Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky...

> i tmm r- t J cM c t C r j v J itf II i v WIIIJ- i J L J LJ1 4 1 J I T wr = 1EiCUI SiLONI I OUR PRIVATE CAR VIRGINIA = = I Hebron Ky July 24 3909 Swenson Land CoI Chicago Ill Dear Sirs Your kind favor at hand and must say that I was agreebly surprised at the kindness youhave shown ate in deducting the interest trom my note and please acceptinythariks for same I think I was the first man from Boone County Ky to buy Texas land and have had a great many to call on me in regard to that country and several of them have gone down on this present trip with the inten ¬ tion of buying and trust that I can influence others to go for I think that a great county Wishing for your success and thanking you for kindness I remain Yours very truly Signed W R ROUSE One of the best farmers of Boone county Ky BovINA i B ovina was known long before the coming of the farmer as the greatest cattle shipping point in the county It was the Mecca or gather ingxplace of the old time herdsmen of this section During the yearssince then it has developed wonderfully due to the results obtained from the soil and stock Being on the main line of the Santa Fe gives us unex ¬ celled shipping facilities Stores banks and business of all kinds are prosperous Clothing food stuffs and other supplies cost no more at Bovina than other points Building materals can be delivered 1Q per cent cheaper in Bovina than in most northern or eastern markets Our schools are of the best We have several young flourishing church organ ¬ izations New buildings are going up every daylots are worth double what they were two years ago Opportunities for business enterprises are unlimited You make no mistake in locating at Bovina Going to Use Any = = y Luniber Doors LathsPaint Rubber or Felt Roofing J i ° PLANS FURNISHED REASONABLE 4 Better come direct to Todd lackey Comer Main and Orchard Streets AND GET A SQUARE DEAL Telephone 100 Richmond Ky Ueo 0 Msurfischen Formerly with J B Stouffer Merchant Tailor Appartments over J E Sexton Phone J73 All Kinds o- fPressineleanyn Repairing Satisfaction Guaranteed Your Patronage Solicited This is the tradeI mark is whichI every bottle of the genuine I l Scoffs Emulsion the standard Cod Liverf Oil preparation of the world Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and old FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send ire name of paper and thb ai for our beautiful Saying Eank and C1dds SketchBook Each bank contalU a Good L ck renny SCOTT JtOWMI 4M PMT SI N Y e1fds 111 by Perri 1i > = u n Oj 41 Sash Our New Vigorflyers the best that was made But Ayers Hair Vigor new im ¬ proved formula is better It is the one great specific for fall ¬ ing hair Anew preparation in every way New bottle New contents Ask your druggist to show it to you the new kind Doa not change the color of the hair A e Dorm ata with eACh bottle Stow It to your doctor 4ck btrrabeut It then doeeheasys As we now make our new Hair Vigor it doss not have the slightest effect upon the color of tbe hair You mat use it- freely and for length of with ¬ Stopsralling ifcale ty the Jr c Ayer Co XxnreU MMS + If you are going to sellout and want your goods to bring all they are worthShearer j e W White HattKr j j to conduct yottr tie His I arpaare rsasonsbit IIIII Liver Trouble Remedy Free Any intelligent person can be his ofliver not be mistaken If the white of the eye becomes yellowish if the skin be ¬ comes sallow if pimples and blotches appear if the bowels do not move if you have sick headache if you are yourliver yetfound SyrupPepsin laxative the Slow of gastric Juice thereby soon enabling the liver to do Its work natur ¬ remedyn singlebottle For example John W Lee 619 S Penn ¬ ave Indianapolis Ind had a stubborn and very longstanding case of blotchesjaundice ninchum Jackson Ky says tho samo tothe gency as you can never tell when somo member of the family will need a good laxative sufferer ¬ Caldwells Syrup Pepsin without personal freetest youhow works It will start you on the of your trouble and convince you that have found a cure That Is the youI the sample and the doctor urges send for It today If there Is anything about your ailment that you dont I understand or If you want any medical advice write l to the doctor and he will answer you fully There t no charge for this service The address Is Dr W B I Caldwell 600 Caldwell bId ilontlcello Ill I I STOCKTON S HAGANI It is always in the long run to get the best We do the very C bestWork Give us your order and you will be well pleased and thoro r I i A satisfiedRK dt Stone r t Phone 432 Bilious Feel heavy niter dinner Tonguo coated Bitter tutePCom pJexiott sx wl Liver M4 waking Hf D rKefmMa care bUlIe > ti- Mbjtkti tine at say 4r4tOT t1 U i r LEAVING I RIHMONO MADISON COUNIV1 KENTUCKY November 1st = and 15th 1909 RRFare rrieals and birth at less than half the Price with us j AN OLD MANS OPINION OR TEXAS Experience Meeting of Bovina Home Seekers f After having heard from everybody and before you go any further I would just like to let you know what an old man like my self thinks about your country Iam eighty years old and declare since coming here I feel almost like a young fellow of seventy years For years I have been toubled with asthma hardly a night passed but what I coughed myself to sleep or stayed awake all night through difficulty with my breathing Down here all has vanished I do not cough I breathe with ease have enjoyed every day since I came here and slept well every night I think I am probably better qualified to speak abovt this country than any one here because I have in my lifetime pioneered nearly every new country opened during the last GO years I passed through some of the Western States when my wagon wheels sank to the hubs in sand when we had to pull the box from the wheels then snake the wheels and gears out separate I have farmed every country from Dakotas Kansas Minnesota Wisconsin to the clay banks of Lake county Ill I must say that here is the most re markabe condition I have ever struck I have driven over miles of land every foot of which is equally good My only regret is that my means are limited and instead of buying a dozen sections I must limit myself to one I want to say to every one of you here today you can make no mistakes by investing here The prices may seem high but take it from one who has been through a great many land openings this land that you have iu the last few days driven over will more than double in value in the next few years I am going home tomorrow and am going to take to my friends and neighbors a most favorable report Then I am coming back here as soon as I can adjust my business and the train will bring me Before coming here I was told by representatives of this cdrapa ny that this county would add 10 years to my life Since arriving I am certain that with Gods help I will 20 years more and round a centurys experience ORLANDO BROWN ChicagoI WRITE OR ON Office over < for printed be sent request Spitting Nuisance If the local authorities want to stop the disgusting habit of spitting mucous on the sidewalks they had better instruct the people as to the best method of killing the catarrh germs and curing catarrh You can easily tell by reading the symptoms below whether you have catarrh or not- Otfensivebreath frequent sneezing discharge from nose stoppage of the nose huskiness of the voice tickling in throat droppings in throat a cough pain in chest loss of strength variable appetite spasms of cough- ing low spirited at times raisingof mucous difficulty in breathing loss ot vital force B L Middelton has a sensible remedymoney back if it fails for catarrh called Hyomei which is a vaporized air so antiseptic that when it is breathed over the inflamed and germsinfested membrane It kills al germ life and cures catarrh The price including hard rubber in haler is only 1 00 and money back if it doesnt cure Extra bottles 50 centfI have tried almost everycatarrh cure on the market without benefit Have been using Hycmei for one week and feel like a4new man al readyWm V Goode Neward Ohio June 21 1- D09MONA Cures Indigestion It relieves stomach misery sour stom ach belching and cures all stomach dis ease or money back large box of tab lets 60 cents Druggists in all tow- nsBolton W B General Blacksmith Carriage and Buggy Painting Special Attention t- oRepairing Buggies Wagons and Farm Machinery We Put On The Best Rubber Tires Made Our Facilities For lintdin kwlosiig Are Unsurpassed Shop atKY Works Water Street Jennets rot Sale I have for sole for or five firstclass Jennets atjeefiiflB ante tlgbt years otdor partkttikM Mil on or ddreas IHUrf 7l trynanR F D8 li 641 K1etua4iX t slaves to tho Servants I am very tired said tbe fashion ably dressed woman 1 have been working dreadfully bard all day Do- ing what Why seeing to my serv ants working for them Didnt you know that the more senants you have the harder you must work Certainly 1 have to do all the shopping for my servants 1 have to buy their uni the caps and aprons of the the clothing of tbe housekeeper and have to see to the marketing too yes and very often In spite of tbe fact that I have a housekeeper I must or they will form a combine to rob me of I have The housekeeper will get a rakeoff that will enable her to retire in a few yeasts Then perhaps It is I who must bunt a plnce as housekeeper for some one else Oh yes if you want to keep your position as mistress of a household of servants you must keep hustling You cant af- ford to let the grass grow under your feet to tiny great extent New York Press He Got a Hundred Sammys mother talked to him long and earnestly about the poor marks he had been petting In his work at school She painted in alluring colors the ca reer of the little boy who studies his lessons and gains the love and respect of his teachers She went even fur- ther She promised him that if he got good marks she would give him a whole dime all for his own Sammy seemed Impressed That afternoon he returned from school fairly dancing with joy Oh mother he shouted I got a hundred Sammy cried his delighted moth- er She hugged him and kissed him end petted him and gave him the dimeAnd what did you get a hundred in she finally asked In two things replied Sammy without hesitation I got forty in readin andTilxty in spelllnEery bodys Magazine Trapping the Faryon William Morris did not always get tits jokes right end first In a Mograpfiy of her husband Mrs Edward Hiirae Jones tells of the ease with which he reversed them A dinner gathering had all been ask- Ing conundrums Who killed his brother Cain asked Burne iones Morris fell into the trap at once Abelfl be shouted Later in the day be came In laugh Ing I trapped the parson by Jove he exclaimltll him Who killed his brother Abel Cain he said at once Ha I said I knew youd say that Every one does I came away and left him puzzled enough and I doubt if hes found out yet what the Joke was Not Qualified Two men were petting warm over a simple difference of opinion They turned lo the titled man Isnt a jomenuide strawberry short cake better than a cherry pie de- manded one of them Isnt a homemade cherry pie bet ter than any shortcake Inquired the otherThe third man shook his bead I iont know bo said 1 board Cleveland Plain Dealer The Trijepii Tongue Henry r eki you re a foolr You whoa IwaNo dfdat2ttblnkSo a st bI- Qfr i 7- liIjEr I R sr I 8 OUR MILET STACKS AT BOVINA I to and There Is no question about that at aUfor the lame and aching 00back is caused by diseased con- dition of tho kidneys and bladder It is only common sense any way that you must euro condition by the cause of tho con dition And lame and aching back are not by any means the only of derangement of the kidneys and bladder There are multitude of and un of more or less condition Some of these are for instance Extreme and unnatural lassitude and weari ness nervous heart ir rest scalding sensation and sedi ment In the urine Inflammation of the bladder and passages etc DeWItts Kidney and Bladder Pills are an exceptionally meritori ous remedy for any and all affec tions or diseased of results are at once felt They regulate purify and effec tually heal and restore the kid neys bladder end liver to perfect and healthy condition even In some of the most advanced cases Swenson Land Company Will run an excursion to Bovtna Texast richestt ofand rain Grand climate On main line of Sante Fe Railroad EstillWe county men to go on this Excursion Hartford City Ind April 12 1J09 Swenson Land Co Chicago Mil Gentlemen I had the pleasure of visiting yowl lands at on the excursion leaving Chicago April 6th To say that I am pleased would be insufficient Thirty years ago I rode over the Panhandle and thought I was very well acquainted with it but I found a new country which very much exceeded what I expected to find In fact I was so favorably impressed with it that I expect to some member of my family at BOVINA having contracted for 320 acres I was well pleased with the treatment accorded me by your people and wish them all the in the world in the development of your country very truly Signed E C STORMR r 3 Mr is a welltodo farmer living near Hartford City FOR FULL PARTICULARS CALL FREEMAJM GRIDER Perry Thomas Dru1Storew I Send matter Will on ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Carriage ¬ ¬ forms maids everything ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ asked ¬ u n Bovina i jO 7 That Lame Back Means Kidney Disease Relieve the Lame Aching Back You Must Relieve the Kidneys a ¬ l a removing ¬ symptoms a wellknown ¬ mistakable indications a dangerous ¬ irritability ¬ sleeplessness ¬ ¬ ¬ operatedirectly ¬ ¬ locate success Yours Storm n And First conditions beneficial E C DeWitt l Co Chicago 111 want every man and woman who have the least suspicion that they and a trial box of these Pills will bo sent freo by return mail postpaid I br Sale by All Dr Some women retain their beauty to an advanced Of them Avoid the pain treat yourself at home by x Cardui as thousands of other women have Begin at once and give Cardui a fair trial TAKE The bladder Womans Beauty agerapidly someform takingi CARUI 3 36 If Will Help You vmtesj soon to muchbetter AT ALL DRUG STORES Rural Telephones tfrlrme ako your loom H TnndR n for vent family as A city rest ilenc1 and placo yours If ill n position to g It the Inieet marker quotations e any tiuiQ ThU can be accomplished by means of our telephone eerviee which you Ann your neighbor ran gt for a stint that is small compared with the bene tits received Call or nddreES our nearest ofTe or write direct to hcadquarteri Nesbville1onnesjeofor information regardie our special JTarKiere Line tale If at present you are not enjoying telephone service we < ML hurnodiatcly UiterciS yoyQar lines cover the States ot Keatncky XeuaciMU Mississippi 14twts1rexiand the Southern portion erf 1asiujT Illinois Bast Tennessee TclehcaeCo Incororated p 0- J 0 t r i i REAL ESTATE r AGENTS Ift riT GYSS THE yy E EST RES9LTS LrGNiTRADE s AtnEr X J TRUSS HOLDSIN POSITION We make a Specialty o f Fitting Trusses Perry and Thomas IField Garden I- IS EE D I I r V I IWe have just received a large shipment of I Field and Garden Seed and invite those who are contemplating sowing gras to Y call and examine our line and pisa before making a purchase Our line of t Staple and r G ROC ERJES I was nOVel mora complete than now I- Tate > 4 ndSon I 35t I i r eo S 1 I V r Floral Designs Cut Flowers Plants t Furnished on short notice Special attention tin 11 design for Funerals and Weddings at Richmond Greenhouses i 0 WET MAIN CTELEPBONJ88 tasn tdi

Transcript of Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky...

Page 1: Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky · >i tmm r-t J cM c t C r j v J itf II i v WIIIJ-i J L J LJ1 4 1EiCUI 1 J I T

> i tmmr-


J cM c

t C

r j v


itfII iv


J L J LJ1 41 J I T wr =




Hebron Ky July 24 3909Swenson LandCoIChicago IllDear Sirs Your kind favor at hand and must say that I was

agreebly surprised at the kindness youhave shown ate in deducting theinterest trom my note and please acceptinythariks for same

I think I was the first man from Boone County Ky to buy Texasland and have had a great many to call on me in regard to that countryand several of them have gone down on this present trip with the inten ¬

tion of buying and trust that I can influence others to go for I think thata great county

Wishing for your success and thanking you for kindness I remainYours very truly

Signed W R ROUSEOne of the best farmers of Boone county Ky

BovINA i

B ovina was known long before the coming of the farmer as thegreatest cattle shipping point in the county It was the Mecca or gatheringxplace of the old time herdsmen of this section During the yearssincethen it has developed wonderfully due to the results obtained from thesoil and stock Being on the main line of the Santa Fe gives us unex¬

celled shipping facilities Stores banks and business of all kinds areprosperous Clothing food stuffs and other supplies cost no more atBovina than other points Building materals can be delivered 1Q percent cheaper in Bovina than in most northern or eastern markets Ourschools are of the best We have several young flourishing church organ ¬

izations New buildings are going up every daylots are worth doublewhat they were two years ago Opportunities for business enterprisesare unlimited You make no mistake in locating at Bovina

Going toUse Any

= = y

Luniber DoorsLathsPaint

Rubber or FeltRoofing


° PLANS FURNISHED REASONABLE4Better come direct to

Todd lackeyComer Main and Orchard Streets


Telephone 100 Richmond Ky

Ueo0 MsurfischenFormerly with J B Stouffer

Merchant TailorAppartments over J E Sexton Phone J73

All Kinds o-

fPressineleanyn RepairingSatisfaction Guaranteed

Your Patronage Solicited

Thisis the tradeImarkis

whichIevery bottle

of the genuine I


Scoffs Emulsion

the standard Cod LiverfOil preparation of theworld Nothing equals

it to build up the weak

and wasted bodies of


Send ire name of paper and thb ai forour beautiful Saying Eank and C1ddsSketchBook Each bank contalU aGood L ck renny


e1fds111 by Perri 1i >=u


Oj 41


Our NewVigorflyersthe best that was made ButAyers Hair Vigor new im ¬

proved formula is better Itis the one great specific for fall ¬

ing hair Anew preparation inevery way New bottle Newcontents Ask your druggist toshow it to you the new kind

Doa not change the color of the hair

A eDorm ata with eACh bottle

Stow It to yourdoctor

4ck btrrabeut Itthen doeeheasys

As we now make our new Hair Vigor itdoss not have the slightest effect uponthe color of tbe hair You mat use it-

freely and for length of with ¬

Stopsrallingifcale ty the Jr c Ayer Co XxnreU MMS +

If you are going to selloutand want your goods to bringall they are

worthShearerje WWhite HattKr j j

to conduct yottr tie HisIarpaare rsasonsbit


Liver TroubleRemedy Free

Any intelligent person can be hisoflivernot be mistaken If the white of theeye becomes yellowish if the skin be ¬

comes sallow if pimples and blotchesappear if the bowels do not move ifyou have sick headache if you areyourliveryetfoundSyrupPepsinlaxativethe Slow of gastric Juice thereby soonenabling the liver to do Its work natur¬remedynsinglebottleFor example John W Lee 619 S Penn ¬

ave Indianapolis Ind had astubborn and very longstanding case ofblotchesjaundiceninchum Jackson Ky says tho samotothegency as you can never tell when somomember of the family will need a goodlaxativesufferer ¬

Caldwells Syrup Pepsin without personalfreetestyouhowworks It will start you on the ofyour trouble and convince you thathave found a cure That Is the youIthe sample and the doctor urgessend for It today

If there Is anything aboutyour ailment that you dont I

understand or If you wantany medical advice write

l to the doctor and he willanswer you fully There tno charge for this serviceThe address Is Dr W B

I Caldwell 600 Caldwell bIdilontlcello Ill


HAGANIIt is always

in the long run to

get the best

We do the very


Give us your order and youwill be well pleased and thoro

r I

i A


dt Stoner


Phone 432

Bilious Feel heavy niter dinnerTonguo coated Bitter tutePCompJexiott sx wl Liver M4 wakingHf D rKefmMa care bUlIe > ti-

Mbjtkti tine at say 4r4tOT


U i




November 1st =and 15th 1909

RRFare rrieals and birth at less than half the Price with usj

AN OLD MANS OPINION OR TEXASExperience Meeting of Bovina Home Seekers


After having heard from everybody and before you go any further I would just liketo let you know what an old man like my self thinks about your country Iam eightyyears old and declare since coming here I feel almost like a young fellow of seventy yearsFor years I have been toubled with asthma hardly a night passed but what I coughedmyself to sleep or stayed awake all night through difficulty with my breathing Downhere all has vanished I do not cough I breathe with ease have enjoyed every day sinceI came here and slept well every night

I think I am probably better qualified to speak abovt this country than any one herebecause I have in my lifetime pioneered nearly every new country opened during the lastGO years I passed through some of the Western States when my wagon wheels sank tothe hubs in sand when we had to pull the box from the wheels then snake the wheels andgears out separate I have farmed every country from Dakotas Kansas MinnesotaWisconsin to the clay banks of Lake county Ill I must say that here is the most remarkabe condition I have ever struck I have driven over miles of land every foot ofwhich is equally good My only regret is that my means are limited and instead of buyinga dozen sections I must limit myself to one I want to say to every one of you here todayyou can make no mistakes by investing here The prices may seem high but take it fromone who has been through a great many land openings this land that you have iu the lastfew days driven over will more than double in value in the next few years

I am going home tomorrow and am going to take to my friends and neighbors a mostfavorable report Then I am coming back here as soon as I can adjust my business andthe train will bring me Before coming here I was told by representatives of this cdrapany that this county would add 10 years to my life Since arriving I am certain that withGods help I will 20 years more and round a centurys experience


Office over<

for printed be sent request

Spitting NuisanceIf the local authorities want to stop

the disgusting habit of spittingmucous on the sidewalks they hadbetter instruct the people as to thebest method of killing the catarrhgerms and curing catarrh

You can easily tell by reading thesymptoms below whether you havecatarrh or not-

Otfensivebreath frequent sneezingdischarge from nose stoppage of thenose huskiness of the voice ticklingin throat droppings in throat acough pain in chest loss of strengthvariable appetite spasms of cough-

ing low spirited at times raisingofmucous difficulty in breathing lossot vital force

B L Middelton has a sensibleremedymoney back if it fails forcatarrh called Hyomei which is avaporized air so antiseptic that when

it is breathed over the inflamed andgermsinfested membrane It kills algerm life and cures catarrh

The price including hard rubber in

haler is only 1 00 and money back

if it doesnt cure Extra bottles 50

centfIhave tried almost everycatarrh

cure on the market without benefitHave been using Hycmei for oneweek and feel like a4new man alreadyWm V Goode NewardOhio June 21 1-D09MONACures Indigestion

It relieves stomach misery sour stomach belching and cures all stomach disease or money back large box of tablets 60 cents Druggists in all tow-

nsBoltonW BGeneral Blacksmith

Carriage andBuggy Painting

Special Attention t-

oRepairingBuggies Wagons and

Farm Machinery

We Put On TheBest Rubber Tires Made

Our Facilities For

lintdin kwlosiigAre Unsurpassed

Shop atKY WorksWater Street

Jennets rot SaleI have for sole for or five firstclass

Jennets atjeefiiflB ante tlgbt years

otdor partkttikM Mil on or ddreasIHUrf 7l trynanR F D8

li 641 K1etua4iX


slaves to tho ServantsI am very tired said tbe fashion

ably dressed woman 1 have beenworking dreadfully bard all day Do-ing what Why seeing to my servants working for them Didnt youknow that the more senants you havethe harder you must work Certainly1 have to do all the shopping for myservants 1 have to buy their uni

the caps and aprons of thethe clothing of tbe housekeeper

and have to see to the marketing tooyes and very often In spite of tbe factthat I have a housekeeper I must orthey will form a combine to rob me of

I have The housekeeperwill get a rakeoff that will enable herto retire in a few yeasts Then perhapsIt is I who must bunt a plnce ashousekeeper for some one else Ohyes if you want to keep your positionas mistress of a household of servantsyou must keep hustling You cant af-ford to let the grass grow under yourfeet to tiny great extent New YorkPress

He Got a HundredSammys mother talked to him long

and earnestly about the poor marks hehad been petting In his work at schoolShe painted in alluring colors the career of the little boy who studies hislessons and gains the love and respectof his teachers She went even fur-ther She promised him that if he gotgood marks she would give him awhole dime all for his own Sammyseemed Impressed

That afternoon he returned fromschool fairly dancing with joy

Oh mother he shouted I got ahundred

Sammy cried his delighted moth-er She hugged him and kissed himend petted him and gave him thedimeAnd

what did you get a hundredin she finally asked

In two things replied Sammywithout hesitation I got forty inreadin andTilxty in spelllnEerybodys Magazine

Trapping the FaryonWilliam Morris did not always get

tits jokes right end first In a Mograpfiyof her husband Mrs Edward HiiraeJones tells of the ease with which hereversed them

A dinner gathering had all been ask-Ing conundrums

Who killed his brother Cain askedBurne iones

Morris fell into the trap at onceAbelfl be shouted

Later in the day be came In laughIng

I trapped the parson by Jove heexclaimltll him Who killedhis brother Abel

Cain he said at onceHa I said I knew youd say

that Every one does I came awayand left him puzzled enough and Idoubt if hes found out yet what theJoke was

Not QualifiedTwo men were petting warm over a

simple difference of opinionThey turned lo the titled man

Isnt a jomenuide strawberry shortcake better than a cherry pie de-

manded one of themIsnt a homemade cherry pie bet

ter than any shortcake Inquired theotherThe

third man shook his beadI iont know bo said 1 board

Cleveland Plain Dealer

The Trijepii TongueHenry r eki you re a foolrYou whoa

IwaNo dfdat2ttblnkSo ast





R sr



to and

There Is no question about thatat aUfor the lame and aching

00back is caused by diseased con-dition of tho kidneys and bladderIt is only common sense any way

that you must euro conditionby the cause of tho condition And lame and aching backare not by any means the only

of derangement of thekidneys and bladder There aremultitude of and un

of more orless condition Some ofthese are for instance Extremeand unnatural lassitude and weariness nervous heart ir

rest scalding sensation and sediment In the urine Inflammation ofthe bladder and passages etc

DeWItts Kidney and BladderPills are an exceptionally meritorious remedy for any and all affections or diseased of

results are at once feltThey regulate purify and effec

tually heal and restore the kidneys bladder end liver to perfectand healthy condition even Insome of the most advanced cases

Swenson Land CompanyWill run an excursion to Bovtna Texastrichesttofandrain Grand climate On main line of Sante FeRailroadEstillWecounty men to go on this Excursion

Hartford City Ind April 12 1J09Swenson Land Co

Chicago MilGentlemen I had the pleasure of visiting yowl lands at on the

excursion leaving Chicago April 6thTo say that I am pleased would be insufficient Thirty years ago I rode

over the Panhandle and thought I was very well acquainted with it but I founda new country which very much exceeded what I expected to find In fact Iwas so favorably impressed with it that I expect to some member of myfamily at BOVINA having contracted for 320 acres

I was well pleased with the treatment accorded me by your people andwish them all the in the world in the development of your country

very trulySigned E C STORMRr 3

Mr is a welltodo farmer living near Hartford City


FREEMAJM GRIDERPerry ThomasDru1StorewI

Send matter Will on




















i jO 7

That Lame Back MeansKidney Disease

Relieve the Lame Aching BackYou Must Relieve the Kidneys

a ¬

l aremoving ¬


wellknown ¬

mistakable indications adangerous


irritability ¬











beneficialE C DeWitt l Co Chicago 111

want every man and woman whohave the least suspicion that they

and a trial box of these Pills will bosent freo by return mail postpaid

Ibr Sale by All Dr

Some women retain their beauty to an advancedOf


Avoid the pain treat yourself at home byx Cardui as thousands of other women have

Begin at once and give Cardui a fair trial




Womans Beauty




If Will Help Youvmtesjsoon tomuchbetterAT ALL DRUG STORES

Rural Telephonestfrlrme ako your loom H TnndR n for vent family as A city rest

ilenc1 and placo yours If ill n position to gIt the Inieet marker quotations eany tiuiQ ThU can be accomplished by means of our telephone eerviee whichyou Ann your neighbor ran gt for a stint that is small compared with the benetits received Call or nddreES our nearest ofTe or write direct to hcadquarteriNesbville1onnesjeofor information regardie our special JTarKiere Linetale If at present you are not enjoying telephone service we < ML hurnodiatclyUiterciS yoyQar lines cover the States ot Keatncky XeuaciMU Mississippi14twts1rexiand the Southern portion erf 1asiujT Illinois

Bast Tennessee TclehcaeCo Incororatedp



t r i









We make a Specialty of FittingTrusses

Perry and Thomas

IField Garden I-



r V


IWe have just received a large shipment ofI Field and Garden Seed and invite those

who are contemplating sowing gras toYcall and examine our line and pisa

before making a purchase Our line oft Staple andr G ROC ERJES I

was nOVel mora complete than nowI-


4 ndSonI35t I

ir eo S1

I Vr Floral Designs Cut FlowersPlants

t Furnished on short notice Special attention tin

11 design for Funerals and Weddings

at Richmond Greenhouses i0 WET MAIN

CTELEPBONJ88 tasntdi