& new generation 2 0 1 3 Created By: Noorudheen.P.V Doha-Qatar



Transcript of SAMPLE, AND SAMPLE


INNOVATION& new generation


Created By: Noorudheen.P.VDoha-Qatar


Europe leading social innovationLast year, the European Commission launched a plan, the Europe 2020 Strategy, to go out of the crisis and prepare EU economy for the coming decade. Concretely, the Union set five ambitious objectives – on employment, innovation, education, social inclusion and climate/energy – to be reached by 2020. In order to meet the targets, the Commission proposed a Europe 2020 agenda consisting of 7 flagship initiatives. One of these initiatives is the Innovation Union, which aims to improve conditions and access to finance for research and innovation in Europe to ensure that innovative ideas can be turned into products and services that create growth and jobs.

Under the Innovation Union initiative, the EC launched last week the pilot initiative “Social Innovation Europe” to provide expertise and a networked ‘virtual hub’ for social entrepreneurs and the public and third sectors. In his speech, Durao Barroso expressed his concern on ageing of the population and its associated health and caring costs. He stressed the need “to bring public and private stakeholders together to identify and deploy innovative solutions to address such an issue that is shared throughout the European Union. Together, we need for example to make the most and the best of the potential of information and communication tech-nologies (ICTs) for improving our ability to meet those social needs, such as e-Health in healthcare.” Telefónica is aware of these needs and provides innovative solutions in the countries where it operates. For example, we contribute to the development of e-Health through technological and communications infrastructures adapted for health services, through Telemedicine (services which directly help both healthcare pro-fessionals and patients) and through Tele-assistance (services designed for people with disabilities and the elderly who require special assistance to increase their safety and quality of life). I think that Europe 2020 and the Social Innovation Europe Initiative are not only great news for society but also for the private sector, and in particular for the ICT sector. As our Director of Corporate eHealth, Álvaro Fernández de Araoz, said in Telecomtv, “eHealth is very adjacent to our core business, our mobile, fixed and IT developments that we do for hospitals, and we think that by adding layers of services on top of that we have a very good soil of opportunity.”


Under the Innovation Union initiative, the EC launched last week the pilot initiative “Social Innovation Europe” to provide expertise and a networked ‘virtual hub’ for social entrepreneurs and the public and third sectors. In his speech, Durao Barroso expressed his concern on ageing of the population and its associated health and caring costs. He stressed the need “to bring public and private stakeholders together to identify and deploy innovative solutions to address such an issue that is shared throughout the European Union. Together, we need for example to make the most and the best of the potential of information and communication tech-nologies (ICTs) for improving our ability to meet those social needs, such as e-Health in healthcare.” Telefónica is aware of these needs and provides innovative solutions in the countries where it operates. For example, we contribute to the development of e-Health through technological and communications infrastructures adapted for health services, through Telemedicine (services which directly help both healthcare pro-fessionals and patients) and through Tele-assistance (services designed for people with disabilities and the elderly who require special assistance to increase their safety and quality of life). I think that Europe 2020 and the Social Innovation Europe Initiative are not only great news for society but also for the private sector, and in particular for the ICT sector. As our Director of Corporate eHealth, Álvaro Fernández de Araoz, said in Telecomtv, “eHealth is very adjacent to our core business, our mobile, fixed and IT developments that we do for hospitals, and we think that by adding layers of services on top of that we have a very good soil of opportunity.”

Page 4: SAMPLE, AND SAMPLE DDD: MP3 Downloads DDD: MP3 Downloads. (Jeffry Pheterson Remix) Jorge Jara & Juan Ddd. Purpura EP. Jeffry Pheterson New Generation (Juan DDD Crazy Generation remix) Jeffry Pheterson’s sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and. Es un Dj. 6:22 $0.89. Jeffry Pheterson. - Legal, secure mp3 service with well. RA: Jeffry Pheterson Zero (Jorge Jara & Juan DDD Psilo-Hard. 38. Juan. Formonologomono (Rosenhaft Remix) Juan Ddd. Andrs Tamayo a.K.a AN-Beat (Medelln, Colombia, 2 de mayo de 1992-presente). Hamburg Aufnahmen Downloads at Trackitdown Dj Smilk & Juan Ddd. 6:22 $0.89. Hans Bouffmyhre. Louie Cut - Bass Doctor (An-Beat & Juan Ddd Remix)





Dear Daddy,

Thank You for making me the way You did. Thank You for making my face look the way You wanted it, my hair the texture You chose, my nose the shape it is, and my frame the way You saw fit. Thank You for my daughters and every other daughter I’ve mentored. Help me to instill in them that they are beautiful, and not just because I am saying it; but also, because when they look at me they see themselves, and in that, I pray that I am a reflection of You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen! I EMPOWER you to realize that little ones are watching you. Your reaction to the world is how they will react. It’s about being a living witness, a role model, and encourager to those around us. As my daughters age, I hope they will learn that my big chop was not about the hair at all, but all about them embracing who they are. Dedicated to my daughters, “Tootie” and “Dewly”, and my mentee, “VocalMiss,” who’s forced me to be a living witness to practice what I preach. Are you encouraging a young girl or gal pal how to embrace herself? Share your story with us. If not, get going. Don’t talk about, be about it. Show her how to embrace herself and be an example.


My Big Chop!“When I look at you, I see myself. If my eyes are unable to see you as my sister, it is because my own vision is blurred. And if that be so, then it is I who need you either because I do not understand who you are, my sister, or because I need you to help me understand who I am.” – Lillian P. Benbow, Past National President of Delta Sigma Theta This is the first thing I thought about after I shaved my hair. What kept ringing in my head was, “When I look at you, I see myself…..because I need you to help me understand who I am.” I wondered if my daughters felt that. I wondered if, even though they are 4 years old and 3 months old, they could recognize themselves in me. All of my life I’ve been in some capacity of mentorship. But when I became a mother, the role model aspect went into overdrive. I realized I literally had two lives that would pattern themselves, whether good or bad, after what they were raised around. Luscious, fabulous, intense, perfect, delicious, beautiful…these are some of the adjectives I use to describe my oldest daughter’s hair. She has very thick and coarse hair, and I LOVE IT! Every time I shampoo and style it, I marvel at how beautiful it is so that she can hear it. She’s not around anyone who’s hair looks like hers, so naturally she started coming home from school wanting her hair to hang long and flow like some of her friends. This is why I tell her how much I am in love with her hair. I want her to know and accept that she is fearfully and wonderfully made by God as it is written in Psalms 139:14 NIV! One morning I was relaxing my hair and it hit me. See I have this rule that my daughters can’t relax their hair until they are 16, mainly because they will be more responsible with how to take care of it by then. But I realized, how are they going to positively embrace their hair if they don’t have a role model. You know someone whose hair is just like theirs to show them how to ROCK IT OUT! I’m the type of person that would feel fabulous in a paper bag. So I’ve come to the point where I know that my outer appearance does not define who I am. But my daughters have not reached that mark yet. How can they embrace the texture of their hair, not feel strange when theirs “behaves” differently than their peers or how to stand up for their own beauty in the midst of physical differences? It had to be me. I have to be the one to show them how to embrace the beauty of their natural curls. I teetered on this whole big chop deal so I ran it across my husband. My thought was that surely he would oppose and then I would decline this whole hair thing and stick to my easily manageable relaxer…but ummm no, I was wrong. He was pretty pumped about the whole thing, not necessarily the fade that had to come in the beginning, but the thought of seeing me in a twist out or my longer hair in a bun, or just a flat out afro! So with that support, I hopped into my girlfriend’s chair and shaved it slap off! I prepared my husband and my four year old a month prior by showing them how my hair would look after the chop. Needless to say, my daughter was NOT enthused about her Mom rocking a fade but she knew I was cutting it so that my hair could look like hers one day. I didn’t think my message had come across until one day we were at the store and a cashier commented on my daughter’s hair. She said, “OH MY, she has some really really really thick hair!” “I LOVE IT,” I respectfully chimed in. The cashier proceeded to say, “My daughter’s hair is just like that and I just don’t know what to do with it. It just gets on my nerves. I don’t know what to do.” My response was, “Well, the first thing you are going to do is to tell her how beautiful she is and how awesome her hair is.” My four year old nudged me in the hip and whispered to me, “Mom tell her why you are about to cut your hair.” I was empowered in that moment, because it was then that I was certain she knew that her hair was so special that her Mom was going to be a “copycat” and she wants the world to know. My thought was…#winning! Ladies, this EmpowerMoment is more than just about hair. Jesus commands us to imitate Him. In Philippians 4:9, we are encouraged to imitate Godly things, to put them into practice. Not just say it, but do it. Paul’s letter to Timothy encourages us to “…set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” I Timothy 4:12 NIV


Coaches are of the highest quality Next Generation coaches are of the highest quality. They have a great rapport with the children”“.whilst keeping good discipline and ensuring all sessions are fun

(Mr Paul Archer (Headteacher of Boughton Primary SchoolFirst class coaching

Next Generation Sport provide first class coaching, our coach used his experience to adapt his” coaching styles and integrate differentiated, inclusive sessions. He has the ability to manage large numbers of students whilst sustaining excellent discipline, deliver his lesson aims and objectives and .“ensuring maximum enjoyment

(Lucy-Ann Chacksfield (Head of Sport, Northamptonshire Grammar SchoolIt has been invaluable

years. During this 3 Next Generation Sport have worked with Elsworth CE (A) Primary School for over” time they have provided specialist instruction in PE skills across a range of sports for our Key Stage classes. It has been invaluable to have the same personnel to teach the children so that strong, 2 positive relationships can be formed and the children can build on previous skills and make good.“progress

(Theresa Thornton (Headteacher of Elsworth Primary School





Goals that are pursued to fulfil intrinsic values or are important as they are integrated into an individuals self-concept are called self-concordant goals. Self-concordant goals fulfil basic needs and are aligned with an individuals True Self. Because these goals have personal meaning to an individual and reflect an individuals self identity, self-concordant goals are more likely to receive sustained effort over time. In contrast goals that do not reflect an individuals internal drive and are pursued due to external factors (e.g. social pressures) emerge from a non-integrated region of a person and are therefore more likely to be abandoned when obstacles occur.[8] Furthermore the Self-determination theory and research surrounding this theory shows that if an individual effectively achieves a goal,if that goal is not-self endorsed or self-concordant, well-being levels do not change despite goal attainment.[9]



Relaxing to your Fullest Potential

At Wellicious we understand the power of relaxation, which is why we are proud to offer you all the loungewear and relaxation accessories you need to relax in style! But how exactly can you relax, whilst the modern world bustles outside your window? Yoga If you want to reap the relaxation benefits of a challenging discipline that encourages meditation as well as exercise then you can’t go wrong with yoga. At Wellicious we are proud to offer you a wide range of Yoga clothing, which will make your yoga experience as fun and as comfortable as possible and essential if you want to loosen your mind as well as your body.