Rihanna - Loud

Character: The only character shown on this digi-pack example is the artist herself, Rhianna. The images of the character help to represent how the music may be about relationships such as love/romance due to connotations of red which is used in the artist's hair and makeup. Red represents love and passion but could also suggest anger and danger, possibly suggesting that the artist's music could be towards a possible break up or a form of anger. As well as the connotations of the colour red, the close up shot of Rihanna's facial expression may also suggest that there’s a form of love and passion in this music as on the front cover, she is seen looking down with an expression that can be seen as being provocative and seductive. This facial expression could be juxtaposed as how she is looking down may represent her being Technical and Audio Codes: The photographs which have been taken for this digi-pack would have been taken in a studio as it gives the images a crisper and professional look for the artist's album. The lighting which has been used tends to be high key which helps Iconography: The colour red is iconic as it can represent love and passion or danger and heartbreak. This iconography is also supported with the roses on the CD and in the background one the photograph with Rihanna lay down provocatively. Roses are symbolic to love and romance; which could also be represented when looking more into the music on this album. For example, songs such as 'California King Bed' Setting: The only setting shown in this digipak is the photograph of Rihanna lying in a bed of roses. This gives the viewer the sense of romance and love as roses are a connotation of this; as well as the way she is lying shows how she is in a dream like state. Rihanna is wearing a dress which is similar to a wedding dress. This gives us the idea that the music will be about love and romance, due to the connotations of the wedding dress; however, the red may consider Narrative Events: In the digi-pack, a narrative can be shown in the artwork within the iconography of the roses and the character physicality; suggesting that the music may be love storyline; also with the wedding dress. The wedding dress represents a narrative enigma as your usual impression of wedding dresses would be positive and make you think of love and romance. However, Rihanna is lay in a provocative manner which removes the aspect of innocence and loyalty which Rihanna - Loud

Transcript of Rihanna - Loud

Page 1: Rihanna - Loud

Character: The only character shown on this digi-pack example is the artist herself, Rhianna. The images of the character help to represent how the music may be about relationships such as love/romance due to connotations of red which is used in the artist's hair and makeup. Red represents love and passion but could also suggest anger and danger, possibly suggesting that the artist's music could be towards a possible break up or a form of anger. As well as the connotations of the colour red, the close up shot of Rihanna's facial expression may also suggest that there’s a form of love and passion in this music as on the front cover, she is seen looking down with an expression that can be seen as being provocative and seductive. This facial expression could be juxtaposed as how she is looking down may represent her being upset or hurt; juxtaposing the idea of her being seductive. Another example of how Rihanna may be suggesting that her music is sexual in this album is the photograph inside the digi-pack which shows the character; Rihanna, being shown lying in a field of roses in a provocative manner.

Technical and Audio Codes: The photographs which have been taken for this digi-pack would have been taken in a studio as it gives the images a crisper and professional look for the artist's album. The lighting which has been used tends to be high key which helps to capture Rihanna's facial features and helps to show the glow on her face, to make her appealing to the eye.


The colour red is iconic as it can represent love and passion or danger and heartbreak. This iconography is also supported with the roses on the CD and in the background one the photograph with Rihanna lay down provocatively. Roses are symbolic to love and romance; which could also be represented when looking more into the music on this album. For example, songs such as 'California King Bed' are more romantic and about love and relationships, whereas 'S & M' is about sex which could be another example of what the colour red is symbolising.


The only setting shown in this digipak is the photograph of Rihanna lying in a bed of roses. This gives the viewer the sense of romance and love as roses are a connotation of this; as well as the way she is lying shows how she is in a dream like state. Rihanna is wearing a dress which is similar to a wedding dress. This gives us the idea that the music will be about love and romance, due to the connotations of the wedding dress; however, the red may consider that the album is about anger and the wedding dress may be suggesting the end of the relationship, for example a jilted bride.

Narrative Events:

In the digi-pack, a narrative can be shown in the artwork within the iconography of the roses and the character physicality; suggesting that the music may be love storyline; also with the wedding dress. The wedding dress represents a narrative enigma as your usual impression of wedding dresses would be positive and make you think of love and romance. However, Rihanna is lay in a provocative manner which removes the aspect of innocence and loyalty which were portrayed within the wedding dress, and suggests that she is creating a sex appeal towards a male audience. This is also supported with the raunchier songs in her album such as 'S & M.'

Rihanna - Loud