Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of...

Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma By: Heru Susetyo Pusat Informasi dan Advokasi Rohingya- Arakan (PIARA) PAHAM Indonesia http://indonesia4rohi @indo4rohingya

Transcript of Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of...

Page 1: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious

circle in so-called civilized world

Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali &

UNIROD MalaysiaArakan, Burma

By: Heru SusetyoPusat Informasi dan Advokasi Rohingya-Arakan (PIARA)PAHAM Indonesia

Page 2: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Anak-Anak Pengungsi Rohingya di Shelter Pathum Thani Bangkok Oktober 2009

Page 3: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.


Prior to Burman occupation of Arakan in 1784,

Ruled by Hindus, Buddhists and Muslim

Muslim Sultanate beginning in 1430 lasted for more than 350 years

Until it was invaded and occupied by Burman king Bodaw Paya in 1784.

Page 4: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

The map of ancient Arakan

A map showing cultural divisions of South-East Asia in 15th century A.D. as shown in the Time Atlas of World Histoiy indicating Arakan as an Islamic Stale by Geoferry Banadough P-133

Page 5: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

In the year 1824, British occupied Arakan put under India

In 1937, separated form British India

Arakan became a province of independent Burma in 1948.

Page 6: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Map of present Arakan

Page 7: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Persecution minorities

Since after the 1962’s coup by general Nay Win

He confiscated the properties of Indian and nationalized, later target Chinese

Finally aimed at Rohingyas

However, in the present regime the situation atrocities reach at its peak

Page 8: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

The problems of the Rohingyas

are the result of the forcible expulsion from their homeland

by means of persecution, genocidal massacres, torture and harassment in the most inhuman manner.

It is a problem of religious and political persecution

a systematic elimination of an ethnic Muslim community from their own homeland of Arakan

Page 9: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Operation against Rohingyas

Military Operation (5th Burma Regiment) November 1948

Burma Territorial Force (BTF) Operation 1949-50

Military Operation (2nd Emergency Chin regiment) March 1951-52

Mayu Operation October 1952-53

Mone-thone Operation October 1954

Combined Immigration and Army Operation January 1955

Page 10: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Union Military Police (UMP) Operation 1955-58

Captain Htin Kyaw Operation 1959

Shwe Kyi Operation October 1966

Kyi Gan Operation October-December 1966

Ngazinka Operation 1967-69

Myat Mon Operation February 1969-71

Major Aung Than Operation 1973

Page 11: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Sabe Operation February 1974-78

Nagamin Operation February 1978-79

Shwe Hintha Operation August 1978-80

Galone Operation 1979

Pyi Thaya Operation 1991-92

Na-Sa-Ka Operation (border security forces) (presently going on) 1992.....

Page 12: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Na-Sa-Ka operation

Headquarters is at the border town of Maungdaw to implement the following objectives:-

Socio-economic deprivation of the Rohingyas;

Effective control on the growth of Rohingya population;

De-muslimization of Arakan through ethnic cleansing;

Spread of Buddhism and Burma Buddhist culture in Arakan with prejudice on Islam and Rohingya culture.

Page 13: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.


Extra judicial killing: Since 1989 thousands of Rohingya youths and madrasah students were killed.

Arbitrary arrest and extortion: is a daily routine of business of Na-Sa-Ka and police. It is popularly known as Kalar Hmu

Confiscation of properties: Land, and cattle confiscated and distribute it among Burman model villagers.

Now, there are 100 model villages. Each village has 70-100 household and

Each house was provided with 4 acres of land and 2 pairs of cows.

Page 14: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Anti-Rohingya and anti-Muslim propaganda: The junta incites communal riots by allowing to distribute books and taped records insulting Islam and Muslims.

Rape: Rape of women is widespread. It was an official strategy to terrorize and compel the Rohingya community to flee.

Forced labor: Although forced labor is prevalent throughout Burma, in North Arakan, it is only imposed on the Rohingyas.

Restriction on movements: Rohingyas are not allowed to travel freely from one place to another, even within the same locality.

Page 15: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Restriction on marriage: take years to obtain permission, requires payment of bribes. Some brides are forced to undergo a pregnancy test. Unauthorized marriages are criminalized and are sentenced with 4 to 7 years.

Restriction on employment: As non-citizens, we are barred from all kind of employment and therefore people are jobless.

Restriction on education: Illiteracy is at 80%. Primary and secondary education is neglected. Due to restrictions of movement, we are prevented from attending higher education.

Page 16: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Resttriction on religious practices

Many mosques have been destroyed and closed down.

No permission is given even to renovate Masjids and madrasahs while building new one is totally forbidden.

It means within more and less than twenty years there will not be seen any Islamic symbolical housings

Most of them are build of woods and bamboos.

Page 17: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Contrary to it there is no hill-top left that there is no pagoda on it.

100 new Buddhist settlement

The demography of Arakan change into Buddhism appearance

Page 18: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Discrimination out of Burma

A. Bangladesh

Refugees are treated as sub-human being

Donations are not reach to

Destroyed their huts

Rape refugee woman

No education for children

No water

Page 19: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Unregistered camps, Kutupalong,

One view of refugee camp before destroyed

Page 20: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Another view side of refugee camp before destroyed

Page 21: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

At raining season, the view of refugee camp

Page 22: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

These huts were destroyed

On 15/06/2009

Join oppression by



Forest department

Page 23: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

View of camp area after destroyed

Destroyed area from south-west side

Page 24: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Destroyed area from south-west side

Page 25: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Women build their hut as no man in the family


Page 26: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Dangerous journey

Due to endless persecution in Burma

Unwelcoming attitudes of neighboring Bangladesh Prompted many Rohingyas to seek refuge

elsewhere. In the past, Rohingyas used Saudi Arabia, UAE but

as Bangladesh not issue passport; almost impossible,

The only option since 2006 became a risky boat trip to reach Malaysia via Thailand.

Page 27: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

B. In Thailand

In December 2008 and January 2009, as more and more Rohingyas fled on boats and reached Thai waters,

Thailand changed policies and the Thai military, after torturing them on a deserted island,

Towed them back to high seas with little food and water on boats with no engines. 850 were rescued in India and Indonesia but hundreds perished in the ocean.

Survivors are now detained in Thailand, India and Indonesia and their fate remains uncertain.

Page 28: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Asian summit, Thailand

Failed address the problems

Non-interference policies make Asian nation to shy away from the matter

Surprisingly, they were branded illegal immigrant caught in Andaman sea

Level as Bangli and accept them if they can porbe Burmese Bangali

Why Bangali Why not Rohingya? Think!

Page 29: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

C. How about Malaysia?

Caught and deported

Employment problems

No education for children

Even not admit into the religious school

No medical facilities

Page 30: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Our humble Appeal

International bodies UN, EU, OIC, ASEAN, NGOs

Countries such as UK, USA, India, China, Australia and

To explore a permanent solution to the outstanding Rohingya problems

Within the frame work of the international law, pacts on human rights and other international practices.

Page 31: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

To pressurise the Burmese Junta:

1. To recognise Rohingyas as an indigenous ethnic

2. To issue immediately national identity cards

3. To give permission to build Mosques and other---

4. To admit into higher education including-----

5. To stop extra- Judicial Killing, raping Rohingya women, any form of harassing

Page 32: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

6. To stop arbitrary arrest, torture, arbitrary taxation

7. To lift ALL form of restrictions

8. To stop forced slave labour

9. To lift restrictions of Marriage

10. To stop forced Eviction and House Destruction

11. To give back forced confiscated land to their owner.

12. To call back all model villagers to their original places

Page 33: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Our appeal to host countries

To give temporary protection

To issue document

To give chance for education

Permission for employment

Assess for treatment

Page 34: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Our appeal to NGOs

To highlight Rohingya problems

To form a working team among NGOs

Work collectively

To find a way

To formulate a mechanism for permanent solution

To approach government

Page 35: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.


● Universal Justice Network

● Citizen International, Penang, Malaysia

● Islamic Human Rights Council, UK ● Honorable chairman, Dr. Muhideen Abdul

Kader, Vice president, Consumer’s Associaton Penang.

● Ustaz Cikgu Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid, President TERAS, and also Training Coordinator

● All staff members, for their hardworking

Page 36: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Thank you

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Page 38: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.
Page 39: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.
Page 40: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.


Page 41: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.


Page 42: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Umat Islam rohingyatidak dibenarkan keluar dari Kampung halaman mereka untuk menyelamatkan diri.

Page 43: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.


Page 44: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.


Page 45: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.


Page 46: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

11 jun2012 Mayat Umat islam Rohingya yang dibunuh dengan


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Page 48: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Penduduk kampung rayu selamatkan mereka

Page 49: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Suami mereka telah dibunuhtiada lagi bapa untuk kanak-kanak ini

Page 50: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Larikan diri daripada pembunuhan dengan sehelai sepinggan

Page 51: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Ditahan dan kumpu kemudian siram minyak tanah dan membakar hidup-hidup

Page 52: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Sangat sedih…. Sekeluarga kebuluran ditengah laut merekan tiada lagi pilihan lain melainkan Memanggil Allah

Page 53: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Ramai-ramai sami budhah sedang memusnahkan masjid (rumah) ibadah islam

Page 54: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Mereka tiada sunggup kesedihan dan kelaparan

Page 55: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Askar & penduduk budhah membakar perumahan islam

Page 56: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Kanak-2 bawa umur tiada selamat di perkampungan islam

Page 57: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Pihak penguatkuasa bangladesh dilotak hak pelarian kecemasan di pantai shafar dep

Page 58: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Berhijrah ke negara jiran tetapi bangladesh enggan diterima

Page 59: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Mayat Imam-imam masjid berbaring di tepi jalan

Page 60: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Rumah ibadah islam dimusnahkan tetapi mereka kekal bersolat diatas tanah

Page 61: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Umat islam tiada selamat di myanmar akhirnya larikan diri kemana-mana dengan menaiki perahu

Page 62: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Ramai kanak-kanak dibunuh dan cedera parah

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Page 64: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.



Page 65: Rohingya Dilemma: a ruthless vicious circle in so-called civilized world Modified from Slides of Abdul Hamid M.V. Musa Ali & UNIROD Malaysia Arakan, Burma.

Kanak-kanak disembelih dengan kejam oleh rakhine buddha