RESULTS FROM THE NEWBERRY VOLCANO EGS DEMONSTRATION PROJECT—2014 Trenton T Cladouhos, Michael Swyer, Susan Petty, Michael Moore, Ted De Rocher, Yini Nordin, Matt Uddenberg Abstract No: 249196 The Future of Geothermal Energy (Enhanced Geothermal Systems) An Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) is created by pump- ing cold water into a deep geothermal well in order to open the exisng fracture network. These hydraulically connected fractures can then serve as a heat exchanger to heat water between a cold injector and one or more hot producon wells. The heated water can the be used to make clean renew- able power. Economic Success of EGS requires Increasing flow rate per producer A producon rate of 300 gpm is a poor geothermal well if 200 °C water = 1 MWe = $5,000 / day gross A producon rate of 300 gpm is a very good well if oil = 10,000 bbl/day = $1,000,000 / day gross EGS Uses Hydroshearing (not hydrofracking) Hydraulic smulaon Low permeability rock Exisng fractures Open hole Lower pressure Days to weeks of pumping Unmodified groundwater >100,000 bbls Self-propping Thermally-degradable Zonal Isolaon Materials (TZIM) TZIMs (aka Diverters) are Granular materials with low density that are mixed as a slurry in water to pack off fractures taking fluid; they thermally degrade within weeks of applicaon TZIM Advantages No rig required during treatment Lower cost and reduced operaon risk Create fractures without packers Can be used through sloed liner Breakdown products are non-hazardous Degrade with temperature and me Suite of materials lab tested from 74 °C to 315 °C DTS Smulaon Monitoring A Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) is shown on the image to the right. A DTS is a shielded opcal fiber that is placed along the length of the hole which allows for the accurate measurement of temperature along its enre length. The figure to the leſt shows DTS measurements over the enre me of the 2014 smulaon. Data collected from the DTS is crical in determining whether there are leaks in the casing and where smulaon is occurring along the length of wellbore. It can also be used to gauge the range at which temperature sensive logging tool are allowed to be de- ployed. Pressure and Flow Rate During Smulaon The graph to the leſt shows the relaon between flow , pressure and micro-seismicity for the enre length of the smulaon. The graph on the right shows the step rate test conducted before going into hibernaon on 10/15/2015. The important thing to recognize on the graph on the right in the slow pressure decline. This slow rate of pressure decline along with other data gathered during the smu- laon suggests that reservoir has been highly pressurized . Overview of the EGS Demonstraon Goals 1. Demonstarte current technology and advances in EGS A. Smulate at least 3 zones in exisng hot, impermeable well B. Demonstrate diverter technology for mulple zone smulaon C. Demonstrate single well test methods D. Drill two producon wells into newly created EGS reservoir E. Produce economic quanes of fluid per producon well 2. Establish circulaon through three well system 3.Develop Conceptual model of complete EGS system Phase 1 (2012) Historical Data Review Baseline Monitoring and Measurement of Hydrology and Seismology Smulaon Planning Public Outreach Environmental Permits and Technical Review Phase 2 (2012-2014) MSA Boreholes and Equipment Installaon Smulaon of NWG 55-29 Flow Test Drill Producon well Circulaon Test Phase 3 (2015) Conceptual Modeling and Full-Scale Development This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0002777. Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or re- sponsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any informaon, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constute or imply its endorsement, recommendaon, or fa- voring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. 500 m Microseismic Monitoring Results Smulaon Planning LiDAR, BHTV & Injecng PTS showed: EW Extension 351 Fractures with average ESE 55° dip Smulaon targets at depth



RESULTS FROM THE NEWBERRY VOLCANO EGS DEMONSTRATION PROJECT—2014 Trenton T Cladouhos, Michael Swyer, Susan Petty, Michael Moore, Ted De Rocher, Yini Nordin, Matt Uddenberg

Abstract No: 249196

The Future of Geothermal Energy

(Enhanced Geothermal Systems) An Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) is created by pump-

ing cold water into a deep geothermal well in order to open

the existing fracture network. These hydraulically connected

fractures can then serve as a heat exchanger to heat water

between a cold injector and one or more hot production

wells. The heated water can the be used to make clean renew-

able power.

Economic Success of EGS requires

Increasing flow rate per producer

A production rate of 300 gpm is a poor geothermal well

if 200 °C water = 1 MWe = $5,000 / day gross

A production rate of 300 gpm is a very good well

if oil = 10,000 bbl/day = $1,000,000 / day gross

EGS Uses Hydroshearing (not hydrofracking)

Hydraulic stimulation

Low permeability rock

Existing fractures

Open hole

Lower pressure

Days to weeks of pumping

Unmodified groundwater

>100,000 bbls


Thermally-degradable Zonal Isolation Materials (TZIM)

TZIMs (aka Diverters) are

Granular materials with low density

that are mixed as a slurry in water

to pack off fractures taking fluid;

they thermally degrade within

weeks of application

TZIM Advantages

No rig required during treatment

Lower cost and reduced operation risk

Create fractures without packers

Can be used through slotted liner

Breakdown products are non-hazardous

Degrade with temperature and time

Suite of materials lab tested from 74 °C to 315 °C

DTS Stimulation Monitoring

A Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) is shown on the image to the right. A DTS is a shielded optical fiber that is placed along the length of the hole which allows for the accurate measurement of

temperature along its entire length. The figure to the left shows DTS measurements over the entire time of the 2014 stimulation. Data collected from the DTS is critical in determining whether

there are leaks in the casing and where stimulation is occurring along the length of wellbore. It can also be used to gauge the range at which temperature sensitive logging tool are allowed to be de-


Pressure and Flow Rate During Stimulation

The graph to the left shows the relation between flow , pressure and micro-seismicity for the entire length of the stimulation. The graph on the right shows the step rate test conducted before going into

hibernation on 10/15/2015. The important thing to recognize on the graph on the right in the slow pressure decline. This slow rate of pressure decline along with other data gathered during the stimu-

lation suggests that reservoir has been highly pressurized .

Overview of the EGS Demonstration


1. Demonstarte current technology and advances in EGS

A. Stimulate at least 3 zones in existing hot, impermeable well

B. Demonstrate diverter technology for multiple zone stimulation

C. Demonstrate single well test methods

D. Drill two production wells into newly created EGS reservoir

E. Produce economic quantities of fluid per production well

2. Establish circulation through three well system

3.Develop Conceptual model of complete EGS system

Phase 1 (2012)

Historical Data Review

Baseline Monitoring and Measurement of Hydrology and Seismology

Stimulation Planning

Public Outreach

Environmental Permits and Technical Review

Phase 2 (2012-2014)

MSA Boreholes and Equipment Installation

Stimulation of NWG 55-29

Flow Test

Drill Production well

Circulation Test

Phase 3 (2015)

Conceptual Modeling and Full-Scale Development

This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy under Award Number DE-EE0002777. Disclaimer: This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of

the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or re-

sponsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference

herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or fa-

voring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any

agency thereof.

500 m

Microseismic Monitoring Results

Stimulation Planning LiDAR, BHTV & Injecting PTS showed:

EW Extension

351 Fractures with average ESE 55° dip

Stimulation targets at depth