Rivers Report Winter 2015

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  • 7/26/2019 Rivers Report Winter 2015


    Have you made your New Yearsresolutions yet? Many of us makeresolutions about healthy eating and

    exercise. We know that these changes will give

    us lasting benefits. To change long-held habits,

    though, we have to think carefully about how

    we will plan for, act upon, and ultimately

    sustain these new habits. Over time, the new,

    healthier way of doing things becomes the

    norm, and the old behavior goes away.

    The process for keeping our resolutions is the

    same process that can help us adopt behaviors

    to improve our environment, from the air

    we breathe to the water we drink, or water in

    which we fish or swim. The largest impacts

    in some communities can be made through

    individual behavior change. Scientists who

    study behavior change tell us that information

    and education efforts like the Respect Our

    Waters campaig n are important parts of the

    process. A multi-step process is involved

    when we think about, make, and ultimately

    maintain the desired behavior changes.

    Changing set behaviors is hard. The

    Transtheoretical Model (or Stages of Change

    Model) began in the 1970s as a way tounderstand and compare how some smokers

    quit on their own while others quit only to

    need further treatment. The scientists who

    pioneered this model, Prochaska and

    DiClemente, found that readiness to

    change varies.

    Sweet Water and partners recently aired

    TV spots in which Sparkles the water spaniel

    points out that dumping paint down storm

    sewers pollutes local waterways. Viewers

    might be found at the following readiness

    levels on changing that behavior:

    Pre-contemplation: People are not aware

    that dumping paint into the storm sewer can

    pollute local waterways, or are aware and are

    unwilling to change.

    CONTEMPLATION:People become aware that

    dumping paint down a storm sewer grate is a

    problem and begin to think about changing

    their behavior.

    PREPARATION:People begin making plans to

    change their usual practice of dumping old

    paint into storm sewers.

    ACTION:Old paint is taken to the proper

    disposal facilities, preventing pollution of

    local waterways.

    MAINTENANCE:People save old paint and take

    to household hazardous waste locations, neve

    again dumping it down storm sewers.

    More than 1,050,000 adults saw ads like the on

    mentioned above. In the coming year, Sweet

    Water hopes to track how many people have

    moved from just contemplatingchanging theibehaviors related to water to acting on them.

    While we know that these spots in isolation

    may not convince people to make behavior

    changes, coupled with local health and

    environmental events and some great work

    happening throughout the Milwaukee River

    Basin, working together to improve our

    waterways is a resolution well surely keep in

    the long term.

    RiversReportWINTER 2015 |VOLUME 6 NO. 1


    Learning for life

    For the Fish! ........................2

    Taking Back Our Rivers! ........3

    Neighborhood GreenInfrastructure ......................4

    KK River Community.............5

    RRF Streambank

    Restoration .........................6

    Mini-Grant Awards ................7

    Events .................................. 8

    Insidethis Issue


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    The Menomonee River Watershed covers 136 square mi les,originating in wetlands in southeastern Washington Countyand flowing 28 miles south and east where it joins the Milwaukee

    River just upstream from its confluence with Lake Michigan.

    The lower 12 miles of the Menomonee River downstream from

    the Little Menomonee River confluence (and an additional mile

    of the Little Menomonee) are considered part of the Milwaukee

    River Estuary Area of Concern (AOC). The AOC contains 11 of

    14 beneficial use impairments including degradation of fish and

    wildlife populations, degradation of benthos, degradation ofaesthetics, and loss of fish and wildlife habitat.

    Historic changes in land use and increased imperviousness in

    the watershed has caused habitat degradation and stagnated fish

    diversity. In addition, development has created many impassable

    culverts, filled in/altered habitat, and created other artificial

    barriers that impede fish and other aquatic life f rom accessing

    existing higher quality habitats for spawning. In addition, stream

    impediments also affect recreation, decreasing fishing opportunities

    and creating hazards for paddlers.

    The Menomonee River fishery is currently characterized as a

    poor fishery, but there is reason for hope. Fish species diversity

    has increased in recent years due largely to removal of barriers

    such as the Falk Dam in 2001, and due to increased numbers of

    non-native fish species moving up river from the Lake (e.g. salmon

    steelhead). The number of native fish species have decreased in

    recent years, but the macroinvertebrate community and food

    base in the river system is improving.

    Most importantly, the Menomonee River is now undergoing a

    type of renaissance with removal of some of the biggest barriersto fish movement and stream connectivity, which is exciting to

    witness. Several major efforts have recently been completed, or

    are underway downstream to eliminate barriers to passage

    and improve habitat.

    Great progress is being made on the lower Menomonee River

    concrete removal project after a few months of delay due to a wet

    spring and early summer.

    Story continued on page 8

    For the Fish! Advancing Fish Passage

    in the Menomonee River Watershed!BY CHERYL NENN, MILWAUKEE RIVERKEEPER

    Restoration underway on Menomonee River; view from Bluemound Road One of five low-flow barriers in Hoyt Park to be removed by MMSD in 2015

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    Last springs edition of the RiversReport highlighted the toxicsediment cleanup of Lincoln Creek and the Milwaukee RiverChannels in Lincoln Park on Milwaukees northeast side. All agencies

    involved in the cleanup realized that if in-stream and bank habitat

    improvements were going to be sustained for the long-term, local

    stewards would have to take on this responsibility.To that end, last spring UW-Extension and the University of Illinois-

    Indiana Sea Grant hosted two focus groups of local Lincoln Park

    neighborhood stakeholders to gauge interest in establishing a Friends

    of Lincoln Park stewardship group. Of the 19 stakeholders who attended

    89% of them noted they were either interested or very interested

    in having a Friends group established.

    Despite lack of interest to volunteer for leadership positions, an initial

    Friends meeting and Ice Cream Social was pulled together with

    additional support from Milwaukee County Parks, the Park People

    and UW Sea Grant to pitch the idea to more community members and

    once again gauge interest from a larger group and solicit volunteers to

    lead the group, if warranted.

    By the end of the September meeting, an October meeting was scheduled.

    A Steering committee was identified as well as a list of potential areas of

    focus for the Group. By the time of this publication release, two more

    meetings will have been held and several spring activities planned!

    Watch for these upcoming opport unities to lear n about this great

    Milwaukee Park and the very passionate people who call it home.


    Top: Contractors set up cleanup site staging area

    Left: 1st Annual Lincoln Creek Park Bird Walk with Carl Schwartz


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    Throughout 2014, thanks to funding support from MilwaukeeMetropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) and the WisconsinCoastal Management Program, Clean Wisconsin worked with

    MMSD Interns, Northwest Side Community Development Corp.,

    Marek Landscaping and local artist Quan Caston to educate

    Corridor residents about the benefits of managing water where it

    falls and to install rain barrels and rain gardens (green infrastructure)

    on homes and vacant neighborhood lots.

    These simple tools and methods accomplish a simple goal: catching

    water where it falls and reducing strain on sanitary a nd storm

    sewer infrastructure, which helps to reduce the risk and severity

    of basement backups and system overloads that have plagued

    homeowners in the community.

    The project area stretches from Hampton Avenue on the north,

    to 46th Street on the west, to the Menomonee Valley in the south

    and to about 20th Street on the east. This area generally has

    lower levels of income and home ownership and higher levels of

    crime than other parts of the City. Despite these challenges,

    the project team connected with over 100 residents who were

    enthusiastic to help improve water quality and manage stormwate

    in a sustainable way through green infrastructure.

    Outreach and educational activities included presentations at

    neighborhood association meetings, rain barrel painting at

    community events like National Night Out, and installation of

    community rain gardens.

    Ninety rain barrels, eight rain gardens and three storm water

    public art pieces were installed throughout ten neighborhoodsin the 30th Street Industrial Corridor, including Century City

    Triangle, Sherman Park, Washington Park and Cold Spring Park

    Based on feedback received from project participants, rain barre

    water was used to water residents grass, trees, flowers, and

    vegetables, often eliminating the need to use water from the hose.

    Thanks to these installations, residents are diverting approximatel

    126,000 gallons of storm water from the combined sewer system

    and keeping 104 pounds of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) out of

    Milwaukee area waterways every year.

    Participants were motivated to participate in the project to conserv

    water, help reduce the risk of basement back-ups and combined

    sewer overflow events, and to take part in a community effort.Due to the popularity of the program and high demand for rain

    barrels, Clean Wisconsin will continue these green infrastructure

    outreach efforts into the spring and summer of 2015 through a

    grant from the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program.

    Its a proud moment for everyone involved. As one of the resident

    put it: From the beginning, I didnt know a rain garden from a

    vegetable garden, but MMSD put us in good hands. We created

    beauty in our community and made an impact on our environment.

    Painting rain barrels at National Night Out event Local artist, Quan Caston, unveils stormwater themed public art

    NeighborhoodsEmbrace GreenInfrastructure inthe 30th StreetIndustrial CorridorPAMELA RITGER, CLEAN WISCONSIN

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    Cleaner Water, Healthier Spaces,and the Kinnickinnic River CommunityNADIA BOGUE, SIXTEENTH ST. COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER

    The Kinnickinnic R iverneighborhood onMilwaukees south side

    has already started to see

    how river restoration can

    shape how the community

    looks and functions. With

    the Milwaukee Metropolitan

    Sewerage Districts (MMSD) Kinnickinnic River Flood

    Management Project moving into the fina l design and

    engineering stages, residents are better poised than ever

    to make decisions about changes and opportunities

    in the community.

    To help meet water quality and quantity reduction goals,

    partners have been working to develop a comprehensive

    Pulaski Park Neighborhood Plan that identifies the most cost

    effective locations and combinations of green infrastructure in

    and around Pulaski Park. Project partners include Sixteenth

    Street Community Health Centers, Milwaukee County

    Parks, City of Milwaukee Department of Public Works,

    MMSD, Urban Ecology Center, Graef and residents.

    What makes this project unique is the collaboration of partners

    (community, public and private sector), joint implementationof projects that support various stormwater management

    plans, and identification of opportunities to leverage green

    infrastructure to improve the neighborhood and revitalize

    Pulaski Park. By creating a vision that meets multiple needs

    (flood management, neighborhood and park revitalization), it

    ensures that the benefits that are a result of this project truly

    will help support a more susta inable community.

    Community input throughout the development of the plan

    has been a driver and has been sought in multiple formats

    throughout the process. 125 bilingual surveys were administered

    that will help partners better understand the needs of the

    community as they relate to the park and larger strategic

    planning efforts being undertaken by Milwaukee County Parks.

    In July, 30 diverse stakeholders participated in a focus group

    to provide input on green infrastructure and needs related

    to the park. In October, the neighborhood fall clean up was

    held where residents took tours of the park with naturalists,

    cleaned up litter in the surrounding neighborhood, and

    planted a large rain garden next to the pavilion which

    demonstrates how multiple best management practices(cisterns, permeable pavement, native plantings, and soil

    amendments) can be combined to manage stormwater in an

    aesthetically pleasing way. Bi-lingual signage was installed

    which outlines how the inst allation improves water qualit y

    which will positively impact the watershed and Lake Michigan.

    In November, a large community open house took place where

    residents voted and provided input on green infrastructure

    installation on public and private property, youth programming

    and park revitalization. Residents 100% supported the

    installation of green infrastructure on public and private

    property and the majority indicated that they would be willing

    to help maintain the installations.The investments that residents and partners have made, and

    will conti nue to make, will change this neighborhood for

    generations. What that looks like, how it functions, and

    who plays a role are conversations that need to happen now

    to ensure that projects meet the needs of everyone involved.

    A big thank you to the KK River Neighbors In Action

    neighborhood association for their thoughtful input and time!

    Community rain garden planting Building interest in potential programs at community open house


    Inset: Maritza Martin and resident discuss the Neighborhood Plan

    at open house

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    weet Water received the most grant request s yet for its

    2014 Water Quality Mini-Grant Program 38 in all!

    Thats more than the 31 that were received in 2013 and the

    24 in 2012. We believe our program is getting more widely

    known as an reliable, annual funding source for grassroots

    organizations, churches, non-profits and community groups

    that share the same water resources in southeastern Wisconsin.

    We hope to continue the program many years into the future

    receiving more and more applicants. The program allows

    residents to get involved in many different ways, or, to see

    and learn first-hand how improving water quality is done.

    Funding of $47,250 was available for distribution and Sweet

    Water had 13 grant winners. The winners organization,

    project name, and the affected watershed follows:


    Sustainable Water Quality Monitoring and Invasive Species

    Treatment Initiative in the Upper Root River Watershed

    Root River

    GROUNDWORK MILWAUKEE:Redeployment of Fish Habitat

    Islands in the Milwaukee River Estuary Milwaukee River


    Milwaukee River


    Quality and Habitat Improvement Root River

    MILWAUKEE AUDUBON SOCIETY:Fish Passage Restoration on

    Tributaries to Mole Creek Milwaukee River


    Milwaukee Environmental Sciences Native Landscape Hub

    Project Milwaukee River

    MILWAUKEE RIVERKEEPER: Phosphorus Monitoring The

    Milwaukee River Basin

    MILWAUKEE RIVERKEEPER:Rain Barrel Workshop

    Potentially All Southeastern Wisconsin Watersheds

    THE PRAIRIE SCHOOL:The Prairie Stream Project Root River


    Restoration Milwaukee River

    RIVEREDGE NATURE CENTER: Milwaukee Riverbank

    Restoration Project Milwaukee River


    Verdes Rain Garden Initiative Menomonee River

    URBAN ECOLOGY CENTER:Washington Park Woodland

    Garden Project Menomonee River

    Awards will be presented at Sweet Waters Clean Rivers,

    Clean Lake Conference at the Harley-Davidson Museum in

    Milwaukee on April 30, 2015. Registration and more infor-

    mation about the conference will be available in late January

    at swwtwater.org.

    Sweet Water invites your business or organizationto sponsor the 11th annual Clean Rivers, CleanLake Conference which will be held on Thursday,

    April 30th at the Harley-Davidson Museum inMilwaukee. The conference will have programs

    ranging from writing your own Nine Key Elements

    plan to storm water quality and quantity plans for

    the Hoan Bridge construction and much, much more.

    In order to keep this important event affordable to

    all participants, we are seeking sponsorships in the

    amounts of $750, $1,500, and $2,500 or higher.

    In addition to promoting water quality improvements

    and strengthening the partnerships in our region,

    sponsors will receive recognition for their 2015

    conference support. You may find additional

    information regarding sponsorship recognition on

    the Sweet Water web site by January 31, 2015 atswwtwater.org.

    We hope you find that this oppor tunit y has a stron

    appeal to your organization. Sponsorship checks

    should be made payable to Sweet Water and sent t

    Sweet Waters office at 600 East Greenfield

    Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53204-2944. If you have

    any questions, please contact Joan Herriges at

    (414) 382-1766 or via [email protected].

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Sweet Water Announces Winners of2014 Mini-grant AwardsJOAN HERRIGES, SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN WATERSHEDS TRUST


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    University of Wisconsin Extension

    9501 W. Watertown Plank RoadWauwatosa, WI 53226

    PHONE(414) 256-4632

    WEB naturalresources.uwex.edu

    EMAIL [email protected]

    Learning for life

    Sweet Water

    600 East Greenfield AvenueMilwaukee, WI 53204

    PHONE (414) 382-1766

    WEB swwtwater.org

    EMAIL [email protected]

    [email protected]


    Kate Morgan, Sweet Water

    This publication made possible in part through

    the generous support of

    RiversReport PARTNERS

    Now through March 24

    MMSDs Rain Garden Plant Sale

    Application period closes March 24

    Plant order pickup May 30


    programs/rain-gardens-projectEmail: [email protected]

    February 24 26

    Wisconsin Wetlands Association 20th Annual

    Wetland Science Conference: Telling Our Stories

    Monona Terrace Convention Center

    Madison, WI


    Email: [email protected]

    February 27

    Soil and Water Conservation Society Conference:

    Targeting Conservation and Monitoring

    UW-Green Bay | Green Bay, WI


    Email: [email protected]

    April 18: 9 AM NOONMilwaukee Riverkeeper 20th Annual Spring

    River Clean Up


    Email: [email protected]

    April 30

    Southeastern WI Watershed Trust 11th AnnualClean Rivers, Clean LakeConference

    Harley-Davidson Museum | Milwaukee, WI


    Email: [email protected]

    EventsThe first phase of this MMSD-led

    project includes removing concrete

    along a 1,100-foot-long corridor

    upstream of the Blue Mound Road

    bridge to the Canadian Pacific Railway

    crossing near Miller Brewer. This

    involves transforming the concretechannel to a natural streambed that

    has rock riffles and pools, and allows

    for safe passage of fish. This first

    phase is largely complete, and the

    second phase downstreambeing

    led by the US Army Corps of

    Engineersis continuing this work

    along a 2,600 foot long stretch

    downstream of Blue Mound Road to

    I-94 using the same local contractors,

    Purpero. It is likely that this work

    will be complete by the end of 2015,

    but we are already seeing more

    salmon and steelhead (which are

    strong swimmers) moving well up

    into the watershed--with spawning

    fish detected all the way up into

    Menomonee Falls this year.

    MMSD is also still working on

    removal of the five low flow barriers

    in Hoyt Park in Wauwatosa upstream

    of the concrete removal. The

    project will remove/retrofit five

    existing low gradient structureson the Menomonee River along the

    Menomonee River Parkway with the

    expected result of improving fish

    passage and restoring habitat.

    One old ford, one grade control

    structure (that includes a path and

    stairs), and two pipe crossings will

    be removed completely. One pipe

    crossing will be replaced with a

    deeper siphon sewer, which serves

    Hoyt Park Pool. This project should

    hopefully start construction next

    year, and be complete by end of 2015.

    Milwaukee Riverkeeper finished

    our assessment of fish passage

    barriers throughout the main-

    stem and natural t ributaries of

    the Menomonee River Watershed

    in 2013, thanks to support from

    Wisconsin Coastal Management

    Program and WDNR and hard

    work by a dozen volunteers. Thanks

    to additional funds from Wisconsin

    Coastal Management Program,

    weve been able to contract with

    Interfluve to help provide conceptual

    designs and cost-estimates for

    several priority fish passagebarriers upst ream.

    We are also identifying and

    fundraising for projects to improve

    fish habitat and connection between

    the Menomonee and several major

    tributaries with adjacent wetland/

    floodplain habitats that can be used

    for spawning by fish such as

    Northern pike. We also received

    funding from the Fund for Lake

    Michigan to help remove some

    man-made barriers--trash, stone

    fill, fallen bridges, etcusing

    volunteers and paid work crews,

    and we hope to start that work

    in spring 2015.

    For the Fish!

    Story continued from page 2