Sam smith not the only one

Sam Smith I’m not the only one

Transcript of Sam smith not the only one

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Sam SmithI’m not the only one

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Mise en scene:

Firstly in relation to clothing within this video the colour scheme is very dull and dark mostly with colours such as black, blue and grey which mainly have negative connotations, which related with the narrative of cheating which is clearly a negative subject. The women is dressed very classy and looks almost old fashioned, she is in a white/cream dress which presents innocents which relates to the narrative as she is an innocent women who is getting cheated on by her husband this has the effect of making the audience feel sorry for her and gives out the representation that she has done nothing wrong. When look at the husband (cheater) we can see that he is in a suite, he is portraying his innocent by making it look as if he is going to work when really he is going to see another women, The husband then meets this other women and then takes his suite of, this shows that is purity has gone and that his cover is blown which links to the song lyrics as well as the women's emotions.. When looking at the element of performance within the song we can see the artist Sam Smith who is wearing a blazer which is made to look slightly old fashioned backed up by the microphone which isn’t usually seen within this day and age, this links to the idea that he is singing about this couple and is from the same era as them. We can also see within the element of performance with Sam Smith singing, there is a red curtain behind him this creates the idea of performance and keeps to the old fashioned theme, red also has the connotations of danger, which links to the narrative as the man who is cheating is in danger with his wife as she has found about what he is doing behind her back (cheating). When looking at Mise en scene we can also look at lighting, when looking at the man when he is going to see this other women we can see that the places he is within are very dark, this connotes the idea that what he is doing is bad and negative it also portrays the idea that he cant be seen so everything has to be dark in order for him to get away with it. When looking at the lighting when the camera is on the women it is more light, this portrays the idea that she has made a ‘lucky escape’. When she is in the car she has shadows on her as well as the natural light from the sun this portrays the idea that she is escaping from negativity by finding out that the man is cheating on her and she can now be positive and leave him and the further she goes in her car the happier she will be. When looking at the locations they are all real places, we can see the women in various locations this portrays the idea of all of these materialistic things such as her car, the pool and the nice house have all being ruined by the husband who has cheated. Overall I think the mise en scene within this video is really impressive and makes the audience have a clear view of the narrative, if I am to have a narrative within my video I hope for it to be as good as the one that appears within this video. This video has made me realise the impact of the mise en scene and how it makes an effective video, this has made me realise that a lot of my focus when making my music video needs to be on mise en scene in order to make an effective and successful music video.

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When looking at cinematography, the most popular frames are close ups, medium close ups and long shots. I think the reason for the use of the close ups is to show the emotions of the women and how her husband cheating on her has effected her, this has the effect of making the audience have sympathy towards the women and to create an emotional relationship with the audience, especially with the audience being teenage girls it is very effective to show the women's emotions through close up’s as teenage girls can relate as a main topic as teenagers is about love and heartbreak which is the narrative within this music video, so this will make the target audience realise that is okay to feel emotional and that they are like any ordinary person or it also might make them feel appreciative for the fact that are not feeling these emotions and that they haven't been through what the women has been through. , this will make the audience more likely to watch the video and enjoy the music for the fact that they can make an emotional connection with it. When looking at long shots I believe they have been used to establish the locations, it is important for the audience to establish the location in order to understand things such as their class and culture it also allows the audience to see if they can relate to the locations that have been used within the video. When looking at this music video we can look at how the location is used to express all of the materialistic thing that the women and her husband have that have been ruined by him due to the fact that he has been cheating on her, this has the effect of creating sympathy from the audience and they will automatically feel sorry for the women for the fact that her life was so perfect but now it has ben ruined by the man for the fact that he has been cheating on her, this is also effective as it will make the audience almost jealous of her life because of the locations that she is within but then not jealous because of the situation that she has been put in. We can also look at the long shots that have been used when looking at Sam Smith this is to show that he is on a stage creating the element of performance and to show that he is singing about the couple, also when looking at Sam Smith we can see that close-ups have been used this shows Sam Smiths emotions, which creates the idea that the topic of the song makes him feel sad and that he has a connection with the song that he is singing, it also creates the idea that he upset for the women as he is singing about her. When looking at the man who is cheating we can see that more medium close ups have been used this may be because he is emotionless as he doesn’t care what he is doing to his wife and its all about the actions he portrays that are doing the damage, the medium close ups allow us to see all of the actions that he is doing which will have the effect of making the audience angry because of what he is doing and create even more sympathy for the women. After looking at the cinematography used in this music video it has made me realise how important cinematography is especially when looking at the topic of emotion, I hope to use the correct cinematography in my music video in order to create the right theme.

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In relation to editing there is not much used this may be because the narrative speaks for itself and doesn’t really need much editing in order to make it effective as the narrative is already effective by itself. The editing in terms of shots per second on the other hand is relatively slow, which is conventional for the style of music video as it is a very slow song and it is all about emotion, if it were to be a up beat song it would be conventional to see more shots per second as it fits with the beat. The shots per second keep in time with the music as it is switching from different locations to develop a sense of narrative and to establish different scenes within, this is very effective and makes it unrepetative which will have the effect of making the audience want to watch the video as there is a lot going on and the scenes are changing constantly. The editing also speeds up when the lyrics within the song speed up, however when a slower verse is sang; the editing is much slower to represent her emotions, this has the effect of creating and emotional connection with the audience and it will make them feel more emotional. This shows that editing is in dept. in the way that it links with how the song is sang, I need to take this into consideration when making my music video as it will look unprofessional if my editing does not link with the paste of the song and will make it unsuccessful. This music video does not use much editing, I hope to make my music video include more editing in order to show off my skill and to also make it more effective, but I will also take into consideration that this music video in particular is effective because of its lack of editing.

Sound:In the terms of sound, the music goes well with the video. There is not many instruments seen and it is just Sam Smith singing down his microphone which is very conventional for a song in which is slow and emotional. The only type of sound that is used is non-diegetic this is quite conventional for a music video as diegetic sound is usually seen with in a more up-beat song. I like the fact that non-diegetic sound is used although I feel it would be good to try and use diegetic sound in order to make it unique and to test my skills.

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LanguageI have already analysed the way technical elements are used to create images, so I will summarise this analysis.

-The mise en scene reflects the emotions of the actors/actresses used in the music video this is clearly shown through locations, lighting and colours.

-The video includes narrative which is conventional to a music video in order to make it interesting and watchable and also creates diegesis of the world.

-The video also contains performance alongside the narrative, which is conventional for a music video as it can allow us to see the artist. Within this video it is lip syncing rather than live performance this is mainly because of the theme of the song and to not disrupt the diegesis.

-close-ups are conventional as it can be used to focus on the singer and it also can emphase peoples emotions within the music video

-Long shots are conventional to establish the location and to create a theme through the setting, which allows the audience to understand and create relation.

-The editing links to the beat of the song which is another convention to a music video.

-The sound used is non-diegetic sound this is conventional especially for this type of music video

-The artist is seen within the music video which is very conventional

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The ideology shown within this music video is a serious one about the situation that a women can be in which is being cheated on by a man, this creates the ideology that men can break your heart and they can be horrible people and do things such as cheating, this music video creates an negative ideology on men and makes them out to be bad people, and stereotypes all men into being cheats which isn’t necessarily true. The ideology also gives out the idea that women need to be careful when dealing with men as they can hurt you, The ideology of men hurting you can be seen through the close ups that have been used of the women who looks really upset which creates sympathy from the audience. The fact that the women stays at home all day and the man goes to work this creates the ideology that men are hard workers and women should stay at home, this is not necessarily true especially within this day and age however the ideology expresses this. The ideology makes out that all women are innocent and men are the ones that hurt them, although this is not necessarily true as women can cheat on men however it gives out the stereotypical idea that men are the ones that break women’s hearts, however this is then proved wrong through the artist who is singing it as this is Sam Smith and he is male so then the ideology can be veiwed in a different way as people will then see that women can also do the same to men. The ideology of cheating hurting people can also been seen through the lyrics as Sam Smith is discussing the pain he feels through being cheated on. The ideology has purposely been chosen to bring out emotion from the audience, it is not light-hearted and should be taken seriously and is more for a mature audience. The fact that the man who cheats and Sam Smith are in suits creates the idea of a high class this can also be backed all by the locations used and also what the women is wearing, this creates the ideology that bad things such as cheating can happen to anyone it doesn’t matter what class you are from. Even if you have all the materialistic things in the world you can still be unhappy and bad things can happen to you, this is important for people to realise and understand.

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Samuel Frederick "Sam" Smith (born 19 May 1992)[2] is an English singer-songwriter. Sam is still fairly new to the industry coming about in 2012 and he became popular mainly this year. This video represents him as a brand and institution which portrays him as emotional, down to earth and understanding through the media language used particularly through mise en scene and performance by Sam himself. Sam Smith is signed to capital records.

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The audience mainly seems to be teenage girls which is very usual with this kind of music, we can see that it is for teenage girls purely because it is about a boy being heartbroken by a man, this can be seen through the close ups that have been used to show the women’s emotion, this shows its for girls as boys don’t tend to get emotional or feel sympathy like girls do. We can see that the narrative is a boy cheating on a girl and many girls can relate to this and will enjoy this narrative because it makes girls look like the innocent ones and boys to be the bad ones which can be seen to be stereotypically true. Another reason that makes it seem to be aimed at teenagers is because of the theme of the song which is love as when you are a teenager you crave love and have this fairy-tale dream whether as when you are an adult you are already there and no longer crave it (in most circumstances anyway). We can also see that it is for girls when looking at the long shots used as them show all the materialistic things that the women has which other girls would dream to have and be amazed by. We can not categorise this to only girls has some boys may relate as they may have been cheated on in the past so they can relate and feel the emotion that the women is feeling, it is also acceptable for a man to relate to the song for the fact that the artist who is singing it is a male (Sam Smith). Although boys when looking at the video in particularly may not approve of it for the fact that it gives boy a bad image as it makes them look bad and like they treat women badly which isn't always the case and girls aren't always the innocent ones.

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Women Women in this music video have been portrayed as innocent and pure this has been shown through mise en scene particularly. It also portrays the idea that women are classy and have a lot of materialistic things this is shown through the long shots which shows the locations and also mise en scene such as the clothes she is wearing and the jewellery. It also portrays the idea that women are treated badly by men and that they get cheated on this is shown through the narrative and the lyrics that have been chosen. It also portrays the idea that women have lack of motivation to work and are stay at home wife’s this is portrayed through the narrative. It also portrays the idea that women are very sensitive and emotional this is shown through close-ups.

MenMen in this music video have been portrayed as negative and bad people. It portrays the idea that men cheat on women and make them cry this is shown through the narrative. It creates the representation that men lie which is obviously negative this is also shown through the narrative. It also creates the idea that they are sex addicts this is shown through the narrative. It also creates idea that men are materialistic this is shown through the mise en scene has he is wearing a suite and has a flash car.