Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky...

Hats Off Your hats off if it isnt our latest new style better take it off and keep it off too bad to see such a good looking man under a last seasons hat An old hat looks suspicious you cant affprd to go around under suspicion Were ready to put a new uptodate lid on you today Our shrtsCluett Monarchare doyougoodshirts good for your looks your feelings your pocket Jas S Crutcher < Co Main Street Richmond Ky 1 he Richmond Climax j J C OHENAULT President AD MILLHREditor Manager I WEDNESDAY MAY 20 1903 rUULISHKU EVER ItUNlt nAY RYI f he Climax Printing Incorporat- edDEMOCRATIC TICKET FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE lION J M BENTON Of Clark County FOR COMMON ABALTIIS ATTORNEY HON n A CRUTCHER Of Jessamine Ceuaty FOR CIRCUIT COURT CLERK ROY C WHITE Tlnnounccments FOR JAILER We are authorizpd to announce F J PER ¬ RINS of Baldwin a candidate for Jailer of Madison county subject to the action of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce D C ORIGOSas a candidate for Jailer of Madisog liounty subject to the action of the Demo ¬ cratic party We are authorized to announce N B JONES a candidate for Jailer of Madison County sub lid to the action of the Democratic party LINCOLN county Democrats Rave Jesse M Alyerson a majority of sixty two in his race for representative against 11 F North It was a hotlj contested fight and Mr Alvereon proves himself a shrewd politician nr he made the fight entirely on his own merits The next representative from Lincoln is a Madison county boy who hIt long since won the confidence and rateein of the citizens of his adopted uouuty and to him the GLiMAextends heartily congratulations on his victory ON last Thursday a meeting of the Itepiiblican State Central Committee was held in Louisville anti it was de culed to hold a convention in that city on July 15 to nominate candidates for State offices The Saturday preceding this date was named as a time to select delegates from each county to attend Mid Convention L F1BioirCOii LEXINGTON KY 11 JUST IN je fl A Car Load of BedRoom Suits In Mahogany Walnut Maple Oak Birch They are the pick of the Fur ¬ niture Markets Ranging in price from I 6 to 200 VThe design finish and price will make this the most talked about sale that has ever taken J place in our city 4f I c t pro8rCo1 you auADWAr 5 IN KY TAYL tI ji ow SEVERAL days ago Bookir T v ington was in Indianapolis and aShI ped at the English Hotel Late day it vas observed that his room had not been straightened not even so much as his bed being made up The chambermaid a white girl on being questioned as to her neglect of the room replied that she would not make up a bed after any negro whereupon she was discharged We would like to grasp the hand of this whitn girl who refused to clean the room occupied by the only negro that ever dined with a President of the United States PAINT LWK Mr It L Jennings who sold out his stock of goods to Mr Tom Lackey has reboneht an interest in the store Tito ityle of the firm will be Lacky Ten iing It is a source of great satisfac ¬ tion to their many friends to know that Mr J uuings and his estimable wile are to remain in our community as they would be missed should they move away The young people of Kirksville are preparing to give an entertainment at at tins place for the benefit of the Presbyterian church of Kirksville lhe shadow party given by the vnung Indies of the M E church at Valnutta last lhursday was quite an enjoyable aflatr Everyone who bought i shadow was given a basket and the queer part of it was the fact that the shadows of the married ladles sold more teadily than those of the girls 519 was rea ized I MJH John Bright and sonof Stanford are visiting in the family of her father Dr Ramsey The ladies of the Associated Reform supperin ingthie young ladles will give a poster party All are cordially invited and it is hoped quite a crowdwill attend I as it is for a worthy cause Mr Jimmie Butner and family moved to Richmond lust week Moore Champ are making quite an improvement in their store in the way of a glass front It will be no trouble now to show off their nice stock of goods The school at High Point conducted by Miss Bettie Francis closed last weekMrs Khrohrs school at this place closed last week T7ALLE17VIEW From the Argent Nowbyhinday A new comer arrived at tbe home of Overtoil Curry and wife yesterday morniug D K Jeffries and father of Janes ville Wisconsin were here Tuesday on business acconipanied ¬ ¬ ping in Lexington Friday The Falls City is expected here theIndiana accident ¬ at the lock Several of his toes were antIdresssd scoredlourth amined at Versailles recently for a atAnnapolis the boys and received a mark of 67 lastFriday thePerkins motherThesympany ¬ tended the bereaved husband The wife of Joseph Perkins a Mexi ¬ morning ¬ somotim burying ¬ Late Tuesday afternoon Joseph Den ¬ ny was riding horseback when the horse stepped on a weak board in the bridge MrDenny over him Mr Denny was unconscious sUfficiently nailey There is tirec trhjn this section ofthexountry than all other diseases PIt together and until the last few IncurableFor nounced it a local disease and prescrib¬ constantlyI pronounced it incurable Science has constitutionaltreatment Tojeclo cure on the market It is taken inter ¬ nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the syetem anycase and testimonials Address f J Cheney Co Toledo HallsFjtily 00 Resolutions Jloolutions of Keprrt Presented by the lieu Cynic P Burnam Chairman tf the Richmond Bar rAwiilant Secretary of United States Treasury under Presi- dent Grant JJembrr Cvnttitnlional Ccmrwi < H > n of Kentucky State Senator Twentyninth Ditlrkl Oldest Living Member Richmond Bar A meeting of the local bar was held at the court house Saturday afternoon to pay a tribute to the memory of Sen- ator John Bennett and express the appreciation and high esteem in which MrBennett was held by his associates a committee composed of Senator Jus C McUreary C H Breck W B Smith Jas W Caperton C F Bur nam and J A Sullivan had been ap ¬ pointed to draft suitable resolutions concerning the death of Mr Bennett and their report was made to the bai by the chairman Major Burnam The speeches made by various members were all the more impressive because those present knew that every word spoken was the truth and the memory of Mr Bennett richly merited any tri bate paid The following memorial reported by the committee above mentioned was adopted and8pon motion was or- dered published in the local papers The members of tho bar and officers ot the Madison county courts pay this triuute to the memory of Hon John Bennett who after a long illness died in this town on the 14th day of May A D 1903 He was born in Madison county in March 1837 being the second son of Samuel and Elizabeth Cbenanlt Bon ¬ nett was thus on the paternal and ma- ternal ¬ side descended from families widely known and who Illustrated the highest and best types of our citizen ¬ shipAlteratitne spent at college anti in the clerks office of the Madison coun ¬ ty courts he obtaintd license to prac- tice ¬ law and was admitted to the bar in 1859 became County Attorney and continued in the practice of his pro ¬ fession chiefly in the courts ot Madison Estill and Owsley and the Court oi Appeals until about two years ago when his health broke down He was long associated with William Chenault Esq and was at all times courteous to his brothers in the Bar true to his clients and respectful to thb courts and was in all these relations esteemed and indeed greatly beloved Twice during his life he was elected by his fellow citizens to full terms of four years each In the Senate of Kentucky and by his ability integrity and faith ful service in eudeavoriux to secure the welfare of his immediate constitu ¬ ents and of the whole Commonwealth commanded the esteem and confident o of political friends and foes alike Every impulse of John Bennett was for what is right every promise made by him to his brethren of the Bar was religiously kept and be at all times squared his professional life by the true ethics of the profession and for these ennobling qualities his surviving brothers all loved him and will long treasure the memory of their inter ¬ course with him Mr 3ennett had in our social and business circles the highest rank He was the Commissioner of Kentucky at the Worlds ir held at Chicago lie was long President of the Farmers National Bank lIe was notonly an advocate of but a generous contribu- tor to those educational and internal improvement interests which were or ¬ ganized in Madison county for its civ ¬ ilization and its onward progress often at the cost of personal sacrifice and pecuniary loss Mr Bennett held to the sense of duty so beautifully ex ¬ pressed by Daniel Webster with con ¬ science satisfied with the discharge of duty no consequences can harm UP This sense of duty is omnipresent per- formed ¬ or violated it remains with us for our happiness or misery to pain us if violated and to console uf if Cud has given us grace to perform it It will be a pleasant recollection to all to know that in lis last illness when he felt that his end was drawing nigh hv publicly professed his faith in Christianity and received the Ordi ¬ nances of the Methodist church and that he passed peacefully to his rest and in themeridanofhiB lifewaSBTnn moned to his Master C F BUKXAU Chairman JAMES B BoSir Secretary ZThe little Mission hand of the First Presbyterian church will serve refreshments on the larn of Dr W H Dodge Saturday afternoon A 8t dff 0 5r The Little Georgia Magnet Miss Annie Nay Abbott known as tho little Georgia Magnet will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House Friday night May 22 Thisyoung lady Is gifted with a remarkable power and all over the world her exhibitions have created considerable astonishment amongst not only the general public but also the scientific men as their testimonials plainly show Her exhi ¬ bition of magnetism or whatever force so employed can be called is as novel and interesting as it is mysterious and unassailable Miss Abbotts power of being able to successfully resist the efforts of 0 or 10 men to lift her and of even a greater number to rush her ngalnst a wall is a fact apt to shake ones belief in the assertion about oc ¬ cultism and the like being all moon tfbine and to make a profound impres slon upon the most sceptical Person ¬ ally Miss Abbott is of slight build and therefore it is easy to believe the state ment that she uses no muscular force Everything is done by tbe exertion ot a power which Miss Abbott herself can ¬ not explain all she is Aware ol being that she hasgot it In order to prove tho entire absence of any muscular effort on Miss Abbotts part members ot tile committee are a ways asked to place their hands bet- ween hers and the subject Prices 25 35 and 50 cents Seat on sale at Wines drug store ORDINANCE Be it ordained by the City Council of Richmond Ky that it shall be unlaw ¬ ful for any person or persons to engage in any game of ball bandy or other similar game in the City of Richmond upon the Sabbath day Any person EO offending shall be punisliedby a fine of from 1 to 10 for each offense Attest D R Tevis Mayor- A C Wells City Clerk May 20 1903 We have never shown a larger stock of Carryalls Surries Buggies and runa bouts than we now have on display in our show room It will pay you to examine them before buying We also do repairing and rejoining in best manners At moderate prices The best rubber tire npplyed and guaranteed for one year Call and see us Richmond Carriage Works tf S L MIDKIFF Prop Buy you girl a shower stick tf L E Lane IN MEMORIAM WHEREAS The Great Spirit of the universe in his infinite wis- dom ¬ has seen fit to take from our hunting grounds to better mid happier hunting grounds above on the third sleep of Flower Moon OK S D 412 our Brother Robert Fully Therefore bo it HKSOIVED That while we mourn the loss of our departed brother we bow in humble submission to the Great Spirit above who doeth all things well- RESOLVED That wo tender our sympathy to the bereaved parents and his sster in this their sad hour of affliction RESOLVED That a copy of those resolutions ue presented to his parents and his sister and a copy be spread on the minutes of the tribe and a copy be sent the city papers here for publication J E SEXTON W 0 FIELDER > Com H G CKEEKMORE Confederate Decoration Day Wednesday June 3 at 10 a m We realize the great truth that a people without the memories of heroic suffering and sacrifices are- a people without a history To cherrish such memories and recall such a past we gather an ¬ nually to place flowers upon the graves of our Confederate dead We ask all the people to meet with us and participate in the decorationThe committees have been named to aid in making plans and arrangements Committee on Arrangements Joe Collins C D Puttte J Press BeattyCommittoo on AddressesR W Miller J Talbott Jackson T T Covington Committee on FlowersMessrs- Joe T Jonos Dr W UjOldhaui Joe Maupin 0 W Cosby Irvine Azbill Chas Y Jackson Jo Portwood In Scudder James Hiighley Sid Knnatzer Charley Jenkins Josiah Simmons Mes- dames Joe Ohlham Chas Searcy W H Dodge Anderson Chenault Maria Lynn David Chenault Thos E Baldwin I James Tribble R R Bnrnams S L Midkiff Misses Walker Bottle 15 reck Mary Tribble Merriette Jones Mary Lee Colyer Annie McKee Lena Beatty Committee on Music Mrs W S Oldlmm Chairman N B DEATHERAQE DAVID CHENAULT Commanders of Camps J M POYNTZ Cluif Marshal + + +++ + + + t + + + + + + + + 1 SPECIAL I 1 + + + ++ + + + ++ Dont orget to see that swell line of wall paper shown by Perry Thomas Remember that dainty Majestic lunch next week at Arbucklo Sim- mons ¬ Everybody invited Bad blood and indigestion are deadly enemies to good health Burdock Blood Bitters destroys them 1m Among the enterprising merchants of Richmond that are paying especial attention to quality is the firm of Frn 3a Bros They carry goods of recog ¬ nized standard in all lines1 and in cof ¬ fee they carry Blankes Faust Blend the best on earth or anywhere else tf Dan H Breck will insure your city or country property against fire light- ning and cyclones Office in Oldham building apr 8 lOt The Miller Range people tell us if I customer telephones us they tZb not like the Miller Range for ne to tend a wagon for it and refund the money for they are guaranteed from end to end tf I D B > Shackelford Co I Neglected colds make lat graveyards helpsmen old age lm The Richmond Carriage Works SL Midkiff Proprietor calls your at- tention to lila spring stock of carryalls surries boggles etc They have nev ¬ er shown a larger stock or betlerstylep Also builders of delivery wagons of all kinds Repairing repainting of buggies wagons etc a specialty best work and lowest prices All rubber tires guaranteed for one year Richmond Carriage Worts tfL Mwwr Prop c < YOT OI is directed to the class of Fresh and Cured Meats carried by the Main street but hersrlhemail or ¬ der business of this firm has growh to such propor ¬ tions that we are now making a specialty of our Wholesale Department Our constant endeavor is to il ase our patrons and to do this we slaughter only the best cattle sheep and hogs that can be pro ¬ cured Our stock of Cured Meats is purchased with the greatest care and has always given perfect satisfaction We carry Vegetables Fish and Oys ters in seasons We also wish to purchase your Hides Tallow Butter Eggs and other Produce and guarantee in every instance to pay the highest prices the market affords Give us a trial and we will prove our sin ¬ eeriLy to serve you promptly and reliably Douglas Culton Wholesale and Retail Butchers Richmond Ky Summer Hosiery Being direct importers paying no middle profits we are ablo to give our customers the most modest prices In hosiery Another advantage IB that we always have the very latest stylesa very great coDsideraticn ts the styles change as often In hosiery an in millinery t j Bargain Sale For This Week 35cA PaIrThis Sale Only extra fine light weight drop stitch lisle thread hose Hermsdorf black Rembrandt Richelieu and nar ¬ row styles of drop stitch Realjvalue 50c 25cit 50cA 175cA PairTills Sale Only plain fast black gauze lisle thread double soles and high spliced heels Real value 35c PaIrThis Sale Only superb lace openwork hose all over an 1 ankle styles terTBlyles from which to select all fast blacks Real value 75c PairThis Sale Only elegantly silk embroid ¬ ered openwork lisle thread hose in very choice designs Aeplendid varie- ty ¬ for selection neal value 100 Central Store U and 14 W Main St Ky CCTAOAX rtL V- tglfjORoLL V ToILO0r a loose Majestic Ranges I Arbuckle Simmons Dan II Breck Fire Life and Ac cident Insurance Office in Oldham building apr8 lOt For the styles iu wall paper see Perry Thomas A My services as an auctioneer can be secured by leaving word at the State Bank Trust Company or by writinSI T Th nililS tf Tenill ivy Inspection Costs Nothing Come in when you are assing our store nevor mind whether you think you want to tiny anything or not You may be wrong we may have something youjvaut extremely At any rate ve always have something new and inter- esting ¬ to show and inspection coSts nothing tf L E LANE 35 Majestic Ranges sold in the last 10 months from the times wo put- out the first one Every one we have sold has helped to sell others Call and examine it and we think wo can prove to you this is the only perfect Range feb 2i 4m Arbuckle Simmons Now is the time to look over your vehicle and have them put in order for the coming season We make a specalty of fine repair work and em- ploy ¬ nothing but the best workmen Call and see us before going elsewhere Estimates made if required We also have on hand complete line of upto date station wagons bupgtes runa ¬ bouts etc Richmond CarrIage Works tf S L MIDKIFF Prop Come and see the heaviest the best and the most complete Range in the market The Miller You will find plenty ot them that have been in use in this city for fifteen years tf D B Shackelford Co Ntw Bakery The new confectioneiy and bakery at the corner of Hallie Irvine and Or- ange ¬ streets has been opened antI your patronage is solicited Fresh bread fresh cakes fresh vegetables and fresh fishalways on hand Mrs 11 Zeiman Hallie Irvine and Orange st tf From a Cat Scratch on the arm to the worst sort of a burn sore or boil DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is a quick cure In buying Witch Ha ¬ Salve be particular to get DeWitts this is the salve that heals without leaving scar A specific for blind bleeding itching and protruding piles Sold by E C Wines lm 1 D eT 0 FIRM Having the livery business of Lyman Parrish I will continufj the business at the same and invite my friends and the public to call and see me when in need of anything in this line Will make of Etc f and guarantee to please my patrons at all times Successor Lyman parrlctk Cor Thiri Irvine Phone sa KYI = t 4 5 iI t j 2 ILadies qualitypure silk lute lace styles trous black final 19c 25c A Pair This Sale Only Boys extra good stocking medium weight knit extra close from a lmndt visteJ niaco thread regular made Real value 25c very pretty styles of openwork best last black all sizes Real value 3Sc 25cA filllIIisses PairThis Sale Only socks openwork lisle thread in Mack white pink blue and ecru extra good qualities KAUFMNI STRAUS anD CO Kentuckys Great Department Lexington udiontcrI madeI purchased specialty Moving Pianos Furniture Elmer Parrish RICHMOND value3- O0Childrens Hosiery rw THE KentuckyDisk InterchangeableDIskorShoeKY Wake perfect seed beds Insure good stands erea in dry reason The bearings are nar row Give good clearance cant dot and are QUIT PROOF They are as simple as- a fCrUe Last as long as the OPENERSI I made of forged and polished tool steel can be detached In a second as Imoonant as a fn to Cant work BKISJU5QIArRN a zel a l lus Money to Lou I can get you money at 5 per cent in ¬ terest on long time in sums of 1000 or over on your farm property For particulars call on or address W B LETCIIER Jn apr 15 Gino Richmond Ky Farm For Sale One of the best farms in Kentucky on two good pikes I3 miles from rail road station and postoffice Excellent improvements nil in grass well wa- tered Contains 255 acres could be divided Terms extra easy E B ErAs apr 1 tf Red House Ky 6 C11ao of Music CINCINNATII School June 15 to July 31 35 pays for Boardand com- pletely ¬ furnished Room for the entire term Send for Catalog and Summer School circular Address College of Music of Cincinnati Elm Street opp Washington Park Seth Academic Year opens Sept 7 1903 13 may 6t Master Commissioners SIe I PUffOn EquityYVirtue aJ the Madison Circuit Court rendered at the shovestyle Saturday May 23 03 Between the hours of 11 oclock am And 12 Richmond ¬ bidderthe A Lot and Livery Stable inHlchmond Ky and bounded and described as follows Fronting on Irvine street 48 feet thenorth ftwIde TERMS Sale will be made on a credit of viz months The purchaser will be required to paymentofthepurchssemoneytohaye Interestfrom purchasemoney S E SCOTT mayGSt M CM00 Master omlDini url Sale O W Evans Plfl againstNannIe bin Etc DfU Notice of Sale in Equity By virtue of a Judgment and Order of Sale theAprtl cause the undersigned will on Saturday May 23 03 Between the hours of 11 a m sad 12 oclock m at the Ceurt House door in Richmond MaSt ¬ son county Ky proceed to expose to Public foIlowln A Lot of Land Situated on the east side of Laurel street ia ofeetandrnnnlngbackaamewidtb tEyanssubdivialoa prodacethe ordered to be made and the costs hereof TERMS Sale will be made OH a creditor sir month The purchaser will be rtqulr4 to iayet tIIeR property until all thepurchIe paid v S 1E SCOTT yew XCR0c k j LADIES MUSLIN H k < UNDERWEAR = = = Ladies Muslin Skirts cambric and flounce with I foot ruffle etc Ladies Shirts with deep flounce and four row of in ¬ sertion and lace on edge with dust ruffle etc Ladies Skirt deep flounce of alternate perpendicular lace insertion and ducks with lace ruffle to match Ladies Gowns V shaped and square yokes of wide insertion and tuck etc Ladies Chemise style gown low cut circular neck and elbow sleeves neck and sleeves trimmed with hamburg beading and ribbon Ladies Muslin Drawers wide Cambric mile hem ¬ stitched and tucked LadiesDrawers with hamburg ruffle and tucks Ladies Corset Covers in all styles from 25 to 49c99c 99c49c Ladies Drawers 25c99c Space will not permit of my describing one fourth ofreadymade Muslin Uni andfull II a r I ruLIuIutI McKEE TUCKl C- orOWEN Main and First RICHMOND III wC J Watch Found A watch was left at the State Bank Trust Co one day last week Ownw can have same by identifying and pay ing for this notice apr 2J ti SALE OF Valuable Property j ON Tuesdays June 2t 03 rr not sold privately before that slate the undersigned will offer the welt tnovni Fishier and Herring farm for sale on the premises iu Lancaster KT 0 the highest bidder This sale ia inado for the sole purpose of dividing propertyThe consists of 260 acres of high- ly ¬ productive land partly located with ¬ in the limits of the city of Lancaster Ky with a brick residence anti sub ¬ stantial buildings of all kinds necessary to make a home attractive cud comfor ¬ table fronting on Richmond avenue The land lies well is under good fence and in the highest state of cultivation yielding abundant crops of hemp corn tobacco wheat blue grass etc There is no better soil or more valuable prop ¬ erty in Central Kentucky well watered Terms easy and made known by the undersigned who will take pleasure in showing the premises to any one HC HERRING MRS SUSAN FISHER OLD JOE WHISKY Hand made Sour Mash Every drop guaran ¬ teed to be pure It id of old style manu ¬ facture No- BETTER can be found for medicinal pur ¬ poses You want the best Furnished Strictly to Family Trade 10 vear old in jugs 100 per gallon 10I bottles S5 5Ii 41 LIjugs 250 5U Ibottles 31 tl 2I II jugs 210 I Orders promptly filled WILEY SEARCY Prop Old Joe Distillery McBraj er novlyr Anderson county Ky 90c 99c I LLW tsJ 1820 N UpperLexington Ky Extraordinary Dress Goods Offering For This Wee 1000 yards fine imported all wool French Voile and CHIU i tirul even weave and crisp finish in tan gray brown navy n Cuban greene 14in wide Regular i2 goods Special for t > Wool Ore pesSilk and Wool Eolians Silk and V5l Cr L I weekO75Fuute tennis for the Tailored Gown or the Separate Skirt Mark incIJII TI i i per 2Sicilians cardinal and dottil S and 50C vVCU For the Shirt Waist Suit these good hre no d IThe ill FrenchVeihingg 46 inches wjli tht Iightfal of all the summer fabrics In all colors at GSc BLACK GOODS IIt is well known that we have the finest grade of JHadt lJrrI c in any market Every weave that in new in J wine VylOfI > > iK t Efcunines Grenadines Cheviot and Unfinished Worsted Pain l fashionable goods at prices very reasonable Iud SILK BARGAINS 00 yards beautiful styles in Wasn Silks the J5c anaiitv tii < 1 Satin Foulards 24 inches wide COo Checks anr Stripes at c aol J A 24 inch Black raffeta fully guaranteed the fh23 qualit3 jr Outer grades equally reduced Ceile Chine every fashionable shade Sl2i and l Vnaiiv jr 1500 yards reneh Madras Regular 23c and Wit grades Js L WATSON 1 1 820 North Upper LEXINGTON A Few Pacts I Spring is Almost Here You will want new Dress Goods If you will give us a we willshdryou the prettiest line of Shirt Waist Goods conwcteEtamines Ic i A gorgeous assortment of Hamburgs Swisses and Laces Silks until tnere is no end of Silks Give us a call White Uihso Corner Main and Second RICHMOND KENTUCKY ELDERS fBARGAIN STORE L p- I 1S I We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we are again in business and are now daily receiving a full line of Spring Gobds t Prettiest line of i White Goods Ginghams Embroideries j Laces Ribbons Qothing Shoes and Millinerye < j ever shbwn in this city > Call and inspect 6ur line and k convinced that we can save you money > S i L Respectfully Submitted to the cds Tr detj < j LL ELDER j j

Transcript of Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky...

Page 1: Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky Off Your hats off if it isnt our latest new style better take it off and keep

Hats OffYour hats off if it isnt our latest new

style better take it off and keep it off toobad to see such a good looking man undera last seasons hat

An old hat looks suspicious you cantaffprd to go around under suspicionWere ready to put a new uptodate lidon you today

Our shrtsCluett Monarchare doyougoodshirtsgood for your looks your feelings your pocket

Jas S Crutcher < CoMain Street Richmond Ky

1 he Richmond Climaxj

J C OHENAULT PresidentAD MILLHREditor Manager



rUULISHKU EVER ItUNlt nAY RYIfhe Climax PrintingIncorporat-


lION J M BENTONOf Clark County


HON n A CRUTCHEROf Jessamine Ceuaty



TlnnounccmentsFOR JAILER

We are authorizpd to announce F J PER ¬

RINS of Baldwin a candidate for Jailer ofMadison county subject to the action of theDemocratic party

We are authorized to announce D CORIGOSas a candidate for Jailer of Madisogliounty subject to the action of the Demo ¬

cratic partyWe are authorized to announce N B JONES

a candidate for Jailer of Madison County sublid to the action of the Democratic party

LINCOLN county Democrats RaveJesse M Alyerson a majority of sixtytwo in his race for representativeagainst 11 F North It was a hotljcontested fight and Mr Alvereonproves himself a shrewd politician nrhe made the fight entirely on his ownmerits The next representative fromLincoln is a Madison county boy whohIt long since won the confidence andrateein of the citizens of his adopteduouuty and to him the GLiMAextendsheartily congratulations on his victory

ON last Thursday a meeting of theItepiiblican State Central Committeewas held in Louisville anti it was deculed to hold a convention in that cityon July 15 to nominate candidates forState offices The Saturday precedingthis date was named as a time to selectdelegates from each county to attendMid Convention



JUST IN je fl

A Car Load of


SuitsIn Mahogany Walnut Maple

Oak BirchThey are the pick of the Fur¬

niture MarketsRanging in price from I 6 to


VThe design finish and pricewill make this the most talkedabout sale that has ever taken

J place in our city




pro8rCo1you auADWAr





SEVERAL days ago Bookir T vington was in Indianapolis and aShIped at the English Hotel Lateday it vas observed that his room hadnot been straightened not even somuch as his bed being made up Thechambermaid a white girl on beingquestioned as to her neglect of theroom replied that she would not makeup a bed after any negro whereuponshe was discharged

We would like to grasp the hand ofthis whitn girl who refused to cleanthe room occupied by the only negrothat ever dined with a President ofthe United States


Mr It L Jennings who sold out hisstock of goods to Mr Tom Lackey hasreboneht an interest in the store Titoityle of the firm will be Lacky Teniing It is a source of great satisfac ¬

tion to their many friends to know thatMr J uuings and his estimable wileare to remain in our community asthey would be missed should theymove away

The young people of Kirksville arepreparing to give an entertainment atat tins place for the benefit of thePresbyterian church of Kirksville

lhe shadow party given by thevnung Indies of the M E church atValnutta last lhursday was quite an

enjoyable aflatr Everyone who boughti shadow was given a basket and thequeer part of it was the fact that theshadows of the married ladles soldmore teadily than those of the girls519 was rea ized


MJH John Bright and sonof Stanfordare visiting in the family of her fatherDr Ramsey

The ladies of the Associated Reformsupperiningthie young ladles will give a posterparty All are cordially invited andit is hoped quite a crowdwill attend Ias it is for a worthy cause

Mr Jimmie Butner and familymoved to Richmond lust week

Moore Champ are making quite animprovement in their store in the wayof a glass front It will be no troublenow to show off their nice stock ofgoods

The school at High Point conductedby Miss Bettie Francis closed lastweekMrs

Khrohrs school at this placeclosed last week


From the Argent

NowbyhindayA new comer arrived at tbe home of

Overtoil Curry and wife yesterdaymorniug

D K Jeffries and father of Janesville Wisconsin were here Tuesday onbusiness

acconipanied ¬


ping in Lexington FridayThe Falls City is expected here

theIndianaaccident ¬

at the lock Several of his toes were

antIdresssdscoredlourthamined at Versailles recently for aatAnnapolisthe boys and received a mark of 67

lastFridaythePerkinsmotherThesympany ¬

tended the bereaved husbandThe wife of Joseph Perkins a Mexi ¬morning ¬

somotimburying ¬

Late Tuesday afternoon Joseph Den ¬

ny was riding horseback when the horsestepped on a weak board in the bridgeMrDennyover him Mr Denny was unconscioussUfficientlynailey

There is tirec trhjn this sectionofthexountry than all other diseasesPIt together and until the last few

IncurableFornounced it a local disease and prescrib¬constantlyIpronounced it incurable Science hasconstitutionaltreatmentTojeclocure on the market It is taken inter ¬

nally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acts directly on the bloodand mucous surfaces of the syetemanycaseand testimonials

Address f J Cheney Co ToledoHallsFjtily



Jloolutions of Keprrt Presented by the lieuCynic P Burnam Chairman tf theRichmond Bar rAwiilant Secretaryof United States Treasury under Presi-dent Grant JJembrr CvnttitnlionalCcmrwi < H>n of Kentucky State SenatorTwentyninth Ditlrkl Oldest LivingMember Richmond Bar

A meeting of the local bar was heldat the court house Saturday afternoonto pay a tribute to the memory of Sen-ator John Bennett and express theappreciation and high esteem in whichMrBennett was held by his associatesa committee composed of Senator JusC McUreary C H Breck W BSmith Jas W Caperton C F Burnam and J A Sullivan had been ap ¬

pointed to draft suitable resolutionsconcerning the death of Mr Bennettand their report was made to the baiby the chairman Major Burnam Thespeeches made by various memberswere all the more impressive becausethose present knew that every wordspoken was the truth and the memoryof Mr Bennett richly merited any tribate paid

The following memorial reportedby the committee above mentionedwas adopted and8pon motion was or-

dered published in the local papersThe members of tho bar and officers

ot the Madison county courts pay thistriuute to the memory of Hon JohnBennett who after a long illness diedin this town on the 14th day of MayA D 1903

He was born in Madison county inMarch 1837 being the second son ofSamuel and Elizabeth Cbenanlt Bon¬

nett was thus on the paternal and ma-


side descended from familieswidely known and who Illustrated thehighest and best types of our citizen ¬

shipAlteratitnespent at college anti in

the clerks office of the Madison coun ¬

ty courts he obtaintd license to prac-tice


law and was admitted to the barin 1859 became County Attorney andcontinued in the practice of his pro ¬

fession chiefly in the courts ot MadisonEstill and Owsley and the Court oiAppeals until about two years agowhen his health broke down

He was long associated with WilliamChenault Esq and was at all timescourteous to his brothers in the Bartrue to his clients and respectful to thbcourts and was in all these relationsesteemed and indeed greatly belovedTwice during his life he was elected byhis fellow citizens to full terms of fouryears each In the Senate of Kentuckyand by his ability integrity and faithful service in eudeavoriux to securethe welfare of his immediate constitu ¬

ents and of the whole Commonwealthcommanded the esteem and confident oof political friends and foes alikeEvery impulse of John Bennett wasfor what is right every promise madeby him to his brethren of the Bar wasreligiously kept and be at all timessquared his professional life by thetrue ethics of the profession and forthese ennobling qualities his survivingbrothers all loved him and will longtreasure the memory of their inter ¬

course with himMr 3ennett had in our social and

business circles the highest rank Hewas the Commissioner of Kentucky atthe Worlds ir held at Chicago liewas long President of the FarmersNational Bank lIe was notonly anadvocate of but a generous contribu-tor to those educational and internalimprovement interests which were or¬

ganized in Madison county for its civ ¬

ilization and its onward progress oftenat the cost of personal sacrifice andpecuniary loss Mr Bennett held tothe sense of duty so beautifully ex ¬

pressed by Daniel Webster with con ¬

science satisfied with the discharge ofduty no consequences can harm UP

This sense of duty is omnipresent per-formed


or violated it remains with usfor our happiness or misery to pain usif violated and to console uf if Cud hasgiven us grace to perform it

It will be a pleasant recollection toall to know that in lis last illnesswhen he felt that his end was drawingnigh hv publicly professed his faith inChristianity and received the Ordi ¬

nances of the Methodist church andthat he passed peacefully to his restand in themeridanofhiB lifewaSBTnnmoned to his Master


ChairmanJAMES B BoSir


ZThe little Mission hand of theFirst Presbyterian church will serverefreshments on the larn of Dr WH Dodge Saturday afternoon A8tdff 0


The Little Georgia Magnet

Miss Annie Nay Abbott known astho little Georgia Magnet will be theattraction at the Grand Opera HouseFriday night May 22 Thisyoung ladyIs gifted with a remarkable power andall over the world her exhibitions havecreated considerable astonishmentamongst not only the general publicbut also the scientific men as theirtestimonials plainly show Her exhi¬

bition of magnetism or whatever forceso employed can be called is as noveland interesting as it is mysterious andunassailable Miss Abbotts power ofbeing able to successfully resist theefforts of 0 or 10 men to lift her and ofeven a greater number to rush herngalnst a wall is a fact apt to shakeones belief in the assertion about oc¬

cultism and the like being all moontfbine and to make a profound impresslon upon the most sceptical Person ¬

ally Miss Abbott is of slight build andtherefore it is easy to believe the statement that she uses no muscular forceEverything is done by tbe exertion ot apower which Miss Abbott herself can ¬

not explain all she is Aware ol beingthat she hasgot it

In order to prove tho entire absenceof any muscular effort on Miss Abbottspart members ot tile committee are aways asked to place their hands bet-

ween hers and the subject Prices25 35 and 50 cents Seat on sale atWines drug store


Be it ordained by the City Council ofRichmond Ky that it shall be unlaw ¬

ful for any person or persons to engagein any game of ball bandy or othersimilar game in the City of Richmondupon the Sabbath day Any person EO

offending shall be punisliedby a fine offrom 1 to 10 for each offense

Attest D R Tevis Mayor-A C Wells City Clerk

May 20 1903

We have never shown a larger stockof Carryalls Surries Buggies and runabouts than we now have on display inour show room It will pay you toexamine them before buying Wealso do repairing and rejoining in bestmanners At moderate prices The bestrubber tire npplyed and guaranteedfor one year Call and see us

Richmond Carriage Workstf S L MIDKIFF Prop

Buy you girl a shower sticktf L E Lane


WHEREAS The Great Spirit ofthe universe in his infinite wis-dom


has seen fit to take from ourhunting grounds to better midhappier hunting grounds aboveon the third sleep of Flower MoonOK S D 412 our Brother RobertFully Therefore bo it

HKSOIVED That while we mournthe loss of our departed brotherwe bow in humble submission tothe Great Spirit above who doethall things well-

RESOLVED That wo tender oursympathy to the bereaved parentsand his sster in this their sadhour of affliction

RESOLVED That a copy of thoseresolutions ue presented to hisparents and his sister and a copybe spread on the minutes of thetribe and a copy be sent the citypapers here for publication


Confederate Decoration Day WednesdayJune 3 at 10 a m

We realize the great truth thata people without the memories ofheroic suffering and sacrifices are-a people without a history

To cherrish such memories andrecall such a past we gather an ¬

nually to place flowers upon thegraves of our Confederate deadWe ask all the people to meetwith us and participate in thedecorationThe

committees havebeen named to aid in makingplans and arrangements

Committee on ArrangementsJoe Collins C D Puttte J PressBeattyCommittoo

on AddressesRW Miller J Talbott Jackson TT Covington

Committee on FlowersMessrs-Joe T Jonos Dr W UjOldhauiJoe Maupin 0 W Cosby IrvineAzbill Chas Y Jackson JoPortwood In Scudder JamesHiighley Sid Knnatzer CharleyJenkins Josiah Simmons Mes-

dames Joe Ohlham Chas SearcyW H Dodge Anderson ChenaultMaria Lynn David ChenaultThos E Baldwin I James TribbleR R Bnrnams S L MidkiffMisses Walker Bottle 15 reckMary Tribble Merriette JonesMary Lee Colyer Annie McKeeLena Beatty

Committee on Music Mrs WS Oldlmm Chairman



Commanders of CampsJ M POYNTZ

Cluif Marshal

+ +++++++ t+++++ ++ +

1 SPECIAL I 1++++++++++Dont orget to see that swell line of

wall paper shown by Perry Thomas

Remember that dainty Majesticlunch next week at Arbucklo Sim-


Everybody invited

Bad blood and indigestion are deadlyenemies to good health Burdock BloodBitters destroys them 1m

Among the enterprising merchantsof Richmond that are paying especialattention to quality is the firm of Frn3a Bros They carry goods of recog ¬

nized standard in all lines1 and in cof ¬

fee they carry Blankes Faust Blendthe best on earth or anywhere else tf

Dan H Breck will insure your cityor country property against fire light-ning and cyclones Office in Oldhambuilding apr 8 lOt

The Miller Range people tell us ifI customer telephones us they tZb notlike the Miller Range for ne to tend awagon for it and refund the money forthey are guaranteed from end to end tf I

D B > Shackelford Co I

Neglected colds make lat graveyardshelpsmenold age lmThe Richmond Carriage Works

S L Midkiff Proprietor calls your at-tention to lila spring stock of carryallssurries boggles etc They have nev ¬

er shown a larger stock or betlerstylepAlso builders of delivery wagons ofall kinds Repairing repainting ofbuggies wagons etc a specialty bestwork and lowest prices All rubbertires guaranteed for one year

Richmond Carriage WortstfL Mwwr Propc <

YOT OIis directed to the class of Fresh and Cured Meatscarried by the Main street but hersrlhemail or ¬

der business of this firm has growh to such propor ¬

tions that we are now making a specialty of ourWholesale Department Our constant endeavor isto il ase our patrons and to do this we slaughteronly the best cattle sheep and hogs that can be pro ¬

cured Our stock of Cured Meats is purchasedwith the greatest care and has always given perfectsatisfaction We carry Vegetables Fish and Oysters in seasons

We also wish to purchase your Hides TallowButter Eggs and other Produce and guarantee inevery instance to pay the highest prices the marketaffords Give us a trial and we will prove our sin ¬

eeriLy to serve you promptly and reliably

Douglas CultonWholesale and Retail Butchers Richmond Ky

Summer HosieryBeing direct importers paying no middle profits we are ablo to giveour customers the most modest prices In hosiery Another advantageIB that we always have the very latest stylesa very great coDsideraticnts the styles change as often In hosiery an in millinery

tj Bargain Sale For This Week

35cA PaIrThis Sale Onlyextra fine light weight

drop stitch lisle thread hose Hermsdorfblack Rembrandt Richelieu and nar¬

row styles of drop stitch Realjvalue 50c




PairTills Sale Onlyplain fast black gauze

lisle thread double soles and highspliced heels Real value 35c

PaIrThis Sale Onlysuperb lace openwork

hose all over an 1 ankle styles terTBlylesfrom which to select all fast blacksReal value 75c

PairThis Sale Onlyelegantly silk embroid ¬

ered openwork lisle thread hose invery choice designs Aeplendid varie-ty


for selection neal value 100

Central Store

U and 14 W Main St Ky





a loose

Majestic Ranges IArbuckle Simmons

Dan II Breck Fire Life and Accident Insurance Office in Oldhambuilding apr8 lOt

For the styles iu wall paper seePerry Thomas


My services as an auctioneer can besecured by leaving word at the StateBank Trust Company or by

writinSIT Th

nililS tf Tenill ivy

Inspection Costs Nothing

Come in when you are assing ourstore nevor mind whether you thinkyou want to tiny anything or not Youmay be wrong we may have something

youjvaut extremely At any rate vealways have something new and inter-



to show and inspection coStsnothing tf L E LANE

35 Majestic Ranges sold in the last10 months from the times wo put-

out the first one Every one we havesold has helped to sell others Calland examine it and we think wo canprove to you this is the only perfectRange

feb 2i 4m Arbuckle Simmons

Now is the time to look over yourvehicle and have them put in orderfor the coming season We make aspecalty of fine repair work and em-



nothing but the best workmenCall and see us before going elsewhereEstimates made if required We alsohave on hand complete line of uptodate station wagons bupgtes runa ¬

bouts etc Richmond CarrIage Workstf S L MIDKIFF Prop

Come and see the heaviest thebest and the most complete Range inthe market The Miller You will findplenty ot them that have been in usein this city for fifteen years tf

D B Shackelford Co

Ntw Bakery

The new confectioneiy and bakeryat the corner of Hallie Irvine and Or-


streets has been opened antI yourpatronage is solicited Fresh breadfresh cakes fresh vegetables and freshfishalways on hand Mrs 11 ZeimanHallie Irvine and Orange st tf

From a Cat Scratchon the arm to the worst sort of a burnsore or boil DeWitts Witch Hazel Salveis a quick cure In buying Witch Ha ¬

Salve be particular to get DeWittsthis is the salve that heals withoutleaving scar A specific for blindbleeding itching and protruding pilesSold by E C Wines lm

1 D eT0


Having the liverybusiness of Lyman ParrishI will continufj the businessat the same and invitemy friends and the public tocall and see me when in needof anything in this line Willmake of


and guarantee to please mypatrons at all times

Successor Lyman parrlctkCor Thiri Irvine Phone sa

KYI= t 4 5 iI t j

2 ILadiesqualitypure silk lute lace stylestrous black final



A Pair This Sale OnlyBoys extra good stocking

medium weight knit extra close froma lmndt visteJ niaco thread regularmade Real value 25c

very pretty styles of openwork best lastblack all sizes Real value 3Sc


filllIIissesPairThis Sale Only

socks openworklisle thread in Mack white pink blueand ecru extra good qualities


Kentuckys Great Department






Moving Pianos


Elmer Parrish



O0Childrens Hosiery

rw THE

KentuckyDiskInterchangeableDIskorShoeKYWake perfect seed beds Insure good standserea in dry reason The bearings are narrow Give good clearance cant dot andare QUIT PROOF They are as simple as-a fCrUe Last as long as the

OPENERSII made of forged and polished tool steel canbe detached In a second as Imoonant as a

fn to Cant workBKISJU5QIArRN






Money to Lou

I can get you money at 5 per cent in ¬

terest on long time in sums of 1000or over on your farm property Forparticulars call on or address

W B LETCIIER Jnapr 15 Gino Richmond Ky

Farm For SaleOne of the best farms in Kentucky

on two good pikes I3 miles from railroad station and postoffice Excellentimprovements nil in grass well wa-

tered Contains 255 acres could bedivided Terms extra easy

E B ErAsapr 1 tf Red House Ky

6C11ao of Music


June 15 to July 31

35 pays for Boardand com-pletely


furnished Room for theentire termSend for Catalog and Summer School circular


College of Music of CincinnatiElm Street opp Washington Park

Seth Academic Year opens Sept 7 190313 may 6t

Master Commissioners SIeI PUffOnEquityYVirtue

aJ the Madison Circuit Court rendered at theshovestyleSaturday May 23 03Between the hours of 11 oclock a m And 12Richmond ¬

biddertheA Lot and Livery StableinHlchmond Ky and bounded and describedas follows Fronting on Irvine street 48 feetthenorthftwIdeTERMS Sale will be made on a credit of vizmonths The purchaser will be required topaymentofthepurchssemoneytohaye

InterestfrompurchasemoneyS E SCOTT

mayGSt M CM00

Master omlDini url Sale

O W Evans PlflagainstNannIe bin Etc DfU

Notice of Sale in EquityBy virtue of a Judgment and Order of SaletheAprtlcause the undersigned will on

Saturday May 23 03Between the hours of 11 a m sad 12 oclock mat the Ceurt House door in Richmond MaSt¬

son county Ky proceed to expose to PublicfoIlowlnA Lot of LandSituated on the east side of Laurel street iaofeetandrnnnlngbackaamewidtbtEyanssubdivialoaprodacetheordered to be made and the costs hereof

TERMS Sale will be made OH a creditor sirmonth The purchaser will be rtqulr4 toiayettIIeRproperty until all thepurchIe paidv S1E SCOTT

yew XCR0ck j


H k


Ladies Muslin Skirts cambric and flounce withI

foot ruffle etcLadies Shirts with deep flounce and four row of in ¬

sertion and lace on edge with dust ruffle etcLadies Skirt deep flounce of alternate perpendicular

lace insertion and ducks with lace ruffle to matchLadies Gowns V shaped and square yokes of wide

insertion and tuck etcLadies Chemise style gown low cut circular neck

and elbow sleeves neck and sleeves trimmedwith hamburg beading and ribbon

Ladies Muslin Drawers wide Cambric mile hem ¬

stitched and tuckedLadiesDrawers with hamburg ruffle and tucks

Ladies Corset Covers in all styles from 25 to



Ladies Drawers25c99c

Space will not permit of my describing one fourth ofreadymade Muslin UniandfullII a r




Main and First RICHMOND


Watch Found

A watch was left at the State BankTrust Co one day last week Ownw

can have same by identifying and paying for this notice apr 2J ti


Valuable Property j


Tuesdays June 2t 03rr not sold privately before that slatethe undersigned will offer the welttnovni Fishier and Herring farm forsale on the premises iu Lancaster KT0 the highest bidder This sale ia

inado for the sole purpose of dividingpropertyThe

consists of 260 acres of high-ly


productive land partly located with ¬in the limits of the city of LancasterKy with a brick residence anti sub ¬

stantial buildings of all kinds necessaryto make a home attractive cud comfor ¬table fronting on Richmond avenueThe land lies well is under good fenceand in the highest state of cultivationyielding abundant crops of hemp corntobacco wheat blue grass etc Thereis no better soil or more valuable prop ¬

erty in Central Kentuckywell watered Terms easy and madeknown by the undersigned who willtake pleasure in showing the premisesto any one



Hand made Sour MashEvery drop guaran ¬

teed to be pure It idof old style manu ¬

facture No-

BETTERcan be found

for medicinal pur¬poses You want the

best Furnished Strictly toFamily Trade

10 vear old in jugs 100 per gallon10I bottles S55Ii 41 LIjugs 2505U Ibottles 31 tl

2I II jugs 210 I

Orders promptly filled

WILEY SEARCY PropOld Joe Distillery

McBraj ernovlyr Anderson county Ky




LLW tsJ1820 N UpperLexington Ky

Extraordinary Dress Goods Offering For This Wee1000 yards fine imported all wool French Voile and CHIU itirul even weave and crisp finish in tan gray brown navy nCuban greene 14in wide Regular i2 goods Special for t >Wool Ore pesSilk and Wool Eolians Silk and V5l Cr L IweekO75Fuutetennis for the Tailored Gown or the Separate Skirt


TI i

i per 2Sicilians cardinal and dottil S and50C vVCU For the Shirt Waist Suit these good hre nod

IThe ill FrenchVeihingg 46 inches wjli thtIightfal of all the summer fabrics In all colors at GSc

BLACK GOODSIIt is well known that we have the finest grade of JHadt lJrrI cin any market Every weave that innewin J wine VylOfI > > iK tEfcunines Grenadines Cheviot and Unfinished Worsted Pain lfashionable goods at prices very reasonableIud SILK BARGAINS00 yards beautiful styles in Wasn Silks the J5c anaiitv tii < 1Satin Foulards 24 inches wide COo Checks anr Stripes at c aolJ A 24 inch Black raffeta fully guaranteed the fh23 qualit3 jrOuter grades equally reducedCeile Chine every fashionable shade Sl2i and l Vnaiiv jr1500 yards reneh Madras Regular 23c and Wit grades

Js L WATSON1 1 820 North Upper LEXINGTON

A Few PactsI Spring is Almost Here

You will want new Dress Goods If you will give us a

we willshdryou the prettiest line of

Shirt Waist Goods

conwcteEtamines Ic

iA gorgeous assortment of Hamburgs Swisses and Laces

Silks until tnere is no end of Silks Give us a call

White UihsoCorner Main and Second





We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we are

again in business and are now daily receiving a full line of

Spring Gobds t Prettiest line ofi

White Goods Ginghams Embroideries j

Laces Ribbons Qothing Shoes and

Millinerye < j

ever shbwn in this city> Call and inspect 6ur line and kconvinced that we can save you money >


LRespectfully Submitted to the cds Trdetj<