Respecting the Difference: Cultural Training Workshop...Respecting the Difference: Cultural Training...

FACILITATOR GUIDE Respecting the Difference: Cultural Training Workshop

Transcript of Respecting the Difference: Cultural Training Workshop...Respecting the Difference: Cultural Training...


Respecting the Difference: Cultural Training Workshop


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This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for study or

training purposes subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgement of the source.

It may not be reproduced for commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for

purposes other than those indicated above requires written permission from

the NSW Ministry of Health.

This document and other related resources may contain

images of Aboriginal people who may be deceased.

© NSW Ministry of Health 2012

SHPN (WPD) 120043

ISBN 978 1 74187 793 9

Further copies of this document can be downloaded

from the NSW Health website

March 2012


NSW Ministry of Health would like to acknowledge artist Bronwyn Bancroft, a descendant of the Djanbun

clan of the Bundjalung nation. Bronwyn created all artwork for the ‘Respecting the Difference’ project.

© NSW Ministry of Health for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales.

ARTIST’S STATEMENT: This artwork represents the holistic approach to creating better health outcomes

for Aboriginal people. The outer circle symbolises Mother Earth, the binding of the land to health

and the nourishment of the spirit through this connection. The second blue circle represents fresh

water – the cleansing qualities it brings to our lives, and a source of life and food replenishment.

The weaving shape over the fresh water represents salt water and the people who come from saltwater

areas. The next circle represents both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community members who will

work together to achieve better health outcomes and support the individual to overcome fear of the

unknown, especially in relation to non-Aboriginal health methods.

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Acknowledgements ...............................................................................................................................2

About the workshop..............................................................................................................................3

In brief .............................................................................................................................................3

About you ........................................................................................................................................3

About your participants ....................................................................................................................3

How many participants per workshop? .......................................................................................3

Quick guide to the workshop .................................................................................................................4

What documents do I need? ............................................................................................................4

How do I prepare and deliver this workshop? ...................................................................................4

How do I set up the room? ...............................................................................................................4

How do I incorporate local content? .......................................................................................................6

Connect with local Elder(s) and Aboriginal people within the community/local area ..........................6

Identify local Elders .....................................................................................................................7

Discuss the project ......................................................................................................................7

Practical considerations ...............................................................................................................7

Research ...........................................................................................................................................7

Lesson plan ............................................................................................................................................8

Learning outcomes ...........................................................................................................................8

Lesson overview ...............................................................................................................................8

Workshop Part 1: Welcome ...................................................................................................................9

Housekeeping ..................................................................................................................................9

Outcomes .......................................................................................................................................10

Icebreakers ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Icebreaker 1: Think, pair, share .................................................................................................. 11

Icebreaker 2: Choices ................................................................................................................12

Icebreaker 3: Truth and lies ........................................................................................................12

Workshop Part 2: Our local Elders ..................................................................................................13

Welcome to Country/Acknowledgment of Country ...................................................................13

Sharing wisdom ........................................................................................................................14

Initiating thoughts of Aboriginal Perspectives ............................................................................16

Workshop Part 3: Closing the Gap .......................................................................................................16

Stats and facts ..........................................................................................................................16

Health: a local perspective .........................................................................................................18

First step ...................................................................................................................................19

Services and programs ..............................................................................................................20

Sharing good practice ...............................................................................................................21

Policies and procedures .............................................................................................................22

Workshop Part 4: Resolution ..........................................................................................................23

Where are we now? ..................................................................................................................23

From the heart ..........................................................................................................................24

Research and resources: where can I find local content? .......................................................................25

General resources ...........................................................................................................................26


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This workshop reflects the input of many individuals who have contributed to its development by participating in consultations and providing expert advice and ongoing feedback. NSW Ministry of Health would like to thank the following individuals and groups for their contribution: Charles Davison, Donna K Cruickshank, Jennifer Gordon, Maggie Crowley, Mira Haramis, Bronwyn Bancroft, Tracey Flanagan, Catherine Townsend, Jaimie Tredoux, Shaun Davies, Jenni Ridley, Brenda Bradbury and staff of Far West, Western NSW, Sydney and Sydney South West Local Health Districts.

This Facilitator Guide and accompanying materials were created by NSW Ministry of Health as part of the initiative Respecting the Difference: An Aboriginal Cultural Training Framework for NSW Health.

PLEASE NOTE: The Respecting the Difference: An Aboriginal Cultural Training Framework for NSW Health requires two hours of Generic Subject Content. Each Local Health District and other NSW Health organisations are required to develop a further four hours of Local Content training. This might take any form that best suits the local area (for example, a field trip to a local sacred site or historical area, in the company of Elders).

Respecting the Difference: An Aboriginal Cultural Training Framework for NSW Health (PD2011_069)

NSW Ministry of Health is committed to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal people, their families and communities across NSW. The Respecting the Difference: An Aboriginal Cultural Training Framework for NSW Health “The Framework” is a key strategy identified in the Good Health – Great Jobs: NSW Health Aboriginal Workforce Strategic Framework 2011–2015.

The Framework outlines the nominal training for all staff working in NSW Health and addresses the need for organisations to provide more respectful, responsive and culturally safe services. It is designed to give staff the necessary knowledge and skills to interact positively with Aboriginal people and communities to improve healthcare.

The purpose of this training is to motivate NSW Health staff to build positive and meaningful relationships with Aboriginal people who may be clients, visitors or Aboriginal staff, and to improve their confidence in establishing appropriate and sustainable connections.

Ministry of Health (2012).


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You are delivering up to six hours of Generic Subject Content and Local Content in this workshop titled Respecting the Difference as outlined in the Framework. This workshop can stand alone, or be incorporated into a larger workshop as required. Your participants have already completed a foundation (2 hour) online course. This workshop builds on that knowledge, with particular focus on local Aboriginal communities and clients.

Important note: This guide and the accompanying materials do not have any information about local content – this will need to be sourced by you.


Ideally, you will be presenting this training with a co-facilitator. Given the sensitivity of the subject matter, it is vital that you have a strong background in facilitation and Australian Aboriginal cultural awareness. Your understanding of protocols will allow you to conduct research into the local Aboriginal community, and form positive relationships with local Elders and the local Aboriginal community.


Your participants are NSW Health staff members, including:

• program and service managers• frontline staff• all other staff.

Your participants will all work in the local area, and all have completed the online component of Respecting the Difference.

How many participants per workshop?If possible, keep your group size small, ideally, between 15-20 participants at a time. This will allow you to encourage participation and engagement from all participants.

About the Workshop

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The following materials have been provided in the Respecting the Difference: An Aboriginal Cultural Training Framework for NSW Health - USB Flash Drive:

Facilitators guide This is the guide you are currently reading. Throughout the guide, you’ll see where you can add your own notes about local content. Have the guide with you during your workshops.

PowerPoint Presentation Populate this file with local content and play this presentation on a data projector for your participants.

Checklist - GeneralA useful checklist for you to use before each workshop. You can edit this checklist to suit your needs.

Checklist - Local contentThis document lists the research tasks required to complete this workshop.

Did you know - HandoutPopulate this document with your findings about socioeconomic and historical factors that may have impacted on Aboriginal health in the local area.

Services and programs - WorksheetA worksheet for your participants.

Services and programs - HandoutA branded document for you to populate with local resources.

Blank documentA branded document without any headings, use this document as you wish (for example, in the ‘Sharing Good Practice’ activity).

Artworks Print and cut out several copies of the artworks in this PDF file to distribute to your participants at the end of the workshop.

Additional activitiesTo be used for additional activities you may wish to explore and deliver to enhance the local content, as per the Respecting the Difference: An Aboriginal Cultural Training Framework for NSW Health.

Quick Guide to the Workshop

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Below are the broad steps you will follow to prepare and deliver your workshop. Give yourself at least a week to complete the first five steps. It may take longer depending on the commitments and circumstance of local Elders and community.

1. read the guide. Familiarise yourself with the lesson materials, and read this guide in its entirety.

2. Find local content. As you read this guide, you will notice that you are called upon to do some research and source local content.

3. Connect with local elders and aboriginal community members. Organise local Elders and community members to participate in the workshop.

4. populate files. Where indicated, populate the files with the local content you have gathered.

5. prepare for workshop. Print handouts, organise room etc. 6. present workshop. 7. evaluation. The final component of this training is for staff to complete an evaluation

form at the end of the workshop.


Set up the room an hour before the first workshop, to ensure you have enough time.

1. Set up and test data projector and screen. 2. Organise a place for yourself to sit where you can work the projector. Have a table

nearby for your materials, handouts, artworks, visual aids etc. 3. Have a chair or chairs ready for your Elders and community members. 4. Place chairs in a semi-circle, where all can see the screen, the Elders, community

members and the facilitators. If not possible, work around a large table(s). 5. Organise tea/coffee table if available.6. Organise and prepare two whiteboards (see below: ‘Preparing the whiteboard’).

These do not necessarily need to be in a focus position, as participants can turn to see them when necessary. They are not used for extended periods of time.

7. Make sure you have whiteboard markers and erasers. 8. Place post-it notes and pens where accessible to all. 9. Place tables around the walls for activities – participants can stand around tables

or pull chairs over as required. 10. Place pens and butchers papers on the tables.

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You will need to:

• connect with Elders and Aboriginal people in the local community and invite them to take part in the workshops.

• gather local content and build it into the workshops.

This guide will tell you where to involve Elders and Aboriginal community members and where to build in local content. The local content checklist (Checklist - Local content) also contains a summary of all your research tasks.


Prior to your delivery of the workshop, you will be required to connect with local Elder(s) and community members, and invite them to take part in every workshop that you facilitate. In most cases, you should be working with more than one Elder and or community member from the local area. In brief, the Elder(s) and or community members will:

• perform a Welcome to Country (see note 2 below)• talk with the participants about: – stories and traditions of the land – how to seek advice/input from local Elders and community members – any other items the Elder(s) and community member(s) identify as important.

note 1: Be sensitive to the politics of connecting with Elders and members of the Aboriginal community. Unintentionally given offence to Elders and or community members is often difficult to correct; processing involvement in a culturally recognised manner will assist in guiding the due and proper process of involvement and engagement.

note 2: If an Elder or respected member of the community is not available to perform a Welcome to Country, you will need to perform an Acknowledgement of Country. Ensure that you consult with local Elders and representatives about correct protocol for this duly recognised traditional custom, ensuring that “Country, Nation, Community, Clan” and possibly language boundaries are duly recognised.

note 3: You will need to be more inclusive of all age groups (18+) of Aboriginal people within the community, especially if an Elder of that Country cannot be identified or an agreement can be reached for representation.

How do I Incorporate Local Content?

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Identify Local EldersIf you do not know the local Elders and community members please ensure that you contact some or all of the following organisations and individuals for advice. Be sure to discuss protocols around meeting with the Elders and local Aboriginal community members.

• Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC)• Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS)• Aboriginal staff at local facilities (e.g. the Manager of Aboriginal Health,

the Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officer etc.)• Established Aboriginal Elders groups• Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Groups (LAECG)• Any other local organisation that might be relevant

Discuss the projectTalk with the Elders and local Aboriginal community about the project. Be flexible about how Elders and or the local Aboriginal community may wish to participate. For example, the community may nominate an Elder to do all of the workshops, or the task may be shared between several Elders and community members.

• Consider Aboriginal ways and how Elders and community members really require each other to work their stories and engage – individuals may struggle; this pathway would not be representative and is inappropriate.

• Issue of Men’s/Women’s Business – take into consideration; most male Elders wouldn’t engage in discussion with anything to do with female health! Further, Elders could be the centre focus, but realistically if you want to gain story from all facets, you will need to include all ages and circumstance so as not to be restrictive.

• Importantly if too many boundaries are in place the “walking together” will be inhibited. There is definite need to be flexible, recognise and seek Elders, but gain momentum through inclusivity of all ages with the support of the Elder(s).

Practical considerationsDiscuss availability, travel and other issues as required. Provide travel expenses and a fee to Elders and or community members for their participation as per the Aboriginal Affairs NSW Aboriginal Cultural Protocols and Practices Policy.


You are required to seek local Aboriginal content and perspective to build into this workshop. Throughout this guide, you’ll see text fields where you can type in your research notes. You will also be directed to enter data into the powerpoint presentation and other electronic files.

You should conduct your research and local Aboriginal content widely. Importantly, share and confer all of your research and content with local Elders and Aboriginal community members prior to conducting any workshops. At the end of this guide is a list of resources to get you started.

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By the end of the workshop, participants will:

1. List the challenges and barriers to Aboriginal people accessing healthcare services2. Describe local Aboriginal community demographics including health status3. Demonstrate an understanding of local community services and health programs

that can support a holistic model of care for Aboriginal people4. Explain your responsibility in relation to relevant Aboriginal Health policies and procedures


part 1: Welcome

Section minutes Learning outcomes

Housekeeping 3 n/a

Outcomes 7

Icebreakers 5

total 15

part 2: Local elder(s) and Community

Section time Learning outcomes

Welcome to Country/Acknowledgement of Country Sharing wisdom

30 1, 2, 3

Initiating thoughts of Aboriginal perspectives 90 1, 2, 3

total 120

part 3: Closing the Gap

Section time Learning outcomes

Stats and facts 20 1, 2

Health: a local perspective 20 1 – 3

First step 20 1 – 4

Services and programs 60 1, 2, 3

Sharing Good Practice 60 1 – 4

Policies and procedures 35 1 – 4

total 215

part 4: resolution

Section time Learning outcomes

Where are we now? 15 1, 3

From the heart 10 1, 2, 3

total 25

Lesson Plan

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note: Part 1 and Part 2 can be reversed, depending on the needs of the Elder(s).

HOUSEKEEPING (3 minutes)

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Welcome participants and introduce yourself.

2. Inform participants of location of facilities and any other significant particulars.

3. Inform participants that there may be:

• A short break halfway through the workshop


• Participants can make themselves tea/coffee during the workshop (if applicable).

Length of break time will depend on the input of the Elders, participant discussion, your judgement of participants’ requirements and other factors.

Your notes:













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OUTCOMES (7 minutes)

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Quick discussion: Why are we doing this workshop?

e.g. Does anyone recall what the term ‘Closing the Gap’ means? Who can remember an example of the ‘gap’ in health between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people?

Facilitate discussion, then summarise.

e.g. We’re here today because, working in the health sector, our aim is to give all Australians the best health outcomes we can. Obviously, the statistics clearly show that there is one group of Australians who are missing out. As people involved in health service provision there is an immediate need to redress the social justice context of Aboriginal health outcomes. Today, we’re focussing on our immediate local area, the local Aboriginal community, and the ways we can respond to their unique needs to help close the gap.

2. Talk through the learning outcomes. (Please note: these outcomes have been rephrased for simplicity; however, they do align with the strategic framework outcomes.)

powerpoint presentation

3. Explain how the whiteboard will be used (see: ‘Preparing the whiteboard’ above):

• Questions seeking answers

• Reflecting on the E-learning Case Studies


4. Reiterate that there will be further training that is specific to certain staff, such as frontline staff and clinicians.

Your notes:










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ICEBREAKERS (5 minutes)

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Facilitate a short icebreaker activity with the group. Choose an icebreaker below.

Optional: Instead of using one of the icebreakers supplied, you might like to design an icebreaker around a traditional local Aboriginal game. Talk with the local Elders and community to develop a game.

ICEBREAKER 1: THINK, PAIR, SHAREThis activity works best with small groups as it may go over time in larger groups.

Ask members to pair up with the person next to them, and ask them to speak to each other for 2 minutes, then have each person introduce the other person in the pair to the group, and to tell the group something interesting about that person.

You may like to supply sample interview questions such as:

• Where were your parents born?• Have you ever experienced culture shock and or cultural barriers?• What do you like best about living/working here?

Your notes:













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Option A: Small group (or large room)

You will need some space for this one as the participants have to move around the room. Ask the group to stand in the middle of the room. Then ask them to move to one side or the other according to the list of choices you give them.

For example: People who live in a house move to the right side of the room; in an apartment to the left.

Option B: Large group (or small room)

In this option, participants can stay in their chairs. Ask participants to stamp feet/click fingers/whistle.

For example: People who live in a house whistle; in an apartment click your fingers.

Possible choices:

• Have children/don’t have children• Like dogs/like cats• Are grandparents/are not• Like oysters/don’t like oysters• Smokers/non-smokers• Dress to please yourself/dress to please others• Glass half full/half empty• Rugby league/AFL

ICEBREAKER 3: TRUTH AND LIESThis icebreaker takes a little longer; therefore, it works best with small groups of seven or less.

Have each person write four short statements or just four words about themselves. Three must be true, and one is untrue. The group has to guess which is untrue. The group can discuss the statements or words, but cannot get help or hints from the person being considered. If no one guesses the ‘lie’ after three tries, the person under consideration remains undefeated.

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Local content required: This section will be built around your research, your contact with local Elder(s) and or local Aboriginal community members and their guidance for delivery.

HeLpFuL HInt: A Welcome to Country should only be performed by a recognised Elder or another appropriate person as chosen by the local Aboriginal community. If an Elder is unable to attend, you can perform an Acknowledgement of Country. Talk to your local contacts to seek assistance in relation to the cultural protocols that are necessary when an Acknowledgement of Country ceremony is conducted.

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Prepare participants for the arrival of the Elder(s) and or Aboriginal community member(s). Include any protocols that should be observed.

Prepare the space as required by the Elder.

2. Discuss with the group the meaning of a Welcome to Country (or Acknowledgement of Country) ceremony.

3. Introduce the Elder (if available).

4. Welcome to Country/Acknowledgement of Country ceremony.

Your notes:








Our Local Elders


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Local content required: This section will be built around your research and the input of the local Elder(s) and or Aboriginal community member(s).

HeLpFuL HInt: If an Elder(s) is/are unable to attend, work with members of the local Aboriginal community to prepare and research for the workshop. It is strongly recommended that you ensure the participation of at least one member of the local Aboriginal community to ensure that the context of the “local Aboriginal community” is appropriately represented.

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Invite Elder(s) and or Aboriginal community members to share stories and traditions of the Land/Country (e.g. an Aboriginal Dreaming story depicting a local geographical landmark). Support Elder(s) and Aboriginal community member(s) where requested and ensure that the Aboriginal perspective of the story is explored.

Prepare topics with the Elder. Source aids as appropriate (e.g. music, photos, artwork).

2. Invite Elder(s) and Aboriginal community member(s) to share advice about how best to consult, share and walk the Country with the local Aboriginal community.

3. Invite Elder(s) and members of the Aboriginal community to share any other topics identified by them as important and appropriate.

4. Whole group Q&a

Facilitate a Question and Answer session. (Encourage shy/reserved participants, by inviting the group to write their questions on post-it notes and provide them anonymously.)

Stimulate discussion with stimulus questions, discussed prior to the workshop with the Elder(s) and Aboriginal community members.

Your notes:








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Organise two whiteboards. One whiteboard is simply for general use, as required. The other whiteboard should be prepared before participants arrive. Follow the directions below to prepare the whiteboard:

Divide the whiteboard into two with the following headings:

Heading 1: Questions seeking answersUnder this heading, write any issues or concerns brought up by the participants in response to doing the e-learning component or during the workshop. Although the purpose is not revealed to your participants, the aim of ‘Questions seeking answers’ is to diffuse any ignorant or unhelpful remarks made during the workshop. Listen to your participant, and then work with him/her to resolve or clarify the misconception or misunderstanding of the issue.

Where possible, encourage the participant to think about how their comment/question might affect health service delivery to an Aboriginal client or their engagement with an Aboriginal staff member.

Heading 2: Reflecting on the E-learning Case Studies

In the Case Study of Josie;

• What is your understanding of ‘Sorry Business’?• What impact does “Sorry Business” have on local health staff and Aboriginal clients?• How should Aboriginal clients and staff be supported through the cultural protocol

of “Sorry Business”

In the Case Study of Vince;

• How has Vince’s life experience in relation to institutional care affected his perspective in dealing with his own health?

• What impact did the children’s home have on Vince?• Generate discussion around the Stolen Generations and what participants

may know or have learnt from the case study.

Important note: ‘Questions seeking answers’ should not be used to deal with persons who are intentionally hurtful, hostile or aggressive. Persons acting in such a way are contravening the NSW Health Code of Conduct. You are within your rights to ask the individual to leave. Due process of the policy necessitates you to inform the manager of the individual of any contravention to ensure that any such contraventions are dealt with through proper process and procedure.

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STATS AND FACTS (20 minutes)

Local content required: Find important historical and cultural facts that have impacted the health of local Aboriginal people, ensure that you share this data with the Elder(s) and Aboriginal community member(s) prior to the workshop. Ensure sensitivity to “deceased person’s data” and male/female business as advised by your local Aboriginal community. The use of current socioeconomic data about the local Aboriginal community may be of assistance but again reference the content and delivery of the data with the Elder(s) and Aboriginal community member(s) prior.

It is vital to ensure appropriate consultation prior to the workshop, to ensure that information that is transferred is culturally appropriate, dealt with in an appropriate manner and is in adherence to local practice and protocol.

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Small groups activity

Participants split into small groups of two or three. Hand each group an envelope containing a ‘Did you know’ about the local Aboriginal community. An example of a ‘Did you know’ might be:

• Local Aboriginal people were not allowed to gather their traditional foods. Instead, they were given rations, for example flour, sugar and tobacco.

• When Aboriginal people were forced to live on the local mission, they were not allowed to practise spiritual beliefs or speak their first (traditional) languages

• In the culture of local Aboriginal people, older people are deeply respected.

• Aboriginal women in this local area once had to give birth on the verandas of the hospital: they weren’t allowed inside.

Populate the document Did you know (Handout)

Cut up the handout, and put them into envelopes.

2. Still in small groups, the participants open their envelope and read the ‘Did you know’. The groups consider at least three ways these historical and cultural factors might still influence Aboriginal health and healthcare today.

Provide participants with pens and butchers paper.

Closing the Gap


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3. Whole group discussion

Small groups re-join large group. Facilitate the sharing of the groups’ responses. There are no right or wrong answers (with the exclusion of inappropriate dialogue, which would contravene the NSW Health Code of Conduct). This activity simply aims to inspire participants to connect historical and cultural factors with present day health outcomes.

4. Share data about Aboriginal education, employment rates, housing, etc.

Your aim is to show that historical and cultural factors influence the socioeconomic outcomes of Aboriginal people, families and communities; close association to health outcomes should be reiterated. For example, there has been a link between higher education and longevity. Encourage participants to understand that this is everybody’s business (show PowerPoint slide ‘It’s everybody’s business’).

Populate the appropriate slide of the powerpoint presentation.

Your notes:















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Local content required: Source local health statistics for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people; ensure that this data is shared with the Elder(s) and Aboriginal community members prior to the workshop, discuss sensitivities and relevant local protocols for the sharing of such information.

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Reveal the local health statistics (in accordance with the above mentioned recommendation; especially as it relates to cultural sensitivity, deceased persons and relevant local protocols).

Whole group discussion

Encourage participants to consider the local health statistics in relation to their discussions in the previous activity. Do the statistics prove/disprove any of the theories developed in the previous activity? Are the stats surprising? Expected? Do any new theories emerge?

Use your research to populate the appropriate slide of the powerpoint presentation.

2. Reveal local health issues against national ‘Closing the Gap’ data. Compare the results.

Helpful hint: If asked, explain to your participants that the national data has been collected largely from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. If your participants want to know more, they can access the data at

Whole group discussion

Is the local community behind or ahead of the curve?

Populate the graph on the powerpoint presentation.

Your notes:










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FIRST STEP (20 minutes)

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Short activity

Select in consultation with the Elder(s) and Aboriginal community member(s) statistic(s) from the previous activity. Facilitate the group in devising a priority for change methodology that will assist in “Closing the Gap”. Use butchers paper to share ideas and methodologies, have the participants engage and reference methodologies with the Elder(s) and Aboriginal community member(s)

2. answer

The answer can be anything along the lines of:

• Consult with the local community

• Don’t dictate

• Listen to what the client has to say.

This activity has one simple goal: to reinforce to participants that they can’t rush into ‘solving’ Aboriginal health issues: they need to work with their clients, family and community.

The activity should be conducted with energy, and at a pace. It is not intended to be laborious. Encourage participants to call out their responses, having a nominated scribe using the butchers’ paper.

Your notes:











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Local content required: Identify the services and programs that can be accessed by local Aboriginal people.

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Individual activity

Participants work individually. Each individual takes a worksheet. The worksheet invites participants to think of any services or programs that could help to solve the issues identified earlier. Participants write down:

• services and programs they know exist

• imaginary ones that they think should exist.

Provide quiet thinking time.

Services and Programs (Worksheet)

2. Whole group activity

Open the appropriate slide of the powerpoint presentation. Ask the participants to tell you the services and programs that they know exist. If there is a match, reveal the appropriate slide.

Populate the relevant slides of the powerpoint presentation.

3. Whole group discussion

Facilitate discussion of imaginary services and programs. Is there any innovative or good practice ideas shared that is not currently available in the local area? If so, write them on the whiteboard.

4. provide handouts of local services and programs. Remind participants that clients may not know these services and programs exist, and there may be barriers to participation. In our day-to-day work, can we help to connect clients with beneficial programs and services?

populate the Services and Programs (Handout)

Your notes:









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Local content required: The aim of this section is to identify good practice within the Local Health District, where employees who are working alongside Aboriginal communities and clients to provide better health outcomes. You are required to gather good practice stories of programs, services, individuals, etc. The stories might take the form of verbatim accounts, scenarios, newspaper clippings etc.

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Small groups activity

Break the group into smaller groups.

Distribute good practice stories.

Services and Programs (Worksheet)

2. Ask groups to discuss the stories amongst themselves, and identify what makes a ‘good practice story’. Ask groups to consider the stats and facts they have learned earlier. How does the story address those issues?

Populate the relevant slides of the PowerPoint Presentation.

3. Get the attention of the group, but do not come back together. Tell the groups that in ten minutes they must share their good practice story with the group.

Ensure that the groups adhere to using a different medium to share the “good practice” story than what was given to them (that is not just read the story from the paper, perhaps the story could be shared between role playing practitioners), this will enhance the need to reflect and develop a high level of understanding and appreciation as to what is “good practice”

4. Whole group activity

Come together. The smaller groups share their stories with the whole group.

The group can retell the story in any way they like. For example:

• Role play the story

• Tell the story like a news report

• Draw a perspective of the story

• Draw a diagram/model

Populate the Services and Programs (Handout)

Your notes:






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Step Item resources/preparation

1. Short quiz: Ask participants to name the document that clearly states that if you are an employee of NSW Health staff, you cannot discriminate against Aboriginal people.

answer: Code of Conduct

Services and Programs (Worksheet)

2. Talk through the Code of Conduct screens in the powerpoint presentation.

powerpoint presentation

3. On the appropriate slide, ask what word really drives home the point, and describes discrimination against an Aboriginal co-worker or a client.

answer: Unlawful.

Expand on this point: It is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of any of the factors shown. It’s not just frowned upon inside NSW Health culture; it’s built into Australian culture – into Australian law – that we do not discriminate.

4. Hand out other policies and procedures that are relevant.

Your notes:













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WHERE ARE WE NOW? (15 minutes)

Step Item resources/preparation

1. Wind up the workshop. Thank the Elder(s) and Aboriginal community member(s). Recognise participants contribution and encourage further development, engagement and sharing with Aboriginal clients and staff.

2. Recap Questions seeking answers.

Have any of the questions found an answer?

3. Provide any handouts that you have identified during your research phase.

Are there any other handouts you’d like to distribute to the group? Hand them out now.

Your notes:















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FROM THE HEART (15 minutes)

Step Item resources/preparation

1. On the data projector, show the artwork and briefly share the meaning of each piece.

powerpoint presentation.

2. Place the printed artwork in a central location.

3. Ask participants to share/interpret their thoughts and ideas on the artwork, the artists interpretation and any other relevant aspects

4. Again recognise and thank the attending Elder(s) and Aboriginal community member(s).

Final words, example: Goodbye! And good luck! With the great discussions generated today, this community will definitely close the gap in one generation!

Your notes:
















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Where can I find local content?

As every community is different, we cannot direct you to specific resources to help you research local content. However, the list below might give you a few ideas to assist your research strategy.

Individuals• Local Elders• Aboriginal Health Workers• Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officers• Local historians• Aboriginal community members• NSW Health staff who work with Aboriginal clients • Managers of Aboriginal Health

Groups and organisations• Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC)• Historical societies• Local library• Elders groups• Aboriginal Medical Services (AMS)• Other organisations (e.g. Aboriginal Education Consultative Group [AECG])• Local Government Council • For local statistical data contact Population Health in the Local Health Districts (LHD)

Local resources• Blogs or websites written by community members• Newspaper clippings; especially Aboriginal print media such as “Koori Mail”• Television or radio segments• Local publications • Papers published (or research gathered) by local medical staff • Art and/or craft galleries

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The general resources below might also help you organise the workshop.

Welcome to Country/Acknowledgement of Country

Guidelines and protocols


Australian Human Rights Commission

Australian Bureau of Statistics[email protected]/mf/4704.0/


HealthInfoNet[email protected]/mf/4704.0/

Services and programs

Australian Government: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Torres+Strait+Islander+Health-1lp

National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation



Aboriginal Terminology

The appropriate use of Aboriginal terminology

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NSW Ministry of Health

Publications (includes the ‘Good Health - Great Jobs’ NSW Health Aboriginal Workforce Strategic Framework 2011 – 2015) (PD2011_048)

Respecting the Difference: An Aboriginal Cultural Training Framework for NSW Health (PD2011_069)

General services


Code of Conduct - NSW Health

Bullying - Prevention and Management of Workplace Bullying in NSW Health

Aboriginal Workforce

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Your notes:

























SHPN (WPD) 120043