
Volume 1 The Heart & The Mind SCIENCE TO SAGE MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER 2011 Volume 2 Featured Authors Dr. Miceal Ledwith Dr. Bruce Lipton Lynne McTaggart Joseph Chilton Pearce Plus... MANY MORE! EVOLUTION TRANSFORMING the MIND THE MYSTICAL MIND LOVE top


The heart and the mind

Transcript of S2S-2011

Page 1: S2S-2011

Volume 1

The Heart & The Mind


Featured Authors

•Dr. Miceal Ledwith

•Dr. Bruce Lipton

•Lynne McTaggart

•Joseph Chilton Pearce

Plus... MANY MORE!





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Volume 2 - Theme

The Heart & The Mind (chapter 8 InsideOUT book)

Featured Writers


• Bruce Lipton Ph.D - The Role of Spirituality in a World shift

• Dr. Miceal Ledwith - The Wino & The Master

• Deborah Rozman, Ph.D - 3 Ways to Keep Up with the Planetary Shift

• Lynne McTaggart - Survival of the Fairest

• Joseph Chilton Pearce - Mirror, Mirror - Chapter One of his newly released

book “Strange Loops”

• Linda M. Potter - Interview with don Miguel Ruiz


• Michael Brown - How to Change the Quality of Your Life

• . Joe Dispenza - Change Your Mind

• Maureen Edwardson - Are You Out of Your Mind

• About Giftedness


- Paul Scott - Practical Mysticism and the Inner Mind

• Secret of Sufi Whirling - By Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi

• Michael Mendizza - Enlightenment

• Brad Johnson - The Veil Amongst the Earth is Lifting


• Vaishali - You are What You Love

• Kathie Scott - Journey into the Heart with Rare Chocolate

• Dr. Love - Love Story

• Eliza Mada Dalian - Intimacy




Science to Sage Magazine and its

other enterprises are dedicated

to a golden age of wisdom. The

goal is to weave a beautifully

tapestry between the scientists,

sage, alchemist, artist, inventors

and the uncommon wisdom of

our youth.

Engage where the mystical, the

magical and the miracle of life

are explored.

Science to Sage has a global

network of contributors. I am

grateful for their vision and


Lets discover together.

Karen ElkinsConcept, design, layout, production by Karen Elkins

All material is copyrighted by Science to Sage or is copyright of the authors. Science to Sage reprints these articles with the consent of authors.

Art and photography is by Big Stock Photo or under various GNU, Copyleft agreements with Wikepida.

Page 3: S2S-2011


• Jeane Manning on NEW ENGERY - Where East mets West

• Patricia Taylor - Monthly Adventure

• John Wong, Insights - Between Worlds


• Vancouver Photography - Karl Herrmann

• Featured Artist - Autumn Skye Morrison

• Featured Musician & Artist - Shawn Gallaway

• Special thanks to Dan Wills for his Fractal Art throughout the magazine - http://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

• Poetry Karen Elkins


• Sept 13 - Brad Johnson - Transcending the Veil

• Sept 16 - Linda M. Potter - If God Would Give Me a Sign

• Sept 22, 24, 25 - Sri & Kira - Activation and Quantum Clairvoyance

• Nov. 11.11.11, 11.12, 11, 11.13.11 Canada’s Remembrance Weekend

Journey to your heart, mind and soul. Ceremony, Workshops & Lectures, Village, Music, Dance and Stories. Details coming.


• Cocoa Ceremonies

• Heart Resonance Workshops

• Questers- for the inquiring mind, the second Tuesday of each month

ATW Network - Line-up for September

• Sept. 8, Karen Elkins

• Sept 13, Linda M. Potter

• Sept 20, Sri & Kira

• Sept 27, Eliza Mada Dalian







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Page 4: S2S-2011

If We Only Knew...

How beautiful we are,

The Grandness of the universal design,

The Creativity we are meant to express,

The Power we possess,

The Gifts we hold....

and the stories we have been told.

by Karen Elkins

RADIO Interviews

MONDAY AUGUST 5Synchronicity Talk Radio CiTR 101.9FM Monday at 12pm

THURSDAY AUGUST 8, 7pmATW Radio Network

Speaking Engagements

QUESTER/Vancouver NOV 8 Maritime Center

Page 5: S2S-2011

The book, InsideOUT, the Wisdom of Our Designer Universe, fuses cutting-edge science with the wisdom of the ages. From cymatics, to natures intelligence, our electric universe, the nature of light, fractals, repeating patterns, our holographic universe, to re-looking at history and so much more. Never has so many principle been laced together in such a fine tapestry that reveals the nature of YOU!

The mission is to make visible our connection to all of life and become masters of our destiny.

The book and its vision is supported by:

• On-Line Resources

• Directory of Experts

• Science to Sage Magazine where you go deeper with experts

• Science to Sage Events

• ATW interview with Experts

SCIENCE TO SAGE MAGAZINE IS BASE ON THE BOOK ‘INSIDEOUT, THE WISDOM OF OUR DESIGNER UNIVERSE. Each month is dedicated to exploring another chapter and its ideas more deeply with experts - unifying and expanding community.


Here $22

The Wisdom of Our Designer Universe

Page 6: S2S-2011

ATWAwakening Truth Worldwide is Revolutionizing the way we Learn, Grow and Evolve by connecting people around the world - seeking to step further down their path of Awakening, with Teachers, Visionaries and Leaders who's passions are to spread Knowledge & Help Empower the World. Through Practical Tools, Teachings, Information and Resources - "ATW" is designed to Help us Collectively, better understand the Reality of Our Existence and begin to Step into our Power as Powerful Creators & Spirit Beings. "ATW" Is designed to Meet You Wherever YOU ARE along your path: Putting FREE & More in-depth, LIVE and On-Demand Workshops, Courses, Videos, Radio Shows, Special Guests, Events and Conferences and a Team of Teachers - ALL IN YOUR LAP!

“The First of it’s KIND”...An Online Classroom Featuring Free and “More In-Depth” Workshops, Conferences and Events, A Social Community and Radio Network of Shows for Seekers of Spirituality, Truth and Consciousness -

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We've designed the Classroom to be an Interactive Learning Center

Hosting amazing FREE & More in-depth LIVE and On-Demand exciting events that YOU can be a part of - As

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The ATW Teachers are experienced in all different aspects

of spirituality, truth and consciousness.

Throughout the week we have a network of Radio Shows for you to Follow, Tune-into & Be A Part of...

Awakening Truth Worldwide“Where Spirituality, Truth and Consciousness Collide!”


You're able to CHOOSE what you want to explore, learn, "take" & be a part of! WHENEVER You want to! That's why we offer both LIVE and On-Demand / Archived Workshops, Courses, Radio Shows, Videos, Events and

Conferences From the Teachers & Special Guests of "ATW".

Awakening Truth Worldwide has pieced together several platforms of Interactive software and programs that host workshops, courses and events to immerse seekers of Spirituality, Truth and Consciousness into a one of a kind environment bridging the teacher to seeker gap - Giving you the Ability to Learn, Grow and Evolve. Wherever you are in the World - Like NEVER


Page 7: S2S-2011

Awaken toTruth Worldwide Radio Network Broadcasting World Leaders Around the World



About the Bond


About ORBS


Interviews with Cohen


Stan Tenen, Oct 11

Howard Martin - Oct - TBC





Bill Thompson, Oct 18

DR. LOVE, Oct 25


Vancouver, BC Friday


Location: Unity of Vancouver 5840 Oak St.Lower Level

Cost: $20

Tickets:Science to Sagewww.sciencetosage.com &Banyen Books



Sept 12, 6pm

Sept 13, 7 pm

Sept 27, 7pm


SEPT 23, 24 & 25

Sept 20, 7pm



Page 8: S2S-2011


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The Role of Spirituality in a World shift

We are truly living in exciting

times. The challenges and crises

facing the world today are portents

of imminent change in civilization.

We are on the threshold of an

incredible global evolutionary shift.

Fractal Art by Dan Willshttp://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

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The current panoply of global crises collectively reveals

we are facing our own extinction. Scientists acknowledge

that the current degradation of the environment and the

massive loss of species, are evidence that we are deep into

the sixth mass extinction to hit Earth since the origin of

life. Unlike the first five massive die-offs, attributed to

physical causes such as life-destroying geological upheavals

and the impact of comets and asteroids, the current wave

of extinctions is due to a source much closer to home:

human behavior. Our way of life is wreaking havoc in the

global community and our survival is now in question.

Crises are harbingers of evolution. Albert Einstein

wisely proffered, “We cannot solve the problems with the

same thinking that created them.”

Consequently, the planet’s hope and

salvation lies in the adoption of revolutionary

new knowledge being revealed at the frontiers

of science.

This new awareness is shattering old myths

and rewriting the “truths” that shape the

character of human civilization.

Albert Einstein wisely

proffered, “We cannot

solve the problems with

the same thinking that

created them.”

Albert Einstein/Public Domain

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New science revises four fundamental beliefs that shape civilization. These flawed assumptions include:

1) The Newtonian vision of the primacy of a physical, mechanical Universe;

2) Genes control biology;

3) Evolution resulted from random genetic mutations;

4) Evolution is driven by a struggle for the survival-of-the-fittest.

These failed beliefs represent the “Four Assumptions of the Apocalypse,” for they are driving human civilization to the brink of extinction.

Modern science is predicated on “truths” verified through accurate observation and measurements of physical world phenomena. Science ignores the spiritual realm because it is not amenable to scientific analysis. As importantly, the predictive success of Newtonian theory, emphasizing the primacy of a physical Universe, made the existence of spirit and God an extraneous hypothesis that offered no explanatory principles needed by science


In the wake of Newtonian theory, with the Hand of God out of the way, society has been preoccupied with dominating and controlling Nature. Darwin’s theory further exacerbates the situation by suggesting that humans evolved through the happenstance of random genetic mutations. Accordingly, we evolved by pure “chance,” which by extension means: without an underlying purpose for our existence. Darwinian theory removed the last link between God, spirit and the human experience.

Darwin’s theory ...

accordingly, we evolved

by pure “chance,” which

by extension means:

without an underlying

purpose for existence.

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Additionally, Darwinism emphasizes that evolution is based on “the survival of the fittest in the struggle for existence.” For science, the end of the evolution struggle is simply represented by “survival.” As for the means to that end, apparently anything goes. Darwinism leaves humanity without a moral compass.

A mechanical Newtonian Universe in combination with Darwin’s theory of random evolution disconnects us from Nature and spirit, while legitimizing the exploitation and degradation of our fellow humans and the environment.

Modern science has led the world to shift from spiritual aspirations to a war for material accumulation. In addition to terrorizing the world’s human population, scientific “progress” has terrorized Mother Nature herself. Our credo, “Better Living Through Chemistry,” has led to our efforts to control Nature with toxic petrochemicals. As a result, we have polluted the environment, undermined the harmony of the biosphere and are rapidly driving ourselves toward extinction.

All is not lost. Advances from science’s frontier offer new insights that provide a bright Light at the end of this dark tunnel. Firstly, in contrast to the emphasis on the Newtonian material realm, the newer science of quantum mechanics reveals that the Universe and all of its physical matter are actually made out of immaterial energy. Atoms are not physical particles; they are made of energy vortices resembling nano-tornadoes.

Quantum physics stresses that the invisible energy realm, collectively referred to as the field, is the primary governing force of the material realm. It is more than interesting that the term field is defined as “invisible moving forces that influence the physical realm,” for the same definition is used to describe spirit. The new physics provides a modern version of ancient spirituality. In a Universe made out of energy, everything is entangled, everything is one.

The new physics

provides a modern

version of ancient


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Biomedical research has recently toppled the widespread belief that organisms are genetically controlled robots and that evolution is driven by a random, survival-of-the-fittest mechanism. As genetically controlled “robots,” we are led to perceive of ourselves as “victims” of heredity. Genes control our lives yet we did not pick our genes, nor can we change them if we don’t like our traits. The perception of genetic victimization inevitably leads to irresponsibility, for we believe we have no power over our lives.

The exciting new science of epigenetics emphasizes that genes are controlled by the environment, and more importantly, by our perception of the environment. Epigenetics acknowledges that we are not victims, but masters, for we can change our environment or perceptions, and create up to 30,000 variations for each of our genes.

Quantum physics and epigenetics provide amazing insight into the mystery of the mind-body-spirit connection. While Newtonian physics and genetic theory dismiss the power of our minds, the new science recognizes that consciousness endows us with powerful creative abilities to shape our lives and the world in which we live. Our thoughts, attitudes and beliefs control behavior, regulate gene expression and provide for our life experiences.

In contrast to random mutations, science has identified “adaptive” mutation mechanisms, wherein organisms adjust their genetics to conform to existing environmental conditions. We did not get here by chance. Every new organism introduced into the biosphere supported harmony and balance in the Garden. Every organism is intimately engaged with the environment in a delicate pas de deux. Human existence is not a random accident, but a carefully choreographed event that takes into account the cooperative nature of the biosphere. Humans evolved as the most powerful force in supporting Nature’s vitality. However, we have misused that power and are now paying the price for our destructive behavior.



attitudes and

beliefs control


regulate gene

expression and

provide for our



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The crises we face present us with the greatest opportunity in human history – conscious evolution. Through consciousness, our minds have the power to change our planet and ourselves. It is time we heed the wisdom of the ancient indigenous people and channel our consciousness and spirit to tend the Garden and not destroy it.

The story of human life on Earth is yet to be determined. Our evolution depends on whether we are willing to make changes in our individual and collective beliefs and behaviors, and whether we are able to make these changes in time. The good news is that biology and evolution are on our side. Evolution – like heaven – is not a destination, but a practice.

A miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility to collectively tend the Garden. When a critical mass of people truly own this belief in their hearts and minds and begin living from these truths, our world will emerge from the darkness in what will amount to a consciousness-based Worldshift — a spontaneous evolution for humans, by humans.

by Dr. Bruce Lipton Ph. D

Forum on Science and Spirituality. See http://ervinlaszlo.com/forum/.  

A miraculous healing

awaits this planet once we

a c c e p t o u r n e w

responsibility to collectively

tend the Garden.

Building Blocks of DNA Found in Meteorites from Space

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/08/09/building-blocks-dna-found-in-meteorites-from-space/#ixzz1UYY9LkCq

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The Wino and The MasterBY DR. MICEAL LEDWITH

Sometimes when I speak to groups about matters related to

quantum physics I pose the question “Who do you think has the greater ability to manifest reality: an unfortunate homeless person living in abject poverty under a bridge, or an ascended Master such as

we read about in those fabled accounts from long ago?”

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For months, the media has been filled with accounts of one series of economic disasters after another all across the First World.

It’s very rare that such a vast swath of

humanity has been so united in focus on the same

thing. Everyone across all of North and South

America , Europe and the East seem to be concerned

with the same realities, and with a fierce intensity;

will my investments be safe; will my savings, if I have

any, remain secure, how will I pay

the mortgage or meet my children’s

school fees this year? Will I have a

job in six months time? How can I

afford to heat the house this

winter? As a 19th century writer

put it: “It’s a prospect to dizzy and


There are aspects to this present situation in the world

at large which give great concern to anyone who has

realized even the most basic facts about what

quantum physics has to tell us about how reality

functions. For almost a century now the quantum

physicists have been telling us that reality obligingly

takes on the shape corresponding to the way in which

we observe it. Needless to say this insight has been

popularized in countless versions which usually

neglect to mention the awkward fact that while the

realities we experience every day are determined by

the way in which we observe them, it is no small task

to acquire the skill to manifest what it is we would

like to see popping up in our lives as opposed to

what normally does.

In that sense, I believe that many of the wildly

popular self-improvement programs that have

attracted such enormous attention in recent years

have actually done a great disservice to the majority

of people who espoused them. The impression was

given that it was all very easy, even automatic to

master these techniques. That suited the instant

gratification society’s expectations but it just didn’t

work and the result was disillusionment. There is no

doubt that what we have deeply and profoundly

a c c e p t e d w i l l m a n i f e s t i n t o o u r l i v e s .

Unfortunately, all too often, what we have

deeply and profoundly accepted in this way

i s l ack , i l l hea l th ,

misfortune and what we

are pleased to call bad


Sometimes when I speak to

groups about matters related

to quantum physics I pose the

question “Who do you think has the greater ability to

manifest reality: an unfortunate homeless person

living in abject poverty under a bridge, or an

ascended Master such as we read about in those

fabled accounts from long ago?”

The answer invariably is “The Master” - who has

everything his or her heart can desire. But that is not

so. Both the Wino and the Master have exactly the

same ability to manifest. There is obviously an

enormous difference between the circumstances of

the two, but the difference does not hinge on their

ability to manifest because they both have that ability

in equal measure, and so has everyone else who ever

walked this earth.

Both the Wino and the Master have exactly the same ability to manifest.

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Everyone is born with the innate ability to manifest

any reality out of the quantum field that corresponds

to their deeply accepted beliefs and feelings. This is

as much a part of us as our unique DNA, our

digestive system or the circulation of our blood. You

cannot exist without the ability to manifest out of the

quantum field. It is not something you have to learn.

The problem lies in the fact that what the vast

majority of people take for granted and deeply accept

is usually the reality of lack; the conviction that things

are scarce; that if I do not get my share before

someone else gets it I am in danger of being left short;

that life is unfair and unless I am on guard and alert I

will end up being pushed around to my detriment by

organizations and people who are more powerful

than I am. Is it any wonder then that such negative

realities figure so often in many people’s life


So in pondering the case of the Wino and the Master,

the Wino stands as an archetype of someone who is

convinced that the world is harsh, hostile,

discriminatory and unfair. As this is what is deeply

accepted it is inevitable that more of the same will

manifest in such a person’s life. The Master on the

other hand started out by realizing one of the most

basic realities about human life: the kind of life I have

been experiencing mirrors the way I have been

thinking. In “What the Bleep” I said Positive Thinking

was fallacious, because usually all it meant was that I

had managed to put a thin smear of positive thinking

over a vast boiling cauldron of negative thinking

underneath, which is obviously what is going to

manifest, because I is what I have deeply accepted.

We all come into this world endowed with a certain

type of character, intellectual ability, and physical

attributes, but I know that through the course of my

life I can alter what I have been endowed with, for

better or for worse.

The person who grows to be a Master realizes this

even though he or she may have suffered hardships,

disappointment, discrimination or betrayal. That

individual came to realize that it could all be turned

around if only they could learn to control their

thoughts at the deepest level.

That is a very different exercise indeed from

suppression. We are masters at fooling ourselves into

thinking that we have accomplished real change in

our lives when all we have done is suppressed the

tendencies, thoughts or beliefs which we want to be

freed from and are thus no longer welcome in our

lives. But these suppressed realities hide like a

festering sore until the day when they erupt to the

surface again in a much more virulent form than they

ever had before the attempt to squash them into


What we need to aim at is attaining a state where all

those negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions let us

go, rather than us deciding to try to expel them from

our lives by suppression.

In truth this process really is like trying to climb out of

a snake pit. Everyone who has ever set out on the

path of human or spiritual evolution has come to

realize as a basic premise that the real enemy is


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ny form of enemy we perceive without is visible to us only

because it mirrors what is already within ourselves, but which

may be so deeply buried that we are not aware of it until it is

mirrored back to us by some person or thing that is external to us.



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It should alert us to the fact that normally the varieties

of ways in which people focus on things that matter to

them cancel each other out for the large part. But

now the focus of most people on the earth is much

more unified than that, and it is concentrated by the

apprehension of doom and gloom. When there is

such a rare common focus, when it is negative, and

when it is feared, then we can rest assured that a

self-fulfilling prophecy is about to manifest and what

was bad in itself can very easily become much worse

simply because most of the world’s population has

much more of the Wino in them than the Master.

Many will say “We can change this” and

that is true, but while bailouts may solve the external

economic crisis, the only way to avert the power of

such a widespread negative focus on disaster as we

are experiencing now is to accomplish a profound

revolution in our habitual ways

of thinking. That is a much more difficult and

long drawn out process, but it is the only way to

eventually bring our habits of self -destruction to an


Dr. Micael Ledwith, L.Ph., L.D., D.D., LL.D (h.c) is an  International Speaker, Author, Theologian, and Scientist.His research interests had always been in the fundamental areas of religious belief, seeking answers to the “Four Great Questions” as he liked to call them: “Who am I? Where do I come from? What should I do? and where am I going?”

Dr. Ledwith insights are on the leading-edge of science and spirituality, indicating a very different understanding of God and our place and purpose in creation.

Photo Courtesy of Robert Leon


Page 19: S2S-2011

The universal construct,

Has the “Thumbprint of God”,It’s a fractal expression,

The heart its divine dimension,Revealing God’s loving expression.

Through its logarithmic spiral,Our self-similar patterns connect,

By an ethereal cord,Our hearts align,In an expanding void,

In a quantum sea of bliss.

This loving hoop,Is a feedback loop,You are a system within itself,

You are God’s outward expression,Totally dynamic, magnetic and electric.

You are his/her lover,When souls connect.

That is the art of you,It is at the heart of you,

It is encoded in you,As your deepest desire,For love to be expressed.

Love is golden,

The perfect phi ratio,So when your heart and mind, Are in perfect sync,

This cascading wave,Has a coherent beat.

Two chambers in the heart,

Two sides in the brain,Male and female,

Intelligence and intuition,Matter and motion,

Equally yoked,

Heaven's spheres are embraced.

Swirling and whirling, In the shape of a heart,The Sufi mystic,

Dances in a trance, Spiraling and connecting

To the heavens and the heart.

This is God’s essence,

The frequency of love.

It keeps you in a spin,Longing for this higher dimension.This equation is “Gods Thumbprint”,

Your individual expression,And his/her all inspiring LOVE.

by Karen Elkins

A Heart Based Universe

Content form the book InsideOUT

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Many people sense a planetary shift is going on. There is global economic instability, climate change, increased solar activity, unusual magnetic field changes and more frequent occurrences of both extreme weather and geological events. On December 21, 2012, there will be the great alignment of Earth with the center of the Milky Way, which happens just once every 25,000 years. The date also marks the end of the Mayan calendar. Some fear the end of the world as we know it, while others perceive a shift into higher consciousness is unfolding — that a more heart-based world is being born while Old World structures are falling apart.

Most people don’t know exactly what’s going on, but know that something is indeed going on. Many of us also sense a shift internally and perceive that time is accelerating, finding it difficult to keep up at times. We’re constantly bombarded by an ever-increasing number of choices. Emotions peak and ebb to extremes in the span of hours, even minutes. Uncertainty seems to be on the rise about our personal direction as well as that of the world.

Amid the stress and chaos, there is increasing awareness of our global interconnectivity. A momentum is building among those who want to come together to make a difference, give back to society and take care of each other and our planet. Social networking is bringing people together, and there is both an

energetic spark in the air and a growing sense of hope that something new will emerge.

Flickers of hope are qualities of the heart and spirit. The heart feelings of emotional well-being, care and compassion are enhanced by:

• Spir i tua l pract ices l ike meditation and prayer that connect us to something greater than ourselves

• Heart connection with others — close friendships within and outside the family

• G a t h e r i n g w i t h o t h e r s frequently for upl i f t ing purposes such as church, social causes, etc.

We call these actions that help nurture us emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually “aspects of heart-based living.” As the planetary shift continues and people experience greater stress , overstimulation, overload and stress-induced physical and mental health problems, the imperative to shift toward heart-based living increases.

"This article, originally published on care2.com, is reprinted with permission from the author, Deborah Rozman, Ph.D."

3 Ways to Keep Up with the Planetary Shift

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“... there is increasing awareness of

our global interconnectivity”.

Image bohringer Friedrich/CC 2.5

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As life’s pace continues to accelerate, we’ll be presented with even more choices and possibly have less time to make them. The good news is that when we approach our choices with sincere heart intent, it’s easier to access the intuition and energy required to shift quickly into the most beneficial mental and emotional states. We have a choice to ride the waves of change or be caught in the undertow.

Nearly two decades of HeartMath research on stress reduction and emotional well-being have addressed the areas of:

Incoherence: When a person feels stress, overwhelm, anxiety, uncertainty or fear, the heart sends chaotic and incoherent signals to the brain-mind, triggering more stressful responses. The higher cortical functions are inhibited — meaning the heart and brain are out of alignment — so solutions to personal or world problems are elusive.

Collectively, these negative emotions are reg is tered in the heart and bra in ’s electromagnetic fields, generating a global stress and incoherence wave that goes out to those around us and around the globe. Stress and incoherence are intensified by instant mass media reports, spreading news about natural disasters, social upheaval, economic turmoil and more.

Coherence: When you feel genuine hope, care and compassion, your heart is sending harmonious and coherent signals to the brain-mind, replacing feelings of separation with a sense of connection. The heart and brain are aligned and in sync. The higher cortical functions are enhanced, facilitating objective, sober assessment and intuitive perception. You perceive more wholeness, and solutions to problems are more apparent.

Positive emotions such as hope, care, compassion and appreciation can generate a collective global coherence wave that sends an electromagnetic field out to those around us and across the globe. Increasing heart alignment and focusing on heart-based living have the potential to create a global coherence wave that facilitates new solutions for the world’s problems.

More than ever people need to understand the physiology of coherence that underlies heart-based principles and the science behind global coherence. Scientific researchers have come together to make people more aware of the potentials of consciously creating a collective coherence wave. The Institute of HeartMath along with a prestigious scientific advisory board launched the Global Coherence Initiative to unite people in heart-focused coherent care and compassion and measure those effects.

Learn more about global coherence and the Global Coherence Initiative

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No. 1: Practice genuine appreciation and care for everything in your life, especially anything you may take for granted. Increasing heartfelt positive emotions like appreciation and care helps you move through difficult times with greater ease, security and grace. When you’re not aligned with your heart, the textures and richness of life can quickly diminish.

Intentionally generating positive feelings such as appreciation, care or compassion increases physiological coherence and adds greater texture and richness to our lives. Sunsets appear more beautiful, spring days feel fresher, and even food seems to taste better.

No. 2: Practice care, not overcare, for yourself and others. We are all going through the planetary shift together. Ask yourself “Is my care producing or reducing stress?” Be aware of how you feel about an issue at hand, place your focus in the heart area and breathe in a positive feeling or attitude to create more coherence. Be objective, as if the issue or

problem belongs to someone else. Relax in the heart area and become neutral about the issue, allowing your heart intelligence to offer new perspectives and possibilities.

You can increase the potency of your care and intentions and the effectiveness of your choices and actions. Listening to what your heart prompts you to do can make your caring more effective. Excessive care, or overcare, related to an issue or situation can create stress, negative emotions or incoherence, so it is important for your care to be balanced.

No. 3: Watch out for negative projections — the down slant. Negative projections actually are negative thoughts and feelings about you, someone else or the future. For example, say you’re planning to meet someone with whom you have a hard time communicating. Instead of projecting judgment or anxiety, generate appreciation, care and calm. You’ll enter the meeting with a more balanced and intuitive perspective.

Three Ways to Keep Up with the Planetary Shift

Image: Single-slit-diffraction-ripple-tank/Image:Licensed BSD, copyright 2011 Armedblowfish/Wikemedia

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More Ideas from HeartMath:

• You and people around the world can track your personal stress levels for free with HeartMath’s online Personal Tracker™, Stress and Well-Being Survey™ and Community Tracker™.

• Read an in-depth discussion about care versus overcare and learn about HeartMath’s stress-clearing tools and techniques in the book I wrote with HeartMath founder Doc Childre, “Transforming Anxiety, The HeartMath Solution for Overcoming Fear and Worry and Creating Serenity.”

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Image bohringer Friedrich/CC 2.5

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Transforming Depression and Stopping Emotional Eating.

Page 25: S2S-2011

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Skimming over the well known and well worn issue of Charles Darwin’s first opus, The Origin of Species, based on genetic mutation, selectivity, and survival of the fittest of those mutations, we will skim over his equally great second, ignored and almost unknown work,

The Descent of Man. In this second work,

representing the later and more mature half of Darwin’s life, he shows how humankind

arose through the “higher agencies” of love and altruism. Selectivity and survival,

being foundational, are retained, but in service of this higher and more complex life form.

THe Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online.http://darwin-online.org.uk/

The Descent of Manhttp://darwin-online.org.uk/content/frameset?itemID=F937.1&viewtype=side&pageseq=1

Claudine Andre and a young bonobo/Public Domain

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he issue of this higher evolutionary cycle found in The Descent of Man (hereafter referred to as “Darwin II”) lies with nurturing, which instinct gives rise

to, fosters and allows love and altruism. This aspect of Darwin’s life-work, as clearly articulated by David Loye’s e x c e l l e n t l i t t l e v o l u m e :

D a r w i n ’s L o s t Theory of Love, has been

grievously ignored. Consider some of Darwin’s essays and interests of this later p e r i o d s u c h a s Selectivity in Relation to Sex and Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animal; his interest in the work of Ernest Haekel, Lamark and Goethe. And how does

one account for such ignored sentiments

found in Darwin II as “…a i d i n g t h e w e a k t o survive…the instinct of

sympathy, the noblest

part of our nature…”? Where now a species of tooth and claw and why have such negative myths been accepted while ignoring the deeper, more spiritually inclined aspects of Darwin’s genius?

Our most ancient origins, as found in The Origin of the Species (herafter, “Darwin I”), can be graphically traced in the parade of skulls preceding us, as put together by Ashley Montagu. (See Fig.) We were announced quite visibly, so to speak, some brief forty to fifty thousand years ago, by the appearance of a brain case with an abnormally large area right behind the orbit of the eyes, in the frontal-most part of our skull. (Observe the striking difference of profiles of the earlier Neanderthal and later Cro-Magnon, assumed to be the first fully human creature.) This bulging forehead houses a prefrontal cortex setting us off quite markedly from all our forebears. This particular neural grouping constitutes the high point of evolution to date, a large addition to the three-fold structure found in the heads of our nearest e v o l u t i o n a r y k i n , s u c h a s t h e Neanderthals. Darwin II attributes this addition to the nurturing of love and altruism.

“A humankind abandoned in

its earliest formative stage,

becomes its own greatest threat to

its survival.” Maria Montessori, M.D

J o s e p h C h i l t o n P e a r c e

Strange Loops the NEW book by Joseph Chilton PearceChapter One - The Fall of Man


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urturing both gave rise to, and is the combined effect of, love and altruism – which in this book we will come to understand as a typical “mirroring" or “strange loop” effect. Whatever its roots, nurturing sustained us for millennia and what should have been human life thereafter, with the sky the limit to what such a system could do.

Paradise Lost Somewhere along the way, however, nurturing was compromised. It was diluted and adulterated to the point of being side-tracked, insignificant to the point that it finally lost out to survival concerns, to varying extent and in different climes and

times. Today, nurturing, as needed

by our species and the earth, has all but disappeared. Pockets of

nurturing remained, even into mid-twentieth century, in a few remote and isolated human groups1. The societies they depicted offer us critically needed models to study and examples to emulate, if we are to recoup our loss o f th i s major evolutionary tool, as nurturing proves to be.

Mirror to Mirror – Which

Reflection Comes First? The reason such an evolutionary set-back as loss of nurturing became near-permanent wherever it occurred, is simple, ironic and can happen rapidly. A prime example is Jane Goodall’s account of a rogue ape, victim of a failure of nurturing, who upset the social structure of his whole

ape-troop2. In the case of our un-nurtured humankind, and in spite of our vastly

superior brain, we were caught up in

a deluge of self-inflicted disasters of every description, multiplying

at every level, that followed on the heels of our nurturing failure. The irony is that the intensity of our crisis and its near permanent status thereafter arises from, and can be attributed to, our very “superior brain.” It takes some extraordinary brilliance and creativity to make the incredible mess we have made on this good Earth.

Precisely as Maria Montessori warns, we were so immediately absorbed in surviving the results of our own reactive patterns – brought on by failure of nurturing – that we had no time, energy or interest to reflect on how or what happened, or was happening, to us. This is our condition today, where such loss and projection onto others “out there” of the causes of such loss, has been replicated age by age. Our survival concerns have greatly expanded and changed with the times, since the sharper this new intellect of ours, the deeper our crisis.

And we are getting correspondingly smarter intellectually while less intelligent. In te l l ec t , a head-based opera t ion incorporating ever more complex variations and applications, each needing further explications and qualifications, has become separated from intelligence – the automatic and natural state of the heart which brings coherence.

J o s e p h C h i l t o n P e a r c e


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PETRA/Public Domain

Lost Paradise

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The Cultural Counterfeits

A counterfeit is a

duplication of an original, from crude resemblance to those so

nearly exact as to defy all but the trained observer. But no matter how

apparently perfect the counterfeit is, minor, near-insignificant differences are always present, and will eventually bring ever g r ea t e r p rob lems in app l i ca t i on . Meanwhile, the most minor miss in the fit multiplies into a major one through continual use.

To grind on this a bit, failure to nurture expresses in such a myriad of constantly branching critical problems that all objectivity suggesting a possible cause is lost in the mounting dysfunction. This leaves us aware only of the dysfunction, which by then is considered natural, or “the human condition.” I spelled this out in the chapter “Time-Bomb in the Delivery Room” in my 1977 book, Magical Child. This effort did nothing to counter the effects of that delivery room, or time-bomb, years down the road, culture being the power it is.

The importance and significance of nurturing as a survival response has, on its loss, brought in its place a mass of cultural counterfe i ts of nurtur ing. These counterfeits are “head-based” intellectual conclusions bringing roughly approximate solutions for the missing intelligence; consequently the inevitable problems

inherent in counterfeits eventually appear and absorb our attention. Origins are forgotten. And, though these counterfeits continually betray us, we are constantly seduced by them because of our fundamental needs for nurturing, with which these counterfeits have some vague resonance. Virtual reality, in its myriad of current expressions such as television, computers, and electronic stimuli of endless variety, has almost completely replaced reality as the state of live, direct biological awareness and experience as developed over millennia.

Caught up in trying to make these counterfeits work, such attempts sustain and increase the counterfeit incentives and their power. And those counterfeits, products of our ever-new and ever-sharper intellect, can border on genius itself, although always causing problems at some point, spinning our webs of error and production of counterfeits ever tighter.

Even if these counterfeit structures are analyzed and brought to light, such analyses can only be interpreted through

our cultural mind-set. This mind-set

automatically counters any possible conflict to itself by its own cultural counterfeit of the

analysis itself. This is a largely non-

conscious response on our part, simply our mind-set interpreting the information – as it must, in order to maintain itself. We, with a sigh of relief, thankfully accept our culture’s counterfeit as the obvious solution for us, thus nullifying any threat of change to the culture or to our mind-set, while locking us into ever-deeper disaster. In just such ways, culture is a self-sustaining field-effect with our rationale at its service.

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Counterfeit Meal?Chihuahua, by David Shankbone/GNUFee Doc License

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Continually lost in making corrections in our counterfeit world, we can’t regain that benevolence-driven mind-set which was and is our greatest survival asset and most important feature of being human. In our compulsion to right a fundamentally flawed l og i ca l wo r ld - v i ew, we l o se ou r connections with and ability to open to the

intelligence called for – which is heart-based, not head-based. Long repetitive

usage of a flawed logical approach can change brain organization to the point we can become neurally insufficient to the task of seeing the errors in our preoccupation with our counterfeits. Losing access to intelligence, we are left with plenty of “smarts” to maintain the counterfeits, none for opening to the intelligence that could reveal them for what they are.

Our razor-sharp intellect can create and build atom bombs

and destroy the very atmosphere of our earth, but the basic intelligence needed to grasp this

fundamental problem of loss of nurturing is gained only by brain-

heart development itself. And brain-

heart development is a major thrust of the nurturing function itself, which is, in turn, dependent on brain-heart development. In this reciprocal and recursive movement, we

find a “strange loop” in which nurturing and brain-heart give rise to each other. Nurturing should have opened ever-new evolutionary pathways – and still could. Instead, we have locked into a survival mode which is now considered to be not just the norm, but the “human condition” and/or “human nature.” Around and through our automatic survival response we invent an incredibly complex and non-viable environment we must then attend with our whole being, both to survive in such environment individually, and to maintain that very counterfeit environment itself, whose loss is sensed as a major threat to that world-view we share as our cultural basis, trapping ourselves at every turn.

The failure to nurture results in serious brain-mind alterations, such that any moral-ethical persuasions concerning nurturing become useless, since not really heard. We can hear only that for which we have a receptive capacity. We have had love preached to us for at least two thousand year s wi th v i r tua l ly no appreciable decrease in violence nor

increase in love. Only the state

of love can hear that with which it is resonant. This is a

classic double-bind, a Catch 22. An alternate approach – one I have long promoted – is a straight biological-neurological one that arises from a Darwin II position. In such an approach, the starting point lies in grasping the fourfold nature of our “evolutionary” brain.

J o s e p h C h i l t o n P e a r c e

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History of Our Internal

Civil WarOne of the earliest neuroscientists to

realize that this complex brain structure of ours had evolved out of and from earlier creatures was Paul MacLean, over half century ago. MacLean paved the way for our discovery that we have within our skull not one, but four distinct and essentially separate, interactive neural systems, developed over four distinct evolutionary pe r iods . Through the appropr ia te integrat ion, poss ible only through nurturing, these four neural systems cooperate as an integrated function in alignment with the heart. Should this fourfold integration fail, we become not only a seriously split system, but brain’s intimate connection with heart is seriously c o m p r o m i s e d – r e s u l t i n g i n t h e aforementioned “human condition.”

The Four Evolutionary

StagesIn briefest brief, the four evolutionary

neural systems in our head, in their respective evolutionary order, are as follows. First is the so-called “reptilian” or “hind” brain, most powerful biologically since the oldest and most firmly entrenched through usage. Karl Pribram described this sensory-

motor system as the “world-brain,” the primordial capacity to sense our physical world and the ability to respond to that world intelligently enough to survive in it.

The next evolutionary step up the ladder was the “old mammalian” brain, built “on top of” and thus outside of our sensory-motor foundation. Through this second brain humankind could be aware of, “witness”, and interpret the nature of relations between us sensing creatures and the objects or events encountered by our “world-brain” as “out there.” Otherwise we could only react to such physical events to avoid or devour them, as would the older reptilian “hind” brain on its own. This old-mammalian capacity to interpret gave rise to ever more sophisticated forms of relating. For, as this book attempts to illustrate throughout, all creation is relational. Nothing stands alone. Everything is, only through relationship with something other-to-it.

So the reptilian brain gave content to which the “old” mammalian system could relate, and out of such relationship evolved an emotional (relational) structure giving rise to relations with meaning and significance and group or herd experience – a new mammalian brain that could project beyond the sensory brain entirely. This “new mammalian” brain gave the foundation for the eventual rudiments of thought and speech through which we could reflect on an event in an abstract way; that is, extract out of direct sensory contact a mental and objective viewpoint of such relations.

This new capacity, in turn, made necessary and gave the foundation for a fourth, “governing” or coordinating brain to

Split between these basic evolutionary drives, and largely isolated from the intelligence of the heart, we do indeed end up at war with ourselves, individually and socially, each of us with Self split between the intelligence of the heart and a fragmented brain-mind. Self, identified with mind-brain, locks into its most primary survival systems, with culture and its violence reigning supreme.

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J o s e p h C h i l t o n P e a r c e

...organize into a unit or single system these three independent foundational s y s t e m s ( r e p t i l i a n s e n s o r y - m o t o r, mammalian-emotional, and mammalian-rudimentary thinking brain.) This fourth, coordinating and governing body of neurons (called the pre-frontal cortex) emerged when conditions were right: sufficient maturity of the three preceding brains, and the appropriate nurturing. Once established, this new “governing” fourth brain could bring about adaptation to extremes of climate and physical conditions, and overcome the limitations and constraints that might arise. Evolution was taking wings.

Crea t ion and the Prefrontals Through this fourth, newest, largest and superior brain, the prefrontal cortex, nature could organize all capacities inherent within the first three systems and bring them into a coherent, focused attention and response. Above all, this fourth brain was (is) capable of creation, in a literal sense: first creating internal images not present in the outer world (creat ive imaginat ions) , then concretizing – making real – such inner images in the “outer” sensory world shared with others (Concrete Operational Thinking, to use Jean Piaget’s term).

This, in turn, prepared for and brought about the possibility for, Formal Operations of mind, as Piaget called them, wherein we can think and imagine outside all concrete, material realms, and, in effect,

operate on our very own brain structure, from which mind and such operations emerge. Nobel Laureate Roger Sperry referred to this as mind emerging from its matrix – brain – and this emergent system can then bend back on, analyze and change that very matrix giving rise to it. (A wild analogy might be of an automobile coming out of a complex assembly-line and turning around to rearrange the complex of assemblies giving rise to itself).

T r a n s c e n d e n c e , I n c o r p o r a t i o n a n d Integration So we humans evolved through a series of new neural-physical structures, each developed to go beyond the limitations and constraints of those coming before and giving rise to it. This is the essential meaning of the term transcendence in the present work. Yet each new system is critically dependent on the older as its foundation (a sensory-motor system is handy, after all). Though we transcend this older system we must utilize it, put it to work for us, to function at all. And in the process of utilizing any previous system, the earlier system is itself transformed by the higher system with which it must be integrated, in order for the lower to serve that higher system. This is surely both a ”strange loop” and the last word in tautologies, but also allows us to say the “reptilian” or sensory-motor brain in our head is light-years beyond essentially the same component parts in the brain of black-snake in our wood pile.

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A spark plug that fires the Model

T Ford is of the same general construct ion as that plug sparking a multi-cylinder Rolls


By this incorporation-integration, the older brain function becomes compatible with the newer, and then can serve that newer system into which it has integrated. Then the older serves the newer with those older functions which the newer doesn’t have, except through such

incorporation of the older. Nature

established this strange loop as the basis of her creative system. This system of incorporation-integration carries right on up to that frontal and prefrontal cortex, our highest evolutionary brains. The transformation the new brain brings about in its older brain maintains, enhances, and completes the older, earlier foundational capacities, as needed by the newer system to complete its own structure.

This is a procedure truly worth a bit of study because here we will find why a dysfunctional culture such as we suffer today can’t self-correct, or even be corrected, but always and inevitably replicates itself and all its errors in one form or another until finally self-destructing. In sum, the higher brain

function enhances the lower with capacities which complete the lower and enable it to work cooperatively with the higher; the higher brain must have those capacities the lower has then developed.

This incorporation-integration process plays a profound role in child-development and could lead us into a rediscovery of our true nature, as co-

creators in our life. Above all,

h e r e w e fi n d w h y abandonment of the infant-child in its earliest

formative stage is such an ongoing disaster. A

broken development on its own always replicates its own broken nature, in spite of all efforts to repair itself, or even attempts by others to repair it.

Animal Liberation Front/Public Domain

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S t r a n g e L o o p s


A critical series of interacting loops takes place between these evolutionary brain parts – moving forward, doubling back to pick up elements or capacities needed – but unavailable until such movement forward and doubling back takes place. Follow this loop: the newer brain system incorporates the older into its service, giving the foundation on which the newer is built, and this incorporation transforms the nature of the older into enough resonance with the newer to function synchronously in coherence with that newer, while enhancing the original capacities of that older system. All of this reciprocal interaction is then integrated into the newer system and its supportive older system for a more advanced dual function – a new situation impacting the entire brain system developed to that point.

Our greatest great being said “If I be lifted up I draw all mankind toward me”, a statement which is an ontological truth far t r a n s c e n d i n g t h e p e t t y r e l i g i o u s applications that have so misconstrued most of that great being’s observations. As this “mythical He” draws all mankind toward him he is himself transformed anew in typical symbiosis, and can thus quite truthfully state, “I am always becoming what you have need of me to be”, through just this continual growth-expansion of both “s ides” of the loop. By the generational love and recognition that mythical figure generates in us, that mythical figure is, himself, continually “lifted up” – giving his mythical overlaid imagery greater power to attract and lift up, round and round.

The transformation of an older primary brain system into a newly emerging one, which is, in turn, dependent on the older f o r i t s o w n d e v e l o p m e n t a n d transformation, is not only an example of the strange loop phenomenon, but is a major key to our evolution. For this ongoing, continual evolutionary process moves to go beyond the limitations and constraints of any current state, as such limitations arise. This transcendent action itself gives rise to new states and evolutionary possibilities not necessarily even extant before, while eventually seeking out the limitations and constraints even then becoming apparent, and kicking off another round of evolution. Neurologist Frank Wilson’s brilliant analysis of the evolutionary implications of the human hand and brain shows a perfect symbiosis, each bringing more and more potential ability into and out of the other3. The same is true of mind and heart, as we will see in Section II.

Herein the transformation of mind itself unfolds, and we see evolution as not only an ongoing, endless process, but always a win-win situation – or at least to the extent it is allowed to be, since designed to be so if allowed. It is up to us to allow, or to impede.

This highly condensed and abstract survey ignores, for now, among many issues, the intriguing aspect of selectivity out of a randomly produced profusion. Such selectivity out of random profusion is another hallmark of our open-ended evolutionary system. And, our reviewing of this reciprocal function (as in this chapter) in a continual doubling-back on-and-of this basic material, puts this basic material into a continually wider, more inclusive basis, relating it with other aspects of evolution.

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Integration and its

Failure in Development

Large and critical overlaps take place between the appearance and full-scale development of each of these four neural systems, as we unfold from conception. (See Fig.# again.)

So development of the first, “reptilian” brain system continues, at a more relaxed pace, long after development of the next, old-mammalian brain, begins its development. This overlap brings a period of integration of the two systems, each supporting and influencing the other in typical strange loop reciprocal fashion.

Th a t i s w hy f a i l u r e o r compromise of development in

one s tage can damage or c o m p r o m i s e s u b s e q u e n t

development of both predecessor and

successor stages. In sum, the first neural system, dependent on integration into the second for its own completion, will be faulty if the second is faulty; and, being the foundation on which the second is critically dependent, the two “go down together” so to speak, another – and sobering – aspect of the mirroring-loop phenomenon. Failure within either system means both lose to some extent, the equivalent of a strange loop being prevented from completing its loop.

Now we can grasp the full insight in Maria Montessori’s statement about abandonment in the earliest development

period. An infant born and not

nurtured, particularly in that most critical first year, will remain largely locked into his

primary defensive sensory-motor brain, since his emotional system is then

truncated, and events in his environment can’t be fully integrated. Instead, these events bring further retreats into his

d e f e n s i v e s y s t e m . H e “armors” against his world from the beginning,

and development will be slow and faltering. Rather than relating to the events of his world – the only way brain-mind can develop – he defends against those worldly events, increasing his isolation.

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Sketching In This Fall

of ManThough many underlying factors are

involved, a single major cause lies behind the mishap: our undeveloped emotional sy s tem remains embedded in and compromised by the survival system on which the emotional system depends for its

own development. This survival system is still trying to establish its genetically determined functions, which it can only do through a developed emotional system, and this emotional system itself can only be completed by a functional survival system – a typical double-bind. Even after the second neural system (the old mammalian or emotional) opens for its development, most of the infant energy-attention defends against such openness.

Instead of transforming that reptilian survival instinct into a preliminary form of emotional intelligence, the higher s y s t e m ( t h e i n t e n d e d e m o t i o n a l intelligence) will be incorporated into the lower and become, in effect, a part of that lower defense system. With a compromised or damaged reptilian and old mammalian system, the third evolutionary system – the new mammalian brain – on its opening for development, will face an obvious double- or triple- jeopardy.

We can follow such a stage-by-stage compromise-breakdown, as it has indeed taken place historically and within us individually, until we finally get to the point where the highest , fourth brain is

incorporated in whole or in part into the first, sensory-survival mode, the whole evolutionary movement thereby inverted, turned upside down, with humankind the greatest danger to humankind.

This fourth and latest brain, the prefrontal cortex, is designed to be the “governor” of the whole system – to o r g a n i z e t h e w h o l e a r r a y i n t o concentrations of attention-force that can carry an experience of self beyond its limitations and constraints, and move on into new evolutionary levels. But, should these ongoing and progressive compromises of nature’s plan as noted here take place (which is the general case), the “human condition” becomes this compromised and crippled system, the “governor deposed,” riff-raff in charge, wherein our highest evolutionary potential is bent back into the service of the lowest in a de-evolutionary set-back – which well describes our current massive pileup of global-social chaos.

The Breakdown of

ReasonOnce this reversal happens, we, still

l o ck e d i n t o o u r s u r v i va l s y s t e m , automatically employ the logical reasoning capacities of our highest brain to rationalize the violent behaviors continually erupting out of our incomplete and un-integrated survival brain. We generally defend, with all logic available to us, such destructive actions on our part as critically necessary, and such necessity is surely the mother of our demonic inventions.

J o s e p h C h i l t o n P e a r c e

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Thus, as our history shows,

there is nothing more dangerous and destructive than a brilliant, genius-level reptile, of which we

seem to breed quite a number, from heads of state and industry

on down the social scale to the all-too similar but unsuccessful criminal behind bars. That is to say,

our successful criminals are behind the corporate, political, social-scheming desks ruling our world. And therein they can justify any atrocity as deemed necessary to their success, though always cloaked as supposedly for our survival – individually or nationally. The reason we must batten on our brother’s blood, imprison more and more of our fellows each year, build more bombs, go to war on and on, is “perfectly clear and logical” – over and over, blood bath after blood bath ad infinitum and nauseam. Necessity and pragmatic common sense demand it! (And, lest we forget, author and reader alike participate in this very process to varying degrees).

M o d e r n M a n ,

Reptilian HybridThus we come to our present self-

destructing and non-viable devolutionary state. As inheritors of the highest brain which evolution has produced, this lofty p o i n t i s g e n e r a l l y i n c o r p o r a t e d , unbeknownst, into the service of our lowest, sensory-motor survival system. We then function as the highest in service of the lowest, instead of being the highest, served by the lowest, as nature intended. Further, we then identify with these lower functions by default, and compulsively rationalize the irrational and destructive actions of these primal base reactions of ours, in an attempt to justify and maintain our mind-set, or “world-view,” identity, and self esteem, thereby assuming some quasi-coherence in a most incoherent mental turmoil. The “fall of man” becomes instinctual, repetitive, circular – a demonic tautology. Or, as Walt Whitman put it, the murder comes back most often to the murderer.

1 See Wolff, Robert, Original Wisdom, Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT 2002, and Leidloff, Jean, The Continuum Concept, Addison Wesley Press, Reading, MA 19772 Goodall, Jane, The Chimpanzees of Gombe, Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA 19863 Wilson, Frank, The Hand: How its Use Shapes the Brain, Language and Human Culture, Vintage Books, London 1999

Josef Chilton Peace other books:

CrackMagical ChildMagical Parent - Magical Child with MMBond of PowerEvolution' EndBiology of TranscendenceDeath of religion and rebirth of spiritStrange Loops

Pleasure Bondslivepage.apple.com

Raising Shameless, Free, Responsible Young People

Complementary Articles by Michael Mendizza

Page 42: S2S-2011

Gifted Children

The Gifted Mind...

"Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine

to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm. This asynchrony

increases with higher intellectual capacity. The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and

requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counseling in order for them to develop optimally."

The Columbus Group, 1991, cited by Martha Morelock


View from within

Silbury Resources

Page 43: S2S-2011


• Capote

• The Silence of the Lamb

• The Erin Brockovich

• Julie and Julia My Year of Cooking


• The Aviator - Howard Hughes

• Frita

• Coco Channel

• Kinsey

• Nikola Tesla

• Elizabeth The Golden Age

• Searching for Bobby Fisher

• Gandhi

• Luther

• The Messenger

• Rain Man

• Pollock

• Little Man Tate

• A Beautiful Mind

• Amadeus

• Dark Matter

• Powder

• Time Traveler

• Finding Forrester

• The Incredibles

• Catch Me If You Can

• Social Network

• Mogul

• Tucker

• The Phantom of the Opera

• Avro Arrow

• Local Color

• ....just to name a few!


Nikola Tesla

Diego Rivera

Walt Disney

George Lucas

A & E History



Ben Franklin

Da Vinci


Alexander the Great

Manson, Charles


Dalai Lama


John Adams

Bin Laden




Bill Gates

Bobby Fisher

Steve Jobs


Martin Luther King

Nelson Mandela

Harriet Tubman

Fredrick Douglass


Page 44: S2S-2011


by Lynne McTaggart

For the last two years, I have been holed away,

writing a new book,  The Bond. Now that it’s

done, I want to tell you a little about this

project and why I wrote this book.  

Fractal Art by Dan Willshttp://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

Page 45: S2S-2011

ll of us now sense that we have reached the

end of something. Since the millennium,

commentators of every variety have been trying to

get a handle on the collective significance of the

continuous crises besetting us in modern times:

banking crises, terrorist crises, sovereign-debt

crises, climate-change crises, energy crises, food

crises, ecological crises, manmade and otherwise.

“The world as we know it is going down,” a Wall

Street broker told reporters in September 2008,

after Lehman Brothers collapsed and Morgan

Stanley threatened to follow suit. It is the “end of

capitalism as we know it,” declared filmmaker

Michael Moore, when American auto giants

General Motors filed for bankruptcy.  

It is the end of our dependence on fossil fuel,

announced President Barack Obama, about the

Deepwater Horizon oil-rig explosion. It is the end

of nature, wrote Bill McKibbin in his book of the

same name. It is the end of oil, wrote journalist

Paul Roberts in his book of the same names. It is

the end of food because it is the end of oil,

declared Roberts in his follow-up book. With

various Japanese reactors poised for a meltdown,

it is the end of nuclear power.

For those who take stock in the Mayan Long

Count calendar and the apocalyptic significance of

2012, it is the beginning of the end of the world. 

The beginning in the ending

But the crises we face on many fronts are

symptomatic of a deeper problem, with more

potential repercussions than those of any single

cataclysmic event. They are simply a measure of

the vast disparity between our definition of

ourselves and our truest essence.

For hundreds of years we have acted against

nature by ignoring our essential connectedness

and defining ourselves as separate from our

world. We’ve reached the point where we can no

longer live according to this false view of who we

really are. 

What’s ending the story we’ve been told up until

now about who we are and how we’re supposed

to live — and in this ending lies the only path to a

better future.

Living a lieAs I began researching and studying the latest

discoveries in a vast array of disciplines—general

biology, physics, zoology, psychology, botany,

anthropology, astronomy, chronobiology, and

cultural history—the more it became clear to me

that the lives we’ve chosen to lead are not

consistent with who we really are.

A new understanding is emerging from the

laboratories of the most cutting-edge physicists,

biologists, and psychologists that challenges the

very way we conceive of ourselves. Frontier

scientists in every field have all found evidence that

individuals are far less individual than we thought

they were.


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The space between things

Between the smallest particles of our being,

between our body and our environment,

between ourselves and all of the people with

whom we are in contact, between every

member of every societal cluster, there is a Bond

— a connection so integral and profound that

there is no longer a clear demarcation between

the end of one thing and the beginning of


The world essentially operates, not through the

activity of individual things, but in the connection

between them — in a sense, in the space

between things.

What’s more, these new discoveries in physics

and biology demonstrate that we are in crises

because we are living a lie.  All living things

succeed and prosper not through competition,

but only when they see themselves as part of a

greater whole.

We succeed only because we share, we care and

we’re fair.Rather than a will to dominate, the

essential impulse of all of life is a will to connect.

The competitive paradigm

Nevertheless, our paradigm for living has been

built upon the premise that competition is the

essential calling card of existence. Every modern

recipe in our lives has been drawn from our

interpretation of life as individual and solitary

struggle, with every-man-for-himself competition

an inherent part of the business of living. 

Our entire Western economic model is built on

the notion that competition in a free-market

economy is essential to drive excellence and


In our relationships, we extol our inherent right

to individual happiness and self-expression above

all else. We educate our young by encouraging

them to compete and excel over their peers.

The currency of most modern two-cars-in-

every-garage neighbourhoods is comparison and


The world, as Woody Allen once

put it,

“is one big cafeteria.”

Outdated rules

The crises we have faced on every front have

occurred precisely because we are operating

according to an outdated set of rules.The

competitive impulse that is now a major part of

our self-definition and that forms the

undercurrent of all our lives is the same mindset

that has created every one of the large global

crises now threatening to destroy us. If we can

recover wholeness in our lives – in our

relationships, our neighbourhoods, our societies,

in my view, we will begin to heal our world.


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In writing this book, I had an audacious mission: to

rewrite the scientific story you’ve been told about

who you are plus offer you detailed blueprint of

how to live in harmony with it.

I wanted to help establish a very different set of

rules from the ones we currently live by.

In fact, the only truth is the space

between us—the Bond — which

means that we must share and

recover wholeness in our lives if

we are to survive and flourish.

A New blueprint...It was clear to me that need to perceive the world

differently, relate to others differently, organize

ourselves — our friendships and neighborhoods,

our towns and cities — differently. We need to

change our fundamental purpose on earth as

something more than one based on struggle and


We must look at our lives from an entirely

different perspective, a larger vantage point, to

notice the connections that tie us all together.

With this book, I hope to set a new agenda besides

our current one of struggle and domination, in

which all of us observe the mounting crises with a

sense of impotence. I want to initiate a giant

conversation, in which people are no longer waiting

for the right president or prime minister to make

decisions for them, I aim to give you a fresh way of

seeing the world from a wider perspective, a new

way of relating to other human beings, a new sense

of community, a new and authentic purpose.

I want to empower you by showing you how easy

it is to live in wholeness, how tiny changes can

revolutionize your life and the life of everyone

around you.

I wanted to provide a message of hope, inspiration

– and a practical way to change, starting with your

home, then your neighborhood, your community,

your town. . .

Above all, I want to show you that it doesn’t have

to be like this. Not for one more day.


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“the mother by Anchise Picchi in Public Domain

Lynne McTaggart, author of the international bestsellers The Field and The Intention Experiment, is o n e o f t h e p r e - e m i n e n t spokespersons on consciousness and the new science. This article, adapted from her her new book The Bond: Connecting Through the Space Between Us, is the c u l m i n a t i o n o f h e r groundbreaking work, offering a completely new scientific story, plus a detailed blueprint of how to live in harmony with it. For more information and ordering, go to: www.thebond.net

Make the Bond

and pass it on.

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God is like a musician who creates the

harmonies of the Cosmos and gives each

individual his own particular part to play. If the

music of life seems discordant to us, we should

not blame the Master Musician, but ourselves.

We are the out-of-tune instrument which mars

the beauty of his composition. Hermes reflects

that when we devote ourselves to the spiritual

path, we mysteriously become perfectly tuned.

The earthly part of the universe would seem

rude and savage without sweet melodies. This is

why Atum sent down the choir of muses to live

amongst humankind and inspire music, so that

men could adore Divinity with hymns praise, in

polyphony with the psalms of heaven.

- The Hermetica, The Lost Wisdom of the


armonies of the CosmosH

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The world that we create with our beliefs can take us

into the worst nightmare with a lot of drama, or it can take us into what I call

heaven on earth.

d o n M i g u e l R u i z

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In 1997, the international bestseller, The Four Agreements, taught us all to be impeccable

with our word, not to take anything personally, not to make assumptions and always do our

best. The book’s success introduced millions of people to the ways of the Toltec and catapulted

its author, a gentle, soft-spoken nagual (shaman/teacher) in this ancient wisdom tradition into

the media spotlight.

In The Four Agreements, Ruiz tells us that the esoteric wisdom of the Toltecs can be traced

back thousands of years to southern Mexico. He characterizes the

Toltecs as a society of spiritual scientists and

artists, who came together to “explore and

conserve the spiritual knowledge and practices

of the ancient ones.” The cornerstone of Toltec teachings, he says, is the

belief that life is nothing but a dream, an illusion created by us through our beliefs.

Ruiz names Teotihuacan, an ancient city of pyramids near Mexico City (also known as the

place where “Man Becomes God”), as the sacred site where the masters and their students


European conquests, and the misuse of power by some of its apprentices, resulted in

centuries of concealment and secrecy. The wisdom of the ancestors was kept alive through the

lineages of naguals, and resurfaced — as the Toltec prophecies foretold — at the time in the

future when it would be necessary to return the knowledge to the people. Don Miguel Ruiz of

the Eagle Knight lineage says that time has come.

Now, 12 years after The Four Agreements was first introduced, don Miguel, in collaboration

with his son, don Jose, has added a Fifth Agreement to his Toltec teachings. I had an

opportunity to speak with this father/son duo about the latest book and their spiritual journeys.

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LP: Don Miguel, you were raised in a family of

teachers and healers. How much influence do

you think those early experiences had on your

current work?

MR: Yes I was born into a family who had those

traditions. My Mother was a curandera [healer],

my grandfather was a nagual [shaman] and on

and on. I had so much respect for the Toltec

tradition. So it was easy for me to follow. What I

learned was that everything is possible; nothing

is impossible. And everybody could be as they

are — something I wanted to share with my own

children. I taught my family to respect the Toltec

tradition. Toltec means artist—the tradition of the

artist. My children have learned to be very


LP: You had a near fatal accident many years ago

which you have said changed your life and put

you on your current path. Do we need to have

these kinds of dramatic events in our lives before

we can find our direction?

MR: Not at all. My car accident was a result of a

very stupid decision that I made. We had a big

party and I made a bad decision — I drank too

much and then decided to drive home. I slid into

a wall and totaled my car. Fortunately, my body

was perfectly ok after this accident. But it was a

big wake up call. It changed my life completely.

We can all learn, as I have, to live our lives as if

this is the last day of our life. And to make better

decisions. You can choose to make a smart

decision or a stupid decision. Toltec’s have

common sense.

LP: Why do you think we are here and what is

our purpose?

MR: Our purpose here is just to enjoy life and to

be happy. That is the mission of every human. It

is important to let people know that they could

be really happy if they wanted to.

LP: But it seems so many people are unhappy.

What keeps getting in the way of our happiness?

MR: I would say to you, if you are not happy,

why don’t you make yourself happy? Why you’re

not happy I don’t know. You have to answer that

for yourself. You are responsible for every

decis ion that you make; you pay the

consequences or you enjoy the consequences. If

you want to be happy, no longer make the

decisions that make you unhappy. What I do

know is that I believe in my own happiness.

LP: We talk about changing the world for the

better. What do you feel most needs changing?

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MR: I ask people everywhere to...

“help me change the world”.

When I say that I mean the world we humans create in our own minds. Each one of us

creates our own world. What we believe is what really rules our lives. The world that we

create with our beliefs can take us into the worst nightmare with a lot of drama, or it can

take us into what I call heaven on earth. We need to be aware of what is going on in our

own minds. We cannot change the world if we do not change ourselves first.

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The conversation turned to the newest book,

The Fifth Agreement. Don

Miguel graciously declined my invitation to

discuss the book, preferring to let Jose take over. Laughing, Jose takes the phone and

shares how much he has enjoyed listening to his father share his wisdom with me.

LP: Don Jose, what can you tell me about this

much anticipated sequel to The Four Agreements?

JR: The Fifth Agreement is based on all my father’s

teachings. He did a course called “Angel

Training” which is about training the mind. It is

about bringing awareness to the dream that is

your life. All of life is a dream. The world is a

mirror that reflects back to us what we believe.

We create our beliefs and the mirror of God

reflects them back to us. So we begin a practice

of living in the mirror where we learn to reflect

every thought. We learn to control our emotions

and not let the emotions get the best of us. Then

you can make the decision to become a master of

your own awareness, and direct your own

attention to discover what you believe to be true.

That’s when we begin to be skeptical of our own

lies. That’s what the fifth agreement is — to be

skeptical of our own lies and be in truth at all

times. Then we can begin to listen with the heart

— the heart and common sense. It’s a big

opportunity for one to become both his own

teacher and his own apprentice.

LP: In order to stop telling ourselves lies, we need

to really examine some unpleasant things about

ourselves, don’t we?

JR: When it comes to this awareness, we know

that we are married to life ‘til death do us part.

When you have awareness and enlightenment,

you see all the negativity in life and you see it

because you now can do something about it. All

you have to do about it is be yourself. Be you, be


When we meditate, when we close our eyes,

we enter our mind and that’s where dreams are

born. When we open our eyes, that is when we

begin to take action. The real healer is the one

who can cure himself of his own lies.

We can put all our faith into a person who

died many years ago that we didn’t even meet,

and put him on our altar. Or we can take a

picture of ourselves and place it on the altar.

When we do that we are respecting that we don’t

have to go outside of ourselves to look for the

perfection, to know what we already know. When

have respect for ourselves, it opens many doors

for us and everything becomes possible.

LP: Is this what you would call self mastery?

JR: Self mastery is to be a master in our own

language — how we understand our own work,

how we understand our own creation. We find

out that whatever we believe in is just a story and

everybody is living in their own story. We have a

great opportunity to change the story and stop

being a victim. In life we can all find excuses to

be victims and if we focus on that energy, that’s

what we’ll be. In our tradition, the ancestors say

that (taking on the role of victim] offers “minimal

potential” to become a nagual. And I believe that

the truth is that everyone has the potential to be a


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LP: When you say everyone can be a Nagual, do you mean we can all become masters?

JR: Nagual, master, shaman, — whatever you want to call it.

All those names are just names for angels. Angels are messengers. There comes a point in our dreams where we ask the question — what kind of messengers are we? The answer is in the way we live our life. All men or women who serve truth are angels. It doesn’t matter if they’ve studied for 20 years, or if they’ve just woken up. It doesn’t matter if they’ve studied at all.

When it comes to this awareness, we know that we all can create gold. The ancestors say that the conquistadors looked for the person who could make gold, but the real person who can make gold is one who is happy in their dreams. We are the people who make real gold — the golden moments of life, the beautiful moments of life.

don Jose Ruiz and dad

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LP: When you say everyone can be a Nagual, do you mean we can all become masters?

JR: Nagual, master, shaman, — whatever you want to call it. All those names are just names for angels. Angels are messengers. There comes a point in our dreams where we ask the question — what kind of messengers are we? The answer is in the way we live our life. All men or women who serve truth are angels. It doesn’t matter if they’ve studied for 20 years, or if they’ve just woken up. It doesn’t matter if they’ve studied at all.

When it comes to this awareness, we know that we all can create gold. The ancestors say that the conquistadors looked for the person who could make gold, but the real person who can make gold is one who is happy in their dreams. We are the people who make real gold — the golden moments of life, the beautiful moments of life.

LP: I wanted to ask both of you about 2012. Does Toltec teaching talk about 2012? We’ve heard predictions of everything from a cataclysmic end of the world to something as mundane as a cosmic odometer hitting 99,999 miles and simply needing to be recalibrated.

MR: It is the end of the Mayan calendar. It’s just the end of one calendar and the beginning again of the same calendar. It’s just the way we measure time.

LP: Where will you be on December 21, 2012?

MR: If I’m alive, I will be with my son, Jose. We’re going to the place where the Mayan and the Toltec merge: Chichen Itza.

DJ: We are going there to

celebrate the end of an era, the end of a dream. It is time to build a new calendar which is a

new dream. So I’m inviting all our friends who want to

participate in this beautiful experience to come to Chichen Itza and go with us to the jungle that day, because 2012 is the end of superstition, the end of a world that believes in lies.

From this point on it’s an opportunity to see how we can live our dream, how we can co-

create with life. It is time to take action, to take up the challenge

and wake up the warrior — the warrior that is going for peace.

Linda M. Potter is a popular speaker and the author of the

newly released book, If Only God Would Give Me a Sign! available at your local book store, through

Amazon.com or at wordkeepersinc.com. You can contact her at [email protected], www.lindampotter.com.

Linda M. PotterSept. 16th

Unity of Vancouver 7pm, $20 at the doorBanyen or Science to


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How to Change the Quality of Your life


Van Gogh

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“I don’t know why this keeps happening to me,” we

say as a situation appears to repeat itself yet again. Or we may ask,

“Why does this keep happening over and over again?”

By taking a conscious journey into the dynamics of our emotional undercurrents, we realize why we have heard ourselves and others make such statements or ask such questions. It isn’t our physical circumstances or the repetitive stories we tell ourselves about these circumstances that we are inquiring about, but our felt-state when things keep happening in our life experience. This felt-state is a reaction to the emotional cycles of childhood, which are reoccurring in our current experience. The unintegrated emotional content of our experience constantly repeats and causes manifestations of mental and physical discomfort.

Growing up and becoming “normal” citizens of our communities results in a storm raging within us. This is because what’s accepted as normality is a state of quiet desperation in which we exist as a consequence of the denial of our authentic being. As much as we might wish to deny the existence of this controlled and sedated inner storm, it can’t be hidden. It’s the storm of duality, the war between authenticity and inauthenticity, the perceptual divide between Presence and pretense. It’s the vast canyon of fear, anger, and grief that lies between the adult and child self. By gazing across the planet, we perceive the causes of this charged condition everywhere.


Van Gogh

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Once we realize we are consistently but unconsciously recreating the emotional resonance of childhood, we take the first step into awakening ourselves from this dream state. We realize that if we are to initiate authentic change in the quality of our life experience, it’s pointless to meddle with our physical circumstances. For a while we may habitually fiddle physically with these experiences, or we may try to change the story we tell ourselves, but we will ultimately realize that such activity, motion, and commotion is drama and accomplishes nothing.

Consider what we usually do if we are dissatisfied with the quality of our experience. We may change our circumstances by changing the person with whom we are partnered, changing our job, or moving to another town, city, or even country. These kinds of changes require a lot of physical motion.

Running around and getting nowhere is the movement endorsed by the world as a means to rectify the dissatisfaction we feel with the quality of our day-to-day experience. The trouble is, once we are settled in our new location, we invariably discover that despite our altered physical circumstances, our dissatisfaction resurfaces. This is because, despite rearranging our situation, we haven’t initiated authentic movement within ourselves. As has been said,

“Wherever we go, there we are.”

Once we realize we are consistently but unconsciously recreating

the emotional resonance of childhood, we take the first step into awakening ourselves from this dream state.


Van Gogh

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We’ve all gone through this frustrating experience in one form or another. This type of rearranging of our day-to-day experience is nothing but pointless commotion – a better word for which is perhaps “drama,” the word used throughout this text to describe this type of pointless movement. Drama is physical, mental, and emotional activity that focuses on and fiddles with effects without impacting causality. Much of our unconscious approach to life arises from a Catch 22, which is that until we activate authentic movement in our experience, we reactively resort to drama. But as long as we reactively resort to drama, we don’t attempt to activate authentic movement. The way forward is to release ourselves from this Catch 22 by integrating blocked emotions. Once these blocked emotions are liberated, the effect is reflected automatically in our physical, mental, and emotional experience.

By raising our capacity for causal adjustment, we activate authentic movement throughout our experience without resorting to drama. Only when we realize the effectiveness of this approach are we prepared to drop drama.

We begin moving from “doing” to being, looking to seeing,

hearing to listening, discomfort to balance, separation to being unified,

reacting to responding, inauthenticity to authenticity, fragmentation to

integration, seeking happiness to allowing joy, revenge and blame to

forgiveness, incorrect perception to correct perception, complaint and

competition to compassion, behaving unconsciously to behaving

consciously, and “living in time” to experiencing present moment


All the above movements are variations of the same shift—from pretense to Presence. This shift is achieved solely by using our attention and intent to adjust our felt-perception.

Because of the example set for us by the world, it’s challenging to comprehend achieving authentic change in our current circumstances without drama. When we attempt to change any aspect of our experience as a means of feeling better, we automatically engage in drama. Drama places the focus of our attention on fiddling with effects, not on causality.

Van Gogh

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Our appearance, behavior, and circumstances as they are right now are the accumulated consequences of the current condition of our emotional body. If we don’t like

an aspect of this, we have the ability to change it. However, authentic movement

that brings about lasting change in our experience is only realized through adjusting the point of causality. Fiddling with our behavior, appearance,

or circumstances may bring us temporary relief, but not permanent resolution – not integration.

No one can tell us what’s required of us. However,

our heart knows the difference between forcing something and allowing it to unfold organically. Don’t

push the river! Allow the urge to “do something” to breathe, so we may discover whether it’s a valid response or a reactive reflex.

Journeys in which we mistakenly attempt to change ourselves by fiddling with our behavior, appearance, or circumstances are like moving a radio around a room as a means of tuning into a desired station. In contrast, the journey initiated by The Presence Process, in which we discover how to adjust the quality of our experience at its causal point, requires us to leave the radio exactly where it is. Instead, we focus our attention and intent on turning the tuning dial. This is a much simpler approach than resorting to drama, and it enables us to tune into the music, which brings us exactly what we require.

The experience of present moment awareness is nowhere “out there” in the world. Present moment awareness is an inner accomplishment – an inside job. Having said this, once present moment awareness is activated by emotional integration, the results are automatically reflected in our experience of the world.

*Excerpted from The Presence Process, Revised Edition, by Michael Brown, Namaste Publishing (www.namastepublishing.com).

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Matthew Kocel

Visionary Music for Healing


©  2009  Use  By  Permission  Only  www.MykalAubry.com  

Concerts          Group  Meditation          Workshops          Individual  Healing  Sessions                Events  coming  this  fall  in  California,  Oregon,  Washington,  British  Columbia  and  Colorado  


Artwork © 2010 Mykal Aubry All Rights Reserved. Use by permission only. www.mykalaubry.com

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Dr. Joe Dispenza can help you break the habit of being yourself—the self that believes in illness, lack, and limitation. He can teach you how to “evolve your brain” and live the life of your dreams. All you need to do is lose your mind and create a new one! Don’t worry; he’s not asking you to do anything he hasn’t done himself.

At age 23, facing the possibility of permanent paralysis after a spine-crushing bicycle accident, Joe Dispenza was faced with a life-changing decision. His doctors believed that his only hope of walking again was a surgical procedure which, even if successful could leave him permanently disabled and in constant pain. Dispenza refused the procedure,

opting, instead, to recreate his own physical body by literally “changing his mind.” Ten weeks later, without surgery, he was back at work,

completely healed and pain-free.

Now, twenty three years later, he is one of the leading authorities on the interconnectedness of the brain, the mind, the body, and consciousness. A featured speaker in the breakthrough quantum physics film, What the Bleep Do We Know!?, Dispenza insists that the brain is the most important tool we have in shaping our experience.

The author of the highly acclaimed book, Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, Dispenza is also a successful chiropractor, fondly referred to by clients and friends as simply, “Dr. Joe.”

But what he enjoys talking about most is the brain and its miraculous ability to create and re-create reality, transcending the “appearance” of physical challenges. Through studying the brain, the mind-over-matter phenomenon, spontaneous healing, and how the body can restore itself after injury or disease without turning to therapies that rely on drugs and surgery.

In his talks and workshops, “Dr. Joe” shares cutting edge scientific findings relating to the quantum world, mind, spontaneous healing and the biology of change—including the science behind the premise that our thoughts create our reality.

Spontaneous HealingI really like his workshops!

Check them out here.

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SKazimir Malevich, Head of a Peasant Girl/Public Domain

Are You Out of Your Mind?Or is Your Mind Out of YOU?

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That brings us very quickly to reflect about the mind, brain, heart, emotions and consciousness with the role they all play to co-create reality.

The charged emotions in our field, many of which are undesired

leftovers from the past, are what run our reality. We believe that by thinking

positive thoughts we are making inroads to change. However the conscious mind is responsible for only 5% of our awareness. Of that 5%, 99.9% of our thoughts are being informed by the old subconscious programs, for good or not so good. This shows up as instant puppetry giving a theatre performance written long ago, sometimes in our genetic nature or the memory of our soul. This becomes harder and harder work which can be exhausting and take a long time.

If all of this is unconscious behaviour, then how do we access and clear these old programs? Fortunately there are many new paradigm techniques that work in a quantum level to make it easier to access and understand. What if you did not need to consciously access the information and understand anything to be clear of old strings and buttons that keep you enslaved? What if there was a one stop shopping that allowed everything from everywhere and all time to be processed instantly with effortless grace, unconsciously, while you had fun on virtual vacation somewhere in your imagination?

Our brains are pattern recognizing organisms that are designed to signal the body to stay safe.

Our minds hold the information that the brain needs to access from the environment to do its job. Yes, the mind is the field around the body that resonates with the body. The mindfield is where all the bombs are waiting to be detonated from old unresolved experiences as well as old positive ones that set us up in expectation for the good, only to be disappointed. What would our lives and our world be like if we could show up fresh and clear to each person and experience without a lot of the attachment to how everything is expected to be based on past experience? I feel this is where our greatest potential lies. How do we reach that level of freedom to create something new and fresh, to see with new eyes and beginners mind? There is just too much assumption going on in our lives, and we know what that makes of us, all too often! Ass-u-me puts it rather succinctly.

Heart Math has discovered that the heart is the biggest brain of the body, with more neurons than the gut or the brain itself.  Heart Math also teaches us that the environment, which includes the mindfield, first signals to the heart.  This information travels up the spine to the back brain which then sends it to the pre-frontal cortex, activating the chemicals to flood the body resulting in feelings and behaviours.  Of course this is greatly simplified.  Dr. Bruce Lipton teaches us the same thing:  The environment sends signals to the body to respond.  How are we responding?  The body gives us the clues to our freedom.

ome say that you need to be out of your mind to find your heart. S

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Portrait of the Daughter by Alexander Bogomazov/public domain

What if we could clear all the old limiting beliefs and thoughts and

experiences that hold us back from being our magical, miraculous selves?

What if this could happen in the twinkle of

a quantum instant, safely and appropriately?

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I see the body as being one big receptor that resonates with our experiences, mirroring in perfect metaphor what our subconscious mind is trying to tell us we need to be aware of and be free of. Our experience is held in the mind, which as we pointed out, is a field surrounding us of charged negative/positive information to which the body is responding.

Bruce Lipton shows us how the protein in our DNA responds to negative and positive signals that produce the movement called life and expresses as behaviour.  Other luminaries like Gregg Braden and Abraham Hicks tell us that emotions are the currency of creation.  This emotional and mental static is what separates us and prevents us from connecting to our essential, creative selves and our greater good in community with our collective evolutionary potential.

Inner Resonance Technologies is one leading edge process. Why is IRT different, even from many modalities that use these new understandings?

IRT engages the whole being on all levels of consciousness in the t imeless quantum understanding that everything is here now. Our brains and our bodies are magnificent processors with superhuman powers programmed in. Our minds are non-local and command the body which has the programs that know how to respond instantly. Psychiatry has observed and documented this in people with multiple personality disorders: some have changed their eye colour from light blue to dark brown; or been free of terminal cancer; even changing blood types, all in a fraction of a second. We all have those programs. What if we could activate that capacity through intention? What if we could direct our adult stem cells, already present and doing repair work automatically, in a default mode, to intentionally regenerate some compromised body part? We can now build workable organs in the lab; why not directly in the body? A good starting point is to clear the

energetic information that caused the problem in the first place.

These are some of the questions that IRT addresses and holds possibilities for. Another is why do we have to die when consciousness runs the body and can change the expression of our DNA? What if death was a program that could be reprogrammed or deprogrammed? What if we had deeply buried magical evolutionary codes sleeping within all of us, waiting for our consciousness to activate and co-create our individual and collective future? Gregg Braden teaches us that the signature of the name of GOD is within the code of our DNA. Nassim Haramein’s physics prove mathematically that in every cell we hold the access to the centre of our co-creative universal potential. Every cell is a black/white hole, the event horizon of our own universe. It is all within us.

We are sitting in the most amazing supercomputer using it as a word

processor. Let’s wake up our magical selves and uncover our heart’s passion

through freeing up our creative evolutionary natures. It is simpler and more effortless than you might

i m a g i n e ! I n n e r R e s o n a n c e Technologies offers a key to get out of

your mind and into the essential, miraculous nature of your heart.

By Maureen Mason EdwardsonInner Resonance Technologies


Author, "Your Magical Evolutionary Code Unleashed - The Science of Inner Resonance."

To be released in 11-11-11 www.spiritualauthorscircle.com

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"My purpose is to create. In that

process I find stillness and rhythm, my

teacher and passion. I believe that art

can be a life shaking experience, or an

intimate rendezvous. For me it is both.

I place intention in what I create.

Either through words, actions,

thoughts, or artwork, I aim to share

honesty and awakening. To celebrate

this fantastic adventure. To inspire and

be inspired.

I begin with planting seeds of ideas,

and intuitively progress through the

piece. I go on a journey with each

painting; evolving together. I am

constantly surprised and inspired by

what is translated by my imagination

and hands.

Thereafter, your story is whispered. A

reflection of light and shadow of your

human beauty, your geometric

perfection, and your ancient divinity."

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P e r s p e c t i v e

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Science to Sage is grateful to Autumn Skye Morrison for her defining images and artistic expression thought out the science to sage website and InsideOUT book.

Thank you, Karen Elkins

Gallery -http://www.autumnskyemorrison.com/gallery.html












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cience is becoming the modern mysticism of our day and scientists the mystics of our time. The clear lens of science is unravelling the mysteries of the inner-most workings of the mind and even the nature of consciousness itself. Perhaps now science can help the world evolve in consciousness in time for us to responsibly and intelligently use our advancements in technologies for the good of all mankind and our precious planet earth.

Perhaps now that the scientific world is recognizing the validity of the mystic rea l i ty o f an in f in i te mind , and discovering the workings of the laws of the invisible quantum world, we will soon have the ability to do many of the seemingly miraculous feats the famous mystics were able to achieve. Mystics throughout the ages have always said that there is nothing special about what they can do in that it is an experience available to us all once we understand the inner invisible laws behind the visible outer manifestations.


Discoveries in Quantum Physics have revealed as true what mystics throughout the ages have been teaching....that the quantum mind is vast, infinitely large, beyond any restrictions of space or time and existing in an eternal dimension of space. Science has proven without a doubt that the farthest reaches of both inner and outer space are infinite and now with breakthrough discoveries in quantum science, are finding the same is true of the human mind, that there are infinite levels of consciousness.

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Practical Mysticismfor the Everyday Mystic

Inner MindThe New Frontier

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Sail Beyond a Flat-World Paradigm

Like mariners of old, setting sail beyond a flat-world paradigm, those souls brave enough to explore the inner mind within will d i scover a new wor ld o f quantum possibilities, a new state of consciousness that can profoundly affect the quality of everyday life and even the future of the planet itself. All it requires is a little willingness and openness to explore a new frontier beyond the familiar mental construct of 5-sense dimension consciousness.

If we are going to have any kind of effect on the current world crisis we are going to have to have a dramat ic shi f t in g lobal consciousness. The way we have been thinking and the value systems we have been following are going to have to evolve. Without a dramatic shift in consciousness, to intelligently and responsibly use technology,

science will just continue to aid in speeding up our planet’s destruction.

The greatest drawbacks of imperial science models has been the on-going development of what can only be short-lived, theoretical constructs and imaginings about the reality of anything. Newtonian physics cannot actually know anything about reality in its truest sense. The only way to know anything about the true nature of the reality of the i n n e r w o r k i n g s o f t h e m i n d a n d consciousness is in the pursuit of truth through subjective knowledge. The only true way to really know anything is to be that which is known. By having the subjective experience of ‘being’ that something we are then able to truly grasp its meaning. In this respect the self evident and subjective intuitive experience of reality of metaphysical science may be the truest science of all.

Title of art, “Final Frontier Voyager/”, by George Grie (c)neosurrealismart.com/GNU 3.0

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Carl Jung, the famous psychologist and consciousness pioneer, was quoted as saying

that “there is a great truth to be found if one studies practical mysticism to its fullest, to penetrate the deepest layers of the human mind.” Metaphysical science is the pathway into the mind – an intuitive science that probes the inner senses and levels of mind through deep meditation and metaphysical practices in order to subjectively experience the absolute revealed truth as a personal revelation.

Beyond the confines of the 5-sense mental construct of consciousness lies the ultimate experience within the very centre of consciousness itself. As the time-and-space bound state of mind is transcended, the “Highest Truth” of what we are beyond our personal ego identification becomes self-evident. At the very core of consciousness itself, our inner essence, our true identity as a “Higher Universal Mind” stands revealed as our truest and most “Highest Self”. We have become a universal person with eternal character, re-claiming our sovereign state of mind.

This experience is much like when clouds disperse to reveal the brilliant radiance of the sun. A new focal point of awareness has been realized and a new reference point for consciousness is found. From this new vantage point of consciousness a higher perspective of things now becomes available to us from which we can more effectively direct and live our lives from. Here we realize a truly monumental discovery of great importance and possibly the greatest achievement of a person’s life.

No longer invested in 5-sense consciousness in the same way, time now loses its attraction and the body ceases to demand the same level of attention it used to. Similar to the quiet in the eye of a storm, there is a new place of peaceful presence from which to observe and direct life from. And you are now more aware of this quiet centre of the storm than all of its outwardly

raging activity. It becomes a place of rest to which you can always return, to listen for and hear the deeper intuitive wisdom of your “Higher Mind”.

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This experience of the inner-most nature of o u r i n f i n i t e m i n d i s t h e h i g h e s t transformational opportunity in a person’s life. Whether Buddhist or Christian, all mystics who have experienced this state of awakened consciousness agree that the experience is an essential element for consciousness transformation – perhaps the greatest personal step a person can take towards the realization and awareness of Universal Oneness, the key that opens the door to awake, aware and truly healthy living.

The challenge at hand for us all is to unlearn, and undo, what we have been taught in order to self-reveal what we have always been and always will be. A Course in Miracles

refers to it as “a journey of no distance to a place we never left”. We come to learn the greatest of truths that we really need do nothing, because we already are all that we will ever

be by the pure grace of what we already truly are.

F r o m m y o w n e x p e r i e n c e s o f Un iversa l Oneness t h r o u g h p r a c t i c a l mysticism, I whole-heartedly agree with the myst ics of a l l t rad i t i ons tha t an exper i ence o f the innermost nature of the m ind has the greates t power to

transform a person’s life and that this experience of Universal Oneness is available to us all if we take full advantage of all that the practice of practical mysticism can offer. There are many roads to Rome and many pathways to the summit of human spiritual potential...our challenge is to choose one and live it; to incorporate a spiritual technology that speaks to us heart and mind. To choose and apply a practice of practical steps that can help you to unlock and reveal the secrets of the innermost

workings of the mind and the true nature of our consciousness itself.

The science of mysticism is a system of practical application of spiritual technology consisting of various meditation techniques, breathing practices, shamanic p ra c t i c e s , c h a k ra o pen i n g techniques, yogic disciplines, hands on healing, self hypnosis, affirmative spiritual affirmations, inner reflection, concentration and

focus exercises, a deep understanding of metaphysical principles, along with other spiritual tools that can help facilitate an inner connection to a new reality of consciousness.

It is a very synchronistic event in this time of human history that science has entered into examining the inner realm of mind and consciousness. It is a necessary and needed process to help balance out the incredible advancements being made in modern day technology. We are at a critical time for life on our planet earth and a crucial point in our human evolution. We need to be consciously aware of how to use science and technology for the betterment of our planet and the personal welfare of mankind.

photography by de:Benutzer:Manja

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Metaphysical science holds the key for humanity to realize the great truth of our “Universal Oneness.” It is here that we come to recognize our shared reality as universal consciousness in which we are all equally joined. We will have evolved from treating others as we would treat ourselves to the realization that the other is indeed our self. Only then will we become the consciously aware stewards of earth that we are truly capable of being in the spirit of brotherly love. It is only then that we can create the harmony and peace we are seeking. It is here also that the stage will be set for the attainment of man’s highest potential – from this state of a higher mind consciousness, a person can now enter to commune and become one with the Infinite Higher Mind of Universal Consciousness Itself.

Many of the wisdom teachings of the ages have been espoused and taught by modern-

day mystics such as Dr. Paul Leon Masters of the International University of Metaphysics. His vision for the daily practice of practical mysticism is “If the entire world had metaphysical knowledge and lived by it, all the problems of the earth would be solved, and peace, love, harmony and prosperity would be experienced by all humankind.”

Mystical revelation will ensure that humanity continues to evolve to reach its full potential and h ighest p innacle of human consciousness evolution. I’ll see you there!

by Paul Scott

Paul Scott co-creates the annua l L i v ing V i s ion retreat with his wife K a t h i e . P a u l i s a Transpersonal Therapist, Metaphysical Reverend, E n e r g y H e a l i n g Practitioner and Instructor, Husband, Father and Grandfather living in North Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

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PAUL SCOTTPractical Mysticism


• Mystical Experiences


• Learn to heal with



• Healing Matrix Energetics

• Practical Tools for the

Everyday Mystic



Paul is a Transpersonal Therapist,

Metaphysical Minister, Healing Energy

Practitioner and Instructor.

[email protected]

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photo by Vassil/Public DomainCalice du sacre,fin du XIIème siècle,Palais du Tau,Trésor de la cathédrale de Reims

I have planted love in my heart

And shall not be distracted until I meet You.

You have wounded my heart when You came near me.

My desire grows, my love is bursting.

He has poured me a sip to drink.

He has quickened my heart with the cup of love

Which He has filled at the ocean of friendship.

—Bayazid al-Bistami

By Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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ranian glazed ceramic tile work, from the ceiling of the Tomb of Hafez in Shiraz, Iran.Author Pentocelo/CC Attirbtion 3.0/does not endorse the article

In a famous Sufi tradition God said, “I cannot be found in the Heavens or on the earth, but I can be found within the heart of the one who loves Me.” It should therefore come as no surprise that the heart serves as the focus of the entire Sufi path, and that all Sufi meditation practices are based around it. According to the teachings of the Khawajgan Sufi Masters of Central Asia, the heart of each human being is under the authority of nine saints who are at the highest level in the Divine Presence. When these Saints witness that the seeker has attained enlightenment, they dress them with 6 powers. These are not powers that come from an external source, but rather they are unveiled from within the heart of the disciple. They are:

• The Reality of Attraction• The Reality of Down Pouring of Spiritual Knowledge• The Reality of Focusing • The Reality of Intercession• The Reality of Scrolling the Dimensions of Space and Time• The Reality of Guidance

Sufi sages have long understood that these six powers had been granted to all human beings without discrimination, but that if they were supressed by the negative characteristics of the ego

Secrets of Sufi Whirling

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Like many other esoteric spiritual disciplines which discuss the subtle energy points, or chakras, found throughout the body, Sufis acknowledged their existence and developed a science for activating them. While some systems mentioned 7 specific points of subtle energy, and others mentioned 13, the Sufis maintain that there are 360 subtle energy points throughout the body based in groups of 9, all of which are under the dominion of the heart chakra. If the heart chakra is purified and activated, it can not only activate all 360 chakras, but can open the secrets of Sufi spiritual healing

One of the most famous Sufi techniques for opening the chakra of the heart is known as “whirling,” a sacred dance based upon a gnostic understanding

of the human being as a microcosm of the created universe, with the heart of the whirler representing the sun, the body representing the earth and the

hand representing the moon.

We will show them our signs on the horizon and within themselves, until it will be manifest to them that it is the truth.” (Holy Quran 41: 53)

As the whirler begins to spin, he or she is asking the Divine to release the light that is contained within the heart. He/she then raises the right hand asking for the Divine to send support and angelic energy, while the left hand faces down in service to creation so that the flow of angelic energy which begins to dress the individual actually flows right through them and is distributed throughout the room.

“So glory to Him in whose hands is the dominion over all things” (Holy Quran 36:83)

The right hand has another major importance, as it symbolizes the reality of the moon in our creation, and the moon represents the reality of the prophets and spiritual masters. If we look directly at the sun it can blind us from its intensity. However, we can look to the moon and see the reflection of the sun’s light. The moon has no ego so it is able to perfectly reflect the light of the sun, and this was the example of the prophets and spiritual teachers who annihilated themselves in the Light of the Divine and reflected that light to their communities. So focusing on the hand becomes symbolic of the importance of maintaining focus on the spiritual path and one’s spiritual teacher, rather than on the material world, as keeping focused on the teacher would allow the soul to ascend quickly towards the Divine Presence, experiencing many ecstatic and beatific states along the way.

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Whirling dervishes, Rumi Fest/Source Flickr/Daiz/CC-BY-SA

The right hand has another major importance, as it symbolizes the reality of the moon, and the moon represents the reality of the prophets and spiritual masters. We cannot look directly at the sun because of the intensity of that light, but we can look at the moon which is a reflection of the sun. Because the moon has no ego and no will of its own, it is able to reflect that light onto earth, and this was the example of the prophets and spiritual teachers. So focusing on the right hand becomes symbolic of maintaining focus on the spiritual path and one’s teacher, rather than on the material world. According to the Sufis, keeping that spiritual focus in our lives will allow the soul to ascend quickly towards the Divine Presence, experiencing many ecstatic and beatific states along the way. 

“Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Thy will be done, not my will be done.

Secrets of Sufi Whirling

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Another important teaching of Sufi Whirling in regards to the secret of the soul’s ascension has to do with the three forces that are at work in creation:

· Mass attraction· Centrifugal force (spin)

· Upward thrust.

If we break down our form to its atomic structure we find that our electrons are moving counter-clockwise around a nucleus, which represents the Divine Presence. Sufi Masters such as Jalal al-Din Rumi were teaching that what causes the electron's movement is love – the mass attraction. The electrons wish to collide with the nucleus but there is no permission, so they begin to search for an opening, moving in an orbit known as “centrifugal force,” because when you truly love something, you don't walk away from it. So the electron is constantly searching for an opening to collide with the nucleus and reach what we call in Sufism the fana, the annihilation; to annihilate the self in the Divine Presence like a drop of rain returning to the ocean. When these two forces combine it produces "upward thrust,” and in the time of Mevlana Rumi it is said that the whirling dervishes used to levitate off the floor from the state of love and ecstasy that had overtaken their heart.

That state of love is the ultimate goal of those who begin the practice of Sufi Whirling, a practice that is deeply symbolic of the inner journey towards our

true reality, and the Divine Almighty directly praises the hand of those who achieve that reality:

“But His command, when He intendeth a thing, is only that he saith unto it: Be! And it is.

Therefore glory be to Him in Whose hand is the dominion over all things! Unto Him ye will be brought back” (Holy Quran 36:82-83).

Secrets of Sufi Whirling

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God is praising the hand that will reach that reality. In that hand is dominion

over all things, and those who reach to that reality will be unveiled and dressed with the secrets of the nine points. That is why Saints have Heavenly power - they opened their hearts to that reality and were given the power of

the holy verse “say: Be! And it is.” If they intend something, they need only say “be” and it is, because they have a direct line to Divine Presence through

their hearts. In the language of the gnostics, they were those souls who truly “knew themselves.”

Sayed Nurjan MirahmadiSufi Meditation Center3660 East Hastings, Vancouver, BC604.558-4455


By Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi taken from the teachings of Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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Is enlightenment some far off mystical state, eternal bliss, found somewhere over the rainbow, or is enlightenment right here, right now, on the street where you live? Are you enlightened? Is the bus driver or the woman doing yoga at the gym? Was Buddha enlightened, or Jesus, or Rumi? What about Socrates? The Oracle of Delphi was a woman. Was she enlightened?

Who cares about enlightenment? Most struggle just to make it through the day. Half of the people living on the planet don’t have clean drinking water. Environmental pollution, traffic jams, suicide bombers, shabby schools, poor health care, wars, rising prices, two jobs, longer work weeks, lying politicians. Who has time to be enlightened?

As the world heats up so do the challenges we face. Our challenges are becoming bigger, faster and more

complex. These problems can’t be solved at the level that created the problem. Conflicts between cops and robbers, Republicans and Democrats, Arabs and Jews, unions and corporations, street gangs, husbands and wives, emanate from the categories that define their relationships. One has to go beyond the category that caused the problem to see the problem clearly and from that expanded position ask penetrating questions.

If you and I, ordinary people, don’t see beyond the level that causes our problems, their expanding weight, complexity and intensity will crush us. We have no choice. The time has come for each of us to become enlightened, not in a cave, not on the shores of the Ganges, in some temple or monastery. We haven’t the time. We must become enlightened right here, right now, as we meet the day-to-day challenge of living.


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We have created most of the challenges we must now solve. We are the problem. Our habit, however, is to try to fix the problem out there. Most are like the man in the Sufi story standing under a street lamp. A friend approaches and asks, “What are you looking for?” “My keys,” shouts the man under the lamp post. “Where did you lose them?” asked the friend. “In the dark.” “Then why are you looking here?” “Because here is where the light is...” Like a dog chasing its tail we keep looking in the same places and never find what we are looking for. We remain stuck at the level of the problem.

Our failure to see beyond the problem prevents us from discovering that we are the problem. The source is a particular state of mind we call “normal.” Our normal state produces a steady stream of inner images, thoughts, assumptions, feelings and beliefs with their implied conflicts and confusion. We then use the same state of mind to sort out the confusion this state creates. The more we try to solve the problem the deeper and more complex our problems become. And we have remained in this normal state, like a donkey tethered to a post, for thousands of years.The Tibetans have a phrase, Lhag Thong, to describe a state that sees beyond appearances, a state they call “transcendent insight.” The famous Sanskrit mantra gate, gate, paramgate, parasamgate, Bodhi, Swaha honors this transcendent state. “Oh wisdom that sees beyond, beyond even the concept of

beyond, to thee homage.” Enlightenment is this state of perception that sees beyond

the limitations of our own conditioning, our memories, ghost feelings, thoughts, beliefs and the conflicts they create. We

might think of enlightenment as a “reset-

button,” one that evaporates the conflicts and

confusion created by our normal way of seeing. Hit the switch and the body/mind instantly “reaches beyond” the confusion it creates. And in this original state we see and respond to the world exactly as it is.

Nice idea. Now where is the button?

Joseph Chilton Pearce, in his book, “The Biology of Transcendence” claims that the vital force that drives biology, and by implication the human experience, is

transcendence. Transcendence means

“overcoming limitation and constraint.” Transcendence is an action word, a verb.

Physicist David Bohm and J. Krishnamurti describe insight and intelligence as states of relationship that evokes a deeper response than one’s conditioning. Insight and intelligence are too subtle to be bound by the limitations imposed by this conditioning. “We can’t catch the wind in a paper bag,” insisted Alan Watts. Our conditioned mind is the paper bag. “The name that can be named is not the eternal name,” proclaims the first line of the Tao Te Ching. The word is not the thing. Insight and intelligence are not concepts. They are states of perception, moving. Insight and intelligence are verbs.

Enlightenment Because Our Lives Depend on It

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The essential point about verbs is that the actions they describe take place now, in the present

moment. Krishnamurti said simply – “the

future is now.” “All time, the past, the present and the future, is contained

now. You can see this point for yourself,” he said. “I am what I have been. If I don’t change now I will be

tomorrow exactly what I am now.” The state of my relationship to this

moment creates the next, which is the future. The future is now.

This insight represents a radical shift in perception and values. We create the future by the way we relate to the present. Our relationship to the world, moment by moment, expresses in the body and mind as different states - curious, afraid, horny, lazy. Like a river each of us is defined this moment by the ebb and flow of our changing states of relationship. My life, your life, all of life, is “state specific.”

We literally Touch the Future by the way we relate to the present. A change this moment creates a different future. The transformation we seek must take place now. Now is the only leverage we have. Nothing else works.

Most aren’t focusing on the state of their relationship this moment. We are too busy trying to change the future, change our husbands, our wives, our children, trying to change our mothers. This “normal” state keeps us trapped at the level of the problem we are trying to fix. We are the dogs and we are the tails we are chasing.

Where is the reset button that evaporates this confusion and restores the body and mind to its

natural order? Trying harder only causes us to chase our tails faster. Pouring more information into the system creates the illusion that we have multiple tails to chase. Effort, will, more data are parts of the pattern that causes the problem. Using the pattern that created the problem to solve the problem is insane. “Beam me up, Scotty.” Take me to another level, to a state that transcends this compounding confusion. Hit the reset button and do it NOW!

Somewhere in the bible appears the phrase,

“Be Yee transformed by the

renewing of your mind.”

Translation – go to the next level. Break the pattern that is causing the confusion and its conflicts. Transcend the pattern. Transcendence is a verb. Verbs describe actions. The reset button must be an action that happens now.

What action can take place this moment that will break the pattern that creates the problem? We call the pattern that is crushing us normal. Normal is normal because it is, well, “normal.” Normal is home base. Normal is what feels safe, familiar. Normal is the pattern we keep repeating. Normal is the grove in a record, if you can remember back that far. The needle we call attention tracks in well established groves. Normal is made up of assumptions, millions of little habits, conditioned reflexes.

Bohm referred to this collection of habits as the “reflex system.” Reflexes are predetermined responses, based on past conditioning, that operate mechanically. Tap the knee and the leg jerks. Conscious attention and intelligence were not needed.

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“I am what I have been. If I don’t change now

I will be tomorrow exactly what I am now.”

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Insight and intelligence

can’t come from the conditioned level in which we live most of

our lives.

Pa t t e r n s . . . w i t h i n Patterns..repeatable and predictable!

Fractal Art by Dan Willshttp://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

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The leg jerked mechanically in response to a trigger, a stimulus. Most of our behavior, the way we live our lives, our personal identity and self image, all the things we call normal, are defined and driven by the reflex system.

Reflexes are great. They help us stand up, walk across the floor, tie our shoes, ride a bicycle, talk to our neighbor, drive a car. Reflexes begin as intelligence but slowly all the intelligence is squeezed out. Watch how this happens. When learning anything new, we give complete attention to the experience. We touch, taste, smell, wonder, test, and explore. This entrained energy and attention etches new neural networks in the brain. We repeat the pattern, tying our shoes, until we can do it with little or no attention, no real intelligence. The pattern becomes a reflex. Day after day, year after year we build new neural networks in response to new challenges. We repeat these patterns, adding to the collection of reflexes we call normal.

Reflexes are automatic. Reflexes are habits. Like a hairball this steady accumulation of reflexes takes on a life of its own. In no time thousands, perhaps millions of reflexes begin firing every day. This automatic firing of reflexes stimulates the brain, which responds by creating a corresponding flow of internal images.

Responding to the imagery generated by reflexes, the brain abstracts another type of image, that of a “creator” creating, a “thinker” who thinks. This second level of imagery abstracted from the first is so convincing that we soon believe there is a permanent entity, a “doer,” causing and controlling all this activity. The source of most of our problems does not come from the first, primary layer of images; it comes from the second layer, abstracted from the first.

Being the creators of everything we do,

this abstracted image takes on supreme

importance. Survival depends on preserving and

protecting the integrity of this image. If someone questions the appropriateness of our behavior we experience this as a direct assault on the captain of our ship, which is “I.” On close examination we discover that the all important thinker/doer, the image we call me, myself and I, is a mirage created by the wake of automatic reflexes rippling through the ocean of our consciousness. Most never see this, however; they are too busy looking for their keys under the lamp post.

It is not the brain’s fault that it creates all these images. Creating images is a unique function that distinguishes a brain from other organs. Each major brain system creates a different type of image. The sensory motor brain creates sensory images. We call the images created by the limbic regions of the brain feelings and emotions. The neo-cortex creates symbolic and metaphoric images. All three systems and several others flood consciousness with different types of images twenty-four-seven. Survival depends on the integrity, the accuracy, and the truthfulness of these images. No wonder we defend them as if our life depended on it, because it does.

As we learn and grow, the reflex system expands. This growth increases the flow of inner imagery automatically generated by the system. Conflicts in the reflex-data-base are inevitable. These create a disturbance requiring attention, what we might call routine maintenance. More reflexes demand greater energy and attention to maintain the system. Vital energy and attention once invested in learning and performance turn inward, marking the end of what Ashley Montagu called the “genius of childhood.” Gradually this transfer of resources from learning to maintenance and defense of the reflex system curtails development. Personal growth stops. We begin chasing our own tail. The faster we run, the more stuck we get at the level that created the problem.

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This pattern, the normal state of our body and mind, is fertile ground for conflicts. Like a computer virus, the source code that creates most of our problems is woven into this pattern. What is needed is a quality of energy, an action that generates a different state of perception. What is needed is Lhag Thong, transcendent insight, passionate energy and attention to see beyond the appearances created by the reflex system.

This passionate energy and attention affects the body and mind like a magnet placed under iron filings affects the relationship each particle of iron has to the next. A small coherent force brings a large chaotic pattern to order.

Neither the reflex system nor the iron filings can bring about this change, no matter how hard they try. An energy or state that is “beyond” level that created the problem is needed. Enlightenment is the effect this passionate energy and attention has on the particular state of body and mind we call “normal.” Bohm and Krishnamurti call this passionate energy and attention intelligence. They call the expression of intelligence in

the body- mind, “insight.” Insight and intelligence can’t come from the conditioned level in which we live most of our lives. The reflexive mind can’t produce intelligence or insight. It can allow it however, invite it, by recognizing the limitations of its own conditioning.

How do we remove this virus from our operating system? What action can take place this moment that will break the pattern that keeps creating the problems that are crushing us? How do we access and gather the energy and attention necessary to transcend and transform the normal state in which we live, because our lives depend on it?Next time...

by Michael Mendizza

For more on insight, intelligence and the reflex system

please see David Bohm:Print:http://ttfuture.org/services/visionaries/Dbohm/ ndex.html


Book: Bohm: Thought As A System

Page 95: S2S-2011

The Way is not in the sky, The Way is in the heart. -

The Buddha




Listen to your inner wisdom.

Find your center and be still, LISTEN.

INtuition, INspiration, INsight

The kingdom of God does not

come in a way as to be seen. No

one will say: Here it is! Because

the kingdom is within you.- The

Gospel of Luke

Content from the book InsideOUT

The Quickening - http://vimeo.com/awakeningasone/the-quickening

Page 96: S2S-2011

The Veil Amongst the

Earth is Thinning.

We are starting to remember who we truly are beyond a five-sense reality.

The cosmic energy that is uplifting our Earth from inside is bringing us into

an expanded state of conscious awareness.

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he programming that has been with our civilizations for centuries is now beginning to slip away as more of us continue to wake up. The acceleration of a universal truth portrayed through each of us in our own unique way helps us to completely pierce through the veil that has concealed a greater reality beyond anything we can

imagine. The time is coming closer where that veil will completely

dissolve and our true adventure in expanded consciousness will


You need to remember that you have always been in charge of your life. That every decision you have made has not been brought about as an outcome labeled in error, but as an experience to bring you where you want to be. We all have passions, dreams and intend to live the most harmonious life imaginable. We are reaching a transcendence point past the veil of limitation where our world and every th ing wi th in i t i s chang ing dramatically. Are you ready to change in unison with the planet as she prepares to birth new consciousness? Are you ready to birth the new you?

We have reached the point in our evolution now where we can truly create our passions and manifest them into solid reality. What does it take to bring this ability into our lives? It takes the love, trust and confidence of you to bring this together.

Thousands of people are beginning to wake up across the world each and every single day. They reach the point where they realized that there is no need to function inside a box filled with secrets, lies and denial. They have passed through the veil of limitation and they are stepping into a whole new game where you are able to transcend as far as you wish. Our imagination is boundless and so is our ability to create what we are passionate about. Through our intention, we can steer ourselves towards manifesting the life we have always wanted to experience.

What gets in our way of bringing these e x c i t i n g c h a n g e s a b o u t i s o u r conditioning. Everyone on this planet is conditioned in some shape, way or form. Even those who inspire us day to day had to go through a time of forgiveness to transcend beliefs that prevented their teachings to be heard. Every man, woman and child has challenges to go through. But regardless of the trials and tribulations you are encountering in your life, you are no more less nor greater in divinity than anyone else on this planet or beyond. As spirit, we are all equal, we are all infinite and we are all unique.

“Accelerating our Evolution”


Page 98: S2S-2011

ow did this all begin for me? My spiritual journey began in 2008

and it has been an incredible rollercoaster ride. Throughout the span

of three years as an awakened soul, I have become a natural conscious conduit who has unlocked himsel f to receive higher dimensional downloads. This began strongly in my dream states and became far more intense during my times of deep meditation.

Throughout my awakening, I was amazed at how much I was learning in such a short amount of time. As I look back at the past three years, I feel as if I have attained nearly over a decade of spiritual knowledge within this span. The understandings of oneness, the essence of love, the flow of universal mechanics, and the dialogue with creation is now as natural to me as it is to breathe. I know tha t through my accelera ted awakening, I was to make use of this ability. Firstly, to empower myself and tie up the loose ends I had within my life. As I reached that time of self-fulfillment within those several months of solitude, I knew I was ready to continue to the next step. It was time for me to pass on what I have attained to those who require this new form of knowing I possess.

Through this sharing, I am passionate in bringing about practices that have been utilized to transform me into an empowered human being within the span of three years. As I have gone through this process, I am excited to share the highlights of how one can transcend their own evolution even quicker and become the loving, empowered being they have always wanted to be. If you are willing to change, adapt and become a beacon of confidence willing to forgive yourself and see your challenges as observations, you are already on the right track to greatly accelerating your evolution.

With my experience as a conscious channel, remote viewer, energetic healer and

spiritual researcher, through my telepathic downloads I frequently receive, I produce innovative practices that have not been conceived of before that hold the potential for expansive benefit.


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Through my three years of experiencing the concept of awakening, I have attained knowledge and wisdom far beyond anything found in the physical.

Through my journey of working to become the empowered self, I have

received insight that can help give others the training necessary to fully empower

themselves through a transition of acceleration. What I share through my lectures

are methods that work to deal with the day-to-day fluctuations of our vibration that can bring us to our high and low periods.

The methods rely upon subtlety and self-observation. They also involve being mindful of habitual mannerisms that trigger certain forms of egocentric thought patterns. Most importantly, these methods help to better understand one’s self as they work to accelerate their evolution as an advanced human being.

Brad Johnson

Unity of Vancouver

Tuesday, September 13th

7:30 - 9:30

Cost: $15

Tickets at the door

or at Science to Sage


the VeilLecture & Demo


Brad Johnson

With love, gratitude and appreciation,

Brad Johnson.


Self Empowerment TV:http://www.areyouselfempowered.com"Insights to Enrich the Human Spirit!"

Brad's Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/bradjohnson79

Brad's YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/user/101408blogspotOver 1.5 million total YouTube Video Views!

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You Are What You Loveby Vaishali

our are what you love, and you love whatever you are giving

your attention to. Eastern Spiritual

teachings and many psychologies profess that whatever you give your attention to, is what you are making your God. If, for example, you spend all your time thinking about that next cigarette, then you have just made that next nicotine fix your God. If you are worrying about: your bills, your daughter’s boyfriend with the spiked hair, the price of oil, the likelihood of another terrorist attack or CNN’s reported “fear du jour”, then you love worry ing and stressing out about your life. Surprising isn’t it?! Not really, because we in the West consider love to be associated with something we have a p o s i t i v e a f f e c t i o n f o r. However, according to the Eastern sciences of self-healing, love is where your attention goes, regardless of whether or not it is for something ultimately life enhancing.

The link between love and attention is synonymous, because of the Eastern definition of our Spiritual nature. Spirit is awareness itself. Spirit is inseparable from awareness, consciousness, or any other buzzword you’d like to use for it. Consciousness is what we bring with us when we come to the Earth plane. It is also what we take with us when the body expires and we shed the mortal coil. Awareness is our Divinity, our God juice so

to speak. Therefore whatever we give our attention to, we are empowering with life-giving energy. Suddenly the value of being more discriminate with our attention seems like a Spiritually mature and Enlightened thing to do.

Our physical body, it comes complete with a nervous system. The the purpose of this sensory feedback mechanism is that it keeps us real about what we are giving our attention to, because now we have to feel it. So how can we be sure if we are surrendering our attention to something that truly has our best interest at heart? Well, how does it make you feel? When you tell yourself that you do not, and will never have enough time, love, money or

opportunity, how does that make you feel? When you convince yourself that you need to foster a story, with your attention, that your butt is so big it is generating its own gravitational field, just to keep you from devouring another box of Twinkies, ask yourself how does that communication make

you feel? Could there possibly be a kinder, gentler route one could navigate awareness

through such as, “Body, beloved friend, I love you, I care for you

and I will only give you the highest food respect I can, because I value your healthy and

w e l l - b e i n g .” H o w d o e s t h e

communication you give your attention to feel? The feeling feedback we get is the ‘keep it real’ arena that Prime Source has blessed us with. If we monitor these feelings, we can minimize confusion and uncertainty.


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When we run an inner dialogue that qualifies everyone on the freaking planet as having the I.Q. of an amoeba, except ourselves of course, how does that makes us feel? Frustrated? Annoyed? Superior in a mean spirited way? Giving our attention to a story that our personal Divinity is greater than the God consciousness of others, clearly is not something running rampant among the Angels in Heaven.

What we give our attention to is the highest form of inner Spiritual alchemy available to anyone. The physical, outer-world based alchemy reality is simply a metaphor for turning the heaviest of our thoughts, the lead, into the purest gold of our focused attention. And unlike the arduous exterior atomic version of alchemy, the inner can be accomplished in an instant, in the blink of an eye, without expensive equipment, nasty bad smelling acids, or cluttered laboratories. Inner alchemy happens as quickly as it takes to release the dark and turn towards the Light.

When you are watching your mind, your attention, you are also in the present moment. Being aware of where you are going with your mind, is like strapping on a seat belt that keeps you firmly in the here and now driver’s seat. The times when you lose track of what you are doing with your attention, is when you are most likely to start projecting off into the future, or withdrawing to relive some past event. Watching the flow of our awareness keeps the present moment on the radar screen. Le t t ing the mind wander wi thout consciousness to what you are loving, what you are making your God, is when the ‘you are here’ red dot drops off the radar, and

the plane starts to lose altitude. This is the entire purpose behind practicing any form of meditation; it keeps you in the now, watching the thoughts come up and practice letting them go. If you never practice opening your mind and letting go of your “stories”, how will you have that skill when you need it?

Aligning ourselves with the truth that you are what you love, and you love whatever you are giving your attention to, is why every Spiritual creature is having a physical e x p e r i e n c e . H av i n g t h e B l e s s e d opportunity to feel the truth of that higher Spiritual reality, in an arena we cannot fake, is why the Earth was created. Surrendering our free will and attention only and solely to what resides in Heaven, no matter what the physical world throws at you, is the life purpose of every person, everywhere, throughout all of time.

Vaishali is the author of Wisdom Rising http://tinyurl.com/WisdomRising and You Are What You Love http://tinyurl.com/Your-Are-Love . She is a columnist for the Huffington Post and an international health & wellness speaker who has appeared on The Dr. Oz Radio Show and Oprah.com. Vaishali learned to transform her life from the threat of two terminal disease diagnoses, domestic abuse and financial devastation. Completely recovered, she shares her wisdom @ www.purplev.com/mediakit

Page 103: S2S-2011

What Are Gemstone Alcohol Bracelet & Stringer Energizers?

Amethyst is an ancient Greek word meaning "anti-toxic".  The ancient Greeks considered drunk to be comprised of two components: the first being impaired, the second being toxic. The Greeks named this lovely purple Amethyst stone “anti-drunkenness” or “not drunk”. Ancient Greeks believed the Amethyst stone contained mysterious properties that neutralized the toxic effects alcohol has on the human brain and liver and thereby reducing or preventing headaches and hangovers.

Historical theologians suspect that if there is a Holy Grail it will be lined with amethyst, as alcohol beverage glasses from Greece, Rome and the Middle East, dating back 1,000 to 2,000 years ago, were lined with this gemstone; its detoxifying qualities were widely known.


How Do Gemstone Alcohol Bracelet & Stringer Detoxifiers Work?

Simply put our hand made "Amethyst Gemstone Stringer or Bracelet Energizer" in any alcoholic beverage to energize your ethereal body and harmonize your chakra system, without a serious hangover the next day.

Simply take it off your wrist or out of is purple velvet pouch and drape or place in your drink. These gorgeous bracelets are made from the same semiprecious beads as the stringers and work just the same, only they can be worn for the fine jewelry they are, placed in your drink, then worn again when done energizing your beverage.

All stringers are made from genuine amethyst and quartz crystal stone beads, with accent colors of different semiprecious stones.

Inquiries: [email protected]

 *WARNING/DISCLAIMER: The use of amethysts will not prohibit or reduced impairment from the consumption of alcohol. Therefore extreme responsibility is required when drinking any alcoholic beverage. The statements contained in this advertisement have not been evaluated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration or any other government agency or entity. Use of this product is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease.  

Stringer Testimonials:

Look what The San

Francisco Examiner is

saying about them








Look What Vision

Magazine is saying

about them http://




Page 104: S2S-2011

Journey into the Your

with Cacao


Page 105: S2S-2011

Cacao - Raw Chocolate

Where to start...My Journey into my heart.

Well, I was introduced to the concept of "journeying medicine" when a dear friend invited me to a Goddess Circle for a Cacao Ceremony I was curious...described as the "black gold" of the Mayans; treated like money and treasured for its transformative properties.  Now, I know that chocolate has been acknowledged by the American Medical Association as one of the world's healthiest foods. in fact, some consider it to be the #1 source of magnesium of any food.  Also, research has shown dark chocolate to also be the #1 antioxidant food, with approximately twice as many antioxidants as red wine and three times as many as green tea. 

Now, the Mayans considered cacao one of their most powerful deities and travelled up to 1200 miles to get their cacao while they had TWO journeying plants growing right under their feet, hauling back enough cacao to fill up the over 800 little cups found at an archaeological dig - at 8 people per pound per ceremonial dose - that would be one long and heavy haul, and with mushrooms and peyote right there, what did they know about cacao that made them go to all of this trouble for their “journey”?

Well, it must be about INTENTION.  You see, Cacao takes you on an amazing journey to the heart. And the best way to illustrate this, as I see it, is

to tell my own story...orchestrated beautifully by the Universe, of course...

So, I've decided to go to the Goddess Gathering - I had been meaning to make it to a Goddess Gathering for some time and this one just worked out (wink) - and through a few circumstances, (wink wink) I find myself sitting in a very cold room (open window turned out to be the culprit), with the ceremony starting an hour late (whatever) after I had been lost for an hour getting there (weird road sign that everyone else ignored) and a few other little things that had me very witchy and twitchy. And I was starting to think that this had better be very, very good or I was going to be very, very annoyed (what a setup!). 

Yes, in hindsight, I do see how, if I weren't SO freaking annoyed about everything, there wouldn't have been enough of a contrast for even me to see the gift of Cacao, as I can be very analytical - in my head. The neutral mind is my gift, apparently, any time I want to claim it.

Chocolate contains an abundance of Phenylethylamine (PEA) and Anandamide, two chemicals that can make your brain feel focused and happy – in fact, Anandamide’s name was created from

the Sanskrit word Ananda which means “bliss”.

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So we're given our Cacao and cautioned only to drink 60% of it as we must allow the body to assimilate before the full dose can be drank as it can have a "detoxifying" effect and that is best to gage before consuming a full dose.  In fact, one of the properties of drinking cacao is that it flushes the liver - of anger!  Well, “circumstances” had me all topped up in that respect by the time the mug met my lips!

So I start to drink this very bitter luke-warm chocolate (I have since been told that it can be hot and not affect the integrity of the journey as cacao can take temperatures above 115 degrees – the usual threshold for anything “raw”- and maintain integrity) and am thinking "If this has no effect, I have just paid $65 for a cup of cold cacao!  And it doesn't even taste all that great!  It’s all grainy! And where's the yummy?  Where is the sweetness, the smoothness, the creeeeaaaaammmmmm?!!!!!"  Well, all that stuff - it just gets in the way of the cacao - the more you add to it, the slower your body processes those beneficial chemicals mentioned earlier, the slower the assimilation in the organs, the slower the path to the heart of all the hormones activated by all of those amazing properties that they've been telling you belong to chocolate but have failed to mention are not found in a box or a bar! The chocolate in the box or the bar will not take you where real chocolate, raw, undiluted chocolate, will take you, as that chocolate is so processed it no longer resembles CACAO!

Anyway, I'm in this STATE.  And then...I start to feel it.  Everything is softening.  Love is literally moving into my mind where critical thinking had been just moments ago...I no longer cared about the temperature of the room (it was warmer though, I'm sure of it) or the crazy journey to the place or anything that took place before I started sipping this transformative elixir!  Ever heard it said that "the longest journey we EVER take is only 18 inches long and it’s the journey from our head to our heart"? Wanna take a short cut?

Now, I'm not saying do Cacao instead of your personal work!  Please.  But what a joy – to be given this gift – to be transported into such deliciousness. And since we never return to the exact same place that we left, what a Blessing!

And then (back to the Goddesses) we did some transformational breathing.  I have done and witnessed plenty of breathing so I was not necessarily expecting anything in particular, but neither was I prepared for the visioning that I received.  Without going into detail, I was shown and I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, through the vision I received, that I am the Divine Feminine (of course!) and it is my job, my JOY and my PURPOSE to embody that to the very best of my ability, to never forget that is my purpose, in what is left of my lifetime, this time.

I could hardly wait to get Paul to try it!!!  As the Universe would have it, that was only a week away!

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It was at the mixed ceremony (men and women) that I sampled the Ecuadorian Cacao purchased locally. I was nervous that it have the same effect, as I wanted Paul to have an equally impactful experience (control freak to the end).  Well, this journey could not have been more different for me!  And no less impactful!  What I see now, in hindsight, is that I truly stepped into the Divine Feminine during that second ceremony.  I honoured male and female; I met each person in the room at my deepest, most Divine Feminine.  Paul, being Paul, went deeper into where he likes to live most of the time anyway, and would always, if the world would either stop interrupting him or join him!

So...now we are both committed to bringing Cacao to our work, to our play and to our community.

And between ceremonies I had scoured the Internet and found a Sacred Cacao

Ceremony Shaman in Guatemala.  His reply to my first email to him

was that if I was "in town" to "come to my house for a Ceremony - take the steep road down the hill - I'm the first house on the left".  It felt so welcoming!  Since, we have Skyped and emailed and I have learned as much as I can about Sacred Cacao Ceremony from this distance, and have found there isn't much info available to be had, really, other than word of mouth, and through our Guatemalan Chocolate Shaman, Keith, the Real Willy Wonka! If you are interested in diving into the mystic you can find Keith at http://www.ceremonialcacao.blogspot.com

In, Swedish, scientist Carl von Linnaeus thought Cacao to be so important that he names the genus and species of the c h o c o l a t e b e a n t r e e Theobroma Cacao – the literal translation being, “food of the Gods”! Just what the Indigenous Native Americans called it." (Naked Chocolate, David Wolfe)

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Cacao Ceremony with Paul and Kathie Scott

And if you’re in British Columbia, Canada, join us for our Awakened Heart Sacred Cacao Ceremony .

We have blended practically every teaching Paul and I have taken to create a Journey with the Holy Bean.

As Oneness Blessings Givers, we love and enjoy a breathing method from Oneness called Ananda Mandala - it is very to the point – and we add another 8 chakras to the first 7 with a vortexing meditation. In my training as a Kundalini Yoga Instructor, we learn the profound effects of opening energy pathways and our participants are having great results with this add-on to Ananda Mandala – truly, truly transformative shifts. We also offer the Oneness Blessing, enhanced with the Cacao too!

I place the Ceremony group on a Quantum Bio-Feedback Protocol with the emphasis on Body to Soul Connection, Aura Cleansing and Chakra Balancing with some physical aspects such as Spinal Alignment - for Pranic flow – and clearing of the major Miasm showing for the group.

One ounce (28 gm) per person is enough for many inner activities and may bring on deep emotional release.  Certainly sufficient for open-heartedness.  Everyone is different.  Many have experienced emotional release or energetic blending with the Cacao Deva from munching one bean or from the first sip. 

A ceremonial dose taken after about 3pm will likely have you awake late, unless you are tired from emotional release... although the occasional person can nap on a full ceremonial dose (it is called resistance).  If you allow your density up, and then block its release, expect a 'chocolate hangover' the next day until the energies dissipate or you get them repressed again.  It is just energy... it has to go somewhere.  You will have 30-40% more blood flowing to your brain with cacao... no pharmaceutical drug does this.  Your skin will have almost double the oxygenation... touch is different if your intent or heart is involved.  The heart connecting also contributes to cacao being called an aphrodisiac.

A larger or full ceremonial amount of cacao combined with aerobic activity or a hot spring/ tub/ sweat could make anyone nauseous.  Taking cacao on a food or liquid occupied stomach, or with food, will slow assimilation - which you might want sometimes.  This works well with something like hiking, or long hours of focused creative activity.  Cacao has long been considered marvellous trekking nourishment (although the vasodilatation might lead to extra heat loss at sub-zero temperatures). 




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So what else do we know about Cacao! Caca was the food of ancient Aztecs, used for 1000’s of years as a delivery mechanism for foods. In fact, as one of the most chemically complex foods on the planet, we barely comprehend the power of raw Cacao and how it helps open capillaries and assists in increasing absorption of food, so anything taken with it is better absorbed by the body – put some in your morning smoothie!

Packed with minerals, nutrients and vitamins loaded with Anandamides the “Bliss Chemicals” – it just makes us feel great and the PEA in raw cacao is an adrenal-related chemical - also created in our brains naturally and released when we “feel love” - that also increases focus...perhaps that’s why we get a “little obsessed” when we first fall in love?

Raw cacao is also rich in calcium, vitamin C (sorry, doesn’t exist in processed chocolate) and iron (314% of the daily iron that we need). It is also the #1 antioxidant content food in the world and has chromium and magnesium which are also the #1 nutrients deficient among North Americans - magnesium is excellent for heart health while chromium helps balance blood sugar! Raw Cacao also has omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFA), while cooked chocolate contains rancid omega 6 or trans fat which can cause inflammation.

And it doesn’t matter how you “take your cacao” – all of these benefits are there whether you’re drinking it or chewing on the beans or the little broken bits known as nibs or in powder form – just eat it!

Here are some contraindications from the Chocolate Shaman of Guatemala - if you should not partake, you will see yourself described here.

Contraindications: Those who are toxic (as with an intervention like chemotherapy), or need a dietetic detox, may become nauseous 5-6 hours after a large dose, as the bitter stimulates the liver... if so drink water!  

Those into fasting or a raw diet may ‘overdose’ on even a small quantity. Fasting before a ceremonial dose is not necessary - and I don't recommend it for first-timers as an empty system may accelerate assimilation and bring on bitter-related nausea.  Normal or light eating a few hours beforehand is fine.  Cacao acts as a food...  

Many antidepressants do NOT mix with the tryptophan and MAO inhibitors in cacao... Google your meds!

Heart conditions: cacao increases heart rate significantly, and is a vasodilator, reducing blood pressure.  Go easy at first if you have a very low blood pressure.  Real chocolate is fatal to dogs (and I hear parrots and horses) who genetically lack the enzyme to metabolize Theobromine... and so have a heart attack.

No more than an ounce (28 gm) with pregnancy or breast feeding, and not that much until you know cacao and understand your own pace with it. 

If you get migraines from coffee, be cautious with cacao.  Go easy on the caffeine or coffee in the hours before a ceremonial amount of cacao... too buzzy, no focus.  Coffee and cacao as mocha is fine... but a poor combination in ceremony.  The general agreement is that there is little caffeine in cacao... it is mostly a sister molecule, Theobromine (it takes a sophisticated chemical test to tell them apart, hence the frequent statements about caffeine in cacao). 

Reminder: headache, including next day - drink water!  (Theobromine is diuretic.)  Taking a small amount of cacao before sleeping (try 0.3 oz/ 8.5 gm) will help you remember your dreams... I find it works better than alcohol or caffeine which is sometimes recommended for this purpose.

So, in summary, no coffee, no food a couple of hours before, and no hot bath that morning.

No, no, no and know, know, know! Know yourself, know your limits, know what you want and go for it! 

FACT: Cacao (Chocoloate) is one of the most

chemically complex foods on the planet.

Page 110: S2S-2011

Cacao “food for the Shift”, in

combination with an Awakened

Heart Meditation, and the Chakra

Ascension Breathing guided by

Paul and Kathie Scott can be a

powerful catalyst for personal

transformation. Luxuriate in the Spirit of

Cacao, in the earthy essence of the sacred food for

the shift! You’ll be amazed – it really is “just

chocolate”! Raw cacao actually does everything

you’ve ever heard chocolate can do but haven’t ever

found in a bar or a box – it is a natural, potent, anti-

oxidant, heart-opening super food! Prepared as

close to the traditional Mayan way as we know with

purified water and a dash of cayenne pepper.

Cacao - raw chocolate - A “Mother Medicine” that

takes you on a journey, not a “trip”,

Awaken Your


Image by Fir0002/GNU

Cost of $45/person, $80/couple – this includes your mug of Cacao,

a 3-hour Ceremony/Meditation and delicious, raw snacks


Pre-registration required at [email protected] or by calling

Kathie at 604-813-4543

Location: Ayurveda on 4th - 3636 W. 4th Ave., Vancouver,

A few doors down from Banyen Books

Dates & Time Saturdays from 5:30 to 9:30pm

September 17October 22

November 19


@ Unity of Vancouver

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Mystical Mind

Page 112: S2S-2011

Love Story

I think most people will admit that our lives

have become too busy. Sometimes it can feel like there is not

enough time in the day to get all of the things done that are on our expanding list. Birthdays, holidays and special occasions seem to sneak up faster each year. Some scientists claim that time is speeding up, but perhaps we are just adding too many demands on our time. Research indicates that we are sleeping less, working more and juggling too many priorities. Family therapists advise us that our relationships are not receiving the attention that they deserve. The high divorce rate could be an indication that our priorities are out of balance. Perhaps it is time to focus more of our attention on love. The following love story helped to remind me about the importance of celebrating love everyday.


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Marcy and Rick had been through a lot together in their relationship. They shared happy moments, loving memories and fond experiences. They also faced challenging obstacles to their love bond. At times, they disagreed about money, they had conflicting priorities and sometimes, they said things; that they wished they could take back. Their relationship was typical of a couple learning about love. Their most important love lesson occurred during Marcy’s fight with terminal cancer.

It was a fast track lesson from diagnosis to bedside mourning in a matter of weeks. Rick clung to her side and whispered loving messages. Marcy struggled to respond, but her ability to share her words were choked off by the cancer’s stranglehold on her vocal chords. He would lean closer and closer trying to hear her muffled words. It was upsetting for him as he reflected on the times in their relationship, when he deliberately tuned her out. Now he would give anything to tune back in to her message.

On their final day together the hospital room was filled with loving family and close friends. Did they come to say good bye, or did they intuitively know that they were about to witness a life changing lesson in love? As Rick and Marcy shared their final moment together, she opened her eyes wide and bright, she drew her last deep breath, and she said very clearly “I Love You”. The room fell silent as those

loving souls witnessed a miraculous end to a love story and a powerful lesson in love. Life is too short not to love!

My “love mission” is to help couples open their hearts and celebrate love with our

Syncrohearts Relationship Game. Our intimate relationships need to be

nourished with lots of love, l aughter, p lay t ime , in t imate communication and more romance. We are truly blessed to be able to experience intimate love. We can honor this gift by making more time to celebrate love. My vision is to share Syncrohearts with the world. We are very grateful for the local support and all of the loving testimonials, from as far away as Iran and Australia. I feel grateful to be able to write and speak on love. It fills my heart when I can help open the hearts of others. I love imagining a world that is filled with love. We would love, care for and respect all of our brothers and sisters. We would honour our planet and treat mother earth with the care and respect that she deserves. We would heal our differences in the shadows and light up the universe with new possibilities of love. It is time because life is too short not to love. Just ask Rick, as he hangs on to Marcy’s last few words – I Love You.

Lots of loveDr. Love

Marcy & Ricks Story

Dr. Love and his relationship board game “Synchrohearts”, was just announced

as the winner of the Best Brilliant Idea for Humanity Contest (BBIFH)  www.bestideaforhumanity.com/about.cfm

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Syncrohearts Relationship Gamewww.syncrohearts.com"The Game You Love to Play and Play to Love"

His forthcoming book will help open the hearts

of men; "Dr Love's prescription for Becoming a Romantic Loving Man""It is not the little blue pill"

This love book will be a comical story about my transition from a forestry guy to a “Dr. Love in training”. I am writing this book to help the average get off the couch, open his heart and realize his true potential as a romantic loving man. We need the love and support of all the women in our lives. This love book will be insightful for women to help men open our hearts and expose our loving souls. It is time to break the bad habits from older generations and give hope to new generations. This love book is a tribute to my dad and a message of hope for my son.


Dr. Love is a natural expert on love and relationships and the inventor of the successful love relationship game called Syncrohearts. He was inspired to create this game to help enhance his own marriage and now his “love game” is adding lots of love, laughter, great communication and more romance for couples around the world. During the development of Syncrohearts, a life changing transformation took place for the former forestry guy. As he came out of the forest, his heart opened, he became a romantic loving man and he was awarded with the honorary title of Dr. Love. Dr Love is an international speaker and author on the topic of love and relationships. He has been featured in national print, radio and television media. He twice earned the opportunity to try and slay the “Dragons” with love on the CBC Dragons Den, a reality TV program in Canada. He recently won the 2011 Best Brilliant Idea for Humanity Contest. His love mission supports a very worthwhile charity, the Zajac Ranch for kids with special needs.

Dr. Love and his relationship board game “Synchrohearts”, was just

announced as the winner of the Best Brilliant Idea for Humanity Contest (BBIFH)  www.bestideaforhumanity.com/about.cfm

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Sha! Gallaway

Shawn Gallaway is a visual artist, singer songwriter,

author, ceremonial healer, workshop facilitator,

energy worker and Certified Lifeline Practitioner. He

has traveled through out the world sharing his

healing message and has recently shared the stage

with the Dalai Lama, authors Gregg Braden, Bruce

Lipton, Robert Holden, Darren Weissman, T. Harv

Ecker, and with rock and pop masters Orleans, Jimi

Jamison, Dave Jenkins, Allan Parsons and Robbie


Heart Art & Song

Shawn has created artwork

to accompany the songs

on his I Choose Love CD.

Thumbnails of the artwork

are listed below. Simply

click on any image to see

a larger version of the

artwork, and to scroll

through the gallery.


“I Choose Love” - DVD

Musician & A#$t

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In To Me I See


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Any relationship based on need exposes the

wounded ego and is sooner or later bound to fail..

To experience intimacy with another being, you first need to experience it with yourself. Intimacy requires

openness, honesty, and full acceptance and love of yourself. If you can’t be open and honest with yourself and

can’t accept and love yourself as you are, it will be impossible to truly accept and love someone else. You can

only relate to others as deeply as you can relate to yourself. It’s important to understand why you get sad, angry, or

frustrated when your needs are not fulfilled. Intimacy requires understanding, and if you cannot understand

yourself, how can you understand someone else?

It is impossible to change your pattern of neediness by rejecting it. Just to say that you are not going to be needy

any longer is not enough. Changing any pattern requires more awareness of yourself. You stay needy because you

don’t know yourself. As a result, you stay insecure and always look to others for validation. To stop being needy,

you must see your wounded ego and understand your selfishness. To see your selfishness is painful. To admit that

you are insecure is painful. Unless you understand that your partner is not responsible for fulfilling your needs and

making you feel secure, you won’t be able to mature and take responsibility for your own life. Your partner has his

own needs to take care of.

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If you want to break your

pattern of neediness, first

accept it, then understand

its cause and take full

r e spons ib i l i t y f o r i t .

Without understanding the

cause of your neediness and taking responsibility for it, you cannot find your inner

truth and power. Without finding and living your own truth and inner power, it is

impossible to break any pattern. To come out of neediness you need to learn to give

to yourself what you hope to receive from others. Without this, you will remain a

beggar and

your needs can never be fulfilled.

Instead of trying to find ways to satisfy your needs from outside, find ways to satisfy

them from inside through your own creativity. Watch your needs and remind

yourself that you are not the needs but simply a witness that sees and feels them.

Watching your needs from inside will help you see them from a distance,

understand their cause, and dis-identify from them.

Normally, instead of understanding and taking responsibility for our needs, we

struggle to change something about ourselves so others will love and accept us and

give us what we want. When our needs are not met we feel rejected, insecure or

angry and try to justify our feelings by blaming others or ourselves. When you

blame others or think of yourself as a victim, you either feel self-righteous and push

yourself onto others, or retreat and withdraw from them. Either way you

manipulate to get your needs met, and your heart remains closed. It is impossible to

have an intimate and meaningful relationship this way. Staying in neediness and

insecurity only creates more unhappiness for yourself and others. There is a basic

universal law that applies to everyone: when we try to take because we perceive

that something is lacking, we cannot truly receive; on the other hand, when we are

full and content within ourselves, we are in a true state of reception.

So to just say, “I’m not going to do that anymore” without awareness is useless

because this will not stop your feelings of neediness. To transform your neediness

into love and intimacy, you must look inside and take responsibility for how you

feel. When you take responsibility for your own feelings, you simultaneously

become conscious of your creative potential and realize that you already have

everything you need.


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What you are

looking to receive

f r o m o u t s i d e i s

already inside you.

Your being is always full and content. Existence

has already given to you everything you need; it

has given your being, your life! What more do

you want? It is your responsibility to find and

live what is already yours. Who else can find

your hidden potential and live it? Everyone is

responsible for finding and living their own

creativity and true purpose.

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How can anyone

e l s e h e a l y o u r wounded ego or live your inner joy?

If someone else lives it for you,

you will be robbed of your own

experience. You must recognize

how your neediness keeps you in

unconsciousness and learn to give

to yourself what you are hoping to

receive from others. You also need

to see and take responsibility for

how you blame or manipulate

others to get your needs met. Most

people prevent their spiritual

growth by keeping their neediness

hidden. Have the courage to expose it. This is how

you are going to see your selfishness and heal it into


Intimacy and unconditional giving and receiving can

happen naturally and joyously if each partner is self-

sufficient and content within himself or herself. To be

self-sufficient means to understand that there are

times when you or your partner need to be alone.

The world ceaselessly demands our participating

energy and tries to take our attention out of our inner

Self in order to operate. Once in a while, we need to

withdraw from the world and rejuvenate our

energies if we want to continue giving. The same is

also true for any balanced relationship. Every once

in a while, we need to have time alone. When we

are full, giving and receiving become effortless and

bring more joy to ourselves and others.

It’s a good sign that you don’t want to stay in your

pattern of neediness any longer. I know that you

have a lot to offer, but you don’t seem to realize that

wanting to give something to someone is another

need. You are imposing on others what you like to

give. Trying to give something

when the other does not

want to receive what you are

offering is another form of

insecurity and neediness.

People somehow sense that

y o u r g i v i n g i s n o t

unconditional and you want

to give because you want to

receive something in return.

W h e n y o u r g i v i n g i s

conditional, then it is not

t r u e g i v i n g . I f i t i s

unconditional, you will not feel frustrated,

depressed, or insecure when the other rejects what

you are offering. If your giving is unconditional, you

just give out of your inner joy and abundance and

because giving enriches you and allows your energy

to expand. If someone does not want your offering,

then you simply move inside and enjoy your own


~ excerpt from In Search of the Miraculous: Healing

into Consciousness by Eliza Mada Dalian

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Moving from the Head to the Heart

Our mind is a gift from the Universe. It sets us apart from animals,  trees, and flowers. Though a blessing to the

human race, the mind is also our greatest challenge. Having focused on it for centuries, it has gradually taken

control of our lives and has taken us away from the truth of our inner being and the joy of being in our hearts. We

have become a love-starved species instead of love-abundant species. We have gone astray from our integrity and

grace, and have lost our connection to the divine Truth. To revive our innate ability of kindness and live in balance

and peace we need to move our focus from the head to  the heart. This meditation will help to bring back your

focus from the head and center it in your heart. You can do this at any time and as often as you can throughout

your day.

Bring your awareness to your breath.  Imagine that you don't have a head. Focus on your heart. Feel what your

heart wants to do instead of what your head is telling you to do. Breathe into your belly then exhale through your

heart. Feel that whatever you are doing is spontaneously happening through your heart and arms. Remember to

breath in and out through your heart throughout the day. Practice this meditation while doing whatever you are

doing during the day. Do this meditation for at least one month. If you enjoy it, practice it for three months for

greater results. This meditation will help to anchor your awareness in your heart, and will help you live more


~ Eliza Mada Dalian

Mada is a modern day mystic, spiritual guide, and master healer. She is the founder of the light-speed Dalian Method™ for Health and Consciousness. This revolutionary new healing modality quickly identifies and miraculously erases old beliefs and self-sabotaging imprints from the body's cellular memory. It helps to permanently eradicate the causes of pain and physical ailments and awaken one's innate consciousness. Through her work Mada takes the concepts of spiritual teachers and cutting-edge scientists to a practical experience of liberation from the ego-mind. Mada also co-hosts a weekly show on Healing into Consciousness Radio. www.MadaDalian.com, www.HealingIntoConsciousness.com

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http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/A P E R S P E C T I V EB e t w e e n

W o r l dSlowly but surely, I am advancing

sufficiently in my eight-year spiritual

journey that I am now straddled between

two worlds. This is great news to me

and to my “self-realized’ friends.

However, I am in la-la land to most of

my other mainstream friends and family.

This can create practical problems and

hurt feelings for things undone. I don't

mind if it was only my own delay but

when it impact others, then I empathize

with others at the receiving end.  I am

reminded of this daily with dealing with

others and with family.  If I didn't

meditate and have equanimity, I would

have died of stress already.  However, it

is my Calling that I am following. I was

called to quit work eight years early so

that I can follow this beckoning,

mysterious path. I am just doing the best I

can amid the seeming chaos of

transformation and transition.  As it is, I

am centred, calm, and collected. There

is no struggle when I align myself with

t he un ive r sa l un fo ldmen t . I n a

metaphysical sense, nothing is done but

everything gets done.

Photo by Fred Hsu, Jinguashi/GNU Free document License.s

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BY JOHN WONGThis is the Big Picture and the spiritual aspect of our

fundamental reality.  Everything is already done. All

the knowledge is already within (and without in the

Field) via noumenal apriority. We just need to be

awakened with the help of intellectual, experiential,

and/or contemplative disciplines. In the end, we have

to live it for full actualization. From this

understanding, I live in clarity. The ego

resides in the head; the soul (Higher

Self) resides in the heart. The phenomenal

world is run by the ego; the spiritual world is

contemplated by the soul. There is no attachment/no

judgment to outcome.  I am at peace.  I am Peace.

Like all other truth seekers, my spiritual journey is the

longest trip from the head to the heart.  It dwells more

into being than doing. I have a few soul mates

sharing this path with me towards the Source of

Being, which is unknowable. Only these friends

would understand my True Self. It is not my mind. It

is not my body. It is pure consciousness which is


It is said that the universe never gives us more than

we can handle.  Well, I am really being put to the test. 

I have mentioned that I am living at least two lifetimes

simultaneously.  I am grateful to be chosen for this

challenge of busyness.  It is about service. There is a

flip side to the phenomenal world where everything is

materialist and time-based.  The spiritual world is

outside of space and time.  It is my refuge, just like a

monk/guru in a cave.  This is what I meant when I say

I am not the same person I once was.  It correlates to

the realization that one cannot cross the same river

twice. In this altered state of consciousness, I do not

judge others for what they do and what others think of

me is not my business. 

However, it is not for everybody because everyone is

at a different evolutionary trajectory. We all get to the

same place on different paths and in different times.

Nevertheless, I do recognize I have obligations to

others in this “now” world.    One day, my other

friends will come and visit my second home.  It took

years for me to build.  It is magical and blissful (No, I

am not smoking anything).

I say to other dear friends not on a spiritual path:

Relax.  All is well.  Everything is perfect in the overall

scheme of things; the Ground of Being; the Great

Turning; the Awakening. None of us is going to die

(yet).  In any event, I live a fearless life.  If I do die

(actually a transition, a cross-over), something better is

waiting for me.


John Wong

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ImageBreeder/Public Domain

“Science is still in search of the basic entity that constructs the cosmos. God, therefore, would be a system too complex for science to discover. Unless the basic reality of aakaash – space – is recognized…” Paramahamsa Tewari

East Meets West

Fractal Art by Dan Willshttp://ultraiterator.blogspot.com/

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ertain discoverers of energy breakthroughs have made the journey from science to sage. One

of those, Paramahamsa Tewari of India, was already on that journey by the 1970s, learning from a spiritual teacher about “the conscious ocean of energy from which the material worlds emerge and into which the visible world submerges.”

As a Sanskrit scholar he is very aware that he lives in a sacred land of timeless wisdom. (Sanskrit is an ancient language of India. Hindu scriptures and classical epic poems are written in Sanskrit.) As a professional engineer Tewari is well educated in modern science; at the same time, he writes books such as Spiritual Foundations.

And in his spare time he has built working prototypes of a magnetic generator that taps into that ocean of energy surrounding us. He named his invention the Space Power Generator.

East met West when Toby Grotz, a younger power plant engineer in the USA, heard about Tewari. Experienced with use of measuring instruments, Grotz was funded

by a new-energy organization in 1993 to travel around the world visiting inventors and testing their breakthroughs. He also invited Tewari to speak at a conference in Colorado where I interviewed the scientist/sage from India for my first new-energy book.

Tewari and Grotz had common interests; Grotz had deeply studied the late Walter Russell’s concepts about matter being created out of the space fabric and returning to it again and again in a rhythmic balanced interchange. As do Tewari’s, Russell’s concepts described perpetual swirling, vortexian movements of i nv i s ib l e “ space” t i gh ten ing in to compression then expansion in endless cycles. Tewari describes in physics terms how electrons are created out of the background sea of energy like swirls in a lake.

As proof of his theories, Tewari recently achieved another milestone with his energy invention – again validated by test engineer Grotz. Tewari’s newer model is called the Reaction-less Generator. It can produce excess electrical power without any increase in power input.

If Tewari’s invention passes further testing to decide if it can be feasibly engineered into a mass-produced nonpolluting generator of electricity, this scientist-sage will celebrate a mission accomplished. Spreading the good news will be up to the rest of us.

Written by Jeane ManningAuthor of “Break Through Power”http://changingpower.net/(See Walter Russell on Science to Sage Web site.)


Theory Paper

Alternative Energy


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http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/A D V E N T U R ETo the Beat of My Own Drum


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I lifted the drum high above my head and

proceeded to whack it with all my might.

Faster and faster…


With each beat of my drum, the anger and tension started to ease up.

And the more noise I made, the more a smile

started to tug at my lips, gradually replacing the scowl on my face.

Revenge is sweet.

Life is good.

Growing up in a series of small communities

across western Canada, it was a familiar feeling to be nestled within the  First

Nations culture.

In some places I was considered to be a m i n o r i t y , e v e n w i t h m y m u l t i -

cultural  Heinz-57  status - Scottish, English, Croatian and Ukrainian.

So when I moved to  Vancouver  in 2003, I

found myself in an alien world - a land overflowing with different cultures from all

over the planet.

An amazingly diverse city.

I loved it. Still do.

But that being said, I found the city to be lacking a certain First Nations influence. Sure,

t h e r e w e r e t h e a r t g a l l e r i e s a n d museums...but truly, it seemed as though the

culture or spirit was missing from the city.

I felt as though I was a stranger in a strange land.

A stranger in a strange land...

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Something smells kinda funny...

It was the excruciating smell of rotting flesh emanating from the trunk of my car which got my attention...after a period of time.

No...it wasn’t exactly a dead body in my trunk.

Not an entire one anyways...

It was the excess sinew from my drum I  carrying around with me. I had meant to bury in the forest somewhere, but after 3 months, well...I guess it would, of course, explain the smell.

It is customary to offer a pouch of loose tobacco to the elder as a sign of respect for sharing the teachings in making a traditional Native North American Drum and drumstick.

The drum is central to the First Nations culture . In certain respects, it has become a method to connect with a higher power and is used in ceremonies, ce le brat ions a nd sp i ri tua l f e s t i v a l s . T h e y a r e a l s o recognized as a ‘living entity’ with close connections to the creator.

With elk hides and hoops prepared in

advance by local Native Elder  Sandra

L a F r a m b o i s e ( D a n c i n g t o E a g l e

Spirit)  and  Jennifer Lundin-Ritchie (Spotted

Firefly), it was an all day affair filled with elements of First Nations spirituality and

ceremony. I gave thanks to the beautiful animal that gave up its life, offering up its

‘medicine’ to the drum I was about to make,

bonding with the drum that represented both the earth and life.

Over the following week, I was to watch how the elk hide of the drum dried as it would

reveal patterns within patterns, representing

animal totems, or perhaps even, messages from beyond.

Little did I know I would receive the message...loud and clear.


The horrifying screeching sounds from the

apartment above were apparently supposed to resemble singing.

Added to this cacophony were the people in

boots and high-heels jumping up and down to the beat of the music, with an unfortunate

few, moving to a rhythm of their own.

But really, what can one expect at 4 am?

Spirit Drum

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Hide & go seek...

I found myself wondering where the hide for

my drum came from, but then I was reminded

of my childhood. My father would hunt for

moose and venison or even grouse to feed

our family. He would tell us of the thanks he

would give to the mighty animal that gave its

life to feed our family by saying a prayer.

A few days later, he would return to the

forest with the remains that could not be

used. It was so that others, who lived in the

forest, might eat as well. Many times, the hides

would go to whoever wanted them in the

community where we lived.

They say what goes around will eventually

come around...so perhaps this was a gift that

kept on giving, even years later.

Taking your medicine...

Elk medicine is representative of survival,

strength, stamina, pride and nobility.

Sandra (Dancing to Eagle Spirit) and Jennifer

(Spotted Firefly) warned of how I might go

into ‘process’ during and after the workshop,

particularly when connecting with the drum’s

unique ‘song’...which would be my drum’s

message or gift to both me and the world.

And my drum did indeed work it’s medicine

on my soul that one fateful day...delivering it’s

unique song to the world, or in this case, my


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That morning, a rather ‘unhappy sort of Patricia’ woke up, moving about the apartment feeling


ANGER was in my every step, in every action.

The house-wrecking party in the apartment

above just ended a few hours before and it left me swallowing down a dark drink of bitterness.

Then I heard something thunk in the other room.

That ‘something’ sounded an awful lot like a beat

on my drum. 

I had heard that the beating of the drum is compared to the beating of a human heart and

that drums are believed to ‘speak’ to the drummer. So if I did in fact bond with the drum as

indicated, then perhaps the drum was speaking to

me, playing my song - the song of my heart.

The second I picked up the newly-made drum in

my hands,  the Gods rained blessings on me  inspiration struck. I lifted the drum high over

my head and started wailing on it, pounding it for

all it was worth.

The pounding of my heart.

Directly under my neighbour’s bedroom.

And the more I walloped that beautiful singing

drum, the more a smile started to tug at the

corner of my lips. With a  shit-eating  grin on my face, the anger and resentment that ate at my

insides began to dissipate as I worked out my raw emotions on this amazing new drum.

My new heartbeat.

Who would have thought that whacking a drum

could give me such joy?

Minutes later, I heard the sound of someone staggering about upstairs.


Revenge is sweet.

Life is good.

The remains of the day...

It was the snowball filled with the sinew of an elk

smashing and scattering its contents across the lake’s frozen surface that took us most by


It wasn’t supposed to happen like that. That wasn’t how it was supposed to go down.

Meandering about the snow-capped mountain top of Mt. Seymour, my friend Wendy and I went

off in search of the perfect location to celebrate

the first snow fall of the season.   But more importantly, it was to have a ‘drumming’

ceremony honouring the elk drum and leftover s inew that had been ‘accidental ly ’ left

decomposing in my vehicle.

Snowshoes in hand, we made the merry trek into the darkened forest, finding an ideal spot near a

secluded little lake nestled within the winter wonderland.

It was the first snow of the season and I felt like a

kid in a candy store!!

I felt compelled to return the leftover elk sinew

back to the land, much like my father did when he returned the remains back into the forest. The

reality of the situation was such that I should

have buried it months before because the smell was becoming rather bothersome (vile beyond all

belief) in my vehicle.

A Sign from Above...

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It was the first snow of the season and I felt like a

kid in a candy store!!

I felt compelled to return the leftover elk sinew back to the land, much like my father did when he

returned the remains back into the forest. The reality of the situation was such that I should have

buried it months before because the smell was

becoming rather bothersome (vile beyond all belief) in my vehicle.

As luck would have it (or extremely unfortunate planning on my part), I completely forgot to bring

a digging instrument to bury the smelly bundle.

However, upon seeing the darkened lake, I thought it would be a brilliant plan of action to

make a sinew snowball – and just simply toss it in.

Everything was going according to plan (sort of)

until I threw the snowball.

It somehow seemed to escape our notice that the lake was covered by a thick layer of ice. It

could have had something to do with the fact that our only light source was from the headlamps on

our heads. The camera flash doesn't count.

Now, in our defense, how were we to know that the lake would freeze before it snowed? [please

don’t bring up my forestry background, don’t bring up my forestry background...]

Needless to say, we sure didn’t notice any ice in

the pitch black. But then again, it could also be said that the whole situation fell under the

brilliant plan of action to meander about a forest after the sun had set without said shovel.

Regardless, I still believe that tossing the snowball

into the lake was nothing short of brilliant. It was

that spontaneous  ‘MacGyver’  moment where I had to make due with what I had at my disposal.

Simply put, no shovel, therefore make snowball and toss it on top of the frozen lake.

After letting go of my ‘discombobulation,’ I

proceeded to beat my drum. I would sporadically stop so that my partner-in-adventure, Wendy,

could say something ultra-deep (she’s good at that), before I would continue on with the beating

the drum, singing it’s song, my heartbeat. After our

pseudo-ceremony, we elegantly dined on banana bread that contained chocolate chips followed by

a superb chocolate mint rooibos chaser, delicately

held within two thermal tea cups with said

matching thermos (seriously awesome planning!!!)

Overall, I would claim it to be a successful celebration regardless of the few debacles. After

all, we didn’t get lost in the forest. We did manage to release the sinew back into the wilds. And we

did manage to get cell phone reception so Wendy

could let her husband know our location. If I recall correctly, he wasn’t too impressed by the

fact that no one else knew where we were...but even more so, because he was out of town and

couldn’t rescue us if things went a little awry.

Yes...it could be determined that common sense

played absolutely no part in this night-time


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But I could feel my heart beating, pounding

in my chest. I felt so amazingly alive...

Now...I’m not entirely certain what became

of the sinew. Did any of the forest creatures

make the foray onto the ice and retrieve

the 3 month old smelly sinew? Or did it sink

to the bottom of the lake five months later?

Only the land knows.

After a period of time, I discovered

something interesting. It wasn’t that the

First Nations culture or spirit was missing,

it was just that it was a little bit more

difficult to see in a city filled with every

type of ethnic background.

It was subtle, but it's heartbeat was there. I

just needed to take a closer look

Lost and Found...

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Science to Sage Events

Banyen Events

Dalia LamaSpeakers Series

Vancouver Radio with Spirit

What is Happening About TownHere are a few things

worth a mention

Gangaji, Sept 9th

Presented by Hollyhock

Sri & Kira, Sept 23-25th

Presented by Science to Sage

Linda M. Potter, Sept 16th

Presented by Science to Sage

At Unity of Vancouver5840 Oak St., Vancouver Free & Easy ParkingTickets at Banyen Booksor On-Line



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Photo by Karl Herrmann

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Vancouver, British Columbia

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Artist – Karl Herrmann

Karl Herrmann is an internationally recognized cinematographer and photographer living in Vancouver. He’s worked on such Hollywood blockbusters as “E.T.”, “The Right Stuff” and “I, Robot”, among many others. His still photographs are represented in museums and galleries and collected internationally. In his recently published coffee table book, “Pacific Spirit-Vancouver”, he brings his unique vision of BC’s stunning natural environment into crystal clear focus for the rest of us to appreciate. The elegantly simple page layout presents each image with an inspirational quote, which causes you to linger a little longer on every page. Karl has been interviewed about his “magnificent” book on CBC Radio, the Fanny Kiefer Show and Global TV.

Reviewing the book, the North Shore News stated, “A fresh view of our beautiful surroundings is presented in this stunning collection of photographs… the natural beauty of our city is preserved forever in Herrmann’s lush images.”

Copies of “Pacific Spirit-Vancouver” are available b y c o n t a c t i n g K a r l v i a h i s w e b s i t e www.natureseries.ca. It is also available in most major bookstores in the city. Prints and note cards are also available of all the images in the book. The technique Karl uses to photograph the images allows for prints to be very large with incredible detail.

The Vancouver Board of Trade reviewed “Pacific Spirit-Vancouver” saying, “Every business person in Vancouver should have copies of this book for guests and visitors.” They backed up that statement by using the book as a gifting item to prominent speakers they bring to the city, such as former President Bill Clinton.

Science to Sage Magazine is brought to you from this amazing setting. Vancouver, BC is an international city. In the spirit of community our contributors are from around the world and are globally minded.

Through the Lens of Karl Herrmann

Page 136: S2S-2011

Unity of Vancouver

Tuesday, September 13th

7:30 - 9:30

Cost: $15

Tickets at the door

or at Science to Sage


the VeilLecture & Demo


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Page 137: S2S-2011

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sciencetosage.com & Banyen Books

Page 138: S2S-2011

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Page 139: S2S-2011

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Be a part of a very special weekend event and recognize your greater role in the awakening of mankind. Arrive to this totally fun and mystically inspired weekend. Bring your open heart and open mind and PREPARE TO FLY.


Radio: Conscious Living Radio Sept 14, Synchronicity Radio Sept 19, ATW Broadcasting Sept 20

Presented by Science to Sage: See Article August Issue www.sciencetosage.com

Tickets at Banyen books/Register by Sept 1 for $81 discount price is $144. or

Page 140: S2S-2011

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Page 141: S2S-2011









HOW TO TRAIN A WILD ELEPHANTAnd Other Adventures in Mindfulnessby Jan Chozen Bays

$15.50, paperback. Shambhala. July 2011.isbn 9781590308172     230 pages

A growing body of research is showing that mindfulness can reduce stress, improve physical health, and improve one’s overall quality of life. Jan Chozen Bays, MD—physician and Zen teacher—has developed a series of simple practices to help us cultivate mindfulness as we go about our ordinary, daily lives. Exercises include: taking three deep breaths before answering the phone, noticing and adjusting your posture throughout the day, eating mindfully, and leaving no trace of yourself after using the kitchen or bathroom. Each exercise is presented with tips on how to remind yourself and a short life lesson connected with it.

Among the 53 exercises in this book (all extensively road-tested at the author monastery, Great Vow, in Oregon) are: Notice Trees, Rest Your Hands, Study Suffering, Listen Like a Sponge, Mindful Driving, Look Deeply into Food, Gratitude at the End of the Day, A Media Fast, Your Tongue, and Look Up! If you’ve boxed “mindfulness” into just sitting meditation times, this lovely book will open your eyes.

“In a brilliant, practical, and elegant way, Bays has answered the question most frequently asked by students of meditation, ‘How do I bring this practice into my daily life?’ Here is a jewel box of insightful, wise, beautiful, and compassionate ways to do so.”—Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart

“This warm, welcoming, and wise book invites u s t o p r a c t i c e

mindfulness now, right in the midst of life. The weekly exercises are i l l u m i n a t i n g , immensely practical, a n d f u n .” — D i a n a W i n s t o n , U C L A Mindful Awareness Research Center, co-author of Fully Present: The Science, Art, and Practice of MindfulnessAlso by Jan Chozen Bays is Mindful Eating (Book + CD).

WAKING THE TIGERHealing Traumaby Peter Levine$22.50, paperback. North Atlantic. September 1997.isbn 9781556432330     266 pages

Offering a new and hopeful vision of trauma, Waking the Tiger presents simple “first aid” tools to help prevent traumatic reactions from developing in the aftermath of “overwhelm” and injury.

Persistent anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and insomnia are only a few of the conditions caused by traumatic reactions. While maintaining that drugs can sometimes be a useful component in treatment, trauma specialist Peter Levine demonstrates that confusion between an unresolved natural response and an actual mental disorder can obscure proper treatment and diagnosis.

Seeking to learn how animals in natural habitats integrate the critical roles of biology and instinct, Levine studied the moments both before and after an animal was attacked in the wild. In each case, he observed large amounts of energy being discharged after an attack, preventing immobilization, or the “shutting down” common to trauma victims. Using this “flight or fight” analysis, he concluded that an essential biological ingredient of resolving trauma—completion of the defense mechanism—is missed by conventional medical treatment.

Challenging the myth that the trauma individuals experience must accompany them for the rest of their lives, Waking the Tiger normalizes the symptoms of trauma and the steps needed to heal them. Levine writes from his many years of experience working with numerous stress and trauma victims.

People are often traumatized by seemingly ordinary experiences. The reader is taken on a guided tour of the subtle, yet powerful impulses that govern our responses to overwhelming life events. To do this, it employs a series of exercises (“Somatic Experiencing”) that help us focus on bodily sensations. Through a heightened awareness of these sensations trauma can be healed. He also discusses both the sources of trauma—including injuries, violence, loss of loved ones, medical procedures, and natural disasters—and the psychological and physical tools that can resolve and complete a natural traumatic reaction.


Page 142: S2S-2011



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AWAKENING COMPASSIONby Pema Chodron$69.95, 6 CDs. Sounds True. November 2003.isbn 9781591791287     7 hours, 9-page study guide

For over 800 years, Tibetan Buddhists have used the practice of lojong (literally, “mind training”) to transform difficulties into insights. This training is grounded in a specific meditation technique, and complemented by 59 written maxims. On Awakening Compassion, Pema Chödrön, one of the Western world’s best-known meditation teachers and a nun and abbess in the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, shows you how to use your own painful emotions as stepping stones to wisdom, compassion, and fearlessness. You will learn how to make friends with the painful parts of your life experience, and how to use your natural courage and honesty to transform even the most difficult situations. With an informal teaching style, both playful and insightful, Pema makes this way of bringing compassion into the world easy to understand and inspiring to apply to your own life.

Some of the topics Pema includes are:• On-the-spot practices for dealing with anger, jealousy, and fear• The secret of transforming conflict into genuine communication• How to start where you are—however “unspiritual” or uncompassionate you

may feel•  The attitude of a bodhisattva, or fully awakened person•  Breathing and visualization techniques you can use to interrupt the cycle of

suffering•   More than 7 hours of practical, compassionate guidance for shedding your

cocoon and meeting your world with fresh appreciation.Among Pema Chödrön’s other titles are When Things Fall Apart and The

Wisdom of No Escape.m



Page 143: S2S-2011

Authors• Jeffrey Armstrong• Michael Bernard-Beckwith• Gregg Braden• Michael Brown• Richard Carlson• Eliza Mada Dalian• Dr. Joe Dispenza• Wayne Dyer• Deb Ford• Louise Hay• David Hawkins• Howard Martin• Joseph Chilton Peacre• don Miguel Ruiz• Colin Tipping’s• Katherine Woodward Thomas• Eckhart Tolle

Books• The Night We First Me a Mystical

Journey, Jeffrey Armstrong Poetry book,

• Science of Miracles, Gregg Braden• Heart Math• Michael Bernard-Beckwith – Spiritual

Liberation• The Presence Process, Michael

Brown• Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff …,

Richard Carlson• In Search of the Miraculous, Eliza

Mada Dalian• The Power of Intention, Wayne Dyer• The Shadow Effect, Deb Ford• You can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay

• Power vs. Force: The Hidden Determinants, by David R. Hawkins

• Richard Hooper - Jesus, Buddha, Krishna Lao Tzu – The Parallel Sayings

• Wisdom Series, Joseph Chilton Peacre

• Ted Kuntz - Peace Begins with Me• Joseph Chilton Peacre - Death of

Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to the Intelligence of the Heart

• don Miguel Ruiz The Mastery of Love• Walter Russell - Universal One• Katherine Woodward Thomas –

Calling in the One• A New Earth, Awaking to Your Life’s

Purpose & The Power of New, Eckarht Tolle

• Radial Forgiveness, Collin Tipping’s• Calling in the One

Business – Mind, Heart Coherence• Global Coherence Initiative• HeartMath-HeartMath.org• Non-Violent Communications,

negotiation for peace – Marshall Rosenberg

• Healing Rhythms/Wild Divine– Bio Feedback Technology

Movies Suggestions• Ones that make you laugh!














Resources from Chapter 8of “InsideOUT” the book by Karen


Page 144: S2S-2011

Third Eye and Mindfulness• Pineal Gland Awareness +

Awakening third Eye = Courses/Programs

• Big Mind• The Science of Peace• Breathwork – used in the Presence

Process• Hemi-Sync• TM• Bright Lights• The Complete Vision Board Kit• Eliza Mada Dalian- Various

MeditationsMeditation  Collectively

• Global Coherence Initiative• Global Prayer Project

The Heart• 528 Hz Divine Love Frequency &

Sacred Fire, Heart Center Alignment Meditation

• Coherent Heart• Dan Winter – Grail of compassion

– LifeForce – Bliss Manifestation• HeartMath• Gregg Braden – Institute of

HeartMath• Colin Tipping’s – Radical

Forgiveness• Calling in the One

CD• Mediations• Eliza Mada Dalian – Multiple

Mediation• Gregg Braden’s – Meditative


• Colin Tipping’s – Multiple CD sets for various topics – http://www.radicalforgiveness.com/

Articles• The Way of the Spiritual Heart• The Intelligence of the Heart• Egyptian Concept of the Heart• HeartMath – Appreciative Heart is

Good Medicine

YOU-Tube• Joseph Chilton Pearce/Wisdom

Series• Education the whole child• Gregg Braden and DNA• Joseph Chilton Pearce/Wisdom

Series• 528 Hz Divine Love Frequency &

Sacred Fire, Heart Center Alignment Meditation

• Coherent Heart• Dan Winter – Grail of compassion

– LifeForce – Bliss Manifestation• Mandelbrot set by Wolfgangberyer• Deb Ford – How to Free Yourself• David Hawkins














Resources from Chapter 8 of “InsideOUT” the book by Karen Elkinswww.insideOUTbook.com



Page 145: S2S-2011



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