psse I. Clough & Co - NYS Historic...

"PT.ATTSPHTKITT SFNTf.VTT r FTITT>AY. MARCH 6. 1J1*. _ EKTSES POETT condition, having been chased by a t t—Mrs. O. T. Ames and her dog. Mias Nellie Weldon left FT I- Frank Walsh, residing with Samuel f ., itay mornW for a visit In the metrop- Weir, had the misfortune of falling 08*» on an axe he was carrying, cutting his Jsfffa. ?nf\ of MontpeMer, Vt., was head open behind tho ear. Dr. Huteh- w jvtfr* guest of her friend, Mrs. F. Hoag, ins was called and several stitches «?%' S«at week. had to be taken. .jT~ - Him Alta Orlsmer vi«1t*d friends. Hev. J. C. Lonjr, pastor of Bedford " It^tftflattaborgh over Sunday. M. K. church, anticipates holding a ^ ,lv. Miaa Sarah Ou>l, of Odeltown, P. series of evening meetings betfinnlnK | •';;••• ^ j ts visiting Air. and Mrs. Albert Monday. March 9. *£•>;. Leonard, In Champlain street. Miss Charlotte Penfleld of Perry's CHAZY i lliUs spent Sunday with her parents. March 3: c. F. McQr F. H. Clough is visiting in bany ^p Wl 3mi<j ay wU h Mr*. H. N. Cross. Dayis entertained the KinIT'S ^JEfaraidf toclety Saturday p. m. ' r ' ; j O. T. Aanes made a business trip to IfJFtottaburxh Monday. Wednesday evening there will be illastrated lecture on Niagara t the t. M. C. A. rooms. V&. Perkins accompanied the j ara in ball boys to Ptatuburgh Frl- renu Kor oi Al h<8 siste Mr. and M-fs. W. F. Paredy attend- ed .play given at Oraad Isle last Fri- day evening by the mentbera -of thu Island Chung**. They have a very nice hall that they bulk la* year The Chaxy Grange own a site for fc> hail and have several hundred fa\> ban-k but they sdll pay FeV>. 21, It boing the anniversary of! noon. There wot- five the birthday of their little daughter, j giv«-n the first ami n>e»»n rnullne. All attending report a very j Mrs. Mury Murray rms pleanant tL.ic. j from a trip to Mass. Quito a number from this placej Murray Bigclow of Champlaln _ J C p his * fAJaln* the rpor. Dr. St«w- 1w) will occupy the ftxint rooms o«rj in|C ffcort tor hip denttatry work after | A letteT fr«<m IUv. P. J. H. My«>, who la living with hi* naec«e in Mao UMft , cond n«a)th thta wln- thia <bcinr the ikJne*y-tbird win- that "he b*t been. Albert Btcfc has soM to Ben Mink- chased two Millar ana tenjian par- Kuckler w-.ll soon Slingsby has purchased has had his furniture store, his rooms and offices. Mrs. Sllngs- to occupy the flat over moved Into na«e. Paul Oordon has soW his farm on our village Monday. first tra'n to th« cky and canve home r*. A. R. Anderson spent a»d Mrs, move ftom m Bt Ga*rle1 de Brandon. McCl»m and Httle sot. Cherry fltli, visited at o/ Mrs. B. Hfcn4on last Vednesdo of Mrt», John Corron A. K. Quilmet. CHillmei, Ttt^p has been grippe tar «ble to be om Ijaporte of Rochester Is visit R#ee Henauh ^ of Montreal with her mother. of Northamp '«&>% Masa. has retnnwd home after ft f«w weeks with relative* Is home from Camp t*r <p«ndln« tftte winter ait Kuthauqa. A W. Falrbank and Mrs. spent Sunday, Feb. 2<2, with th«lr dan*f:h4er Mrs. P. W. Town-j* at Waveriy, X. Y, Under th«> ridllful care of T>. 8t<M- Man It- At wood as nurm. Murtfn Mooney of Point Au Roche Is recovwliw from a severe attack of pneumonia. Next Surrfny evening R«?v. A. j . 8uneterland will give m the Me<hodist church an illustrated ledtuTe on th* "Garden of E<!«?n". CHAMPLAIN rotvin.t-d have attended the extra meetings be- spent Friday nl^hr In town. Prof. Marvin gave the young peo- | pie of the Christian l£mle;ivor Society j of the l'resbyteriltn church n brief talk Sunday eveiptu* Usi. It w:is point. ing held at Harkness M. E. church, by the pastor, Hev. E. J. Harris and his corps of able assistants. The meetings are a great success. There will be a great treat given, ^^ a m J tf> at the First M. E. church parlors on i Wednesday evening March 11. when 1 . Dr - Tay'.or in in Albany for , the men of the congregation wlll| timei serve an oyster supper for the bene- j Hugh St-arks ha.i returned fr fit of the pastor's salary. All are-cor- lumber camp. j dlally Invited to attend and help make J Mrs. Austin and! mother of Platts- HE APPEALS lf t is u «;<>.<';irl or a Snlfcv or a i«" < .miujjo nc h«>r It. <T «» m*n"c whut 5<m VM 1 can uot It \ >!•• i»r MnVr. < onn> in nrul luok o\»«r What about u Oinliia- Kotnu Table, IIuiirKi top. I." Int>ti with a l'cHs«s< to $'10.00 President Asks to Have Tolls Exemp- tion Uiuse Revoked > the supper as great a succem as those which the men have held. burgh have been visiting at Ltvi Av- | t-rill's recently. William Newell, who has been at j Zftd|ll nelIand hai , Rone to r... t Xeene. N. Y., for the season Is at home for a vacation. Sevrard Lindsay of Port Douglas was a Sunday caller at the home of IK P. Flagg. Mr. LeCuyr Forks have bee Uigwood. non'« tu teach thtj rcnuiindor of the; school year. | Mr. nnd Mrs. J.i Orr and Mr. :unl Mrs. W. A. Kosworth, w i t to H«-m- ; e's family of AuSablc in * ford Tu«Hday Jiight to attend «| ,een the guests of Joe ' plirty ln honor |lf > |p - H f nd M "' *** y \ \ who are soon to lfave for the Cmia- i dian. Northwest. ELLENBt'RG CENTER March S-—Thr hea\it»t fail of snow this Reason was had Monday: aum« wind but snow too heavy to *nr much. Mr*. Cyrus HaJrt and ron Alonz> iire home from Platftsburgh. iAr. Jarvle will won be read? V.> attend to people tn his barber shop; March 5—Mra. Mary Lucns and M i MILLS ,1'reit l>uca», Mlns Broder Lucaa | MESSAGE TO ! LAWMAKERS YfSTtRDAY; aI:\KUAi, OPINION OF TIOX I fc R(»\lSK>\, fll.SVYS, IS THAT IT IN A VIOLATION Or' THE ILW—PAUNI'K- W)TF. THEATY AND SHOULD HE H E . YOKED psse I. Clough & Co Funeral Directors, Licensed Embalmers m Lady Assistant 151 Margaret St Pittsburgh, N. Y. You Marry The Girl ^Ve Furnish the Home were callers in Mooers Saturday. i Mrs. F. 0. Bntemnii III with pneu- monia. Miss Nettle Duncan of Mooers la her nunv. Ml«s Louise Doud of Chnmplaln spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. ry have moved In tn* butter factor, ] r.eorire Kaufman. Mra. Leonard Geddes remains very Mrs> E> W - Ston< . ha8 been fcpcml. Ing a few days at Chazy visiting rela- The yoittif people of Bltenburg C«n ter will presetrt In the Town Hi 1 next Friday evening two farces; jrpeclaJtien nili be introduced an.) a #lx p*«c« orchestra will furnl?h mua lc. Refreshments will follow the en- tertainment The W. C. T U. held their moe>ilnjt Widnesdav »Uh Mrp. McPherson. Th, suojeot wna Francos tVlllarvl \1H>\ VALCOVR March 4—Miss Sarah Way of Lap- hunia gave a birthday party last fcat- tlvea. Miss Ixittte Penfield spent the week end with her parentH, Mr. and Mrs. George Penfleld at Rouses Point. Mi.*» Mabel Pcnflelo. ot Rouses Point has buen vinltinu her prand- mother, Mrs. Sal<jtne Prnfield, a few days. . I I Mrs. Margaret Tennynon hn* Rone ;to th<» home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vlili:un j Kennedy at Routes I'oint. \V:;.A.m vt-rsowiHy ai«pt-<iU'r to Con- KTi-i*. fiwmbk-il in ictitf. e*tts\am to- day, to Htt-?«!»un tho natumol hon^or <>v thr- United 9tnto.<* in u^ho'iHn* trcatv ob libations -by refH'»11ti|c the Paru;'n:t ic»-'s «xomp<.ton atramst which Oretiv iiritain protestP . He uakc-d C5cvag:res» to do that *in •iippvrt of the forei^i. jjo.icy ot the aiimimsiratitm, 1 ' and ad> Ml tlmt an exi-n.j»tuin <t»r At««rlcnn .«hji-a net f.n'y wx» "a HUSULKVU «s. - <"»r.- osnn: policy," hut was :i conn a\t'i.:;on ttf z'r.e llay-PaumcKffcU' tri-if\. "I shall not know h< w to ilva! wi:h Plattsburgh Lumber Co HN THE JOB IS FINISH Fi ou will l>« hi£hj> p!ea**>d w h* r«nu!» if vuu u«€K) (jorr* of o H%HI>W'M>D cost or taying FI/M>HI\<; % en if you tio nm " ' " V f V * -\ ' i' "' *~ ^J" 411 * ^ur flooring u utside of mull adi;- ^ ?tlonai first cow of material, thaiv that *-*'' of h< - hfap. temporary, wift womi *££ noi.rin*—and In the end hardwuixi ** Boor«• 4rt mu'-h more and ->* sat nf acton-. 1 ^- v v VP Come in and Inspect *"'^ stoi'h of rtorine and ^5^ >?h?r m.'tt?riala UHOH H'MBER m PERI' KPWORTH LFACirE NOTES the L'pwortl 1 he ha# been ^.^ ( I hy John Bnii.«i Mr. «iC Mrs. Hean* I that Mr. Severe Brim vlsitinjt friends in Plattsburgh. town rtattinc retatlves swd frtewte. ;, Miss Afnee Cumm who hit* te^n • Wn» fueet ot her Aunt Mm Nora malt» HUM MrtumiJ to her home in - Charles Beau ch em in **K-H 8u..<:a} M Bedford. . Mr. Stepht-n Brow with albert family r*turn«d home air hs in r q L«ura ttrsrk wvrtt to Plattffburgh [ taturdar. March S;—A baby rtrt Ma-ear-, cam* on Feb. 23. lo grlr.dden of Mr. and M«t. J'«rih AWhi'r Wilson spent a few ., wfeh relatives before leaving "«6T b«r home in Lake Placed. Claude Aiexandn- of Camicton. Vt. w4th Mr. and Mrs. Gen. _ - l«€t on ^aturduv foi *•*; Visit to Ma home in Norwood before ; upon bis dime* ai the L>an Mrs. Harold Winch were a* Hlarh Banks ftunday. Char land and Luc>- Cotie were at I^on Mountain. Feb. 23. O*O. Davi« has returned noame from and is B W <*ntp!oy*<{j n and \"l«:tor» at Satan n-. . A son *-a#« born tf. Mr. ,ind Mr* Frank lMviffl r«h. io. Harold CVV.MOJJC of K1!cjilnirx ia tt Ma- nr<1 Mr*. Merrill Lucia. (•UYBIRGI ]Saroh S—Mr. and Mrs. James Mor- tow spent Sunday with his brother, Ban, In Peaeleeville. Sd. Wilson from Dannemora. John Wilson from Hedford and John L. Downey spent Thursday pickerel flsh- inir on Tlff'a pond. The Oliver Brothers from Baranac are up cutting Ico and much of it is b«inc drawn. strank Keysor, Fred Weir, Spencor Wilton and Jam MI Gatll^hor are home from the lumber camps Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wai by made a fthfrt call at Mrs. Ma-y Hooey's in sHrsnae on Friday. Illas Angelina Lagoy and her broth- •r Bdwin from MaHsachuB^tts, who lunr* been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Dttpraw, returned to PlattBburgh, en- root* home, Sunday. Byroa A. Cameron, divjulon chif>f, from Sarsmao Lake, and J. H. North, protector from Plattfhurgh. at John L. Downey 1 .- Thursday a deer now in his ponses- was taken from the ice tirduy. Auiaug those who attended The attendant- March ,-Mr* J. ^ Blake viatted ii,^ ^££V^tJ?Z \ ^Z^\lt ^Z^Z f e w'dfv» N | Mt M r«?ir in I>laU8bUrgh a ! 2t>1 •»* Margaret Tyrell. ! ,mfavoraWen«H of tho wouthtr. AII.1 few days last week. j The infant Uaughter of Mr , and j , t w a , a ver y interesting inertm*. Clarence Sc-lvei visited friends in Mrs. Nelson BJaize, Jr., who has been! The topic for next Sunday is "Oom- dangerou«)y ill is now on the K«»n. | /r , on g en 8e Religion." Corn".-nn«l h.-ir Leslie Beardsley was a caller here, theac 1Opla, discutaed: boea my n - Tnosday. | \\Ku,n m**an service? Dots my reli^-- tpei'er a few t.ajs i«t- week. Ir. f-nd *jrs. Hean* Mltette ar Ransom Graves, who has been con- fined to the house for the past few weeks, is now able to be out. Wm. J. Marshall Is better. j Um nj# , an purlty ? How will L.- Arthur Norgate wa« in Plattaburgh j ,j eme ni8 enter into my llf.. Bfvnday. 'week7 A auod live mePtlnK is tx- Walter Duquette and family have' N>l«on Favern called on his uncle,; pectcd. Seventy-five people aro moved to town from Plattsburgh ' >•• Bombnrd of Laphams last week, j wanted at the me where they have been living* for the I Mlsa Grace Wray of IMuttsburgh I Church Xcvrs past year. j spent the weok end with her sister, At tne M. K. church, Peru, on Fri-j Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Dickinson call-, Mrs. I* Rosevelt Pardy. j llttVi MArOh sixth ed on friends In llemraingford, Thurs-; A * the close of the Lenten season o ur Missionary Ladles will hav day. I M»*. u»d Mrs. G. P. Myers are to re \irf," f«aiid Che "Thv lar^e tJ\isv«f to no In the only thing we ran afford to -»io; u vulun- thfj* we an, ric*ht ur wroug, an<l ei; » more uVmrve our rt«;>titaut.ii. shortest hr h;iH vt-t dfliv^red to Con- jrr<**,— exactly i2o words,—was a* follows- T h e Me*»sajje "CuTifliU'men of l^ie Ounwrt'sj*-—I . i como to an errano J. H. Pettlnger and daughter Jes- sie called on friends ln Lacr>11«, Sat- urday. Miss Margaret Nolan of Burling- ton visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Mc- Crea, last week. ! sume iheir series of entertainments- Arthur R. Wetherwax has changed hia mind about taking the farm in Chazy which he inspected. Miss Bessie Wetherwax is employ- }«d in the home of Mrs. John Bell. genera* mix, Both the Home and the Foreign, the young and the old. | Never mind the weather, never mind . Thorn. Stone of Burlington called' Henry C. Lyon of Plattsburgh spent i.And on friends in town la*t week. Mrs. Alex. Palnchaud has been ill an< * Mrs. George E. Lyori. I the week end with his purents, Mr.; , alJ eat together for a cause For a very large number the cover a few days this week. j Edith E. White has returned from Wlll be laid Mrs, Wra. Roberta, Tr., of Mooers Turner Hill. y o u wl i} ^ a qua rter short when Junction, spent the week end with Mrs. Wm. J. Marshall spent the; your j,ni you have paid, friends In town. evening Tuesday with her mother in j After the 8uppe r a program will be Miss Lillian Lafountaln teft for Rock street. giv(?n( j New York city Saturday morning Lewis White with his son Krwln y o u n , a y p o away happy and a day ade a short call «.n Mr. and Mr*. | nt . nrer heaven. Dr. C. J. Mulvey was a business caller In town. Thursday, where Bhe will spend a few weeks se- lecting her spring millinery stock. Misa Eva Ashline of Burlington. Vt. I VVn». Mmfhall the other day. BEDFORD March 4—Our recent thaw devel- g . Is vlMiting her sister, M*"S. Ezra Tre- oped into a heavy snow and storm and Then come one and all and the ladles who can May on this great occasion, each bring along a man. panier. nature looks more l:ke winter than Mis* Marjorie Dutton of Mooers ever. Junction, spent Sunday in town, the, Mont OBITUART Isaac A. Gonyo was Horn in West of the lumbe:.* camps are gue«t of Marguerite Hamelln. 1 breaking up and men are seen com- j Chazy, Jan. 27, 1877, and died ln Mr«. Kate Duyer, who had been ln ln *f ffom the. woods every day. j 8outh Barre, Vt., on Tuesday, Feb- Montreal for the past tWu weeks, haul Mr '»" d Mrw. Peter Urickley and returned home. [ family have returned home from Mltws Mable. Penfield of Houses Lyon Mt., where tuey were employeo. Point called on friends In town Sat- bv JHim»w Weir a? keeper of hi» camp. urday. ! Mrs. Joseph Benedict who has been ruary 17, 1914, after a two weeks' Illness of pneumonia. Being passionately fond of horses, he left home at an eariy age going to Miss Mary Whiteside is visiting: friends in Boston, Mass. j Lillian Legendre wus a caller, ln Malone one day laat week. <*onflucil the house for the. past Barre, Vt., to engage ln their train- ed with a severe cold la on the lng am , Ma invaria ble gentlenws and quiet determination won the love of Eola Brickley left on Tuedsay the- most vicious. Jte was respected Mr. and Mrs. BenJ. Larraine of j for faranac- I<ake. Holyoke, Moss, who are on'their wed-I Ml - anfJ Mrs Thns. J. Hanlon nnd and liked by all who knew him, be.- dlng tour called on friends and rela-! " 1tl '*' <laufibt«-r Franccn visited Mr. I ing true and faithful in mind, h^tirt and Mi>. Jamrs Hanlou and family of j and soul. Forever practicing ehnr!- Hivervu-'w on Sunday. ! ty, justice and brotherly love, what Mrs. Nelnon I'errotte is the guest! treasures could he take with him but "t h<-r daughter. Mr.". John Ferrari, I lhftf»e, and the knowledge that he had of Saranac Lake. j always tried to lighten the burdens of H( * v - R r - Ij »rainl«- Is vlfititnf the'his loved ones? fainl "*" l n t h e TllU|pi thlM w<>ek ' i Fully '«»«»«« that thfl " d w ^ lives in town luat week. j Marshall Mnynard, who hn« been visiting in Boston Mass., returned! Monday. j CLINTONVILLF March 3~Bev. Mr. Cook of Plaits- \ f burgh occupy th, pB,pH of the: First M. E. church on Hunday, March' lst t aiding Rev. K. J. Harri.-'. | Mr*. E. J. Harris and {wo daugh- ters, Pauline nnd Reta, are with friends ut Hurktieiu* for a few days. Mrs. LiJUle Bigwood very low | March 3—Wo have bad rbads at j ones, he told them not to gileve; that f'W'iit' hu haxl fought bind with death to Krod Bolow is now occupying Wil-|«tay with them bnt <"»od willed Iht-r- i«r I;i.minu'« house which waa tor-' wtFe and He knew best. «o he left lerly the Gebo homestead. ' them In His care. A ball was held at the home of The* remains were brought hack to at the present writing; no hopes are Mr. nnd Mrs. Nelson Puval on Mon-,th.. old home In W e * Chazy which held out for her recovery. , (]ay ri>4ht AH rftporl a gO|jd Umft ha(] alwaya been g 0 d M I . t 0 h i m a n d We hear that Mrs. Margarette Kin-. Mi ShM Delta Trombty anrl Lo,,i«e tho funeral on Saturday Feb. 2Ut. ney is very Ion also. Mrs. Kinney | Tron.blv have returned ho m , after when the church was fll'od bv »or- has been feeble for a number of. upending three weeks In St. Michael, rnwtng relatives and friend, and the years. II. Havens of New Sweden, | St. Remi, and SharrinRton. R*ho! F!»il Maynard and dlp has been ill from pneumonia, is re- I C».'*rr.plain were callera In town Sun- many beautiful flowen <from trltuite to his worth. slie* j»orted on the gain- At the mipper held at Mr. Will 1 ! day. Rabwi»-au hn.t returned Heultle's on Friday evening. Feb. 27, home ;iff*»r spending a fow weeks about eight dollars were ndded to the , Canada. treasury "of the Ladies' Aid Society, i Mixs fjxura PlKnU' \t» hunio on The election of officers wan not held ' vacation. as- there were not sufficient bers ln attendance to make a um. Mrs. E. J. .Harris entertained a rirer ln a weakened i party of children on the afternoon of mem-I FTedney P,.inu <{uor- er Rodney Barn ' >n Sept. 8, 1908, he married Mary Biuiro of Barre who mirvlvt s him. bfitideH a widowed mother, Mis. Pet- er (lonyo. a sister, Mra. Joseph Bluti Jr. and n. birothnr, William, of W. M <M-.,^7.\. io w h o m irt extfndi-il clnciTf fy:iH'athy «n their great bere;tv»-nu»i t COM. MOOERS Tha Grangers met Friday when it cornea right down to bnuw | tacka he's a bigger man than Villa, tvhit'h cim l*e very briefly pur&wnniei.., but I b«g that you will not m«<untre ILS importance, by the ntimlwr of sen- tenet* in which I state it. N"o com- munication I h a v e *ifldkFw*9*Ml to th>. Con^re?* earned with it sraver or interest of the country .and I co,m« now to spea-k upon a matter w*.<.h re- ga«*d to which I am charged in a pe- culiar degree. b> the conntuution li- peif, \vith personal r»sponj»lMlity. "I have come to a*k for the rnpeai of that provision of the Panama canM act of Am, 24, 1914, whioh e^ftm.ntM veenels eng.xgvd in the consnwi** trade of rhe I'n-ited S*tii4e» from p%>*ment oi tolLs and to ur«« upon vou the Ju* tlce, the »i«k>m and the large policv of such a re-pn-n-l with tho utmon earn.e.«treJ<s of whioh I am capable. '•In my own judgement, very fully considered and maturely formed .that exemption constitutes a mistaken ecn mim'»e policy from ev<*rv point of view and is, moreover, In p-la4n contrnr ventltw cf the treatv with t.Jre«t Bri- tain foncern'.ut: the canal conclud-| ed on Nov. IS, 1901. But I h-ave not! come to j (Mi to urg<> niv p^'rsonai j views, T have come to "tute to you A ' •fact and a tritxiation. Whatfver- ni.iv j be our own differences <rf opinion con I ee^nvrst: this mtioh <!oih<Rt«Mt rri"eni«ur<s, ' its metinhis \tt not dchntvi ont^d^ rh>> j I'nitetd States E!\-er>ivhrro rl«»»^ th*> i hinsrua<ri> of thv tri'atv N aivwi v »in one ir.T«-n»r<>(ri*.nn, ami tin- int-iTr«-- ! tpt.-.n prt-cludt\s thi- c-xt-inution 1 .>;u j -"•i-inv >ou to repeal. \V< :c,n^ utt-U : » . :?!<• m v a:v: irn ijin.^iia-.-c *v.-- .uvop'r i, ! if we v.ui not oriiilrt.i \v it; no at" too ;•>!':, ti>o powerful, too sc'r rc^in'i-'- ' :ni>' a nation m 'n'^rprt-t. with :-i.i wrainkKl or re?in» fi .v r«»nrl1nir -it' words, .»ur own jvrom!«».<» )ii«.t St-tMii-i* •M- h-ive P'v\vt>r pnftii,'.'h t,. inv> v •:** V.'ivo to rvad th* m ;<:< wo '»:,.-,,.,-. Th-« : larife th:ni- to do \*- th»- «»n'\ thir-; •-, »< ran afford to (Jo . *» Vi>!ni{t.a -• w.M ! t -;\v A! from a pr.s^r!on ev^nn-ht rv- q •,:.•».- to rt*v»»r»e ot:r notion wjthout ra"••'»; re=j»it«tion for gene-roflfv and :ht> r.-- deMiption of ertM-v ohlviraMoH v tlwmi 'iulhh!e or h^piia^irvn. "I «#k Ph!« of von \T\ jnmp^rr of rh* fnreism pok-cv of th»» adminiatTMtit'i-i. I "h«ll not know ho-*- t<» de.»» v.-.-h Wier matt«T<i of v\nt <r»-:iter tlel:i\! -v .in*! n*flr**r rAnti.^inrnri' «f \M;I •]<• iMt Krtan! !' to -iw :n untrni.lKinu ni- v H-*- iir«-." TMH SH tho ln<t v r-oiv nf the b'.K h u. nnd rnlih-r -;tlf You sh-MiM Often. 1 t The daily food lacks certain important elemen's, such as \ ihf vital mineral salts, which are absolutely demanded for ih€> proper up-keep of body, brain and nerves. Grape Nuts Supplies this Lack This uplendld food: contains all the nvitrltivB elements r,f whole wheat and barley—two of" Nature's "richest food ?;: tins-—including the, vital mineral salts,-grown In the grainy and which are an absolute essentinl for normal up-keep of the system. Add a-dish of Grape-Nuts and ersam to the meal for ten days and see what it does for you. firape-Nuti comes perfectly baked—ready to eat from the packager—fresh, crisp,'and delicious. "There's a Reason* 9 for OR4PE-NUTS { I i bv- Grocers everywhere. Votes Issued on Subscriptions to the In the Great Library Contest Payments of Arrears Press 1 $:j.00 30 Vote/ Semi-Weekly Sentinel 1 year 81.00 10 Votes All Subscriptions Paid in Advance will rot- double votes. * spend [ifWey stamps and Library r^'jpnnp riven Mnrin.»r this sal« DAILY PRESS JOB DEPARTMENT

Transcript of psse I. Clough & Co - NYS Historic...

Page 1: psse I. Clough & Co - NYS Historic · of pneumonia. Next Surrfny evening R«?v. A. j. 8uneterland will give


_ EKTSES POETT condition, having been chased by at t—Mrs. O. T. Ames and her dog.

Mias Nellie Weldon left F T I- Frank Walsh, residing with Samuelf . , i tay m o r n W for a visit In the metrop- Weir, had the misfortune of falling

08*» on an axe he was carrying, cutting hisJsfffa. ?nf\ of MontpeMer, Vt., was head open behind tho ear. Dr. Huteh-

w jvt fr* guest of her friend, Mrs. F. Hoag, ins was called and several stitches«?%' S«at week. had to be taken..jT~ - Him Alta Orlsmer vi«1t*d friends. Hev. J. C. Lonjr, pastor of Bedford" • It^tftflattaborgh over Sunday. M. K. church, anticipates holding a^ ,lv. Miaa Sarah Ou>l, of Odeltown, P. series of evening meetings betfinnlnK |•';;••• ^ j ts visiting Air. and Mrs. Albert Monday. March 9.• *£•>;. Leonard, In Champlain street.

Miss Charlotte Penfleld of Perry's CHAZYi lliUs spent Sunday with her parents. March 3: c. F. McQr

F. H. Clough is visiting in b a n y ^p W l 3mi<jay w U hMr*. H. N. Cross.

Dayis entertained the Kin IT'S^JEfaraidf toclety Saturday p. m.'r';j O. T. Aanes made a business trip to

IfJFtottaburxh Monday.Wednesday evening there will be

illastrated lecture on Niagarat the t . M. C. A. rooms.

V&. Perkins accompanied the j a r a i nball boys to Ptatuburgh Frl- r e n u

Kor oi Alh<8 siste

Mr. and M-fs. W. F. Paredy attend-ed .play given at Oraad Isle last Fri-day evening by the mentbera -of thuIsland Chung**. They have a verynice hall that they bulk l a * yearThe Chaxy Grange own a site for fc>hail and have several hundred fa\>

ban-k but they sdll pay

FeV>. 21, It boing the anniversary of! noon. There wot- fivethe birthday of their little daughter, j giv«-n the first ami n>e»»nrnullne. All attending report a very j Mrs. Mury Murray rmspleanant tL.ic. j from a trip to Mass.

Quito a number from this placej Murray Bigclow of Champlaln

_ JC p his

* fAJaln* the rpor. Dr. St«w- 1 w )will occupy the ftxint rooms o « r j i n | Cffcort tor hip denttatry work after |

A letteT fr«<m IUv. P. J. H. My«>,who la living with hi* naec«e in Mao

U M f t , cond n«a)th thta wln-thia <bcinr the ikJne*y-tbird win-

that "he b*t been.Albert Btcfc has soM to Ben Mink-

chased twoMillar anatenjian par-

Kuckler w-.ll soon

Slingsby has purchased

has had his furniture store, hisrooms and offices. Mrs. Sllngs-

to occupy the flat over

moved Intona«e.Paul Oordon has soW his farm on

our village Monday. first tra'n to th« cky and canve home

r*. A. R. Anderson spent

a»d Mrs,m o v e ftom

m Bt Ga*rle1 de Brandon.

McCl»m and Httle sot.Cherry fltli, visited at

o/ Mrs. B. Hfcn4on lastVednesdo

of Mrt», John CorronA. K. Quilmet.

CHillmei, Ttt̂ p has beengrippe tar «ble to be om

Ijaporte of Rochester Is visit

R#ee Henauh ^ of Montrealwith her mother.

of Northamp'«&>% Masa. has retnnwd home after

ft f«w weeks with relative*

Is home from Camp

t*r <p«ndln« tftte winterait Kuthauqa.

A W. Falrbank and Mrs.spent Sunday, Feb. 2<2, with

th«lr dan*f:h4er Mrs. P. W. Town-j*at Waveriy, X. Y,

Under th«> ridllful care of T>. 8t<M-Man It- At wood as nurm.

Murtfn Mooney of Point Au RocheIs recovwliw from a severe attackof pneumonia.

Next Surrfny evening R«?v. A. j .8uneterland will give m the Me<hodistchurch an illustrated ledtuTe on th*"Garden of E<!«?n".



have attended the extra meetings be- spent Friday nl^hr In town.Prof. Marvin gave the young peo-

| pie of the Christian l£mle;ivor Societyj of the l'resbyteriltn church n brief

talk Sunday eveiptu* Usi. It w:ispoint.

ing held at Harkness M. E. church,by the pastor, Hev. E. J. Harris andhis corps of able assistants. Themeetings are a great success.

There will be a great treat given, ^ ^ a m J tf>at the First M. E. church parlors on iWednesday evening March 11. when1 . D r- Tay'.or in in Albany for ,the men of the congregation w l l l | t i m e i

serve an oyster supper for the bene- j Hugh St-arks ha.i returned frfit of the pastor's salary. All are-cor- lumber camp. jdlally Invited to attend and help make J Mrs. Austin and! mother of Platts-


lf t is u «;<>.<';irl or a Snlfcv or ai«" < .miujjo nc h«>r It. <T «»m*n"c whut 5<m VM1 can uot It \

>!•• i»r MnVr. < onn> in nrul luok o\»«r

What about u Oinliia- Kotnu Table,

IIuiirKi top. I." Int>ti with a l'cHs«s<

to $'10.00

President Asks to Have Tolls Exemp-tion Uiuse Revoked >

the supper as great a succem as thosewhich the men have held.

burgh have been visiting at Ltvi Av- |t-rill's recently.

William Newell, who has been at j Z f t d | l l n e l I a n d h a i , R o n e t o r...tXeene. N. Y., for the season Is athome for a vacation.

Sevrard Lindsay of Port Douglaswas a Sunday caller at the home ofIK P. Flagg.

Mr. LeCuyrForks have beeUigwood.

non'« tu teach thtj rcnuiindor of the;school year. |

Mr. nnd Mrs. J.i Orr and Mr. :unlMrs. W. A. Kosworth, w i t to H«-m- ;

e's family of AuSablc i n * f o r d Tu«Hday Jiight to attend « |,een the guests of Joe ' p l i r t y l n h o n o r | l f > | p - H

fnd M " ' ***y \\ who are soon to lfave for the Cmia- i

dian. Northwest.

ELLENBt'RG CENTERMarch S-—Thr hea\it»t fail of

snow this Reason was had Monday:aum« wind but snow too heavy to*nr much.

Mr*. Cyrus HaJrt and ron Alonz>iire home from Platftsburgh.

iAr. Jarvle will w o n be read? V.>attend to people tn his barber shop;

March 5—Mra.Mary Lucns and M i

MILLS,1'reit l>uca», Mlns

Broder Lucaa |


aI:\KUAi, OPINION OFTIOX I f cR(»\lSK>\, f l l . S V Y S , IS




psse I. Clough & CoFuneral Directors, Licensed Embalmers m

Lady Assistant

151 Margaret StPittsburgh, N. Y.

You Marry The Girl ^Ve Furnish the Home

were callers in Mooers Saturday. iMrs. F. 0. Bntemnii i» III with pneu-

monia. Miss Nettle Duncan of Mooersla her nunv.

Ml«s Louise Doud of Chnmplalnspent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.

ry have moved In tn* butter factor, ] r.eorire Kaufman.Mra. Leonard Geddes remains very M r s > E> W - S t o n < . h a 8 b e e n fcpcml.

Ing a few days at Chazy visiting rela-The yoittif people of Bltenburg C«n

ter will presetrt In the Town H i 1next Friday evening two farces;jrpeclaJtien nili be introduced an.)a #lx p*«c« orchestra will furnl?h mualc. Refreshments will follow the en-tertainment

The W. C. T U. held their moe>ilnjtWidnesdav »Uh Mrp. McPherson. Th,suojeot wna Francos tVlllarvl \1H>\

VALCOVRMarch 4—Miss Sarah Way of Lap-

hunia gave a birthday party last fcat-

tlvea.Miss Ixittte Penfield spent the

week end with her parentH, Mr. andMrs. George Penfleld at RousesPoint.

Mi.*» Mabel Pcnflelo. ot RousesPoint has buen vinltinu her prand-mother, Mrs. Sal<jtne Prnfield, a fewdays. • . I

I Mrs. Margaret Tennynon hn* Rone;to th<» home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vlili:unj Kennedy at Routes I'oint.

\V:;.A.m vt-rsowiHy ai«pt-<iU'r to Con-KTi-i*. fiwmbk-il in ictitf. e*tts\am to-day, to Htt-?«!»un tho natumol hon^or <>vthr- United 9tnto.<* in u^ho'iHn* trcatvob libations -by refH'»11ti|c the Paru;'n:tic»-'s «xomp<.ton atramst which Oretiviiritain protestP . He uakc-d C5cvag:res»to do that *in •iippvrt of the forei^i.jjo.icy ot the aiimimsiratitm,1' and ad>Ml tlmt an exi-n.j»tuin <t»r At««rlcnn.«hji-a net f.n'y wx» "a HUSULKVU «s.-<"»r.-osnn: policy," hut was :i conn a\t'i.:;onttf z'r.e llay-PaumcKffcU' tri-if\.

"I shall not know h< w to ilva! wi:h

Plattsburgh Lumber CoHN THE JOB IS FINISH Fi

ou will l>« hi£hj> p!ea**>d wh* r«nu!» if vuu u«€K) (jorr* of o

H%HI>W'M>Dcost or taying


% e n

if you tio nm

"'" V fV* -\ ' i' "' *~

^J"411* ^ur flooring uutside of m u l l adi;-

^ ?tlonai first cow of material, thaiv that*-*'' of h<-hfap. temporary, wift womi* £ £ noi.rin*—and In the end hardwuixi** Boor«• 4rt mu'-h more and->* sat nf acton-.

1 ^- v v VP Come in and Inspect* " ' ^ stoi'h of rtorine and






1 he ha# been ^.^ (

I hy John Bnii.«i Mr. «iC Mrs. Hean* —I that Mr. Severe Brim vlsitinjt friends in Plattsburgh.

town rtattinc retatlvesswd frtewte.

;, Miss Afnee Cumm who hit* te^n• Wn» fueet ot her Aunt Mm Nora

m a l t » HUM MrtumiJ to her home in

- Charles Beau ch em in **K-H 8u..<:a}M Bedford. .

Mr. Stepht-n Brow with albertfamily r*turn«d home air

hs inr q

L«ura ttrsrk wvrtt to Plattffburgh[ taturdar.

March S;—A baby rtrt Ma-ear-,cam* on Feb. 23. lo grlr.dden

of Mr. and M«t. J ' « r i h

AWhi'r Wilson spent a few., wfeh relatives before leaving"«6T b«r home in Lake Placed.

Claude Aiexandn- of Camicton. Vt .w4th Mr. and Mrs. Gen.

_ - l«€t on ^aturduv foi*•*; Visit to Ma home in Norwood before

; upon bis d ime* ai the L>an

Mrs. Harold Winch werea* Hlarh Banks ftunday.

Char land and Luc>- Cotie wereat I^on Mountain. Feb. 23.

O*O. Davi« has returned noame fromand is B W <*ntp!oy*<{j

n and\"l«:tor» at Satan n-.

. A son *-a#« born tf. Mr. ,ind Mr*Frank lMviffl r«h . i o .

Harold CVV.MOJJC of K1!cjilnirx iat t Ma- nr<1 Mr*. Merrill Lucia.

( • U Y B I R G I]Saroh S—Mr. and Mrs. James Mor-

tow spent Sunday with his brother,Ban, In Peaeleeville.

Sd. Wilson from Dannemora. JohnWilson from Hedford and John L.Downey spent Thursday pickerel flsh-inir on Tlff'a pond.

The Oliver Brothers from Baranacare up cutting Ico and much of it isb«inc drawn.

strank Keysor, Fred Weir, SpencorWilton and Jam MI Gatll^hor are homefrom the lumber camps

Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wai by made afthfrt call at Mrs. Ma-y Hooey's insHrsnae on Friday.

Illas Angelina Lagoy and her broth-•r Bdwin from MaHsachuB t̂ts, wholunr* been visiting Mr. and Mrs. JohnDttpraw, returned to PlattBburgh, en-root* home, Sunday.

Byroa A. Cameron, divjulon chif>f,from Sarsmao Lake, and J. H. North,

protector from John L. Downey1.- Thursday

a deer now in his ponses-was taken from the ice

tirduy. Auiaug those who attended The attendant-

March ,-Mr* J. ̂ Blake viatted i i , ^ ^££V^tJ?Z \ ̂ Z ^ \ l t ^Z^Zf e w ' d f v » N | M t M r « ? i r i n I > l a U 8 b U r g h a!2 t > 1 • » * Margaret Tyrell. ! ,mfavoraWen«H of tho wouthtr. AII.1few days last week. j T h e i n f a n t U a u g h t e r o f M r , and j ,t w a , a v e r y interesting inertm*.

Clarence Sc-lvei visited friends in Mrs. Nelson BJaize, Jr., who has been! The topic for next Sunday is "Oom-dangerou«)y ill is now on the K«»n. | / r , o n g e n 8e Religion." Corn".-nn«l h.-ir

Leslie Beardsley was a caller here, t h e a c 1 Opla, discutaed: boea my n -Tnosday. | \\Ku,n m**an service? Dots my reli^--

tpei'er a few t.ajs i«t- week.Ir. f-nd *jrs. Hean* Mltette ar

Ransom Graves, who has been con-fined to the house for the past fewweeks, is now able to be out.

Wm. J. Marshall Is better. j Um n j # ,a n p u r l t y ? How will L.-Arthur Norgate wa« in Plattaburgh j , j e m e n i 8 enter into my llf..

Bfvnday. 'week7 A auod live mePtlnK is tx-Walter Duquette and family have' N>l«on Favern called on his uncle,; pectcd. Seventy-five people aro

moved to town from Plattsburgh ' >•• Bombnrd of Laphams last week, j wanted at the mewhere they have been living* for the I M l s a Grace Wray of IMuttsburgh I Church Xcvrspast year. j spent the weok end with her sister, A t t n e M. K. church, Peru, on Fri-j

Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Dickinson cal l- , Mrs. I* Rosevelt Pardy. j l lttVi MArOh sixth •ed on friends In llemraingford, Thurs-; A* the close of the Lenten season o u r Missionary Ladles will havday. I M»*. u»d Mrs. G. P. Myers are to re

\irf," f«aiid Che"Thv lar^e tJ\isv«f to no In the only

thing we ran afford to -»io; u vulun-

thfj* we an, ric*ht ur wroug, an<l ei;» more uVmrve our rt«;>titaut.ii.

shortest hr h;iH vt-t dfliv^red to Con-jrr<**,— exactly i2o words,—was a*follows-

The Me*»sajje"CuTifliU'men of l^ie Ounwrt'sj*-—I

. i

como to an errano

J. H. Pettlnger and daughter Jes-sie called on friends ln Lacr>11«, Sat-urday.

Miss Margaret Nolan of Burling-ton visited her sister, Mrs. Chas. Mc-Crea, last week.

! sume iheir series of entertainments-Arthur R. Wetherwax has changed

hia mind about taking the farm inChazy which he inspected.

Miss Bessie Wetherwax is employ-}«d in the home of Mrs. John Bell.

genera* mix,Both the Home and the Foreign, the

young and the old. |Never mind the weather, never mind .

Thorn. Stone of Burlington cal led' Henry C. Lyon of Plattsburgh spent i.Andon friends in town la*t week.

Mrs. Alex. Palnchaud has been ill an<* Mrs. George E. Lyori.I the week end with his purents, Mr.;

, a lJ e a t together for a cause

For a very large number the covera few days this week. j Edith E. White has returned from Wlll be laid

Mrs, Wra. Roberta, Tr., of Mooers Turner Hill. y o u w l i } ^ a q u a r t e r short whenJunction, spent the week end with Mrs. Wm. J. Marshall spent t h e ; y o u r j,ni you have paid,friends In town. evening Tuesday with her mother in j A f t e r t h e 8 u p p e r a program will be

Miss Lillian Lafountaln teft for R o c k street. g i v ( ? n ( jNew York city Saturday morning Lewis White with his son Krwln y o u n , a y p o a w a y happy and a day

ade a short call «.n Mr. and Mr*. | n t . n r e r heaven.Dr. C. J. Mulvey was a businesscaller In town. Thursday,where Bhe will spend a few weeks se-lecting her spring millinery stock.

Misa Eva Ashline of Burlington. Vt.

I VVn». Mmfhall the other day.

BEDFORDMarch 4—Our recent thaw devel-g .

Is vlMiting her sister, M*"S. Ezra Tre- oped into a heavy snow and storm and

Then come one and all and the ladleswho can

May on this great occasion, eachbring along a man.

panier. nature looks more l:ke winter thanMis* Marjorie Dutton of Mooers ever.

Junction, spent Sunday in town, the , Mont

OBITUARTIsaac A. Gonyo was Horn in Westof the lumbe:.* camps are

gue«t of Marguerite Hamelln. 1 breaking up and men are seen com- j Chazy, Jan. 27, 1877, and died lnMr«. Kate Duyer, who had been ln ln*f ffom the. woods every day. j 8outh Barre, Vt., on Tuesday, Feb-

Montreal for the past tWu weeks, haul M r '»"d Mrw. Peter Urickley andreturned home. [ family have returned home from

Mltws Mable. Penfield of Houses Lyon Mt., where tuey were employeo.Point called on friends In town Sat- b v JHim»w Weir a? keeper of hi» camp.urday. ! Mrs. Joseph Benedict who has been

ruary 17, 1914, after a two weeks'Illness of pneumonia.

Being passionately fond of horses,he left home at an eariy age going to

Miss Mary Whiteside is visiting:friends in Boston, Mass. j

Lillian Legendre wus a caller,ln Malone one day laat week.

<*onflucil the house for the. past Barre, Vt., to engage ln their train-ed with a severe cold la on the lng a m , M a i n v a r i a b l e gentlenws and

quiet determination won the love ofEola Brickley left on Tuedsaythe- most vicious. Jte was respectedMr. and Mrs. BenJ. Larraine of j f o r faranac- I<ake.

Holyoke, Moss, who are on'their wed-I M l- anfJ M r s Thns. J. Hanlon nnd and liked by all who knew him, be.-dlng tour called on friends and rela-! "1tl'*' <laufibt«-r Franccn visited Mr. I ing true and faithful in mind, h^tirt

and Mi>. Jamrs Hanlou and family of j and soul. Forever practicing ehnr!-Hivervu-'w on Sunday. ! ty, justice and brotherly love, what

Mrs. Nelnon I'errotte is the guest! treasures could he take with him but"t h<-r daughter. Mr.". John Ferrari, I lhftf»e, and the knowledge that he hadof Saranac Lake. j always tried to lighten the burdens of

H(*v- R r - Ij»rainl«- Is vlfititnf the 'h i s loved ones?f a i n l"*" l n t h e T l l U | p i thlM w<>ek' • i F u l l y ' « » « » « « t h a t t h f l " d w ^

lives in town luat week. jMarshall Mnynard, who hn« been

visiting in Boston Mass., returned!Monday. j

CLINTONVILLFMarch 3 ~ B e v . Mr. Cook of Plaits- \ f

burgh o c c u p y t h , pB,pH of the:First M. E. church on Hunday, March'lst t aiding Rev. K. J. Harri.-'. |

Mr*. E. J. Harris and {wo daugh-ters, Pauline nnd Reta, are withfriends ut Hurktieiu* for a few days.

Mrs. LiJUle Bigwood l« very low |

March 3—Wo have bad rbads at j ones, he told them not to gileve; thatf'W'iit' hu haxl fought bind with death to

Krod Bolow is now occupying Wil- |«tay with them bnt <"»od willed Iht-r-i«r I;i.minu'« house which waa tor-' wtFe and He knew best. «o he leftlerly the Gebo homestead. ' them In His care.

A ball was held at the home of The* remains were brought hack toat the present writing; no hopes are M r . nnd Mrs. Nelson Puval on Mon-,th. . old home In W e * Chazy whichheld out for her recovery. , ( ] a y r i > 4 h t A H r f t p o r l a g O | j d U m f t h a ( ] a l w a y a b e e n g 0 d M I . t 0 h i m a n d

We hear that Mrs. Margarette Kin- . Mi S h M Delta Trombty anrl Lo,,i«e tho funeral on Saturday Feb. 2Ut.ney is very Ion also. Mrs. Kinney | Tron.blv have returned h o m , after when the church was fll'od bv »or-has been feeble for a number of. upending three weeks In St. Michael, rnwtng relatives and fr iend, and theyears.

II. Havens of New Sweden,| St. Remi, and SharrinRton.

R*ho! F!»il Maynard and dlphas been ill from pneumonia, is re- I C».'*rr.plain were callera In town Sun-

many beautiful flowen<from trltuite to his worth.


j»orted on the gain-At the mipper held at Mr. Will 1

! day.Rabwi»-au hn.t returned

Heultle's on Friday evening. Feb. 27, home ;iff*»r spending a fow weeksabout eight dollars were ndded to the , Canada.treasury "of the Ladies' Aid Society, i Mixs fjxura PlKnU' \t» hunio onThe election of officers wan not held ' there were not sufficientbers ln attendance to make aum.

Mrs. E. J. .Harris entertained arirer ln a weakened i party of children on the afternoon of

mem-I FTedney P,.inu<{uor- er Rodney Barn

' >n Sept. 8, 1908, he married MaryBiuiro of Barre who mirvlvt s him.bfitideH a widowed mother, Mis. Pet-er (lonyo. a sister, Mra. Joseph BlutiJ r . and n. birothnr, William, of W. M<M-.,̂ 7.\. io whom irt extfndi-il clnciTffy:iH'athy «n their great bere;tv»-nu»i t


MOOERSTha Grangers met Friday

• when it cornea right down to bnuw| tacka he's a bigger man than Villa,

tvhit'h cim l*e very briefly pur&wnniei..,but I b«g that you will not m«<untreILS importance, by the ntimlwr of sen-tenet* in which I state it. N"o com-munication I have *ifldkFw*9*Ml to th>.Con^re?* earned with it sraver or

interest of the country .and I co,m«now to spea-k upon a matter w*.<.h re-ga«*d to which I am charged in a pe-culiar degree. b> the conntuution li-peif, \vith personal r»sponj»lMlity.

" I have come to a*k for the rnpeaiof that provision of the Panama canMact of A m , 24, 1914, whioh e f̂tm.ntMveenels eng.xgvd in the consnwi** tradeof rhe I'n-ited S*tii4e» from p%>*ment oitolLs and to ur«« upon vou the Ju*tlce, the »i«k>m and the large policvof such a re-pn-n-l with tho u t m o nearn.e.«treJ<s of whioh I am capable.

'•In my own judgement, very fullyconsidered and maturely formed .thatexemption constitutes a mistaken ecnmim'»e policy from ev<*rv point of viewand is, moreover, In p-la4n contrnrventltw cf the treatv with t.Jre«t Bri-tain foncern'.ut: the canal conc lud- |ed on Nov. IS, 1901. But I h-ave not!come to j (Mi to urg<> niv p^'rsonai jviews, T have come to "tute to you A '•fact and a tritxiation. Whatfver- ni.iv jbe our own differences <rf opinion con Iee^nvrst: this mtioh <!oih<Rt«Mt rri"eni«ur<s, 'its metinhis \tt not dchntvi ont^d^ rh>> jI'nitetd States E!\-er>ivhrro rl«»»̂ th*> ihinsrua<ri> of thv tri'atv N aivwi v»inone ir.T«-n»r<>(ri*.nn, ami t in- int-iTr«-- !

tpt.-.n prt-cludt\s thi- c-xt-inution 1 .>;u j

-"•i-inv >ou to repeal. \V< :c,n^ utt-U : » .:?!<• mva:v: irn ijin.^iia-.-c *v.-- .uvop'r i, !if we v.ui not oriiilrt.i \v it; no at"too ;•>!':, ti>o powerful, too sc'r rc^in'i-'- ':ni>' a nation m 'n'^rprt-t. with :-i.iwrainkKl or re?in» fi .v r«»nrl1nir -it'words, .»ur own jvrom!«».<» )ii«.t St-tMii-i*•M- h-ive P'v\vt>r pnftii,'.'h t,. inv>v •:**V.'ivo to rvad th* m ;<:< wo '»:,.-,,.,-. Th-« :larife th:ni- to do \*- th»- «»n'\ thir-; •-, »<ran afford to (Jo .*» Vi>!ni{t.a -• w.M !t -;\vA! from a pr.s^r!on ev^nn-ht rv- q •,:.•».-

to rt*v»»r»e ot:r notion wjthout ra"••'»;

re=j»it«tion for gene-roflfv and :ht> r.--deMiption of ertM-v ohlviraMoH v tlwmi'iulhh!e or h^piia^irvn.

"I «#k Ph!« of von \T\ jnmp^rr of rh*fnreism pok-cv of th»» adminiatTMtit'i-i.I "h«ll not know ho-*- t<» de.»» v.-.-h• Wier matt«T<i of v\nt <r»-:iter tlel:i\!*! n*flr**r rAnti.^inrnri' «f \M;I •]<• iMtKrtan! !' to -iw :n untrni.lKinu ni-vH-*-iir«-."

TMH SH tho ln<t v r-oiv nf the b'.Kh u. nnd rnlih-r -;tlf You sh-MiM

Often.1 t The daily food lacks certain important elemen's, such as

\ ihf vital mineral salts, which are absolutely demanded for

ih€> proper up-keep of body, brain and nerves.

Grape NutsSupplies this Lack

This uplendld food: contains all the nvitrltivB e lements

r,f whole wheat and barley—two of" Nature's "richest food

?;: tins-—including the, vital mineral salts,-grown In the grainy

and which are an absolute essentinl for normal up-keep of

the system.

Add a-d ish of Grape-Nuts and ersam to the meal for

ten days and see what i t does for you.

firape-Nuti comes perfectly baked—ready to eat from

the packager—fresh, crisp, 'and delicious.

"There's a Reason*9 for OR4PE-NUTS {Iibv- Grocers everywhere.

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In the Great Library Contest

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Semi-Weekly Sentinel 1 year 81.00 10 Votes

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