RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following...


Transcript of RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following...

Page 1: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of



Page 2: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Richard Irwin Meyer was born on April 9th

1950 in Yakima, Washington. He was graduated from

high school after completing a two year program

for young gifted artists. He attended Yakima Valley

Junior College and Central Washing State College

majoring in fine art and art history following high

school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine

Art in Vermont, summers of 1969 and 1970, with the

second year on full scholarship.

Richard Irwin Meyer He moved to New York in 1970 sharing a studio

with Gandy Brodie and working as the studio assistant

of Elaine de Kooning. He took a job in the publications

department of the Museum Of Modern Art, New York

city, through1975 and stopped painting in 1976. He

pursued an acting career in film and theater through

1980. He opened a gallery specializing in African art

in 1980 and returned to painting in 2005 - 2014 in New

York and Petitenget, Bali. He moved to continuing his

painting at Yogyakarta in 2015 until today.

Page 3: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Solo Exhibitions (selected)2018 Puri Art Gallery, Jakarta

2014 NalaRoepa Art Space, Yogyakarta

2012 Brian Kenner Gallery, New York

Group Exhibitions (selected)2012 Gaya Art Space, Ubud

1973 Byron Gallery, New York

1972 Grey Art Gallery, New York

1972 Spitzenberg Gallery, Seattle

1971 Bellvue Art Fair, Seattle

1970 Newfane Gallery, Newfane-Vermont

Academic Lecture2013 ‘Originality and the New York School’ at Galeri Soemardja, Bandung, Indonesia.

Press Documentation in Indonesia:


Sarasvati Majalah/online



Page 4: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Abstraksi sebagai metodologi dalam praktik

seni seniman Indonesia saat ini bisa dikatakan

sebagai konsep yang unik. Metode itu disajikan

dengan menggabungkan lukisan, penggambaran dan

pengarsipan citra - memang wacana medium yang

juga dianggap penting saat ini. Representasi gagasan

dengan metode abstraksi ini lebih rinci dalam produksi

bahasa artistiknya. Praktik seni dalam kategori ini

muncul di antara arus utama bahasa representasi

yang ilustratif - melalui figur-figur representasional,

seperti komik-komik di dalam lukisan.

Abstraction as a methodology in the art practice

of Indonesian artists today can say as a unique

concept. That method were presented by combining

the painterly painting, drawing and appropriation

of imagery - indeed the discourse of medium also

considered to be important today. The representation

of ideas with this method of abstraction is more

detailed in the production of its artistic languages.

The art practice in this category reemerges among

the mainstream of the illustrative language of

representation – through representational figures,

such as comics in the paintings.

“The Intimate Colors on Richard Irwin Meyer


“Warna-Warna Intim dalam Lukisan Richard Irwin Meyer

~Argus FS, Curator

Page 5: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Karya yang dia hasilkan ketika hidup di selatan

Bali dan Yogyakarta merupakan abstraksi dari budaya

orang Bali dan Yogyakarta. Dia menggunakan metode

abstraksi baru di seluruh ekosistem produksi bahasa

seninya. Dia menggunakan cat akrilik di atas kertas,

plastik, karet, kanvas, dan medium lainnya. Gagasan

karyanya pun banyak terlahir dari situasi sosial

masyarakat urban juga geo—kulture Indonesia.

Sampai suatu ketika ia tertarik dengan masalah

warna dan reaksi kimia cat akrilik. Dengan demikian,

pembacaan lukisan Richard Irwin Meyer dapat

dihubungkan kembali pada pencapaian nilai-nilai

dari seniman abstract expressionist sebagai referensi

sejarah. Richard menggunakan eksplorasi bentuk dan

esensi dari pesanan estetika yang dibangun oleh

wacana material. Mencari tesis ekspresinya dalam

ranah seni kontemporer Indonesia dari prosesnya.

Tidak ada lagi yang berbicara tentang fungsi material

sebagai struktur bahasa. Dia melihat sesuatu di luar

permukaan cat.

What he produce when he was working in

southern Bali and Yogyakarta were the abstraction of

the Balinese culture and Yogyakarta as well. He use

a new abstraction method in the entire production

ecosystem of his artistic language. He uses acrylic

paint on paper, plastic, rubber, canvas, and so on. The

idea of his work was much born from the situations

also the social field of both urban communities in

Indonesia and the geo-culture.

Until then he was interested in color issues and

chemical reactions of the acrylic paints. Thus, the

reading of Richard Irwin Meyer’s painting can be

reconnected to the values of abstract expressionist

artists as the historical references. Richard use

the exploration of forms and the essence of the

orders of aesthetic who constructed by material

discourse. Seeking its expression thesis in the realm

of Indonesian contemporary art from the process.

There is no longer speaks about material function

as astructure of language. He is looking something

beyond the surfaces of paints.

Page 6: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Karya-karya Richard Irwin Meyer dinyatakan dalam

dunia wacana lukisan baru di mana ia belajar dari sejarah

seni modern yang telah berlangsung selama periode

pasca-Dunia II di kota New York. Sebagai seniman yang

tinggal di antara gerakan post-abstract expressionist

dan dunia seni kontemporer, Richard Irwin Meyer masih

mencari tatanan baru pencapaian artistik dalam seni

kontemporer saat ini melalui sudut pandang pribadinya.

Jadi, lukisannya sudah melampaui bahasa yang

dikembangkan oleh seniman abstract expressionist,

karena yang sedang dia kerjakan sekarang adalah

pengembangan metode abstraksi terbaru di ranah seni

rupa kontemporer.

Richard Irwin Meyer’s artworks are stated in the

world of new painting discourse in which he learn

from the history of modern art who has taken place

during the post-World Word II periods in New York

city. As an artists who live in between the post-abstract

expressionist movement and contemporary art world,

Richard Irwin Meyer is still looking for new order of

artistic achievements in the contemporary art today

through his personal point of view. So, his paintings have

been moved away from the language who developed

by the abstract expressionist artists, because what he

is working by now is develop the newest abstraction

method in contemprary art world.

Page 7: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

His paintings also do not embed narratives as

commonly found in works of art in the archipelago.

The subject matter of his paintings are answering the

question; how a certain types of acrylic paints and

the medium on his hand used to build non-narrative

abstraction. Therefore, the material of paintings

becomes very important rather than the story behind

the drawing. Indeed, his drawing constructed by the

spontaneous composition of the lines and the colored

field. He is believe that the pigment colors will telling

you more about paintings. Richard Irwin Meyer also uses

additional material that is often mixed on acrylic paints.

He observes the chemical process of elaborating the

intermediate in the field of canvas or rubber as well as

paper and other medium.

Lukisannya juga tidak menyertakan narasi seperti

yang biasa ditemukan dalam karya seni di Nusantara.

Pokok soal dalam lukisannya menjawab pertanyaan;

bagaimana beberapa jenis cat akrilik dan medium di

tangannya digunakan untuk membangun abstraksi

non-naratif. Karena itu, bahan lukisan menjadi sangat

penting ketimbang cerita dibalik gambar. Memang,

gambarnya dibuat oleh komposisi garis dan bidang

berwarna yang spontan. Dia yakin bahwa warna

pigmen akan memberi tahu Anda lebih banyak tentang

lukisan. Richard Irwin Meyer juga menggunakan bahan

tambahan yang sering dicampur pada cat akrilik. Dia

mengamati proses kimia untuk menguraikan bidang

antara di kanvas atau karet dan kertas serta medium


Page 8: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

We can learn that his creative process is lays

down on the originality and organic works. He refuses

to produce a kind of ‘visual revision’ or appropriation

forms which taken from works who has been collected

by art museums. He is thinking about what would

happen tomorrow in the world of painting. He said,

that the identity of an artist is viewed from an authentic,

organic and original work which coming from the

intimate process through the colors.

There are interesting and important works from

his hand since he moved to Yogyakarta in 2015. His

turning point to the new abstraction marked by his one

man show at Yogyakarta in 2014. Then, the art collectors

can see and learn how his paintingscontribute into the

world of contemporary art – the abstraction of both

Indonesian culture and nature - while he attach the

humanistic values of Asian society as the content of

his works.

Kita dapat melihat bahwa proses kreatifnya

mengarah pada orisinalitas dan karya-karya organik.

Dia menolak untuk menghasilkan semacam ‘revisi

visual’ atau bentuk apropriasi yang diambil dari karya-

karya yang telah dikumpulkan oleh museum seni. Dia

sedang memikirkan apa yang akan terjadi besok di

dunia lukis. Katanya, identitas artis dilihat dari karya

asli, organik dan orisinil yang berasal dari proses intim.

Ada karya-karya yang menarik dan penting dari

tangannya sejak ia pindah ke Yogyakarta pada tahun

2015. Titik baliknya pada abstraksi baru yang ditandai

oleh pameran tunggalnya di Yogyakarta pada tahun

2014. Kemudian, para kolektor seni dapat melihat dan

belajar bagaimana lukisannya serupa warna-warna

intim yang berkontribusi ke dalam dunia seni rupa

kontemporer - abstraksi budaya dan alam Indonesia –

ketika ia menyertakan nilai-nilai humanistik masyarakat

Asia sebagai konten karya-karyanya.

Page 9: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Karya-karya terakhir dari Richard Irwin Meyer

juga lebih penting untuk menyimak bagaimana

ia selalu bergerak ke ranah rasa yang baru serta

wacana bahasa rupa melalui lukisan-lukisannya.

Bukan perbincangan pada soal bentuk. Lukisannya

yang terakhir ini bicara mengenai waktu dan ruang di

mana cat-cat akrilik berinteraksi di atas permukaan

mediumnya. Pameran “Intimate Colors” dapat

dikatakan sebuah pernyataan artistik, bagaimana

cat akrilik itu bergerak menjadi sebuah lukisan.

Warna interference (gangguan) boleh jadi kata kunci

untuk mengamati lukisannya secara langsung, lalu,

seseorang akan menemukan di mana ruang dan rasa

itu hadir pada setiap lapisannya.***

The recent works from Richard Irwin Meyer are

more important to see how he always moving into

new feeling and visual art discourse through his

paintings. It not about form anymore. It is all about

time and space where acrylic paints intearct each

other upon the medium. This “Intimate Colors”

exhibition can say as the artistic statement in which

he present what is colors on acrylic paints gone to be

a painting. Interference colors might be the keyword

to see his painting in person then one would found

the space who attaching the time and feeling on

each layers.***

Page 10: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Full Moon201060 x 50 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 11: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Green Moon201051 x 58 cmAcrylic On Wood

Page 12: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Slate Sky201057 x 50 cmAcrylic On Wood

Page 13: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Silver Calligraphy2014

69 x 50 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Slate Sky201057 x 50 cmAcrylic On Wood

Page 14: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Belukar, Semak-Semak2015

150 x 100 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 15: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Berkilat - Kilat201560 x 40 cmAcrylic On Canvas

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80 x 100 cmAcrylic On CanvasJeruk

201660 x 40 cmAcrylic On Canvas

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80 x 100 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 18: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Gigit2017150 x 100 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 19: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Ultra Ungu201560 x 60 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 20: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Kepandaian Menyajikan2015

60x60 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Rasa Terpesona201550 x 50 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 21: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Kepandaian Menyajikan2015

60x60 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 22: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Lamunan201760 x 60 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 23: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Empat Persegi, 2016, 80 x 100 cm, Acrylic On Canvas

Page 24: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Tanpa Bobot2015

56 x 38 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 25: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Sifat Berapi - Api201580 x 100 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 26: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Flexion201361 x 46 cmAcrylic On Architect Film

Page 27: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Staging Effects 201450 x 39,7 cmAcrylic On Canvas

Page 28: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Alam Mimpi2017

80 x 100 cm Acrylic on canvas

Page 29: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of


90 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

Page 30: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Dari Zaman Dahulu2015

80 x 100 cm Acrylic on canvas

Page 31: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Dunia Saya2016

80 x 100 cm Acrylic on canvas

Page 32: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Genit2017100 x 70 cm Acrylic on canvas

Page 33: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Gerak Isyarat2016

100 x 70cm Acrylic on canvas

Page 34: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Hembusan Angin2016

80 x 100 cm Acrylic on canvas

Page 35: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Kandang2016100 x 80 cmAcrylic on canvas

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99,5 x 150 cmAcrylic on canvas

Page 37: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Kemungkinan2016100 x 100 cmAcrylic on canvas

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60 x 120 cmAcrylic on canvas

Page 39: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of


70 x 100 cmAcrylic on canvas

Page 40: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of


100 x 150 cmAcrylic on canvas

Page 41: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Obat Merah2016

70,3 x 100,3 cm Acrylic on canvas

Page 42: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Obat Penawar2016100 x 80 cmAcrylic on canvas

Page 43: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Sifat Berapi-api2015

80 x 100 cmAcrylic on canvas

Page 44: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Sifat Tembus201770 x 100 cmAcrylic on canvas

Page 45: RICHARD IRWIN MEYER THE INTIMATE COLORS - … · majoring in fine art and art history following high school. He attended Gandy Brodie School of Fine ... department of the Museum Of

Dr. Rudy SalahuddinDeputy Minister for Creative Economy, Entrepreneurship,

and Cooperatives & SMEs Competitiveness

Hans SusantioDella WirajaDino V. PrayogaEdi WirmanArgus FSArkaArts ManagementCPM Building ManagementRegistry

For more info:ph. 0856 874 6645 / 0812 947 888 91e. [email protected]

Special acknowledgement to_:

media partner:

Design:Puri Art GalleryPhotography:

Courtesy of the artist and Artlinked IndonesiaCurator:Argus FS

in collaborations:

arkaarts management