Ryan Bierl Mae377 Project02

UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO Project 02 Solid Modeling Assignment 02 Ryan R. Bierl 9/23/2009 Project 02 in an extension of Project 01. This project taught us more advanced skills in Pro Engineer. Some skills included creating an assembly and a helical sweep.

Transcript of Ryan Bierl Mae377 Project02

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Project 02 Solid Modeling Assignment 02

Ryan R. Bierl


Project 02 in an extension of Project 01. This project taught us more advanced skills in Pro Engineer. Some skills included creating an assembly and a helical sweep.

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Table of Contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 3

3 Results ................................................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 Part A ............................................................................................................................................. 3

3.2 Part B ............................................................................................................................................. 3

3.3 Part C ............................................................................................................................................. 4

3.4 Part E ............................................................................................................................................. 4

3.5 Part F ............................................................................................................................................. 5

4 Discussion .............................................................................................................................................. 6

5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 6

6 References ............................................................................................................................................ 6

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1 Introduction Project 02 served as an extension of Project 01, increasing the skill level to create each part. The parts

created in Project 02 were more complex than the parts created in Project 01. With the aid of the

tutorial and Multimedia CD we were able to learn more advanced skills to create and manage models in

the Pro Engineer program.

2 Requirements There are five parts to Project 02. To create the five different parts we were required to use the Tutorial

and Multimedia CD.

3 Results

3.1 Part A When creating this part we had one constraint. We were only allowed to use one solid protrusion and

one cut. At first this seemed to difficult for someone with my skill level in Pro Engineer, but after further

inspection the steps needed to complete the part became very clear. The figure in the Tutorial did not

give a good representation of the actual part, in that it did not clearly show that the two tall sections of

the part were symmetrical. Knowing this made the creation of the part much easier.

(a) (b) Figure 1 (a) The CAD model of the block in Part A; and (b) the same CAD model of Part A at a different view.

3.2 Part B In Part B we had to create a Phillips Head Screw.The screw in Part B was very easy to create. The only

problem that I encountered was when creating the slots in the head of the screw. A few times after

creating the first extrusion, when attempting to apply a patter, the pattern resulted in asymmetrical

slots in the screw head. I had to edit my sketch to solve this problem.

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(a) (b)

Figure 2 (a) The CAD model of the screw in Part B; and (b) the same CAD model of Part B at a different view.

3.3 Part C This section required us to create a spring by creating a Helical Sweep in Pro Engineer. At first I was

unable to create the spring based on the “Helical Sweep Tutorial by DiCorso”. It was unclear when

instructing us to draw a section of the spring, in that I had no idea that it mean just to draw a circle. I

was forced to research the procedure on how to create a spring. I was able to find a good step by step

guide on proengineertips.com.

(a) (b)

Figure 3 (a) The CAD model of the spring in Part C; and (b) the same CAD model of Part C at a different view.

3.4 Part E Part E was relatively easy. In this part you had to create a 2D drawing showing various views of the

pulley used in Part F. The Tutorial was very helpful in showing us how to create the various views as well

as inserting dimensions. When starting this drawing I had already been exposed to 2D technical drawing.

The only differences were I was doing it on a computer and I was modeling my 2D drawing after a 3D

part I had already created.

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Figure 4 (a) The CAD model of the 2D drawing in part E.

3.5 Part F Part F consisted of the creation of all the parts of a working pulley assembly. Part F turned out to be the

most involved of all the sections of Project 02. First of all you had to create each of the parts in the

assembly. Then you had to put all of those parts into an aligned view of the blown out assembly.

Although there were many steps in Part F, the Tutorial was very helpful in providing step by step


(a) (b) Figure 4 (a) The CAD model of the assembly in Part F; and (b) the same CAD model of Part F at a different view.

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4 Discussion There were not too many problems in the creation of the parts in Project 02. It was however, very time

consuming. This was the most in depth project in MAE 377 so far. One issue I encountered was the

compatibility of files going from computer to computer. Specifically, I had problems when trying to load

part files that I had created in lab onto my personal computer. To make a long story short I was unable

to load these files because the files created in lab were done so on an educational version. Apparently

the version of Pro Engineer on my personal computer is not compatible with the educational version,

because all other aspects of the two programs are identical.

5 Conclusion Project 02 was a very involved project and took a lot of time to complete. I was able to learn many

valuable skills in the Pro Engineer program, which I believe to be the goal of this project.. All of these

skills, I am sure, will help me in the future. I was able to complete all of the components of Project 02 to

their specifications.

6 References The following materials were used to create Project 02:

Pro Engineer Wildfire 4.0 Tutorial and Multimedia CD written by: Roger Toogood, PH.D., Eng.
