Runequest Wheres Ogmar

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Transcript of Runequest Wheres Ogmar

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? - _ - - _- . - ,

- : - ~ " " - -


:TheSetting: you area warrior in5rak Arhan, a

troll village deep in Troll Woods. It is afairly

prosperous town as troll. c en te rs g o; with· aboutthirty huts built from stone, wQod,and a tela.

tively high dass of debris a n d mud.-AIl1on_gtheinhabitants a r e apowetful-shrunan!l-)1d at least

five 'warriors-with fierce reputations,~ . .,-

At the moment~,'thetow-n 1 e a . a - e t s ·<If.e.-.con-

_ce~nett..·The weeklY$hipment of-harn,~eetl'{meat;

ltndtulinip:s. has not ar ri ve (J ;. _.Q~ma,t"-has .~~~1~been prompt; '·50 fo~lplay ..i$yC!n5ider'(!d'~'#()SSi-•bility. Aaan - tip ,and~Gorh ing-.warr i9~Gi{ thetti-be,'you..; lr eb ei ng di $p -a ;t ch i! d} o d et ermi ne the._~ea~oIl·c

fot.the laterress Of~~'F~hipmen-t;-. . . . ......•-_..•.•Ogmar .liye s,w ith h;e rh usb agd ~d th re ~ ..t ro ll ; - .

- k in i n. a c le a ri ng ·· two~~a .Y : s· away ' ' I ' ~Q~~tUeFroll--kin.are sla ves a rid th e bther:is. a t ree- ·workerwho

._ilsuaJiy..fjrings .•·the-·-shipmerit.:;brttie:a····.in- a cart·dr~wnbya_,gi :l l1 t_heet!e . . :SiMecOgtt1~.-~rust& the'

t ro l li jn"aJ : ld t rea tshJ, !wel l,a~d-smce~~e . ttoUkin~lias- pt~ve4cj 't~~fabl~1-.m.·the ·-l~a:se,-. therets ·lit~le.reason t o suspect hehasab~c,:6n.ded-~ .. ..• .. .

The Play~r~haratter: Yoti··cah:.'eitlte~gem~rateyour ch'W~c,~~i_usingthe.stat~glv~n~-in-~he Rune- ...•.

· Qu eS t ..1Greamres. ' i ? o 0 1 < , _ o r ' · Y O l l c c : u f , u l i e a . troll.·...plil 'Yfr :dx ln 'a t ter of your OWn(G,ltyou < c ~ .select"on~;o;£tnecharact¢r on the ·op12·~si~ep~ge.A s. .hefu.g'sinf a l < : > n e -on;a :· ;se !io1Js .

m is si on " t hi s playetccharactetsh¢ukl.~es@me'Y'lT~tbetter dJia,n the basic Rtioo~ues;~4a.rktt;0IL ·<, .;," , .

'HQWtG'Usetb~Cbaractet$;Ffrsts~lf~t, WA~l1~. i\- · ;~Cis:thepasie chance.ofthe weapoli,Jj-stei:Hfi,the;'

TrOll~ase Chances for Weapons TallIe: Do not

mc1udt: the character'i-attack andparryho.n uses;

_theseat~iricoi7p6t.ated1.n the·ofhe~term.. ..:

'..'. Next select. th'espeUs fro.m t~e~tak(tYl1<l1'r' .SpeP'I'able. Your dtaracter . cannot know anyspells rrot on thislistvHeor she know few-et

than i t~ernaxini~nurnber:df points of th.e vari-

a,l1r~:speIls,suchas Blu~Oll2-Qr He~1~..,>Your.character- wiUipeak.·Q~kto~~!:l\t:c~in-.

11lu iticationBop.1Js ...Blus~O%;'Hl,Ws.(~~-c,~Pt · f o r the

g#eat troll) . 3 B § :a;d(Htiona,.lperc~l1ii1es: ...•Now piR~'fQUrtiliaracterc;s gcrrderfj)Rmary.atti-

j~ii~t!~. ad~enturer. .•... _ .... " .' · ;<,~.b\<

Calculate current Fatiguepoints.l5y subtraitingtpt~ENC.frbm . . .'

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T R O L L .

P l A Y E R -C H A R A C T E R S

SEP/OCT 1984 M3

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You circle<the vIUil:ge~looking fortracks. You. find plenty 'of footprints,

but it is difficult to, determinewhich

are leavin~Jhc::d~a:;,ing., T ,r y . yourTrack, Ifyou succeed, go~,,~o14..Ifyou

fail~go to 1,5. If you Fumble, you

took the wrong-direction, got lust, and

spent 5,0 niuch. time' trying to 'reorient

yourself that therejsjrothtng. left to

do but to return to S'iak,:Arham: go

to 25.


You hear adacKing"'souI1d,very dry,

almost metallic. The 'sound _is. getting

closer; Whfrlingto faee'iliesourceof

· the .sound •. rouseea 'yoiinggian~mantis,aDoillto strike at, you. Inthis .....

firstrround, you .can pai ry . once {or

.Dodge}atidcast an-unfocused'; spell,

hut not attack, .either with .magic or

physically. GjJtly12 .

yourHl.Z, If it succeeds, .itlifts you to

its mouth, and will bite at you in sub-

sequerrtvrounds. You cannot

the Bite attack, The bite win destroy

armor,chewing.through it}oget at

your flesh. The mantis begins to chew

on a1:'andomly determined location!

feeding.thereuntil the location is des-

troyed;then .moving on -to .a second

location. Armor protects only until it

is chewed through.

1.oppjngoff one leg wilLnot func-

tionally incapacitate the anantisvbut

cutting. off two will immobilize iCA

hit in the leg does at most 3 its

total hit'points ..-RolUtsPOW ifyou casta spell at it.

Hit LQcatioP' R hind leg 01 4/ 3. 'L hind leg 02 4/3

Abdomen 03·05 4/6

.Rightwing 06 4/4

Left wing 07 4/4

R fore leg 084:[3:1foreleg 09 413,, Thorax 10·12 4/6'

'. Rightc:1,!-\~13·T5 4/5'Left cIa\\,: lln·g 41 5

HC'arl 19'20

11 .In the high brush, yoliseea young

giantmantisappro,,:ching you,l;yi:

den:tlywith.hostile;inteJlt. You Irave

time for one missile shot, unless you

cansuc,cessfullYc:,a,st Slow at it. T'hat

would give.YOJlone more-slingshot

bef~reit,closed. ,Otherwise,' the first

iQuntlpt6c;eeds 'rloima,lly, w,fthl>oth

you .and:the '.mantis .' attacking atIl,Qqllalstrikeran!<.s:Go tol2,' .

. 12Agia!jipr1:\y:1ng mantis is attacking

·you. ;F()rt\lnately, .iti$..a .young'one:

Adu}tgiant .mantises are giraffe 'size,

but his-one is about the, si4eo.t a great

ttoll,alth~ghspindly"fd()k,Wg. It is

'l:ea~hingforyou with itS' fotetlaws.· C

Ify.ouw'ereunaware of it , neither.he.u-ing)tnor ~eing itcoming;,lt gets

+20% on-its attacks in :#le,first' round,

and-you ..eannotparry or-Dodge. If-you

heard itcoming, you can pa rry .onceor·Dpd$e,a.n(ltty to cast an.unfocused

speU:lf. ybllsawit cpming,yquhave

more options, as,descriPedil'l'J;l,

GI~NTPR'AYJNclMANtl&STR.<2.4o ]fi1Points;15: .

qo.N fQ .. J\nilot:'hpbinf'chitin.S'IZ'20 ~ore<;law(D8+2P6h SR'6,

POW 3D6 25%;. ..... .' _ ..

HEX 15 Bite(D6), SR6;75%.

The mantis attacks with bothTore-

claws atSR6.If a foreclaw hits its tar-

get, roll t h e mantis's STR (24Jagainst

13If'io¥ are. going to' enter thebu.i!<ling,go to 17. are geing' to return to

the trail,gotb 3.


Thetracks ar~quit';J'tesh~ You realizevcuare.goingro 'overtake your ql,laxcJ'¥

beforedaybreak ..Go to 16.


Because of the time it took you to


.q.uarty.Go to. 16. -



along a trailleading' toward the edge of

Troll \Voods, Just in time you se e thecamp. If you quicklyfound thetracks

back .at Ogmar's clearing, it is stilI a

couple 40ur5 .tilldawncOtherwisecitis. a little afterdavbreak. .' .

.Jnthede~ing are.twoelves, . a largecart A?ulledbY '.Qg:!har's.. .tame .giant

pee,!1e;aild.a farge burlap sackon the

.ground, One ,Qf.Jheelves is standing

guard. 'IheotherIs.eithersleeping'{if it

is still night) , or eating (i f it is morn-

Ing], The .elves have spears and haws..They .are wearing cuirboilli armor-:If

you think they. are too tougb for .you,

you 'may return to your villageof.Srak

Arhan, bearing the-news and the 'infer-

mation abotrt . the culprits, in which

case, go to 25. If you aren't going

home yet, and wish to move closer tothe camp to . look it over,tryyourSearch. If yousllcceed, go to 19. If

you fail,go to 18.


Asyou enter-the door, you are;attack-

ed D Y Pearsheck.No.amoum of.Coun-termagicwill block the attack. ,Roll its

effective MPof 1.8 againstYonrC'pN

onshe Resistance Table; Ifthe..r6ll.isa

critical or. special success, you.wIDbe

.killed or disabled by the .attack'; and'

sacrificed.vyour spirit bound "into this

building as a' ghost. Return to the

beginning and choose anew character .

If the' roll is-a-normal successvyou flee

back to the tvail;go to!!. Ifthe.roll is

a failure, 'you are unaffected by the

Fearshock 'attd may either return to

the trail {gQ.:to3} or continue on into

the.building.Igo to 24}. '

·18 .,

You trip .andJ~loveracO:neealed· ...

wire. .Crashing .to th.e~ound~ Y(HI .

. make a whole lot of noise. If:youJeap

immediately' t.oyoue feet, and.i.flee

without looking back,-y,?uwiU escape

and be able to return to Srak Arhanr

go to 2 ( > . If-youare notrunning away,to 21. . . .


You spot a tripwire concealed. in. the

brush. .Feeling s m u g .about spot their' traps, you creep closer to

the elves' camp,· Try. your .Sneak.. If

you succeed.. go'to 22. If you fail, go,to 20. If youfumblevgoto 21.

2Q ..,....... '.' C'

. Tbe¢ifqllguargListens.at4()%. Didhehear'yciti?' If SO,g;Q f02LIf the

otlie~elfisa.wake, she Listens at 60%,

but she ably h a s ahalfchance, because .

she isn't paying close attentioI1.lfs~e·

suci:eedsatListen(at!W%},go to 21.If neitherelf heard-you, go to 22.'


You have-beensnaking noi~e.lfit is.

night,the guardelfcastsLightinyour 'direction, and you stand outIikecoal

in 'the snow, It's time to fight,'Go

to 23.:

22The elves.don't know you're coming.

Unless it.Is.a missile attackvor unless

y o u cast aspen at one-of them first,

.your first round from surprise

and you get a 20%add the first round,

Goto 23.


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12 . (c ont inUed f rom .p rey iou s p a ge )

If the'-mantis wins, it eats yoq. 0.0

back to., . the . b~ginnirtgand' startanother character, .

UY9U .killordisable th.e.nlantis, 'youcontinue on into the compound. 'There

adismavmgscene gt:~etsYOIl; Ogmar's

finerinid' hUl. iss~~sbeaaI!dd~s'troyed. Thehani J;iec;tle~eits h a v e beenPIl~I¢d down. Ogmar'sJamous turnip

bedJ66~$ii1~i:it was.looted by it . a·· single .plant

remainsandthe ground isallpiledand

scatteredvThere is 11large heap of dirtinthe center of the clearing, With sink-ingheart, you digIntoItvand find the

bodies-of three t rC5Ukin ,Ogmar ' s hus-band Quirq, many ham beetles, and

three 'gismemberedgiant mantises.

Only Ogrnar: is missing. You nowunderstand why the young mantis

artackedy ou. Probably the offspringof Ogmar's riding man tises.r it has notbeen fedforat.leasta day; . .

The bodies have -been,pierccdI#arl'ytimes, as if b)rarrowsoi~pears,They

appear to 'have been dead for about

one .day ..Doing some J~~stYxites pY~rthe.victims, you find that Quirq tasteS

pretryrgood, When you getl5ack to-Srak Arhan, you will be'able to sum-mon the shaman toconduCl theproper-rituals-for the dead..

You. continue to search throughth'erubble of.the village. Itlooks to YQUJ1S

if -Ogmar'shu tcollapsed, trapping . the

inhabitants' within, wht6hwerc then

slaugnteredwithQut~uchqhance to

resist. Down jn therubple, you find

the shatteredremains of a glazed pot-tery medallion, well known . in the

community for itsbeailtiful enamel-ing, Itw a s a Parkwallmatrii,butalas,ita. magical power vanished when itWas broken. "

Yott look more closely at the piecesof the medallion, Try your Searchc.If

yOU sUCceeq;yollnotilieth'at thescratches suggest the .'ineda1liQnwasbroken by a sharp . pointed vobjcct

being vthrust. into the center dt'it.

There is•..however, no 'blood onvthe.:

. medallion, indicating that perhaps the

medallion was .broken after the battle ..

.............>".......,-";.~ .. '"...

w a s over. WhoW-ould intentionally

break a spell-casting' matrix? . .• -: .'Try you,fSearcp <tg!lin~Thistimesue-cess.means you found the shreds of a

small stroll. Di~iligd~ep~t.intl). therubble, you .finQ: l~rg~rscrilPs.Whilhyou have' time; 'yOu will·:pe· ahle' to

piece the collected scraps.together.

They will prove to fonm. a n essa~in

I'larktQngue on the subject.<;>f:.lusectCare. Insect.(lareis.aKnowledgeal<ill.with abasicchanceof 0%. If the 'scroll, ·itwilJ .hrrprove yourlevel- in Jhe,skillby20%.Inorderto

sell the scrQll,Youcwil!'haveto copy it,

which imeans yourmust 'read it·first.

The '$'Cwll isworth 1000 pas .an.1,tem

.o f treasure, Of.coUl'se; ifYl>uqidn't

succeed-at Search, you .didn't find it,Now you nave·tWQChOlces. Youmayreturn to,Srak '.Arhan with. -the bad

news; to btingothel'$ ' t c ; ) perform thefunerairi tes. ..If·thisiSwhavouwll,ilt

togo, go to 25,'Qthenyise, YQu.m.~y

cirele-tlre (:Jearhig,Iookirig fortrai;ks

to teU 'lou where~.e perpetrators ofthis cr.imehavc ;gone; ·lfili!,l.t Js whatyou are tryirigig.oto9. .'.


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Elf male, initiate of Elf Mother.

STR 9 Hitpoints: 10.

CON 12 Fatigue points: 13.

SIZ 8 Armor: 3-pt cuirboilli,

INT 14 ENC 4.POW 16 Skills: Scan 41%, Listen

DEX 10 40%, Dodge 28%.APP 16

2H shortspear (D8+1), 10 ap, SR 8,

50%/50%, ENC 2.

Bow (D8+1), 6 ap, SR 3/9,55%, ENC

(including arrows) 2.

Spells: Light, Speedart, Heal 3, Protec-tion2. Repair 2, Deaect Enemies,. Food Song.-

Cymryg had one use of Summon Small

Gnome, which he used to undermine

Ogmi!r's ..hut, making it possible for

him and Shanda to defeat the trolls.

Thegtlomeatso helped to harvest

thet\lrnipS.If attacked at night, Cymrygfirst

tries t o · cast Light, then Protection:

Cymrygwil! be happy to exchange

missile fire, casting Speedarts. If

Shanda is sleeping, hewill yell in wake her up.


Elf female, lay ~ember of Elf Mother.STR 11 Hit points: 11.

CON 11 Fatigue points: 13.

SIZ 11 Armor: 3-pt cuirboilli,

INT 11 ENC 4.

POW 11 Spells: Speedart, Blade-

DEX 16 sharp 1, Food Song, Heal

APP 7 2.

Selfbow (D6+1), 5 ap, SR 2/7, 35%,

ENC (including arrows) 2.

2H short.spear, 10 ap._SR5, 30%/35%,ENC 2. .

Skills: Search 50%, Listen 60%,Dodge


If Shanda is. awake when you attack

(i.e., if it is daytime) and your attack

is not from surprise (i.e., one of them

heard you), the first thing Shanda does

is to plunge her spear into the big sack

lying on the ground. The tip comes

out bloody.

If Y 5 > U are attacking ar: night andCymrygdidn't hear- you, Shanda is-

asleep when. you attack. She gets a

45% chance to wake up the first

round, 5-6%chance to wake up the sec-on_dround, -and-67%chance every sub-

sequent round. She will attack you the

round after she wakes up. She is Sleep-

ing in her armor (and will have lost 7·more fatigue points because of it).

If you fell over the tripwire at night,

her wake-up chance begins irnmedi-

ately, with two rounds before yoU:

reach them to attack. If she succeeds

in waking up in the very first round,

she will stab the bag before engaging


When she begins fighting you,Cym-ryg will cas! Protection on her, as long

ashe is still capable of it. .

Cymryg &Shanda.Hit Location

Melee Missile/Spell

01-04 01-03 4/405-08 04-06 4/409-1107-10 4/4

12 11-15 3/5

13-15 16c17 ~1316-18 18-19 4/319-20 20 3/4

Right leg

Left leg



Right arm

Left aim

Head -

In the bag is, of course, Ogmar.


'Troll female.

STR 11 Hit poiIlt~:12.CON 10 Curlent hit poirlts: 5.

SIZ 14 No armor.

INT 11 Current MP: 2.·

POW 12 Unltealed- damage: 4 pts

DEX 11 right leg, 3 pts in 'chest,i\PP 17

Sp~11~;lieal4, Repair 2, Slow I,G l a m o u r / 3 . · · .Skills: Speak Trade 50%, Orate 30%,

Insect (beetle) Breeding 90%, Speak

Dark 80%, Fast Talk 61%.

By casting Glamour on herself, Ogmar

managed to convince Cyrmryg to keep

her alive, in return for a large ransom,

over Shanda's vehement objections. If

you win_the battle and Cymryg is dis-abled but not dead, Ogmar will ask

you to spare his life. She will kill

Shanda herself, if she gets the chance.

However, if Shanda got a chance to

push her spear into the bag, Ogmar

is dead.

If you defeat the elves, you find the

treasure that they looted from

Ogmar's farm: 700 pennies, 4 gems,

and 3 doses of potency 12 spider

venom antidote. Try your Evaluate on

the gems. They areworth 8QO , 85, 35,

and 360 p respectively. You get 300,65, 10, and 120 p, respe_!:tivelyif youfail your E~aluate roll; roll once foreach gepl.

If Ogmar is still alive, she willdemand- that you return all this trea-

sure to her, except for one dose of

spider antidote. Ifyou agree, go to 29.

Otherwise go to 27. Of course, if she is

not alive, you get to keep it all; go

to 28.

SEP/OCT 1984


This place is a secret temple ofa

bloody troll death god (e.g., Zorak

Zoran).The priest insidevsupported

by four burly warriors, tells you thatyou must become an initiate aLthe

god if you wish to live; If you agree

but laterdesertfhe cult, you will have

to leave troll society. If you stay to be

initiated, go to 30. If you refuse to beinitiated, you are killed and your spirit

is bound into the temple as aghost,TIIEEND


The trolls ofStak Arhan are outraged

by the news and are disappointed you

did not kill.those! responsible, but you

still receive SOhourso{,weapolIs~ain"ing· forgoing out by yours.elf:·. t l'>

investigate,THE END


Five, apparently behind the. building

unless -it is deeper· than it looks.Return to ~with the same options.


Well, Ogmar knows you did rescue her,.

so she will·unhappily let you keep the



In addition to the treasure you get 80

hours of weapons training, plus all the

elf salad you c a n eat.TIIEEND

29For returning .Ogmar safely and not.

extorting her treasure from her, you

receive, through your shaman: 2 more

poin ts of spirit magic, selected from

the Tist at the beginning; a suit of

bronze chainmail: 120 hours of wea-

pons training; 60 hours of Perception

skills training; 5% Evaluate training.

Not only that; Ogmar recovers from

her grief at the loss of her family, she

give you the 500 p gem as a reward;

Finally, if youllfea trollkin, you gain2n4 percentiles In F;lstTalkbecause-ufthe· big impression you: 'made on

your community,andthe resulting

boost-In yourconfldence.



You receive 50 hours of weapons.

training, and-a r e taught the spell fana-ticism by the temple's shaman-priest

(unless you already know it). Yoawill

not get out in time to do anything-

about Ogma-r;however. . ..

