Sahana Eden - Introduction to the Code

: Sahana Eden Emergency Development Environment 2 July 2010, Sahana Camp Fran Boon fran@


A 1/2 day tutorial on how to code in the Sahana Eden framework.(This course is still under development)

Transcript of Sahana Eden - Introduction to the Code

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:Sahana Eden Emergency DevelopmentEnvironment

2 July 2010, Sahana CampFran Boon


Page 2: Sahana Eden - Introduction to the Code

: -Technology Stack Back end•Python• 2Web Py

–MVC framework–cron scheduler

•Libraries–lxml–Shapely–PyGSM–xlwt–s3*** (custom Eden modules)

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: -Technology Stack Front end





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Set yours e lf up

:// . . / /http eden s ahanafoundation org wiki Ins tallationGuide lines Deve loper•Install Python:

– inc lxml & Shapely

•Install Bzr•Install web2py

bzr export web2py lp:~mdipierro/web2py/devel•Download Eden

cd applicationsbzr branch lp:~sahana-eden edencd ..python

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: 2 Exploring Web Py s hell•Python is great for interactive exploring!•Web2Py allows this too •Install iPython to make it better!

–pyreadline needed on Windows–explore objects with tab

python –S eden –M

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- -Model View Controller•Models

–Database Table definitions

•Contro llers–Workflow, Logic

•Views–HTML / JS Templates parsed server-side–JS functions then run client-side in browser

•Static–no server-side processing–Images, CSS, JavaScript

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•org - Organisation Registry•mpr - Missing Person Registry•cr - Shelter Registry•hms - Hospital Management•rms - Request Management•vol – Volunteer Management•msg - Messaging•gis - Mapping

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Res ources• person (pr)• location (gis)• organisation (org)• hospital (hms)• shelter (cr)

•REST Controller–HTTP verbs: GET, PUT (POST), DELETE–Args: /update, /create–Representations: .html, .json, .xml, .xls, .pdf

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eden module resource


URL(r=request, a=application, c=controller, f=function, args=[], vars={})

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•All executed every request–in alphabetical order–within web2py environment

•Define Tables in Database–Live Migrations

•Provide utility functions & variables which are used by multiple controllers

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Core Models

•000_ .config py–deployment settings for easy customisation

•00_ .db py–connect to the database–instantiate classes

•00_ .s e ttings py–read deployment settings & action them

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( )Core Models cont•00_ .tables py

–define some re-usable fields for tables–define admin tables

•00_ .utils py–patch session–utility functions

•01_ .crud py–REST Controller front-end

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( )Core Models cont

•01_ .menu py–build the Menus

• _ 1 _ .zzz s t run py–Import default data on 1st run

(needs all tables defined 1st)

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•Entire Controller is executed–Manipulation done outside of functions is

visible to all functions

•Function which has been called is executed

•Functions with no arguments are automatically visible via URLs

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•Defaults to views/controller/function.html

•Views can extend & include other views– views/layout.html

•Variables only visible to views if explicitly passed in dict() or else data stored in global variables:

•request, response, sessionhttp://

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Adding a new module

•Vehicle Tracking System•Name: vts•Resources:


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# Vehicle resourcetable = db.define_table( “vts_vehicle”,


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def vehicle():return shn_rest_controller("vts", "vehicle")

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None needed at 1st – can RAD without them•then polish later


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( )Model revis ited

models/vts.pytable = db.define_table("vts_vehicle",

Field("registration", unique=True),Field("make"),Field("model"),Field("purchase_date", "date",


table.registration.requires = IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, table.registration)table.purchase_date.requires = IS_DATE()

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( )Controller revis itedcontrollers/vts.pymodule = request.controllerdef vehicle():

"REST Controller for the Vehicle Resource"resource = request.functiontablename = "%s_%s" % (module, resource)table = db[tablename]

table.license.label = T("License Plate") table.license.comment = SPAN("*", _class="req")

return shn_rest_controller(module, resource)

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: Controller CRUD Stringscontrollers/vts.pydef vehicle():

…s3.crud_strings[tablename] = Storage(

title_create = T("Add Vehicle"), title_display = T("Vehicle Details"), title_list = T("List Vehicles"), title_update = T("Edit Vehicle"), label_create_button = T("Add Vehicle"), msg_record_created = T("Vehicle added"),


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: Controller Action buttonscontrollers/vts.pydef vehicle():

…def veh_postp(jr, output):

shn_action_buttons(jr)return output

response.s3.postp = veh_postp

output = shn_rest_controller(module, resource)return output

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: Controller prepcontrollers/org.pydef organisation():

…def org_prep(jr):

if jr.representation == "html":crud.settings.create_next =

URL(r=request, f="dashboard") crud.settings.update_next =

URL(r=request, f="dashboard") return True

response.s3.prep = org_prep

output = shn_rest_controller(module, resource)return output

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•Examples from other modules•Developer Guidelines on Wiki•But the best… ?

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, !Us e the Source LukeMany resources and tricks on the Internet find you will, but solutions to all technical issues only in the source lie

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3 2S is built on Web Py

FORM -> SQLFORM -> CRUD -> RESTweb2py/gluon/tools.pyself.settings.create_onvalidation = None self.settings.update_onvalidation = None self.settings.delete_onvalidation = None self.settings.create_onaccept = None self.settings.update_onaccept = None self.settings.update_ondelete = None self.settings.delete_onaccept = None

•onvalidation: before DB I/O•onaccept: after DB I/O

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•Modules menu–Enable Module in 000_config–Create an ‘index’ function & view– will add it to default menu–default/index.html will add it to front page

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: Controller Menucontrollers/vts.pydef index():

"Custom View"module_name =

deployment_settings.modules[module].name_nicereturn dict(module_name=module_name)

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Enable Modulemodels/000_config.pydeployment_settings.modules = Storage(

…vts = Storage(

name_nice = "Vehicle Tracking System", description = "Track vehicles",

module_type = 4),…


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: Controller Menucontrollers/vts.pyresponse.menu_options = [ [T("Vehicles"), False, URL(r=request, f="vehicle"),[

[T("List"), False, URL(r=request, f="vehicle")],[T("Add"), False, URL(r=request, f="vehicle", args="create")] ] ]]

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: Controller Menucontrollers/vts.pyresponse.menu_options = [ [T("Vehicles"), False, URL(r=request, f="vehicle"),[

[T("List"), False, URL(r=request, f="vehicle")],[T("Add"), False, URL(r=request, f="vehicle", args="create")] ]]

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{{extend "layout.html"}}{{=H2(T(module_name))}}<p>This module allows users to track their vehicles</p>{{=A("List Vehicles", URL(r=request, f="vehicle"))}}

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( )View REST

•REST has defaults– create.html, display.html, list.html, update.html

•They can also be customised:views/vts/vehicle_create.html

{{extend "layout.html"}}{{rheader="Some extra text in my REST view"}}{{include "_create.html"}}

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: Joined Res ources Model

•Link to Location

models/vts.pytable = db.define_table("vts_presence",

Field("vehicle_id", db.vts_vehicle),location_id,Field("time", "datetime"),Field("comments"),)

table.time.requires = IS_DATETIME()table.vehicle_id.requires = \IS_ONE_OF(db, "", "%(registration)s")

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: Joined Res ources Controller

controllers/vts.pydef presence():

return shn_rest_controller("vts", "presence")

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:DAL Databas e Abs traction Layer

db.define_table("person", Field("name"))id = db.person.insert(name="max")query = ( == id)db(query).count()db(query).delete()db(query).update(name="Max")rows = db(query).select( row in rows: print row.namedb.commit()

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( )JR Model cont

table.vehicle_id.represent = lambda id: db( == id).select() \ .first().registration

table.vehicle_id.represent = lambda id: db( == id) \.select(limitby=(0, 1)).first().registration

table.vehicle_id.represent = lambda id: db( == id).select(db.vts_vehicle. registration, limitby=(0, 1)).first().registration

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: JR Model Components

# Component of vehicle entity s3xrc.model.add_component(module, resource,


rheader allows main resource details to be visible in component views

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!Dis play on Map

•Map displays Feature Groups•Feature Groups contain Feature Classes•Locations have Feature Classes•“Vehicles” are set up ready to go

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: Joined Res ources View


{{if "vts_vehicle" in request.vars.caller:}}{{fc = db( == "Vehicle").select(, limitby=(0, 1)).first().id}}// Hide unnecessary fields…// Pre-populate the FeatureClass & Name…// HTML5 GeoLocation support…{{pass}}

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•Export–1st build native XML tree–Then transform to output format using XSLT

•Import–1st transform the input format using XSLT –Then import native XML tree

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:Sahana Eden Community Deve lopment

Proces s2 July 2010, Sahana Camp

Fran Boonfran@

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Blue Prints

•Drafted on Wiki•Discussed on IRC & Mailing List•Functional Specs

–User Requirements–User Stories–Wireframes

•Technical Specs

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Mes s aging

Open Data Kit


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Development Proces s

•Branches on LaunchPad–Distributed Version Control (bzr)–Merge Early, Merge Often

•Demo sites

•Developer Guidelines•User Guidelines

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Sahana Community Tools

Email List sahana-eden@

IRC Chat #sahana-edenWiki /BugTracker

LaunchPad @ SahanaFOSS