REV. M COLLUM - NYS Historic

PUUTFSBURGH SENTINEL 1 I., JAN. 6, 1928 1 WOOERS Jan. 3.—Holidays are »)l over andinany of our young- people have 4«fft tab again'(for a while. Those iitituy 'took t,hfc early Monday morn- r w«re Thurlo Stuart, Le- >rr, JHEoJiis Gordian antf 1 JUkr-, $tevenson, Ruth and IWten , I/aura Liadtf) and a friend. Wft atftwnoon train j The pupiTs und-er the direction" of their teacher, Miss fcffyira t>otwiey, fcucceJStafUilly repeated the efoove infogram, on Wedinesdb.y evanlnjj, j^cemtoer 28th at the Saranac Val- >]iey Qraag-e Hail. CLAYBWMffl Red GaMes 1 ' i week-eridj 8 Rd Msipasaea the weekeridj at Kus-haqua wherte they were ta- home at I M oali«d at the Bailey Rochester. Forks Sunday. Fred Fisher ,The ,. haa purchased the | .ciarfc king inventory for the lumber Co. I Mr - and Mrs. Earl I^wson and home of the late Mrs. Cashmere ] j t J . who are soon to locate in Canada. fa ™Hy were Sunday guests of iMr. Russell on Mason street. Mra> Ada Cralg , Mra . aer trud« Wads- iMr. James \Ve!r MiLdiredTup*per Lak« Saturday ras called to by the -i- Martin has been foreman for * n d M r s - Eddie Baker of AuSable Roland Ayres matored to Hague | ^"^h several years and'Mrs. Martin waa Forks - and was a New Years guest of Miss A .' ' r-raldin* ria bookkeeper. J 'Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Felio of Ruth Rising. Geraldme Cla iP. Coffey and family of Salmon pla tt£rtnirgrh spent New Years with Several from this village attend- Ga_ relatives here. Riv-e^* were visitors at "Red l)les" Christmas day. iMr. and Mrs. M. L.. Bromley vis- ited In the city dh Christmas day. A social hour followed. i, Ethyl KintfsjftKJry,' Haael death of his brother, John Weir. | Barnard Bromley returned Jan. an-* Clifford KJnigisfcufry.t Mr. J>arwin Keysar of SNngers-' 2n4 latter a' two w«eks visit with ir winter** wontb. land spent the holidays with his his Aunt in 6c"h«neotady. Ciell&nidi has g>one to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Key to visit her sons and sar. » during thft winter J Miss Helen Downey who attends H»r many' frien«JI» will Hfgh School in Plattefburgh spent tut we hot»e for h«r early her vacation with her parents. Miss Katheline of Katonia. and'Mrs. Ernest Clellandi oif[Spent the holidays with her par- UL1 ^' 1 —•-- a r e vlsittnjp at ents Mr. and Mrs. James Weir. ,16 a vary »hort I Mr.' James Waldron and dau^h- iveB Sunday. Tth'ey at-^ter Lillian spent a f«w days With *t the Wesleyten Mrs. John Cronin of PlatWburgh. SARANAC--WEST END ed the opening meeting of the Week of Prayer in the Methodist church in Plattsburgh, Monday eve ning. Rev. Cook of Dannemora, SCHUYLER FALLS Lieutenant Commander Andrew Burleigh, U. S. N... has returned to Brooklyn after spending the holi- days with relatives in this city. Mrs. Burleigh and son will remain in Pittsburgh for a short time. 'Miss Irene M. Lewis has return- ed to Pittsburgh to resume her >tudies at the Normal School after * * * *. « Morrisonville Girls Jan. 6—The W. C. T. U. will gave a very inspiring and helpful! meet with JVIrs. Wallace Felton on j spending the. holidays at her home °n riStmaS eX * rCi&es held in address. Thursday afternoon. The meeting'in Fort Edward. ., . .. .. .r. - .^strict No. 16 on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crane of | w m be of interest, and it is hoped Raymond Disco and The €hrlattnas program at the •| r a««rnoon, Bee. 23rd, were wejl at-' Albany spent the holidays with her j that all members will try and be Cummings, students M. E. Church urtd«r the a'ble dir-'| tended b y th « Parents and friends' WawJiitn. : <Mr. anrt Mrs. Napoleon' present " chad's O " ectio'n Mrs. Jameg Laver was fine. and h Urtdflr the aible dir-j tended b y th « Parents and friends parents, M far'£&kra Coo'lc" and : »*_*&? Pupils and teaqher. ^avlsne. r as as fol- j w'. C. T. U. Victory day The program follows: |8ong Prayer ' Recitation—Christmas la Coming .... Ellen Cooledge ' Recitation ' present. | The holidays have come and have returned j Thomas at St. Ml-1 at Winooski, vt.,' there to resume ;—America, by the school. Signs of Christmas 'service. Rosamond Canning', The Misses Lottie ill be | gone once mare, and things have I their studies after passing the hol- |observed Sunday, Jan. 15th, at the settled back to normalcy in ourjidays at their respective homes In .Union Sunday school and morning ijttje pillage. The Christmas px- Dannemora. I Writing to Santa, "ceciiie Seney. ...... V. ....... , A- Happy Child, Irene Roberts. Norma and Doris Laver what Th *y Want, Mary Carter. 6i j T iUage. reant held in our church on.Christ j Avery Rogers, Jr., son of Dr.'^ Ethel' mas night ;was well worthy of a and Mrs. Avery Rogers, returned i Sutherland and -Miss Katherine' much-.larger place than ours. The.last evening to Williams college af- ^ifierce were recent guests ,of Miss church was taxed to its capacity, jttr epending the holidays in this The Misses Rose Broad- well and Mary Bcuvia of 'Morrisonville iprobabjy firm- ly believe by now, that there will be an early spring if we go through January, February and March with- out freezing to death. The two girls were walking along Mason St., the other day and spied a pussy-. "willow on which were four large catkins." They picked the unusual- ly early haribinger of spring and gave it to Mary Wells, ^rho Informed tthe SPress of the rare find. ***• 1 Miss Genevieve Dupraw and g ong —The O ifl Story. .Julia Cook j H o w T h «y Say It, Gerald Gonyea. xawna' Kennedy has gone to visit brother Jack apent the holidays Recitation—JimmJVs Wants ISanfa's Defender, Ernest Roberts. ' ' daughter yrtoo * ill *t heir With their parents, Mr. and f/ln.' ' ........ William Cnesbrooigh fHan ^ t*P Your Stocking, MoMasters : at "Green The local .high school will open ql^ren«e F4eat of '" ' ' their having; visited Mrs. ^parents, vQ. ttnfd' M. rs. John Dupraw. Mr. and Mrs. John Dupraw were Wk«a-1 callers in Pittsburgh Friday. Tho Christmas Journey Willie Phimadore nejfit Monday morning, Jan. 9th af- ter the holiday recess. Ralph Bridges, Irene Cook AChriatmaa Piece, JEdith Badger.' K Mr and .Mrs. S. T. Colburn have iff his Pmirer.. ' '... A Christmas Dollv ' 'J'l.. ' . J \._-_. T,^=j,inmtftn n n Selection by Choir The Nicest Present George Bridges Jan. 3—Mr, and Mrs. Charles Ooulaw were called to Chazy last Mdldred Stuart has been Saturday by the serious illness of her brother, Mr. Louis Dubray. Charles and Casquel Ferrelrd of son Perrottfc. Beatrice Coulon who is teaching at tttlca sp«nt her Christ- tnas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Couloti. evening), as Mir. 1 ' *]g«k^c»ftnt IO<M*, fee {popped 1 4e«4.' fit w u f crtuWl ttett had beta laired In the Ralph Cock and Earl Fuller^Christmas Trials, A Christmas Dolly Frances Canning Cents and Scents, Anthony Carter. An Invitation to Santa, Dorothy Brissette What I'd Like, Freddie Besaw. je'Kristmas, Elaine d'pnyea. returned from Washington, weeks. i Miss ^hey. have (been, yisiting their, Stanley an4 -feercy .for t > Loittie Siftherland of and people attending from the sur city. rounding towi>s were loud in their; Clement J. Ryan has returned t praises ;of its success, and we owt a de(bt at thanks to those who la- .Miciha^'sf Vt., (after. spentFing bored so faithfully, to make it the with his parents, .Winooski, the holidays r. and Mrs. success that ft was. ,Berle liberty of Albany spent be Jiolidiay vacation with his ,par- htsV^ev..,an4^c?. .Liberty.. ', Miss Hejlen H«ritage, who is in training at The -Physicians Hospi- The Reason Why 4 little folks] Marguerite Jalbaut Peekskill, spent the holidays with,'.tal spent Christmas at the parson- her .mother, .Mrs. M. ,M.Buther-j land. Miss .M'ldred Wescott and Miss and G. D. Dare of Thelma Yaughn were at their tehool ; lirust 'Fore Christmas What makes a Mfrry qhristrflaa? ,| , • • • Thomas Roberts ) 4 children Samantha's Sunprise, Mario Seney. Recitation—Papa's ISTecties .. jThe Christmas Stocking : R « cIt ation •Robert .King Willie Plumadore Sidney RoTsinson |N'Ot Too Little ( to Help, Dorothy a New Suit .;..;.'.;. j Brissette, Gerald G'pnyea. Bromley Getting Even With Sister! Pittsburgh were dinner guests o-f .Mr. and Mrs. F. J- Rugar, ij Year's day. tMrs. A. H. Taylor is expeoted- hom« this ;week from Cleveland, Qhio, where she has been- visiting ,he,r - daughter, Mrs. P. B. Rogers, during the holidays. Mr, and Mrs. the funeral aervilcei of Brooklyn spent the holiday with - her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George the Dol'ph Coulon and son Ben were 'btteineas callers in plattsfrurgb Sat' PERU OBSE,RVING spent the holiday with her mother, Mts.' Nelson" P^rrotte. Th» First Christmas Patr.Cc Buc- ey ' Merry chrl8tmas ^ _'— t of lirdaj*, ' l ( ^ •- j , » Chandler. Mr. PMny Chan-j 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwartt r a tSng Mln%K«.' Dannemora spent New Years with' 2 boys 'Mrs. Skaggs and,Jitrfl.,Hill, Aunt Jamima .. Barbara Bromley visitors,....{Marguerite- Jaba;ut, iA Christmas Tree Romance ©Orothy Badgen ; Irna Chesbrough Mr. Judd,desk of the Skule Board, Oliver Canning, low Mr. Bates got ou-t of shop- Pupils-^Virgil Vale, Bernard Can- iSkagg's Skule," IMiss JJlklns, the teacher, NW(ir TMtc CJty, Lib] Jofom. Chandler Fitoh off » afiA Z>r. W. He«fl>ert i of WhlbehaJl Visited their t and relatives here in> their m * iMlsb Kathrys Fitch of the Flatts iarvsr H oejpll tal ar> k-etvl -wttth her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Ekiward Street on o* Ch&xy «ip«nt a teJw K With Mrs. Stratiton'B parWVte, and Mm, 0. O. WUlaon last 3.—The folloWnff program by th»',p«pll» o* nUfatotffio. Chrtetmae Mornln«r, Berths Badger Newt fiudt, and Marg-aret Lord V-' * Eddth Wright Stt«nt NigOit, Sonig, by Five Girls, i# Gagne, Bltsie Carter, Mar Lbr-d, 'Roaflytn Butchdno, Oratee Wti^ht Querries, Beatrice Carter Til© BSow of Mr. Gray and Sarrta 1 Catherine, da'g-ne ' Wlahts a Gun, » Ryan an.d De,witt Huitchinfl 1 :W»h*t t ' W a n t . ', ' Jean Hutchina MV"Great Grandpa Bernard Breteaette Chrttitmas as a Pliri»tmas Gifts Helen Coffey Adrian Oa«ne Hla "Chflf Wide Eyes. .Beatrice Carter 'Price, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bourdon. AUXIMARY AT ping 4 ybung folks lemarks by Pastor and collection. Selection by Choir. . j .The pastor, Rev. R. R. Mitchell,' inaugurated a n«w custom by pre-' 'senting the older pupils of the Sun day School with handsome testa- ments and a toy for each of the; the younger pupils, Stranaherr., Sentinel, Mrs, F. Trti8^ee», iMjrs. Qeo. CoveiJ, F. Baylietts, jyire. ning. Ole Swanson, Leslie Brissette iBllly Skagga, who had to sit iby "Maw", Lorraine Matildy and J FloriLdy, THE WEEK The Presbyterian and Methodist • chlurchea are uniting this we^ek in ' the observance of the Week of Prayer. Services were held Sun- day, .Tuesday and Wednesday even-; ing in: the Pr«ei>yterian churches/ with the Key. Roe R. Mitchell of the Methodist church as preacher. Services will be held Thursday, Friday and Sunday evenings in the Methodist church. Rec. J. C. Lang-ford of the Presbyterian church will be the preacher for Canning, Edith Tnurada y an * Friday. On Sunday Rosamond Badger. Rastus, Martin Canmpibell. iSam Shaw, Francis Camp-bell. Sarah Jane, who never got "skeered," 1 Frances Canning. 'Tillie, Elaine Gonyea. Corabell, Dorothy Rotberte. | lAt th© close of the dialogue the, The ifoHewing memibers of Chatmprain Association No. 36 of j The, church was very comfort-: the .Ladles Auxiliary Patriarchs Mi afble^with the new furnace. The- •11 taut were, re-ektcted for the en- electric lights add greatly to the auing year: vcomfort of all. •P'r.eald'ent, Bertha Ccvel 1 . j Mrs. Etta Keet who has inflam- Vice President, Mrs. F. Bayless.. ' -tory rheumatism Is slightly batter Santa Claus song by the school Secretary, .Ethel ,Be^k<man. at.preaent writing. "brought the good old Saint just in Treasurer, Mrs. J. Doyle. [ Th« Chri»tmaa -exercises at the time to help unload the tree, and Chap-taini, Mrs. J. Hat'haiwey. Puddln' Hollow school on Friday to partake of ice cream, cake and 0|Hoer of the pay, .Mrs. F. Doa,k. .w.^re very nice. :So tnany little tots candy which was served by the of the Guard* #Ir», <;. ifi lisping words extended a wel- puipila. >me to the visitors. (Santa ap- { :ared in due time and after gree£- g the cotupany appointed Mas- rs Karl Cate, aged 6 and James Bromley, aged 4, to distri- Jciute th« gifts. Mrs, Elden Dens- Tnore la to be congratulated on the success of the program. Southard of the Post will preach in the concluding sej»vice of the ser- ! ies. The opening services have been well attended and a fine spir- it abroad. , M0RRJSONV1UE AT BEEKMANTOWN Miss Edith Arthur of P. S. Nor- following ipupils had per- [fect attendance in school district . 11, town of Beekmantown dur-; ing the month of Decemiber: iMrs. Carlos Arnold and Mrs. Alfred Jacques entertained the iBeckwitii. Street Card Club at banquet on the evening 01 ber ZSth. very delicious supper was served, after which Sajata Claus distributed many pretty gifts and also $ome good jokes from a very beautiful Christmas tree. Those in..attendance ,were Mr and J&rs. Sam. Djeiormo and Mrs. Mary :e Turner of WUmington spent :homes for th,e holiday vacation. Mr. a,nd ia J<I«w Years wfth their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Turner. Mrs. Grace Gunter had as New years g-ue^^i, Alr^. Sarah Barber and son Charlep, and Mr. H. E. Mrs. Florence Turner entertain- a,<i a few friends at cards Monday evening. iMr; and Mrs. Joseph Everest of Pittsburgh were callers in town Sunday. Our schools opened Tuesday af- ter a two weeks vacation. Richard Lyon has been quite ill for a few 4ays, but is a little bet- ter at present. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vanderbilt of' lattsburgh apent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Bessie .Hutchinson. JThe Watch?night service held by the Epworth ^Leag^e at the home ,-cri. Rufus .Vaughn on Saturday night was well attended. ffRE TRUCK ARRIVES AT AUSABLE FORKS REV. M C COLLUM j Matthew .Ryan at Saranac. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harkness and Mrs. Ruth Quarters of Hark- ness spent yesterday in town. Thomas Raymond of Standish was a recent "business visitor in' ^Plattsburgh. j Harry Cllmet of Riverview was a business caller in Plattstourgh yesterday. Henry Trombley of Mooers Forks transacted business in this city yesterday for a few hours. C. W. Law of Lyon Mountain was among the business visitors in Platts-tvurgh this -week. Leo Vehne of Riverview visited friends and transacted business in town yesterday. Fourth Meeting in Series of Services Bemg Held in This City The fourth meeting in the series of services- beJng (hejd in wiipn ,by Mrs. George LamTb of Keene Val- ley was a recent visitor in this city. The Misses Adelaide White and Helen Murphy of Saranac Lake have returned to this city to re- sume their studies at the Platts- burgh State Normal school. Baptist churches during this uni- versal week of pjayer -was held last night in the Methodist church. Rev. Ivanhoe tMcCollum, of the Baptist church, preaqhed the sermon of the evening ,o,n the subject of "Service we owe the World." "As the Father has seat me so send I you." ,The answer .to the question thatt this subject rais- es in our minds migiht be made in a single- statement. The Christian therefore the Church ewes ttye world as an act of service a cor- rect interpretation, revelation ,and demonstration of the Master tl>e Son qif rGod. The service that J^aus rendered this sin ridden world,-was entirely and wholly upon love; Loye for man Lin whatever state or con- dition and hatred only for the sin Truck Will Be Unloaded Today—, Officers Elected Last Tues- day ADIRONDACK TRAPPERS HAVING J M) SEASON Indications Are Total Value of Pnr Taken In This Region. Grater Than In Ottier Seasons .SAlRAiNAC LAKE, N. Y., Jan. 5, £). Adirondaak trappers are j t h a t m an committed. On this plan haivin-g a good season, ifiur Ibrayers , H « operated loving men into His her© reported today. Indications, fellowship and following and tp noiw are that the total value of fur foIlow thJs P Ian thoroughly and 4talcen-In-thi3 region will eqiual or completely is the ony means th •Edgar Bruce, Harry Bruce, John: ( . inal and a former teacher here for '^f^al'l^r* 3 '~ TThe ^ Ta)Vn !' 4 years vii!li * d a 1 ^ iar Rose farm ' bo^o'^wn ( te^m here .tonight by a dX^wi^Wbrshfwirgt^^^ Cm « M RolUer ' score of 44 to 20. Gordton end ed # the *c'hooi hou9e bespeaks *?»«**' Ruth Grube ' of the^oteal quintet starred j ^ her ipcpuU^ty with jWrento . mora> - 3>ora MaryCa> D ° > >thy Mar-: ?*&> Margaret Rollier, Marion RoN HARKNESS Jan. 4.—Elbert Burrington of Frank Feiio "were cayers a,t !^u-' Watertown, who is teaching in Mill A 11 * 11 and MORRISONVILLE ! w1th 19 and lS'.basilteJt® respective-1 WHWboro offered a stubborn tight to the Peru five but unusual shooting ability displayed by' the locaL quintet served to vanquish the visiting ave, ''*' Peru will meet th© Dairymen's* League basketball team a<t Peru this Friday evening. An interest- ing game is exfpected, by Peru fans. EAST SCHUYLER FALLS Jan 1st was a record day for , - - cold icy wind. The wind was sol "Walter 'Stafford, Henry Mulvey, by A. Mason and Sons of Peru to strong it was hard to keep houses Oriac e Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Myron (their employees at the warm especially those hearted with, BakKer were callers at Plattsburgh Thursday evening, Dec. 2 Arrival of the new triple com- "f~ Decem| bination purnp> chemical and hos* jfire truck from the American-La-/ France faQtory at -Elmira and the; election ed! -officers of the AuSable Forks .fire departmen't occurred Tuesday and the jBollQwing o n c e r s were elected: Chief—Dr. J. W. Scott. 1st. Assistant •Chief—'iR. E. Mor-, be greater than that in other ©ea- * on ^' despite the late (befeinntog of' I favorable trapiplngr weather. | Large num1>ersi of mink, racoon, sikunk, fox and' muskrat ipelte are being (brought into this village. Fiisher cat pelts are the chief prize of. thetee woods (with otter next in , Jdr, and j^rs. church or the Christian has tftian which he can justify his existence. To- the eye of Christ the need of allmen was visile. To His-ear the cry of the sin distressed ytftp al- ways audible. Againat -His -heajrt continually ipresesd the burden Of the world's guild. 'His love -over- N value. Both animals are reported Reaped all the barriers. His mind. siig'htly more tiumero-us. The foal- lwas not hemrn** in iby a multipli- es of fur ddadlose many toear sklnsl c Uy Of selfish desires. Therefore, a,nd a t£ew Canadian Liynx pelts. Barn ent Jacques, Mr. and., J>esJardins and son .Paul, ,J^Ir. and JVIrs." G 1 . L. Wtood and Mr/Qaude Wood, $Lr. and .Mrs. George Jacques and json Leon, j)jtr. .^nd Mre. Kdward JBreyette, Jjlr. and Mrs. George Cpqpy and ^isa Aftna hous. | 2nd Assistant Chief—Thomas A. 'uary 1, 1928, a daughter, Eva Anna O'Neill. to Mr. and Mrs." Harry LaBarge, j 3rd Assistant Chief—James Rog- gers, iSecrettary—-Joel H. Snow. Treasurer—Walter Kinney. The truck will -be unloaded to- Mr. and Mrs. John Scar- Mr. Carlos Arnflld, Mr. Al- day when an expert American-LaiFranc-e i arrive and spend from ctory the, there is but one "way that we can ; do for the world what He did for lit and that is by seeing as He jsaw; hearing as He heard; feeling ias He felt; and* (thinking as H« -At pia-tWburg. J a n - | tnoUffht We n a v 6 b e e n sent on a high and noble mission, let <us go. The closing 1 meeting 1 of these union services will be held tomV in the Presbyterian church ai Rev. Gracey will be the preaohe The public is cordially invited. 47 ,Margaret St. F0RKE.Y—At Mooers Forks, N. JY., January 1, 1-9.28, a son, Ro^e-r ^Ernest, to Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur ^Forkey. Coopy, boro, fred Jacques and daughter Evah. The.; party "broke W at a late at AuSa<ble F ^ rks ^ in « truet the «adler Curti, opera-tors in the use off the " 3 "' n ;Endicott, N. Y., will 'December 23, 1927, a son, William hour .v^ith a rising vote of thanks o Mrs. Arnold and Mrs, Jacques, Forks SAturda.y, . JBrook, spent New Years wfth his' erg> Clayton Van Vaike.nb.erg, w;ho is sister, Mrs. Stanley Wood. [ all deceasing them royal entertain- fire apparatus. —Th© annual meeting otf the Woman's League of the Physicians week or more^anley, to Charles W. and Helen j Hoepital will be he id at the home of Miss sMcliean, 87 Brinkerhofi: iSt., this afternoon at three si in the Navy at Boston, Mass, sperii tPk: :rs. Lydia' Reed and Miss Maryj several days her© last week with!Wells spent the holidays with Mr. his mother, Mrs. Alice Van Valk- and 'Mrs, Walter Davies in East en'berg. , Isyracuse. Mildred Gordon returned to her j Several young men of this village school a,t Illion, Jf. Y., Monday. enjoyed a banquet and dance given the Tavern , 9th. wood. Monday was also very cold Saturday. ' -| Mies Minerva Weaver of Cara- atid windy. Our joy in our homes I Edna Calkins spent several bridge, spent Christmas with her, dimmed by the thoug-ht of the! <ia y s witn ner br0ltn€r ' Emmett'parents, M,r. and Mrs. L...S. Wea- very needy and the sick ones. Miss Eugenia Good and' Miss Helen E. Normandeau of New' ore d to Platts-burgh Tuesday. Calkins and family at Platttfburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Morford mot- York were week-end visitors Briar Rose farm. The .Misses Dora and Margj Cate, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cate Earl Cate Sr., and family : Miss Virginia Sav of tlv High School faculty spent tlv Miss Clarissa F^ello left Monday Christmas recess at her home ii visit friends at Canton, Ohio,) _ Mn, Detroit and Ann Arbor,! RJEPORT OF THE WBATHJitt FOR THE YEAR The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Foreign .Missionary Society, was held ^Wednesday, January 4, at the home of JVfcs. Leslie Clough. The iprognun follows: The Bethany Home, Mrs. Brown. A Straight W-ay Toward Tomorrow,- its. •Paye.tte. jTraining Homemakers, Mi-s. Pris- | cilia Staffer (J. 'Air Mail Messages, Miss Jennie 1 Ayrea. ret nd Michigan. of their parents Hill Sunday. tfr. and Mis. Will ml family were dinner gu< were ^ v - an< i Mrs. James Stafford I Sunny spent the M'61ld'ays with their sons ' in New York city. ' ' Mr. and IMrs. Harry Hallock of of ( Plattsburgh spent Thursday even- iFmnicla Wright j 'M. H. Densmore and daughter in ing with Mr. and MVs. J. T. Fello. he city Sunday. A Ldttte Wlfte Girl. . . .Klaie Carter j passing some time with \V. TWi Miss Alida Densmore who has? O'race W-rl«Tit and Mlldired Coffey W My Say 1 t "Were Mr. Sa.nta Albert Brusce .lOlemen-t Gagne jrfUjfrah For Dece-m(l)ei < by Four Boya, AdHan Qag-np>, Albert Bruc#, Bernard Bretoette,, Devritt Hu'i'philn!* •Olowlng Address .. .Beirtha Ba Wiallaoe iBaker took possession IMr. and Mre. Alfred Boyce are'of his new job a-s-'road'commiss- IX 'loner for town of AulSable Mon- day morning. Edwin Baker and Constance Sig;- een in poor health for several nor resumed their studies at P. S. lontha left Sunday to teach at El- N S., Wednesday; James Le-e Felio ?n\-ille, N. Y Her many friends at AuSable Forks, Wednesday; pleased thut her health is,Doris Thew and B«tty Signor at Jniuch bettei. H Tholma Vaughn ! night for Lake Geo is it each ing. 1 Mr. and Mi's, Wai eseville Tuesday, loft Sunday Robert Gravelle-, Wallace Baker rge where she and J. T. Felio were busin-ess call- !er» at Keeseville Wednesday. Ten Martin of I 'Mr, ;\nd Mrs, Myron Baker and Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May June July Aug. •Sept. Oct. Nov. .Dec-. 12.8 14.28 24.77 32.2 (5 4 6.71 56.11 6L.89 56.3.£ 48.M 41.8 33.26 19.32 1 1 •i> 3 i r> j 5 13 14 IS 11, 16 6 10> 11 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 12 •1(0 !'2 3 T l'i> 1;G 13 1 + 13 111 2 4 1& 3.1 2 5- .-lifi 'Oi 0. 0 1} 0 1) Ii 0 17 ,2 8 :2'& 23 0. 0 0 0 0 a 18 1 '& 3 1 (>i I) 0 11 i) 0 0 I) 4 2:2 ndl 2'3'rd 1 14th 20-th lftth 2,2,nJ. °.n.d' 8 th, 3rd 3rd 8th 4(0o 3'5 e 68° 64° 7.0° 7-0 ° •6 8° (i4° 63° »S ° •5.0° 2l6:t,h, 5th 2 3rdi t8th list l-*t 4 th. 2 »Hh i'lst 30-th) L' 4th. 28° 16° 32° 44° 4-5° 4i>° 42° 18° 1.5° 1-0° GBORG'EJ fj. PAILY, Center, N, Y. C0OP£RVHJi Jan. 5—Edward Forgays, Jr., of. Scheneotady has r«<i,urne,d to his, Work aft^r apending the.' holiday 3 .'with his parents here. i Miss Georgtana Paulhaus who 1 ^pent New Years at her former j home in Canada has returned .to-j her work at the rectory. I Mrs. Julia Badger -of Saranacl Lake is spending the week .with her son Bert J3adg«r. Milan Matott had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable cow one .day last week. iMr. and Mrs. Clarence giprag-ue* I of Soranac Lake have been visit- ~'ing- Mrs. Sprague's father, Mr. j Philip Bee-man. " ' Mr. and Mrs. |S. B. Jennette n j Weat Chazy spent New Year's day I with their brother, W. J. Jennette. Milan Matpt.t Jr., spent several.; days in West Chazy this week visit]; ing his cousins there. j,- JN'oah D^eso was a business visit-'-; or in PlattOburgh Saturday. ': Mrs. Ralph Seguin of Rouses ; Point is visiting her brother, Rev. > . i George Garand. .< The ice on the river is in fine; ; shaipe for skating at present and ( | the young?s'ters are making good.; use of the opportunity to enjoy it.ii ,Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Jennette of \ West. Ch-azy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milan Matott Monday. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Homer Bechard were 'business callers In Rouses Point Tuesday, KMULY—On Dec. 29, 1927 a son, Wayne Gerald, to Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly of South Plattsburg. Died An opportunity will be given mem- bers to pay thei i n g . ' dues at this meet- 44 Eim St., January 3, 19 28, Mrs. George Armstrong, widow of the late George Armsrttong,, in her 9tO4h year. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The iRoyal Neughtbom will ho-ld. a residence, special (meeting this evening- at 8 o'clock at the home otf SMT&. E. E. Gray on Margaret Street- for the purpose -of completing- arrange- ments for the installation fleers. of of- The Old BURUNGTON SAVINGS 5ANK Corner College and St EW iSU. ] 158th Semi-Annual Statt JANUARY 1, 192$ ' RESOtTiOES United ,StatevS Bonds, par Otlirc Bonds (Par value $11,236.000) Bank Stock Bank Building' (Assessed value $80,000) ; Other iReal Estate Loans ant! Accrued Interest . ; Casli on Hand and hi Banks INABILITIES Due 152,267 Depositors (including- interest to Jan. 1, 1928) Reserved lor Taxes Surplus iXtlAtlt : ! % 2,143,2oO.(M) 11^060,447.19 * 362,560.00 * 70,000.00 ' 1,229,073.61 i . U,834.678^a i . 1,317,860.44 827,517,864,8.6 , i - 1 & .$24,834,852.22 . 8iO,00tO.OO . 2,603,012.64 * S27*S17fM4JB6 i Deposits received ion or before iFriday > January 13, will draw interest from January 1 . ( •]

Transcript of REV. M COLLUM - NYS Historic

Page 1: REV. M COLLUM - NYS Historic years and'Mrs. Martin waa Forks- • and was a New Years guest of Miss A .' ' r-raldin*


I., JAN. 6, 1928 1

WOOERSJan. 3.—Holidays are »)l over

andinany of our young- people have4«fft tab again'(for a while. Thoseiitituy 'took t,hfc early Monday morn-

r w«re Thurlo Stuart, Le->rr, JHEoJiis Gordian antf1 JUkr-,

$tevenson, Ruth and IWten, I/aura Liadtf) and a friend.

Wft atftwnoon train

j The pupiTs und-er the direction" oftheir teacher, Miss fcffyira t>otwiey,fcucceJStafUilly repeated the efooveinfogram, on Wedinesdb.y evanlnjj,j^cemtoer 28th at the Saranac Val->]iey Qraag-e Ha i l .


Red GaMes1' i week-eridj8R d M s i p a s a e a the weekeridjat Kus-haqua wherte they were ta- h o m e a t


oali«d at the Bailey Rochester.Forks Sunday. Fred Fisher

,The ,.haa purchased the | .ciarfc

king inventory for the lumber Co. I M r - a n d Mrs. Earl I^wson and home of the late Mrs. Cashmere ] j t J .who are soon to locate in Canada. fa™Hy were Sunday guests of iMr. Russell on Mason street. Mra> Ada Cralg,

M r a . a e r t r u d « Wads-

iMr. James \Ve!rMiLdiredTup*per Lak« Saturday

ras called toby the

- i - Martin has been foreman for * n d M r s - Eddie Baker of AuSable Roland Ayres matored to Hague | ^ " ^ hseveral years and'Mrs. Martin waa F o r k s - • and was a New Years guest of Miss A ™ .' ' r-raldin* riabookkeeper. J 'Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Felio of Ruth Rising. Geraldme Cla

iP. Coffey and family of Salmon platt£rtnirgrh spent New Years with Several from this village attend-Ga_ relatives here.Riv-e * were visitors at "Red

l)les" Christmas day.iMr. and Mrs. M. L.. Bromley vis-

ited In the city dh Christmas day.

A social hour followed.

i, Ethyl KintfsjftKJry,' Haael death of his brother, John Weir. | Barnard Bromley returned* Clifford KJnigisfcufry.t Mr. J>arwin Keysar of SNngers-' 2n4 latter a' two w«eks visit with

ir winter** wontb. land spent the holidays with his his Aunt in 6c"h«neotady.Ciell&nidi has g>one to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Key

to visit her sons and sar.» during thft winter J Miss Helen Downey who attends

H»r many' frien«JI» will Hfgh School in Plattefburgh spentt u t we hot»e for h«r early her vacation with her parents.

Miss Katheline of Katonia.and'Mrs. Ernest Clellandi oif[Spent the holidays with her par-

UL1^'1 —•-- are vlsittnjp at ents Mr. and Mrs. James Weir.,16 a vary »hort I Mr.' James Waldron and dau^h-

iveB Sunday. Tth'ey at-^ter Lillian spent a f«w days With*t the Wesleyten Mrs. John Cronin of PlatWburgh.


ed the opening meeting of theWeek of Prayer in the Methodistchurch in Plattsburgh, Monday evening. Rev. Cook of Dannemora,


Lieutenant Commander AndrewBurleigh, U. S. N... has returned toBrooklyn after spending the holi-days with relatives in this city.Mrs. Burleigh and son will remainin Pi t t sburgh for a short time.

'Miss Irene M. Lewis has return-ed to Pi t t sburgh to resume her>tudies at the Normal School after

* * * *. «

Morrisonville Girls

Jan. 6—The W. C. T. U. willgave a very inspiring and helpful! meet with JVIrs. Wallace Felton on j spending the. holidays at her home

° n r i S t m a S eX*rCi&es h e l d i n address. Thursday afternoon. The meeting'in Fort Edward.., . .. .. .r. - .^str ict No. 16 on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crane of | w m be of interest, and it is hoped Raymond Disco and

The €hrlattnas program at the •|ra««rnoon, Bee. 23rd, were wejl a t - ' Albany spent the holidays with her j that all members will try and be Cummings, students

M. E. Church urtd«r the a'ble d i r - ' | t e n d e d by t h « Parents and friends' WawJiitn. :<Mr. anrt Mrs. Napoleon' present " chad's O "ectio'nMrs. Jameg Laver was fine.

a n dh Urtdflr the aible d i r - j t e n d e d by t h « Parents and friends parents, Mfar'£&kra Coo'lc" and: »*_*&? Pupils and teaqher. ^av l sne .

ras as fol- j w'. C. T. U. Victory dayThe program follows:

|8ongPrayer 'Recitation—Christmas la Coming

. . . . Ellen Cooledge' Recitation

' present.| The holidays have come and have returned


at St. Ml-1at Winooski, vt . , '

there to resume

;—America, by the school.Signs of Christmas 'service.

Rosamond Canning', T h e Misses Lottie

ill be | gone once mare, and things have I their studies after passing the hol-|observed Sunday, Jan. 15th, at the settled back to normalcy in ourjidays at their respective homes In.Union Sunday school and morning ijttje pillage. The Christmas px- Dannemora. I

Writing to Santa, "ceciiie Seney.. . . . . . V . . . . . . . . , A- Happy Child, Irene Roberts.

Norma and Doris Laver w h a t T h *y Want, Mary Carter.6i j T

iUage.reant held in our church on.Christ j Avery Rogers, Jr., son of Dr. '^

Ethel' mas night ;was well worthy of a and Mrs. Avery Rogers, returnedi Sutherland and -Miss Katherine' much-.larger place than ours. The.last evening to Williams college af-

^ifierce were recent guests ,of Miss church was taxed to its capacity, jttr epending the holidays in this

The Misses Rose Broad-well and Mary Bcuvia of'Morrisonville iprobabjy firm-ly believe by now, thatthere will be an early springif we go through January,February and March with-out freezing to death. Thetwo girls were walkingalong Mason St., the otherday and spied a pussy-."willow on which were fourlarge catkins."

They picked the unusual-ly early haribinger of springand gave it to Mary Wells,^rho Informed tthe SPress ofthe rare find.

***• 1 Miss Genevieve Dupraw and g o n g—The O ifl S t o r y . . J u l i a Cook j H o w Th«y Say It, Gerald Gonyea. xawna 'Kennedy has gone to visit brother Jack apent the holidays Recitation—JimmJVs Wants ISanfa's Defender, Ernest Roberts. ' '

daughter yrtoo * ill *t heir With their parents, Mr. and f/ln.' ' . . . . . . . . William Cnesbrooigh fHan^ t*P Your Stocking,

MoMasters: at "Green

The local .high school will open

ql^ren«e F4eat of'" ' ' their

having; visited Mrs.^parents, vQ. ttnfd' M. rs.

John Dupraw.Mr. and Mrs. John Dupraw were

Wk«a-1 callers in Pi t t sburgh Friday.

Tho Christmas Journey Willie Phimadorenejfit Monday morning, Jan. 9th af-ter the holiday recess.

Ralph Bridges, Irene Cook AChriatmaa Piece, JEdith Badger.' K Mr and .Mrs. S. T. Colburn haveiff his P m i r e r . . ' ' . . . A Christmas Dollv ' ' J ' l . . ' . J \ . _ - _ . T,^=j,inmtftn n n

Selection by ChoirThe Nicest Present

George Bridges

Jan. 3—Mr, and Mrs. CharlesOoulaw were called to Chazy last

Mdldred Stuart has been Saturday by the serious illness ofher brother, Mr. Louis Dubray.

Charles and Casquel Ferrelrd of

son Perrottfc.Beatrice Coulon who is

teaching at tttlca sp«nt her Christ-tnas vacation with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. John Couloti.

evening), as Mir.1' *]g«k^c»ftntIO<M*, fee

{popped14e«4. ' fit w u f crtuWl ttetthad beta laired In the

Ralph Cock and Earl Fuller^Christmas Trials,

A Christmas DollyFrances Canning

Cents and Scents, Anthony Carter.An Invitation to Santa,

Dorothy BrissetteWhat I'd Like, Freddie Besaw.

je'Kristmas, Elaine d'pnyea.

returned from Washington,

weeks.i Miss

^hey. have (been, yisiting their,Stanley an4 -feercy .for t>

Loittie Siftherland of

and people attending from the sur city.rounding towi>s were loud in their; Clement J. Ryan has returned tpraises ;of its success, and we owta de(bt at thanks to those who la-

.Miciha^'sfVt., (after. spentFing

bored so faithfully, to make it the with his parents,

.Winooski,the holidaysr. and Mrs.

success that ft was.,Berle l iber ty of Albany spent

be Jiolidiay vacation with his ,par-htsV^ev. . ,an4^c?. .Liberty.. ',Miss Hejlen H«ritage, who is in

training at The -Physicians Hospi-

The Reason Why 4 little folks] Marguerite Jalbaut

Peekskill, spent the holidays with,'.tal spent Christmas at the parson-her .mother, .Mrs. M. ,M.Buther-jland. Miss .M'ldred Wescott and Miss

a n d G. D. Dare of Thelma Yaughn were at their

tehool ; lirust 'Fore ChristmasWhat makes a Mfrry qhristrflaa? ,| , • • • • • • • Thomas Roberts) 4 children Samantha's Sunprise, Mario Seney.Recitation—Papa's ISTecties . . jThe Christmas Stocking

:R« c I tation

•Robert .King Willie PlumadoreSidney RoTsinson |N'Ot Too Little (to Help, Dorothy

a New Suit . ; . . ; . ' . ; . j Brissette, Gerald G'pnyea.Bromley Getting Even With Sister!

Pi t t sburgh were dinner guests o-f.Mr. and Mrs. F. J- Rugar, ijYear's day.

tMrs. A. H. Taylor is expeoted-hom« this ;week from Cleveland,Qhio, where she has been- visiting,he,r - daughter, Mrs. P. B. Rogers,during the holidays.

Mr, and Mrs.the funeral aervilcei of Brooklyn spent the holiday with

- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgethe

Dol'ph Coulon and son Ben were'btteineas callers in plattsfrurgb Sat '


spent the holiday with her mother,Mts.' Nelson" P^rrotte. Th» First Christmas

Patr.Cc B u c - e y ' M e r r y c h r l 8 t m a s ^ ™ _ '—

t of lirdaj*, ' l ( ^ •- j ,» Chandler. Mr. PMny Chan-j 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwartt

r a tSng Mln%K«.' Dannemora spent New Years with'

2 boys 'Mrs. Skaggs and,Jitrfl.,Hill,Aunt Jamima . . Barbara Bromley visitors,....{Marguerite- Jaba;ut,

iA Christmas Tree Romance ©Orothy Badgen ;Irna Chesbrough Mr. J u d d , d e s k of the Skule

Board, Oliver Canning,low Mr. Bates got ou-t of shop- Pupils-^Virgil Vale, Bernard Can-

iSkagg's Skule,"IMiss JJlklns, the teacher,

NW(ir TMtc CJty, Lib]Jofom. Chandler Fitoh off

» afiA Z>r. W. He«fl>erti of WhlbehaJl Visited their

t and relatives here in> their

m* iMlsb Kathrys Fitch of the Flatts

iarvsr H oejpll tal ar>k-etvl -wttth her patents, Mr.and Mrs. Ekiward Street on

o* Ch&xy «ip«nt a teJwK With Mrs. Stratiton'B parWVte,and Mm, 0 . O. WUlaon last

3.—The folloWnff programby th»',p«pll» o* nUfatotffio.

Chrtetmae Mornln«r,Berths Badger

Newt fiudt,and Marg-aret Lord

V - ' * Eddth WrightStt«nt NigOit, Sonig, by Five Girls,

i# Gagne, Bltsie Carter, MarLbr-d, 'Roaflytn Butchdno,

Oratee Wti^htQuerries,

Beatrice CarterTil© BSow of Mr. Gray and Sarrta

1 Catherine, da'g-ne' Wlahts a Gun,» Ryan an.d De,witt Huitchinfl1

:W»h*t t 'Want.', ' Jean Hutchina

MV"Great GrandpaBernard Breteaette

Chrttitmas as a

Pliri»tmas GiftsHelen Coffey

Adrian Oa«ne

Hla "ChflfWide Eyes. .Beatrice Carter


their parents, Mr. and Mrs. PeterBourdon.


ping 4 ybung folkslemarks by Pastor and collection.

Selection by Choir. .j .The pastor, Rev. R. R. Mitchell,'inaugurated a n«w custom by pre-'

'senting the older pupils of the Sunday School with handsome testa-ments and a toy for each of the;

the younger pupils,

Stranaherr.,Sentinel, Mrs, F.Trti8^ee», • iMjrs. Qeo. CoveiJ,

F. Baylietts, jyire.

ning.Ole Swanson, Leslie BrissetteiBllly Skagga, who had to sitiby "Maw", LorraineMatildy andJ FloriLdy,


The Presbyterian and Methodist• chlurchea are uniting this we ek in' the observance of the Week of

Prayer. Services were held Sun-day, .Tuesday and Wednesday even-;ing in: the Pr«ei>yterian churches/with the Key. Roe R. Mitchell ofthe Methodist church as preacher.Services will be held Thursday,Friday and Sunday evenings in theMethodist church. Rec. J. C.Lang-ford of the Presbyterianchurch will be the preacher for

Canning, Edith T n u r a d a y a n * Friday. On SundayRosamondBadger.Rastus, Martin Canmpibell.iSam Shaw, Francis Camp-bell.Sarah Jane, who never got"skeered,"1 Frances Canning.'Tillie, Elaine Gonyea.Corabell, Dorothy Rotberte. |

lAt th© close of the dialogue the,

The ifoHewing memibers ofChatmprain Association No. 36 of j The, church was very comfort-:the .Ladles Auxiliary Patriarchs Mi afble^with the new furnace. The-•11 taut were, re-ektcted for the en- electric lights add greatly to theauing year: vcomfort of all.

•P'r.eald'ent, Bertha Ccvel1. j Mrs. Etta Keet who has inflam-Vice President, Mrs. F . Bayless.. ' -tory rheumatism Is slightly batter Santa Claus song by the schoolSecretary, .Ethel ,Be^k<man. at.preaent writing. "brought the good old Saint just inTreasurer, Mrs. J. Doyle. [ Th« Chri»tmaa -exercises at the time to help unload the tree, andChap-taini, Mrs. J. Hat'haiwey. Puddln' Hollow school on Friday to partake of ice cream, cake and0|Hoer of the pay, .Mrs. F. Doa,k. .w.^re very nice. :So tnany little tots candy which was served by the

of the Guard* #Ir», <;. ifi lisping words extended a wel- puipila.>me to the visitors. (Santa ap- {

:ared in due time and after gree£-g the cotupany appointed Mas-rs Karl Cate, aged 6 and James

Bromley, aged 4, to distri-Jciute th« gifts. Mrs, Elden Dens-Tnore la to be congratulated on thesuccess of the program.

Southard of the Post will preach inthe concluding sej»vice of the ser-!

ies. The opening services havebeen well attended and a fine spir-it abroad. ,



Miss Edith Arthur of P. S. Nor-

following ipupils had per-[fect attendance in school district

. 11, town of Beekmantown dur-;

ing the month of Decemiber:

iMrs. Carlos Arnold and Mrs.Alfred Jacques entertained theiBeckwitii. Street Card Club atbanquet on the evening 01ber ZSth.

very delicious supper wasserved, after which Sajata Clausdistributed many pretty gifts andalso $ome good jokes from a verybeautiful Christmas tree.

Those in..attendance ,were Mrand J&rs. Sam. Djeiormo and Mrs.Mary

:e Turnerof WUmington spent

:homes for th,e holiday vacation.Mr.

a,nd i aJ<I«w Years wfth their parents, Mr.and Mrs. Wallace Turner.

Mrs. Grace Gunter had as Newyears g-ue^^i, Alr^. Sarah Barberand son Charlep, and Mr. H. E.

Mrs. Florence Turner entertain-a,<i a few friends at cards Mondayevening.

iMr; and Mrs. Joseph Everest ofP i t t s b u r g h were callers in townSunday.

Our schools opened Tuesday af-ter a two weeks vacation.

Richard Lyon has been quite illfor a few 4ays, but is a little bet-ter a t present.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vanderbilt of'lattsburgh apent Christmas with

her sister, Mrs. Bessie .Hutchinson.JThe Watch?night service held by

the Epworth ^Leag^e at the home,-cri. Rufus .Vaughn on Saturdaynight was well attended.


REV. MCCOLLUMj Matthew .Ryan at Saranac.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harknessand Mrs. Ruth Quarters of Hark-ness spent yesterday in town.

Thomas Raymond of Standishwas a recent "business visitor in '^Plattsburgh. j

Harry Cllmet of Riverview wasa business caller in Plattstourghyesterday.

Henry Trombley of MooersForks transacted business in thiscity yesterday for a few hours.

C. W. Law of Lyon Mountainwas among the business visitorsin Platts-tvurgh this -week.

Leo Vehne of Riverview visitedfriends and transacted business intown yesterday.

Fourth Meeting in Series ofServices Bemg Held in

This CityThe fourth meeting in the series

of services- beJng (hejd in wiipn ,by

Mrs. George LamTb of Keene Val-ley was a recent visitor in this city.

The Misses Adelaide White andHelen Murphy of Saranac Lakehave returned to this city to re-sume their studies at the Platts-burgh State Normal school.

Baptist churches during this uni-versal week of pjayer -was heldlast night in the Methodistchurch. Rev. Ivanhoe tMcCollum,of the Baptist church, preaqhedthe sermon of the evening ,o,n thesubject of "Service we owe theWorld." "As the Father has seatme so send I you." ,The answer .tothe question thatt this subject rais-es in our minds migiht be made ina single- statement. The Christiantherefore the Church ewes ttyeworld as an act of service a cor-rect interpretation, revelation ,anddemonstration of the Master tl>eSon qif rGod. The service that J^ausrendered this sin ridden world,-wasentirely and wholly upon love; Loyefor man Lin whatever state or con-dition and hatred only for the sin

Truck Will Be Unloaded Today—,Officers Elected Last Tues-



Indications Are Total Value of PnrTaken In This Region. G r a t e r

Than In Ottier Seasons

.SAlRAiNAC LAKE, N. Y., Jan. 5,£). — Adirondaak trappers are j t h a t m a n committed. On this planhaivin-g a good season, ifiur Ibrayers , H « operated loving men into Hisher© reported today. Indications, fellowship and following and tpnoiw are that the total value of fur f o I l o w t h J s P I a n thoroughly and

4talcen-In-thi3 region will eqiual or completely is the ony means th

•Edgar Bruce, Harry Bruce, John:• ( . inal and a former teacher here for

'^f^al'l^r* 3'~TThe ^ Ta)Vn !'4 years vii!li*d a1 i a r R o s e farm'bo^o'^wn (te^m here .tonight by a d X ^ w i ^ W b r s h f w i r g t ^ ^ ^ Cm«M RolUer'score of 44 to 20. Gordton end e d # the *c'hooi hou9e bespeaks *?»«**' R u t h G r u b e '

of the^oteal quintet starred j h e r ipcpuU^ty with jWrento . m o r a > -3 > o r a M a r y C a > D °> >thy Mar-:

?*&> Margaret Rollier, Marion RoN

HARKNESSJan. 4.—Elbert Burrington of

Frank Feiio "were cayers a,t !^u-' Watertown, who is teaching in MillA11*11 and


!w1th 19 and lS'.basilteJt® respective-1

WHWboro offered a stubborntight to the Peru five but unusualshooting ability displayed by' thelocaL quintet served to vanquishthe visiting ave, ''*'

Peru will meet th© Dairymen's*League basketball team a<t Peruthis Friday evening. An interest-ing game is exfpected, by Peru fans.

EAST SCHUYLER FALLSJan 1st was a record day for , - -

cold icy wind. The wind was sol "Walter 'Stafford, Henry Mulvey, by A. Mason and Sons of Peru tostrong it was hard to keep houses O r i a c e Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. Myron (their employees at thewarm especially those hearted wi th , B a k K e r were callers at Plattsburgh Thursday evening, Dec. 2

Arrival of the new triple com-"f~ D e c e m | b i n a t i o n p u r n p > chemical and hos*

jfire truck from the American-La-/France faQtory at -Elmira and the;election ed! -officers of the AuSableForks .fire departmen't occurredTuesday and the jBollQwing oncerswere elected:

Chief—Dr. J. W. Scott.1st. Assistant •Chief—'iR. E. Mor-,

be greater than that in other ©ea-*on^' despite the late (befeinntog of'

I favorable trapiplngr weather.| Large num1>ersi of mink, racoon,sikunk, fox and' muskrat ipelte arebeing (brought into this village.Fiisher cat pelts are the chief prizeof. thetee woods (with otter next in

, Jdr, and j^ rs .

church or the Christian has tftianwhich he can justify his existence.

To- the eye of Christ the need ofal lmen was visile. To His-ear thecry of the sin distressed ytftp a l -ways audible. Againat -His -heajrtcontinually ipresesd the burden Ofthe world's guild. 'His love -over-N

value. Both animals are reported Reaped all the barriers. His mind.siig'htly more tiumero-us. The foal-lwas n o t hemrn** in iby a multipli-es of fur ddadlose many toear sklnslcUy Of selfish desires. Therefore,a,nd a t£ew Canadian Liynx pelts.


ent Jacques, Mr. and.,J>esJardins and son .Paul, ,J Ir. andJVIrs." G1. L. Wtood and M r / Q a u d eWood, $Lr. and .Mrs. GeorgeJacques and json Leon, j)jtr. .^ndMre. Kdward JBreyette, Jjlr. andMrs. George Cpqpy and ^isa Aftna

hous.| 2nd Assistant Chief—Thomas A. 'uary 1, 1928, a daughter, Eva AnnaO'Neill. to Mr. and Mrs." Harry LaBarge,

j 3rd Assistant Chief—James Rog-gers,

iSecrettary—-Joel H. Snow.Treasurer—Walter Kinney.The truck will -be unloaded to-

Mr. and Mrs. John Scar-Mr. Carlos Arnflld, Mr. Al-

day when an expertAmerican-LaiFranc-e iarrive and spend



there is but one "way that we can;do for the world what He did forlit and that is by seeing as Hejsaw; hearing as He heard; feelingias He felt; and* (thinking as H«

-At pia-tWburg. J a n - | t n o U f f h t W e n a v 6 b e e n s e n t o n a

high and noble mission, let <us go.The closing1 meeting1 of these

union services will be held tomVin the Presbyterian church aiRev. Gracey will be the preaoheThe public is cordially invited.

47 ,Margaret St.F0RKE.Y—At Mooers Forks, N.

JY., January 1, 1-9.28, a son, Ro^e-r^Ernest, to Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur^Forkey.

Coopy,boro,fred Jacques and daughter Evah.

The.; party "broke W at a late a t A u S a < b l e F ^ r k s ^ i n « t r u e t the «adler Curti,opera-tors in the use off the " 3" '

n ;Endicott, N. Y.,will 'December 23, 1927, a son, William

hour .v ith a rising vote of thankso Mrs. Arnold and Mrs, Jacques,

Forks SAturda.y, . JBrook, spent New Years wfth his ' e r g >

Clayton Van Vaike.nb.erg, w;ho is sister, Mrs. Stanley Wood. [

all deceasing them royal entertain-

fire apparatus.

—Th© annual meeting otf theWoman's League of the Physicians

week or more^anley , to Charles W. and Helen j H o e p i t a l w i l l b e h e i d at the homeof Miss sMcliean, 87 Brinkerhofi:iSt., this afternoon at three si

in the Navy at Boston, Mass, speriitPk::rs. Lydia' Reed and Miss Maryjseveral days her© last week with!Wells spent the holidays with Mr.his mother, Mrs. Alice Van Valk- and 'Mrs, Walter Davies in Easten'berg. , Isyracuse.

Mildred Gordon returned to her j Several young men of this villageschool a,t Illion, Jf. Y., Monday. enjoyed a banquet and dance given

the Tavern, 9th.

wood. Monday was also very cold Saturday. ' -| Mies Minerva Weaver of Cara-atid windy. Our joy in our homes I Edna Calkins spent several bridge, spent Christmas with her,

dimmed by the thoug-ht of the!< i ay s w i t n n e r b r 0 l t n € r ' Emmett'parents, M,r. and Mrs. L...S. Wea-very needy and the sick ones.

Miss Eugenia Good and' MissHelen E. Normandeau of New' o r e d to Platts-burgh Tuesday.

Calkins and family at Platttfburg.Mr. and Mrs. John Morford mot-

York were week-end visitorsBriar Rose farm.

The .Misses Dora and MargjCate, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. CateEarl Cate Sr., and family

:Miss Virginia Sav of tlvHigh School faculty spent tlv

Miss Clarissa F^ello left Monday Christmas recess at her home iivisit friends at Canton, Ohio,) _Mn, Detroit and Ann Arbor,! RJEPORT OF THE WBATHJitt FOR THE YEAR

The regular meeting of the Wo-man's Foreign .Missionary Society,was held ^Wednesday, January 4,at the home of JVfcs. Leslie Clough.The iprognun follows:The Bethany Home, Mrs. Brown.A Straight W-ay Toward Tomorrow,-

its. •Paye.tte.jTraining Homemakers, Mi-s. Pris-| cilia Staffer (J.'Air Mail Messages, Miss Jennie1 Ayrea.

retnd Michigan.

of their parentsHill Sunday.

tfr. and Mis. Willml family were dinner gu<

were ^v- a n <i Mrs. James Stafford ISunny spent the M'61ld'ays with their sons '

in New York city. ' 'Mr. and IMrs. Harry Hallock of

of (Plattsburgh spent Thursday even-

iFmnicla Wrightj

'M. H. Densmore and daughter in ing with Mr. and MVs. J. T. Fello.he city Sunday.

A Ldttte Wlfte Girl. . . .Klaie Carter j passing some time with \V.TWi

Miss Alida Densmore who has?O'race W-rl«Tit and Mlldired CoffeyW

My Say

1 t "Were Mr. Sa.ntaAlbert Brusce

.lOlemen-t GagnejrfUjfrah For Dece-m(l)ei< by Four

Boya, AdHan Qag-np>, AlbertBruc#, Bernard Bretoette,,

Devritt Hu'i'philn!*•Olowlng Address . . .Beirtha Ba

Wiallaoe iBaker took possessionIMr. and Mre. Alfred Boyce are'of his new job a-s-'road'commiss-

IX 'loner for town of AulSable Mon-day morning. •

Edwin Baker and Constance Sig;-een in poor health for several nor resumed their studies at P. S.lontha left Sunday to teach at El- N S., Wednesday; James Le-e Felio?n\-ille, N. Y Her many friends at AuSable Forks, Wednesday;

pleased thut her health is,Doris Thew and B«tty Signor atJniuch bettei.H Tholma Vaughn! night for Lake Geois it each ing.

1 Mr. and Mi's, Wai

eseville Tuesday,loft Sunday Robert Gravelle-, Wallace Baker

rge where she and J. T. Felio were busin-ess call-!er» at Keeseville Wednesday.

Ten Martin of I 'Mr, ;\nd Mrs, Myron Baker and



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GBORG'EJ fj. PAILY, Center, N, Y.

C0OP£RVHJiJan. 5—Edward • Forgays, Jr., of.

Scheneotady has r«<i,urne,d to his,Work aft^r apending the.' holiday3

.'with his parents here. iMiss Georgtana Paulhaus who1

^pent New Years at her former jhome in Canada has returned .to-jher work at the rectory. I

Mrs. Julia Badger -of SaranaclLake is spending the week .withher son Bert J3adg«r.

Milan Matott had the misfor-tune to lose a valuable cow last week.

iMr. and Mrs. Clarence giprag-ue*I of Soranac Lake have been visit-

~'ing- Mrs. Sprague's father, Mr.j Philip Bee-man.

" ' Mr. and Mrs. |S. B. Jennette o£n

j Weat Chazy spent New Year's dayI with their brother, W. J. Jennette.

Milan Matpt.t Jr., spent several.;days in West Chazy this week visit];ing his cousins there. j,-

JN'oah D eso was a business visit-'-;or in PlattOburgh Saturday. ':

Mrs. Ralph Seguin of Rouses ;Point is visiting her brother, Rev. >.iGeorge Garand. .<

The ice on the river is in fine ;;shaipe for skating at present and (|the young?s'ters are making good.;use of the opportunity to enjoy it.ii

,Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Jennette of \West. Ch-azy were guests of Mr.and Mrs. Milan Matott Monday.

Mr. a,nd Mrs. Homer Bechardwere 'business callers In RousesPoint Tuesday,

KMULY—On Dec. 29, 1927 a son,Wayne Gerald, to Mr. and Mrs.William Kelly of South Plattsburg.


An opportunity will be given mem-bers to pay theii n g . • • • • ' • •

dues at this meet-

44 Eim St., January 3, 19 28, Mrs.George Armstrong, widow of thelate George Armsrttong,, in her 9tO4hyear. Funeral services Thursdayafternoon at 3 o'clock.

The iRoyal Neughtbom will ho-ld. aresidence, special (meeting this evening- a t 8

o'clock at the home otf SMT&. E. E.Gray on Margaret Street- for thepurpose -of completing- arrange-ments for the installationfleers.

of of-


Corner College and S t E W iSU. ]

158th Semi-Annual StattJANUARY 1, 192$

' RESOtTiOESUnited ,StatevS Bonds, parOtlirc Bonds

(Par value $11,236.000)Bank StockBank Building'

(Assessed value $80,000) ;Other iReal EstateLoans ant! Accrued Interest .;

Casli on Hand and hi Banks

INABILITIESDue 152,267 Depositors

(including- interest to Jan. 1, 1928)Reserved lor TaxesSurplus

iXtlAtlt :


% 2,143,2oO.(M)11^060,447.19 *

362,560.00 *70,000.00 '

1,229,073.61 i. U,834.678^a i. 1,317,860.44

827,517,864,8.6 ,i • • - 1


.$24,834,852.22 .8iO,00tO.OO

. 2,603,012.64 *

S27*S17fM4JB6 i

Deposits received ion or before iFriday> January 13,will draw interest from January 1 . ( • ]