Russia suspends import and use of American GM corn after ... · Russia suspends import and use of...

21 study-revealed-cancer-risk.html see below: 108 comments Russia suspends import and use of American GM corn after study revealed cancer risk The European Food Safety Authority orders review in to the research, conducted at a French university Russia's decision could be followed by other nations Experts at the University of Caen conducted an experiment running for the full lives of rats - two years The findings found raised levels of breast cancer, liver and kidney damage The same trials also found minuscule amounts of a commonly used weedkiller, Roundup Both the GM corn and Roundup are the creation of US biotech company Monsanto By Sean Poulter PUBLISHED:16:15 GMT, 25 September 2012| UPDATED:06:57 GMT, 26 September 2012 Comments (108) Russia has suspended the import and use of an American GM corn following a study suggesting a link to breast cancer and organ damage. Separately, the European Food Safety Authority(EFSA), has ordered its own review in to the research, which was conducted at a French university. The decision by Russia could be followed by other nations in what would be a severe blow to the take-up of the controversial technology.

Transcript of Russia suspends import and use of American GM corn after ... · Russia suspends import and use of...


see below: 108 comments

Russia suspends import and use of American GM corn after study revealed cancer risk

The European Food Safety Authority orders review in to the research, conducted at a

French university

Russia's decision could be followed by other nations

Experts at the University of Caen conducted an experiment running for the full lives of rats

- two years

The findings found raised levels of breast cancer, liver and kidney damage

The same trials also found minuscule amounts of a commonly used weedkiller, Roundup

Both the GM corn and Roundup are the creation of US biotech company Monsanto

By Sean Poulter

PUBLISHED:16:15 GMT, 25 September 2012| UPDATED:06:57 GMT, 26 September 2012

Comments (108)

Russia has suspended the import and use of an American GM corn following a study suggesting a link

to breast cancer and organ damage.

Separately, the European Food Safety Authority(EFSA), has ordered its own review in to the research,

which was conducted at a French university.

The decision by Russia could be followed by other nations in what would be a severe blow to the

take-up of the controversial technology.

Cancer risk? A farmer shows two corncobs of genetically engineered corn by U.S. company

Monsanto, right, and two normal corncobs from Germany, left

Historically, biotech companies have proved the safety of GM crops based on trials involving feeding

rats for a period of 90 days.

However, experts at the University of Caen conducted an experiment running for the full lives of rats

- two years.

The findings, which were peer reviewed by independent experts before being published in a

respected scientific journal, found raised levels of breast cancer, liver and kidney damage.


Outrage as Pennsylvania high school marching band commemorates 1917 Russian Revolution

at half time

An emotional Gwyneth Paltrow backs 'Stand Up To Cancer' campaign after losing her father

to the disease ten years ago

The same trials also found evidence that consumption of minuscule amounts of a commonly used

weedkiller, Roundup, was associated with a raised risk of cancer.

Both the GM corn, which carries the name NK603, and Roundup are the creation of US biotech

company Monsanto.

The decision by the Russians to suspend authorisation for the American GM corn threatens to trigger

a transatlantic commercial and diplomatic row.

Contentious: A combine harvests corn in a field near Coy, Arkansas. The decision by the Russians to

suspend authorisation for the American GM corn threatens to trigger a transatlantic commercial and

diplomatic row

Russia’s consumer rights watchdog, Rospotrebnadzor, said today that it has suspended the import

and use of the Monsanto GM corn.

Rospotrebnadzor said the country’s Institute of Nutrition has been asked to assess the validity of the


It has also contacted the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health & Consumers to ask

for the EU’s position on the corn’s safety.

Consumer scepticism in the UK and Europe means GM corn is not on supermarket shelves here,

however it is fed to farm animals, including hens, pigs and dairy cows.

Important: In the USA, and much of Europe, corn is used to make an array of food products including

cornflakes (picture posed by model)

Last week Monsanto said it did not think the French study would affect its license to export the

NK603 to Europe but would wait to hear from EFSA.

The company said: ‘Based on our initial review, we do not believe the study presents information

that would justify any change in EFSA’s views on the safety of genetically modified corn products or

alter their approval status for genetically modified imports.’

The biotech industry and university researchers involved in GM research have mounted a major PR

campaign over the last year to win over sceptical consumers.

In the past week, pro-GM scientists have been lining up to undermine the French experiments and

criticise the way they were conducted.

However, a number of independent academics have praised the French team’s work, describing it as

the most thorough and extensive feeding trials involving GM to date.

Mustafa Djamgoz, the Professor of Cancer Biology, at Imperial College, London, said the findings

relating to eating GM corn were a ‘surprise’.

Prof Djamgoz, who describes himself as a neutral on GM, said: ‘The results are significant. The

experiments are, more or less, the best of their kind to date.’

However, he said that it is now important to ensure they are repeated with more animals by

independent laboratories to confirm the outcome.

‘We are not scaremongering here. More research, including a repetition of this particular study are

warranted,’ he said.

The professor said it will take two to three years to get a definitive answer.

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Comments (108)

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I think it is time for Americans to march and protest and raise alarm about GM foods. So glad for this study because we are soon to have a vote in California about GM labeling. If they vote for labeling then possibly the rest will follow. With pressure we can get the main producers to boycott GM products. Our poor farmers what have we done to them? Masonto has bullied them and fined them into silence.

- Knoll, jacksonville florida, 4/10/2012 19:34

Rating 5

If I ate the genetically engineered corn every day for two years for my diet I would have cancer. Get real. If I ate nothing but carrots every day for two years I would have cancer. If I ate nothing but wheat every day for two years I would have cancer. The world has changed to greed and money. The world in trading on an oil currency and we will self destruct. Just give it time.

- dandyduct, Henry, United States, 30/9/2012 16:36

Rating 19

If I ate nothing but modified engineered corn everyday for 2 years I bet I would have some sort of cancer growing in my body. I know genetically engineered products are harmful and we need to get back to the basics of food production and living off the natural land values. Ever eat a pine cone? Most parts are edible.

- dandyduct, Henry, United States, 30/9/2012 16:23

Rating 8

ERIC PRINCETON "There is semi-epidemic in USA of breast cancer. Women with no genetic family history of cancer and healthy life styles suddenly getting this disease in jaw dropping numbers." LIAR "female breast cancer incidence rates began decreasing in 2000, then dropping by about 7% from 2002 to 2003 and since have declined at 2% a year thru 2010.". American Cancer Society.

- EPSOM, SALTS, 27/9/2012 1:22

Rating 19

Leave it to the UK to report the cursed blessings of this American born monstrous saint co

- Unwilling Hostage, Los Angeles, United States, 27/9/2012 0:50

Rating 36

Is it the letters GMO listed in the ingredients or something else I should be looking for in the food & products I buy?? Thanks!

- Heather, nw iowa, United States, 27/9/2012 0:27

Rating 20

In the ingredients listed in the foods does it actually say GMO or what am I really looking for? Thank you!!

- Heather, nw iowa, United States, 27/9/2012 0:21

Rating 15

Calm down everyone. The Russian government has a policy that if they found something worse than vodka it will not be allowed in the country!

- RatFace, Looseconsin, 27/9/2012 0:17

Rating 64

woohooman - I would love to see your non-biased, research based information. Seeing that the mice in this study have a known problem with developing tumors without any assistance and the actual number in the study is not statistically valid, I wonder why anyone would bother reading the study. Do the authors of the article not understand research or statistical analysis? Evidently not.

- Bob Williams, Arlington, United States, 27/9/2012 0:11

Rating 53

Maybe it's better use would be for car fuel.

- rgeegee, atlanta, 26/9/2012 23:34

Rating 46

There is semi-epidemic in USA of breast cancer. Women with no genetic family history of cancer and healthy life styles suddenly getting this disease in jaw dropping numbers. Yet there is no serious attempt to establish true causes. And why bother when a cancer patient is worth $300K to "health" industry.

- Eric, Princeton, 26/9/2012 22:55

Rating 90

We don't have much to worry about, as Moochie tells our kids and eventually telling us what to eat and we stand in line, they say gruel has very little condiments in the watery soup.

- Jeronimo Dan, Maribel, United States, 26/9/2012 22:43

Rating 18

How quickly we forget. In 1998, Professor Árpád Pusztai was dismissed from the Rowett Institute in Scotland. He was researching genetically modified potatoes containing a lectin Snowdrop gene.In an interview on a World in Action programme he reported damage to the intestines and immune systems of rats fed the genetically modified potatoes. He said "If I had the choice I would certainly not eat it", and that "I find it's very unfair to use our fellow citizens as guinea pigs". Researchers who make unwelcome discoveries are vilified by the powerful corporate interests concerned about their profits, but that does not alter the fact that we are all 'guinea pigs' in these GM experiments.

- Jenny Allan, Dundee, 26/9/2012 22:40

Rating 126

' I live in the U.S., in the state of Nebraska, and this stuff is pretty bad. The stalks don't break down in the soil like normal corn, forcing farmers to have it processed into animal feed. Funny part is, cattle don't even like it, it has to be blended in with other things to disguise the taste for them to eat it. Even more disturbing, is, is there any 'real' corn left? If so, how much? And where is it?

- cntrlfrk, Homer, 26/9/2012 22:12

Rating 65

There is a darker purpose for genetically engineering food which has no nutrients and makes people sick. Population control? Read the labels of the food you buy, and avoid anything made with GMO corn including your pet's food!

- Hylian, Hyrule, 26/9/2012 21:34

Rating 57

I am writing in Ron Paul. After years in private sector with high end executives. Have seen how power shifts to who will deliver the best for senior investors. People, the Constitution and humanity are minor to profitability for a few and power to influence Government resources. Remember when EPA was started, growing up near Love Canal. EPA was established on December 2, 1970 to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring,

- Chris Riley, bartlett, United States, 26/9/2012 21:32

Rating 16

OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that eating GMO 'foods' is a DEATH SENTENCE. Yet the media remains relatively silent.

- woohooman, Chula Vista, 26/9/2012 20:45

Rating 67

While studying the Paleo/Primal diets I saw the affects of what GMO wheat has been doing to our bodies since the 70s and this is no surprise to American. I gave up all grains 4 months ago. Never felt better. Lost 25 pounds. Less headaches and hardly any PMS. GMO products are bad in many other ways.

- hrhmom, Louisville, United States, 26/9/2012 20:27

Rating 37

Seeing as the majority of the American public have these tumor issues, yeah the corn is no good.

- Liana Preble, New York, United States, 26/9/2012 20:03

Rating 30

Who is paying Sean Poulter to say "miniscule", with regars to ROUNDUP?

- Ken, Nantong, China, 26/9/2012 19:57

Rating 24

Let me see; Global Warming, Global Cooling, Over Population, DDT, Fluoride,Coffee, Cigarettes, Booze. It's a wonder I ever made it past my 60's.

- sandrob, Queen Creek, 26/9/2012 19:37

Rating 16

Let me see; Global Warming, Global Cooling, Over Population, DDT, Fluoride,Coffee, Cigarettes, Booze. It's a wonder I ever made it past my 60's.

- sandrob, Queen Creek, 26/9/2012 19:35

Rating 12

hawkster is ABSOLUTELY right on. Only thing wrong with GM products is when there is no products at all. Wait till the gov. controls all that you eat!!!!! How do you like "timber floats" (a glass of water with a toothpick in it).

- hobbsbenny10, Ft. Duchesne, 26/9/2012 19:18

Rating 2

The scariest part is this was not reported in the U.S.. Anywhere. I'm grateful I found the article and am sharing it now. Thank you.

- Marge Lessard, Gentry, United States, 26/9/2012 19:03

Rating 70

And I wonder what Putin is trying to extort from Obama's govt?

- red47, Colorado, 26/9/2012 18:19

Rating 24

I'll be interested to see what the American response will be. Nothing pleasant and/or fair no doubt.

- DeathByDrum, Torquay, United Kingdom, 26/9/2012 18:16

Rating 39

One has to be in a seriously advanced state of mental decline and disability to believe there is anything to be gained from genetically debauching natural produce. You have already been had and the damage has already been done if you are feeding this poison to farm animals. Shame poor you guys.

- Teen Spirit, The Blue Planet, 26/9/2012 18:13

Rating 60

To those who support GMO crops, If GMO's are so safe and wonderful, WHY THE BIG FIGHT AGAINST LABELING GMO FOODS?? The consumer has a right to choose.

- DLady, Spring Hill, United States, 26/9/2012 17:57

Rating 90

First GM screws up cars now corn! What next? Geeez!

- Jpalm, Hack, 26/9/2012 17:26

Rating 43

Great, first GM screws up cars now the corn! Geez!

- Jpalm, Hack, 26/9/2012 17:24

Rating 10

RE: CWW , Tulsa OK, United States, 26/9/2012 - Silly, silly you. Do you believe it is a coincidence that US has one of the highest breast cancer rates in the world? You must also believe that US obesity rates are on par with the world average...

- Lucy, STL, 26/9/2012 17:23

Rating 73

The conspiracy theories regarding genetically modified foods never to amaze me. Americans are living longer than ever with far less disease than ever before. While there are negatives with all technology, and while some GM food products may have some unknown quantitative effect on health the majority of the products are safe and plentiful BECAUSE of the modification and not in spite of it. We grow 6 times per acre more corn (210 bushels as a high) than the 30-40 bushels we use to grow in the 1930's thru 50's. Herbicides helped somewhat in the 60's but the real progress came when the GM's could resist insects. Here's the question you fools: How do you expect to feed the 7 billion people that live on earth without them? You can't. And the reason Russia rejects GM corn has nothing to do with cancer. Russian Corn cannot compete on price with US produced GM corn so it is a move to protect their farming industry based on a false pretense. Russian farms are antiquated. They need help.

- Hawkster, Oceanside, United States, 26/9/2012 17:11

Rating 121

The study is another put up job by the Euroweenies to keep American seeds and ag products out as they are superior to the European ones. We've been down this road again and again. Oh and BTW... rats are not a good analog for humans. This study means nothing. It used poor protocols to begin with. In addition, pigs and other animals are better predicters of human reactions to various threats. Rats are merely very cheap lab tools. If they give an indication THEN you need to do some fine tolerance studies.

- chuck in st paul, South Saint Paul, 26/9/2012 17:03

Rating 105

The journal is "Food and Chemical Toxicity". The article "Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize" is "In press" (accepted for publication after peer review and corrections.) The statistics are slightly skewed. 200 rats were used (not 100 as StanB posted). They were broken down into 100 female and 100 male rats in groups of 10. There was one control group of 10 and nine experimental groups of 10 each. Ten animals in each group seems good for preliminary data, but I do not believe the statistics have enough "power" to claim that GMO corn is without a doubt bad for you. I'd like to see experiments with 400 animals over two years (50 control male, 50 GMO, 50 GMO+R, and 50 R male and female) to better indicate any health concerns.

- Francis Murphy, Mobile, United States, 26/9/2012 16:44

Rating 13

Well, its clear you don¿t want any US Corn products¿fine. The US will continue to feed the World anyway despite your personal grievances. You go ahead and get yourselves some of that Russian Nuclear Wasteland grown Corn. The Chernobyl fields must be quite productive. Enjoy.

- CWW, Tulsa OK, United States, 26/9/2012 16:40

Rating 89

Why don't we have a choice in these matters nowadays? Is there an agenda somewhere that we don't know about? Why are we being fed toxic food?

- tracey121212, Houston, 26/9/2012 16:09

Rating 107

Russian authorities do not make decisions like this lightly. Genetic Engineering entails significant risks, and in the USA these risks are down-played by both the Government and transnational biotech seed corporations. It is time for greater transparency and far more responsible biotech regulations, especially in America. Biotech regs in the USA lag behind those in many other developed nations.

- algernon, fairfield, United States, 26/9/2012 16:09

Rating 94

Well, what a surprise! Id' rather starve than eat GM muck

- Carol, Buckingham, 26/9/2012 16:06

Rating 60

The "study" is complete junk. The control group should be at least as large as your experimental group. Their entire study was only 100 rats, and their control group was 10. The rats are a specially bread laboratory rat that is PRONE to cancer (2 of the 10 control group got cancer!). The rats that were fed the MOST Roundup actually lived the longest of any group. If you're going to use the results of this 1 badly designed study to say GMO's cause cancer, then you also have to recommend the consumption of Roundup Herbicide to prolong life expectancy. The study is bunk, and the decisions based on it are bunk. Garbage In, Garbage Out.

- Stan B, Louisville Ky USA, 26/9/2012 16:06

Rating 71

Russian authorities do not make decisions like this lightly. Genetic Engineering entails clear risks, and in the USA these risks are down-played by both the Government and transnational biotech seed corporations. It is time for greater transparency and far more responsible biotech regulations, especially in America. Biotech regs in the USA lag behind those in other developed nations.

- algernon, fairfield, United States, 26/9/2012 16:05

Rating 25

It was a Catholic monk in 1700's who discovered he could change plants (flowers) by moving pollen from one to another with a tooth pick; since that day we have had GM plants and food. I'd worry more about the Round Up, and contamination in transit than I would about cross pollination or other techniques.

- Mike Hernan, Alliance, United States, 26/9/2012 15:53

Rating 24

Wasn't Russia (USSR) the one that dumped their Nuclear Waste on the open ground and directly into the oceans? Yeah, it's engineered US corn that's going to cause cancer...that's the ticket.

- CWW, Tulsa OK, United States, 26/9/2012 15:53

Rating 22

Thank you Russian people's thank you.

- Haile Mecael, Oxford, UK, 26/9/2012 15:34

Rating 59

Please, Mr. Pulter, give your readers the name of the, "respected scientific journal". Its not that we don't trust your abilities to translate a detailed and extensive scientific experiment but we'd simply like to read it for ourselves.

- clee, Brandon, United States, 26/9/2012 15:04

Rating 28

It will take a week or so before another report comes out providing information there's political or corporate motivation behind the new study. Or maybe another study showing non GM foods of the same types caused a greater number of organ damage in mice. Rest assured another report of some nature will be released that confuses the issue, because there never seems to be one truth about anything these days.

- netshark, bloomington, 26/9/2012 14:39

Rating 31

Dig deep and carefully follow the money plus people contacts. Then, you will find the reasons these people make certain depressions or accusations! ie..all the lefty greenies politicians and educators with their silver and gold lined pockets and expanding bank accounts.

- Juan One, anycity USA, 26/9/2012 14:30

Rating 7

Vodka breakfasts? Very funny if it didn't sound so tragic. Avg life span of a male is some mid 50s... Russians themselves - like North Koreans - can GM whatever the hell you want...

- Vera, any town, 26/9/2012 14:23

Rating 22

GMO is bad for you! GMO is bad for you! Cry the overweight, drug-addled, smoking, alcoholic masses. ERM.... cue the red arrows.

- BunnyFaber, NYC, United Kingdom, 26/9/2012 14:21

Rating 46

Thank you Russia

- I am spartacus, somewhere, United Kingdom, 26/9/2012 13:45

Rating 173

Do not touch GM foods. They are lethal.

- sarah, cork, 26/9/2012 13:23

Rating 198

Russia makes cynacil unproven announcement to undermine USA in the forthcoming "grain wars" which are a result of poor global harvests in 2012 , typical Putin.

- Chris, Warminster, 26/9/2012 12:43

Rating 127

"the world according to monsanto" is a documentary that researched all these issues and is freely available on youtube..

- Not A Millionaire..., London, 26/9/2012 12:16

Rating (0)

Gates bought shares in Monsatan in 2010. I knew that creepy eugenist was up to something. He can stick his vaccines too.

- nwo sucks, united kingdom, 26/9/2012 12:15

Rating 217

Russia obviously cares for her peoples health more than others.


Rating 313

More likely to have been caused by the vodka breakfasts. - Graham , Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 26/9/2012 09:53 ------ Jeeez, all the red arrows ! No one have a sense of humour in the UK any more ?

- Graham, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 26/9/2012 11:41

Rating 21

Irradiating food, GM crops, meat stuffed with chemicals and we wonder and fret over the rising cancer rates. Try to eat your own home grown food if possible.

- Barbara77, Northumberland, United Kingdom, 26/9/2012 11:28

Rating 270

For more information search Mike Adams Natural News & Doctor Mercola websites. I particularly like Mike Adams article exposing how your hard earned money donated to "cancer research" (wink, wink) goes to fund the LUXURY lifestyle of the billion dollar cancer industry "researchers". My opinion is the ONLY thing they are researching with your money is whether Gucci heels are sturdier and longer lasting when worn by their mistresses & escorts than Manolo's by their wives and whether an Aston Martin consummes more gas than a Lamborghini and which is faster. Now you know. You're welcome!

- BackHandedPraise, Beverly Hills, United States, 26/9/2012 11:10

Rating 169

@Kathryn it ALREADY HAS BEEN in the UK for decades. Go to M 0 N SANTO dot c0m and select your country to see what crops they plant there. Also search all the hidden terminology that means "corn" and "soy" it's in all your non-organic, processed and pacakged foods.

- BackHandedPraise, Beverly Hills, United States, 26/9/2012 11:04

Rating 74

The U.S. "drought" is a HOAX: it is caused by HAARP (youtube that) to introduce species of even DEADLIER GMO's! The gov. is going to appear on TV to tell us that it's either that or starve. It is well a know technique here: you want to sell sthg (ie. vaccines or GMOs) you 1ST have to SPOOKY the GULLIBLE MASSES with a hoax: swine flu, sars what have you. Then ppl line up to get injected with those lethal-in-low-grade vaccines. Glaxo makes billions, your health suffers, your relatives cr0ak but hey, they made their $$$$ so who cares about you or me, right? Same deal with GMOs. Go to v im eo home page and add this to the end of URL: /6575475 Any questions? You can either be in denial or you can boycott GM foods! But when you and your grandma end up in the hospital with terminal cancer or exploded liver, remember this! You're welcome.

- BackHandedPraise, Beverly Hills, United States, 26/9/2012 11:01

Rating 112

More likely to have been caused by the vodka breakfasts.

- Graham, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 26/9/2012 10:53

Rating 57

Every thing that seems to come out of America is poisonous ever their politics.

- Abbs, Dublin, 26/9/2012 10:53

Rating 148

Hope it is not on the way to the Uk!!

- kathryn, Aberystwyth, 26/9/2012 10:53

Rating 45

USAless lot of idiots.

- Hyphen8-ed, HarlowCanYouGo, United Kingdom, 26/9/2012 10:50

Rating 27

Roundup is found in the corn because the plant was engineered to be resistant to it,Therefore roundup can be sprayed on the crop to kill the weeds without killing the corn.So the weeds die immediately from the poison roundup,but roundup is on the corn,and there is no way to remove it.So people die later from accumulated build up of weedkiller roundup.Anyone for a GM meal?Feed it to your kids?

- Ed, Herefd, 26/9/2012 10:32

Rating 80

Proves the Russians are smarter than Americans.

- Ethan, Independence MO, United States, 26/9/2012 10:23

Rating 142

Proves the Russians are smarter than Americans.

- Ethan, Independence MO, United States, 26/9/2012 10:22

Rating 47

I think it's important to separate the corn from the weed killer (Roundup) before deciding it's the corn itself that caused the rodents' health problems. In my mind the only thing proved by the French study is that the *combination* of GM corn plus weed killer makes lab rats sick. What use is that?

- flapjack, Valdosta, 26/9/2012 10:21

Rating (0)

No amount of testing this artificial crap is going to make it edible or even "nutritious" for consumption........... It is the evil Frankenstein food from the mad scientists to kill off many of the populations............ Get out of Babylon people and wake up!!!

- strangerthanfiction, London, 26/9/2012 10:07

Rating 65

FYI, I traced the onset of my fibromyalgia/CFS to the period of time that GM food started hitting the shelves. So tragic for so many people. I'm certain it causes neurological damage and who knows what else. Also, people with autoimmune or rheumatological conditions please check out eastern medicine and avoid warming foods and specifically nightshade vegetables, they trigger or worsen inflammation, as does GM food. Good luck and God bless!

- No soup for you, Not CA, 26/9/2012 9:33

Rating 52

go to V i m e o homepage & add this to the end of URL: /6575475 The scientists who were FIRED by M0nsant0 are on camera exposing the lethal truth of G MOs t

- BackHandedPraise, Beverly Hills, United States, 26/9/2012 9:17

Rating 52

@ Charlie Springer: well done on being a voice of reason. If this corn is fed extensively to livestock why haven't tumors been noticed in the lifestock as of yet? Cattle farms cant sell beef with large tumours in it. They can't get milk from cancer riddled cows. All the science tells us is that the NK603 corn will cause cancer in albino Sprague-Dawley rats (which are already cancer prone) if fed the same diet every day of their lives. Based on this data I will happily eat a big bowl of NK603 cornflakes.

- TyroneG, Cape Town, 26/9/2012 9:04

Rating 75

Another triumph of science! Add this one to nuclear power, chemotherapy, chemical spraying of the skies, the sea of plastic, toxic dumps, etc. Well, well.. no wonder scientists couldn't find a cure for cancer! All the patients were eating their cleverly made corn.

- iain, bedford, United Kingdom, 26/9/2012 8:59

Rating (0)

We've known since the 90's!!! Paste this to your search engine: "Jeffrey M Smith" + "Everything You HAVE TO KNOW about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods" and click the VIMEO (on the sure dangers of eating GMOs). Or go to Vimeo homepage & add this to the URL: /6575475 It's over 1hr long but I guarantee you, it grabs you within the first 4 min and you can't shut it off. The scientists who were FIRED by Monsanto are on camera explaining that when they found that GMOs (corn, soy) exploded rat liver they were let go & their studies went to the trash bin. Also sheep in India who grazed on GMO cottonseeds after cotton harvest ALL DIED. 100% OF THEM SHEEP CR0AKED! All wildlife animals will avoid GMOs when given a choice. That's the reason why YOUR CAT & YOUR DOG refuse to eat their dry food (hello GMO soy & corn) and why THEY GET CANCER AND DIE! Now you know. If you love them, spare them! If you hate your pets, be in denial.

- BackHandedPraise, Beverly Hills, United States, 26/9/2012 8:37

Rating 29

Fed nothing but herbicide-laced corn your entire life and developing health issues? If you were eating NOTHING but corn, GM or not, your entire life, you'd get a plethora of health problems as well. Not to mention that "minuscule" amount of carcinogenic herbicide would build up over months and years and eventually cause cancer. The idea that changing the genetic makeup of a vegetable giving you cancer is a joke--unless you genetically programmed that corn to produce carcinogens or cause growths. Also, good thing they mentioned the picture was a model, otherwise I'd have thought that was a candid shot of somebody finding dry cornflakes unbelievably humorous.

- Alec Owlyear, Seattle, United States, 26/9/2012 8:34

Rating 25

The British Government was warned years ago but bowed to American government pressure !As Monsanto have the American government in their pockets!

- david, St helier, 26/9/2012 8:32

Rating 28

research Millions Against Monsanto!

- Meg, NY, 26/9/2012 8:28

Rating 17

GOOD FOR Russia, it seems they are putting health before profits unlike most in the west who sold out to 'Monsanto "My Devil".

- Bacsi, Budapest, 26/9/2012 8:18

Rating 20

If it takes a further three years, or more, before we out and out ban this from our planet forevermore, than for nowt all the people around the globe should demand that our representative governments extend a moratorium until COMPLETE studies are done, as should have happened PRIOR to approval!!! This temporary ban will not happen unless we voice our concern and opinion for desired action, let's err on the side of humanity instead of corporate profits, for goodness sake!

- Hamsa Larsen, talent, United States, 26/9/2012 8:05

Rating 16

Let us -plant our own FREE WIKI-VEGES, WIKI-TREES... = FREE FOOD = abundance to all 7 billion people = first step toward SOVEREIGNTY & independence - we can turn our cities into free gardens = paradise -use & create FREE STUFF at all levels - they can not tax & control FREE STUFF = the best weapon against their satanic system that creates scarcity by design (use LINUX/UBUNTU INSTEAD microsoft) -SHARE & GIFT

- GIFTECONOMY144, ABUNDANCE, 26/9/2012 7:43

Rating 10

Monsanto created Agent Orange. Never forget that and never forgive it.

- Vharuen, Ohio, United States, 26/9/2012 6:52

Rating 21

We had the U.S gov't bail out General Motors, now General Motors is producing carcinogenic corn? Outrageous! (just kidding)

- waitaminute, Boise, 26/9/2012 5:40

Rating 1

Good for them! We need to abolish this in the USA next!!

- ceejay, reno, 26/9/2012 5:36

Rating 21

I wonder if the rats used were bought from Chernobyl?

- andycanuck, Toronto Canada, 26/9/2012 5:34

Rating 19

Study, study, study until everyone is sick or dead.

- Just4fun, New Orleans, United States, 26/9/2012 5:25

Rating 9

I, for one, shall not purchase any Russian high-tech consumer products, even if one ever becomes available.

- PacRim Jim, Davis, 26/9/2012 5:18

Rating 22

"Shoot first, aim later" = "Sell first, worry about cancer later"

-, San Antonio, United States, 26/9/2012 5:13

Rating 22

Even the Russians are better educated then the dumbed down masses here in Amerika! Good job Russia.....maybe Monsanto can be run out of town in our country also!

- graystroke, Texas, 26/9/2012 5:09

Rating (0)

who supplied the photo of the GM corn and the crappy looking supposedly non GM corn ? In Japan we have beautiful Japanese non GM corn and also beautiful non GM corn from New Zealand. Looks like a photo made to make people think that GM corn is better quality. The GM corn shown in the photo does not look so great either.

- vic, Osaka, 26/9/2012 4:47

Rating 22

Being forced to eat these GMO foods is horrible. Isn't this considered crimes against humanity? I'd think so. My gosh, just imagine my child having to grow up eating this. He'd be sick as an adult. Wow, ban this, thank you food safety in Europe for not importing U.S. poisoned food.

- milliondollarbaby, Burbank, United States, 26/9/2012 4:24

Rating 24

Surprising that this has not yet been commented on. This is big news. California is fighting a David/Goliath style fight out on the west coast to get this stuff mentioned on the label, and right here in this story we can read about a country that has declined food grown on our soil and no-one says a peep. Are all of you tied up on the NFL sites bitching about the referee's, or on political sites talking about why your guy is better than the other dude's in November? Really now... Talk about keeping your eyes on the ball. remember folks two wings of the same bird travel in the same direction and games were invented by a Roman guy named Juvenal. Juvenal, juvenile, get it tough guy., you're being played, and by the sounds of this story, at the cellular level. While my countrymen get annoyed about nonsense, they're quite content to eat poison!

- HIStory Indeed, New York, United States, 26/9/2012 4:14

Rating 25

"The same trials also found minuscule amounts of a commonly used weedkiller, Roundup" "The same trials also found evidence that consumption of minuscule amounts of a commonly used weedkiller, Roundup, was associated with a raised risk of cancer." =Not the same thing. First, the plants do not produce Roundup; they are just much more resistant to it than corn without the trait. Secondly, they fed the rats straight herbicide with their food. Overdose a person with any medicine for their whole life and see what happens.

- CowboyTown, Nevada, United States, 26/9/2012 4:12

Rating 21

GM Corn will eventually lead to the zombie apocalypse....

- DaveW, Charlotte, 26/9/2012 4:08

Rating 8

This is only the tip of the iceberg for information on the dangers of genetically modified foods.

- AZJustin, Arizona, United States, 26/9/2012 4:03

Rating 23

"The same trials also found minuscule amounts of a commonly used weedkiller, Roundup" "The same trials also found evidence that consumption of minuscule amounts of a commonly used weedkiller, Roundup, was associated with a raised risk of cancer." =Not the same thing. They fed them the straight herbicide concentrate with their food. Overdose any human with any medicine over their lifetime and see what happens.

- CowboyTown, Nevada, United States, 26/9/2012 3:56

Rating 18

And yet in the US we can't even get labels on GM foods...

- Kate, Southern US, 26/9/2012 3:50

Rating 23

nothing coated in herbacide and grown in ground tainted in herbacide could really be that safe.

- lolo, portland oregon, 26/9/2012 3:36

Rating 16

Monsanto runs the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) here in America. Obama appointed Monsanto employees to all top positions. GM corn is also connected to Bee population decline by two different research firms. Monsanto's reaction was to buy both organizations. End of story.....

- Boss, Bloomington, 26/9/2012 3:14

Rating 21

How much longer will it take for everyone to wake up to Fluoride too?

- Nascent23, Australia, Australia, 26/9/2012 3:01

Rating 24

I was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I do not have family history of breast cancer and was 36 years old at the time of diagnosis. It is very concerning to know that even eating corn could have contributed to me getting cancer.

- AdrianaMascari, Germantown, United States, 26/9/2012 2:51

Rating 27

In the mean time let's label GMs so people can make their own choice.

- ListenToThis, New York, United States, 26/9/2012 2:33

Rating 33

Oh Boy - that means there is more for us! Goody! What is wrong with the Morons at Monsanto (the idiots on the Board of Directors)? Forget the fact that they are the most hated corporation in America, probably the world, but they just don't get it. The public is tired of their BS and when governments start flipping the switch on them you would think they overestimated their IQ.

- Peter Lloyd, Austin TX, 26/9/2012 2:29

Rating 30

You need a healthy dose of Roundup to go with your GM corn.

- Steve Meadows, Austin, United States, 26/9/2012 1:54

Rating 23

The question is whether the diet the rats were exposed to consisted solely of GM corn for two years. I would be concerned about only eating one food substance for that amount of time. Not overly concerned about eating corn flakes once every three or four months if it contains GM corn.

- Charlie Springer, Louisville, United States, 26/9/2012 1:54

Rating 59

so its fed to British live stock, this is sad. its akin to poisoning the water. people only find out the truth when its far too late. too entrenched.

- wee caz, Greenock, 26/9/2012 0:37

Rating 83

It's probably a lot safer than Chernobyl corn.

- Nicholas Carraway, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 25/9/2012 21:42

Rating 49

Good job Russia!!!!! We as a global nation as consumers of food all need to follow in Russia's foot steps. There have been many studies about GM food products that have caused serious health problems in people and test animals. There have been several documentries on Nova PBS

- Silversleeper, USA, United States, 25/9/2012 20:40

Rating 129

Nice one Russia! It's about time a proper study was done.

- Emma, Iceland, Iceland, 25/9/2012 19:31

Rating 79

Of course GM corn is not good for us, ordinary corn which took millions of years to develope is perfectly safe, but as soon as man messes about with foodstuffs genes then trouble will be afoot..!!!

- Spencer I. Mather, Bradwell-Great Yarmouth, 25/9/2012 19:14

Rating 66

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