revista nr 2



Casino Inside

Transcript of revista nr 2

Un prim pas e f`cut.Acum, e råndul vostru!The first step is made. Now, it’s your turn!

Nu am s` v` scriu din manualelede marketing [i nici nu v` voiprezenta ABC-ul modului încare trebuie s` fie imagineaunei afaceri (sunt al]ii mai în

m`sur` s` o fac`), ci voi adresa o întrebare (sper,nu în neant): cåt` lejeritate, încredere [i/sau profe-sionalism poate fi într-o afacere atåta timp cåtefortul depus e minim?

F`r` vreo suspiciune de subiectivitate, proiectulCasino Inside este conturat dup` cerin]ele semnalatede actorii de pe pia]a de gambling/gaming [i, înegal` m`sur`, de publicul care cere informa]ii dinaceast` industrie. Nu am pornit la drum doar pen-tru a mai fi înc` o revist` pe pia]`. Nu suntem ob-scuri pentru c` ne-am ales foarte atent targetul. Nusuntem superficiali pentru c` ar`t`m industria degambling altfel, din interior. Cerin]a a fost simpl`,oferta din partea noastr` o dorim a fi una com-plex` [i complet`… dac` avem sus]inerea celor cesunt cu adev`rat implica]i în acest business.

Prejudec`]i din partea publicului larg în ceea ceprive[te jocurile de noroc continu` s` existe [i per-cep]ia aceasta se modeleaz` în timp, dar asta se faceîntr-un ritm constant, ferm [i, mai ales, atent.Oricåte principii de marketing [i PR stau la bazacre`rii imaginii unei afaceri, expunerea celor im-plica]i e destul de anevoioas`, astfel c` se pierde pedrum concrete]ea [i aplicabilitatea lucrurilor.

{i, dragi colaboratori, nu da]i vina pe criz`!Din contr`, toat` aceast` mult-mediatizat` criz`financiar` înte]e[te semnificativ mi[c`rile pe pia]ade gaming. Acesta este momentul în care se cernetotul [i r`mån cei mai buni.

Casino Inside este, în primul rånd, o expunere aceea ce voi vre]i s` ar`ta]i cititorilor!

Iam not going to write something takenout of a marketing book, nor will Ipresent to you the ABC of the image ofa business (there are others more capa-ble of doing this), but I will simply ask

one question (I hope that not in vain): How muchcomfort, trust and/or professionalism can a businesshave with a minimum effort?

Without being suspected of any subjectivity, theCasino Inside project is designed according to therequirements of the actors that perform on the gam-bling/gaming scene, as well as by the public who isthirsty for information from this industry. Wedidn’t start on this path only to be just one moremagazine. We are not obscure because we have cho-sen our target carefully. We are not superficial, be-cause we present the gambling industry from theinside. The request was simple; our offer is to becomplex, complete...if we have the support of thoseinvolved in this business.

The prejudices of the grand public regardinggambling still exist and perception can be modeled intime, but only in a constant, firm and careful pace.No matter how many marketing and PR principlesstand on the ground of creating a business image, theexposure of those involved is rather tough, thusloosing concreteness and applicability on the way.

And, dear collaborators, don’t blame the crisis!On the contrary, all this mega-marketed financialcrisis increases significantly the „games“ on the gam-bling market. This is the time where the best separatefrom the rest.

Casino Inside is, firstly, an exposure of whatyou want to reveal to the readers!E



LAitala Avramescu

2 CASINO Inside nr. 2

SUMARNr. 2 / 2010

6-9“Vene]ianul” din Macao

10-12Regent Casino - O experien]` complet`în gamingA complete gaming experience

14-15Baccarat - un joc vechi în cazinouri moderneThe old game in modern casinos

16-18Investi]iile în cazinouri sfideaz` criza economic`The investments on the casino market defy theeconomic crisis

20-22Cazino Constan]a, “doamna” de 100 de aniConstanta Casino, the one century “lady”

24-26Shimon Acad: Secretul succesului nostru esteinvesti]ia pe care o facem în serviciul cu clien]iiThe secret of our success is investing in service tothe client

28-31Un nou concept în lumea pokerul - DollsPokerA new concept in the poker world,named DollsPoker

34-36Jocurile de noroc, sponsorii bugetelor deficitareGambling, the sponsor of budget deficits

38-39TOYS FOR GAMBERS:Maltese Falcon - “créme de la créme“ în iahtingMaltese Falcon - the “créme de la créme” ofyachting


42Explosive Games II

44Newton gaming

46-49International Game Technology, o istorie ainova]iei în tehnologieA history of technological innovation

50-52Doyle Brunson - patriarhul pokerului modernThe patriarch of modern poker

54-55“STANLEYBET LIVE SPORTS” - Un concept nouce define[te confortul clientuluiA new concept which defines the customersatisfaction

56-57Valentine’s Weekend la Casa Vernescu

4 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Editor in-chief:Aitala Avramescu

[email protected]

Art Director & DTP:Felix Ionescu

[email protected]

Editors:Oana Gauca

[email protected] Insider

[email protected] Kotler

[email protected] M`d`lina B`l`b`neanu

Translator:Oana Gauca

[email protected]

Distribution:Adrian Dima

[email protected]

Photo:Adrian Stoicoviciu

Advertising:[email protected]

Printed by: RH printing

BORD OF ADVISORSSorin Constantinescu(Pre[edinte A.O.C.R.),Michelle Cummings

(Manager GeneralCasino Bucharest),Dan Ciobanu

(Manager GeneralUnigens),

Liviu - Petri[or Popovici(PRESIDENT OF ROMANIAN


(Marketing ManagerCasino Palace),Bahadir Erzaim

(General ManagerPrincess Casinos),Cristina C`linoiu

(Marketing ManagerPoker Stars Romånia),

Martin Ivanov(Manager GeneralCasino Technology

Romania),Carmen Joi]a

(Marketing ManagerRegent Casino),

Heath St. John Irving,Casa de avocatur`Enescu & Cuc

58Comoara Pira]ilor - Promo]ie de 100.000 Euro la Regent Casino!Pirates’ Treasure - Promotion of 100,000 Euro in Regent Casino!

59GameWorld [i-a premiat colaboratorii avu]i în cei 10 ani de activitateGameWorld awarded its collaborators from its 10 years of activity

60-61Premii non-stop la Bling Magic.Non-stop prizes with Bling Magic

62-64WPT Bucure[ti-primul turneu al World Poker Tour în România.WPT Bucharest - the first World Poker Tour event in Romania

66-71DENISA, CASINO INSIDE’S MODELÎntre frumuse]e [i gambling, tu ce ai alege?Between beauty and gambling, what would you choose?

72-73Stud poker, popularitate [i varietate în aceea[i combina]iePopular and varied at the same time

74-76FullTilt Poker Academy

78-81Worldwide poker tournaments program

82-85Hall of Fame pentru tri[orii de poker [i cazinoPoker and Casino Cheats Hall of Fame

86-88Metode de tri[at la blackjackBlackjack cheating methods

89European Poker Tour Berlin [i premierele saleEuropean Poker Tour Berlin and its premieres

90-92Reglementări fiscale asupra activităţii cazinourilorFiscal regulations upon casinos activity


ISSN 2067 - 6182 din 10.02.2010

6 CASINO Inside nr. 2

„„VVeennee]]iiaannuull”” ddiinn MMaaccaauuccoonnttiinnuu`̀ ss`̀ ffaacc`̀ lleeggeeaapprriinnttrree ccaazziinnoouurriillee lluummiiii

Tot ceea ce reprezint` Vene]ia fascineaz` pur [i simplu. S`rb`toare, mister,fast, magie sunt principalele ingrediente ale ora[ului care se transpun pån` încel mai mic detaliu în… Macau. Las Vegas fascineaz`, la råndu-i, prin lumin`,culoare, opulen]`, distrac]ie redate minu]ios în… acela[i ora[ - Macau. Treicontinente ale lumii - Europa, America, Asia - se completeaz` reciproc, ade-menind u[or „p`c`to[ii” la cåteva partide de blackjack, roulette sau baccarat.


7CASINO Inside nr. 2

The "Venetian" in Macau is still the onemaking the rules on the casino world scene

Everything that Venice stands for is simply fascinating. Celebration, mystery, pomp, magic, allthese being basic ingredients of the town which are to be found to the greatest extentin...Macau. Las Vegas amazes the world as well, but with lights, colour, luxury, entertainment,all of these minutely rendered in...the same town-Macau. Three continents-Europe, America,Asia- complete one another by easily seducing the "sinners" for a couple of blackjack, rouletteor baccarat games.

The city of Macau officially became in August2007, the world's new capital of gambling, tak-ing over the much more famous Las Vegas,by opening the biggest casino in the world-the Venetian Macau. At the same time, Macau

is the only city in China where gambling is legally allowed.Gaming had been forbidden until 2001, when the city gainedautonomy and transformed itself into an attraction for foreigninvestors.

The keys of the casino are the extended casino space of51.000 sqm, compared to 11.000 sqm of the Las Vegas casino,the total amount invested of 2.4 billion dollars, 9 million dol-lars more than spent for its American rival, and an impressivenet income which contributed to the 10 billion dollars revenueof the city- this occurring only in the first year since opening(according to the official website).

The owners of the hotel, the American billionaire SheldonAdelson and his wife Miriam, declared at the opening date, thatthey hoped their investment would be recovered in 5 years atthe most, which, according to the numbers, came true, takinginto account the fact that 1.800.000 players monthly risk theirfortunes, and the sums of the bets rarely go under 100.000dollars.

It seems that neither the 850 gambling tables nor the 4.000slot machines can satisfy the urge to gamble.

Taking into account the success of the Venetian Macauproved so far in all areas, the specialists say that, by the endof this year, the famous casino will double the revenues of theformer Portuguese colony, as to reaching as far as 13.7 billiondollars.

The Venetian Macau is part of The Venetian Macau ResortHotel, which, when officially opened, had 3000 suites, a sportarena with 15.000 chairs capacity, a retail space with 350stores and a convention space of 111.480 sqm. In its parkinglot there was enough room for 3.400 vehicles, its capacity hav-ing been modified as to fit over 6.000 vehicles.

Compared to the hotels with venetian-like casinos in theUnited States, the Chinese version has a “fleet” of gondolasand real copies of the San Marco Square and the Bridge ofSighs in Venice.

Ora[ul Macau a devenit oficial, in august 2007,noua capital` mondial` a jocurilor de noroc,detronånd mult mai celebrul Las Vegas prindeschiderea celui mai mare cazino din lume –Venetian Macau. Totodat`, Macao este sin-

gurul ora[ din China unde sunt permise jocurile de noroc.Acestea au fost interzise pån` în 2001, cånd ora[ul [i-a ob]inutautonomia, [i au f`cut din Macau un loc ce atrage continuu in-vesti]ii str`ine.

Atuurile cazinoului: suprafa]` vast` de joc de 51,000 metrip`tra]i, fa]` de cei 11.000 metri p`tra]i ocupa]i de cel din LasVegas, investi]ia totala de 2,4 miliarde de dolari, cu 9 milioanede dolari mai mult decåt „rivalul” s`u American [i, nu în ul-timul rånd, cifra de afaceri fabuloas` cu care a contribuit laîncas`rile de aproape 10 miliarde de dolari ale ora[ului, numaiîn primul an de cånd s-a lansat, potrivit site-ului oficial.

Proprietarii hotelului, miliardarul american Sheldon Adelson[i so]ia sa Miriam, au declarat la inaugurare c` sper` ca in-vesti]ia s` fie amortizat` în cel mult cinci ani, ceea ce, con-form calculelor, s-a [i întåmplat, avånd în vedere c` lunar î[irisc` averile circa 1.800.000 de juc`tori, iar suma pus` la b`taiefoarte rar coboar` sub 100.000 de dolari.

Se pare c` nici cele aproape 850 de mese de joc [i nicicele peste 4000 de aparate mecanice nu pot st`vili setea dejucat.

Avånd în vedere succesul pe care Venetian Macau l-adovedit pån` acum sub toate aspectele posibile, anali[tii dindomeniu apreciaz` c`, pån` la finele acestui an, faimosul cazi-nou va dubla veniturile fostei colonii portugheze, astfel încåtacestea pot ajunge pån` la 13,7 miliarde de dolari.

Venetian Macau face parte din Venetian Macau ResortHotel, care avea la inaugurare 3000 de camere, o aren` desport de 15.000 de scaune, un spa]iu comercial cu 350 demagazine [i 111.480 de metri p`tra]i spa]ii pentru organizareade conferin]e. În parcare încap 3.400 de automobile, aceastafiind m`rit` ulterior pentru peste 6.000 de vehicule.

Fa]` de complexul de hoteluri cu cazinouri în stil vene]iandin Statele Unite, replica chinezeasc` cuprinde [i o flot` de gon-dole, plus copii fidele ale Pie]ei San Marco [i a Pun]ii Sus-pinelor din Vene]ia.

8 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Schimbarea la fa]` \ntr-un Las Vegas asiatic

Timp de 442 de ani, Macau a fost sub st`pånirea por-tughez`, devenind cea mai veche posesiune european` în Asia.|n 1999, administrarea regiunii a revenit Chinei [i mul]i auspus atunci c` zilele de glorie ale fostei colonii se apropiede sfår[it. |ns` nu a fost a[a. Cu o atmosfer` tipic european`,fosta enclav` portughez` este exemplul perfect de lux colo-nial, cu numai pu]in de 30 de monumente din secolul tre-cut, extrem de bine p`strate [i în stare de func]ionare(regiunea fiind declarat` Patrimoniu UNESCO din 2005).

«Unul dintre cei mai boga]i oameni ai lumii a venit înAsia [i, a reu[it prin Venetian Casino, s`-[i pun` la picioaretot poporul chinez», titrau mai multe ziare centrale din lumeacum trei ani.

„|mp`timi]ii jocurilor de noroc se duc în Las Vegas s` sesimt` bine, s` se distreze. Aici, in Macau, juc`torii, în spe-cial cei chinezi, intr` într-un cazinou s`-[i pun` la încercaredestinul”, spune cu tålc Martin Chua, fondatorul celui maicunoscut site de profil din Macau, jocurilor de noroc a dus ca în Macau s` existeaproape 50 de cazinouri incluse în lan]uri hoteliere impor-tante, indic` acela[i, ceea ce face dinacest ora[ un veritabil Las Vegas asiatic.

The transformation of an Asian Las Vegas

For 442 years, Macau was under Portuguese jurisdiction,becoming thus the oldest occupied region in Asia. In 1999,the administration of the region was handed over to Chinaand many opinionated that the glory days of this colony werecoming to an end. On the contrary. With a European breath,the former Portuguese land is a perfect example of colonialluxury, with no less than 30 monuments from the last cen-tury, all of them being extremely well preserved and func-tional (the region was declared UNESCO patrimony in 2005).

«One of the wealthiest people of the world came toAsia and managed, through Venetian Casino, to make the en-tire people of China look up to him» was the title of sev-eral important newspapers in the world, about 3 years ago.

“Gamblers go to Las Vegas to have a good time and havefun. Here in Macau, the gamblers, especially the Chineseones, enter a casino in order to put their destiny to a test"said Martin Chua, the founder of the most known casinowebsite in Macau, The frenesy ofgambling lead to 50 casinos from important hotel resortchains to be situated in Macau, which strengthens the state-ment of that the city is truly anAsian Las Vegas.

9CASINO Inside nr. 2

Miliardarul Adelson

Fiu al unui taximetrist imigrant din Lituania, Adelson a cres-cut în Boston unde împ`r]ea o garsonier` împreun` cu p`rin]ii,cei doi fra]i [i o sor`. Dup` ce a våndut ziare [i produse depanifica]ie în adolescen]`, a lucrat în domeniul publicitar, a ac-tivat ca [i consilier pe probleme de investi]ii [i editor de re-vist`, înainte s` înfiin]eze Comdex în 1979. S-a måndrit cuAdelson s-a îmboga]it mai repede decåt oricine altcineva în is-torie, „realizånd includerea sa în lista celor mai boga]i ameri-cani întocmit` de revista Forbes dup` debutul list`rii la burs`a companiei Las Vegas Sands în 2004. Ocupant al locului 60 în2004, cu o avere net` de 3 miliarde de dolari, el a ajuns pepodiumul miliardarilor, pe locul 3 în 2006, cu o avere estimat`la 20,5 miliarde de dolari. |n acel an, Adelson declara c` [i-adat seama cånd îl va detrona pe Bill Gates din fruntea listei.

|n toat` aceast` perioad`, aproximativ un milion de dolaripe or`“, a spus Peter Bernstein, coautor al lucr`rii „All theMoney in the World“, un studiu al miliardarilor din lista alca-tuit` de Forbes. Adelson a mizat mai mult pe pia]a din Macaodecåt pe oricare alt cazinou din SUA, anun]ånd ini]ial investi]iide 12 miliarde de dolari pentru noi hoteluri, cazinouri [i cl`diride apartamente care s` transforme regiunea într-o destina]ieturistic` pentru mase. �

Adelson, the billionaire

The son of a taxi driver who immigrated from Lithuania,Adelson grew up in Boston, where he shared a studio withhis parents, his two brothers and a sister. After selling news-papers and bakery products during his teenage, he worked inthe advertising domain, was an investment consultant activistand magazine publisher, before starting Comdex in 1979. Adel-son became rich quicker than anyone else in history, makingit to the top richest Americans according to Forbes, after en-tering the stock exchange with his company Las Vegas Sandsin 2004. With a fortune of 3 billion dollars and the 60th placein 2004, he managed to be in the top 3 in 2006, with an es-timated fortune of 20.5 billion dollars. In that year, he de-clared that he realized he would take over Bill Gates whichwas top listed.

"In this entire period, his company made about 1 milliondollars per hour", declared Peter Bernstein, co-author of thepaper “All the Money in the World", a study of the billion-aires in the Forbes top. Adelson bet on the Macau marketmore than on any other casino in USA, initially announcing 12billion dollars prepared for new hotels, casinos and apartmentbuildings, aiming to transform the region into a touristic des-tination for the masses. �

10 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Regent CasinoO experien]` complet` în gaming

Cazinoul, situat în incinta hotelului Novotel, pe Calea Victoriei, este deschis non-stop oferindo varietate aparte de jocuri, sloturi [i limite de joc. Regent Casino dispune de 25 de mese dejoc, 88 Slot Machines, un restaurant de lux, dou` saloane private, o scen` pentru spectacole

amplasat` deasupra barului [i multe alte facilit`]i.

The casino within Novotel Hotel, on Calea Victoriei, is open 24/7, with a unique variety ofgames on offer, slots and pot limits. Regent Casino has 25 game tables, 88 Slot Machines, a lux-ury restaurant, two private saloons, a show scene right on top of the bar and many other facili-

ties as well.

Regent Casinoa complete gaming experience

11CASINO Inside nr. 2

Stilul [i elegan]a sunt atribute definitorii ale acestui distinscazinou bucure[tean. Clien]ii g`sesc aici jocurile lorpreferate, de la Ruleta American` la Black-Jack, Regent

Stud Poker, Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker, Poker cu 3 C`r]i,Texas Hold’em Poker, Omaha [i Duke. Pentru cei care prefer`jocurile electronice, la Regent Casino vor g`si ultima genera]iede Slots Machines [i rulete Touch-Bet. Cele 88 de Slot Ma-chines acoper` toat` gama de sloturi, de la tradi]ionalele reelslots, video reel slots, video poker [i pån` la sloturile progre-sive cu multe op]iuni pentru bonusuri substan]iale. Cu sigu-ran]`, clien]ii vor îndr`gi aceast` selec]ie de sloturi cu sunetefascinante [i teme originale.

Cel mai popular joc de poker, Texas Hold'em Poker, sejoac` zilnic la Regent Casino, atåt în varianta Limit cåt [i No-Limit. Bun` parte din cei mai buni juc`tori de poker din ]ar`particip` în fiecare joi la turneele de Texas Hold'em Poker,turnee în urma c`rora se aleg cu premii importante [i multesurprize.

Regent Casino pune un accent aparte pe intimitatea [i con-fortul clien]ilor, cazinoul dispunånd de dou` saloane private,unice în Bucure[ti, atåt prin design cåt [i prin facilit`]ile pecare le ofer`, un bar sofisticat, bufet [i casierie proprie. Acestesaloane ofer` tot confortul de care cineva are nevoie în timpuljocului. De asemenea, dispun de intrare separat` [i recep]ieproprie, ceea ce asigur` un grad ridicat de intimidate [idiscre]ie.

Totodat`, membrii Regent Club beneficiaz` de o mul]imede avantaje cum ar fi rezerv`ri de camere la hotel sau invita]iila promo]iile [i evenimentele speciale organizate de RegentCasino.

Asemenea unui cazino ce se respect`, Regent Casino de]ineunul dintre cele mai apreciate restaurante din Capital`, condusde Martin Wite – Executive Chef, un adev`rat star albuc`t`riei interna]ionale, care a practicat arta culinar` în uneledin cele mai celebre locuri din lume: The Four Seasons Hotel

– Londra, River Palace Entertainment – Kiev, Harrod’s – Lon-dra, Athenee Palace Hilton – Bucure[ti. Meniul este unul selectce con]ine crea]ii unice, inspirate din buc`t`ria interna]ional`care abund` în specialit`]i originale [i arome exotice. Deasemenea, barul cazinoului reprezint` locul ideal pentru relaxaresau pentru a savura un cocktail împreun` cu prietenii.

|n plus, scena de spectacol, unic` în cazinourilebucure[tene, ofer` un argument puternic pentru o sear` deneuitat în ritmuri [i acorduri irezistibile. Regent Casino ofer` oexperien]` de joc complet` [i incitant`, entertainment de clas`[i servicii exclusiviste.

Evenimente [i promo]ii

Cel mai mare eveniment de poker al anului – WPTBucharest, va fi adus în premier` la Bucure[ti de RegentCasino în parteneriat cu World Poker Tour, în perioada 27Martie - 2 Aprilie 2010. Turneul WPT Bucharest, ce se anunt`un eveniment de mare clas` pe scena pokerului romånesc [iinterna]ional, va fi g`zduit de hotelul Novotel Bucharest CityCenter din capital`.

Cazinoul ofer` clien]ilor o serie de promo]ii inedite, pre-cum Comoara Pira]ilor, Happy Hour [i Magic Hands. Astfel, înfiecare sear` clien]ii Regent Casino pot cå[tiga 100.000 Eurodac` descoper` legendara Comoar` a Pira]ilor. De asemenea,zilnic se premiaz` cea mai bun` mån` la poker. Bonusul"Happy Hour" în valoare de 250 Euro se ofer` de dou` ori pezi pentru cei care joac`: Regent Stud Poker, Poker cu TreiC`r]i [i Ultimate Texas Hold’em Poker. [i, tot pentru juc`toriide poker, se ofer` s`pt`månal bonusul Magic Hands, în valoarede 1250 Euro, pentru cea mai bun` mån` a s`pt`månii.

Regent Casino combin` lucrurile simple – jocurile,promo]iile, serviciile – într-un mod unic [i elegant, [i, toateacestea, confer` cazinoului o distinc]ie aparte [i un stil incon-fundabil. �

12 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Style and elegance are the main attributes of this dis-tinguished Bucharest casino. The clients can find heretheir favorite games, starting from American Roulette

to Blackjack, Regent Stud Poker, Ultimate Texas Hold’emPoker, 3 cards Poker, Texas Hold’em Poker, Omaha andDuke. For those who prefer electronic games, the latestSlot Machines generation and Touch-Bet roulettes can befound here. The 88 Slot Machines cover the entire rangeof slots, from the traditional reel slots, video reel slots tovideo poker and progressive slots with many options forsubstantial bonuses. Clearly, customers will love this selec-tion of slots with fascinating sounds and original themes.

The most popular poker game, Texas Hold'em Poker,is played daily in Regent Casino, both the Limit and NoLimit versions. Most of the best poker players in thecountry take part in Texas Hold'em Poker tournaments onevery Thursday. They win a lot of important prizes andhave many surprises on these tournaments.

Regent Casino emphasizes intimacy and client comfort,through its 2 private saloons, the only ones of their kindin Bucharest, both for design and for the facilities theyoffer: a sophisticated buffet and private cashier. These sa-loons offer the entire comfort needed during a game.Moreover, they have a separate entrance and their ownreception point, which assures the intimacy and discretionat a high level.

Furthermore, Regent Casino members enjoy many ben-efits like hotel room bookings or invitations for the spe-cial promotions and events organized by the casino.

Such a well respected casino naturally has one of themost appreciated restaurants in Bucharest, ran by MartinWite-Executive Chef, who is a true star of the interna-tional cuisine, practicing his culinary art in some of themost famous places in the world: The Four Seasons Hotel– London, River Palace Entertainment – Kiev, Harrod’s –London, Athenee Palace Hilton – Bucharest. The menu is

a fine one, including specialties inspired from internationalcuisine, with abundant original creations and exotic tastes.In the same tone, the bar of the casino is the ideal placefor relaxation or for savouring a cocktail together withyour friends.

Moreover, the show stage, a uniqueness for Bucharestcasinos, holds a strong argument for an unforgettableevening, with irresistible rhythms and sounds. RegentCasino offers a complete and inciting gaming experience,high class entertainment and exclusive services.

Events and promotions

The biggest poker event of the year-WPT Bucharest, isbrought in Bucharest for the first time by Regent Casinotogether with World Poker Tour, between March 27 andApril 2nd 2010. The WPT Bucharest tournament, which isto be a high class event on the stage of the Romanianand international poker, will be held within Novotel HotelBucharest City Center.

The casino offers to its clients a series of unique pro-motions, like Pirates’ Treasure, Happy Hour and MagicHands. Thus, every nights Regent Casino clients can win100,000 Euro if they discover the legendary Pirates’ treas-ure. Also, the best poker hand is awarded every day. The“Happy Hour Bonus” amounting 250 Euro is offered twicea day for those playing Regent Stud Poker, Ultimate TexasHold’em Poker and 3 cards Poker. For the poker players,there is another weekly bonus called Magic Hands,amounting 1250 Euro, for the best hand of the week.

Regent Casino combines simple things-games, promo-tions and services- in a unique and classy manner, still of-fering a special touch to the casino and a style withoutany comparison. �

14 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Bacaraun joc vechi în cazinouri moderne

Bacara este unul dintre cele mai vechijocuri de c`r]i, ajuns faimos datorit`clasicii versiuni originale a filmuluiCasino Royale din 1973, din seriaJames Bond. De[i jocul a fost înlocuitcu poker în remake-ul filmului, acestjoc nu [i-a pierdut cu siguran]` loculprintre cele mai populare jocuri dec`r]i, în special printre cele on-line.

Adus în Fran]a din Italia în secolul al XV-lea, bacara este un joc dec`r]i care se bucur` pån` în ziua de azi de o popularitate moderat` încazinourile din toat` lumea. Fiind un lait-motiv în filmul [i c`r]ile JamesBond, popularitatea jocului este cu mult înaintea pokerului [i blackjack-ului.Exist` trei variante Bacara: chemin de fer (railway), punto banco [i bacarapoker. Cea mai popular` versiune din America de Nord este punto banco,ce nu necesit` nicio deprindere sau talent din partea juc`torului. Valoareamåinilor în bacara este urm`toarea: fiecare carte de la 2 la 9 valoreaz`exact num`rul înscris pe ele, iar c`r]ile de la 10 la rig` nu valoreaz` nimic.Doar a[ii valoreaz` un punct. Valoarea total` a unei måini este calculat`prin adunarea valorilor fiec`rei c`r]i din componen]a sa. Dac` suma rezul-tat` dep`[e[te sau are exact valoarea 10, prima cifr` dispare pur [i sim-plu. În concluzie, cea mai mare valoare pe care o poate avea o mån`este 9. Måna cea mai mare este cea cå[tig`toare.

0 este ceea ce se nume[te bacara [i este cea mai proast` mån` pecare o po]i avea. Pentru a în]elege regulile de bacara, trebuie s` te fa-miliarizezi cu conceptele de juc`tor [i bancher. Juc`torul nu se refer`la cel ce joac`, iar bancherul nu se refer` la cas`. De fapt, fiecare per-soan` poate paria atåt pe juc`tor, cåt [i pe bancher, astfel c` oricaredintre cei doi poate ie[i cå[tig`tor.

Este foarte simplu s` joci punto banco. Regulile care desemneaz`cå[tig`torul sunt urm`toarele: dac` juc`torul prime[te o carte [ibancherul, la råndul s`u, prime[te una. A 2-a carte se împarte, deasemenea, amåndurora. Toate c`r]ile primite pån` la acest moment suntdate cu fa]a în jos. În momentul în care bancherul prime[te a 2-a carte,ele se întorc. Se însumeaz` valorile fiec`ruia. Scorul va fi cel care vaar`ta cine prime[te a 3-a carte. Dac` oricare dintre juc`tor [i bancherare suma ini]ial` 8 sau 9, jocul se opre[te [i cel cu totalul cel mai marecå[tig`.

Dac` niciunul nu are 8 sau 9, jocul continu`: juc`torul trage o a3-a carte doar dac` are un punctaj între 0 [i 5. Dac` are 6 sau 7, st`.Bancherul a[teapt` s` vad` ce face juc`torul. Dac` vede c` juc`torul nutrage cartea, poate s` o fac` el, tot în condi]iile în care are un punc-taj între 0 [i 5, [i st` pentru 6 [i 7.

Dac` juc`torul trage cea de-a treia carte, lucrurile devin mai com-plicate: în condi]iile în care juc`torul trage 2 sau 3, bancherul va trage[i el o carte, în condi]iile mai sus men]ionate; dac` juc`torul trage 6sau 7, bancherul va face [i el asta dac` are un total între 0 [i 6 [i vasta pentru 7; dac` juc`torul trage 8, bancherul poate s` fac` [i el astadac` are între 0 [i 2, [i va sta pentru un punctaj între 3 [i 7; dac`juc`torul trage 9, 10, J, Q, K sau A, bancherul va lua a 3-a carte doardac` are un punctaj între 0 [i 3, [i va sta pentru unul între 4 [i 7.

|n cele mai multe cazinouri, jocul este, în general, jucat în locurispeciale, separate de sala principal` de joc pentru a oferi intimitate [isiguran]`, datorit` mizelor mari ce sunt de obicei implicate.

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Baccaratthe old game in modern casinosBaccarat is one of the oldest cardgames, made famous by James Bondin the original 1973 classic CasinoRoyale film. Although the game wasreplaced by Poker in the re-make, thiscard game has certainly not lost itsstatus as one of the most popular cardgames, especially on-line!

In order to understand the rules of Baccarat, you need to becomefamiliar with the concepts of "player" and "banker". The "player" doesn'trefer to the player and the "banker" doesn't refer to the house. As amatter of fact, players can either bet on the "banker" or on the "player",if they bet on the entity that eventually turns out as winner, players willwin, no matter which one they bet on.

Playing punto banco is really simple. The rules that decide the win-ner are as follows: player is dealt a card, than banker is dealt a card,too. Player gets a second card and so does banker. All cards dealt sofar, are kept face down on the table. After the banker receives the sec-ond card, all cards are turned over. Both player and banker have theirtwo cards' values added up. The resulting score will determine whetherthe player and/or the banker will have to draw a third card. If either theplayer or the banker gets 8 or 9 using only the two cards dealt initially,the game stops right there and the one with the higher total wins.

If neither have 8 or 9, the game continues: The player only drawsa third card if he has a total between 0 and 5. If he has 6 or 7 hestands. The banker waits to see if the player draws or not. If the playerdoes not draw a third card, the banker can draw one if he has 0-5 andhe will stand for 6-7.

If the player draws a third card, things get pretty complicated: pro-vided the player draws 2 or 3, the banker will draw a third card if hehas 0-4 and stand for 5,6,7; if the player draws 4 or 5, the banker willdraw for a total of 0-5 and stand if he has 6 or seven; if the playerdraws a 6 or a 7, the banker will draw for a total of 0-6, and stand for7; if the player draws 8, the banker draws for a total of 0-2, and standsfor 3-7; if the player draws 9, 10, J, Q, K or A, the banker will draw acard if he has 0-3 and stand for 4-7.

In most casinos this game is usually played in special rooms sepa-rated from the main gaming floor in order to provide privacy and secu-rity because of the high stakes usually involved.

Originally brought to France from Italy in the 15th century, bac-carat is a gambling card game which enjoys moderate popularity in casi-nos world-over, to this very day. Appearing as a recurring theme inJames Bond novels and movies, its popularity is still a far cry from thatof poker and blackjack. There are three baccarat variants: chemin defer (railway), punto banco and baccarat banque. The variant most pop-ular in North America is punto banco, a variant which requires no skillwhatsoever on the part of the player. Hand rankings in baccarat worklike this: every card from 2-9 is worth it's actual value, 10 is worthzero and so are J,Q,K. Aces are worth one. The total value of a handis calculated by adding up the values of the cards that make it up. Ifthe resulting sum exceeds or falls exactly on 10, the first digit is sim-ply erased. Thus, the highest possible value, a hand can have, will be9. The higher hand is the winner.

0 is called 'baccarat', and it's the worst possible hand you can have.

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Investi]iile în cazinourisfideaz` criza economic`

The investments on the casinomarket defy the economic crisis

Pia]a jocurilor de noroc î[i continu` dezvoltarea pe întreg mapamondul. Cazi-nouri de lux, unit`]i ce promit venituri substan]iale pentru bugetele locale, dar[i profituri uria[e pentru antreprenori, î[i fac apari]ia din Cambodgia pån` înMissouri. Magna]ii jocurilor de noroc sfideaz` criza [i investesc sute de mil-ioane de dolari în zonele cu poten]ial. A[tept`rile lor pentru noile loca]ii seridic` la nivelul investi]iilor derulate.

The gambling market continues its development on the entire globe. Luxurycasinos, units which are supposed to bring substantial revenues to the localbudgets, but also huge profits for the entrepreneurs, they all appear on eachcountry, from Cambodia to Missouri. The magnates of the gambling domaindefy the crisis and invest hundred of millions of dollars in the high potentialareas. Their expectations for the new locations rise up to the amounts invested.

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Kith Thieng, renumit om de afaceri, apropiat al primu-lui ministru cambodgian Hun Sen, a deschis pe 26 februarie2010 cazinoul de lux Titan King Casino. Cu o investi]ietotal` de 100 de milioane de dolari, antreprenorul mizeaz`pe atragerea unui num`r mai mare de turi[ti str`ini. Thiengeste \ncrez`tor \n aceast` investi]ie, sus]inånd c` ora[ulBavet, unde este amplasat [i Titan King Casino, a devenit uncentru de entertainment mai dezvoltat decåt Las Vegas sauMacau. Cazinourile din Cambodgia, situate de-a lungul fron-tierelor cu Vietnamul [i Thailanda, atrag mii de juc`toristr`ini. [i datele furnizate de ministrul finan]elor arat` c`,\n 2008, Cambodgia a cå[tigat din cele 29 de cazinouri, 19milioane de dolari. Anul trecut, suma total` \ncasat` asc`zut cu dou` milioane de dolari, cauzat` de reducereanum`rului turi[tilor, dar [i de disputele cu statul tailandez.

La \nceputul lunii martie, River City Casino [i-a deschispor]ile, dup` ce a primit aprobarea din partea Comisiei deJocuri din Missouri. Acesta va fi cel de-al treilea cazinou alPinnacle Entertainment din zona St. Louis [i al doilea de-schis \n mai pu]in de doi ani de zile, \ncheind un boom \nconstruc]ii, ce a zguduit industria jocurilor de noroc, esti-mat` la un miliard de dolari \n regiune. Todd George, vi-cepre[edintele regional al Pinnacle Entertainment pentruSt. Louis, a estimat c`, la \nceput, River City va genera dinjocurile de noroc venituri lunare de 17 milioane de dolari.

Las Vegas Sands Corp va deschide \n Singapore primafaz` a complexului de cazinouri Marina Bay Sands Casino la27 aprilie 2010. Al`turi de cazinou va mai fi deschis [i unhotel cu 963 de camere, parte a unui complex comercial detip mall. Valoarea total` a proiectului se ridic` la 5.5 mil-iarde de dolari. Las Vegas Sands, condus` de miliardarulSheldon Adelson, ocup` pozi]ia a doua \n clasamentul mon-

Kith Thieng, a well known business man and closefriend to the Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, openedthe luxury casino Titan King Casino, on 26th of February2010.The total amount reached 100 million dollars and theentrepreneur expects to attract many foreign tourists.Thieng is very confident in this investment, having as ar-gument the fact that the city of Bavet, where Titan KingCasino is, has become recently an entertainment center,even more developed than Las Vegas or Macau. The casi-nos of Cambodia, which are placed alongside the Vietnamand Thailand frontiers, attract thousands of foreign play-ers. The dates published by the Ministry of Finance showthat in 2008, Cambodia won 19 million dollar form its 29casinos. Last year, that sum decreased by 2 million dollars,because of a decrease in the number of tourists, but alsobecause of the disputes with the Thailand Government.

In the beginning of March, River City Casino openedits gates, after receiving the approval of the GamblingCommission in Missouri. This will be the third Pinnacle En-tertainment Casino in Saint Louis and the second oneopened in less than two years. This represented the end ofa construction boom which rocked the gaming world, es-timated to around one billion dollars in this region. ToddGeorge, the regional vice-president of Pinnacle Entertain-ment in St. Louis estimated that, in the beginning, RiverCity will generate 17 billion dollars in revenues from gam-bling.

CASINO Inside nr. 2

Las Vegas Sands Corps will open the first phase of the con-struction of Marina Bay Sands in Singapore on 27 of April2010.Together with this casino, a hotel of 963 rooms, which ispart of a commercial complex, will be also opened. The totalvalue of the project is 5.5 billion dollars. Las Vegas Sands,which is ran by Sheldon Adelson, is number two on the worldcasino top, after its subsidiary in Macau, Sands China. Adel-son said that he expects this unit in Singapore to generate anoperational profit of 1 billion dollars annually, after it is fin-ished. The official opening will take place on 23rd of June 2010.

Lost bets in gambling industry

The Accor chain of hotels announced to sell a 49% packageof the shares of the Lucien Barrière casino group, for theamount of 500-700 million Euros. Despite all the plans previ-ously announced by Accor, Standard & Poor's reduced the rat-ing of the group to BBB minus.

Natural disasters endanger businesses which are worthhundreds million dollars. This is also the case of Sun Inter-national Ltd., the operator of the biggest casino and hotelgroup in South Africa, which announced the closure of theChile casino, because of damages made by the earthquake of27 February. �

dial al cazinourilor, dupa subsidiara sa din Macau, Sands China.Adelson a declarat c` se a[teapt` ca unitatea din Singapore s`genereze un profit opera]ional anual de 1 miliard de dolari lafinalizarea proiectului. Deschiderea oficial` a cazinoului din Sin-gapore va avea loc pe 23 iunie 2010.

Pariuri pierdute \n industria jocurilor de noroc

Concernul hotelier Accor a anun]at c` va vinde pentru 500– 700 de milioane de euro un pachet reprezentånd 49% dinac]iunile cazinourilor grupului, Lucien Barrière. \n ciuda tu-turor planurilor anun]ate de Accor, Standard & Poor’s a redusratingul grupului la BBB minus.

Dezastrele naturale pun \n pericol afaceri de sute de mil-ioane de dolari. Este [i cazul Sun International Ltd, operatorulcelui mai mare cazinou [i grup de hoteluri din Africa de Sud,care a anun]at \nchiderea cazinoului din Chile din cauzapagubelor provocate de cutremurul din 27 februarie.

Pariurile s-au \ncheiat pe 23 februarie la un cazinou ilegalsituat \n centrul Moscovei. Accesul \n unitate era permis numaiclien]ilor recomanda]i de juc`torii mai vechi. Printre bunurileconfiscate de poli]ie s-au num`rat [i jetoane \n valoare de 10milioane de dolari, 400.000 de dolari cash, [ase mese de joc dec`r]i [i dou` rulete. Cazinoul apar]inea unui cet`]ean ucrain-ian \n vårst` de 38 de ani, ce locuia \n Rusia f`r` forme legale.

Un raid efectuat de poli]ia din Malaga \n noaptea de 19 feb-ruarie a dus la \nchiderea unui cazinou ilegal. Accesul \n salade jocuri era permis clien]ilor contra sumei de 35 de euro. In-vestiga]iile \n acest caz au durat trei luni. Potrivit Codului Penalspaniol, organizatorii acestui cazinou risc` o amend` cuprins`\ntre 30.000 de euro [i 300.000 de euro.

|n ciuda tuturor previziunilor negative, investitorii din in-dustria jocurilor de noroc par optimi[ti \n privin]a afacerilor dez-voltate [i sus]in c` noile unit`]i vor genera venituri substan]iale[i vor ajunge rapid \n topul preferin]elor juc`torilor. �


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Construc]ia a fost printre primele cl`diri din întreaga ]ar` construite în noul genarhitectural al epocii – Art Nouveau. Cazinoul a r`mas în picioare în ciuda bom-bardamentelor din cele dou` r`zboaie mondiale [i a 50 de ani de comunism.

Acum, a[teapt` s` revin` sub o nou` înf`]i[are.The building was among the first of its kind to be built in the entire country, inthe architectural style of the period-Art Nouveau. The casino still exists, despitethe bombardments in the two world wars and of 50 years of communism. Now,

it awaits its new “face”.

Cazino Constan]a,„doamna” de 100 de ani

Constanta Casino,the one century “lady”

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La un secol de la inaugurare, Cazinoul din Con-stan]a înc` mai sper` s`-[i recupereze vigoareavremurilor de alt`dat`, cånd a fost prezentatdrept una dintre cele mai moderne cl`diri alesecolului al XX-lea.

De[i starea construc]iei este în prezent una dezam`gitoare,Cazinoul continu` s` reprezinte una dintre cl`dirile emblem` aleConstan]ei. În zona în care se afl` ast`zi, mai fusese, între 1880-1902, o construc]ie de lemn folosit` ca loc pentru spectacole deteatru, baluri, loc de recreare pentru turi[tii care veneau în se-zonul estival. Construc]ia unui edificiu cu func]ii asemanatoare mar-ilor cazinouri europene a început în anul 1904. Ini]ial, planurile aufost întocmite de c`tre arhitectul Petre Antonescu, care a proiec-tat o cl`dire inspirat` din tradi]iile artei romåne[ti. Dup` terminareafunda]iilor, îns`, planurile au fost schimbate, primaria încredin]åndmodificarea lor unui arhitect romån de origine eleve]ian`, DanielRenard, care renun]` definitiv la principiile stilului propus ini]ial.

Construit în 1908 sub influen]a cosmopolitan` a cazinourilorepocii, edificiul const`n]ean a fost terminat în 1910, cånd a fost [iinaugurat, în 1912 f`cåndu-se ultimele retu[uri. Cazino Constan]ase num`r` printre pu]inele cl`diri în stilul Art Nouveau din Romå-nia. Inginerul Anghel Saligny i-a realizat structura de rezisten]`, iarrecep]ia lucr`rii a fost facut` de o comisie format` din arhitec]iiIon Mincu [i Dimitrie Maimarolu, precum [i inginerul Elie Radu. Ul-timile lucr`ri de restaurare [i modernizare ale Cazinoului din aceeavreme au fost efectuate în anul 1937 de c`tre proiectantul Re-nard.

Cazinoul, care era prev`zut pe atunci cu o sal` de dans, dou`s`li de lectur` pentru ziare [i reviste, 17 mese de jocuri de c`r]i[i dou` de biliard, precum [i o teras` cu vedere la mare, a de-venit, în scurt timp, locul de intålnire al tuturor celor din înaltasocietate.

After a 100 years of its opening, the Con-stanta Casino still hoped to recover the onceupon a time force, when it was introducedas one of the most modern buildings of theXX century.

Although the state of the construction is disappointing atpresent, the Casino keeps on representing a landmark ofConstanta. In the same area where it is today, another woodbuilding used for theater shows tood in 1880-1902, whichwas a leisure place for the summer tourists. The construc-tion of an edifice similar to grand European Casinos startedin 1904. Initially, the plans were made by the Petre An-tonescu architect, which designed a building inspired by thetraditions of the Romanian art. After the finishing of thefoundation, the plans were however changed, as the CityHall handed the project over to a Romanian from Swiss,Daniel Renard, which gave up completely on the principlesof the initial style.

Built in 1908 under the cosmopolitan influence of thoseperiod’s casinos, the edifice was finished in 1910, when it wasalso inaugurated. The final touches were done in 1912. Con-stanta Casino is among the few buildings of the Art Nou-veau style in Romania. Anghel Saligny engineer realized itsstructure of resistance, and the receival of the work wasdone by the Ion Mincu and Dimitrie Maimarolu architects,as well as Elie Radu engineer. The last works for restora-tion of that time were done in 1937 by Renard.

The casino, which then had a dance room, two readingrooms for newspapers and magazines, 17 game tables andtwo pool tables, as well as a sea oriented terrace, shortlybecame the meeting place of the high society.

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|n timpul celui de-al doilea r`zboi mondial, locul ruletelor[i meselor de poker a fost luat de paturi. Cazinoul a devenitun veritabil spital de campanie, rol sub care a încasat mai multebombe de la avia]ia inamic`. Masiva cl`dire a rezistat atacurilor,îns` întreg mobilierul de epoc` a fost distrus. Dup` terminarear`zboiului, odat` cu instalarea guvern`rii comuniste, edificiul aintrat într-un con de umbr`, oamenii muncii neavånd nevoie dejocuri de noroc. Ca un paradox, comuni[tii au redat Cazinouluidestina]ia ini]ial` pentru care a fost construit de liberali, re-spectiv sal` de spectacole, restaurant [i loc de promenad`. |n1985, cl`direa a fost retu[at` [i reparat` de comuni[ti, f`r` ase interveni în vreun fel asupra arhitecturii, totul, se pare, pen-tru transformarea cl`dirii într-un obiectiv de protocol. �

During WWII, the roulettes and poker tables were re-placed with beds. The casino became a true campaign hos-pital, while it was the target of the bombs dropped by theenemies. The massive building stood up to the attacks, butthe entire furniture was destroyed. When war ended, the ed-ifice hit the back stage together with the rising power of thecommunists, gambling being a superfluous activity for work-ing people. As a paradox, the communists gave back thecasino, its initial purpose of activity, show room, restaurantand leisure place. In 1985, the building was repaired by thecommunists, without an intervention upon its architecture. Allof these measures were taken in order to transform thebuilding into a one for protocol purposes. �

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Secretul succesului nostru este investi]ia pe care o facem în serviciul cu clien]iiA declarat Shimon Acad, Directorul General al Bling Bet, noul [i unicul cazinoelectronic deschis în noiembrie 2009, situat în AFI Palace Cotroceni Mall.

The secret of our success is investing in service to the client

Said SHIMON ACAD, Managing Director of BLING BET, the new and uniqueelectronic casino opened on November 2009, situated within the AFI Palace

Cotroceni Mall.

25CASINO Inside nr. 2

Pute]i s` ne spune]i cåtevacuvinte despre \nceputuriledumneavoastr` \n aceast` industrie?

De fapt, m-am n`scut înaceast` industrie, tat`l meu lu-crånd în gambling de mult timp,deci toat` familia noastr` esteimplicat` în jocurile de noroc.Noi locuiam în New York, înNew Jersey, [i în primii no[tripa[i ne-am ocupat de mar-ketingul mai multor cazinouri înAtlantic City, Las Vegas [iCaraibe, a[adar avem o expe-rien]` puternic` \n industria degaming. Am venit în Romåniapentru prima oar` în 2005. Darfamilia mea era deja aici înc` dinanii '90 [i a[a am început aiciîn domeniul acesta.

Ne-a]i spus c` ave]i cåtevacazinouri \n Maroc...

Da, avem un cazino live înTangir, Maroc, care se întindepe aproximativ 5000 mp [i înc`unul în Agadir. Cel din Tangireste unul dintre cele mai maricazinouri din Africa de Nord [ise bucur` de exclusivitate în

toat` partea de nord a Marocu-lui. Cazinoul din Agadir l-am ex-tins recent [i nu este mai pu]inlipsit de succes. |n concluzie,suntem foarte mul]umi]i cumodul în care merg afacerileacolo. |n Romånia lucr`m în in-dustria de cazinouri de 5 ani.Am pornit cazinoul Bling Bet cusloturi [i rulete, aici la AFIPalace Cotroceni.

Care este rolul dumneavoastr` \n Bling Bet?

|n principiu, eu sunt direc-torul general [i sunt responsabilcu întreaga echip` de manage-ment [i amplasamentul s`u. De-sigur, avem o echip` demanageri aici care fac o treab`excelent`. Este foarte importantîn strategia mea, s` selectez oa-menii cei mai buni pentru o an-umit` pozi]ie. Pe lång` ce puiîntr-un cazino, mobil`, echipa-ment, aparate etc., stafful,echipa, ei sunt cei care fac acestloc s` fie cu adev`rat de succes.

Povesti]i-ne mai multe despreBling Bet...

Could you please tell us a fewwords about your first contact with this industry?

I was actually born in thisindustry, because my fatherstarted working in gaming along time ago, so our entirefamily is involved in gaming. Weused to live in New York, inNew Jersey, and in our firststeps we were marketing vari-ous casinos in Atlantic City, LasVegas and the Caribbean, there-fore we have long experiencein the gaming industry.

The first time I came intoRomania was in 2005. But myfamily had already been hereeven from the ’90s and that ishow we started in this field inRomania.

You told us that you havesome casinos in Morocco…

Yes, we have a live casinoin Tangir, Morocco, that is ap-prox. 5,000 sq. mt. in size andanother live casino in Agadir.The Tangir casino is one of thebiggest casinos in North Africaand enjoys exclusivity in all of

north Morocco. We have re-cently expanded the Casino inAgadir and it is also very suc-cessful. All in all, we are verypleased with the business there.In the past five years, we havebeen working in Romania in theelectronic casino business. Thenwe came to Bling Bet casinowith slots and roulette at AFIPalace Cotroceni mall.

What is your job in Bling Bet?

Basically, I am the ManagingDirector and I am responsiblefor the entire management lo-cation. Of course, we have ateam of managers here, who doan excellent job. It is very im-portant in my strategy, to selectthe best man on a specific job.In addition to what you placeinside the casino, the furniture,equipment, machines etc., thestaff, the team, they are theones who can make a place re-ally successful.

Tell us more things aboutBling Bet...

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Am început s` lucr`m lapunerea pe pia]` a unui asemeneaconcept înc` de anul trecut. Aminvestit mult timp pentru a creaun loc care are cea mai frumoas`atmosfer`, una special`. Am vruts` creem o sal` de jocuri elec-tronic` care s` îndeplineasc` stan-dardele cazinourilor live, dar s`fie totu[i electronic`. Am pusmult` inim` [i am depus multefort pentru a face acest loc. Suntfoarte bucuros c` v`d clien]i cevin din afara Bucure[tiului, cum arfi din Ploie[ti, pentru c` au auzitde acest cazino special [i vor s`-l viziteze, fiind de p`rere c` eunul dintre cele mai bune locuridin ora[.

Ce le oferi]i clien]ilor dumneavoastr`, pe lång` atmosfera special`? Care estesecretul succesului vostru?

|n primul rånd, am creatacest loc ca s` arate bine.Urm`torul pas a fost s` alegemoamenii potrivi]i, pentru a oferiun seviciu excelent. Cånd clientulintr`, el trebuie s` fie tratat cåtmai bine. Trebuie s` ai grij̀ de el,f`r` a-l deranja. Grani]a dintrecele dou` este foarte important`[i noi încerc`m din r`sputeri s`perform`m cåt mai bine.Un altpas foarte important pe drumulc`tre succes este s` ai un mixbun de jocuri. Nu po]i lua mixulde jocuri din alt` ]ar`, crezånd c`va func]iona [i aici. Trebuie s` îladaptezi în func]ie de nevoileclien]ilor. Po]i începe de la unGaminator pe care toat` lumeavrea s` joace, AlfaStreet Roulettecu 8 [i 16 locuri cu sateli]i, con-tinui cu Novomatic V+ [i oricealtceva mai merge bine în Romå-nia; King Kong Cash este foartepopular acum. Desigur, neasigur`m c` jackpoturile suntfoarte mari, pentru c` asta atrageclien]ii. Avem, de asemenea,aparate Bling conectate tot timpulla un jackpot unic, care este în-totdeauna foarte ridicat.

Un alt aspect foarte impor-tant este s` promovezi, s`folose[ti marketingul. Asta î]idiferen]iaz` afacerea. Noi, spreexemplu, o promov`m în fiecarezi. Nu avem o pauz` de o zi sau

o s`pt`mån`, ci o promovarecontinu`. Acum o facem de dou`ori pe zi, la 7 seara [i la miezulnop]ii, iar oamenii pot cå[tiga6000 lei dintr-o dat`. În fiecare zivedem oameni venind special pen-tru aceste ore, doar ca s` leprind`. Cu cît cå[tig` mai multclien]ii no[tri, cu atåt sunt maiferici]i, [i implicit, suntem noi maiferici]i.

Pe lång` aceste promo]ii zil-nice, avem evenimente deosebitesåmb`ta. Spre exemplu, såmb`taaceasta, 27 februarie, avem o ex-tragere la fiecare or ,̀ care garan-teaz` cå[tigul a 36.000 lei (valoareatotal̀ ), în plus fa]` de premiul de6.000 lei, ceea ce însumeaz`48.000 lei. Mai mult, avem unbufet [i o petrecere, care asigur`o ambian]` pl`cut`, c`ci astaînseamn` procesul de marketing.

Care sunt planurile Bling Bet?Vre]i s` v` extinde]i \n Bucure[ti, \n ]ar`, s` crea]i un nou concept?

Pentru moment, ne con-centr`m aici, pentru c` suntem dep`rere c` are un poten]ial foartemare. Am investit mult timp [iefort [i suntem abia la început.Suntem foarte bucuro[i de rezul-tatele ob]inute [i încerc`m s`construim pe acest` funda]ie desucces [i s` vrem mai mult.Totu[i, planul nostru este s` con-tinu`m s` investim pentru a aducecazinoul în topuri. Recent, am pusîn func]iune o nou` rulet` elec-tronic` care este similar` cu celelive [i atrage mult` aten]ie. Maimult, în curånd vom avea [i omas` electronic` nou` de TexasHold’em, pentru 4 persoane.

|n plus, am ales special unarhitect din Fran]a pentru a creeaîntregul design, întregul concept.Planul pentru viitor este s` facemo sec]iune VIP [i este o condi]ieprestabilit` ca arhitectul s` [tie s`men]in` aceea[i atmosfer`. El seva asigura c` aceast` nou` pies`se va integra în puzzle.

A[ vrea s` eviden]iez faptulc` lucr`m din greu pentru a-imul]umi pe clien]ii no[tri VIPc`rora le acord`m un tratamentspecial, oferindu-le cele mai bunejocuri de rulet`, una care este

We started to work onopening a Bling Bet concept lastyear. We invested a lot of timein order to create a place whichhas the best atmosphere, aunique one. We wanted to cre-ate an electronic gaming hallwhich falls within the standardsof live casinos, but is still elec-tronic. A lot of our heart and ef-fort was invested in this place. Iam very happy to see clientswho come even from out sideBucharest, such as from Ploiesti,because they have heard aboutthis special casino and want tovisit it, as they think that it isone of the best places in town.

What do you offer to yourclients, besides this specialatmosphere? What is the se-cret of your success?

First of all, we created thisplace to look good. The nextstep was to choose the goodteam,for an excellent service.When the client comes in, hemust receive the best service.You have to care for him, butnot to bother him. The line be-tween the two is very importantand we strive to achieve the bestperformance. Another step whichis very important on the road tosuccess is to have a good gamemix. You cannot take the gamemix from another country andthink that is going to be suc-cessful here, as well. You haveto adapt it according to the typeof clients. You can start with aGaminator multigamer whicheveryone wants to play and Al-faStreet Roulette 8 seats and 16seats with satellites, you continuewith Novomatic V+ and what-ever goes well in Romania, KingKong Cash, for example, whichis very popular right now. Ofcourse, we make sure that thejackpots are very high, becausethat’s what attracts the clients.We also have our Bling machinesconnected to a unique jackpotthat is always maintained high.

Another very importantthing is to promote, to use mar-keting. This is what makes yourbusiness unique from others.We, for instance, promote this

place every day. We don’t ahave a gap of a day or of aweek, but a continuous promo-tion. We now do it twice a day,at 7 p.m. and at midnight, andthe people can win up to 6000lei each time. And every day wecan see people who come espe-cially for these hours, to catchthe prized. The more the clientswin, the happier they are andthe happier we are.

In addition to these dailypromotions, we have specialevents on every Saturdays. Forexample this Saturday, 27th Feb-ruary, we have an hourly drawwhich guarantees the winning of36000 lei (the total amount), plusthe daily two drawings of up to6000, which adds a total of po-tentially 48000 lei. Plus, we havea buffet and a party to assurethat atmosphere for a nice event,and this is very important to usin the marketing process.

What are Bling Bet’s futureplans? Do you want to expand in the city, in the country, to create a new concept?

For now, we concentratehere, as we believe it has a hugepotential. We invested a lot oftime and effort in it and we havejust started. We are very happywith the results and we are try-ing to build on our success andpush more. Still, our plan is tokeep investing in the casino tobring it to the top. We have re-cently put into work a new elec-tronic roulette that is similar tothe live roulette and draws a lotof positive attention from manyclients. We will also soon opena new electronic Texas Hold’empoker table for one to four per-sons.

In addition, we chose a spe-cial architect from France to cre-ate the whole design, the entireconcept. The plan for the futureis to make a VIP section of thehall and it’s imperative that thearchitect know how to keep theatmosphere. He will make surethat this new piece of the casinofits the rest. I want to emphasizethe fact that we work very hard

27CASINO Inside nr. 2

to please our VIP clients towhom we give a special treat-ment, we offer them the great-est roulette game, a roulettewhich is the highest in Bucharestcreated for VIP clients. We wantto offer them what they needand the difference between usand the others is that we areready for strong game. As a VIPclient, you can get everythinghere, from A to Z.

Regarding the new law, tellus your opinion about theemerging trends in 2010...

I think that the market inRomania is tough, and I say thisfor several reasons. First of all,the crisis hit Romania very hard.Second of all, the competition isharsh. It is very easy for thoseon the Eastern part to come toRomania, which increases com-petition. It is natural that theywill favor less to move to theother side of the world whenRomania is in their „back yard”.And indeed, in the past fewyears you can feel the strongcompetition. All in all, I believethat the new law is good, as itmakes a fair taxation. You havemore machines, you pay moretax. It is good for us that interms of control, everyone paysthe same tax. So, even though,the competition is hard, it is fair.However, I believe that thechange of law is not easy at allon this market.

What is your favorite casinogame?

My favorite casino game isTexas Hold’em. It’s one of thefamous games played in theworld today.

As a last question, what areyour hobbies?

I don’t actually have time forhobbies, but as a profession I ama lawyer so I also deal with thisdomain. Whatever free time Ihave, I try to spend with myfamily. �

cea mai bun` în Bucure[ti,creat` special pentru ei. Vrems` le oferim ceea ce au nevoie[i diferen]a dintre noi [i ceilal]ieste c` noi suntem preg`ti]ipentru o lupt` aprig`. Ca [iclient VIP, po]i avea orice aici,de la A la Z.

|n ceea ce prive[te noua lege,spune]i-ne opinia dumneavoastr` despre trendurile 2010...

Cred c` pia]a în Romåniaeste foarte dur` [i spun asta dinmai multe motive. În primul rånd,criza a lovit Romånia destul degreu. |n al doilea rånd, comepti]iaeste puternic`. Este foarte u[orpentru cei din parte de est s`vin` în Romånia, care spore[tecompeti]ia [i mai mult. Este nor-mal ca ei s` prefere mai pu]in s`se mute în cealalt` parte a lumii,cånd Romånia este chiar în curtealor. |n ultimii ani s-a sim]it cu si -gu ran]` aceast` în`sprire a com-peti]iei.

|n concluzie, cred c` noualege este bun ,̀ deoarece aplic` unsistem de taxare corect. Ai maimulte aparate, pl`te[ti mai multetaxe. Este bine pentru noi în ter-meni de control, c`ci toat` lumeapl`te[te acela[i lucru. Deci, chiardac` e dur` competi]ia, estecorect`. Totu[i, cred c` nu esteo schimbare u[or de f`cut peaceast` pia]`.

Care este jocul dumneavoastr` preferat de cazino?

Jocul meu preferat este TexasHold’em. Doar e unul dintre celemai vestite jocuri practicat înlume azi.

Ca o ultim` \ntrebare, care sunt hobby-urile dumneavoastr`?

Nu prea am timp de hobby-uri, dar ca profesie sunt [i avo-cat, deci îmi mai petrec timpulîn acest domeniu. Cånd am timpliber, încerc s`-l petrec cu fa-milia. �

28 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Acesta este o combina]ie între lumea real` [i cea virtual`, a explicat DINO MARSANI, CEO Poker TV Production

Un nou concept în lumea pokerul


Cum a]i \nceput aceast` afacere?

|n primul rånd, am avut aceast` idee în urm` cu 8 luni.Dup` cum [ti]i, sunt produc`tor TV iar ideea mea era s` faco combina]ie între produc]ia de televiziune [i jocul de poker.Eu personal sunt juc`tor de poker, partenerii mei la fel, a[ac` într-o zi m-am gåndit la motivul pentru care nu am puteaface asta [i în via]a de zi cu zi. Joc poker online de multtimp [i de-a lungul jocului m` plictiseam adesea. Pe de-o parte,

nu aveam încredere în software [i m` gåndeam de prea multeori s` fac ceva real. Pe de alt` parte, internetul, computerul,nu sunt umane. Ce vreau s` fac aici este o combina]ie întrelumea real` [i cea virtual`. Cånd navighezi pe site-uri, po]ivedea numai avataruri, care nu sunt reale.

L-am sunat pe unul dintre prietenii mei, Gilles Debrus,care este partenerul meu [i pilot, [i care joac` mult pokeratunci cånd nu e la curse. Dup` ce i-am spus ideea mea, i s-a p`rut extraordinar`. Dup` ce am avut aceast` conversa]ie,

29CASINO Inside nr. 2

How did you start the idea of this DollsPoker busi-ness?

First of all, I had this idea, around 8 months ago. Asyou know, I am a TV producer, and my idea was to makea combination between the actual TV producing and thepoker game. I am a poker player, my partners are pokerplayers, so one day, I thought about the reason we could-n't do this in life. I have been playing online poker for along time now and during the game I was often gettingbored. Firstly, I didn't trust the software and I thoughttoo many times during the game about doing somethingreal. Secondly, the internet, the computer, is not human.What I want to do in this place is a mix of virtual worldand human being reality. When you surf internet sites, youcan see only avatars all around, which are unreal.

I called one of my best friends, Gilles Debrus, he ismy partner and an automobile pilot, who plays poker alot, when he is not racing. After I told him my idea, heconsidered it wonderful. After this conversation, we wentto a casino together, we played our usual and next tome, it was a Romanian guy, Alex. So we began to speakto all our friends at the table about our idea to find outwhat they think about it. Some said it was fairly good,medium, other said it was just splendid, and we wanted allto be more enthusiastic about it. This guy, Alex, wholiked the idea very much, asked us why we didn't want tostart it right here, in Romania. He had convinced me witharguments like: Romanian people here are very clever, thatthey learn the business easy and quickly, they are goodand the workforce is cheap. In the casino we had alsomet a PokerStars representative from Belgium who lives inthe Isle of Man. So, in just one night, we had found outwhere to do the business and where to locate it.

And, once you have arrived in Romania…

We began to study the market, to think in depth andafter three days, we took a ticket and came to Romania,even though we didn't know anybody, needless to say wedidn't know the city. We arrived and agreed to stay foraround one month.

We started to advertise in some tabloid journals as weneeded to find some people. We needed software, a web-site, working people, a croupier. Bucharest is very niceand it has a lot of casinos. We also needed a lot of girlsto work. We had around 250 girls at our first casting. Iexplained to all the girls the idea of the business, theirmission and they were very excited about this and under-stood the concept quickly.

Now that you have this concept figured out, how doyou want to build your way?

The software is to be finished in the middle of April.In April or May, we will have only one table with 24cameras. 15 cameras will be upstairs, so when you enterthe website you can choose any vision you want, any girlyou like, and any corner you want to see. The technicalpart is very important to us. It takes a lot of time, butwe want to make it perfect. After a test of one month,we thought of taking a warehouse in Baneasa, of 1000 sqmeters. We want to have ten tables in Romania, with dis-

A new concept in thepoker world, named

DollsPokerThis is a mix between virtual

and human being reality, explained DINO MARSANI, CEO Poker TV Production

30 CASINO Inside nr. 2

am mers la un cazino împreun`, am jucat ca de obicei, iaral`turi de mine se afla un romån, Alex. Am început s` vor-bim cu to]i prietenii no[tri de la mas`, ca s` vedem ce p`rereau [i ei. Unora le-a pl`cut întrucåtva, al]ii au fost de p`rerec` e foarte bun`, iar noi vroiam ca to]i s` devin` entuziasma]iîn leg`tur` cu asta. B`iatul acesta, Alex, c`ruia i-a pl`cut ideafoarte mult, ne-a întrebat de ce nu o facem aici, în Romånia.El m-a convins cu argumente ca faptul c` romånii sunt foartede[tep]i, c` înva]` repede dedesubturile unei afaceri [i c` for]ade munc` este foarte ieftin`. |n cazino, am cunoscut [i un ofi-cial al PokerStars din Belgia, care locuie[te în Isle of Man. A[ac` într-o singur` noapte am aflat unde s` facem afacerea [iunde s` o amplas`m.

[i, odat` ajun[i \n Romånia...

Am început s` studiem pia]a, s` ne gåndim mai în pro-funzime, iar dup` trei zile, am luat un bilet [i am venit înRomånia, chiar dac` nu cuno[team pe nimeni, cu atåt maipu]in ora[ul. Am ajuns [i ne-am hot`råt s` r`månem o lun`.

Am început s` ne promov`m în cåteva tabloide pentru c`aveam nevoie de oameni. Aveam nevoie de un software, unwebsite, lucr`tori, un crupier. Bucure[tiul este foarte frumos[i are multe cazinouri. De asemenea, mai aveam nevoie [i defete. Am avut în jur de 250 de fete la primul casting. Le-amexplicat tuturor idea afacerii, misiunea lor, [i p`reau a fi foarteentuziasmate de idee. Au în]eles conceptul repede.

Acum c` ave]i conceptul definit, cum vre]i s` va con-strui]i drumul mai departe?

Software-ul se definitiveaz` pe la mijlocul lui aprilie. În apriliesau mai, vom avea o singur` mas` cu 24 de camere. 15 camerevor fi montate la etaj, ca atunci cånd intri pe site, s` po]i alegeorice vedere dore[ti, orice fat` î]i place, orice col]i[or vrei s`vezi. Partea tehnic` este foarte important` pentru noi. Dureaz`mult, îns` vreau sa fie perfect. Dup` o perioad` de prob` deo lun`, am pl`nuit s` luam un depozit în B`neasa, de 1000 mp.Vrem s` avem 10 mese în Romånia, cu distribu]ie în toat` Eu-ropa. |n 6 luni, cånd lucrurile vor func]iona în ritm normal,vrem s` avem 10 mese în Asia, 10 în Australia, 10 în Amer-ica [i 10 în America de Sud. Dac` toate lucrurile merg bine,vom lucra în Orientul Mijlociu, în Egipt [i toat` zona aceea.Obiectivul pe un an este s` avem în jur de 50 de mese întoat` lumea, iar pe termen lung, s` ajungem la 200 mese.

Pentru acest concept, primul lucru important este pokerul,pentru c` noi avem doar clien]i care vor s` joace poker, iaral doilea este comunicarea cu o persoan` real`.Toate fetele potfi v`zute pe site-ul nostru [i po]i alege.Primul lucru ce trebuie f`cut este s` te înscrii pe lista dea[teptare. Toate sunt foarte frumoase, dar sunt [i inteligente.Spre exemplu, sunt studente la Drept, Matematic`, IstoriaArtelor, Medicin` [i Politehnic`. Am decis s` facem film`riledoar în Romånia, prin compania noastr`, Poker TV Production.Nicio tranzac]ie în bani nu va fi f`cut` în Romånia, pentru c`legea o interzice, toate fiind f`cute prin compania noastr` dinIsle of Man, unde se afl` PokerStars.

Cum ve]i face bani din aceast` afacere?

Este o întrebare foarte bun`. |ntr-un cazino normal, ai camdou` persoane pe misiune. Pozi]ia mea [i cea a companiei, este

s` avem 4 persoane pe misiune. Prima idee pe care am avut-o a fost s` tax`m fiecare persoan` cu 50 din 100 Euro, lafiecare or`, dar am ajuns la concluzia c` este prea scump. A[ac` am decis s` tax`m 4% din fiecare mån` ce dep`[e[te 100Euro. Siguran]a este principala noastr` grij` [i facem tot posi-bilul s` avem un sistem de securitate de top. Comisia nu î]ipoate acorda licen]` dac` conexiunea nu este securizat` pedeplin. O regul` a companiei este c` fetele nu pot vedeac`r]ile clientului [i acesta este de asemenea un aspect impor-tant. Dac` exist` un caz în care clientul are o rela]ie bun` cufata [i dore[te s`-i dezv`luie c`r]ile, este în regul`, dar altfelnu este admis. Comisia de Jocuri Online ce garanteaz` secu-ritatea clien]ilor s`i nu permite nim`nui s` vad` c`r]ile. Aces-tea sunt trimise direct într-o sal` securizat` din Isle of Man,[i numai dup` 35 de minute se pot p`stra måinile jucate înarhiv`.

Ce sum` de bani a]i investit \n aceast` afacere?

Am investit 380.000 Euro pån` acum [i vom mai investiprobabil înc` 500.000 sau 600.000 Euro. A[a c` suma final` seridic` la 1 milion Euro. Num`rul de locuri de munc` oferiteva fi undeva în jur de 450 (fetele, crupierul, programatorii,menajerele, secretariatul, contabilitatea etc.) pentru care vompl`ti salarii [i taxe. Trebuie s` men]ionez c` am c`l`torit întoat` Europa, am locuit în Tunisia, Japonia, Miami, dar chiarîmi place aici. Lucrul care îmi place este cultura: este o com-bina]ie între simplitate [i sofisticare. �

31CASINO Inside nr. 2

tribution in all Europe. In six months, when things will beworking at normal speed, we want to have ten tables inAsia, 10 in Australia, 10 in America and 10 tables inSouth America. If everything goes well, we will work inthe Middle East part, in Egypt and all that side. The objec-tive in one year is to have around 50 tables all aroundthe world, and on the long run, to have around 200 ta-bles.

For this concept, the first important thing is the poker,because we only have poker clients, and the second thingis communication with the human being. The girls can allbe seen on our website and you canchoose. First of all, you have to register on the waitinglist. They are all very beautiful, but they are also very in-telligent. For example they study various subjects like Law,Mathematics, Art History, Medicine and even Polytechnics.We have decided to only make the filming in Romaniathrough our company, Poker TV Production. No moneytransaction will be made in Romania because the law for-bids it and all the transactions will be made through ourcompany in Isle of Man where PokerStar is located.

How will you make money from this business?

This is a very good question. In a normal casino, youhave around two persons per mission?! My position andthat of the company is to have four persons per mission.The first idea was to ask each person 50 of 100 Euroevery hour. But we came to realize that it was too ex-

pensive. So we decided to charge 4% of each hand that isabove 100 Euro. Security is the first of our concerns andwe gave our best to make an extremely high security sys-tem. The Commission cannot give you a license if theconnection is not properly secured. A rule of the com-pany is that the girls cannot see the cards of the clientand this is very important. If there is a case where theclient has a good relation with the girl and he wants totell her the cards that is ok, but otherwise it is not ad-mitted. The E-gambling Commission who guarantees thesecurity of the clients doesn't allow anyone to know thecards. The cards are sent directly into a secured room inthe Isle of Man, and only after 35 minutes, we can keepin our archive the hands which were folded.

What amount of money did you invest in this busi-ness?

I have invested 380,000 Euro until now and probablyit will come up to 500,000 or 600,000 more. So thefinal amount is around 1 million Euros. The number ofjobs we will offer will be something like 450 (the girls,the croupiers, the Internet and software people, themaids, secretary, accounting etc) for which we will haveto pay salaries and taxes. I have to say that I have trav-eled all over Europe, I have lived in Tunisia, in Japan, inMiami, but I really like it here. What I like here, in Ro-mania, is the culture: a mix between simplicity and so-phistication. �

32 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Merkur Casino în RomåniaMerkur Casino este membru al grupului interna]ional Gauselmann care includepeste 270 centre de divertisment în 11 ]`ri europene printre care [i Romånia. |nRomånia, Merkur Casino este prezent începånd din 2004 în 5 ora[e: Bucure[ti,

Constan]a, Ploie[ti, Pite[ti, Bac`u.

Merkur Casino se ridic` la cele mai înalte standarde dintoate punctele de vedere în industria jocurilor electronice.Este modul de a continua cu succes conceptul de divertis-ment din Romånia, oferind clien]ilor aparate de ultim` gen-era]ie [i servicii de cea mai bun` calitate.

Fidelizarea clien]ilor Merkur s-a f`cut prin serviciile decalitate: organizarea campaniilor promo]ionale, cadouri pentruclien]ii fideli, b`uturi gratuite, evenimente mondene(prezent`ri), petreceri la care au fost invita]i cei mai în vog`arti[ti.

De la începutul anului 2007, Merkur Casino a devenit unpartener de n`dejde al Federa]iei Romåne de Box, spon-sorizånd gale de box atåt în Romånia, cåt [i peste hotare.

Merkur Casino se va implica în continuare, pentru c` areîncredere în box-ul romånesc, în pugilisti precum ViorelSimion, Bogdan Dinu [i nu numai.

Merkur Casino „Point Zero” Bucure[ti

Deschis` în Septembrie 2004, loca]ia Merkur Casino dinb-dul Regina Elisabeta nr. 3, este una dintre cele 9 loca]iiMerkur Casino din Romånia. Renovat` în iunie 2009, salaofer` o ambian]` deosebit` oaspe]ilor s`i, transmis`, deasemenea, [i prin personalul atent [i amabil. Atmosfera esteîntregit` [i de diversitatea jocurilor. Clien]ii î[i pot încercanorocul la ma[ini electronice cu posibilitate de cå[tig cum arfi: Games Unlimited de la Merkur Gaming Germania, KingKong Cash, Cash Fever de la Atronic Germania, Multigamina-toarele de la Novomatic, ruletele AlfaStreet, s.a.m.d.

Juc`torii petrec aici momente pl`cute, încercånd emo]iiinedite, pline de suspans, gustånd, în timpul jocului, aperitive[i b`uturi oferite oaspe]ilor din partea casei. Merkur Casinoeste locul ideal pentru a încerca pl`cerea de a juca în lini[te[i pentru a tr`i întreaga emo]ie a provoc`rii. Periodic, suntorganizate campanii cu premii în bani [i obiecte.

Merkur Café

|ncepånd din vara 2009, la adresa sus men]ionat`func]ioneaz` în intervalul orar 10.00-22.00 Merkur Café. Ac-cesul în spa]iul aferent cafenelei se poate face atåt prin inte-riorul s`lii de joc, cåt [i direct din exterior, intrarea dinspreMuzeul de Istorie.

Cu un decor în concordan]` cu brandul [i culorileMerkur, aici puteti s` v` relaxa]i acompania]i de un espresso,

cappuccino sau o ciocolat` cald`, b`uturi r`coritoare [i pån`la cele mai fine b`uturi alcoolice.

|ncercånd s` satisfac` gusturile tuturor, Merkur Café vineîn completare cu produse culinare delicioase cum ar fi pizza,paste, salate [i preparate pentru un mic dejun copios.

Nici desertul nu este uitat, oferindu-v` un dulce pentrucare cu siguran]` ve]i reveni.

Pentru rezerv`ri: 0723.833.003

33CASINO Inside nr. 2

Merkur Casino in RomaniaMerkur Casino is a member of the Gauselmann International Group, with morethan 270 entertainment centres in as many as 11 European countries, Romaniabeing one of them. In Romania, Merkur Casino is present since 2004 in 5 cities:

Bucharest, Constanta, Ploiesti, Pitesti, Bacau.

Merkur Casino meets all perspectives’ highest standardsof the electronic games industry. This is the way of success-fully continuing the entertainment concept in Romania by of-fering our clients the newest modern machines andoutstanding services.

Merkur client fidelization was achieved by our high qual-ity services: target-group oriented marketing and advertising,gifts for our loyal customers, free drinks, social events (pre-sentations), and parties having as guests the most popularartists of the moment.

Since the beginning of 2007, Merkur Casino, became atrustworthy partner of the Romanian Boxing Federation, thussponsoring boxing galas in Romania and abroad.

Merkur Casino will continue to get involved in these ac-tions, for we have faith in the Romanian boxing, in fighterssuch as Viorel Simion, Bogdan Dinu and many others.

Merkur Casino „Point Zero” Bucharest

Opened in September 2004, the Merkur Casino location on3 Regina Elisabeta Boulevard is one of the 9 locations ofMerkur Casino in Romania. Completely renovated in June 2009,the hall offers a special ambiance to its guests, a neat atmos-phere maintained by our highly qualified, attentive personnel.This ambiance is completed by games diversity. Our clients maytry their luck at the electronic money winning machines, suchas: Games Unlimited from Merkur Gaming Germany, KingKong Cash, Cash Fever from Atronic Germany, Multigaminatorsfrom Novomatic, AlfaStreet roulettes, e.t.c.

Players may spend here very relaxing moments, they maytry new exciting gaming sensations, and, at the same time,enjoy, the hors d’oeuvres, appetizers and drinks offered to ourclients during gaming sessions, courtesy of our location. MerkurCasino is the ideal place to experiment the tranquil gamingpleasure and feel the challenge emotions. We periodically or-ganize promotion campaigns with prizes in money and objects.

Merkur Café

From the summer of 2009, Merkur Café is open to wel-come you at “Point Zero” from 10 am to 10 pm. Access tothe café is ensured either from the interior of the gaming ar-cade or directly from the exterior, History Museum entrance.

The Merkur brand and colors harmonized ambiance invitesyou to spend some quiet and relaxing moments enjoying an

espresso, cappuccino or a hot chocolate, refreshments and thefinest beverage. Trying to satisfy every taste, Merkur Café com-pletes the menu with delicious culinary products such as pizza,pasta, salads and luscious breakfasts.

Remember to check the desserts too, for we will serve youexcellent sweets that will definitely make you come back.

For reservations: 0723.833.003

34 CASINO Inside nr. 2

T axele m`rite aplicate jocurilor de noroc reprezint`, defapt, solu]ia pentru bugetele afectate de criz`. Pentru aechilibra balan]a veniturilor [i cheltuielilor, unele state [i-

au g`sit ]apii isp`[itori în aria jocurilor de noroc. Fie c` au mizatpe o legisla]ie învechit`, fie c` au prezentat rapoarte tulbur`toareîn anumite sectoare economice, autorit`]ile au impus sau au sug-erat taxe mai mari în industria jocurilor de noroc.

Investi]iile în jocuri de noroc sunt acum doar pariuri pierdute.Înainte de recesiune num`rul cazinourilor [i al s`lilor de jocuricre[tea fulminant, începånd cu 2009 industria a început s` intre încolaps. Potrivit Ministerului de Finan]e, la nivel na]ional, pia]a a pier-dut într-un an peste o treime din unit`]ile de tip live-games. Ast-fel, anul trecut, în Romånia, doar 14 societ`]i comerciale au fostautorizate pentru activitatea de jocuri de noroc de tip cazinou.

Ministerul Finan]elor Publice (MFP) a dat operatorilor o lovi-tur` sub centur` prin modificarea legisla]iei. „Actele normative carereglementeaz` activitatea de jocuri de noroc în vigoare acoper`,în general, domeniul de referin]`, dar, avånd o vechime mare, numai corespund realit`]ilor economice, tehnice [i mai ales concep-tuale din domeniul jocurilor de noroc”, astfel a fost motivat` nece-sitatea modific`rii cadrului legislativ ce viza organizarea jocurilor denoroc. Dar, m`rirea taxelor [i impozitelor cu pån` la 400% dinvara lui 2009 a venit într-o perioad` nu tocmai prielnic` acestuisegment.

Pia]a local` a jocurilor de noroc a pierdut peste o treime dinsuma rulat` în 2008, ajungånd în 2009 la doar 700-800 de mil-ioane de euro. Clien]ii, mai pu]ini cu circa 30%, [i media pariurilormai mic`, precum [i noile modific`ri legislative, au fost letale pen-tru ultimele unit`]i ap`rute în Capital`. Nici în provincie situa]ianu a fost mai bun`. Conform datelor înregistrate la MFP, în 2009doar patru operatori de s`li de jocuri de noroc de tip cazinou î[imai desf`[urau activitatea în afara Bucure[tiului. În ciuda sc`deriinum`rului unit`]ilor de tip live-games, suma virat` la bugetul destat, din taxele [i impozitele aplicate, s-a triplat. Estim`rile pentrufinele anului fiscal 2009 viza încas`ri totale la bugetul de stat depeste 372 de milioane de lei.

{i cazinourile electronice au pierdut pariul cu criza. Cel maimare perdant al anului trecut este Ritzio Entertainment Group Ro-mania, operatorul de origine rus` al cazinourilor electronice Mil-lion. Dup` ce [i-a adjudecat pozi]ia de lider de pia]` în 2008,grupul a renun]at la aproape jum`tate din cele 93 de s`li [i la otreime din cei 1.800 de angaja]i. În urm` cu [ase luni, cei trei marijuc`tori ai pie]ei de profil, grupurile de origine rus` Million [i MaxBet, precum [i re]eaua Admiral, operat` de produc`torii austriecide ma[ini de joc, Intertop, de]ineau fiecare peste 60 de s`li dejocuri. Potrivit MFP, aproximativ 1.200 de persoane juridice auprimit în 2009 licen]e/autoriza]ii pentru exploatarea a circa 52.000de slot-machines pe întreg teritoriul ]`rii.

Criza economic` [i noile modific`ri legislative au dus [i la re-structur`ri masive de personal. Dac` pån` la finele lui 2008 peste15.000 de angaja]i lucrau în industria jocurilor de noroc, anul tre-cut peste o treime [i-au pierdut locurile de munc`.

Jocurile de noroc, sponsoriibugetelor deficitare

35CASINO Inside nr. 2

The high taxes applied to gambling are in fact the solu-tion for the crisis-affected budgets. In order balance therevenues and expenses, some states found their fall guy

in the gambling domain. Whether they based their decision onold legislation or they presented worrying reports regarding cer-tain economic sectors, the authorities imposed or suggestedhigher taxes in this industry.

The investments made in gambling are now only lost bets. Be-fore the recession, the number of casinos and game rooms waspermanently increasing, but starting 2009, the industry started tocollapse. According to the Ministry of Finance, on a nationallevel, the market lost a third of the live-games units in only oneyear. Thus, last year, only 14 companies were authorized forcasino gaming, in Romania.

The Ministry of Public Finance gave a low hit to the opera-tors, by changing the legislation."The normative acts which regu-late the activity of gambling currently covers, mainly, thereference domain, but because of their seniority, they don't covereither the economic realities, nor the technical or conceptualones. "This was the official reason of the purpose of changingthe legislative frame regarding gambling organization. However,the raise of taxes with up to 400% since the 2009 summer camein a bad period for this area.

The local gambling market lost over a third of the entirerolled amount in 2008, coming to 700-800 million Euros in 2009.The number of clients and the betting average is 30% lower. Allthese together with the new legislative measures were lethal forthe new businesses in Bucharest. Other cities have almost thesame situation. According to MFP, in 2009, only four game roomsoperators were still running outside Bucharest. In spite the de-crease of the live-games units, the amount which was given tothe state budget tripled. The estimations for the end of the fis-cal year of 2009 were of 372 million lei cashing-in.

Electronic casinos were also affected by the crisis. The biggestvictim of last year is Ritzio Entertainment Group Romania, theRussian operator of Million electronic casinos. After gaining theleader position in 2008, the group renounced to almost half ofthe 93 rooms and a third of their 1.800 employees. Six monthsago, the three big players of the market, Million and Max Bet, aswell as Admiral network, ran by the Austrian producers Intertop,held over 60 game rooms. According to MFP, almost 1.200 ju-ridical persons received their licenses/authorization in 2009, for theexploitation of 52.000 slot machines all over the country.

The economic crisis and the new legislative changes led tomassive personnel restructuring. 15.000 workers were in the gam-ing industry in 2008, out of which a third lost their jobs at theend of last year.

Higher Taxes for education and social services

In the world capital of gambling, the increase of the taxes wasbased on social measures. After registering losses of 6.7 billion

Gambling, the sponsorof budget deficits

36 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Taxe mai mari pentru educa]ie [i asisten]` social`

|n capitala mondial` a jocurilor de noroc m`rirea taxelor estemotivat` prin m`suri sociale. Dar, dup` ce au marcat pierderi de6.7 miliarde de dolari în anul fiscal 2009 [i au disponibilizat peste34.000 de angaja]i, reprezentan]ii industriei jocurilor de noroc dinNevada nici nu vor s` aud` de acte de caritate. Pentru a mai cårpibugetul, Democra]ii au pus pe mas` un plan ce viza m`rirea tax-elor pentru sprijinirea segmentelor deficitare, educa]ia [i asisten]a so-cial̀ . Proiectul miza pe venituri suplimentare anuale de 32.5 milioanede dolari numai din jocurile de noroc. Nevada Resort Association– reprezentantul de prim rang în industria jocurilor de noroc dinNevada – a refuzat vehement propunerea Democra]ilor. Dac`proiectul va e[ua, cele dou` sectoare deficitare ale economiei sevor confrunta cu reduceri masive ale costurilor [i cu un val dedisponibiliz`ri. Ca r`spuns la refuzul operatorilor de jocuri de noroc,Steven Horsford, liderul majorit`]ii din Senat i-a avertizat c` discu]iilenu s-au încheiat, subliniind c` [i aceast` industrie trebuie s` par-ticipe la echilibrarea bugetului statului.

Taxele încasate în 2009 de statul bulgar din industria jocurilorde noroc au fost mai mari decåt cele generate de sistemul bancar.B`ncile din Bulgaria au virat la bugetul de stat 10% din profitul anualde 780 de milioane de leve bulg`re[ti, în schimb, cazinourile [i s`lilede bingo au pl`tit impozit pe venit în valoare total` de 99,5 mil-ioane de leve (circa 51 de milioane de euro). De[i operatorii dejocuri de noroc sus]in c` taxele aplicate segmentului sunt de pestecinci ori mai mari decåt cele aplicate celorlalte entit`]i comerciale,autorit`]ile de la Sofia au în plan o nou` m`rire a taxelor.

|n ciuda tuturor problemelor care apar în toat` industria, MGMMirage pariaz` pe un complex format din hoteluri, restaurante [iun cazinou în inima Las Vegas-ului. Valoarea potului? 8.5 miliardede dolari. �

dollars in 2009 and firing over 34.000 employees, the rep-resentatives of the gaming industry in Nevada had no innatedesire for charity. In order to "mend" the budget, the De-mocrats laid down a plan which increased the taxes in orderto support poor areas, like education and social services.The project hoped for revenues of 32.5 million dollars onlyfrom gambling. Nevada Resort Association- the top repre-sentative of the gaming industry in Nevada- absolutely refusedthe proposal of the Democrats. If the project fails, the twotroubled sectors of the economy will suffer dramatic cost re-ductions and a wave of mass firing. As an answer to the re-fusal of the gambling operators, Steven Horsford, the leaderof the Senate majority, warned them that the discussionswere not over yet, emphasizing that this industry must par-ticipate to the balance of the state budget.

The taxes received by the Bulgarian government fromgambling were higher than those from the banking system.Bulgarian banks contributed to the state budget with 10% oftheir annual profit of 780 million Lev, whereas the casinosand bingo rooms paid an income tax of 99.5 Lev (around51 million Euros). Even though the game operators statethat the taxes for this domain are five times higher thanthose for other commercial entities, the authorities fromSofia take into consideration a new increase of the taxes.

Despite all the problems of the industry, MGM Miragebets on a new complex resort with hotels, restaurants anda casino, right in the heart of Las Vegas. The value of thepot? 8.5 billion dollars. �

38 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Iahtul Maltese Falcon nu este un iahtclasic, ci o nou` clas` de iahturi. Sistemuls`u de naviga]ie-Falcon Rig-stabile[te unnou punct de reper \n istoria iahtingului: 3piloni independen]i [i rotativi ce au 15 velepentru o suprafa]` total` de 2.400 mp(25.791 ftp), manipulate de sistemul cu oneegalat` performan]` Perini Navi SailControl, ce prezint` o siguran]` sporit` [icaracteristici de manevrabilitate.A fost construit` f`r` nicio \ncercare de

a fi ostentativ` sau de a se conforma unuistil. A fost un caz perfect de “form` dat`de utilitate”, a spus designerul Ken Frei-vokh.Produsul minune din spatele Perini

Navi Yachts, f`cut la comandamilionaruluiamerican Tom Perkins \n 2006, MalteseFalcon este probabil cea mai mare [i mairapid` barc` cu pånze personal` din lume.Giganticii piloni \nal]i de 57 metri fac posi-bil` aceast` perfoman]`. Un senzor cu fibr`optic`m`soar` viteza [i for]a våntului, pen-

Maltese Falcon„créme de la créme“ în iahting

Maltese Falconthe “créme de la créme” of yachtingAmbarca]iunea a cå[tigat numeroase premii importante de profil pentrudesignul s`u inovator, ce permite pilonilor s` se roteasc` în func]ie de direc]iavåntului.

tru a permite o navigare u[oar` [i cursiv`. Interiorul este luxos, cu 5 s`li superbe,\n care pot intra pån` la 12 invita]i. Dormitorul principal este pe puntea supe-rioar`, cu o cabin` de naviga]ie separat`, zon` de plaj` [i acces direct la timonerie.Interiorul incomparabil \[i g`se[te apogeul \n atrium, unde cele 3 pun]i sunt

unite printr-o scar` circular` ce \nconjoar` pilonul principal, creånd un efect de spi-ral`, \nfrumuse]at de lumina natural` ce se revars` precum o cascad` prin podeleletransparente ale pun]ilor inferioare. Puntea principal` este un spa]iu larg [i aerisitce con]ine un salon principal, o cabin` de pilotaj enorm` la pup`, 2 zone separatede studio [i o maiestuoas` sal` demese. Un confort f`r` compromisuri pentru cei12 oaspe]i pe cele 5 pun]i inferioare, [i un pasaj unic de trecere pe puntea supe-rioar`, cu o cabin` de naviga]ie privat`, o zon` protejat` de soare pentru cei ce vorsa \noate [i acces direct la timoneria ultramodern`: inima \ntregii ambarca]iuni.

39CASINO Inside nr. 2

TheMaltese Falcon isn't a classic yacht, she'sa new class of yacht. Her revolutionary sailingsystem - the FalconRig - sets a newmilestone inyachting history: 3 self-standing and rotatingmasts hosting 15 sails for a total sail area of 2,400squaremeters (25,791 ft square), handled by theultimate inPeriniNavi SailControl for unrivalledperformance with unmatched safety and ma-noeuvrability characteristics.“She was designed without any attempt to

be ostentatious or to conform to a set style – itwas verymuch a case of “form follows function”,said the designer Ken Freivokh.The brainchild of Italian Perini Navi Yachts

on the special demand of American millionaireTom Perkins in 2006, the Maltese Falcon is per-haps the largest and fastest personal sailboat inthe world. Its three gigantic 57-meter-tall-free-standingmasts achieve the rather extraordinarytarget. A fiber-optic sensor system keeps trackof thewind speed and force tomaintain a strongand consistent sailing. The interior is equally lux-uriouswith fivegorgeous staterooms that canen-tertain 12 guests. Themaster bedroom is on theupper deck with a private cockpit, sunbathingarea and direct access to the wheelhouse.The incomparable interior finds its zenith in

the atriumwhere the 3-decks are united by a cir-cular stairway surrounding themainmast creat-ing a spiralling effect, enhanced by natural lightcascading from the top to the lower decksthrough transparent floors. The main deck is awideopenspace featuringamain saloon, anenor-mous aft-cockpit, 2 separate studio areas and amajestic dining room.Uncompromising comfortfor her 12 guests in 5 lower deck staterooms and1 inimitablepassagecabinon theupperdeckwitha private cockpit, a protected sun bathing areaanddirectaccess to theultramodernwheelhouse:the heart of thewhole vessel.

Sold for 120million US dollars

This spectacular mega yacht changed own-ers last year, and it is reported that the luxuryyacht finally sold to Elena Ambrosiadou for 120million US dollars. A real deal if you consideroriginal owner, TomPerkinswas asking 165mil-lion US dollars. Ambrosiadou, grew up inGreece and is best known for establishing one ofthe most successful hedge funds in the world,and was Britain's top paid female executive be-fore moving her company Ikos to Cyprus in2006. The Maltese Falcon luxury yacht carriestwo 32 foot PascoeRIBTenders, four Laser sail-boats, and a 14 foot Castold Jet tender. In addi-tion, theMaltese Falcon yacht also has a privatesubmarine for exploring the deep, which wasone of former luxury yacht owners, TomPerkins' favorite toys, and strangely enoughwasone of the reasons Perkins says he sold the lux-ury Maltese Falcon.�

The boat haswon a numberof high-profileawards for itsinnovative saildesign, whichallows themasts to rotatedepending onwind direction.

Våndut pentru 120 milioane dolari

Acest iaht impresionant a schimbat proprietarii \n urm` cu un an, iahtulajungånd \n cele din urm` la Elena Ambrosidau pentru suma de 120 milioanedolari. O afacere pe cinste, avånd \n vedere faptul c` primul proprietar, TomPerkins, cerea 165 milioane de dolari pe el. Ambrosiadou a crescut \n Grecia [ieste cunoscut` drept cea care a pus bazele celor mai de succes fonduri de hedg-ing din lume, fiind cea mai bine pl`tit` femeie manager a Mari Britanii \naintede a-[i muta compania Ikos \n Cipru, \n 2006. Iahtul de lux, Maltese Falcon, are[i un submarin privat pentru explorarea adåncurilor, care era una dintrejuc`riile preferate ale fostului proprietar Tom Perkin. \n mod ciudat, Perkin aspus c` acesta este [i motivul pentru care a våndut iahtul. �

In trecut, fabricantii de masini de joc si operatorii eraupusi in situatia de tine in stoc si de a asigura suportul si pieselede schimb pentru diverse modele de validatoare pentru clientidin diferite tari cu cerinte diverse: interfete de alimentarediferite, modele speciale depinzand de dimensiunile bancnotelorfolosite, etc.

Producatorul canadian Cash Code a eliminat toate acestevariatiuni. CashCode One™ este un model de validator careacopera singur toate cerintele impuse de interfata, protocol,tensiune de alimentare si valuta ce trebuie validata. Aceastanoua solutie este cu adevarat unica in industria jocurilor denoroc si in mod categoric va reduce costurile de operare siintretinere ale Operatorilor si Producatorilor.

Validatorul One™ este considerat universal deoarece func-tioneaza la 12 sau 24V, are bezeluri multiple care acceptabancnote de diferite dimensiuni si contine pe o singura placatoate interfetele importante existente in industria jocurilor denoroc. Deasemenea, functioneaza cu toate protocoalele stan-dard din industrie, ceea ce permite instalarea lui pe oricemasina de joc, indiferent de marca, protocol, interfata, sau ten-siune de alimentare.

Deasemenea, CashCode one™ se mandreste cu cea mairapida viteza de validare, sub 3 secunde, fara sa compromitamasurile de securitate impotriva bancnotelor false.

Rata de acceptare de peste 98% laprima insertie, se aplicanu numai bancnotelor dar si tichetelor cu coduri de bare(TITO), avand posibilitate de insertie a acestora in 4 directii sipe ambele fete.Mecanismul de centrare permite citirea rapidasi sigura a tichetelor cu coduri de bare, inca de la prima in-sertie, marind astfel satisfactia jucatorilor si micsorand re-tragerea castigurilor Operatorilor.

Cash Code One este proiectat sa fie cu adevarat UNI-VERSAL - sa functioneze in orice masina de joc, oriunde inlume!

In the past, OEM’s and Operators had to inventory andsupport various models and parts for various countries intowhich they sold their machines. Some countries required dif-ferent power interfaces, as well as unique models depending onthe width of currency being validated.

CashCode has removed all the variances out. With One™,one model will handle any of the supported protocols, inter-faces, currencies, etc. This newest solution is truly unique inthe industry and will definitely reduce OEM and Operator lo-gistical costs.

Operational universality is created from built-in conceptssuch as the ability to work in 12 or 24 Volt environments,multiple-front bezels that accommodate numerous size bills, andhaving all major industry interface options present on a single

board . The One™ also supports all gaming industry standardprotocols so it can be used on any gaming machine, no mat-ter the maker, protocol, interface or voltage.

CashCode One™ also boasts the fastest validation speedat under 3 seconds without compromising security measuresagainst counterfeits.

The 98%+ acceptance rate not only applies to bills but tobarcoded tickets(TITO), too. Operators can allow for face upor face down acceptance of TITO tickets and the device selfcenters each ticket ensuring it is read accurately on the firstpass. Increased customer ease and satisfaction results in moretickets in the cash box.

CashCode One™ is engineered to be truly Universal – tofunction on any machine at any location around the world!

40 CASINO Inside nr. 2

CashCode One este cu adevarat un validatorunic in Industria Jocurilor de Noroc!

CashCode One™ is a truly unique gaming billvalidator!

42 CASINO Inside nr. 2

ExplosiveGames IIExplosive Games II a demonstrat deja c` esteunul dintre cele mai performante produse depe pia]a ceh`. La råndul lor, operatorii romåniau avut [ansa unic` s` vad` Explosive GamesII la Entertainment Arena Expo 2010.Explosive Games II const` \n 8 jocuri, dintrecare unele ofer` bonusuri speciale. Pachetulde jocuri cuprinde nume precum BurningOcean, Dirty Money, Twenty Seven etc.Toate produsele sunt prezentate \n 2 variantede cabine Synot [i una Slant, dotate cu pieseale unor produc`tori celebri de echipamentede joc precum Zest G620, JCM EBA 32 etc.

ExplosiveGames IIExplosive Games II has already proved itself tobe one of the best performing products at theCzech market.Romanian operators have had a unique oppor-tunity to see Explosive Games II at the Entertain-ment Arena Expo 2010.Explosive Games II consist of 8 games, out ofwhich some offer innovative bonus features.The range of games includes titles such as Burn-ing Ocean, Dirty Money, Twenty Seven etc.All products are offered in 2 types of high qualitySynot upright cabinets and one Slant Top cabinetequipped by parts produced by well-known pro-ducers of gaming equipment such as Zest G620board, JCM EBA 32 note acceptor etc.

Se [tie faptul c` operatorii cu capital str`in dinRomânia opereaz` cu slot-uri care au o medie deîncas`ri mai mare decât cea pe care o au aparateleautohtone. Astfel, este necesar ca mijloacele de joccu care operatorii r`mân pe pia]` s` fie performante,impunându-se diversificarea portofoliului de slot-uri.

În acest context, Newton Gaming vine în întâmpi-narea clien]ilor s`i cu slot-uri recondi]ionate lapre]uri foarte accesibile. Acestea au fost exploatateîn Austria, Cehia, Estonia [i Rusia [i au pu]ine ore defunc]ionare.

Experien]a de mai mul]i ani a firmei, dobândit` îndomeniul industriei jocurilor de noroc, constituiegaran]ia succesului produselor sale [i a satisfac]ieiclien]ilor. Ca o dovad` a calit`]ii produselor, dar [i arespectului pe care îl poart` pentru operatorii dinRomânia care au decis s` î[i restructureze porto-foliul de slot-uri, Newton Gaming ofer` garan]ie [iservice pentru aparatele achizi]ionate.Toate produsele oferite au aprobare de tip emis` deB.R.M.L [i sunt conforme cu standardele impuse deNormele Metodologice ale OUG 77/2009.

It is well known that the foreign capital operators inRomania work with slots which have a cashing-in av-erage higher than national machines. Thus, it is ne-cessary the gambling means with which theoperators remain on the market to be performing, re-quiring the diversification of the slots portfolio.

Taking this into consideration, Newton Gamingcomes with reconditioned slots for accessibleprices, all for its clients. These were used in Austria,Czech Republic, Estonia and Russia and have lowoperating hours.

The many years experience of the company whichwas acquired in the gaming industry, stands for thewarranty of the success of its products and the cus-tomers’ satisfaction. As a proof of the product quali-ty, but as well of the respect for the Romanianoperators who decided to restructure their slot port-folio, Newton Gaming offers warranty and mainte-nance for the acquired machines.All products are offered with the specific authorisa-tion issued by B.R.M.L and are conform to the stan-dards stipulated by the Methodological Norms ofOUG 77/2009.

Newton GamingCotroceni Business Center

Bucureşti, B-dul Iuliu Maniu nr. 7, Corp A, Etaj 3, Sector 6Telefon: +40735.63.64.81

Newton GamingCriza economică şi modificările legislative recente au determinat o serie de schimbăridramatice pe piaţa jocurilor de noroc din România. Mărirea taxelor impusă de actuala

legislaţie a generat o redimensionare a afacerii la cerinţele pieţei actuale.

The economic crisis and the recent legislative changes have determined a series of dramaticchanges on the gambling market in Romania. The increase of the taxes which was imposedby the present legislation generated the restructuring of the business for the demand of the

today market.

46 CASINO Inside nr. 2

International Game Technology,o istorie a inova]iei în tehnologie

International Game Technology, a historyof technological innovation

47CASINO Inside nr. 2

IGT va s`rb`tori anul viitor cel de-al 30-lea an ca [icompanie listat`la burs`. De[i originile sale ca [icompanie privat` dateaz` din anii 1950, decizia com-

paniei de a se lista la burs` în 1981 a ar`tat disponibili-atea de a face afaceri al scar` mare. Succesul IGT avenit cå]iva ani mai tårziu cånd a pus piciorul înprag prin revolu]ionarul produs, video poker.

Perspectivele pentru industria de cazino continu` safie optimiste [i pentru 2010, ignorånd criza, iar Interna-tional Game Technology inten]ioneaz` s` transformeinova]ia în principala contribu]ie la succesul s`u. IGTeste o companie interna]ional` specializat` în designul,dezvoltarea, fabricarea, distribu]ia [i vånzarea jocurilor [isistemelor computerizate de joc. Cre[terea companieiIGT poate fi trasat` odat` cu expansiunea industriei decazino [i trendul ascendent al aparatelor de jocuri denoroc, acestea fiind [i principalele motoare de venitpentru cazinourile moderne.

Cu produsele de referin]` - ma[ina de video pokerThe Player's Edge, the S-Slot® - IGT intr` pe pia]a desloturi condus` de microprocesoare, împreun` cuMegabucks® din Nevada, prima regiune din lume cure]ea larg` de acoperire, sau MegaJackpots®, un sistemde slot ce a plusat jackpotul la 1 milion de dolari [i af`cut posibil ca orice cazino din sistem s` poat` aveapl`]i de milioane de dolari ca [i pentru orice juc`tor.Nevada Megabucks® a furnizat cel mai mare jackpot deslot - 39.7 milioane dolari - în martie 2003 la Excaliburîn Las Vegas [i a pl`tit peste 585 milioane de dolaric`tre 70 de juc`tori, în cei peste 22 de ani de activi-tate.

IGT will celebrate its30th year as a publiccompany next year. Al-

though its origins as a pri-vate company date back tothe early 1950s, IGT's de-cision to go public in 1981signaled its intent to dobusiness on a worldwidescale. IGT's "foot in thedoor" had arrived a fewyears earlier with the suc-cess of its revolutionarygaming product, videopoker.

Prospects for thecasino industry continue tobe strong for 2010, ignor-ing the crisis and Interna-tional Game Technology(IGT) intends to make in-novation its primary contri-bution to its success. IGTis an international companythat specializes in the de-sign, development, manufac-ture, distribution and salesof computerized gamingmachines and systemsproducts. The growth ofIGT can be traced directly

to the expansion of thecasino industry and the as-cendance of gaming ma-chines as the primaryrevenue drivers for themodern casino floor.

With the landmarkproducts - the Player'sEdge® video poker machine,the S-Slot® - IGT is entersinto the microprocessor-driven spinning-reel slotmarket; together withMegabucks® in Nevada, theworld's first wide-area pro-gressive, or MegaJackpots®,slot system that boasted abase top jackpot of $1 mil-lion and made million-dollarpayouts possible for anycasino on the system - andfor any player who playedit. Nevada Megabucks® pro-duced the world's largestslot jackpot -- $39.7 mil-lion -- in March 2003 atExcalibur in Las Vegas andhas paid more than $585million to 70 winners in its22-year history. MegaJack-pots® nationwide have paid

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La nivel na]ional, MegaJackpots® a pl`tit mai mult de4.6 miliarde de dolari, premii ce au revenit celor 6000de cå[tig`tori. În 1990, IGT a lansat sloturile Red White& Blue® [i Double Diamond®, ce au creat noi temepentru sloturi.

La 10 ani de la prima emisiune de ac]iuni, IGT eralistat` la Bursa din New York, în anul 1991. |n acela[ian, a venit [i legalizarea jocurilor de noroc pe vasele decroazier` din Statele Unite. Noua ni[` de pia]` [i intro-ducerea dispozitivelor încastrate în aparate pentru ac-ceptarea de banknote, au propulsat produc]ia IGT,compania devenind cea mai performan]` pe pia]a deac]iuni a NYSE.

Cel mai popular aparat de joc din istorie

|n decembrie 1996, IGT a debutat cu ceea cereprezint` acum cel mai popular aparat de joc din în-treaga istorie: slotul progresiv Wheel of Fortune® -Roata norocului. Aceste sloturi au dat mai mult de 2.1miliarde dolari în jackpoturi mari, iar tema lor a fostadaptat` unui num`r mare de versiuni ale aparatului, dela slotul video Wheel of Fortune® Super Spin™, la oversiune progresiv` cu mai multe nivele. Anul 1998 aadus inova]ii importante, IGT introducånd Triple PlayDraw Poker® printr-un parteneriat cu Action Gaming,lucru ce a înt`rit cota de pia]` local` de video poker aIGT, aceasta ajungånd la 90%; la acesta se adaug` [i slo-tul ELVIS®, ce a urmat succesului cu Wheel ofFortune®. |n 2005, IGT a scos primul s`u produs pro-gresiv pe multiple nivele, Fort Knox®.

more than $4.6 billion tonearly 6,000 winners. In1990, IGT released theRed White & Blue® andDouble Diamond® slots,which introduced specificthemes to slot machines.Ten years after its initialpublic offering, IGT waslisted on the New YorkStock Exchange in January1991. That same year sawthe legalization of riverboatgaming in the UnitedStates. The new-marketspike, coupled with the in-troduction of embeddedbill acceptors on its gamingmachines, propelled IGT'sproduction output and ledto IGT's being listed as thetop-performing stock onthe NYSE.

The most populargaming machine inhistory

In December 1996, IGTdebuted what is still themost popular gaming ma-

chine of all time: theWheel of Fortune® pro-gressive slot. Wheel ofFortune® slots have paidmore than $2.1 billion inmajor jackpots, and thetheme has been adapted toa number of variations -from the nine-stationWheel of Fortune® SuperSpin™ video slot and itsfive-station variation to aMulti-Level Progressive ver-sion. The year 1998 pro-duced important newproduct innovations as IGTintroduced Triple PlayDraw Poker® through apartnership with ActionGaming, which strengthenedIGT's domestic video pokermarket share of nearly90%; and the ELVIS® slot,which followed on the suc-cess of the Wheel of For-tune® machine. In 2005,IGT unveiled its first multi-level progressive product,Fort Knox®. And becausecasino-style gaming is flour-ishing in Asia, Europe,

49CASINO Inside nr. 2

{i cum jocurile de tip cazino înfloresc în Asia, Eu-ropa, America Latin`, Australia [i Africa, IGT [i asocia]iis`i de]in în prezent peste 360 de licen]e în 290 de ju-ridic]ii de joc din toat` lumea. IGT are puncte de vån-zare în toat` aria de jocuri legalizate, iar în 2005,compania a înfiin]at cåteva birouri în Macau [i Mexic,tocmai pentru a servi aceste pie]e în plin` dezvoltare.

Liniile de produc]ie actuale ale IGT sunt produselesb™ pentru jocurile bazate pe servere; sloturi cu afi[ajerotative; aparate de jocuri video Game King®; sistemulpentru bilete EZ Pay®; seria Reel Touch™ Bingo; plat-forma Advanced Video (AVP); pachetul de produse IGTAdvantage™ Systems, ce include Table iD™; software-ulIGT Mariposa™; aparatele Barcrest USA; re]eaua deacoperire progresiv` MegaJackpots® [i linia de multi-playere M-P Series™.

IGT a introdus cåteva produse noi la expozi]iaGlobal Gaming din 2007, inclusiv un slot video eBay™,slotul progresiv pe mai multe nivele Star Wars™, slotulcu display multiplu Indiana Jones™ and the Last Cru-sade™ [i cinci noi aparate de joc pentru platformaAVP®, ce reprezint` cea mai expansiv` introducere aunui model, din istoria sa. La expozeul Global Gamingdin 2006 din Las Vegas, IGT a dezv`luit conceptul M-PSeries™ pentru rulet` [i bacara, primele jocuri dintr-olinie complet` de mese multi-func]ionale electronice.

IGT este unicul produc`tor de echipamente de jocdin lume, ce are ca angajat un Director pentru un jocresponsabil, care este îns`rcinat cu implementarea pro-gramului companiei pentru un Joc Responsabil. �

Latin America, Australiaand Africa, IGT and its af-filiates hold presently morethan 360 licenses in 290gaming jurisdictions world-wide. IGT has sales officesthroughout the legalizedgaming world, and in 2005the Company establishedoffices in Macau and Mex-ico to serve those bur-geoning markets.

IGT's current productlines are sb™ products forserver-based gaming; spin-ning-reel slots; Game King®

video gaming machines; theEZ Pay® ticket system; theReel Touch™ Bingo Series;the Advanced Video Plat-form (AVP®) product; theIGT Advantage™ SystemsSuite of Products includingTable iD™; IGT Mariposa™Software; Barcrest USA ma-chines; MegaJackpots® wide-area progressives, multi-levelprogressives and mysteryprogressives; and the M-PSeries™ line of multi-playerproducts.

IGT introduced severalnew products at the 2007Global Gaming Expo in-cluding the new eBay™video slot, the StarWars™ Multi-Level Pro-gressive, the IndianaJones™ and the Last Cru-sade™ slot with its Multi-Layered Display, and fivenew gaming machine mod-els for its AVP® platform,representing the most ex-pansive model introductionin its history. At the 2006Global Gaming Expo in LasVegas, IGT unveiled its M-P Series™ multi-playerconcepts for roulette andbaccarat, the first games ina complete line of elec-tronic multi-player tablegame products.

IGT is the only gamingequipment manufacturer inthe world to have a full-time Director of Responsi-ble Gaming, charged withimplementing the Com-pany's Responsible GamingProgram. �

50 CASINO Inside nr. 2

DoyleBrunsonpatriarhul pokeruluimodern|n lumea pokerului, jocul ce a cucerit America [i a de-venit al treilea cel mai vizionat sport televizat, primula fost întotdeauna [i continu` s` fie, Doyle „TexasDolly“ Brunson. Brunson, în vårst` de 77 ani, estecorespondentul lui Babe Ruth, al lui Michael Jordan [ial lui Arnold Palmer în poker. El a inventat, teoreticvorbind, fenomenul Texas Hold'em.

Dintre to]i juc`toriice [i-au onorat se-menii în acest` lume

a pokerului, Doyle Brunsoneste probabil „T`ticul“ tuturor.El este cunoscut ca fiind unuldintre cei mai mari juc`tori ceau pus bazele acestui sport,pentru mul]ii juc`tori [i pa-siona]i ce aveau s` apar`.|nainte de terminarea studiilor,el a început s` joace ocazionalpoker, descoperind astfel c` îlatrage [i c` ar fi un drum pecare i-ar pl`cea s`-l urmeze.Dup` terminarea masterului, alucrat ca agent de vånz`ri pen-tru o perioad`, [i la scurt timpde la începerea acestei slujbe,a mers [i a jucat poker. |ntr-un singur joc, el a cå[tigat maimult decåt salariul lui pe olun`, în doar cåteva ore, lucrucare l-a determinat s` treac` laprofesioni[ti. |n perioada de în-ceput, Doyle a fost implicat încåteva jocuri ilegale de poker.Unele dintre acestea s-audovedit a fi periculoase, chiarfatale - el g`sindu-se în diversesitua]ii în care era amenin]atcu pistolul, jefuit de al]ii, b`tutsau agresat fizic.

Cånd s-a stabilit în celedin urm` în Vegas, el era dejaun juc`tor obi[nuit la WorldSeries of Poker, (WSOP) înc`de la începuturile acestora din1970, jucånd la Main Eventaproape în fiecare an, asta pelång` particip`rile la turneelecu br`]`ri. El a ajuns la cåtevamese finale din WSOP, astaînainte de a începe s` cå[tigeturneele. În afar` de cele din1976 [i 1977, printre victoriilepremiate ale lui Brunson senum`r`: 1980 (locul 2,învingåndu-l pe triplul campionStu Ungar), 1982 (locul 4),1983 (locul 3), 1997 (locul 16)[i 2004 (locul 53). Brunsoneste primul juc`tor ce acå[tigat 1 milion de dolari înturneele de poker. Printre per-forman]ele sale se num`r` [i10 br`]`ri la World Series ofPoker în întreaga carier`, fiindla egalitate cu Johnny Chan [icu una în urma lui Phil Hell-muth. De asemenea, el esteprintre singurii doi juc`tori,

51CASINO Inside nr. 2

Of the many greatpoker players thathave graced the likes

of the poker world - DoyleBrunson is probably the "granddaddy" of all of them. He isknown as one of the most fa-mous players to pave the wayfor many poker players andenthusiasts to come. Beforecompleting his education, heplayed poker every now andthen and found that the gamewas something that he likedand possibly wanted to pur-sue. After Brunson receivedhis masters degree, he thenworked for a while as a sales-man and soon after he started,went to a poker game, wonmore money than his job atthe time could provide in amonth within only a fewhours and decided to playprofessionally. During his ear-lier poker playing days, Doylewas involved with a few illegalpoker games. Some of thesegames even resulting in whatcould have proven to be dan-gerous and even fatal - as hehas had guns pulled on him onmany occasions, been robbedby others an even beaten andphysically assaulted at times.

When he finally settled inLas Vegas, he has been a reg-ular player at the World Se-ries of Poker, since itscreation in 1970, playing in theMain Event nearly every yearsince then in addition to play-ing in many of the preliminarybracelet events. He madesome WSOP championshipevent final table before hisback to back wins. Besides histwo championship wins in1976 and 1977, Brunson'sother main event cashes are:1980 (2nd place, runner-up tothree-time champion StuUngar, 1982 (4th), 1983 (3rd),1997 (16th), and 2004 (53rd).Brunson is the first player toearn 1 million US dollars inpoker tournaments and haswon ten World Series ofPoker bracelets throughout hiscareer, tied with Johnny Chanfor second all-time, one behindPhil Hellmuth's eleven. He is

Doyle Brunsonthe patriarch of modern pokerIn the world of poker, the game that took over America andbecome the third most watched sport on television, the firsthas always been and continues to be, the legendary Doyle"Texas Dolly" Brunson. Brunson, now 77, is the Babe Ruth, theMichael Jordan, and the Arnold Palmer of poker. He virtuallyinvented the phenomenon that is Texas Hold'em.

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al`turi de Bill Boyd, ce a cå[tigat br`]`ri la WSOP în 4 ani con-secutivi. Mai mult decåt atåt, el este primul din cei 5 juc`tori ceau cå[tigat atåt WSOP Main Event, cåt [i un titlu la TurneulMondial de Poker. În 2009, cå[tigurile sale la turnee live au dep`[itsuma de 5.800.000 dolari, dintre care 2.892.536 erau de la WSOP.

Brunson are onoarea de a avea 2 variante numite dup` el, laTexas Hold'em. Una, format` dintr-un zecar [i un doiar de oriceculoare, îi poart` numele deoarece a cå[tigat cu ea turneul NoLimit Hold 'Em la WSOP 2 ani la rånd, în ambele cazuri avåndfull. O alt` variant` cunoscut` sub numele de „Doyle Brunson,“în special la Texas, este format` din As si Dam`, de orice cu-loare.

„Biblia“ c`r]ilor de poker

|n urm` cu 30 de ani, el a fost co-autorul c`r]ii ce s-a numit„Biblia“ pokerului--„Super-System: Cum am f`cut peste 1.000.000de dolari jucånd poker“, ce a revolu]ionat cu adev`rat modulîn care se juca poker. A fost prima carte de strategie de acestfel [i este în continuare cunoscut` drept una dintre c`r]ile dereferin]` ce au fost scrise. Cartea are capitole separate pentrudiverse jocuri de poker. Pentru fiecare dintre acestea, Brunsona cooptat un expert, el acoperind sec]iunea destinat` pentruTexas Hold'em. Cartea trece prin 5 stiluri de poker, explicåndu-le în am`nunt: Draw, Stud, High-Low Stud, Lowball [i Hold'em.Unele dintre aceste stiluri de poker au varia]ii ce sunt atinseîn aceast` carte. Spre exemplu, capitolul despre LowBall acoper`Ace-to-Five, Deuce-to-Seven [i Seven-Card Low. Super/System IIa fost publicat în 2004, de data aceasta oferind cititorilor tip-suri [i gånduri ale altor juc`tori profesioni[ti de poker, precumDaniel Negreanu, Mike Caro, Jennifer Harman [i fiul lui Doyle,Todd Brunson. �

also one of the only two players, along with Bill Boyd, to havewon bracelets at the WSOP in four consecutive years. In addi-tion, he is the first of five players to win both the WSOP MainEvent and a World Poker Tour title. As of 2009, his total livetournament winnings exceeded 5,800,000 US dollars. He has to-taled 2,892,536 US dollars in earnings at the WSOP.

Brunson has the honor of having two Texas hold'em handsnamed after him. One hand, a ten and a two of any suit, bearshis name as he won the No Limit Hold 'Em event at the WorldSeries of Poker two years in a row with them, in both casescompleting a full house. Another hand known as a "Doyle Brun-son," especially in Texas, is the ace and queen of any suit.

The “Bible” of poker books

Thirty-one years ago, he co-wrote what has been called the"Bible" of poker -- "Super/System: How I Made Over $1,000,000Playing Poker", a book which truly revolutionized the way thegame was played, because it was the first strategy book of itskind and is still known as one of the most important pokerbooks ever written. The book consists of separate sections on avariety of poker games. For each of these games, Brunson hasrecruited an expert, with Brunson writing the section on TexasHold'em. The book goes through and explains fairly in depth, fivedifferent variations of poker: Draw, Stud, High-Low Stud, Low-ball, and Hold'em. Some of these forms of poker have a num-ber of variations that are touched upon in the book, for example:The Lowball section covers Ace-to-Five, Deuce-to-Seven, andSeven-Card Low. Super/System II was published in 2004, this timeoffering readers insights from several other poker professionals in-cluding Daniel Negreanu, Mike Caro, Jennifer Harman and Doyle’sson, Todd Brunson. �

54 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Un concept nou ce define[te confortul clientului


Stanleybet a deschis joi, 25 februarie, în Bucure[ti,prima agen]ie de tipul „Stanleybet live sports”, în cadrulunei investi]ii de peste 60.000 euro, aceasta reprezentåndcea dea 250-a agen]ie Stanleybet în Romånia. La lansare auparticipat, pe lång` oficiali ai companiei, [i ambasadorulMarii Britanii la Bucure[ti, Excelen]a Sa Robin Barnett.

Prin acest nou concept, „Stanleybet Live Sports” aducela un loc elementele clasice ale brandului, la care se adaug`transmisia live a celor mai importante competi]ii sportive,pariuri live, pariuri virtuale (inclusiv pentru cursele de cai– trap, galop, cåini, generate de un server independent),aparate de joc de ultim` genera]ie precum [i o zon` cubar.

„Prin lansarea noului concept, Stanleybet î[i arat` in-teresul fa]` de pia]a din Romånia, de[i suntem într-o pe-rioad` foarte dificil`. Sunt convins c` Stanleybet va promovanu doar interesele companiei, ci [i ale Marii Britanii“, a de-clarat cu ocazia particip`rii la eveniment, ambasadorul RobinBarnett.

Norman James Leese, reprezentantul companiei-mame,a declarat c` extinderea companiei va continua în Romå-nia, pe o pia]` dificil`. „Planurile Stanleybet pentru Romå-nia nu se vor opri aici [i vizeaz` extinderea re]elei la nivelna]ional“, a spus directorul de dezvoltare interna]ional` aStanleybet. Mai exact, conform oficialilor companiei, Stan-leybet î[i propune ca, pån` la sfår[itul acestui an s` deschid`înc` 10 agen]ii similare, atåt în Bucure[ti, cåt [i în celelalteora[e mari din Romånia. Investi]ia total` implicat` în acestproiect se ridic` la peste 600.000 euro [i va crea aproxi-mativ 100 de locuri de munc`.

„|ncerc`m s` promov`m în Romånia experien]a bri-tanic` de pariere, iar noul concept de agen]ie lansat, cepresupune un anumit confort, este un pas firesc c`treîmbun`t`]irea serviciului pentru clien]i. Acest concept, in-tegrat la un nivel calitativ superior celor obisnuite, îl vomdezvolta treptat si în alte agen]ii Stanleybet”, a declarat, laråndul s`u, pentru Casino Inside, Liviu Popovici, directorulgeneral al filialei din Romånia a Stanleybet International. �

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A new concept which definesthe customer satisfaction


StanleyBet opened on Thursday, 25th of February, thefirst agency within StanleyBet Live Sports profile inBucharest. This was a 60000 Euro investment and the250th agency of StanleyBet in Romania. Besides the rep-resentatives of the company, Great Britain's Ambassadorin Bucharest, His Excellency Robin Barnett was present atthe grand opening.

Through this new concept, " StanleyBet Live Sports "brings together the classic elements of the brand, in ad-dition to the live transmission of the most important sportcompetitions, live bets, virtual bets(including horse anddog racing, which are generated by an independent sever),last generation game machines and a pub area.

"By launching this new concept, StanleyBet shows itsinterest for the Romanian market, in a very difficult pe-riod. I am convinced that StanleyBet will promote notonly the interests of the company, but those of GreatBritain as well", declared the Ambassador Robin Barnett,on this event.

Norman James Leese, the representative of the mothercompany, declared that the expansion of the companywould continue in Romania on a very difficult market."Theplans of StanleyBet will not stop here and they aim ex-tending the network on a national level", said the inter-national expansion manager of StanleyBet. To be moreexact, according to the representatives of the company,StanleyBet has as a target to open 10 more agencies likethis, in Bucharest as well as in other cities in Romania,by the end of this year. The total investment amounts600000 Euro and would create around 100 workplaces.

"We are trying to promote the British betting expe-rience in Romania, and the new concept which assumesa certain comfort is a natural step towards improving thecustomer service. This concept is integrated at a superiorquality standard and will be developed step by step in theStanleyBet agencies", declared for Casino Inside LiviuPopovici, the General Manager of StanleyBet Internationalsubsidiary in Romania. �

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Valentine’sWeekend laCasa Vernescu

Restaurantul Casa Vernescu a s`rbatorit în acestan Ziua |ndr`gosti]ilor sub marca The Event Dinner InTown, noua serie de evenimente destinate clien]ilor.Cu aceast` ocazie, s`rb`toarea iubirii a adus cuplurilorun show culinar, creat special pentru Valentine`s decelebrul Joseph Hadad, Executive Chef. Acesta a fostde-altfel [i experien]a care le-a dezv`luit celorprezen]i un meniu ultra-rafinat [i totodat` una dintrecrea]iile originale ale maestrului: `Lovers Foie Gras`.

De asemenea, invita]ii au savurat [i cåte o cup` cu[ampanie fin` Moët et Chandon, dedica]ia special` dinpartea maestrului buc`tar, [i, în acela[i timp, o promi-siune pentru o sear` perfect`. [i pentru c` cele maifrumoase pove[ti de dragoste se nasc în acordurilemuzicii, nu a lipsit de la aceast` s`rb`toare nici show-ul arti[tilor de pe scena Casei Vernescu: Claudia(Cream) [i Tibi Scobiola Band, care au oferit celorcare se iubesc emo]iile unei seri de neuitat.

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Valentine’sweekend atCasa Vernescu

Casa Vernescu restaurant celebrated this year’sValentine’s Day under the name of “The Event Dinnerin Town”, the new series of events for clients. Onthis occasion, the feast of love has brought a culinaryshow to the couples, created specially for this day, bythe famous Joseph Hadad, Executive Chef. It was,moreover, an experience which revealed to thosepresent, an extra-refined menu and one of the origi-nal creations of the master:”Lovers Foie Gras”.

Furthermore, the guests have enjoyed a cup offine Moët et Chandon champagne, with a special dedi-cation from the Chef, and, at the same time, a prom-ise for a perfect evening. And because the mostbeautiful love stories are born on the notes of music,the show of some known artists was the one whichcouldn’t have been missed. Claudia (Cream) and TibiScobiola Band, were the ones who offered those inlove the emotions of an unforgettable evening.

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Comoara Pira]ilorPromo]ie de 100.000 Euro la Regent Casino!

|n fiecare sear` dup` miezul nop]ii, clien]ii Regent Casino pornesc în c`utarea unei comori de 100.000 euro ce poate fi cå[tigat`zilnic în cadrul promo]iei, numit` sugestiv [i totodata legendar, Comoara Pira]ilor

Doar c` pira]ii au ascuns comorile în nou` cutii, [i, pentru a deschide fiecare cutie, trebuie g`sit` cheia potrivit`. |n fiecarecutie se g`se[te cåte o comoar` ce valoreaza: 100 Euro, 1.000 Euro, 5.000, 10.000 Euro, 25.000 Euro sau 100.000 Euro. Pentrua cå[tiga comoara cea mai de pre] – 100.000 Euro, trebuie deschise pe rånd toate cele nou` cutii.

„Clien]ii se pot opri în orice moment [i atunci cå[tig` suma care se g`se[te în ultima cutie deschis`. Cei mai mul]i, îns`, alegs` mearg` mai departe asumåndu-[i riscul de a deschide urm`toarea cutie [i de a pierde tot ce au cå[tigat. Pentru cei curajo[i,care se aventureaz` [i risc`, garant`m premiul de 1.000 Euro”, a explicat Carmen Joi]a – Director de Marketing la Regent Casino.

Pirates’ TreasurePromotion of 100,000 Euro in Regent Casino!Every night after midnight, the Regent Casino clients go into the search for a 100,000 Euro treasure, which can be won daily

during this promotion. This is suggestively and legendary called, Pirates’ Treasure.The only problem is that the pirates have hidden the treasures in nine boxes and in order to open every box, one has to

find the key to fit each one. Every box has a treasure of 100 Euro, 1000 Euro, 10,000, 25,000 or 100,000 Euro. In order towin the most valuable treasure -100,000 Euro, one has to open each box at a time.

“The clients can stop anytime and when they do, they win the amount from the last opened box. Most of them, however,choose to go on, taking the risk of opening the next box and loose all they have won until then. For the brave ones, whichtake the risk, we guarantee the prize of 1000 Euro”, explained Carmen Joita - Marketing Director at Regent Casino.

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GameWorld[i-a premiatcolaboratorii avu]iîn cei 10 ani de activitate

|n a[teptarea premiilor Oscar decernate la Kodak Theatredin Los Angeles, Game World a premiat, miercuri, 27 febru-arie în cadrul „Game World Awards“ acei clien]i, prieteni, man-ageri care le-au fost al`turi în cei 10 ani de activitate. Laevenimentul desf`[urat „acas`”, adica în cazinoul Game Worlddin Mall Vitan, invita]ii au avut parte de show-urile incendiareale fetelor de la Flamingo Girls, al`turi de forma]ia Ladies [iElena. Cei 50 de premia]i au tr`it momente speciale [i, îm-preun` cu marea familie a Game World, au decis s` repete ex-perien]a an de an, astfel ca acest eveniment s` devin` tradi]ie.

GameWorld awardedits collaborators from its10 years of activity

Waiting for the Oscar awards from Kodak Theatre in LosAngeles, Game World awarded on Wednesday, 27th of Feb-ruary, during „Game World Awards“, those clients, friends andmanagers, who stood by, along the 10 years of activity. On theevent which took place „at home“, meaning in the GameWorld Casino in Vitan Mall, the guests enjoyed some juicyshows of the Flamingo Girls, Ladies Band and Elena. The 50awarded persons had some special moments and together withthe big family of Game World, decided to repeat this experi-ence every year, so that this event can become a tradition.

60 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Premii non-stopla Bling Magic

Såmb`t`, 27 februarie, Bling Bet Casino [i-a bucurat clien]ii oferindu-le numeroase premii in-citante. În urma extragerilor, s-au împ`r]it trei premii în valoare de 3000 lei, un altul de 7000lei [i marele premiu de 20.000 lei. La toate acestea, s-au ad`ugat [i cele dou` extrageri zilniceale loteriei Bling Daily Treasure, extrageri ce au loc la ora 19.00 [i la miezul nop]ii.

Pe tot parcursul serii, clien]ii s-au putut delecta [i bucura de atmosfera de joc, servind cock-tailurile preg`tite special pentru ei, al`turi de un delicios bufet.

61CASINO Inside nr. 2

Non-stop prizes withBling Magic

Saturday, 27th of February, Bling Bet Casino made its customers happy by offering them manyexciting awards. Three prizes amounting 3000 lei were given after the draws, one of 7000 leiand the big prize of 20,000 lei. Besides all of these, the two daily draws which took place at7 p.m. and midnight, were also awarded.

During the entire night, the clients enjoyed the gaming atmosphere, serving cocktails pre-pared especially for them, together with a delicious buffet.

62 CASINO Inside nr. 2

WPT Bucure[tiprimul turneu al World Poker Tour

în Romånia

World Poker Tour® [iRegent Casino aducpentru prima oar` un

eveniment al WPT în Romånia,WPT Bucure[ti. Evenimentul,spon-sorizat de, sedesf`[oar` între 27 martie [i 2aprilie, la Hotel Novotel. |n afar` deturneul principal,se organizeaz` [io varietate de turnee satelit[i turnee de calificare.Sea[teapt` ca eveni-mentul principal,ce trebuie s`acopere 400 locuri,s` atrag` mul]i juc`toriprofesioni[ti de pe totmapamondul. Sateli]ii decalificare live vor func]ionas`pt`månal la Regent Casinopån` pe 20 martie, iar cei on-line pån` pe 14 martie,

„WPT Bucure[ti este unplus unic [i plin de entuziasmla World Poker Tour”, a de-clarat Adam Pliska, Pre[edin-tele WPT. „Regent Casino [ suntparteneri foarte puternicicu o pozi]ionare potrivit`pentru a transforma primul popas al

WPT în Romînia într-un succes.A[tept`m cu ner`bdare s` dezvolt`macest eveniment în anii urm`tori [is` avem cåt mai mul]i juc`tori dinEuropa de Est.”

La råndul lui, SorinConstantinescu, CEORegent Casino, a spus:„Dorim ca WPT Bu-cure[ti s` devin` uneveniment principal pe

scena interna]ional̀ a pokeru-lui [i o necesitate pentru orice

juc`tor de poker”.Cu aceast` ocazie, Gamebook- ofer` un premiu special ceajunge la suma de 7.500 dolari.Loculla WPT se poate cå[tiga prin par-ticiparea la calific`rile zilnice de cu o intrare denumai 5 $. Calific`rile sunt în peri-oda 1 martie-14 martie, cu dou`premii garantate în satelitul de cali-ficare care va avea loc duminic`, 14martie la ora 11:50 ET. Fiecare pa-chet de 7.500 $ include: buy-inWPT în valoare de 4.750 $, cazareape 7 nop]i la Hotel Novotel, serviciiVIP în Regent Casino [i 1.500 $„bani de buzunar” .

Regent Casino a f`cut toatepreg`tirile pentru a se asigura c`

Data Ora de \ncepere Tipul Turneului Numele

27.03 12:00 Freezeout Side Event 1 – Ziua 128.03 12:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Ziua 1A29.03 12:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Ziua 1B30.03 12:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Ziua 231.03 12:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Ziua 331.03 15:00 Freezeout Side Event 2 - Ziua 101.04 12.00 Freezeout Side Event 1 - Ziua 202.04 12.00 Freezeout Side Event 2 - Ziua 202.04 18:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Final Table

63CASINO Inside nr. 2

WPT Bucharestthe first World Poker Tour event

in Romania

World Poker Tour® andRegent Casino bringthe first WPT event

in Romania, WPT Bucharest. Theevent, sponsored by is set to run from March27 – April 2, 2010, at the Novo-tel Bucarest City Center Hotel. Inaddition to the Main Event, thetournament will offer a variety ofsatellite events and two sideevents. The main event, which iscapped at 400 seats, is expectedto draw many professional playersfrom around the globe. Land-basedsatellites will run weekly at theRegent Casino through 20th ofMarch and online qualifiers willrun until 14th March

“WPT Bucharest is a uniqueand exciting addition to theWorld Poker Tour,” said AdamPliska, WPT President. “RegentCasino and arestrong partners with the right po-sitioning to make WPT’s first stopin Romania a success. We lookforward to growing this event inyears to come and reaching moreplayers in Eastern Europe.”

In his turn, Sorin Constanti-

nescu, Regent Casino CEO said:„We want WPT Bucharest to be-come a major event on the in-ternational poker scene and a‘must do’ for any poker player”.

For this occasion, offers a special prizepackage of $7,500. The playerscan win their WPT seat by join-ing daily quali-fiers for as little as $5. Qualifiersrun from 1st March to 14thMarch, with two packages guaran-teed in the satellite which willtake place on Sunday 14th Marchat 11:50 ET. Each $7,500 prizepackage includes: WPT main eventbuy-in worth $4,750, seven nights’accommodation in Novotel hotel,exclusive VIP treatment in RegentCasino and $1,500 spendingmoney.

Regent Casino has made allthe arrangements to ensure thatWPT Bucharest will be a pokertournament of world class stan-dards. Special accommodationrates are available for tournamentplayers at Novotel Bucarest CityCenter Hotel during the event.For hotel’s reservation, pleasecontact reservation@regent-

Date Start Time Tournament type Name

27.03 12:00 Freezeout Side Event 1 – Day 128.03 12:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Day 1A29.03 12:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Day 1B30.03 12:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Day 231.03 12:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Day 331.03 15:00 Freezeout Side Event 2 - Day 101.04 12.00 Freezeout Side Event 1 - Day 202.04 12.00 Freezeout Side Event 2 - Day 202.04 18:00 Freezeout WPT Bucharest Main Event - Final Table

64 CASINO Inside nr. 2

WPT Bucure[ti va fi un turneu de poker ce se ridic` la stan-dardele mondiale. Tarife speciale de cazare sunt disponibile juc`to-rilor, la Hotel Novotel, pe toat` perioada evenimentului. Pentrurezerv`ri la hotel, v` rug`m contacta]i [email protected]. Pentru mai multe informa]ii, vizita]i, sau

Gamebookers, licen]iat în Marea Britanie, a fost lansat pepia]a de pariuri online în 2001, iar în 2003, pe pia]a din Romå-nia, unde devine în scurt timp un nume în domeniu. Fiind liderde pariuri online la nivel mondial, a devenitnumele oficial al diviziei de top în liga de fotbal romåneasc`, carepentru sezonul 2009-2010 a fost numit` „Liga 1”,care are [i un site special, împreun` cu ziarul Prosport, organizeaz` subegida Liga Profesional` de Fotbal (LPF), o anchet` oficial`,„Juc`torul etapei”, unde fanii fotbalului pot alege cel mai bunjuc`tor al fiec`rei etape, care va fi premiat de un oficial al LPF. a fost achizi]ionat de Party Gaming Plc,la mijlocul anului 2006, ce este cotat` la bursa din Londra [i estesub autoriza]ia Comisiei de Control al Jocurilor de Noroc Alder-ney [i a guvernului din Gibraltar. ofer` accesla re eaua de poker (Party Poker), de casino (Party Casino),de bingo (Party Bingo) i de table (Party Gammon) a firmeiParty Gaming.

World Poker Tour (WPT) este unul dintre cele mai marinume în industria televizat` de poker, gambling [i divertisment, cuo prezen]` atåt la turneele din cazionurile live, cåt [i la cele tele-vizate, mobile sau online. Fiind un lider al inova]iei în poker înc`din 2002, WPT a dat na[tere scånteii ce pornit explozia de pokerla nivel global, prin crearea unui show unic de televiziune, bazatpe o serie de turnee cu mize mari. WPT este televizat la nivelmondial în 150 de ]ari [i în prezent filmeaz` cel de-al optuleasezon ce urmeaz` a fi difuzat pe postul na]ional al Statelor Unite,FOX Sports Net. WPT ofer` de asemenea, înregistare onlinegratuit` [i un club de poker bazat pe pronosport,,care opereaz` în 38 de state din Statele Unite. WPT este activ[i în licen]ele strategice de brand, parteneriate [i oportunit`]i desponsorizare. WPT este o filial̀ a PartyGaminG Plc. � For more information, visit, or

Gamebookers, lincensed in U.K., was launched in 2001on the online sports books market and in 2003, on theRomanian market, where it becames, in short time, an im-portant brand on this field. As world’s leading online sportsbooks, became the official name of thetop division of the Romanian football league system, for the2009-2010 season, which was named “Liga 1”, and had also a special site organizes in partnershipwith Prosport newspaper, under the aegis of RomanianProfessional Football League (LPF) an official inquiry, “Theplayer of the stage”, where the football fans can choosethe every stage’s best player, which will be awarded by anLPF official. was acquired by Party Gaming Plc mid2006, quoted on the London Stock Exchange, and is nowthe trading name of PartyBets Limited. Gamebookers is li-censed and regulated by the Alderney Gambling ControlCommission and Government of Gibraltar. Gamebookers.comoffers conection to Party Poker, Party Casino, Party Bingoand Party Gammon of Party Gaming.

World Poker Tour (WPT) is one of the most recognizednames in internationally televised gaming and entertainmentwith brand presence in land-based tournaments, television,online and mobile. Leading innovation in the sport of pokersince 2002, WPT ignited the global poker boom with thecreation of a unique television show based on a series ofhigh stakes poker tournaments. WPT is now broadcastglobally in 150 countries and is currently filming its all-neweighth season for broadcast on Fox Sports Net’s nationalsports network in the United States. WPT also offers aunique online subscription and sweepstakes-based poker club,, which operates in 38 states across the U.S.WPT also participates in strategic brand license, partnershipand sponsorship opportunities. WPT is a subsidiary of Par-tyGaming Plc. �

66 CASINO Inside nr. 2

FOTO: Adrian StoicoviciuMul]umiri GREEN MODELS!

|ntre frumuse]e [i gambling,tu ce ai alege?

Inc` din cele mai vechi timpuri, adesea, b`rba]ii s-au l`sat atra[ide tot ce e mai riscant în via]a lor. Jocurile de noroc [i femeile

frumoase sunt doar dou` exemple. Pentru acest num`r al revisteiv` invit`m s` alege]i între frumuse]ea ademenitoare a minunateiDenisa [i irezistibilitatea jocurilor de noroc. Dac` privirea v` va fiatras` mai mult de sclipitoarele sloturi decåt de trupul în mi[c`risenzuale ale Denisei, r`måne s` decide]i parcurgånd paginile

pictorialului nostru.

67CASINO Inside nr. 2

Between beauty and gambling,what would you choose?

Since ancient times, men were often left themselfs drawn bywhats is more riscky in their lives. Gambling and beautiful

women are just two examples. For this issue of the magazine, wewill invite you to choose between the beauty alluring of the won-derful Denise and the irresistible action of gambling. If your lookwill be attracted by the bright slots more than the body in sensualmovements of Denise, remains to decide by browsing the pages

of this pictorial.

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72 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Stud pokerpopularitate [i varietateîn aceea[i combina]ie

Jocul este renumit pentru misterul ce înv`luie c`r]ile primite dejuc`tori, fiind cu fa]a în jos. Acest lucru este oportun juc`torilorpentru a blufa [i a influen]a formarea poturilor, avånd în vederefaptul c` ceilal]i juc`tori nu [tiu ce a primit fiecare.

cum ar fi Stud cu cinci c`r]i sau Mississipi Stud, se pliaz` pe orice struc-tur` [i sunt extrem de potrivite pentru jocul atåt cu limit` de pot, cåt [ipentru cel f`r`. Jocurile cu mai multe runde se potrivesc mai bine celuicu pot limit` sau „spread limit”.

Este recomandat ca rundele finale s` aiba limite mai mari decåt celede la început. Spre exemplu, un joc „USD 5/USD10 Seven Card Stud”permite pariuri de 5 dolari pentru primele dou` runde [i de zece dolaripentru rundele urm`toare în cazinourile din Nevada. De asemenea, se maiobi[nuie[te ca în runda final` sa se fac` un pariu [i mai mare: un joc „USD5/USD10/USD20” permite pariuri de 20 dolari doar la ultima mån`. O alt`regul` este s` se permit` aceast` plusare doar dac` exist` o „pereche de-schis`” (asta înseamn` c`, m`car c`r]ile vizibile ale unui juc`tor formeaz`o pereche). Unele cazinouri, majoritatea din California, folosesc limita in-ferioar` pentru primele trei runde, nu doar pentru primele dou`.

Este o conven]ie recunoscut` în Stud poker s` se numeasc` rundeleîn care se pariaz`, dup` cåte c`r]i de]ine fiecare juc`tor la începerea run-dei respective. În concluzie, cånd se pariaz` atunci cånd fiecare juc`tor aretrei car]i, se nume[te „joc cu trei c`r]i” sau „3rd street”, iar atunci cåndare cinci, „5th street”. Runda final`, indiferent de cåte runde sunt, este de-numit` în general „river” sau „end”.

Jocul cu [apte c`r]i este cea mai cunoscut` versiune a jocului, cele-lalte fiind doar alternative ale acesteia, de[i jocul cu cinci c`r]i este [i el

un punct de referin]` pe baza c`ruia sunt construite alte versiuni. Majori-tatea jocurilor ca Six-card Stud, Alligator Stud, Razz&London Lowball, Eight-or-better high-low stud, Mississippi stud, Mexican Stud, Caribbean stud, aupornit ca variante ad-hoc, dar au devenit destul de populare încåt s`primeasc` un nume uzual.

|n ultimii 10 ani, Stud a fost în pericolul de a deveni jocul uitat alpokerului. Popularizarea jocurilor Texas Hold‘em [i Pot Limit Omaha aamenin]at trecerea în penumbr` a acestei variante de poker. Stud poker

este, de fapt, oricare dintre multiplele variante de poker în care juc`torulprime[te o combina]ie de c`r]i, dintre care cåteva sunt cu fa]a în sus [icåteva sunt cu fa]a în jos. Jocurile stud sunt de regul` non-pozi]ionale, ceeace înseamn` c` juc`torul ce plaseaz` primul un pariu, poate fi diferit, chiarde la o mån` la alta (este de obicei juc`torul care are cele mai bune c`rtila vedere pentru måna care se joac`). C`r]ile jucate care sunt cu fa]a înjos se numesc „c`r]i hole” (ce a dat na[tere expresiei engleze[ti ”asul din

månec`”, ce sugereaz` c` cineva are ceva de valoare [i nu este vizibil al-tora).

Variantele Stud poker cu trei c`r]i sunt populare înc` de pe timpulRevolu]iei Americane. Jocul cu cinci c`r]i a ap`rut pentru prima oar` petimpul r`zboiului civil din America, cånd se juca între solda]ii din ambeletabere, devenind astfel foarte popular. Mai recent, Stud cu [apte c`r]i adevenit mai cunoscut, atåt în cazinouri, cåt [i în jocurile din fa]a calcula-torului. Ultimele dou` forme reprezint` baza varia]iunilor Stud poker.Num`rul de runde de pariat infuen]eaz` cåt de bine se joac` cu diversestructuri de pariuri. Jocurile care au patru sau mai pu]ine runde de pariat,

73CASINO Inside nr. 2

Stud pokerpopular and varied at the same


The game is known for the mystery that surrounds the holecards each player has face down. Players have the opportunityto use this information to bluff and build pots since the others

don’t know what they are holding.

ferent betting structures. Games with four or fewer betting rounds, suchas five-card stud and Mississippi stud, play well with any structure, andare especially well suited to no limit and pot limit play. Games with morebetting rounds are more suited to fixed limit or spread limit. It is com-mon (and recommended) for later betting rounds to have higher limitsthan earlier ones. For example, a „USD 5/USD 10 Seven-card Stud“ gamein a Nevada casino allows USD 5 bets for the first two rounds and USD10 bets for subsequent rounds. Also common is to make the final roundeven higher: a „USD 5/USD 10/USD 20“ game would allow USD 20 betson the last round only. Another common rule is to allow the larger beton the second round if there is an „open pair“ (that is, at least oneplayer’s upcards make a pair). Some casinos (typically in California) usethe smaller limit on the first three rounds rather than just the first two.

It is a common convention in stud poker to name the bettingrounds after the number of cards each player holds when that bettinground begins. So the bet that occurs when each player has three cardsis called „third card“ or „third street“, while the bet that occurs wheneach player has five cards is „fifth street“. The final round, regardless ofthe number of betting rounds, is commonly called the „river“ or simplythe „end“.

Seven-card stud is probably the most common form of the game,with most other games being variants of that, although Five-card stud is

also a basic pattern upon which many variations are built. Most of thegames like Six-card stud, Alligator stud, Razz & London Lowball, Eight-or-better high-low stud, Mississippi stud, Mexican stud, Caribbean studstarted as ad-hoc variants, but they have become popular enough to havea common name.

Over the past ten years, stud had been in danger of becomingpoker’s forgotten game. The rise in popularity of games suchas Texas Hold’em and Pot-limit Omaha threatened to force one

of poker’s oldest variants to take a backseat. Stud poker is any of anumber of poker variants in which each player receives a mix of face-down and face-up cards dealt in multiple betting rounds. Stud games arealso typically non-positional games, meaning that the player who bets firston each round may change from round to round (it is usually the playerwhose face-up cards make the best hand for the game being played).The cards dealt face down to each individual player are called hole cards

(which gave rise to the common English expression ace in the hole, whichsuggests that one has something valuable that is not apparent to oth-ers).

Stud poker variants using 3 cards were popular as of the AmericanRevolutionary War. Five-card stud first appeared during the American CivilWar when the game was much played among soldiers on both sides,and became very popular. In recent years, Seven-card stud has becomemore common, both in casinos and in home games. These two gamesform the basis of most modern stud poker variations. The number ofbetting rounds in a game influences how well the game plays with dif-

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78 CASINO Inside nr. 2

TURNEE DE POKERFii printre primii care prinde un loc la cele mai importante turnee de

poker din acest an! Iat` cåteva dintre cele mai recente:

WPT TOURNAMENTSHollywood Casino - Lawrenceburg, INDIANA

Dates: Mar 20 - 24, 2010Buy-In: $9,600 + $400

Regent Casino – Bucharest, ROMANIADates: Mar 27 - Apr 2, 2010Buy-In: $3,000 + ¤ 300

Bellagio – Las Vegas, NEVADADates: Apr 18 - 24, 2010Buy-In: $25,000 + $500

79CASINO Inside nr. 2

POKER TOURNAMENTSWin your seat at the 2010 most important poker tournaments!

Here are the recent ones:

WSOP TOURNAMENTSHarrah’s Rincon Casino & Resort – San Diego, CALIFORNIA

Dates: Mar 18 - 30, 2010Buy-In: $5,000 + $150

Harrah’s St. Louis Casino – Maryland, MISSOURIDates: Apr 1 – 14, 2010Buy-In: $5,000 + $180

Caesars Palace - Las Vegas, NEVADADates: Apr 14 – 30, 2010Buy-In: $5,000 + $150

80 CASINO Inside nr. 2


Dates: Mar 21 – 26, 2010Buy-In: $ 3,500 + $ 250

San Remo, ITALYDates: April 15 – 21, 2010Buy-In: $5,000 + $ 300

Le Sporting Club, MONACODates: April 25 - 30, 2010Buy-In: $ 10,000 + $ 600

TURNEE DE POKERFii printre primii care prinde un loc la cele mai importante turnee de

poker din acest an! Iat` cåteva dintre cele mai recente:

81CASINO Inside nr. 2

APPT TOURNAMENTSManila Pavilion Hotel&Casino – Manila, PHILIPPINES

Dates: Mar 20 – 25, 2010Buy-In: $ 2,700 + $ 500

Grand Lisboa Casino – Macau, CHINADates: May 18 – 23, 2010Buy-In: $ 5,160 + $ 700

Skycity Casino – Auckland, NEW ZEALANDDates: Sep 15 – 19, 2010Buy-In: $ 2,275 + $ 350

POKER TOURNAMENTSWin your seat at the 2010 most important poker tournaments!

Here are the recent ones:

82 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Hall of Famepentru tri[orii de poker [i cazino

Mii de escrocherii în poker [i altejocuri [i-au f`cut loc de cånd auap`rut s`lile de poker, mesele decazino [i sloturile. Tri[orii pe carevi-i prezent`m sunt, se pare, ceimai buni din istorie, iar pove[tilelor fabuloase spuse în s`lile depoker se petrec parc` de o via]`.

DENNIS SEAN McANDREWcel mai mare tri[or de sloturi din istorie

Cunoscut mai mult pe numele s`u real, Dennis Nikrasch, s-a n`scut \n septembrie 1941, [i este numit cel maimare tri[or de sloturi din istoria jocurilor. El a fost „creierul” mai multor escrocherii de sloturi pe parcursul uneiperioade de 20 ani, fentånd sistemul pentru o sum` estimat` de 16 milioane dolari \n jackpoturi, atåt \n Nevada,cåt [i \n Atlantic City. De fapt, oficialii Diviziei de Control al Jocurilor de Noroc din Nevada au afirmat c` McAn-drew chiar amenin]a integritatea \ntregii industrii de sloturi.

McAndrew a g`sit un mod de a \nvinge sistemul. El [i-a dat seama cum pot fi manipulate cipurile pe bazac`rora se construiesc sloturile… acelea care garanteaz` de fapt caracterul aleator al aparatelor [i men]in intactintegritatea jocurilor. Cu o tehnologie de \nalt` clas`, cu un pas \nainte vremurilor, el [i echipele sale de tri[ori,setau jackpoturile pentru sume enorme de bani, ma[ini [i alte premii. Planul lui de atac era s` aib` cå]iva mem-brii care s` „]in` de [ase”, plasåndu-i \n locuri ce blocau vederea supraveghetorilor [i chiar pe cea a camerelor.Alt` echip` venea apoi, b`ga cåteva monede \n aparate [i cå[tiga jackpotul.

|n noiembrie 1998, \n timp ce \ncerca s` dea lovitura cu un jackpot MegaBucks de 17 milioane dolari, colegiilui McAndrew i-au pl`nuit o \nscenare [i acesta a fost arestat de FBI [i agen]ii de Control al Jocurilor de Norocdin Nevada. |n 1986, el mai fusese condamnat pentru c` f`cea parte dintr-o band` de tri[ori care au cå[tigat 10milioane dolari ilegal, \n cazinourile din Las Vegas. A fost condamnat la \nchisoare [i eliberat condi]ionat \n ian-uarie 1991. Cånd FBI l-a prins \n 1998, au decis \mpreun` cu agen]ii de control din Nevada s` \i reduc` sentin]a \nschimbul dezv`luirii modului de operare. Se pare c` au avut multe de \nv`]at.

83CASINO Inside nr. 2

Poker and Casino Cheats

Hall of FameThousands of poker and casino

cheats have plied their crafts sincepoker rooms, casino table gamesand slot machines have been in

existence. These poker and casinocheats are the best in poker andcasino cheating history, and their

lifetimes spent in poker roomsand casinos are fabulous stories.

DENNIS SEAN McANDREWthe greatest slot machine cheat in gambling history

Much better known by his original name, Dennis Nikrasch, was born in September, 1941, and has been called the great-est slot machine cheat in gambling history. He was the mastermind of several different slot cheating rings over a twenty-year period that rigged an estimated $16 million in jackpots, mostly in Nevada and Atlantic City. In fact, officials fromthe Nevada Gaming Control Board Enforcement Division have stated that McAndrew even threatened the integrity ofthe entire slot industry.

The fact is that McAndrew found a way to beat the system. He figured out how to electronically manipulate the com-puter chips that govern slot machines...the chips that guarantee the random nature of play of the machines and pre-serve the integrity of the games. With an assortment of high-tech tools, always higher tech than the times, he and hisslot cheating teams set up jackpots for huge amounts of cash as well as automobiles and other prizes. His method of at-tack was to have several of his teammembers serve as lookouts and „blockers,“ positioning themselves in ways that hin-dered floor security’s vision and even that of surveillance cameras above.With them in place, McAndrew was able to openup the machines and use a computer device to alter the random number generators and rig the jackpots. Then anotherof his teammates would come along, put some coins or tokens in the machines and „win“ the jackpots.

In November 1998, while trying to hit the huge $17 million Megabucks jackpot, McAndrew was allegedly set up byhis mates and busted by the FBI and Nevada Gaming Control Board agents. Back in 1986, he was convicted for being partof a slot machine cheating ring that illegally won $10 million at Las Vegas casinos. He was sentenced to prison and re-leased on parole in January of 1991. After the FBI busted McAndrew in 1998, they agreed in conjunction with Nevada gam-ing officials to give him a reduced prison sentence in exchange of his secrets. Apparently, they had a lot to learn.

84 CASINO Inside nr. 2

PHUONG TRUONGcel care a pl`nuit cea mai profitabil`\n[el`torie din poker

Truong este primul tri[or de cazino care a dat na[tere termenului „racketeering“ pentru \n[el`toriile organizate, unde proprietariicazinourilor ce picau drept victime nu erau implica]i. Capul faimoasei Tran Organization, o band` de criminali vietnamezi [i lucr`toricaucazieni din cazinouri, Truong a pl`nuit ceea ce a fost, de departe, ceamaimare [imai profitabil` \n[el`torie din toate timpurile, pro-ducånd daune unuimare num`r de cazinouri, atåt din State, cåt [i din Canada, \n valoare de zeci demilioane de dolari. Perioada de op-erare a fost de [ase ani, \ntre 2002 [i 2007. \n[el`toria a fost fatal` cu atåt mai mult cu cåt a implicat zeci de angaja]i ai cazinourilor dincele 2 ]`ri, chiar [i pe fiul primarului din Seattle, demonstrånd astfel lumii cåt de vulnerabili sunt angaja]ii cazinourilor \n fa]a mitei [icorup]iei [i cåt de serioas` poate deveni o scurgere de acest gen, alian]a \ntre angaja]i [i tri[ori experimenta]i. Truong \[i a[teapt` \nprezent sentin]a, dup` ce a pledat vinovat pentru conspira]ie [i alte capete de acuzare ce aveau leg`tur` cu aceasta gigantic` fraud`.

|n pledoaria sa, Truong a recunoscut c` el \mpreun` cu echipa sa au ob]inut \n mod ilegal 7 milioane de dolari din \n[el`torii lajocurile cu c`r]i, dar suma real` este cu siguran]` mai mare. Conform primei puneri sub acuzare, Truong [i recru]ii s`i au construit oschem` de „fals` amestecare” a c`r]ilor pe care au aplicat-o \n zeci de cazinouri la blackjack [i jocurile de mini-bacara. Membrii orga-niza]iei criminale aumituit dealerii [i supraveghetorii cazinourilor pentru a-i determina s` ac]ioneze cumvor, creånd astfel o spiral` dec`r]i neamestecate. Dup` ce urm`reau ordinea c`r]ilor jucate, unmembru al benzii se oferea s` amestece c`r]ile, iar membrii grupu-lui pariau \n ordinea prestabilit`, atunci cånd combina]ia ap`rea pemas`.Ac]ionånd astfel,membrii acestei conspira]ii au cå[tigat \nmodrepetatmii de dolari la jocurile de c`r]i, aceste sume ridicåndu-se pån` la 868.000 dolari \ntr-o singur` opera]iune.Membrii foloseau deasemeneamecanisme sofisticate ce urm`reau ordinea c`r]ilor \ntr-un joc, inclusiv transmi]`tori [i software-uri special create, ce puteauprezice ordinea \n care aveau sa vin` c`r]ile la jocurile de blackjack [i mini-bacara.

JOHN SOARESo legend` a tri[atului la Craps

Una dintre primele echipe de tri[ori despre care s-a vorbit [i care s-a analizat a fost condus` de cunoscutul tri[or deCraps, John Soares, care a fost o b`taie de cap pentru mesele de craps, timp de cåteva decenii. Soares a crescut \n Oak-land, California, iar bunul s`u prieten, Sully Kelly, i-a oferit o slujb` \n Las Vegas. \ns` Kelly a uitat s`-i men]ioneze luiSoares c` era [i ilegal`. El a fost arestat [i condamnat pentru jaf armat, la 5 ani \n \nchisoarea de stat din Carson City.Aici, Soares \mpreun` cu al]i cå]iva de]inu]i \nd`r`dnici s-au apucat de jocuri de noroc, \n special de poker [i alte jocuride c`r]i. El a cunoscut un prizonier, Ned Coleman, care era \nchis pentru uciderea unui oficial din aceast` industrie. Cole-man l-a \nv`]at pe Soares metodele principale pentru a tri[a la jocurile cu c`r]i. Soares exersa 2 ore diminea]a [i 2 oreseara, devenind \n scurt timp destul de bun pentru a m`slui jocurile din \nchisoare, \ntr-un parteneriat stråns cu Coleman.Urm`torul pas a fost s` st`påneasc` arta jocului de craps [i blackjack, \n timp ce \nv`]a s` \[i \n[ele adversarii la acestejocuri. Datorit` acestor noi aptitudini, timpul petrecut \n \nchisoare nu a fost deloc r`u pentru Soares. El a fost eliberatdupa 18 luni, \ntorcåndu-se \napoi la Las Vegas pentru a-[i testa talentele legale la aceste jocuri. A fost repede angajat cadealer la Riviera Hotel [i a devenit \n scurt timp un „cooler”, un dealer ce poate strica u[or o mån` cå[tig`toare printr-o mi[care iute de mån`.

Soares a fost abordat de Glen Grayson, un tri[or cunoscut ce [i-a cå[tigat numele de „Regele Juc`torilor”, care vroias` formeze cea mai bun` echip` pe care avea s` o vad` lumea cazinourilor. El a reu[it s` aduc` laolalt` cå]iva tri[ori. JohnSoares era cel mai talentat dintre to]i ace[tia, \n ceea ce prive[te aptitudinile de tri[at la cazino. Prima sarcin` a lui Soaresa durat o or` [i a avut ca rezultat 140.000 dolari. Au c`l`torit cu to]ii prin Europa, Istanbul, Macau, unde reu[eau s`p`c`leasc` sistemul. Aveau numeroase perechi de zaruri contraf`cute, iar pentru sloturi, foloseau ustensile pentru a ledeschide \ncuietorile, putånd astfel s` aduc` omul]ime demonede \n locul unde acestea pic` la un pot. Au tri[at [i la poker[i blackjack, fie prin schimbarea c`r]ilor, fie prin pastposting sau prin furtul chipsurilor altor juc`tori de la mas`.

|ntre 1962 [i 1972, echipa lui Grayson a sustras milioane de dolari de la cazinouri. „Experien]ele” lui Soares sunt enu-merate \n cartea sa, „Loaded Dice”.

85CASINO Inside nr. 2

PHUONG TRUONGthe organizer of the most profitablecasino cheating scam

Truong is the first casino cheater who has truly brought the term „racketeering“ to organized casino cheating where the actualowners of the victim casinos were not involved. The head of the now infamous TranOrganization, a band of Vietnamese criminals andCaucasian casino workers, Truong organized what has been by far the largest, longest andmost profitable casino cheating scam of alltime, victimizing dozens of casinos, raking in tens of millions of dollars from both US and Canadian casinos, and operating for a periodof at least six years between 2002 and 2007. The scamwas so pernicious because it corrupted dozens of casino employees in two coun-tries, including the son of a Seattle mayor, showing to the world just how vulnerable casino employees are to corruption and bribery,and just how serious a breach of internal security occurs when casino employees do team up with skillful and organized cheats againstthe house. Truong is currently awaiting sentencing after having pleaded guilty to conspiracy and other casino cheating charges relatedto this monster scam.

In his plea agreement, Truong admitted that he and his co-conspirators unlawfully obtained up to $7million during card cheats, butthe real figure is surelymuchhigher.According to theoriginal indictment, Truong andhis dealer recruits executed a „false shuffle“ cheat-ing scheme at dozens of casinos during blackjack and mini-baccarat games. Members of the criminal organization bribed casino carddealers and supervisors to perform these false shuffles during card games, thereby creating „slugs“ of un-shuffled cards. After trackingthe order of cards dealt in a card game, a member of the organization signed to the card dealer to perform a „false shuffle„ and thenmembers of the groupbetted on the knownorder of cardswhen the slug appeared on the table. By doing so,members of the conspiracyrepeatedly won thousands of dollars during card games - up to $868,000 on one occasion. Themembers of the organization also usedsophisticatedmechanisms for tracking the order of cards during games, including hidden transmitter devices and specially created soft-ware that would predict the order in which cards would reappear duringmini-baccarat and blackjack games.

JOHN SOARESlegend in craps cheat

Oneof the earliest documented casino cheating teamswas headedby the legendary craps cheat JohnSoares,whowas a thornin the sides of casinos’ craps tables for decades. Soares grew up in Oakland, California, but his good friend, Sully Kelly, offeredhim a job in Las Vegas. Kelly neglected to tell Soares that the job was illegal. He was busted, convicted of armed robbery andsentenced to five years at the State Prison in Carson City, Here, Soares and some other wayward prisoners took to gambling,mainly playing poker andother card games.Hemet a fellowprisoner,NedColeman,whowas serving time formurdering a gam-ing official. Coleman taught Soares the basic cheating techniques of card dealing. Soares practiced two hours in themorning andtwo hours in the evening and soon was good enough to work the prison poker games in a crooked partnership with Coleman.Next he mastered the art of dealing craps and blackjack while learning numerous ways to cheat opponents at those games aswell. Thanks to these new skills, Soares’ prison stay was not at all bad. He was released after serving 18 months, then traveledback to Las Vegas to test his „legal“ card skills. He was quickly hired as a dealer at the Riviera Hotel and soon became used as astreak-breaker or „cooler,“ a dealer who can easily break a winning streak by way of a few deft moves with a deck of cards.

Soares was approached by Glen Grayson, a legendary casino cheat who had earned the nickname „King of the Hustlers“and had the goal of organizing the best crew of casino cheats the world would have ever seen. He assembled amotley bunch ofskilled casino cheats. John Soareswas themost talented of themall as far as actual casino cheating skills were concerned. Soares’first assignment tookonehour at the craps tables andnetted $140,000dollars. They traveled toEurope, Istanbul andMacaowherethey beat up on the casinos. They had numerous pairs of counterfeit dice and then got into cheating slotmachines by using toolsto tamperwith their locks and hoppers, getting themtoheave upbucketfuls of coins and tokens into themachines’mouths. Theyhave also cheat at poker and blackjack, switching cards, pastposting bets and outright pinching other players’ chips that sat onthe tables.

Between 1962 and 1972, Grayson’s crew ripped off millions of dollars from the casinos. Soares’ exploits are recounted in hisbook „Loaded Dice.“

86 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Num`ratul c`r]ilor, la grani]a întremetod` de tri[at [i joc de avantajMetode de tri[at la blackjack, explicate de Heath St. John Irving,Directorul de Supraveghere [i Securitate al Casino Palace Bucure[ti

Card Counting, between cheatingand “advantage play”

Blackjack cheating methods explained by Heath St. John Irving,Surveillance & Security Director Casino Palace Bucharest

87CASINO Inside nr. 2

Una dintre metodelede a tri[a estenum`rarea c`r]ilor,

care nu este de fapt tri[atîn sine, ci un joc de avan-taj. Cånd numeri c`r]i,obiectivul este s` te apropiicåt mai mult de 21, f`r` s`fii prins. Evident, cånd aidou` c`r]i cu o valoaretotal` mare, cum ar fi 20,te apropii de 21 [i nu e[tidemascat; sau po]i avea unas [i o carte mare sau unzecar. Deci, dac` [tii c` pa-chetul are mai multe c`r]icu valoare de 10 decåtc`r]i mici, po]i s` ridicimiza, pentru c` ai o [ans`mai mare s` prinzi o com-bina]ie de a[i cu valori dezece. A[a se descrie pescurt ce face un num`r`torde c`r]i. ]ine o eviden]` aceea ce a ie[it din joc [i ace a mai r`mas. Astaînseamn` c` el atribuie ni[tevalori pozitive pentru c`r]ilede la 2 la 6, 0 pentruc`r]ile de 7, 8, 9, iar pentruzecar, valet, dam`, pop` [ias, o valoare negativ`. Înconsecin]`, dac` vine unzecar sau un as, el adaug`un minus, pentru c` a ie[ito carte bun` din joc, ceeace înseamn` un dezavantaj.Dar dac` vin c`r]i de la 2la 6, el adaug` un plus, pen-tru c` o carte mic` a ie[itdin joc, ceea ce înseamn`c` au r`mas mai multe c`r]ivaloroase pentru el.

S` simplific`m modul dea explica. A[a imi înv`] eub`ie]ii s` numere c`r]i. Evi-dent, nu o fac pentru ca eis` mearg` s` fac` bani dinasta, ci pentru a-i puteaidentifica pe cei ce folosescaceast` tehnic`.

Dac` iei un pachet careare 52 de c`r]i, ai 4 c`r]idin fiecare num`r: 2, 3, 4,5, 6, deci ai 20 de c`r]i cuvaloare mic`, +20. Zecarii,vale]ii, damele [i regiireprezint` -20. Pentru 7, 8,9 nu se adaug` [i nu sescade nimic. Eu îi înv`] s`ia un pachet de c`r]i, s` îlamestece [i s` numere +/-,

pån` cånd ajung, s` zicem,pe la ultimele zece c`r]i.Atunci, ei pot încerca s`joace între ei blackjack [ipot sti, cel pu]in teoreticvorbind, ce c`r]i urmeaz`s` vin`. Ei au ajuns la unnum`r pozitiv sau negativ.Dac` este un num`r pozitivmare, +7 sau +8, atunci eitrebuie s` [tie c` multec`r]i cu valori mari suntînc` în pachet. În con-secin]`, m`resc miza. Totulse rezum`, de fapt, la a tejuca cu procentajele, custatistica, maximizånd profi-tul [i minimizånd pierderea.Evident, în blackjack sejoac` cu mai multe pachetede c`r]i, nu doar cu unul.Sunt 6 pachete în total,ceea ce înseamn` 312 c`r]i.Dar asta face un num`r`torde c`r]i, iar în acest caz, el]ine cont de modul în careeste setat` cutia (shoe), iarapoi plaseaz` pariurile înfunc]ie de cum func]ioneaz`aceasta. Numele acesteitehnici este „running count”sau num`r`toare în fug`.

Mai mult, un num`r`torde c`r]i face [i un alt cal-cul, care îi permite s`ob]in` o valoare just` aceea ce se întåmpl`. |n tim-pul unei num`r`tori de tipulcelei prezentate anterior,dac` primele 10 c`r]i careies sunt toate c`r]i cusemn pozitiv, s-ar puteacrede c` este un momentpropice pentru a paria pen-tru c` am ajuns la +10,îns` asta se întåmpl` doarla începutul cutiei [i nu arenicio leg`tur` cu ce se în-tampl` la cap`tul cel`lalt.Deci, ce trebuie f`cut estes` se împart` num`rulob]inut la num`rul de pa-chete r`mase. Spre exem-plu, pentru +10 se împartela 5, la începutul cutiei, [iajungi la +2, care enum`r`toarea real`. Dac` sedau mai multe c`r]i [i seob]ine +10, dar mai suntdoar 2 pachete r`mase,atunci num`r`toarea real`este +5, care e mai realist`.

One of the cheatingmethods is cardcounting, which is

not cheating, but “advantageplay”. When you countcards, the object of thegame is to get as close to21 as possible, without get-ting busted. So obviously,when you have two cardsthat have a high total, a hightotal like 20, this is close to21 and you don’t get busted;or you can have an Ace anda picture or ten. So if youknew that the deck hadmore ten value cards in itthan smaller cards, you couldhave obviously bet higher,because you stood a betterchance if there were moreten value cards or Aces ofgaining that combination. So,that’s basically what a cardcounter does. He keeps anindex of what has gone andwhat is still in the shoe.This means, that he sets val-ues of a plus count against asmall card, starting from 2till 6 inclusive, for 7, 8 and9 he has a neutral value,and for 10, Jack, Queen,King, Ace, he adds a minusvalue. Thus, if an Ace or aten value card comes, headds a minus, because thismeans that a good card isgone, so it is a minus forhim. But if a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,comes, he adds a plus, be-cause this means that thesmall cards come out, so theremaining deck has more 10value cards, good for him.

So, we go to simplicityin what concerns explana-tions. This is how I teachmy guys to count cards. Ob-viously, I don’t teach themin order to go out andmake money from it, butonly to be able to identifythe people who use thistechnique.

As you take a deck ofcards, a deck of cards has52 cards in it, so you have4 of each 2,3,4,5,6, whichmeans 20 small cards, whichis +20. Then we have 10,Jack, Queen, King, Ace,

which represent -20.If youhave 7, 8, 9, there is nocount. And I teach them togo through a deck, to shufflethe deck and keep counting+/_, until they get to, let’ssay, the last 10 cards. Then,they can play a game ofblackjack among themselvesand they can then know, intheory, what cards are goingto come next, based onwhat has come out. Theyhave a + or – number. If itis a big plus, +7 or +8, thenthey know that there aregoing to be a lot of tenvalue cards left. So they in-crease their bet. It is allabout playing with percent-ages, playing with statistics,maximizing profit and mini-mizing loss. Obviously, withblackjack you have moredecks in a shoe; you have 6decks, which means 312cards. But that’s basicallywhat a card counter doesand in this case, he keepstrack of how the shoe isauto coded, and thenchanges his bet according tohow the shoe works. That iscalled a “running count”.

Also, a card counter ap-plies another calculation,which keeps a “true count”in relation to what happens.Because if we keep a run-ning count and the first 10cards came out and they areall plus cards, then we couldthink that it is a good timeto bet because it is +10, butthis is at the beginning ofthe shoe, and it is not re-lated to what’s happening atthe other part of the shoe.So, the thing to do for theplayer is to divide the countby the number of decks left.For example, for +10 youdivide with 5 at the begin-ning of the shoe and youget +2, so the real count is+2. If one goes further intothe shoe, and he gets +10but there are only 2 decksleft, then he has +5, whichis more relevant, and ismore realistic.

88 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Shuffle Tracking, cevadiferit (\n termeni liberi-urm`rirea amestec`rii)

Exist` [i un alt tip de jocde avantaj care poate fi in-clus la categoria de num`rarea c`r]ilor, ce se nume[teshuffle tracking, fiind foartedificil de identificat [i multmai pu]in cunoscut decåtnum`ratul c`r]ilor. Oricinepoate lua s` citeasc` o cartedespre num`r`torii de c`r]i [is` vad` modul în careaceast` tehnic` se aplic`, cåtde departe vrea persoana încauz` s` mearg`, cåt deexact` poate fi, cåt dematematic îi func]ioneaz`mintea pentru a putea puneîn practic` ce cite[te. Totu[i,shuffle tracking e ceva diferit,pentru c` presupune re-cunoa[terea unor tipare dec`r]i pe moment ce ele iesdin pachet. Un om carefolose[te aceast` tehnic` nuse poate depista u[or. Dac`la num`ratul c`r]ilor pariul seschimb` odat` cunum`r`toarea, putånd astfels` urm`re[ti ca supraveghetorpentru a vedea cånd ridic`miza, la aceast` tehnic` lu-crurile nu stau la fel. Ce facejuc`torul: urm`re[te c`r]ile pem`sur` ce vin [i caut`gr`mezi de c`r]i cu valori dezece sau a[i. Cånd folosesccuvåntul gr`mezi m` refer la10 sau 15 c`r]i laolalt`. Cånddealerul le ia [i le pune îndecartor, juc`torul va urm`riunde se afl` acele gr`mezi.Cånd se pun în amestec`tor,le va urm`ri [i acolo. Apoi,el va t`ia pachetul într-ozon` apropiat` de cea deunde se va începe jocul nou.Astfel po]i vedea oameniicare pariaz` sume mari chiarde la începutul cutiei. Defapt, el nu num`r`, ci doarurm`re[te. Este astfel foartegreu s` identifici aceste per-soane, sau s` le acuzi, pentruc` nu ai vreo dovad`. Ei nufac nimic r`u, ci doarurm`resc c`r]ile. Dar avåndmemorie fotografic`, ei pots` le tin` minte ca pe o

poz` [i apoi s` le urm`reasc`cu privirea [i s` taie pachetulacolo unde au nevoie. A[apo]i vedea juc`tori ce punmize maxime de la început.

Poate un „Shuffle ma-chine” s` previn` toateastea?

Da, opre[te orice. Pentruc` nu are un început [i unsfår[it. Num`ratul c`r]ilorpresupune un început [i unsfår[it, prin t`ierea c`r]ilor.Totu[i, [i ]in mult la acestaspect, unele cazinouri o las`mai moale cu procedurile.Dac` nu pun accent pe fap-

tul c` dup` fiecare mån`c`r]ile trebuie introduse înamestec`torul automat - pen-tru c` de aceea este au-tomat pentru a amesteca încontinuu - atunci un dealerlene[ poate l`sa c`r]ile s` seadune [i juc`torii pot aplicaaceea[i logic`; dac` sunt 2pachete afar`, mai sunt doar4 în joc. �

Shuffle tracking,something different

There is another type ofadvantage play which can beincluded in the card counting,which is called shuffle track-ing, which is very difficult toidentify and is not as wellknown as the average cardcounting. Everyone can pickup a book and read aboutcard counters and realize thedifferent types of counts thatcan be applied, how far theywant to go, how accuratethey want to be, how logicaltheir minds work in order toapply the skill. However,

shuffle tracking is somethingdifferent, as it assumes recog-nizing patterns of cards asthey come out on the table.A shuffle tracker is very diffi-cult to be identified.Whereas at card countingbetting strategy or correlationgoes with the count, so youcan follow the count as asurveillance operator and see

when he increases his bet,for shuffle tracking the thingsdon’t work like this. Whatthe player does is: hewatches the cards as theycome out and he looks forclumps of ten value cardsand/or aces. When I sayclumps, I mean 10 or 15tens together. When thedealer collects them and putsthem in his discard, theplayer will follow where thetens/aces are. And when theyare placed in the shuffle, hewill follow that pile in theshuffle. Then, when he cutsthe deck, he will try to cutit so that the tens/aces cometo an area close to the be-ginning of the next shoe,where he can bet maximumfrom the start. So he is notcounting at all, but he istracking. And it is very hardto identify these persons orto accuse them, because youhave no proof. They don’tdo anything wrong, they arejust watching the cards. Butthey can take photographs intheir mind, they rememberthem, as a picture, and thenfollow them and cut themwhere they need to. Thus,you can see players bettingthe maximum from the be-ginning of the new shoe.

Can a shuffle machine pre-vent all these?

Yes, it stops everything.Because there is no beginningand there is no end. Cardcounting depends on a begin-ning and an end, which is thecutting of the deck. However,and this is a very importantpoint, some casinos relaxtheir procedures. If they don’tenforce the fact that thecards must be re-enteredafter each hand and put backinto the continuous shuffler -that is why it is called con-tinuous - then a lazy dealercan let the cards pile up andthen the players can applythe same logic, as if thereare two decks outside, thereare only four decks playing. �

89CASINO Inside nr. 2

2-7 martie, Berlin, Germania. European Poker Tour are loc,pentru prima dat`, pe teritoriu german. Tot pentru prima oar`,1 milion de euro garantat pentru cå[tig`tor. Un buy-in de $5.000[i 945 de juc`tori \nscri[i. Un fonddepremiere total de $4.725.000,\mp`r]it \ntre 144 concuren]i.

Nu departe de Potsdammer Platz, la hotelul Grand Hyatt, s-adesf`[urat, timp de [ase zile aprige, unul dintre cele mai memora-bile evenimente EPT. Cu o noapte înainte de începerea sa, la pe-trecerea dedicat` juc`torilor, un veteran al turneelor de pokerspunea „Acesta va fi primul nostru turneu cu adev`rat mare”.

Perfect adev`rat, fiind una dintre pu]inele d`]i în circuitul eu-ropean de poker cînd atît de mul]i participan]i s-au înregistrat laun eveniment live. Peste 243 de juc`tori califica]i online, cî]iva din-tre cei mai renumi]i juc`tori, precum Tom McEvoy, SebastianRuthenberg, Vicky Coren,dar [i trei dintre rom niicu cele mai multe apari]iilive din ultima vreme, MihaiManole, Claudiu Secar` [iConstantin Cristea.

6martie.Presa interna]ional`

vuie[te la auzul unei ve[tiuluitoare. Fapt nemaiauzit,EPT este c`lcat de ho]i. [ase persoane înarmate, o sum` de banisustras`; mult` confuzie [i multe necunoscute. Dup` cîteva ore dejoc interupt [i dou` turnee anulate, evenimentul principal se reia,la sfîr[itul zilei fiind stabili]i cei 20 intra]i în ziua final`.

7martie.O lupt` înver[unat` între ultimii trei juc`tori, americanul Kevin

MacPhee, finlandezul Ilari Tahkokallio [i francezul Marc Inizan. Ori-care dintre ei avea tot atîtea [anse s` cî[tige, p`rea ca niciunul nueste favorit.

|n cele din urm`, MacPhee, alias „ImaLuckSac“ a devenit cam-pion [i [i-a alocat marele premiu. Imediat dup` încheierea jocului,proasp`tul milionar a declarat „Ce pot spune? Sunt un norocos. Amjucat foarte bine [i am avut mîn` puternic` de fiecare cînd vreunuldintre ceilal]i m-a provocat”. Despre adversarul Tahkokallio, cu cares-a luptat în heads-up mai bine de trei ore, a comentat: „Este unjuc`tor incredibil, jos p`l`ria”.

2-7 March, Berlin, Germany. For the first time, EuropeanPoker Tour takes place on German ground. Again for the firsttime, the winner is guaranteed ¤1,000,000. ¤5,000 buy-in and 945players registered. A total prizepool of ¤4,725,000 that was splitamong 144 competitors.

Not far from Potsdammer Platz, at Grand Hyatt Hotel, for sixfiery days one of the most memorable EPT events was held. It wasjust the night before, at the party dedicated to the players, that aveteran of poker tournaments said „This is going to be our firstreally big one”.

Perfectly true, as it was one of the few times in the Europeancircuit that so many players registered for a live event. Over 243online qualifiers, some of the most renowned players, like TomMcEvoy, Sebastian Ruthenberg, Vicky Coren, and three Romanians

that have the highest num-ber of live appearanceslately, Mihai Manole,Claudiu Secar` and Con-stantin Cristea.

6 March.The international press

rumbles at the hearing ofan amazing piece of news.Unheard before, EPT is

rubbed by thieves. Six armed persons, a missing amount of money;a great deal of confusion and many question marks. After a fewhours of interrupted game and two cancelled tournaments, themain event starts again, and at the end of the day all twenty play-ers for the final day are set.

7 March.A fierce fight between the last three players, the American

Kevin MacPhee, the Finnish Ilari Tahkokallio and the French MarcInizan. Each of them had equal chances to win; it was as if noneof them was a favourite.

At last, MacPhee, alias „ImaLuckSac“, became champion and gotthe big prize. „I am a luck-sack”, he said minutes after the end ofthe game, „What can I say? I ran extremely well and I had thenuts every time someone played back at me“. Of his adversaryTahkokallio, with whom he played at heads-up more than threehours, he said „He's an amazing player and my hat's off to him“.

European Poker Tour Berlin[i premierele sale

European Poker Tour Berlinand its premieres

1 - Kevin MacPhee, USA, $1.000.0002 - Ilari Tahkokallio, Finland, $600.0003 - Marc Inizan, France, $350.0004 - Artur Wasek, Poland, $280.0005 - Ketul Nathwani, UK, $210.000Mihai Manole, locul 96; Claudiu Secar`, 115

90 CASINO Inside nr. 2

Reglement`ri fiscale asupraactivit`]ii cazinourilor

Fiscal regulations upon casino activities

Teoretic, organizarea [i exploatarea activit`]ii de jocuri de noroc pe terito-riul României constituie monopol de stat; statul poate insa acorda dreptulde organizare [i exploatare a activit`]ii de jocuri de noroc pe baz` de

licen]` [i de autoriza]ie de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc (acestea fiinddoua documente distincte).

Theoretically, organizing and performing gambling activities in Romaniaconstitutes state monopoly; however the state may grant the right to or-ganize and perform gambling activities based on license and authorisation

for performing such activities (these being two distinct documents).

În cazul jocurilor de noroc caracteristice activit`]ii cazi-nourilor, fiec`rui organizator i se acord` o singur` autoriza]ie deexploatare a jocurilor de noroc pentru loca]ia în care se orga-nizeaz` [i se desf`[oar` aceste activit`]i.

Pentru ob]inerea licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc,urm`toarele condi]ii trebuie îndeplinite:

a) operatorii economici s` fac` dovada:(i) existen]ei ca obiect principal de activitate a organiz`riide jocuri de noroc;

(ii) existen]ei avizului organelor de poli]ie acordatreprezentan]ilor legali ai persoanei juridice, eliberat încondi]iile prev`zute de normele de aplicare a prezenteiordonan]e de urgen]`;

(iii) constituirii capitalului social subscris [i v`rsat în cuan-tumul prev`zut de lege;

b) reprezentan]ii legali ai persoanei juridice s` depun` o de-clara]ie pe propria r`spundere din care s` rezulte c`:

(i) operatorul economic nu a fost condamnat printr-ohot`râre definitiv` de condamnare pentru care nu a in-tervenit reabilitarea;

(ii) nu se afl` într-o stare de incompatibilitate;c) reprezentan]ii legali ai persoanei juridice s` depun` cer-

tificatele de cazier judiciar sau alte acte emise de autorit`]ilecompetente pe a c`ror raz` de competen]` se afl` ultimul domi-ciliu/sediu social cunoscut, din care s` rezulte c` împotrivaoric`ruia dintre reprezentan]ii legali ai persoanei juridice nu s-

In case of casino type gambling activities each or-ganizer is granted a single authorization for perform-ing such gambling activities in a certain location.In order to obtain a license for organizing gambling

activities the following conditions have to be fulfilled:a) The companies have to prove that:(i) organizing gambling is their main object of ac-tivity;

(ii) the police has granted their approval to thelegal representatives of the organizing com-pany, issued in compliance with the conditionsstipulated in the rules for applying this emer-gency ordinance.

(iii) the share capital has been constituted in theamount required by law.

b) The legal representatives of the company mustissue an affidavit on their own responsibility statingthat:(i) that company has never been convicted of acrime by a final court decision for which the re-habilitation has not occurred yet;

(ii) he/she is not incompatible.c) The legal representatives of the company have

to present their criminal records or other documentsissued by relevant authorities under which jurisdictionis their last domicile/headquarters located, out of

91CASINO Inside nr. 2

a pronun]at o hot`râre judec`toreasc` definitiv` de condamnarepentru care nu a intervenit reabilitarea, în România sau într-unstat str`in;

d) operatorul economic a depus cerere pentru ob]inerea au-toriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc.

Pentru ob]inerea autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor denoroc, operatorii economici trebuie s` fac` dovada c`:

a) de]in licen]` de organizare a jocurilor de noroc valabil` ladata depunerii cererii pentru ob]inerea autoriza]iei de exploatarea jocurilor de noroc sau au depus cerere pentru ob]inerea licen]eide organizare a jocurilor de noroc;

b) spa]iul propus este înregistrat la oficiul registruluicomer]ului de c`tre organizatorul în cauz` conform prevederilorlegale în vigoare pentru desf`[urarea activit`]ilor comerciale încadrul imobilelor;

c) spa]iul propus nu este situat în incinta unui a[ez`mânt deînv`]`mânt, inclusiv campusurile aferente acestuia, unora[ez`minte de cultur`, art`, s`n`tate, cu caracter social, de cultereligioase [i altele asemenea sau în perimetrul delimitat destinatacestora; se interzice desf`[urarea de jocuri de noroc în spa]ii caredatorit` amplas`rii ar conduce la obstruc]ionarea traficului sau lalimitarea liberului acces c`tre alte loca]ii de interes (intr`ri în imo-bile, pasaje pietonale, sta]ii alemijloacelor de transport în comunetc.); înmod excep]ional se admite organizarea de jocuri de norocîn cinematografe, s`li de spectacole, s`li de sport, case de cultur`[i altele de acest fel, cu condi]ia s` fie asigurate cumulativurm`toarele condi]ii: acces separat pentru juc`tori, s` nu fie der-anjate în vreun fel celelalte activit`]i [i s` poat` fi restric]ionattotal accesul minorilor;

d) activitatea de tip cazinou urmeaz` a se organiza în imobilecare nu au destina]ia de locuin]` sau în loca]ii care fac parte dinhoteluri având o clasifica]ie, conform normelor na]ionale învigoare, de cel pu]in 3 stele;

e) mijloacele de joc [i loca]iile/spa]iile propuse îndeplinesccondi]iile legale.

Num`rulminimdemese speciale de joc din cadrul loca]iei încare se organizeaz` activitatea de tip cazinou pentru care se poatesolicita autorizarea este de: 12 în municipiul Bucure[ti, dintrecare cel pu]in dou`mese de rulet`; 10 în alte loca]ii decât înmu-nicipiul Bucure[ti, dintre care cel pu]in dou`mese de rulet`; joculdirect între participan]i se poate organiza la num`rul total demese aprobat, mai pu]in la mesele de rulet`.

Loca]iile în care se exploateaz` activitatea de tip cazinou,pentru care se poate solicita autorizarea, vor fi dotate cu sistemdigital de supraveghere [i înregistrare video, precum [i cu mi-jloace de joc [i tehnic` de baz` [i complementar` specific` lanivelul practicat pe plan interna]ional.

Comisia poate dispune m`sura revoc`rii licen]ei de organi-zare a jocurilor de noroc în una dintre urm`toarele situa]ii:

a) neîndeplinirea obliga]iilor de plat` fa]` de bugetul generalsau plata acestora cu o întârzieremaimare de 30 de zile de la data

which to result that no final court decision for which therehabilitation has not occurred has been pronouncedagainst any of them, neither in Romania nor abroad.d) The company has submitted a request for ob-

taining the authorization for performing gambling ac-tivities.For obtaining an authorization for performing gam-

bling activities the companies must prove that:a) they hold a valid license for organizing gambling

activities or they have submitted a request for obtainingsuch license;b) the location proposed has been registered with

the Trade Register Office by that company in compli-ance with the provisions of the law for performing acommercial activity in a building;c) the location proposed is not situated in a school

establishment, including the ancillary campuses, in cul-tural, artistic, health, social, religious or similar estab-lishments or within the perimeter designated for them;it is forbidden to perform gambling activities in loca-tions where it would obstruct the traffic or it would limitfree access to other important locations (building en-trances, pedestrian passageways, public transportationstations etc.); exceptionally it is allowed to performgambling activities in cinemas, event halls, sport arenas,cultural halls and other similar locations, provided thatthe following cumulative conditions are fulfilled: sepa-rate access for gamblers, the other activities should notbe disturbed in any way and the access of minors shouldbe completely restricted.d) Casino-type activities shall be organized in non-

residential buildings or in locations which are part of ho-tels classified, as per Romanian regulations, at least as 3stars hotels;e) Gambling devices and proposed locations fulfil

the legal requirements.The minimal number of special gambling tables ex-

isting in a location where casino type activities are car-ried out should be: 12 in Bucharest; 10 outsideBucharest, out of which at least 2 should be roulette ta-bles; direct gambling games between players can be or-ganized on all gambling tables except roulette tables.The locations for which casino type activities may

be authorized shall be fitted with a digital surveillanceand recording system as well as with gambling devicesand specific basic and complementary technologies usedinternationally.The Commission may revoke the license for organ-

izing gambling in one of the following circumstances:a) Non-fulfilment of the obligations to the state

budget ormaking these payments with a delay longer than30 days since the date when they become due as per law;

92 CASINO Inside nr. 2

la care obliga]iile respective sunt scadente în condi]iile legii;b) organizatorul numai are ca obiect de activitate principal or-

ganizarea de jocuri de noroc;c) dup` retragerea avizului organelor de poli]ie acordat

reprezentan]ilor legali ai persoanei juridice, ace[tia î[i men]inpozi]ia respectiv` dup` parcurgerea unui interval de 30 de zile dela data comunic`rii retragerii avizului;

d) împotriva persoanei juridice s-a pronun]at o hot`râre de-finitiv` de condamnare pentru care nu a intervenit reabilitarea;

e) reprezentan]ii legali ai operatorului economic se afl` într-o stare de incompatibilitate pentru o perioad`maimare de 30 dezile de la data la care a intervenit starea de incompatibilitate;

f)men]inerea pozi]iei de]inute pentrumaimult de 30 de zilede c`tre oricare dintre asocia]ii sau reprezentan]ii legali ai per-soanei juridice împotriva c`rora s-a pronun]at o hot`rârejudec`toreasc` definitiv` de condamnare pentru care nu a inter-venit reabilitarea, în România sau într-un stat str`in;

g) organizarea de jocuri de noroc frauduloase;h) neconstituirea garan]iei în cuantumul, în forma [i la ter-

menul prev`zut în prezenta ordonan]` de urgen]`;i) nerespectarea oric`reia dintre prevederile speciale, pre-

vazute in OUG 77/2009.Comisia poate dispune, pentru o perioad` de cel mult 6 luni,

m`sura suspend`rii licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc pen-tru nerespectarea regulamentelor de joc care au f`cut obiectulaprob`rii, având ca rezultat prejudicierea participan]ilor la joculde noroc respectiv. De asemenea, [i autoriza]ia de exploatare ajocurilor de noroc poate fi suspendat` în condi]iileOUG77/2009.

Operatorii economici care de]in autoriza]ie de exploatare ajocurilor de noroc sunt obliga]i s` afi[eze acest document într-unloc vizibil.

Prin regulamentul de ordine interioar` a cazinoului, organi-zatorii vor prevedea toate detaliile privind organizarea, num`rulmeselor [i al ma[inilor, condi]iile de angajare, specializare, pro-gramul de func]ionare, organizarea eviden]elor contabile, circuituldocumentelor, semn`turile obligatorii pe fiecare document,modalitatea de admitere a clien]ilor, condi]iile de supraveghere [ide securitate, etc.

De re]inut este faptul c` spa]iul destinat amplas`rii cazi-nourilor nu trebuie s` aib` destina]ia de locuin]`, nu au fost con-struite având aceast` destina]ie, iar, în caz contrar, au pierdut,ulterior, calitatea de locuin]`, prin modific`ri succesive.

b) The company no longer has organizing gamblingas main object of activity;c) After the police has withdrew their authorisation

of the company’s legal representatives, they held theirposition within the company for a period longer than30 days since such withdrawal was notified;d) A final court decision for which the rehabilita-

tion has not occurred was pronounced against the com-pany;e) The legal representatives of the company are in-

compatible for a period longer than 30 days since thedate when the incompatibility reason has occurred;f) Maintaining the position for more than 30 days

by any of the shareholders or legal representatives ofthe company against whom a final court decision hasbeen pronounced without rehabilitation, either in Ro-mania or another state;g) Organizing fraudulent gambling activities;h) Non-constituting the guarantee in amount, form

and term foreseen in this Ordinance;i) Not respecting any of the special provisions, stip-

ulated by OUG 77/2009.The Commission can impose for a period of maxi-

mum 6 months, the measure of suspending the gam-bling license for not respecting the rules subject toapproval, bringing losses to the participants of thegame. Also the gambling authorization can be sus-pended in the conditions imposed by OUG 77/2009.Commercial entities possessing a gambling author-

ization are obliged to post this document in a visiblelocation.Through the internal regulation of the casino, the

organizers will stipulate all the details regarding or-ganizing, number of tables and machines, employmentconditions, specializing, program, organizing the ac-counting records, circuit of documents, required sig-natures on each document, method of admittingclients, conditions for supervising and security etc.It’s to be noted that the location of the casino must

not residential and have not been built for this desti-nation or have subsequently changed their destinationthrough successive modifications.

A Member of the British-Romanian Chamber of CommerceAddress: Palladian Complex27A Virgil Madgearu St., B Wing, Apt. 201,014135, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.Ph./Fax: + (4021) 232.14.99 or +(4021).232.14.88United Kingdom Fax No.: +44(0)20 7855 0017Email: [email protected]:

ENESCU & CUC Law FirmOriented towards foreign investors

Continuarea \n urm`torulnum`r din luna Aprilie.

To be continued on thenext issue in April

93CASINO Inside nr. 2

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Asocia]ia Organizatorilor de Pariuri din RomåniaRomanian Bookmakers

Bd. Pierre de Coubertin nr. 3 - 5Office Center sector 2

Sediul social: Str. I. L. Caragiale nr. 35, sector 2, Bucure[tiAdresa Po[tal`: Office 216, Hotel Intercontinental, Blvd. N. B`lcescu 4,

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Regent CasinoCalea Victoriei 37B, Bucure[tiTel.: +40 21 405 00 20Tel.: +4 0733 33 2003Fax: +40 21 405 00


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Fax: 0040 21-

Princess Planet CasinoBd-ul Nicolae B`lcescu, nr. 3-5, sector 1. Telefon: 021.315.40.13,

Perla CasinoBd-ul Regina Elisabeta, nr. 9, sector 3. Telefon: 021.312.90.91;

Havana CasinoBd-ul Regina Elisabeta, nr. 13, sector 3. Telefon: 021.313.98.23

Grand Casino, Marriott Grand Hotel Bucuresti,Calea 13 Septembrie 90, Bucure[ti, Romånia

Tel.: +40 21 40 30 800. Fax: +40 21 40 30 808E-mail: [email protected].

Grand Casino, ATHENEE Palace Hilton Hotel, Str. Episcopiei 1-3,Bucure[ti, Romånia.

Tel: +40 21 314 72 00. Fax: +40 21 314 72 11E-mail: [email protected].

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GameWorld Bucure[ti MallAdresa:

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City Slot Mo[ilorAdresa: Calea Mo[ilor, nr. 288, bl. 32, sect. 2, Bucure[ti

City Slot Drumul TabereiAdresa: Str. Drumul Taberei, nr. 136, bl. 714, sect. 6, Bucure[ti

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