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Breakthrough Anti-Ageing Cure

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© Copyright, 2018, Nishant Patnaik

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ISBN: 978-1-5457-2294-7

Price: ` 664.00

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Breakthrough Anti-Ageing Cure

Nishant Patnaik


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Sr. Title Page

- Introduction vi

1 Human Growth Hormone 1

2 Melatonin 7

3 Metformin 10

4 Dhea 15

5 Estrogen 18

6 Calorie Restriction 21

7 Hormonal Therapies 23

8 Antioxidants 29

9 Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) 32

10 Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) 39

- Conclusion 46

- References 48

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It is often said that the wisdom that comes with age is nice, the

wrinkles, ailing joints, and

General frailty are not. That‘s why it is no surprise that ‗anti-

ageing‘ is such a hot

topic. Luckily, the key to anti-aging is within your reach.

When it comes to relaying

messages, inducing reactions and protecting tissue – it‘s all

about your hormones.

Hormones are chemical messengers that are keeping the body


From regulating metabolism and growth to controlling

immune function and reproduction, hormones are major players in

all that you do and all that you are –

physically at least.

Most people associate human growth hormone and DHEA

with ageing, but progesterone, testosterone, estrogens play a role in

aging as well. If the delicate balance of any one of these hormones

is destroyed, it can constitute a heavy toll on your body, mind, and

spirit – and be mistaken as classic signs of ageing.

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This ebook assesses the present status of hormonal therapy in

an anti-ageing cure. In spite of the fact that various trials have been

conducted, some of which are still ongoing, the multitude of

questions related to the best possible use of these hormonal agents

have still not been answered. Treatment guidelines concerning

these issues are continuing to evolve as progress continues to be

made in this field.


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Breakthrough Anti-Ageing Cure


1. Human Growth Hormone


The rate of GH secretion from the anterior pituitary is highest

around puberty and declines progressively thereafter. This age-

related decline in GH secretion involves a number of changes in

the GH axis, including decreased serum levels of insulin-like

growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and decreased secretion of growth

hormone-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus. The cause of

the normal age-related decrease in GH secretion is not well

understood but is thought to result, in part, from increased

secretion of somatostatin, the GH-inhibiting hormone.

Research evidence shows human growth hormone in ageing

patients who have used this treatment feels younger and healthier

after. Despite the innovative human growth hormone therapy, it

has failed to live up to the present because of some side effects.

Some of the side effects include obesity due to weight gain,

diabetes, and high blood pressure. As the name implies, it

stimulates growth. There have been a number of concerns as to

whether this treatment stimulates cancer development in malignant

tumor patients. Another experiment conducted finds that human

growth hormone treatment in animals accelerates life span in old

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Nishant Patnaik


mice. For that reason, human growth hormone can make aged

patients to feel healthier and increase their life span.( N. Patnaik)

When humans become aged, they experience a decrease in the

level of growth hormone. This is often as a result of growth

hormones releasing hormone (GHRH) production being reduced in

the hypothalamus. Additionally, the anterior pituitary gland slows

the process of growth hormone synthesis and release. Low level of

growth hormone leads to a reduction in the level of IGF-1 (insulin-

like growth factor 1) that is circulating. Some of the symptoms

associated with aging include; reduced libido, weight gain or loss,

high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases decline in the mass

of muscles, lowered life expectancy, an increase of adiposity and

reduction of energy (Corpas et al, 1993).This symptoms marks

deficiency of growth hormone in the elderly. Furthermore, as a

result of a decline in the level of growth hormone, the level of sex

steroids in the aged plasma decreases. This is associated with

reduced functioning of gonads.

Due to how the level of growth hormones naturally decreases,

the use of synthetic growth hormones had been embraced so as to

prevent aging-associated issues such as reduced bone mass and

decreased muscles. Use of synthetic growth hormone has been

supported by evidence which suggests that if the elderly take

growth hormone supplements, they can be able to improve their

vitality and youthfulness (Corpas et al., 1993).

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