Sales Automation

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  • 8/13/2019 Sales Automation


  • 8/13/2019 Sales Automation


    Andrew McCauley: Welcome to the Autopilot Your Business Podcast. This isPodcast No. 29. May name is Andrew McCauley and I am always ecited to !e!rin"in" these podcasts. We en#oy !rin"in" these podcasts$ sharin" so much%nowled"e with o&er '' countries around the world. People are downloadin" ite&erywhere. (o$ than% you )or all o) those people. Now$ o) course I can*t do this!y mysel). (o$ I ha&e to ha&e all the way )rom a !i" ni"ht out in the town and yetmore spea%in" "i"s$ +eather Porter. +ey +eather,

    Heather Porter: +ey$ Andrew, +ello e&ery!ody. +ow are all o) you on this )ine

    mornin"$ a)ternoon$ or ni"ht where&er you are in the world. It*s "reat to ha&e you#oinin" us yet a"ain.

    Andrew McCauley: It is$ it is and we are continuin" our little series o)

    automation - how to automate and what tools we are usin" to automate our!usiness$ how we can help you automate your !usiness$ le&era"e some o) yourtime so that you can actually do some )un stu)) in your !usiness.

    Heather Porter: actly.

    Andrew McCauley: I thin% one o) the !i""est thin"s we "et$ +eather$ is peoplesayin" /There is so much to do when you are a !usiness owner. +ow do you ha&etime to wear all the di))erent hats01 and I "uess that*s where this sort o) seriescame up. It was li%e /Well$ let*s show people some o) the tools and resources thatwe are usin" not only in our !usiness !ut also in some o) our clients are usin" thistoo so that they can )ree their time up.1

    Heather Porter: actly. And automation is so important. i%e you were sayin"$

    we all wear so many hats. I thin% e&ery entrepreneur$ e&ery !usiness owner "oesinto their !usiness really in lo&e with their idea$ really ecited a!out e&erythin" and

    then a year in$ a couple o) years in they are thin%in" /3h my 4od, I ha&e to dosales and then mar%etin" and in&oicin" and sta)) recruitin"1 and it "oes on and on$

    ri"ht0 (o$ they are suddenly thin%in" /I am o&erwhelmed1 and these tools that weare sharin" with you "uys$ our intention is to help you not ha&e as much o) thato&erwhelm.

    Andrew McCauley: Yeah. In )act$ we ha&e !een di""in" pretty deep into thesetopics #ust oursel&es in our own !usiness recently and we thou"ht let*s "i&e people

    the a!rid"ed &ersion$ let*s "i&e them the cool stu)) that we )ound$ let*s not ma%e itso deep and so o&erwhelmin" and "i&e them stu)) that they can wal% away with

    strai"ht a)ter this podcast and say /+ey$ I wrote this down. I want to "o and chec%out the resource pa"e and use some o) these tools !ecause they are &ery &alua!le

    tools$ especially to le&era"e your time and the other important thin" I was "oin" tosay is it*s etremely important - I can*t remem!er what it was ri"ht now a!out that- !ut it will come !ac% to me.

    Heather Porter: 4reat. (o$ then I am "oin" to as% you a 5uestion !ecause wealways li%e to start o)) our shows a!out what did you and I learn in the last wee%.

    Andrew McCauley: Wow, I lo&e that 5uestion.

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    Heather Porter: And then you can thin% a!out what you were "oin" to say andthen !rin" it !ac% in should it come !ac% to you at the end o) our littlecon&ersation.

    Andrew McCauley: Alri"ht.

    Heather Porter: (o$ Andrew$ what ha&e you learned last wee%0

    Andrew McCauley: What I disco&ered #ust recently was - I am still in&esti"atin"this a little !it more - !ut I am noticin" a )ew di))erent thin"s "oin" on with

    ace!oo% ri"ht now. There are always ace!oo% chan"es happenin" all the timeand we o)ten tal% a!out how much o) a pain in the !ac% side it can !e to %eep upwith ace!oo%. (o$ I am loo%in" at some thin"s that are chan"in"$ especially inthe ad&ertisin" space )or ace!oo% and a couple o) thin"s that I - I am not "oin"

    to share ri"ht now !ecause I am not sure i) it*s actually happenin" or not$ so I am"oin" to do some more close chec%in" !ut now that I am aware o) it$ I %now what Iam "oin" to loo% )or !ut %eep your ear out !ecause we will share since wedisco&ered this - I will share it with e&ery!ody: I don*t want to share somethin"

    that may not !e ri"ht it*s only #ust recent and i) it pro&es to !e true$ it could !e a!i" "ame chan"er )or a lot o) people. I ha&en*t heard anyone else tal% a!out this.

    It*s only throu"h our own testin" and our own measurin" that we ha&e !een doin"with some o) our stu)) that I ha&e disco&ered this little thin" and I am "oin" tochec% it out more !ecause i) it*s as "ood as I thin% it is$ then we could !e ontosomethin" pretty cool.

    Heather Porter: (o$ I may ha&e to as% you on our net episode and say /+ey$ is

    that thin" true that you learned last wee%01

    Andrew McCauley: You may ha&e to. You may ha&e to$ yes.

    Heather Porter: 4ood.

    Andrew McCauley: And what a!out you0 You ha&e !een a"ain spea%in" onsta"es this time in (ydney at a lar"e con&ention and I %now that the wee% !e)oreyou spo%e a!out online stu)) a"ain at another con&ention and people are #ust)loc%in" to see you and tal% to you and wanted to pic% your !rains a!out all thestu)) that*s inside there. (o$ is there any room )or you to learn anymore and i) so$what did you stic% in your head this wee%0

    Heather Porter: Always room$ always room. Now$ I watched an ama;in" &ideo

    a!out$ I "uess$ how the internet is shi)tin" into mo!ile land meanin" thate&ery!ody is accessin" it or "oin" to !e accessin" it more and more on their mo!ile

    de&ices$ their androids or iPhones or ta!lets or iPads and all that. Now$ I willactually )ind this &ideo and I will place a lin% under this episode on our we!sitewww.AutoPilotYourBusiness.com7Podcast!ut what the "uy tal%ed a!out is how allo) us collecti&ely as !usiness owners ha&e to start thin%in" di))erently a!out howwe!sites are "oin" to wor% in the )uture !ecause it*s li%e that whole thin" o) whenradio went into T

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Automation


    "uess what I ha&e learned is that we all ha&e to start thin%in" a little !it moreoutside o) the !o and really help people are en"a"in" with their de&ices$ how arethey en"a"in". It*s not how we thin% they are en"a"in". (o$ I %now you and I are"oin" to !e &ery o!sessi&ely )i"urin" that out and sharin" that with you "uys alon"our #ourney as we start to learn more and more a!out what really ma%es anoutstandin" mo!ile eperience )or your !usiness. (o$ yeah$ a &ery cool &ideo. Youwill li%e it.

    Andrew McCauley: We ha&e !een "earin" up )or we are callin" it 2=>'$ the timewhen mo!ile ta%es o&er the world and e&eryone we spea% to$ whether we are

    spea%in" on sta"es or #ust one on one consults or stu)) li%e that or coachin"sessions that we do with people$ we are ma%in" sure that they are ready )or thiswhole mo!ile onslau"ht !ecause i) you ha&en*t "ot yoursel) mo!ile$ you are "oin"to !e in trou!le. It*s #ust li%e ha&in" a we!site >= years a"o. People said you are

    "oin" to ha&e a we!site. (o many people resisted !ecause they thou"ht it was a)ad. Now$ it*s mo&ed )rom we!sites to mo!ile and !oth o) them can !einterchan"ea!le !ut it*s "oin" to !e &ery interestin" to see how people sur&i&ewithout ha&in" mo!ile ready stu)) and in)o and we!sites.

    Heather Porter: A!solutely$ yeah. Now$ I "uess we !etter "et stuc% on into our

    discussion o) automation o) sales.

    Andrew McCauley: Yes. (o$ )ollowin" on$ last wee% we spo%e a!out mar%etin".This wee% we are "oin" to spea% a!out sales$ some o) the sales tools andresources that we use to really automate your side o) the !usiness. Now$ theseare not the only tools. I want to ma%e that clear. There are plenty o) tools out

    there and i) we are "o to throu"h the whole entire lot$ we would ha&e a podcastthat would "o )or a month !ut we are #ust pic%in" some o) the main tools that we

    want to share with you and "i&e you a little !it o) eplanation. You may ha&eheard some o) these tools pop up in our pre&ious podcasts !ut what we are tryin"

    to "i&e you is an o&er&iew picture o) all o) these di))erent tools and how they can )itin. We may ha&e spo%en a!out these tools in other )ormat !ut some o) these tools

    are &ery multi8s%illed li%e they can do a num!er o) thin"s. Today i) you hear a!outthese tools$ we are tal%in" speci)ically )or the sales side o) your !usiness.

    Heather Porter: That*s ri"ht.

    Andrew McCauley: Alri"ht. (o$ what sort o) thin"s can !e automated in sales0

    Well$ here is a 5uic% little list. (ellin" a product can !e automated. (ellin" aser&ice can !e automated. ul)illment )or physical product i) you "ot physical

    products$ you can automate your sales process throu"h )ul)illment. We will tal%a!out some o) those tools soon. ?eli&ery and distri!ution$ sales calls$ and

    incomin" 5ueries - that*s the main )ocus we are "oin" to co&er on this podcasttoday. (o$ let*s di" in and tal% a!out the )irst two which can !e usin" the samesort o) tools and that*s sellin" a product or sellin" a ser&ice. (o$ +eather$ let*s tal%a!out what is the )irst tool that*s on our list here and let*s #ust share that withpeople and how they can use that to automate their sales.

    Heather Porter: (ure. I will #ump into that and I "uess !e)ore I do I #ust want totell e&ery!ody what speci)ically you need that the main components o) actually

    !ein" a!le to sell somethin" on the internet or automate it. @eally what you needis a way o) acceptin" money. (o$ that could !e PayPal or it could !e what*s %nown

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  • 8/13/2019 Sales Automation


    Heather Porter: Yes. (o$ literally creatin" what we %now as a sales pa"e orlandin" pa"e and ha&in" all the in)ormation a!out your product on there and youcan #ust use a PayPal !utton$ nice and easy.

    Andrew McCauley: (o$ PayPal actually acts as a "ateway. The only system thatacts as a "ateway to your !an% althou"h it doesn*t put money directly into your!an%: it puts it into your PayPal account$ ri"ht0

    Heather Porter: That*s ri"ht. Yeah$ that*s eactly ri"ht. PayPal$ I don*t thin% it*s

    %nown as a proper "ateway !ecause they ha&e #ust come out with PayPal Prowhich is a "ateway. (o$ it actually is a premium product o) PayPal that doesactually$ I "uess$ push money into your account without you ha&in" to use yourPayPal account to then choose i) you trans)er money across. (o$ PayPal does ha&e

    what*s %nown as a proper "ateway !ut PayPal$ #ust standard PayPal is somethin"that you can easily use to stic% a !utton on a pa"e and o)) you "o. What*s "reata!out PayPal nowadays is you can also do what*s called inte"ration. (o$ it will tal%to MailChimp or Awe!er or your pre)erred e8mail pro"ram. It*s not that hard to "et

    set up. You can )ind some!ody to help you on li%e orwww.o?es%.comto do this !ut you can "et the two systems to communicate !ac%

    and )orth. (o$ i) some!ody !uys say your eBoo% usin" PayPal$ then PayPal will tellMailChimp /+ey$ "uys,1 o&er at MailChimp /This person #ust !ou"ht an eBoo%1 andthen automatically put the data o) that person into a nice e8mail list )or you so youcan then communicate with that person on automation throu"h that e8mail list thatit*s created in MailChimp. (o$ I don*t want to "et too techie !ut that is actually&ery easy and I hi"hly recommend that you "uys do set somethin" li%e that up. I)

    you are usin" PayPal$ ma%e sure it*s wor%in" with your e8mail system.

    Andrew McCauley: The other day I was out with a client somewhere and theypulled out their credit card and they said /oo%$ this is a PayPal credit card1 and I

    am li%e /3h$ what*s that01 I heard that they were out there !ut I had ne&er seenone it*s !asically li%e your credit card !ut it had the PayPal lo"o at the top and

    what it was a credit7de!it card where it too% money out o) their PayPal accountwhen they purchase somethin".

    Heather Porter: Interestin".

    Andrew McCauley: I %now Mc?onalds in the ( ha&e started acceptin" PayPal to

    !uy ham!ur"ers and i) Mc?onalds is doin" it$ then the world is "oin" that way )orsure !ut PayPal is li%e a !an%. The thin" a!out PayPal is$ the di))erence with

    PayPal is you are not payin" to use PayPal which is a "ood thin". You don*t payup)ront. You are not payin" a monthly )ee li%e 3ne (hoppin" Cart !ut you do pay

    when you sell somethin" and you pay a little !it more than you would )or 3ne(hoppin" Cart. (o$ this is a !it o) a way out and$ as +eather said$ i) you are onlysellin" a couple o) items or you only "ot a )ew transactions happenin"$ PayPal isthe way to "o )or the start. ?on*t "o and lash out on an epensi&e shoppin" cart.I) you only ha&e one or two products and you are not really ma%in" a lot o) moneyat the !e"innin"$ stic% to PayPal. You can always chan"e o&er to 3ne (hoppin"Cart or any o) the other ones later.

    Heather Porter: That*s eactly ri"ht. 4reat,

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    Andrew McCauley: Alri"ht$ let*s mo&e on. What other ones are out there0 Wedon*t necessarily need to "o throu"h in deep amount !ut what other ones are outthere0

    Heather Porter: There is a couple that I wanted to !rin" up actually that ha&e!een !rou"ht to my attention lately and they are called (hopi)y and

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Automation


    lets you do it currently - !ut 3ne (hoppin" Cart$ In)usionso)t and 3))ice Autopilotall let you do an up8sell. Am I ri"ht on that0

    Heather Porter: Yeah$ you are eactly ri"ht$ only i) you are not usin" PayPal.(o$ i) you are usin" li%e 3ne (hoppin" Cart or In)usionso)t or 3))ice Autopilot$ youha&e to ha&e a proper payment "ateway !e)ore !ecause it*s #ust how thesesystems all communicate to"ether in order )or you to do what*s called a one8clic%up8sell or side8sell meanin" that i) some!ody enters in their details and they !uy

    somethin" )rom you and then they "o to the FThan% you* pa"e$ you can literally#ust stic% a !utton on there that says /+ey$ )or an additional G99 do you also want

    this01 and then the person #ust says yes or no and then the system actually %nowsto char"e the credit card )or that additional amount. PayPal$ yeah$ doesn*t let youdo that. What you would ha&e to do is ha&e a whole other PayPal !utton on the

    FThan% you* pa"e sayin" /Would you li%e this G99 product01 and you could say /Buy

    Now1 instead and it would ta%e you throu"h the whole PayPal process a"ain.

    Andrew McCauley: Yeah. I will try and ta%e a step or two !ac% and #ust reali;ethat what we are doin" here is showin" you how to put in a system on your

    we!site that automates your sellin" process. It means that you do not ha&e toanswer the phone$ )ill in a purchase order )orm$ lic% the stamps and send o)) the

    products. It*s all ta%in" money )or you 2E hours a day$ H days a wee% into your!an% account where you don*t ha&e to do anythin" else and set this up properlyand it*s your shop )ront that*s open all day e&ery day and i) you ha&e "ot peoplecomin" in and !uyin" thin"s$ this etra step o) addin" an up8sell$ an on8sell orhowe&er you want to call it #ust means that you ha&e "ot a "reat shop assistantas%in" i) they would li%e to !uy more than #ust what they ha&e purchased and

    there is nothin" !etter than to wa%e up in the mornin" and )ind out that somepeople ha&e !ou"ht some stu)) and some more !ecause you that in place in the

    )irst place.

    Heather Porter: I am really "lad you shared that and I thin% the %ey thin" a!outthis is loo% at the !usinesses that are really success)ul that ha&e !een success)ul

    )or a lon" time and as% the 5uestion /What are they doin" with their sales01 (o$li%e what you #ust said$ it*s li%e that on"oin" shop )ront person sayin" /+ey$ wouldyou also li%e this01 Thin% a!out Ama;on. Most o) us ha&e all shopped on Ama;on$that whole thin" when you are chec%in" out$ it says /Most people that !ou"ht this$also !ou"ht this.1 It*s a &ery power)ul tool and why we are sharin" it with you"uys is !ecause we thin% you should !e usin" it as well. (o$ i) you ha&e an eBoo%$

    thin% a!out can you also create an audio &ersion o) that eBoo% and ma%e that theup8sell )or an additional '= dollars. (o$ #ust !e thin%in" strate"ically a!out how to

    !undle your pac%a"es and your ser&ices to"ether and use this )unctionality.

    Andrew McCauley: Yeah$ a!solutely. Alri"ht$ so that*s up8sells. et*s tal% a!outpeople that ha&e physical products. Now$ we %now we ha&e "ot a couple o) clientsthat ha&e physical products and sometimes the physical products need to stay withthe client !ecause they are created on site and are sold as a custom item !ut thereare other times when you are purchasin" lar"e &olumes o) products and you aremay!e #ust sellin" them to people and you need a lar"e warehouse to store themin or you #ust need somewhere to put physical items that ha&e !een created !yyour )actory. (o$ there are a num!er o) thin"s out there. et*s tal% a!out di"ital

    stu)) )irst !ecause a lot o) us ha&e di"ital products and i) you ha&en*t "ot a di"italproducts$ you should "o and "et one and listen some o) our podcasts. We tal%

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    a!out how to create di"ital products !ecause whate&er is in your head$ peoplewant to %now the in)ormation$ what*s in your head. They want to %now how youdo your #o! and how you do it well and there is a di"ital product in itsel). I am not"oin" to "et into that ri"ht now !ut the )irst one I want to tal% a!out is the sitecalled www.una%i.comis the epitome o) automated )actory.(o$ www.una%i.comis a site$ it*s pro!a!ly one o) the u"liest we!sites on the we!.You "ot to ha&e a loo% at it !ut it*s pro!a!ly one o) the most pro)ita!le !ecause it*s&ery u"ly !ut it doesn*t need to !e pretty. What it does is it is a )actory that will

    create a C? or a ?

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Automation


    wor%$ all your di"ital audios and &ideos and they will #ust print it )or you and shipthat out )or you. It is a !it more epensi&e o) course !ecause you are "ettin" a lotmore in&ol&ed and included and you ha&e to "o to them and re5uest a 5uote !asedon what you want !ut$ a"ain$ "reat tool i) you "uys are includin" that wholetrainin" eperience and manuals in what you are sellin".

    Andrew McCauley: And humans do wor% there.

    Heather Porter: Yes$ they do and they are &ery nice.

    Andrew McCauley: Alri"ht. Then I "uess the last part o) this one is deli&ery anddistri!ution$ )ul)illment houses that store other physical products. Now$ I am not"oin" to "i&e too many re)erences to anyone !ecause there is a whole !unch o)di))erent houses out there !ut here is how it wor%s. It*s essentially the same as

    una%i is that you "et an order$ let*s say you !uy a shipment o) wid"ets and youneed to store them and you wor% )rom home$ you ha&e your own home o))ice$ youdon*t want to )ill the "ara"e with wid"ets. (o$ what you do is you actually "etthose wid"ets and you store them in a warehouse$ a )ul)illment warehouse and

    !asically the same scenario - they come to your we!site$ they !uy a wid"et$ themoney "oes into your account and then the order "oes to the )ul)illment stora"e

    place. They will "et that and they will say /3%ay$ Mary (mith has #ust ordered onewid"et.1 (o$ they will sort it$ )ind it$ pac% it$ stac% it$ wrap it and then send it o)) toMary (mith and then what will happen is they will send you a !ill )or whate&erprice they are char"in" you. 3!&iously you are "oin" to char"e Mary (mith a little!it more so you can ma%e money. (o$ it*s all done throu"h a third8party &endorwhere you don*t actually ha&e to do any o) that once a"ain: you are #ust payin" the

    )ee o) ha&in" someone store it and send it out on demand.

    Heather Porter: Yeah$ wonder)ul.

    Andrew McCauley: There is a whole !unch o) them. oo% )or )ul)illment housesor )ul)illment a"encies and i) you are loo%in" )or that sort o) stu))$ you can )ind

    those in pretty any city.

    Heather Porter: And I %now that www.? and una%i they shipe&erywhere in the world as well. (o$ e&en i) you mi"ht ha&e some!ody that*s!ased in the ($ they will pro!a!ly ship e&erywhere )or you. (o$ #ust !e aware o)that and as% those 5uestions.

    Andrew McCauley: Yes.

    Heather Porter: @i"ht. (o$ what*s net0

    Andrew McCauley: Alri"ht. Well$ I thin% another thin" that I am "oin" to tal%a!out is usin" a &irtual assistant to help you with some o) these sales tas%s. Now$some o) the sales tas%s that a &irtual assistant can help you are related to somesales calls so they can "o out and set up sales calls. They may not !e the !est atactually doin" the sale on the all itsel) !ut certainly ma%in" appointments to callthe ri"ht people at the ri"ht time !ecause I %now a lot o) people "et stuc% with thatwhole schedulin" and we will tal% a!out schedulin" in a )uture podcast !ut people

    "et stuc% with tryin" to cold call or put those people in place. 3nce you ha&e "otthe system down$ perhaps these &irtual assistants an help you set up a time )or

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    you to #ump on the phone and do the sales calls. They can handle incomin"5ueries. We ha&e always "ot people rin"in" in or e8mailin" in. Whether it*s e8mailor phone$ they can handle the incomin" 5ueries that are comin" into your!usiness. (o$ that*s a "ood way to utili;e their time rather than yours. By theway$ #ust on this$ &irtual assistants can !e as cheap as D dollars an hour: in )act$e&en less in some places. (o$ )or D dollars an hour you could really )ree up yourtime and do what you do !est and let them do some o) these ni!!ly )i!!ly sort o)wor%. There are other thin"s li%e proposals and contracts. They can create

    contracts or create proposals )or you. I) you ha&e "ot to do a !unch o) proposals$you are a consultant$ you need to "et out there and send out proposals$ then you

    can use a &irtual assistant to some o) that sort o) stu)). Admin duties are anotherplace that you can certainly use them. I %now a lot o) people use &irtual assistants)or admin duties. +eather$ what else can you thin% a!out that a &irtual assistantcan do0

    Heather Porter: Well$ a lot o) it we are "oin" to !e tal%in" in an upcomin"episodes o) this series which are the whole thin" o) time and time mana"ementand customer ser&ice and all that !ut what I wanted to add is e&en i) you don*t use

    a &irtual assistant$ this could !e also any!ody on your sta)). (ystems such as3))ice Autopilot and In)usionso)t and some o) these$ they also ha&e a !uilt8in tas%

    area o) the site. (o$ what that means is that i) some!ody !uys )rom your site or i)they in5uire on your site$ these systems can use those )orms that they )ill out onyour we!site and automatically send a tas% or an e8mail to any!ody on your team.This could !e a &irtual assistant or this could !e some!ody in8house that then "etsthis e8mail tas% and says /3h$ o%ay "reat. ohn (mith #ust as%ed a 5uestion. Ineed to call them.1 A"ain$ in the terms o) automation$ a lot o) these systems and

    tools we ha&e tal%ed a!out today can communicate on automation with your teamall o&er the world to do &arious thin"s when it comes to sales and supportin" your

    sales process.

    Andrew McCauley: Yeah$ ri"ht.

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Automation


    payment1 is li%eJ We li%e that, We li%e that. Alri"ht, (o$ we spo%e a!out a lot o)di))erent thin"s. I) you want to )ind out where they are$ "o towww.AutopilotYourBusiness.com7Podcast. You will )ind the Fresources* ta! there.4o to the Fresource* ta! and all o) the items will !e listed there. Also$ we now ha&epodcast description and we will ha&e those thee too.

    Heather Porter: Yeah$ in the show notes. (o$ pop on !y and we lo&e to hear)rom you "uys as well. (o$ i) you are poppin" !y our we!site$ ma%e a little

    comment down !elow this particular episode. We lo&e to hear what your thou"htsare. I) you ha&e any 5uestions or any )eed!ac% or input or i) we ha&e )or"otten

    some o) the !i" systems that you thin% are &alua!le )or our listeners$ pop those inthe comment as well. We appreciate that. We are also now on Podomatic and(oundCloud and (titcher as well. (o$ you can listen to us on those as well asiTunes and where&er you are listenin" to us$ come !y and lea&e us a little re&iew

    or comment.

    Andrew McCauley: Yeah we would lo&e to. And then #ust a little !it o) a plu"$ weare doin" a couple o) li&e e&ents in Australia in Au"ust and (eptem!er83cto!er this

    year. (o$ we would lo&e to see you there. It*s etremely$ etremely cheap pricewe are doin" it !ut I will tell you what we are "oin" to do. We are also "oin" to do

    a li&e podcast. 3ne o) these podcasts we are "oin" to do li&e )rom sta"e withpeople there and we are "oin" to show you how we put it all to"ether$ how wedistri!ute it$ what we do to distri!ute it$ how we "et it out there and how werepurpose all o) our content so that it "ets out into also sorts o) plat)orms. We are"oin" to tal% a!out all o) that sort o) stu)) in our li&e e&ent. It*s a one8day e&ent.We will "i&e some more in)ormation out &ery$ &ery soon. I) you really want to "et

    in early$ #ust send us an e8mail$ hit us up on the contact pa"e o) the podcastwww.AutopilotYourBusiness.com7Podcast. +it us up on the contact pa"e. et us

    %now you want to come and we will "et you an early !ird tic%et. I ha&en*t e&endiscussed that$ +eather$ !ut I thin% that*s what we are "oin" to do.

    Heather Porter: I thin% that*s what we will do. (o$ that sounds li%e a plan. We

    would lo&e to meet you "uys in person$ those o) you that are in Australia or i) youare li%e tra&elin" to Australia to say hello.

    Andrew McCauley: By the way$ it*s "oin" to !e a &ery$ &ery small e&ent. We arenot openin" up to hundreds o) people. It*s "oin" to !e a &ery$ &ery intimate e&ent.The reason we are doin" it small is !ecause it*s "oin" to !e part wor%shop and we

    are "oin" to "i&e you a !lueprint )or somethin" special and we will not !e a!le toser&ice a lot o) lot o) people$ as simple as that. We need to !e helpin" people$

    holdin" their hands and all that sort o) stu)). (o$ it*s not "oin" to !e a !i" e&ent.(o$ i) you thin% a!out comin"$ #ust send us an e8mail$ "et in early !ecause we want

    you there and then we are "oin" to shut the door.

    Heather Porter: (ounds "ood.

    Andrew McCauley: That*s it. 3%ay$ that*s what I had to say. 4i&e us somere&iews. I) you are on iTunes$ lea&e us a re&iew or in any o) the podcastplat)orms. Please lea&e us a re&iew. Than%s$ +eather. oo%in" )orward to thenet one: we are "oin" to tal% a!out time mana"ement and schedulin" net


    isten here6 http677autopilotyour!usiness.com7podcasts7sales8automation74et a copy o) our 3nline (ur&i&al 4uide here6 http677ay!"
  • 8/13/2019 Sales Automation


    Heather Porter: This is a power)ul one. 4uys$ you de)initely want to #oin us )orthat one.

    Andrew McCauley: Yeah$ some o) the cool tools we "ot out there and since weha&e !een doin" these sessions recently we ha&e implemented some o) these toolsoursel&es !ecause we li%e to sound a!out our own tools$ we thou"ht we wouldcome and do somethin" oursel&es.

    Heather Porter: Nice one. Than%s$ Andrew. Than%s e&ery!ody once a"ain )orsupportin" us and listenin" in and we will tal% net time.

    **End of Audio**

    isten here6 http677autopilotyour!usiness.com7podcasts7sales8automation74et a copy o) our 3nline (ur&i&al 4uide here6 http677ay!"