where my hair is as straight and smooth As uncooked spaghetti. My hair eats with me In the evening At dinnertime If I’m not careful. My hair sleeps with me At night time Where my hair is all over the place Like lightning bolts. My hair Is always With me.

MY HAIR By Devon (5th)

My hair is as straight as the bristles of a comb.

My hair is as puffy as a sea urchin when I wake up. My hair’s color is like milk chocolate.

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MY HAIR By Soren (5th) My hair is as blond as Justin Bieber (AKA complete weirdo) My hair is as weird as a cliché 80’s person. My hair is as greasy as the greasiest Big Mac on record. My hair is as soft as a teddy bear. My hair can get as sweaty as a teenager’s gym socks. I never brush my hair, for when I do, it looks like I used a lot of gel. My hair shifts color over the seasons with spring, brownish blonde; summer, golden; fall, dull blonde; Winter reddish blonde. My hair used to have streaks as red as a ruby. Now, it looks like gold that’s in dirt. My hair is like a cat. When it’s calm, It’s harmless, but if it gets mad (or has gel) It’s like a deranged lion. My hair is rare, and I appreciate it.

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MY HAIR By Alex (5th) My hair is a tangled as ramen Noodles before they are cooked. My hair is as red as gushing blood When I’m in the sun. My hair is as long as the Columbia River. It’s as thick as blubber from an Orca whale. My hair is as cold as your hands With frostbite on a snowy Winter day. My hair gets in my face all the time And it’s as annoying as flies Around your face That you can’t get rid of.

THE HAIR I WISHED I HAD By Quentin (5th)

Is cut hair soft as a dog’s back.

The design is fireworks all over. And my hair has waves like ocean waves

That crash across the beach With crab and sand and sea turtles.

HAIR By Jarrod (5th) My hair is short as a waffle pancake. It feels like an old Greyhound. It is thin as a piece of paper And is the color of a hot chili pepper.

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I Miss My Dad by Lorenzo I love lollipops. I love sourdrops. I love friends and family. But I’ll miss my dad. I thought he would stay all year, But guess not. So I’ll let him go. My dad would always spoil me with games and TV. I love my dad and he loves meeeeee!

Dear Dirt by Isaac I like you because you make people have something to walk on. And I do not like you because you are mean And when you get wet it turns into mud And when I fall I get all muddy.

Snowflake by Brandon I am the first snowflake of the year. I am as white as a blank piece of paper. Everybody always tries to catch me on their tongue. I hate it every year but, Luckily, I always land on the ground. I’m as cold as an ice cube in the south pole.

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Beautiful Basil by Ms. O’Connor Basilica my son Burnt black velvety mink fur Snoring by my feet Licking, cleaning licking Sitting silently Cleaning persistently Perfectly purring Waiting for food Always wanting more, more, more!! My Beautiful Basil boy.

I Am a SAXAPHONE! By Sabrina I am a saxophone! My colors are yellow, blue, red and pink. I am dressed in a green leather jacket. I sound like birds chirping in the daylight, A mouse hitting a turtle’s shell And someone picking up sand then dropping it. I taste like three chocolate covered strawberries Bursting with flavor in your mouth! I feel like solid gold that was just polished.

Ode to a Cat by Qiantre My aunt’s cat chewy is as jumpy as a jack rabbit. My aunt’s cat is as fluffy as a carpet. My aunt’s cat is as scared of her shadow as a groundhog. My aunt’s cat has nails as a sharp butcher knife.

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Ode to my Personal Dog by Giselle My dog is a Chihuahua and my dog’s color is light brown. My dog smells like sunflowers. My dog feels like a fluffy North Face jacket. My dog sounds like a woodpecker pecking in a tree. My dog’s name is Paco. My dog jumps like a kangaroo. My dog’s nails are sharp as a butter knife. My dog and I like to walk at the park. What we do is run and chase each other.

When My Sister Came Home by Eve When my sister came home from the dentist She still had her baby tooth. But when she came out of the dentist it was gone But she still had the tooth growing in her gum. She still was a little bit weird. But I still gave her a hug because I missed her. When I gave her a hug again She felt like a cloud in the sky. When I kissed her it felt like kissing an angel Because when you feel that way you love that person so much.

Ode to Drums by Kenny I sound like a bunny’s beating heart. I look like many boxes stuck together. I feel really hard like metal on the side. I taste like leather and wood. I smell like the winter wind going past me. I like when people play me. I am the drums.

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Hurricane by Bijan I fall asleep and when I wake up I am a hurricane.

I am angry at mankind for polluting the planet. I float above cities destroying everything that is in my path.

I float above the sea sinking ships that get in my way. People beg for mercy, het I show none.

I will stop at nothing to destroy the human race!

Ode to Christmas Snow by Kimberly I like to play in the snow. You are fresh cold white snow. You cover the colorful houses and flowers. You wonder my day. When it is Christmas I am sad because you disappear And I miss you until next winter. You sparkle my day. I look and wait until you come.

My Stepmom Jacqueline by Kaijah

My stepmom is as soft as my big fluffy pink blanket. My stepmom smells like hot chocolate right after she takes a shower. My stepmom is very nice. She will teach me how to play piano after Christmas. My stepmom will do whatever she could for me and my sister to be healthy and clean Because she gives us soup and gives us a hot bath. I just care she’s my beautiful mom.

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Ode to Shoe by Eyorusalem I am a boot. I smell like perfume And I feel like a smooth dog. I taste like red nail polish. My color is dark black.

I am the Piano by Lynda I look like a shiny gold. I sound like the cold wind. I taste like a sour candy. I feel like a waxy window. I smell like a tasty coffee. I am waterproof. I would like it when ANYONE plays me But I don’t like when someone puts me in the dump.

The Drums! By Dustyn I sound like a mother’s heart beat. I taste like salsa when it is made. I look like a brown piece of carmel chocolate. I smell like sweat right after I’ve been played. I feel like the sand from the beach. And that’s me, The Drums.

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To Understand Me is to Know by Jason To understand me is to know that I watch NFL games on TV And I watch the Seahowks versus the Detroit Lions And the Seahawkk won the game. To understand me you should know I ride my bike around the block. I ride with my friend Daniel. He is nice as a little baby.

Rabbit by Tiana Dear Rabbit, I like it when you let me pet your shiny black fur. I also like it when you let me hold you. I don’t like it when you don’t let other people pet you or hold you because you always run away. And when my friends leave You come out of your hiding spot. It’s hard to stay mad at you

Magic Mushrooms by Ella I eat lunch and it turns me into a blind newborn puppy.

I am a little wet brown puppy being newborn. I bump into lots of Sanislo students.

I am still at school. None of the teachers notice me gone. I had magic mushrooms in my lunch.

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The Beautiful Sky by Ashley To understand me you need to know that

I like to look up into space at night time. When I go camping I look outside of the window. When I am lying down and the window open is the window of the camper. The sky looks like lava that is black Except I see stars in the air. The think I’m looking for is the Milky Way.

Dear Porcupine -Joceline Do you really have quills? Do you shoot them out? Are you mean? Can you be nice too? Do you hurt people? Are you a quilly bush that moves? Can you be a good pet? You look like pine needles. XOXO

My Friend Maggie the Doberman Pincher/Black Lab by Ellenor I am harmless and I like to play fetch with my red ball. I am black with a lab-ish tail. My ears are pointed like a thorn. Just don’t take my red ball, Or I will push you down!

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A Newborn Puppy by Amy I am a newborn puppy and I am a Maltese that is sad when I’m not with my mother. I am 5 inches tall And I have 10 sisters and 20 brothers. I am the color black But I don’t have white spots. After I take a bath I smell like a clean and fresh carmel apple. After I take a bath I look like a skinny Chihuahua. My name is Cindy. I chase my tail And my owner starts opening his mouth and makes weird noises. People say, “I can’t stop laughing” because Cindy keeps on chasing her tail.

I am a Dragon by Julius I am a dragon Every day I break one alarm clock With my big hard toe nail. I just wish I wasn’t so pale. I look like a vampire that came out of a jail. Can I go home and trim my nails?

All About Mr. Slug by Clayton I am as slow as molasses. I crawl, I have no legs. I leave a trail of slime behind me. I am as mushy as mud. When people touch me I suck my eyes in. I like to eat leaves! I feel very bad when people say EWWWWWWW! I don’t like it when people put salt on me Because I turn inside out!

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THIS IS MY LIFE by Hannah (4th)

This is my life, where in spring it snows,

flakes as big as new blossoms on the cherry tree in my grandmother’s back yard.

This is my life where there’s an apartment full of despair and hatred, but hope and care.

This is my life full of confusion, but love, as warm as my mother’s homemade fresh tostadas.

This is my life with friends and family who stand by my side and squish me in-between them like lettuce and sharp cheddar cheese between bread in a sandwich.

This is my life which is and will always be strong and hard like a 50,000-pound boulder.

This is my life which is hard on the outside but soft as a newborn black kitten on the inside.

This is my life where a girl stays up till 11:00 on school nights reading chapter books or playing Psp.

This is my life where a girl eats meat, like Italian or barbecue chicken every night. And plays the wii Sports Resort until the battery runs out. This is my life. I want to live it.

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Hair to Hair by Madalyn My hair is as brown as golden chocolate Shining as soft as a towel just out of the warm drier in the White House. As wavey as a dog’s wavy hair. As cold as the coldest heater on the planet in the iceage. As fun as braiding a dog’s hair and going to Wild Waves. and… As to my sisters hair It is a brown as two dogs fighting As soft as a new baby elephant As smooth as 2 dogs cozying together As warm as the summer As silky as...I can’t even braid it. And… As to my brother’s hair It is as golden as a dog and a yellow unicycle As rough as two dogs itching their heads As pointy as a porcupine As cool as a Mohawk As weird as all other boys that are weird And… My mom’s hair is as dark brown as two dark chocolates And not so soft as it is not nice to feel. As hard as saltand water mixed together As cool as women that’s the mom. And As to my dad’s hair As black as two crows. As soft way-I don’t want to go that way As soft as an eel. Its good hair still. As funky as –Wow– I want that hair And… As to my baby sister’s hair As golden as two baby girls whose twins are going to school. As soft as two cat fur. As curly as baby sheep’s hair. As warm as an elephant as “OMG that baby is a cutie!”

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UNTITLED By Olivia (4th) I am from a tree house that a 4 year Old birthday girl learns how to climb into On the sweetest summer day. I am from Point Mountain, where when you Walk up the stone steps, you can see the orange Mountains beneath the rainbow watercolor sky And you are surrounded by strawberry blossoms As pink as frosting. I am from the long road trips where I read Books until I get sick and eat Munster. I am from the soft pink noses of horses And the sweet fresh-cut grass and sprinkles of summer. I am from the rose bush by the old blue Barn, where a tricycle is my favorite object. I am from the Monarch stove in my Garndpa’s house. I am from yummy Swedish shortbread for Potlucks, and a dad who makes breakfast for me. I am from a loving family.

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THE HAIR BY Grayson (4th) My hair is as straight as a straight line My hair is as white as a speed limit sign My hair is as short as the ‘second’ lines on the clock My hair is as bumpy as a rock My hair is as shiny as the sun on the ocean My hair is as soft as an otter’s My hair is as pokey as a cactus My hair gets sweaty at soccer practice.

HAIR By Christopher (4th)

My hair is as soft as a cheetah’s.

My hair is as dark as black spray paint. My hair is as shiny as metal.

MY HAIR By Daniel (4th) My hair is up. My hair is a triangle— A mohawk. It’s as black as the ink Of my marker.

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THE HAIR By Evan (4th)

Long hair

Brown hair Straight hair

When it’s dry, it smells like sharp cheddar cheese When it’s wet it smells like broccoli

It feels like sand in your hand. The Hair.

It gets warm or cold around you Depending on your mood.

When you’re happy, it’s as shiny as gold. And warm. When you’re sad, it’s dull and cold.

Sometimes it sticks straight up When you’re scared or excited.

The Hair. HAIR By Thea (4th) My hair is like a river It’s never the same twice Sometimes It twines together like water weed Or is moist Like a freshly caught fish. It may be a flash In the sunlight With red highlights Like the blood Of a slowly dying animal Losing its life In the murky water As the flies come to feast On its carcass.

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The Lion ROARS -by Kaijah The lion roars like the thunder I hear The lion roars like the water that does down the mountain. The lion roars like the cub’s mother whose really angry. The lion roars like the bee that stung me yesterday. The lion roars like the ding I hear on my typewriter. YOU ARE THE NOISE.

The lion roars like the wind that makes me cold. The lion roars like the waves of the sea.

The lion roars like the tornados in Kansas. The lion roars like the earthquake.

The lion roars like the flutter of the butterfly. The lion roars like the smoke of the pipe.

The lion roars like the buzz of the bee. The lion roars like the flash of lightening.

The lion roars like the sun rising from the ground.

Only You by Anya

When I’m with you I could let my tension go with the wind and stick to another unlucky person.

I could be so different. I’d be famous, but you’d still love me!

When I’m with you, you focus on me and no other. I feel like you and me just goooooooooooooooooo

When I’m with you I can pop and you’d put me back together now matter where or when.

I care for you and you care for me. Only you!

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Clouds By Sophie (3rd)

Dear clouds, I like how you run on the wind like you’re racing the other clouds. I like how the sun turns reddish-orange and how the sky is blue and it turns you purple at sunset. How can you change to purple just because the sun changed color and the sky turns dark blue at sunset? I really don’t care if you change color. It makes you prettier than plain old gray, black and white. You’re the ones who make rain land on a spider’s web

Robot By Ethan (3rd) I’m a robot that defeats air. I do work at Sector 7. I am half a plane and submarine and a tank. My secret weapons are water and lava and a machine gun. I am a robot that protects earth from evil darkness monsters. Actually I am a terminator that could heal up when I get hurt. I speak Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Bangkok, Korean. I have a jet pack with my robot.

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A Pillow Pet By Makeya (3rd) You can use them for any time, sleepy time, play time, any time. My sister keeps on saying it’s a pillow it’s a pet it’s a pillow pet. My sister has a penguin and I got the squeaky dolphin. It looks like a real dolphin and a real penguin.

Thunder Storm By Sorrel (3rd) I rumble as wind swoops and dives As the rain roars on roofs As the numbers from my football T-shirt hung in my closet pour out and Flies with the old man’s inside-out umbrella As the dogs bark at darkness and cats yowel As the blood in my thunder body Drops to my feet I rumble As a drum is swept out the door As the rain stops As the fog clears As my voice whispers As the blood in my thunder body Drops to my feet.

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Ode to T-Rex By Amanuel (3rd) Why do you have such long claws? Why are you so tall that you can reach the sky? Why do you have different colors on your bodies? I love T-Rex because they have sharp teeth and short arms.

Ode to a Spider By Kai (3rd)

You are as beautiful as a diamond.

I see you as my pet although you are a wild animal. How do you spin such beautiful webs of magic?

Hey there’s a fly in your web! Quick! Wrap it up so it can’t fly away!

Bite it! Whew, that was a close one. Now suck its blood. Bye my spider.

Good night.

Ode to Snickers By Kalum (3rd) Ode to Snickers because of their Carmelly chocolatey nutty goodness Sweeter than Milky Ways One of the best chocolate bars in the world.

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Snow Flake By Rosalyn (3rd) I went to bed myself. I woke up as a snow flake. I went out the window and past the North Pole and came back by the wind blowing me through-out the whole world. And then when I came back to the house it was Christmas and I got a lot of presents when I transform back to me!

A Horse By Ellie (3rd)

I went to sleep as me and awoke as a horse.

I started running I felt soft and cool wind running through my mane

I felt like I was running 100 miles per hour. I could not stop running.

Someone was coming after me. They got on a horse and they were catching up to me!

And they captured me! I tried to break loose but I could not.

They put me in a stable with sweet smelling straw and apples, carrots, full trough and everything.

The next day yepee I am free again!

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Cheetah By Hebron (3rd) When I was a cheetah I would run as fast as a motorcycle I am speedier than all cheetahs I chase my brother as a zebra I feel happy and my brother is happy We have fun

The Dog and Magic Pizza By Mya (3rd)

One day a dog found a pizza a pepperoni pizza

Then thought hmmm I’m going to bring the pizza home

So he took the pizza home but that wasn’t a regular pizza

It’s a wishing pizza But the dog didn’t know

But when he ate it he wished he was a monster dog and

Started to destroy the town But then the dog saw the pizza

and wished this never happened So the dog turned back to normal

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Ode to Ice-Cream By Antonella (3rd) It is cold as ice As creamy as milk As it melts in my mouth It smells like cookies and cream, my favorite. I see chunks of little crushed Oreo cookies When I eat it I feel like I’m in L.A. It is cool and refreshing on a hot summer day As I sit in the park in the green fresh grass Every single lick has something special.

Alligator By Dylan (3rd)

The alligator is as white as a bunny.

It smells like red daisies. It is as fast as a cheetah

It eats like an eagle Its skin is as hard as a solid rock

It is athletic like a runner in the Olympics It is as wide as a wide screen TV

It is as big as a dinosaur. It eats fruits.

It lives in the desert.

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Montana Limerick -Mr Simmons I knew a gal, hailed from Billings Received radio songs on her fillings. She’d open her trap, Out would come country or rap, As a DJ she made quite a killing

Teachers by Adrianne I love teachers Teachers that are preachers Teachers that have peaches. Teachers that have features. I love teachers. Teachers with a dice of mice And Teachers that eat rice. Even teachers that have lice. Teachers.

Saturday Blues by Layla

I woke up Saturday with a cold and the hiccups. I got mad and slammed the door at my mom.

She said I can’t go outside for a week. I said, “I don’t care.”

“OK” she said, “You can’t go outside for 3 weeks. And I can’t love you no more.”

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