RFP High School High Tech

1 Request for Proposals 09-1 Florida High School/High Tech This RFP is for continuation of an operational or fully developed HS/HT site; funded by The Able Trust or other 501c3 funds. Date of Issuance: June 1, 2008 Proposal Deadline: July 8, 2008; 5 PM This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being issued by The Able Trust and is aimed at existing Florida not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, associations and agencies that provide Florida citizens with disabilities with employment and education related services. Purpose: The purpose of this RFP is to assist an existing High School / High Tech (HS/HT) Program to provide a transition program to motivate and prepare high school students with disabilities for college, jobs and careers. The goal of HS/HT is to reduce the dropout rate of youth with disabilities, increase their enrollment in college and improve participation in education / vocational / employment related activities. This goal is accomplished through a comprehensive program providing, but not limited to, career counseling, coursework counseling, college visits, internships, mentoring with professionals, corporate site visits, family support, leadership training and job shadowing providing exposure to technology for Florida students with disabilities in high school. The GOAL of this funding is for CONTINUATION ONLY to provide step-down funding to the HS/HT program while the program is gaining independent funding for the future of their program. Definitions: Continuation of HS/HT program : any operational or fully developed HS/HT program in existence during 2007-2008 school year is eligible for consideration of this funding. Geographical Scope: All counties in the state of Florida are eligible, where an operational or fully developed HS/HT program was in existence during 2007-2008 school year.



Transcript of RFP High School High Tech

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Request for Proposals 09-1

Florida High School/High Tech

This RFP is for continuation of an operational or fully developed HS/HT site; funded by The Able Trust or other

501c3 funds.

Date of Issuance: June 1, 2008 Proposal Deadline: July 8, 2008; 5 PM

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is being issued by The Able Trust and is aimed at existing Florida not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations, associations and agencies that provide Florida citizens with disabilities with employment and education related services.

Purpose: The purpose of this RFP is to assist an existing High School / High Tech (HS/HT) Program to provide a transition program to motivate and prepare high school students with disabilities for college, jobs and careers. The goal of HS/HT is to reduce the dropout rate of youth with disabilities, increase their enrollment in college and improve participation in education / vocational / employment related activities. This goal is accomplished through a comprehensive program providing, but not limited to, career counseling, coursework counseling, college visits, internships, mentoring with professionals, corporate site visits, family support, leadership training and job shadowing providing exposure to technology for Florida students with disabilities in high school. The GOAL of this funding is for CONTINUATION ONLY to provide step-down funding to the HS/HT program while the program is gaining independent funding for the future of their program.

Definitions: Continuation of HS/HT program: any operational or fully developed HS/HT program in existence during 2007-2008 school year is eligible for consideration of this funding.

Geographical Scope: All counties in the state of Florida are eligible, where an operational or fully developed HS/HT program was in existence during 2007-2008 school year.

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Types of Disabilities Served: HS/HT programs will serve students with all disabilities. It is a goal of HS/HT to have students with a mixture of disabilities interacting with each other within the group activities of the program. As such, it is expected that each project will actively reach out to diverse student disabilities and actively solicit them to join the program, and that the program will not be dominated by any one disability. Students will have the opportunity to become clients of Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) or Division of Blind Services (DBS) during the grant year, and apply for any other services for which they are eligible.

Age Served: It is expected that the projects will serve High School students with disabilities and that within the grant year at least 80% of seniors served will graduate from High School.

Amount of Assistance: It is anticipated that approved HS/HT programs will receive continuation funding in the amount not exceeding $20,000. Funding is not automatic and some applications may be declined.

Eligibility Criteria: Any established, Florida based, nonprofit corporation, agency, organization or association that has been granted exemption from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Tax Code is eligible to submit a proposal for review.

Contract Service Dates: The awarded contracts will be from August 1, 2008 until the 31st of July 2009. This RFP is for continuation funding for existing HS/HT programs only. The State Coordinator will work in collaboration with the organization to research potential future funding sources and establish a plan of future funding for the projects, as The Able Trust is not a source of continual funding.

Program Requirements: HS/HT is supported by U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy in several states across the nation. Its purpose is to encourage students to pursue careers in the technical fields of science, mathematics, engineering and technology, but does not exclude other professional careers or artistic experience. Each HS/HT program will be similar in terms of goals, but will vary depending upon the types and nature of technology and resources available in that particular community / geographic region. A general description of the HS/HT program would include:

• Motivate students with disabilities in grades 9-12 (age 14 - 22) to pursue their interest and potential in science, math, engineering or technology related careers

• Encourage those interested in technology related careers to aim for training/college and degrees in their chosen field

• Provide students with appropriate college and career planning information and guidance

• Provide employers with a potential source of educated, qualified employees.

• Provide a peer-mentoring program to students who have completed high school and are entering college or a university

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Specific Learning experiences would be provided including, but not limited to:

• College and University visits – either campus visits or recruiter-led classroom presentations discussing the post secondary education experience and resources of the educational facility

• Corporate site visits - laboratories, manufacturing plants, and other high tech sites

• Job Shadowing – students observing professionals at work

• Workshops – guest speakers from professional technical associations and centers providing technical career information and life experience sharing

• Disability Awareness Workshops – providing information about the Individual with Disability Education Act (IDEA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) etc.

• Paid Summer Internships – placing students in a 6-week paid internship environment

Five Requirements – The Program Activities Structure Five HS/HT Guideposts (evidenced based Design Features) have been identified by the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth as critical areas for HS/HT programs. These Five Guideposts must be identified in each HS/HT program funded by The Able Trust. The responding organization/agency must relate their projected plans and ability to be responsive to these components in the Proposal Narrative. It is required that each local site incorporate activities that will address all 5 Guideposts. GUIDEPOST 1 SCHOOL-BASED PREPARATORY EXPERIENCES In order to perform at optimal levels in all education settings, all youth need to participate in educational programs grounded in standards, clear performance expectations, and graduation exit options based upon meaningful, accurate, and relevant indicators of student learning and skills. These should include the following: • academic programs that are based on clear state standards; • career and technical education programs that are based on professional and industry standards; • curricular and program options based on universal design of school, work, and community-based learning experiences; • learning environments that are small and safe, including extra supports such as tutoring, as necessary; • supports from and by highly qualified staff; • access to an assessment system that includes multiple measures; and • graduation standards that include options. In addition, youth with disabilities need to do the following: • use their individual transition plans to drive their personal instruction, and use strategies to continue the transition process post-schooling; • have access to specific and individual learning accommodations while they are in school;

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• develop knowledge of reasonable accommodations that they can request and control in educational settings, including assessment accommodations; and • be supported by highly qualified transitional support staff that may or may not be school staff. GUIDEPOST 2 CAREER PREPARATION AND WORK-BASED LEARNING EXPERIENCES Career preparation and work-based learning experiences are essential in order for youth to form and develop aspirations and to make informed choices about careers. These experiences can be provided during the school day or through after-school programs, and will require collaborations with other organizations. All youth need information on career options, including the following: • career assessments to help identify students’ school and post-school preferences and interests; • structured exposure to postsecondary education and other life-long learning opportunities; • exposure to career opportunities that ultimately lead to a living wage, including information about educational requirements, entry requirements, income and benefits potential, and asset accumulation; and • training designed to improve job-seeking skills and work-place basic skills (sometimes called “soft skills”). In order to identify and attain career goals, youth need to be exposed to a range of experiences, including the following: • opportunities to engage in a range of work-based exploration activities such as site visits and job shadowing; • multiple on-the-job training experiences, including community service (paid or unpaid), that are specifically linked to the content of a program of study and school credit; • opportunities to learn and practice their work skills (so-called “soft skills”); and • opportunities to learn first-hand about specific occupational skills related to a career pathway. In addition, youth with disabilities need to do the following: • understand the relationships between benefits planning and career choices; • learn to communicate their disability-related work support and accommodation needs; and • learn to find, formally request, and secure appropriate supports and reasonable accommodations in education, training, and employment settings. GUIDEPOST 3 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND LEADERSHIP Youth Development is a process that prepares young people to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood through a coordinated, progressive series of activities and experiences which help them gain skills and competencies. Youth leadership is part of that process. In order to control and direct their own lives based on informed decisions, all youth need the following:

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• mentoring activities designed to establish strong relationships with adults through formal and informal settings; • peer-to-peer mentoring opportunities; • exposure to role models in a variety of contexts; • training in skills such as self-advocacy and conflict resolution; • exposure to personal leadership and youth development activities, including community service; and • opportunities that allow youth to exercise leadership and build self-esteem. Youth with disabilities also need the following: • mentors and role models including persons with and without disabilities; and • an understanding of disability history, culture, and disability public policy issues as well as their rights and responsibilities. GUIDEPOST 4 CONNECTING ACTIVITIES Young people need to be connected to programs, services, activities, and supports that help them gain access to chosen post-school options. All youth may need one or more of the following: • mental and physical health services; • transportation; • tutoring; • financial planning and management; • post-program supports through structured arrangements in postsecondary institutions and adult service agencies; and • connection to other services and opportunities (e.g. recreation). Youth with disabilities may need one or more of the following: • acquisition of appropriate assistive technologies; • community orientation and mobility training (e.g. accessible transportation, bus routes, housing, health clinics); • exposure to post-program supports such as independent living centers and other consumer-driven community-based support service agencies; • personal assistance services, including attendants, readers, interpreters, or other such services; and • benefits-planning counseling, including information regarding the myriad of benefits available and their interrelationships so that youth may maximize those benefits in transitioning from public assistance to self-sufficiency. GUIDEPOST 5 FAMILY INVOLVEMENT AND SUPPORTS Participation and involvement of parents, family members, and/or other caring adults promotes the social, emotional, physical, academic and occupational growth of youth, leading to better post-school outcomes. All youth need parents, families, and other caring adults who do the following:

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• have high expectations that build upon the young person’s strengths, interests, and needs and that foster each youth’s ability to achieve independence and self-sufficiency; • remain involved in their lives and assist them toward adulthood; • have access to information about employment, further education, and community resources; • take an active role in transition planning with schools and community partners; and • have access to medical, professional, and peer support networks. In addition, youth with disabilities need parents, families, and other caring adults who have the following: • an understanding of the youth’s disability and how it affects his or her education, employment, and daily living options; • knowledge of rights and responsibilities under various disability-related legislation; • knowledge of and access to programs, services, supports, and accommodations available for young people with disabilities; and • an understanding of how individualized planning tools can assist youth in achieving transition goals and objectives.

Orientation/Training Site Coordinators agree to participate in the Florida HS/HT Annual Training which is scheduled for September 9 - 10, 2008 at Courtyard Marriott, (accommodations at adjacent property, Hampton Inn, Cocoa Beach). During the training, programmatic and financial reporting requirements will be distributed and basic standards for program activities will be reviewed. In addition, Site Coordinators will learn about innovative statewide and national transition resources, The Able Trust youth programs and will share best practices, achievements and lessons learned.

Restrictions: � Proposals may not include a request for the purchase of a vehicle. � May not include a request for the purchase of real property or building

improvements � May not include requests for fellowships or scholarships. � Agencies are expected to be proactive in efforts to hire qualified persons with a

disability to fill any position created by foundation grant monies. The Agency’s effort to be proactive in this area will be taken into consideration during review of future grant applications.

Due Date of Proposal: Proposals must be received by July 8, 2008 no later than 5:00 p.m. Proposals received after the due date and time will not be considered and will not be returned. Proposals received via facsimile will not be accepted. This RFP may be duplicated and additional copies may be requested (888-838-2253) from The Able Trust until June 6, 2008, 5:00 p.m. Additionally this RFP is available on The Able Trust web site, www.abletrust.org.

Date of Award: Award selection will be made by July 31, 2008. All respondents will be notified of their status by mail. Please do not telephone regarding the status of your proposal.

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All contracts must be signed and returned to The Able Trust no later than 30 days after the award. The project director must be hired and the program begun no later than August 22, 2008. There will be no extensions on the start date of the program.

The Annual Training for all HS/HT Site Coordinators

is scheduled for Tuesday, September 9th thru Wednesday, September 10th. Full participation on

both days of the Annual Training is required. One half of awarded funds will be disbursed upon submission of a signed contract and documentation that the project is ready to begin. The remainder will be disbursed at the project’s six-month period, unless otherwise requested and approved in writing.

Reporting Requirements: The awarded agency must submit 1) monthly narrative reports by the tenth of each month. These monthly progress reports will document the activities and accomplishments of each prior month. The awarded agency must submit 2) quarterly reports to document comprehensive program services each quarter (October 10, 2008, January 10, 2009, April 10, 2009 and July 10, 2009). Additionally 3) quarterly fiscal reports are due no later than November 10, 2008; February 10, 2009; May 10, 2009 and July 17, 2009 with Final Accounting Receipts due August 31, 2009. The awarded agency must provide 5) end of the year student data including outcome data of all graduated seniors from previous year(s). All quarterly fiscal and programmatic reports will include supplemental materials such as copies of receipts, invoices, salary paid, photographs and other listed materials. Samples of programmatic and fiscal reports will be provided upon grant award. Representatives of The Able Trust and Florida HS/HT staff will perform on-site visits, both scheduled and unannounced. The Able Trust and Florida HS/HT Staff will be invited to all public events including kick-offs, award presentations etc. The Local Site Coordinator or key staff person of the awarded agency shall maintain verbal communications and/or email contact with The Able Trust staff and the Florida HS/HT Staff regarding the project successes and problems in a timely manner. Any changes in HS/HT staff will be reported to The Able Trust and to the Florida HS/HT Staff immediately (less than 48 hours).

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Proposal Format COVER PAGE - Proposals must include a cover page on 8 ½ X 11” plain white paper in the following format, at least 12 Point Font.

HS/HT GRANT PROPOSAL TO THE ABLE TRUST Agency Name: State of Florida Charitable Registration #________________________ IRS Employer Identification Number: ___________________________ 501(c)(3)? YES NO Mailing Address Physical Location Where Services Provided Street: City: State: Florida Florida Zip Code: Executive Director’s Name: Phone Number: ext Fax:______________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Project Coordinator (HS/HT) Contact:___________________________ Phone Number: ext Fax: Email: Agency Website: Project Name: Local HS/HT Program_____________________________ Disability Population Served in Proposed Project: Disability Neutral Program Area to be Implemented in Proposed Project: Transition County/Counties to be Served by the Proposed Project: # of Students with Disabilities in the Targeted School District/County: ____________________________________________________________ Name of Each High School Served by the Program: ____________________________________________________________ Is Agency Currently Involved in ANY Litigation: YES NO If Yes, Attach an Explanation Page to the Cover Sheet # of Students Proposed to be Served During the Project: Total Amount of Funds Requested of The Able Trust: Total Amount of Funds Projected to Support the Proposed Project: ____________________________________________________________ Cost Per Student: ______________________________ Signature & Date Executive Director Signature & Date Board Officer

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Florida HS/HT Grant Narrative for the 2008-2009 Year The narrative CANNOT exceed 3 pages and should include the following information

1) Guidepost Response - Report of the organization/agency’s ability to plan for, carry out and be successful in the Five Guideposts previously identified. Discuss two or more planned activities for each of the Five Guideposts. Include the name of the activity, tentative, date, location and results expected.

The narrative should answer the following questions:

2) The local HS/HT Program will plan an annual student recognition event. This event

may be a Kickoff Event, End of the Year Celebration, Summer Internship Recognition or a combination event (i.e. Disability Mentoring Day). The local Site Coordinator will provide written notification of the event to the State Director, Donna Mundy and The Able Trust staff at least 30 days prior to the event. This program will bring together students, parents, school principals, teachers and business leaders to celebrate student /program success. YES / NO

3) The local HS/HT Program is aware that representatives of The Able Trust and/or

the State Director will perform on-site visits, both scheduled and unannounced. The Able Trust staff and the State Director will be invited to all public events including kick-offs, award presentations etc. YES / NO

4) The local HS/HT Program is aware that the HS/HT Local Site Coordinator or key

staff person of the awarded agency must maintain verbal communications and/or email contact with The Able Trust staff and the State Director regarding the project successes and problems in a timely manner. In the event that local site communication is unsatisfactory, notification will be provided to the organization’s executive director. YES / NO

5) The local HS/HT Program will report any changes in HS/HT staff to The Able

Trust and to the State Director immediately. YES / NO 6) The local HS/HT Program will utilize an active Business Advisory Council (BAC)

that includes membership from the business community. The BAC will meet on a regular basis and will build connections with key stakeholders. YES / NO

7) The local HS/HT Program will provide paid and/or unpaid summer internships to

participating students. Internships will be correlated to student career choice and educational goals. Students will receive a pre internship orientation training. Students and employers will receive ongoing support throughout the internship experience. YES / NO

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8) The local HS/HT Program will address program sustainability through pursuing additional funds to sustain the future of the local HS/HT Program. YES / NO

9) Providers awarded a contract will be expected to collect and provide data such as,

but not limited to the following: the number of students in the program, number of students obtaining an internship, number of students graduating from high school and/or advancing to the next grade level, number of student offered acceptance into college /vocational technical centers, number of students referred for Vocational Rehabilitation Services, the outcomes of these referrals, student satisfaction surveys, data from mentoring programs, college visits, college follow-ups, business led presentations and other data unique to the awarded program. In addition, providers awarded a contract must report continuous outcome data of all graduating seniors on an annual basis. The local HS/HT Program commits to providing data as described: YES / NO

10) Community Outreach/Partnerships: List the organization name, contact person/title

and the type of support provided to the program. Org. Type Name of Org. Contact Person/Title Type of Support

(i.e. internship employer) School District: Community College: Technical School: University 4/yr College: Local Workforce Board: Local VR/ DBS office: Local Business: Local Business: Local Business: ____________________________________________________________ Local Gov’t. Office:

Budget Page; final page to the Proposal Provide a line-item budget for the entire project, including items to be provided by other sources or in-kind. You should provide a brief description of each line item, amount to be provided by each funding source and total budgeted amount. Budget amounts for internal overhead expenses should be reasonable and necessary for the completion of the project. If

you are awarded a contract by The Able Trust, you must strictly follow the budget outline provided in your original proposal unless otherwise approved, in writing. Documentation is required of all grant fund expenditures.

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Be sure to include in the project budget expenditures for the audit and insurance requirements if not already provided by the applicant. Be sure to include for staff travel and training for the HS/HT Annual Training (approx. $500 - $800 each) Local Field Trip travel area laboratories; manufacturing sites and educational / technical facilities should also be projected in the proposed budget. Background Checks on individuals working with the students are also required and the cost should be in the proposed budget, if not already provided by the Applicant. Supplemental Material - The following supplemental material must also be submitted with your proposal and is in addition to the narrative response:

1. � (1) Copy of IRS 501(c)(3) designation.

2. � (1) Copy of most recent financial audit or financial statements.

3. � (1) Copy of most recent annual report.

4. � (1) List of current Board of Directors with addresses and phone numbers.

5. � A minimum of two (2) competitive cost quotes for any single budget line item costing in excess of $300. Cost quotes must be prepared by the company providing the equipment or service, on a form or stationery customarily used by such company, and must be signed by a company representative.

6. � (1) Copy of adequate liability insurance coverage on a comprehensive basis which coverage shall be in force at all times during the term of this Agreement. If the Provider is a county or municipality it must furnish written verification of liability coverage in accordance with Section 768.28, Florida Statutes.

One (1) original signature copy of the proposal (postal mailed) and One (1) copy of supplemental material (postal mailed) and One (1) electronic copy of proposal of the cover sheet, narrative and budget page sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. Must be received by The Able Trust no later than 5:00 p.m. 8 July 2008. All proposals that are received after the deadline will automatically be deemed ineligible.

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All proposals should be mailed to:

Ms. G Crum Vice President of Grant Programs

The Able Trust 106 East College Avenue, Suite 820

Tallahassee, FL 32301 Overnight delivery will be accepted as long as delivery is made prior to the established deadline.