SAFRA Worst Mobile Photography Awards 2013

Worst Mobile Photography Awards 2013

Transcript of SAFRA Worst Mobile Photography Awards 2013

Worst Mobile Photography Awards 2013

The Darkness (Barely any or low light)

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Is it just us? Or have we found the invisible man?

Definitely not one for the family album.

The Monet (Poorly focuses blurs)

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Obviously, this was one of those arty farty photo attempt.

However, what resulted resembled more of a photography road kill.

What are we suppose to be focusing on? What it should have been or what it could be?

The Craparazzi (The celebrity shot that failed)

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Yes, we know that Nicholas Cage doesn’t quite warrant celebrity status anymore.

But, you know he has hit an all time low with when he can’t even keeps his eye open for a fan picture.

That still doesn’t excuse the photographer!

The Haunted(Nightmare worthy red-eye shots )

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We seen the horror flick Children of the Corn, but we never knew that it included dogs.

But then again if this is the best shot the photographer is capable of, maybe he should be frightened!

The Weird and Wide(For that not-so seamless patchwork panorama


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While the subject looks far from photogenic (the place looks like a crack den), what really sticks out is the fact that the sore white gap

in the photo.

But then again, we are guessing that photography skills aren’t high on your priority when you are living in a place like that !

The Long, Long Distance(for the zoom that couldn’t go the distance)

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Although those nostalgic instagram filters are now considered cool, having a fuzzy photo is not definitely not cool!

Thumbs down!

The Best of the Worst(we couldn’t resist)

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A selfie can be cool, but not with an expression like that.

Even all the instagram filters in the world couldn’t save this photo!

And besides, we just aren’t ‘Beliebers’!