Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships Dee Kivett Ambassadorial/Cultural Scholarships Chair...

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships Dee Kivett Ambassadorial/Cultural Scholarships Chair Rotary District 7750 Rotary Club of Greenville

Transcript of Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships Dee Kivett Ambassadorial/Cultural Scholarships Chair...

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

Dee KivettAmbassadorial/Cultural Scholarships Chair

Rotary District 7750Rotary Club of Greenville

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Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

Did you know…?

Rotary Foundationis currently the world’slargest, private sponsorof university-levelinternational scholarships.

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

• Last year, supporting over 800 scholars studying in 80 countries with program awards of $13.9 million

• Since 1947 - Have created a worldwide network of over 39,000 alumni scholars from over 100 countries receiving scholarships at a cost of more than $490 million

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

Supporting Rotary Foundation’s mission of:

• Improving health• Supporting education• Alleviating poverty

3 types of scholarships:

Academic year: $25,000 for one year of academic study abroadMulti year: $12,500 per year for 2 consecutive years study in degree programCultural: $12,000 for three or $17,000 for six months of intensive language study

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

Program Objectives:• Increasing awareness of and respect for cultural differences by sending ambassadors of

goodwill to study in another country

• Instilling in scholars the Rotary ideal of Service Above Self through active participation in Rotary service projects

• Encouraging scholars to dedicate their personal and professional lives to improving the quality of life for the people of their home community and country

• Developing leaders who can address the humanitarian needs of the world community

• Impacting all areas of the world through a balanced geographical distribution of scholars

• Fostering a lifelong association between Rotary and its scholars

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

Notable alumni:• Sadako Ogata of Japan – Seoul Peace Prize 2000

– Studied at Georgetown University, Washington D.C. 1951

• Paul Volcker – Chairman of US Board of Governors of Federal Reserve 1979-1987– Studied at London School of Economics 1951

• Beryl Nashar – Woman of the Year by United Nations Association 1975– Studied geology at Cambridge Univesity in England 1949

• Roger Ebert – only motion picture critic to be awarded the Pulitzer prize– Studied English literature at University of Cape Town, South Africa 1964

And FUTURE notable alumni scholar… Peter DeMarco, presently studying at the University of Ghana, West Africa

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

“I am drawn to West Africa intellectually because of its connection to a range of important issues including global poverty, socio-economic development, democratization, the politics of oil, and the historic and current impact of U.S. foreign policy. (…) At the University, I will pursue an MA in African Studies. (…)It is only thanks to Rotary's generous financial support that this amazing opportunity is possible.”

Read Peter’s Blog on his experience at:

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

NJONGNDONG EDUCATION PROGRAMMEFor Primary & Secondary Schools of Greater Accra

Objective: to empower students as agents of change in their communities regarding issues of water quality, malaria, and integrity

Uses educational games aim to spark critical thinking and creativity among students as they analyze social problems and propose solutions. The games, which address integrity, malaria, and children’s rights, can be utilized in a classroom setting with few overhead costs beyond the purchase of the games themselves

Rotary Ambassadorial & Cultural Scholarships

NJONGNDONG EDUCATION PROGRAMMEFor Primary & Secondary Schools of Greater Accra

How YOUR club can get involved today:

•Help sponsor Peter’s service project in Africa:

•Spread the word to potential, qualified scholars

•Communicate the opportunity to local universities

•GIVE to the Rotary Foundation!!