ROASS Proceedings - 2nd Conference

Faculty of Letters, University of Bacău, Romania Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies New Bulgarian University Hungarian Association for Semiotic Studies Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław, Poland Managing Global Communication Proceedings of the 2 nd ROASS Conference 2009



Transcript of ROASS Proceedings - 2nd Conference

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Faculty of Letters, University of Bacău, Romania Southeast European Center for Semiotic Studies

New Bulgarian University Hungarian Association for Semiotic Studies

Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław, Poland

Managing Global Communication

Proceed ings of the 2 n d R O A S S Conf erence


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Editors: Doina Cmeciu Traian D. Stănciulescu Coeditors: Camelia M. Cmeciu

Ioan Dănilă Gabriel Mardare

Editorial Board

Assoc. Prof. Mirela ARSITH “Danubius” University Galați, Romania

Prof. Alexandru BOBOC Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Aurel CODOBAN “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Prof. Viorel GULICIUC “Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania

Prof. Rodica MARIAN “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Prof. Vilmos VOIGT Magyar Szemiotikai Társaság Budapest, Hungary

Prof. Zdzisław WĄSIK Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland Philological School of Higher Education Wrocław, Poland

Cover designer: Aritia Poenaru ALMA MATER Publishing House 157, Mărăşeşti Road, Bacău ISSN 1842-6409

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Cont en ts

Foreword 9

Keyn ot e p ap ers

Alexandru BOBOC Limbaj şi timp în comportamentul uman şi în comunicare


John DEELY Semiotics and Academe: at the Heart of the Problem of Knowledge


Lorenzo MAGNANI Semiotic Brains and Artificial Minds. The Role of Cognitive Mediators and External Models and Representations


Solomon MARCUS Semiotics of Transcendence: Signs of God


Mariana NEł How We Read Postcards. Iconicities, Ideologies.


Vilmos VOIGT Semiotica Perennis Transylvaniae


S emiot ics – ( Un ) man agin g T erm in o lo gy an d M et h od s

Mirela ARSITH Orizonturi ale unei semiotici a tăcerii


Amalia ANDRONIC Au-delà des impasses de la communication: les stratégies sémiologiques optimisantes


Cristina CIRTITA-BUZOIANU De l’„homo communicans” à l’„homo politicus”- une tentative de définir l’homme


Şerban FOTEA Semiosis, a Phenomenon of Resonance


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Ivan KASABOV Cogitative Language or Cognitive Linguistics and Semiotics


Anita KASABOVA The Modes of Deixis


Charalampos MAGOULAS L’homme de Protagoras dans la condition transmoderne


Laurent MILESI Semiotics and Deconstruction: from Sign to Trace


Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU “The Transmodern Turn”: A Plea for a Semiotics of Light


Traian D. STĂNCIULESCU & George D. STĂNCIULESCU The Hierarchies of Light: A Transmodern Approach to the Body-Soul-Spirit Complex


Zdzisław WĄSIK Exploring the Semiotic Universals of Language in the Domain of Human Communication


Mu lt icu l t u r a l i t y

Monica CONDRUZ-BĂCESCU The Loss of Identity in the Globalization Age


Massimo LEONE Cultures of Invisibility: the Semiotics of the Veil in Judaism


Lorenzo MAGNANI Human Hybridization and Material Cultures


Genoveva MUNTIANU Cercul magic în tradiŃia românească: o interpretare semiotică


Maheshvari NAIDU Positioning an African Experience in Global Culture: Tourism and Branding the Female Body


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Christian TĂMAŞ Occidental Islam: the Challenge of Ethnicity


Farouk Y. SEIF At Home with Transmodernity: Reconstructing Cultural Identity in a Globalizing World


Ch al len gin g Id en t i t i es in a Glob a l W or ld

Piotr P. CHRUSZCZEWSKI “Let Me Bid You Farewell …” or Public Discourse on Private Matters. In Memory of Professor Bronislaw Geremek (1932 – 2008)


Camelia-Mihaela CMECIU & Ana-Maria FERENł When the Bird Flu Strikes the Corporate Identity. A Semiotic Approach to Corporate Crisis Management


Doina CMECIU & Mirela ARSITH (Un)managing Communication through Stereotyping


Aurel CODOBAN Virtualitatea comunicaŃională a alterităŃii


LuminiŃa DRUGĂ From the Caravanserai to the Mall – a Diachronic Perspective of the Sociopetal Spaces


Florinela FLORIA L’Autre. Propos pour une sociosémiotique.


Victoria FONARI Proiectul globalizării în mit


Valeria –Alina MIRON Rostirea politică în orizonturi pragmatice


Monica PĂTRUł Stavarache versus Sechelariu – a Political Virtual “Duel”


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LorenŃa POPESCU Fashion as Expression and Effect of Globalization. Globalization avant la lettre


Mikolaj SOBOCINSKI Towards the Definition of Metropolitan Discourse and Metropolis in respect of Urban Semiotics


Ruslan ŞEVCENCO EvoluŃia structurii Guvernului Republicii Moldova în 1988-2008 şi ajustarea lui la cerinŃele globalizării


Crea t ive Tran sd ia lo gu e: V isu a l A r t s , Mu s i c , L i t er a t u r e

Ioana BOGHIAN The Garden as Intermediary Space in Ch. Brontë’s Villette


Mihaela CULEA & Andreia Irina SUCIU Public Networking: from Coffee Houses to Universities


Roxana DREVE Göran Tunström, L’Oratorio de Noël. À la croisée des arts


Ioana FĂRCAŞ „Mâini care vorbesc”: particularităŃile limbajului gestual din perspectiva iconicităŃii cognitive


Arleen IONESCU Given Love


Iv. JAGODNISHVILI Inner Spirit of the Reader as an Obstacle Perception of the Text (on One Modern « Reading Example» “Otaraant’s Widow” by I.Chavchavadze)


Crina LEON Analiză semiotică Henrik Ibsen, Strigoii – actul al III-lea


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Tamar MEBUKE Structure and System of Prose Genres


Nadia-Nicoleta MORĂRAŞU Intertextual and Ekphrastic Relations between Verbal and Visual Signs in Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye


Emilia PARPALĂ AFANA & Rimona AFANA Dinspre Orient spre Occident: Orhan Pamuk, Mă numesc Roşu


Aritia D. POENARU A Transmodern Approach to the “(Re)Sacred Architecture”


Ioan SAVA Teenage Colloquial Speech in The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger


Jörg ZELLER The Logic of Visual Communication


Mu lt i l in gu a l i sm

Gabriela ANDRIOAI Conceptual Metaphors Based on Food Idioms


Ioana BOGHIAN The Architectural Discourse of Transition in Victorian Culture


Mihaela BUZATU The Morphological Framing and the Meanings of the Anglicisms in the Romanian Literary Language


Virginia-Mihaela DUMITRESCU Stranded within the Borders of Language


Petronela SAVIN La phraséologie concernant l’alimentation. Une perspective ethnolinguistique


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Mass - med ia :

Th e D ish ar mon i z in g Imp a ct P o we r

Sorana-Lucia ADAM Subiectivitate/ obiectivitate în imaginea fotografică de presă


Marinela BURADA & Raluca Georgiana SINU A Critical Approach to Online Dictionaries – Problems and Solutions


Gabriel MARDARE ID & IT ou l’émergence de l’Identitronique


Rodica MARIAN Perspectivele unei semiotici particulare: cazul unui dicŃionar în format electronic


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FOREWORD Living in a world where knowledge needs a new space with no boundaries

between “hard (exact) and soft (human) sciences”, where the status of the Subject has changed and thus different levels of reality (“levels of Reality of the Subject and the levels of Reality of the Object”1) should be introduced, where the rigid divide between scientific and artistic knowledge, between objective and subjective, true and false, presence and absence, centre and margin, body and soul, public and private, global and local etc. should no longer be shaped in ‘black and white’ discourses, we should understand transmodernity as an element of a complex process circumscribing the tenets of modernity and postmodernity. It aims at unity but not in a linear way; the tension emerging from the above-mentioned contradictory terms leads towards a synthesis which constructs a network-like model whose major paradigms are diversity, virtuality and webworld communication. In other words, transmodernity aims at the whatness of the synthesis between, across and beyond 2 disciplines: “... Its goal is the understanding of the present world, of which one of the imperatives is the unity of knowledge.”3

The strategies used to communicate this new space of betweenness-acrossness-beyondness from the diverse perspectives of a subject make full use of the codes of negotiation, manipulation and transaction. In this networld, whose legitimacy is not given by a unique authority, everything (God, being, infinity, reality - which is not the synonym of existence -, values - which include living, spirituality, relationships etc. – ) is put to the test of resistance to dynamic change, connectivity and relatedness.

Approaches to transmodernity; language and time; the way semiotics takes one to the very heart of knowledge; “semiotic brains”; iconicity, indexicality and symbolicity; meaning generating mechanisms; the understanding of how representations of Divinity

1 By defending transdisciplinarity and the importance of a transdisciplinary methodology (with the three methodological axioms: complexity, various levels of Reality and the logic of the included middle) in an interview given to Augusta Thereza de Alvarenga in December 2006, Basarab Nicolescu foregrounds the major tenets of transmodernity. See Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion, 3/2008, edited by Basarab Nicolescu and Magda Stavinschi, Bucureşti:“Curtea Veche” PH., pp.193-200. 2 Etymologically, the prefix trans- (coming from Latin) means:“across, to or on the farther side of, beyond, through, over, from one place, person, thing, or state to another” (The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles). When referring to transmodernity, all these meanings are taken into consideration but they are projected both on spatial and temporal axes. 3 Nicolescu, Basarab:‘Transdisciplinarity as Methodological Framework for Going Beyond the

Science-Religion Debate’, the paper being originally given at the 2007 Metanexus Conference, Transdisciplinarity and the Unity of Knowledge: Beyond the “Science and Religion Dialogue”, retrieved from:, last accessed on 7th December 2008.

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emerge and the finding out of their common denominator; the tracing of the way of signs in diverse spaces; the “universals of language” and human communication; the harmonization of religion, philosophy and science through a “semiotics of light”; the role of culture within the process of shaping (corporate) identity in a glocal world; gift-giving as an act of knowing and understanding the other; the effects of stereotyping and the reference to a single or transcultural system of values; or the route from sign to trace as the premise and promise for an understanding of what communication means and entails in a transmodern world; the way communication is (un)controlled in a borderless world are some of the issues dealt with by the 2nd ROASS international conference attendees.

In all, we believe the readers of this volume will find the papers illustrative of the diversity of transmodernity at work.