Samsung HSP Inverter Duct - LRES

s Slimmest and lightest design s R410A gas; COP 3.61 s 75 metre pipe length to outdoor unit/30m elevation s &00 PD[LPXP DLU ƭRZ UDWH s 6DPVXQJ TXDOLW\ EDFNHG QDWLRQZLGH E\ )RXUZD\V $LUFRQGLWLRQLQJ $ UDQJH RI KLJKFDSDFLW\ 'XFWHG XQLWV ZLWK ,QYHUWHU HFRQRP\ IRU climate control of large areas. Samsung Inverter HSP Duct Airconditioner

Transcript of Samsung HSP Inverter Duct - LRES

Page 1: Samsung HSP Inverter Duct - LRES

The advantages of an inverter,

NEW Inverter Light

With a new and sleek design, bigger fan motor and increased air

with unrivalled unit performance.

Fourways Airconditioning (Jhb)

(011) 704-6320


Fourways Airconditioning (Pta)

(012) 643-0445

Samair ( Cape Town)

(021) 556 8292

Samair ( Port Elizabeth)

(041) 484 – 6413

Fourways Aircondidtioning ( KZN)

(031) 579-1895

Samsung Inverter HSP Duct Airconditioner NS180

Slimmest and lightest design R410A gas; COP 3.61 75 metre pipe length to outdoor unit/30m elevation

climate control of large areas.

Samsung Inverter HSP Duct Airconditioner

Page 2: Samsung HSP Inverter Duct - LRES

With a maximum cooling capacity of 28.5kW plus an rate of 80 CMM (AC250 model), this new range of Samsung Inverter HSP Ducted units is ideal for the climate control of large areas. EERs of up to 3.30 and COPs of up to 3.61 ensure maximum energy A 75 metre length of piping to the outdoor unit combined with low sound pressure from the indoor unit ensures extremely quiet operation. As with all Samsung airconditioners, these HSP Ducteds are backed by 9 Fourways Airconditioning branches nationwide.

Distributed & supported nationwide by Fourways Airconditioning:

Due to Samsung’s policy of constant improvement, are subject to change without notice. E&OE.

Cape Town: (021) 556-8292KZN: (031) 579-1895Port Elizabeth: (041) 484-6413Helderberg: (021) 854-5233East London: (043) 722-0671

Gauteng: (011) 704-6320

Pretoria: (012) 643-0445

Bloemfontein: 083 381 0074

George: 082 380 0708

Samsung Inverter HSP Duct Airconditioner



System pmuP taeHpmuP taeHpmuP taeHedoM


05.82/00.52/00.900.32/00.02/05.700.02/00.81/00.6]Wk[ )xaM / dtS / niM( gnilooC






00.23/00.72/00.0100.52/00.32/05.805.22/00.02/08.4]Wk[ )xaM / dtS / niM( gnitaeH


Power Input (Nomina l )

00.21/85.9/06.200.8/54.6/01.203.7/54.5/03.1]Wk[ )xaM / dtS / niM( gnilooC

05.31/33.8/05.208.9/66.6/01.206.7/45.5/02.1]Wk[ )xaM / dtS / niM( gnitaeH

16.21.303.3]W/W[ )gnilooC lanimoN( REE


Piping Connections575757]m[ htgneL .xaM noitallatsnI

03030.03]m[ thgieH .xaM noitallatsnI

Refrige rant A014RA014RA014RepyT

05 ,042-022 ,2 ,105 ,042-022 ,2 ,105,042-022,2,1

Fan 00.15/00.46/00.0800.84/00.06/00.2700.05/00.06/00.17]MMC[ )woL / diM / hgiH( etaR wolF riA


43.0 / 39.0 / 35.0 44.0 / 40.0 / 36.0 47.0 / 42.0 / 37.0

69 70 72

External Dimension (Indoo r Uni t)

Net Weight (kg) 82.50 82.5 82.5

Net Dimensions (W xHx D) [m m] 1350 x 450 x 910 1350 x 450 x 910 1350 x 450 x 910

3,4,380- 415,50 3,4,380- 415,50 3,4,380- 415,50

Fan Ai r Flow Ra te (Cool ing) [CMM] 110.00 200 200


55.0 / 57.0 58.0 / 60 59.0 / 61.0

76.0 75 77

External Dimension (Outdoor Uni t)

Net Weight (kg) 107.50 154 154

Net Dimensions (W xHx D) [m m] 940 x 1420 x 330 940 x 1630 x 460 940 x 1630 x 460

Operating Temp. Range

Cool ing [°C] -15~50 -20~50 -20~50

Heating [°C] -20~ 24 -20~ 24 -20~ 24