Resistant Materials 3113



IGCSE Resistant Material Portfolio

Transcript of Resistant Materials 3113

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Page 2: Resistant Materials 3113

Content pagePage number

1 Content page

2 Design brief & Design analysis

3 Research; Questionnaire

4 Research; Existing products

5 Research; Wood

6 Research; Different types of joints

7 Research; Anthropometrics & Wood finish

8 Research; Equipment

9 Research; Product analysis & Sustainability

10 Specification

11 Initial Idea #1

12 Initial Idea #2

13 Initial Idea #3

14 Initial Idea #4

15 Review on initial idea

16 Final design; Development

17 Final design; Analysis

18 Gantt chart – 1

19 Gantt chart – 2

20 Flow chart – 1

21 Flow chart – 2

22 Photo evaluation – 1

23 Photo evaluation – 2

24 Final product

25 Evaluation; Testing and evaluating the final product

26 Evaluation; Target audience & Final product

27 Evaluation; Test against specification – 1

28 Evaluation; Test against specification – 2

29 Evaluation; Final product analysis

Page 3: Resistant Materials 3113

Design situation: During summer my family moved to a smaller house, ultimately we needed to sell unwanted furniture. However once we moved into the house, we realised that the since we sold our furniture, some of our clothes couldn’t be stored as we had lack of storage units. My parents said that prior to purchasing the furniture; they want it to look aesthetically appealing as well as durable so that they can use it for a long period of time. Moreover, they want the storage unit to be made out of sustainable wood so that they want to damage the environment as little as possible.Furthermore, many of our previous furniture was small hence couldn’t store variety sizes of clothes and objects. An ideal drawer that would complement my parents would be made in precise measurements so that it can fit one set of clothes in height and around 3 sets of clothes in row. As you can see on the image on the right, that is what my parents would like to place in a drawer unit.Also my parents are expecting that the drawer unit should be suitable for all ages; therefore, the drawer should have 2 levels: low and high. This will be decided on the height of the family member as each household varies in height, therefore a research on ergonomics and anthropometrics should be done. In addition, my parents want to move the drawer unit as much as possible as they might move houses in the near future. I believe that an appropriate drawer unit they should acquire is a drawer unit that can be broken down for easy transfer. Design brief: In order to make a drawer that satisfies what my family wants, firstly, the design must be unique; this can be researched by using a questionnaire that my family can fill in. Next, I will design the drawer so that the capacity is large enough to store the excess clothes my family has. Furthermore, the materials I’m considering to use are wood and metal. To be more specific, I shall use man-made board as it can be varnished to look athletically pleasing as well as it is much cheaper to use and it can be recycled. In terms of metal, I’m considering to use zinc plated drawer slides. This is because I believe it is easier to open than pulling a handle. However, in order to make a thin leg for the drawer it must be very durable and strong thus, I will use hardwood as most of the hardwood are very durable and excessively strong. As I have said in the design situation, there has been accidents where children got hurt from edges, therefore, instead of keeping a sharp edge I have decided to make a curve edge so that if there is a collision the pain wouldn’t be that bad.

Task Analysis:Drawer


Must be a appropriate colour which blends into the other furniture

May have a glass door so that costumers can also see the different types of wines

Varnished so that it looks good as well as it will be more durable Should have

smooth/curved edges and look clean

Must be easy to open and close

Environment and Sustainability

Must be made from recyclable materials so that the drawer can be disposed of properly once it is no longer needed

Must be durable

Made with strong joints, so that it stays strongly assembled

Made with lasting materials so that it does not have to be replaced as quickly Safety

Must not have sharp edges

Must have smooth sides so that no one handling the wine storage unit will not get splinters

If the drawer consists of nails, no nails should be sticking out

Target Audience Young children, teenagers and adults (4-40)

Ergonomics and Anthropometrics

(if using the handle) The handle of the drawers will be designed and made to fit the sizes of all hands

The door should not be too heavy so that the door can be opened easily

Size and Dimensions

Must be under 2 meter in length and width, and 1 meters in height

Should be rectangular shaped so that it can be placed easily



Hardwoods Softwoods

Man-Made Boards Thermoplastics

Thermo setting plasticsMetal



The cost of materials should be kept at a minimum so that the overall cost will be kept low

The materials should be used so that little waste is produced

Manufacturing Constraints

Must be able to be realistically made without using heavy machinery such as a metal extrusion machine


Amount of parts needed to assemble this drawer should be kept at a minimum Must be made in a

maximum of two months


Be functional display

Blend well with the other furniture around the house

Must be able to withstand the weight of the clothing and items they will store

Must have enough capacity to fill loads of stuff so that clothing lying around the house isn’t visible

Specific Aims: My family have asked me to plan and create a drawer that has a large capacity to store a lot of clothing as well as the design must be unique but linked to the style of the house. First of all, I need to research our large the drawers the target audience wants as well as what the design they would like to have. To make sure the cost doesn’t exceed a certain limit, I must investigate what the average cost of materials, which I am considering to use. Furthermore, I will need to investigate the maximum weight that will rest on the drawers because with this knowledge it will allow me to eliminate the materials that aren’t suitable for this job. Next, to narrow down my choices I will chose the material that is durable and strong so that the user can use it for a long period of time.After all this research, I shall find the suitable wood that is durable and strong enough to withstand the weight of items that will be stored in the drawer. This material should be recyclable and relatively cheap and available in large quantity. Background and Significance: This drawer will be made for my family (aged 4-40) (height 140 – 170) who wants this drawer to blend well with the other furniture in the house. I will create a questionnaire so that I can find the exact design they want and size they prefer. Majority of the question should be a closed question so that the person filling out the questionnaire will not require a lot of time or thought which also always me to get more people to fill in the questionnaire, getting more accurate data for my primary research. . I will include questions mostly referring to the preference that my family would most like the drawer’s aesthetics to look like. Once the questionnaires have been answered, I will create charts that tell me the exact design and size.

Design brief & Design analysis

What does the target audience (my parents) want?

How will I achieve this?

Aesthetically looking product I will sand rough edges, paint with appropriate wood finish as well as place a smooth layer on rough layer in order for the product to look appealing

Durable I will use wood finish that enhances the durability of the product as well as utilise appropriate materials that is generally durable

Sustainable materials I will use materials like bamboo and plywood that are more sustainable than other type of wood like hardwood.

Spacious The product should be cut out according to the precise measurement to ensure that the product will be spacious

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1. What is your gender?


2. How old are you?

Yes No02468


3. Do you need a drawer unit?

RP. 50,000RP. 100,000RP. 150,000RP. 200,000 +

4. How much are you willing to pay for a drawer unit?


5. What size would you like your drawer to be?

This questionnaire is targeted to all audience that needs a drawer. During this questionnaire I will be able to learn the design and shape the majority of society wants. Furthermore, I will gain knowledge of the materials people would like to use, throughout this questionnaire some people didn’t know what the difference of each wood were and the average cost of the wood.

First of all, I asked mixture of gender so that the results wouldn’t be biased, thus, the result will end up making the drawer suitable for both genders. To make the results less biased the questionnaire has been given to variety of age, ranging from 10 to 30+.

Majority of the people that got asked has answered that they need a drawer in order to tidy their house. Due to the fact, that they didn’t know what the advantage of each material is, we told them the uses, properties and the average cost of each material. Therefore, the audience knew what they wanted and chose the preferable choice.

Thus, with this knowledge each audience were able to make a reasonable and wise decision on what the price of the drawer will be. Evidently, a lot of audience said they would want to use a traditional wood only available in Indonesia, which is also cheap for the producer to make.Before I started this questionnaire I thought that everyone would like the colour of the drawer to be wood colour as it looks simple and classy. However, 80% of my audience preferred it to be painted white, as it looks simple and it bright ups the atmosphere.

Furthermore, abundant of people said that they didn’t have enough drawer, therefore they asked us if we can make them one. Also besides the fact that question 9 didn’t have the colour white, people said they would definitely want it white but if not they would like it to be brown or yellow.

Lastly, there were different kind of ideas that was proposed by the audience, for example; “I would like the drawer to be safe for kids and that the height is high enough to be used not only as a drawer but a table to put books before my kids sleep” another idea was “I would like the top of my drawer to be spill containment as I often spill water, also if possible I would like the drawer to be white so it can bright up my dark room”. Lastly, “I would like my drawer to be durable and also sustainable, so that I can re-use the wood if I want. Also, I would like the drawer to be white and that the drawer to have a ‘push to open’ mechanism.”

These comments are vital for my initial ideas as well as for my final product because without the opinions of the audience, no one would buy my product. Therefore, I have decided that my drawer will have a spill containment top as not just adults, but kids like to put water or soft drinks on top of a drawer. But without this top the liquid will just leak making the floor wet, but with this top it can prevent the liquid from spilling. Moving on, I will also make the final product black, if not a woody colour because majority of my audience prefers a dark colour so that it blends with the other furnitures. This is not certain, but the proposed idea of a ‘push to open’ mechanism is a great and smart device. This will make the drawer look more simple as well as some of the audience wanted the storage to be safe, and with the handles sticking out children may hurt themselves.

Research: Questionnaire

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This drawer is very unique and distinctive, as the drawer doesn’t look and work like normal drawers. In this case, the drawers are circular and smooth making it suitable for kids because it doesn’t harm them. Furthermore, the roundness makes it very attractive, however, it doesn’t have handles so that the user can pull the drawer easily. The legs are big so that the storage, itself won’t collapse and it’ll stay firm. The colour choices are what I want to use as both colours look good together. Overall, this drawer is very unique as well as a lot of stuff can be stored. Finally this drawer is very low in terms of level, hence, children can use it as they can reach the drawer.

This unique and special drawer looks very attractive because it uses two colours that blends well together. There are handles so that the drawers can be pull easily. However, the drawers are very small to store bigger items, I think that this drawer is for essential items; wallets, phones, etc. The thin legs makes it look very fragile thus people may judge that it will collapse easily when colliding with something else. Unlike the design above, the design doesn’t look very reassuring in terms of stability. Furthermore, the texture looks very complicated which can interest the audience as it is very unique. Unlike the first design this drawer is very high which means that children cannot use, and in my design I want the children to use which means the first design is more suitable than this one. Lastly, this drawer has a very nice colour I would like to use, although the level is very high which isn’t appropriate for my audience (children and adults).

Since my drawer is targeted to not just adults but children, I think that the drawer should be low leveled. Thus, I researched some of unique drawers for children and this is what I found. Evidently, the drawers are in shape with everyday clothes which looks very attractive. I believe children will enjoy and like the drawer if it’s shaped as toys or clothes. Instead of handles that may be dangerous to smaller kids this has a hole so that you can pull with your finger. The advantage to this is that there is no handle sticking out that can harm children, however the disadvantage is that during the night the user may not be able to

see the handles, hence it makes it difficult for the user. Furthermore, the drawer uses the colour white and in this case, the colour seems very dull and doesn’t stand out. Therefore, I will use both white and woody colour so that it stands out more and looks attractive. Lastly, this design tells me that if my audience were children that the drawers should be shaped so that kids like the unique style.

This drawer is unique in it’s own way. First of all, there are multiple drawers that varies in size and colour. This drawer is an example that holds different skills; storing clothes, shoes, books and etc. Furthermore, the colours make it more attractive as it all blends well together. In my opinion the legs look too fragile as well as the drawer doesn’t look very durable. Moreover, the drawer looks very expensive in production. However, besides this everything else looks very neat and attractive. I like the idea how they use different size of drawers so that it enables users to use the drawers for variety of storing.

As you can see, unlike the other design this drawer has lights to help users to see during night. The idea of using lights is very exceptional, however the production cost would be off the charts as well as very difficult. Besides the use of light the drawer itself looks very simple and the legs are built so that it can be moved around. Without brakes in the wheels it means that the drawer, when pulled can move which is very dangerous for the user as it can collapse. Overall, the use of lights is very smart and helps the user to see during the night, if I can I will adapt this idea.

This drawer is similar to the previous design, but the difference is that the colours are very classic and there are no gaps between each drawer making this an exclusive drawer. Again, the variety of size allows it to store different kinds of items. However, the drawer seems to be expensive during production and very time consuming as it takes at least 3 hours to make a single drawer. In this case, at least 45 hours just to make each drawer, evidently this is very time consuming. This design is very high in terms of level, thus inappropriate for children and on top of that the edges of the drawer are very pointy which can hurt children. As the drawer itself has a big surface area, it can also hold items like flower pots or lamps on top.

In the end, I have decided that my design will include variety of size to store multiple items. The drawer will be low leveled as well as the sides will be curved to prevent harmful accident, with this the drawer will be suitable for not just adults but children. Furthermore, the exterior frame of the drawer will be white whilst the drawer itself will be in different wood colour like the design above. The drawer will have a ‘push to open’ mechanism to make it easier for the user. The design will have a large surface are so that items can be placed on top to make the drawer look attractive. Lastly, the legs will be thick to reassure stability for the drawer and along with that the legs with be made in a cylinder shape.

Research: Existing product

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Name Type of Wood

Hardness Weight Strength Durability Notes

Oak Hardwood Hard Heavy Strong High Properties: Oak is a heavy, strong, light colored hardwood. It is ring porous, due to the fact that more and larger conductive vessels are laid down early in the summer, rather than later. Prominent rings and large pores give oak a course texture and prominent grain. Oak also has conspicuous medullary rays which can be seen as "flakes" in quarter sawed oak lumber.Uses: Oak is the most popular wood used to craft American and English country designs. It is also used for Gothic and William & Mary reproductions, as well as many transitional and contemporary pieces.

Mahogany Hardwood Middle Middle Intermediate Properties: Mahogany is strong, with a uniform pore structure and poorly defined annual rings. It has a reddish - brown color and may display stripe, ribbon, broken stripe, rope, ripple, mottle, fiddleback or blister figures. Crotch mahogany figures are widely used and greatly valued. Mahogany is an excellent carving wood and finishes well.Uses: Mahogany is used extensively in the crafting of Georgian, Empire and Federal reproduction furniture. Mahogany is also used in styles ranging from Victorian furniture reproductions to Contemporary.

Beech Hardwood Hard Heavy Strong Low Properties & Uses: Beech is a hard, strong, heavy wood with tiny pores and large conspicuous medullary rays, similar in appearance to maple. This relatively inexpensive wood has reddish brown heartwood and light sapwood. Beech is often used for frames, a variety of bent and turned parts. Quarter sliced and half round cut beech veneers are commonly used.

Balsa Hardwood Soft Light Strong Low is a pale white to gray. It has a distinct velvety feel. It has exceptional strength to weight properties. It is the lightest and softest wood on the market. A hardwood. Used for light work such as model making and model airplane construction.

Blockboard Man-Made Board Hard Heavy Strong Low Makes strong shelves. It is made from pieces of softwood in a sandwich with a thin layer of wood top and bottom. Laminboard is similar but with thinner pieces of wood in the sandwich.

Chipboard Man-Made Board Hard Heavy Low Made from softwood chips glued together. It is a very cheap material and is used to make kitchen worktops and carcases (cupboard shells) where it is laminated with a melamine layer to give it a decorative and hardwearing finish. Usually available as 18mm thick.

Plywood Man-Made Board Middle Middle Strong Intermediate Made from layers of thin wood glued together at 90 degrees to each other, this makes plywood very strong as it cannot split along the grain like solid timber. If waterproof glue is used the plywood can be used in damp or even wet conditions. Marine ply can withstand sea water. Aero ply is made from three thin layers of birch and is only one mm thick when bonded together, this ply was designed to be used on aeroplane wings as it can be curved so effectively. Available in a range 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm and 18mm

MDF Man-Made Board Hard Heavy Low Made by a process which glues wood fibers together using heat and pressure. The boards are smooth and strong. They are resistant to warping. They have a layered structure which makes fixing to the edges difficult. MDF is a board used industrially for the production of furniture (especially shelves and cupboards). Special fixings have been designed to enable MDF to be joined effectively. Dowel joints can be used. The router can be used to cut rebates and housing joints, which work well on MDF. Dust is a problem when working with MDF, dust extraction systems should be used when machining it. Face masks can also be used to reduce the problem.

Research: Wood

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Resistant Materials Wood Joints:Temporary Joints: Corner PlateIt is usually applied when connecting a foot of a table together. It is secure as the center bolt holds both wooden pieces together, and it can also be knocked down and but together again easily.Barrel (Nut and Bolt) FittingA barrel nut secures the panel as it is circular and is fitted to fit perfectly into holes which have been drilled in furniture. It is a basic type of joint and is usually applied with self-assembling furniture. Block ConnectorsA block connector doesn’t connect the wood together directly, but by having the planks in a right angle. By attaching both planks with a nailed block, it reinforces the strength so that it’s sustainable.Cam FittingIt is a type of joint that is made by locking two boards together. One of the boards are considered to be the ‘receiver’, as it is fitted into the hole which has been pre-made, and the other is the ‘cam-lock’, as it is attached to the panel. It is a popular joint for self-assembling furniture as it only needs a screwdriver to be inserted. Permanent Joints:Dovetail JointIt is very strong because of the way the cutouts are shaped. This makes it challenging to take apart, and practically impossible to take apart when glue is added. It is normally used in sliding types of furniture that requires a lot of strength. However, it is difficult to produce and requires practice to perfect the creation of it.Mortise and Tenon JointThis joint is among one of the strongest of its kind, and are normally used in framework which requires strength. It can also be used for tables and chairs. It is made up of a mortise, a hole cut into a piece of wood to slot in a tenon, and a tenon, the point part of the wood which slots into the mortise.Finger JointIt is also known as box joints because it is very ideal to make a cubical shaped item with this type of joint. It is also fast and easy to create this joint, although just preparing the equipment to make the final result right takes quite a while. If made correctly, it could appear attractive and elegant.Plain Bridle Joint (Corner)The plain bridle joint is normally only used for light framing because it doesn’t have and doesn’t have a lot of strength. The point part of one of the wood panels slide into the other and become glued together to form a permanent link. It is also sometimes used instead of a mortise and tenon joint as they share similar characteristics. Lap Joint (Corner)It is one of those joints which is basically joining two pieces of wood together. With this joint, it is fastened together by overlapping one over the other. A lap joint has two types – a full joint and a half joint., which are differed on what the material of the joint is. Typically, the lap joint is used in cabinetry.Permanent Joints con.:Dowel JointA dowel joint is basically a butt joint with wooden pegs to reinforce it. A well made dowel joint would react the same way to pressure as a mortise and tenon joint, but only if it’s made correctly. Also, it occasionally replaces the mortise and tenon joint due to the price reduction. It needs to be exactly 90 degrees or it wouldn’t work properly.Tongue and Groove JointThe tongue and groove joint Is commonly used on the edges of boards. It is found all over the ceiling and flooring. The joint is also used in connecting boards onto cabinets, such as coffee tables or table tops. The joint isn’t normally pre-made to be bought individually, but with another piece of the ceiling/flooring. Although the set is made with machinery, some joints are hand made to be more accurate and precise.Biscuit JointA biscuit joiner is made by cutting into the panels and slot in wooden biscuits which are covered in glue which enforce two panels together. It is easy to apply rather than the other traditional types of joints, with the same amount of strength. This type of joint is used for table tops, picture frames, drawers, and shelves.Mitre JointThis type of joint appears neat and tidy when done right, and is relatively simple. It is shaped in a right angle, where the butt of both panels would be attached together by nails and pins. This joint is usually found in decorative objects such as picture frames.

Research: Different types of joint

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Anthropometric data is important when designing a product because everyone are not the same size/weight which will affect who the product is made for to suit them. Anthropometric data are measurements of different people and this is useful for designers when designing a specific product for the users. With these results/statistics, I will be able to successfully design a drawer unit that will be suitable for my target market.

Both of these are concerned with the practice of designing products so that users can perform required use, operation, service, and supportive tasks with a minimum of stress and maximum of efficiency.

Anthropometric data is quite difficult to measure but it does provide many advantages such as safety and comfort for the users. I will be looking at the 50th percentile of females and males for factors relevant for the design of my final product. I will calculate the average of the two figures and use these measurements to help identify the measurements required for my final product.

Overall the laminated wood veneer or normal wood, it looks quite aesthetically pleasing. If laminated wood veneer is used for the drawer unit, factors must be taken into consideration:

- Strength of the surface.- Durability.- Be able to withstand chemicals/stains

By applying a finish to the surface of the final product, this will overcome most of the factors, especially withstanding liquid stains as the drawer unit will have drinks placed onto its surface most of the time as well as wine could be stored inside.

Firstly, I tested several different types of finishes to see how they would look against each other so that it will be easier to identify which is most appropriate and aesthetically pleasing.

Poly-finish: The poly-finish was not that aesthetically pleasing as it turned the colour of the wood into an unattractive tone.

Wood stain: The wood stain looked good and it is a strong finish.Laminated wood veneer: By using the laser cutter, I cut out two pieces of wood veneer that

are different colours and glued them onto the plywood using PVA. The result looks good and I think that by coating it with the 3rd finish, the surface of the table will look very aesthetically pleasing.

Also, by using different colour wood veneer, it would give the drawer unit the classic/modern twist that it needs.

As my drawer unit has to be very aesthetically pleasing, I must choose the right materials and finishes in order to achieve this. Also, the materials used for the surface of the wood must be appropriate as it will have to withstand many factors such as potential liquid stains or scratches.

I have tested different finishes and materials on one piece of plywood to see which would be most beneficial for my final product.

Research: Anthropometrics & Wood finish


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Laser cutter A laser cutter is a machine that cuts light materials to any shape and size by using computer aided design (CAD). It uses a laser of high power to melt or burn the material in order to cut out the design/shape. Most commonly used materials cut by this are woods, acrylics and metal. The laser cutter can be automated using a fully controlled CNC machines therefore the designs and shapes will be cut accurately and neatly.

Pillar Drill A pillar drill can be used to drill holes in different types of materials. It is relatively easy to use. There are different sizes of drill tips so any specific size can be chosen depending on your product.Safety requirements: Must wear protective glasses as there is a danger of excess material coming in contact with eyes.

Band saw Band saw is used to cut thick woods (softwood or hardwoods). Band saw enables the user to cut straight lines accurately in order to produce the wood piece they want. The appropriate materials used is wood, as it is easy and safe to cut, however, this machine could be too strong for plastics and too weak for metals. Make sure to use a pair of goggles when operating this machine

Belt Sander This is to be used to sand down materials such as woods and plastics. It is a fast and easy way to sand materials which makes them have a smooth surface. It can also be used to reshape the material by sanding off the edge at different angels.

Sand Paper Sandpaper is a type of paper that is used to smooth out surfaces such as wooden and plastic surfaces. This is because sandpaper has an abrasive material on the surface of it. When rubbed against a material, it removes small amounts from the surface to make them smoother. Sometimes sandpaper can be used to remove a layer of material or to make the surface of a material rougher.

Jigsaw cutter This tool is used to cut out shapes of different types of materials such as woods and acrylic. One strong advantage is that is can curve round so different shapes are cut out easily. One disadvantage is that it can be un-neat however you can just sand the material to overcome this and get rid of excess material.

C-Clamp This is a portable tool that would normally be used to hold a wood or a metal work piece onto the work top. The shape and frame of it is C-shaped to prevent work pieces of objects from moving while working and manufacturing them. This equipment enables the user to hold whatever material strong and safe. Furthermore, the clamp should be facing inwards for safety reasons.

Sander The sander can be used to sand down materials to give a smoother surface finish. It is fast and easy to use if you have a relatively lard product. This equipment enables the user to sand irrelevant edges on the product. Furthermore, the equipment allows the user to create a smooth surface on the product.

British Standard Institution (BSI) is a non-profit organisation and is globally recognised. They work with manufacturing and service industries to facilitate the production of British, European and international Standards. In order to get the kitemark logo, companies have o pay to get their products tested against national/international standards. BSI is an organization that helps the processes involved and writing of UK national standards for quality and safety in products and services. The kitemark symbols represents quality and safety. The kitemark symbol on products helps to assure consumers they are buying a safe and reliable product. Companies that are registered with the British Standards Institution have their products an production tested regularly. Manufacturers are not legally required to display a kitemark on their products, but many everyday products and appliances such as electrical plugs have them.

The CE Marking on any product is only placed on products that are sold in the European Economic Area. This marking confirms that the product has passed all EU safety, health and/or environmental requirements.The CE mark is not only found in the EU but also found outside the EU due to the Mutual Recognition of Conformity Assessment put into place so that products made in any of these countries can sell their products within the EU.

Research: Equipment

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Research: Product analysis and SustainabilityIn my product, I would like to have a circular storage that can hold wine bottles, plastic bottles, rolled up magazines, etc. The shape of the bamboo will add a abstract sense to my final product. As you can see, the image on the left is something I would like to create and add to my final product.

What makes this product really interesting and abstract is it’s shape and that its stuck together despite having a firm box around it. I will try to create a storage without anything around it, however, if it takes too long or if its difficult I would like to add a box around the bamboo so that it is more stable. Moreover, I will use PVA glue to stick the bamboo together so that it will stay stable and last a long time in a fixed stance.

Furthermore, as the target audience is everyone, ranging from little kids to adults; having this section in my final product will be very effective. Firstly, the bamboo gives the sense of abstractness , hence making the product look very appealing. This will satisfy the adults, as it brings a unique look to the product. Also, as the bamboo is circular there are no sharp edges that can potentially damage or hurt children, therefore, the product will be suitable for all ages.

A disadvantage about this product is that when a magazine or a drink bottle is placed inside, there is no distinction what is what. Therefore, the audience can be annoyed that they don’t know which drink is what or what magazine they’re looking for. Thus, when designing my final product I must take this into consideration and think of a way to overcome this difficulty.

I want my final design to look something like this because, it has a unique look as well as due to its rectangular shape it can hold variety of objects. Also, the finish of the product looks very impressive, making the audience want to buy it as it looks natural. Furthermore, this drawer looks very stable due to its nice structure and stance.

The drawer contains wood finish that makes it look very aesthetically appealing to fulfil the target audience’s satisfaction as well as the wood finish makes the final product more durable than left alone, therefore, it will last for a longer period of time. I am thinking of using the same wood finish, that being pine wood finish as, evidently it looks very natural and beautiful.

As you can see on the image on the left, the brass knob placed onto the drawer is small and beautiful. Despite it’s size, the brass knob creates a vibrant look for the drawer as it’s natural metallic colour contrasts with the product, therefore it makes the product beautiful.

I will create some brass knob for my drawers by utilising CNC Lathe. By creating some brass knobs I will be able to make the product look appealing. However, I do worry that the contrast will not be identical to the image on the left as I will paint the final product with pine finish.

Finally, after careful consideration and analysing products that I want my final product to look like, I have gathered many ideas and created a specification on the next page.

The benefits of producing a sustainable product:

• Safe & healthy for individuals and communities throughout their life cycles.

• Meet market criteria for both performance and cost.• Are sourced, manufactured, transported, and recycled using renewable

energy.• Minimizes cost of production• Optimize the use of renewable or recycled source materials.• Are physically designed to optimize materials and energy.• Ensures the protection of the environment

SustainabilitySustainability is the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and there by supporting long-term ecological balance. It is an important element to look at when planning and also manufacturing my drawer unit.

To create a sustainable product, I have to first look at what type of materials I will be using to create my product. Softwoods or Man-made boards are eco-friendly as they can be recycled or reestablished faster than hardwoods. Furthermore, hardwood is more expensive compared to any other type of wood. Woods like plywood, bamboo, etc. are perfect examples to use when creating my drawer unit as we have vast number of them as well as they can be recycled.

Moreover, many target audience tend to buy furniture that are made out of eco-friendly materials, therefore, by making my final outcome with sustainable materials, the demand for this product will increase.

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1. Aesthetics:1. This drawer must look smart in order to captivate target audience2. Must consist of perfectly fitted joint to please the standards of audience3. Each corner must be perfectly fit joints so that the shape of the drawer is stable and will be able to stand

upright 4. Must look professional and finished well so that it will blend with the other furniture within the household

2. Cost:1. This drawer unit storage will be made with plywood and bamboo because it is cheaper than pure hardwoods2. There should be a minimum amount of materials used to minimise costs and to preserve raw materials

3. Target market/User:1. Must be painted in black or woody colour as requested by majority of the audience2. Must be suitable for children and adults3. Must be low level gradually increasing so that both audience (short and tall people) can use it4. If there is a handle, it must be firm on the door so that it does not break when someone pulls it open

4. Environment and Sustainability: 1. Wood pieces are made from plywood and bamboo which are man made board therefore it does not waste

raw materials because it is made from recycled materials which is found out on page 5 during the research on types of wood

2. This drawers must use materials which will not ruin in the first ten years of use5. Function:

1. Must have variety of shapes and size in order for the user to store different kind of items2. Must withstand the weight of books, clothes, jugs, pots, lamps, etc.3. Must be dark in order to b lend in with other furniture

6. Materials:1. The external and internal of this drawer must be made from plywood because it is available in thick large

sheets which have smooth surfaces2. This drawer should not use any other materials besides plywood, bamboo because these are the three

materials most suited to manufacture this drawer7. Size and Dimensions:

1. This drawer should be big enough to store multiple items as well as the top should be big enough to place pots, jugs or lamps

8. Manufacturing Constraints:1. This drawer must consist of joining methods that will be easily made so that it can be made at school

(dovetail joint, finger joint)2. To manufacture this drawer it must not include processes and machines that are inaccessible at school such

as a metal extrusion machine3. The materials needed for this drawer must be accessible and easy to manufacture

9. Assembly:1. Must be assembled with as little amount of parts as possible to simplify the design and to finish the drawer

on time due to the time constraint10. Ergonomics and Anthropometrics:

1. Users must feel comfortable opening and closing the door of the drawer so that their arms do not get sore using this product

2. If there is use of a handle, it shouldn’t be too big or too small for the hand sizes of users, e.g. cannot exceed the diameter of 8cms and should not be less than 4cms

3. It should not be too heavy as user might want to move it around, yet heavy enough so that when pushed it won’t move

11. Safety:1. This product must not consist of loose nails, splinters, sharp edges or any other aspect that may harm a user2. Must be durable enough to protect the items that is stored3. The drawer should be stable so that it doesn’t collapse4. The top of the drawer should be large so that items placed on top will not fall5. The sharp edges should be curved so that it prevents accident

Specification – Points & How I will measure them

I will utilise wood finish in order for the product to look aesthetically appealingI will measure and cut out accordingly so that the joints line perfectly with each otherI will measure and cut out accordingly so that the joints line perfectly with each other so that the final product is stable and durableThe finishes I will utilise; wood finish and spray paint will ensure that the product will look professional

The drawer unit will be made out of plywood and bambooI will create a plan so that I create as little mistake possible so that I use the minimum amount of wood

It will be painted black or in a woody colour (pine finish)The level of the drawer that is transcending low to high will make it suitable for children and adultThe level of the drawer that is transcending low to high will make it suitable for children and adultThere will be a door knob, hence will be firm so that users can pull the drawer open

Wood pieces are made from plywood and bamboo, which is sustainable. Plywood is a man-made board therefore, when the product is thrown away it can be recycled. Bamboo, is sustainable because there are vast number of these growing as well as it doesn’t take that long to grow bamboo..The materials that will be used is durable.

The drawer will have a average size that variety of objects can be stored inWill withstand weights/loadWill be painted in dark colours to blend in with other furniture in households.

The external and internal of the final product will be made out of plywood as the school provides thick large sheets of this materialThe drawer will not use any other materials, other than the three that I’ve pointed out before because other materials doesn’t suit the manufacture of this drawer.

This drawer will be manufactured so that it is large enough to store variety of objects, ranging from small to big. E.g. lamps, pots, jugs, etc.

The drawer will contain joints that can be made from the school, as my school offers a band saw, it will let me create variety of jointsThe school offers me, many different machines that enables me to create my product. All the machines that I need, already exist in my schoolThe materials I need is easy to access and purchasable in this country.


The drawer will ensure that the users will feel comfortable opening and closing the drawer, there will never be a repetitive muscle strain injury.The door knob will be made according to the anthropometrics and ergonomics research page; as I need the average hand size to create this knob.The drawer will not be heavy, so that users can lift and move the drawer around the house easily. However, it will be stable enough that it can withstand minor knocks

This product will not consist of loose nails, splinters, sharp edges or any other aspects that may harm a user.It will be durableIt will be stableIt will have a large surface area on the top so that objects don’t fall easily.It will not be sharp, so that it can hurt children

Page 12: Resistant Materials 3113

2. Must consist of perfectly fitted joint to please the standards of audience

3. Each corner must be perfectly fit joints so that the shape of the drawer is stable and will be able to stand upright

4. Must look professional and finished well so that it will blend with the other furniture within the household

5. The wood used must be varnished to make it stainless and waterproof so that it can be easily cleaned by users

1. Must be painted in white and woody colour as requested by majority of the audience

1. There should be a ‘push to open’ mechanism

1. This drawers must use materials which will not ruin in the first ten years of use

1. Must have variety of shapes and size in order for the user to store different kind of items

1. Must withstand the weight of books, clothes, jugs, pots, lamps, etc.

1. This drawer should be big enough to store multiple items as well as the top should be big enough to place pots, jugs or lamps

1. To manufacture this drawer it must not include processes and machines that are inaccessible at school such as a metal extrusion machine

1. The materials needed for this drawer must be accessible and easy to manufacture

1. Users must feel comfortable opening and closing the door of the drawer so that their arms do not get sore using this product

1. This product must not consist of loose nails, splinters, sharp edges or any other aspect that may harm a user

1. The drawer should be stable so that it doesn’t collapse

1. Must be durable enough to protect the items that is stored

1. If there is a use handle, it must be firm on the door so that it does not break when someone pulls it open


Manufacturing Process:In order to make this drawer unit, you needs to go through some manufacturing process. These are the process it has to go through:- Band saw- Wood turning lathe- Drilling machine- CNC latheThese are couple of many process the drawer has to go through in order to create the outcome. This drawer unit is made efficiently and takes a long time to make this as the legs are different size and is leaning down, but not straight. Each of the drawers are different size as well as the drawer knobs.

The wood that will be used in this will be plywood (18mm thick). Plywood is very cheap and relatively strong, moreover plywood is very sustainable which means it benefits the society, it also covers a specification I’ve written.

However, the hard part of this drawer unit is that the legs are angular. Therefore, the measurement would differ depending on each side of the wood. This can be overcome by using precise measurement utilities so that the measurement is accurate and hence the product would look appealing.

Spécifications Present1

2 -3 -4 -5 -6


8 -9 -

10 -11 -12 -13

14 -15 -16 -


18 -19

20 -21

22 -23

24 -25 -26

27 -28


30 -31 -32 -33

Initial Idea #1

Page 13: Resistant Materials 3113

2. Must consist of perfectly fitted joint to please the standards of audience

3. Each corner must be perfectly fit joints so that the shape of the drawer is stable and will be able to stand upright

4. Must look professional and finished well so that it will blend with the other furniture within the household

5. The wood used must be varnished to make it stainless and waterproof so that it can be easily cleaned by users

1. Must be painted in white and woody colour as requested by majority of the audience

1. This drawers must use materials which will not ruin in the first ten years of use

1. Must have variety of shapes and size in order for the user to store different kind of items

1. Must withstand the weight of books, clothes, jugs, pots, lamps, etc.

1. This drawer should be big enough to store multiple items as well as the top should be big enough to place pots, jugs or lamps

1. To manufacture this drawer it must not include processes and machines that are inaccessible at school such as a metal extrusion machine

1. The materials needed for this drawer must be accessible and easy to manufacture

1. Users must feel comfortable opening and closing the door of the drawer so that their arms do not get sore using this product

1. This product must not consist of loose nails, splinters, sharp edges or any other aspect that may harm a user

1. The drawer should be stable so that it doesn’t collapse

1. Must be durable enough to protect the items that is stored

1. If there is a use handle, it must be firm on the door so that it does not break when someone pulls it open


Specifications Present1

2 -3 -4 -5 -6


8 -9 -

10 -11 -12 -13

14 -15 -16 -


18 -19

20 -21

22 -23

24 -25 -26

27 -28


30 -31 -32 -33

Manufacturing Process:In order to make this drawer unit, you needs to go through some manufacturing process. These are the process it has to go through:- Band saw- Wood turning lathe- Drilling machine- CNC lathe- Sanding machineThese are couple of many process the drawer has to go through in order to create the outcome. This drawer unit is very spacious and has a simple design, for example, the top surface is large so that items can be placed on. Furthermore, the drawer unit is a regular square so that it can fit into any space in the user’s house

The wood that will be used in this will be Blockboard (18mm thick). Blockboard is very cheap and relatively strong, moreover Blockboard is very sustainable which means it benefits the society, it also covers a specification I’ve written.

The difficult part about making this drawer unit will be that every wood needs to be precise in terms of measurement because if it isn’t that it won’t look symmetrical. Furthermore, if the measurements aren’t accurate then the drawer unit will not look appealing.

1. The top of the drawer should be large so that items placed on top will not fall

1. There should be a ‘push to open’ mechanism

1. Wood pieces are made from blockboard and bamboo which are man made board therefore it does not waste raw materials because it is made from recycled materials which is found out on page 5 during the research on types of wood

Initial Idea #2

Page 14: Resistant Materials 3113

2. Must consist of perfectly fitted joint to please the standards of audience

3. Each corner must be perfectly fit joints so that the shape of the drawer is stable and will be able to stand upright

4. Must look professional and finished well so that it will blend with the other furniture within the household

5. The wood used must be varnished to make it stainless and waterproof so that it can be easily cleaned by users

1. Must be painted in white and woody colour as requested by majority of the audience

1. There should be a ‘push to open’ mechanism

1. This drawers must use materials which will not ruin in the first ten years of use

1. Must have variety of shapes and size in order for the user to store different kind of items

1. Must withstand the weight of books, clothes, jugs, pots, lamps, etc.

1. This drawer should be big enough to store multiple items as well as the top should be big enough to place pots, jugs or lamps

1. To manufacture this drawer it must not include processes and machines that are inaccessible at school such as a metal extrusion machine

1. The materials needed for this drawer must be accessible and easy to manufacture

1. Users must feel comfortable opening and closing the door of the drawer so that their arms do not get sore using this product

1. This product must not consist of loose nails, splinters, sharp edges or any other aspect that may harm a user

1. The drawer should be stable so that it doesn’t collapse

1. Must be durable enough to protect the items that is stored

1. If there is a use handle, it must be firm on the door so that it does not break when someone pulls it open


Specifications Present1

2 -3 -4 -5 -6


8 -9 -

10 -11 -12 -13

14 -15 -16 -


18 -19

20 -21

22 -23

24 -25 -26

27 -28


30 -31 -32 -33

Manufacturing Process:In order to make this drawer unit, you needs to go through some manufacturing process. These are the process it has to go through:- Band saw- Wood turning lathe- Drilling machine- CNC latheThese are couple of many process the drawer has to go through in order to create the outcome. This drawer unit is made efficiently and takes a long time to make this as each door is made in different sizes. This drawer will be finished in mahogany colour because it is athetically appealing.

The wood that will be used in this will be plywood (18mm thick). Plywood is very cheap and relatively strong, moreover plywood is very sustainable which means it benefits the society, it also covers a specification I’ve written.

However, the hard part of this drawer unit is that the whole drawer itself is angular which indicates that even the slightest mistake in measurement can create a mess in the final outcome. In order to avoid this, I will use correct utilities to cut precisely and measure accurately.

Initial Idea #3

Page 15: Resistant Materials 3113

Specifications Present12 -3 -4 -5 -6

78 -9 -

10 -11 -12 -1314 -15 -16 -

1718 -1920 -2122 -2324 -25 -2627 -28

2930 -31 -32 -33

Manufacturing Process:In order to make this drawer unit, you needs to go through some manufacturing process. These are the process it has to go through:- Band saw- Wood turning lathe- Drilling machine- CNC latheThe manufacturing processes will allow me to create this final outcome. This drawer unit will have evenly cut out drawers that are spacious enough to place clothes, valuables, etc. Furthermore, the handles on the drawers are made specifically so that majority of the users are able to place their hands comfortably on the handle and pull it with ease.

The drawer unit will be made out of Blockboard as it is very cheap and eco-friendly. Moreover, Blockboard is strong and durable which means that the drawer unit will last a long time

Finally, the difficulty that I will face is that the measurement have to be accurate in order for the drawer to look symmetrical. However, this can be dealt with by correct utilities that enables me to mark the specific measurement.

2. Must consist of perfectly fitted joint to please the standards of audience 3. Each corner must be

perfectly fit joints so that the shape of the drawer is stable and will be able to stand upright

4. Must look professional and finished well so that it will blend with the other furniture within the household

5. The wood used must be varnished to make it stainless and waterproof so that it can be easily cleaned by users

1. Must be painted in white and woody colour as requested by majority of the audience

1. This drawers must use materials which will not ruin in the first ten years of use

1. Must have variety of shapes and size in order for the user to store different kind of items

1. Must withstand the weight of books, clothes, jugs, pots, lamps, etc.

1. This drawer should be big enough to store multiple items as well as the top should be big enough to place pots, jugs or lamps

1. To manufacture this drawer it must not include processes and machines that are inaccessible at school such as a metal extrusion machine

1. The materials needed for this drawer must be accessible and easy to manufacture

1. Users must feel comfortable opening and closing the door of the drawer so that their arms do not get sore using this product

1. This product must not consist of loose nails, splinters, sharp edges or any other aspect that may harm a user

1. The drawer should be stable so that it doesn’t collapse

1. Must be durable enough to protect the items that is stored

1. If there is a use handle, it must be firm on the door so that it does not break when someone pulls it open

1. The top of the drawer should be large so that items placed on top will not fall

1. There should be a ‘push to open’ mechanism

1. Wood pieces are made from blockboard and bamboo which are man made board therefore it does not waste raw materials because it is made from recycled materials which is found out on page 5 during the research on types of wood

Initial Idea #4

Page 16: Resistant Materials 3113

Review on initial ideas

Initial idea #1

Initial idea #2

Initial idea #3

Initial idea #4

Specification Initial Idea 1 Initial Idea 2 Initial Idea 3 Initial idea 4

1 This drawer looks very smart, thus will attract the audience

This drawer doesn’t look relatively unique, however, it does looksmart and neat.

This drawer looks very smart, thus will attract the audience

This drawer looks very smart, thus will attract the audience

2 The drawer should contain perfectly fitted joint The drawer should contain perfectly fitted joint The drawer should contain perfectly fitted joint The drawer should contain perfectly fitted joint

3 The drawer will be stable and it will stand upright The drawer will be stable and it will stand upright The drawer will be stable and it will stand upright The drawer will be stable and it will stand upright

4 As you can see the drawer will look appealing and professional

As you can see the drawer will look appealing and professional As you can see the drawer will look appealing and professional

As you can see the drawer will look appealing and professional

5 This should be made out of plywood This should be made out of plywood This should be made out of plywood This should be made out of plywood

6 Due to the fact that plywood is required, this will have a low cost of production

Due to the fact that plywood is required, this will have a low cost of production

Due to the fact that plywood is required, this will have a low cost of production

Due to the fact that plywood is required, this will have a low cost of production

7 The drawer is not in a dark or woody colour The drawer will be painted in dark or woody colour The drawer is not in a dark or woody colour The drawer is not in a dark or woody colour

8 This is suitable for all ages This is suitable for all ages This is suitable for all ages This is suitable for all ages

9 Levels are gradually getting taller Levels are gradually getting taller Levels are gradually getting taller Levels are gradually getting taller

10 Sustainable materials will be used Sustainable materials will be used Sustainable materials will be used Sustainable materials will be used

11 Durable for a long time Durable for a long time Durable for a long time Durable for a long time

12 This drawer contains variety of levels and shape This drawer doesn’t contain variety of different shapes This drawer does contain different shaped drawers This drawer doesn’t contain variety of different shapes

13 Does withstand heavy weights Does withstand heavy weights Does withstand heavy weights Does withstand heavy weights

14 This drawer is not dark coloured This drawer is fairly dark This drawer is not dark colured This drawer is not dark coloured

15 Made out of plywood as there are a vast number of sheets of it

Made out of plywood as there are a vast number of sheets of it Made out of plywood as there are a vast number of sheets of it

Made out of plywood as there are a vast number of sheets of it

16 This drawer unit will be made out of only plywood and bamboo

This drawer unit will be made out of only plywood and bamboo This drawer unit will be made out of only plywood and bamboo

This drawer unit will be made out of only plywood and bamboo

17 This drawer unit uses too much space in relation to the space it provides

This drawer ensures that multiple things can be stored, and that it will provide enough space

This drawer ensures that multiple things can be stored, and that it will provide enough space

This drawer ensures that multiple things can be stored, and that it will provide enough space

18 Finger joint will be used for this drawer unit. Finger joint will be used for this drawer unit. Finger joint will be used for this drawer unit. Finger joint will be used for this drawer unit.

19 All the necessary equipment are in school All the necessary equipment are in school All the necessary equipment are in school All the necessary equipment are in school

20 Bamboo and plywood is easy to manufacture with Bamboo and plywood is easy to manufacture with Bamboo and plywood is easy to manufacture with Bamboo and plywood is easy to manufacture with

21 This drawer unit might take a long time to manufacture This drawer can be manufactured in the given time This drawer unit might take a long time to manufacture This drawer can be manufactured in the given time

22 The drawer should and will have comfortable drawer that can be pulled easily

The drawer should and will have comfortable drawer that can be pulled easily

The drawer should and will have comfortable drawer that can be pulled easily

The drawer should and will have comfortable drawer that can be pulled easily

23 Door handles will be measure and manufactured so that it is comfortable for majority of the user

Door handles will be measure and manufactured so that it is comfortable for majority of the user

Door handles will be measure and manufactured so that it is comfortable for majority of the user

Door handles will be measure and manufactured so that it is comfortable for majority of the user

24 This drawer will be too heavy for the target audience to move it

This drawer will be too heavy for the target audience to move it This drawer will be too heavy for the target audience to move it

This drawer will be too heavy for the target audience to move it

25 This product shouldn’t and will not contain loose nails, splinters. Despite having sharp edges.

This product shouldn’t and will not contain loose nails, splinters. Despite having sharp edges.

This product shouldn’t and will not contain loose nails, splinters. Despite having sharp edges.

This product shouldn’t and will not contain loose nails, splinters. Despite having sharp edges.

26 This drawer will be durable and protect items inside This drawer will be durable and protect items inside This drawer will be durable and protect items inside This drawer will be durable and protect items inside

27 This drawer will be stable This drawer will be stable This drawer will be stable This drawer will be stable

28 The drawer will have a large surface area on the top The drawer will have a large surface area on the top This drawer will not have a large area to place items on.

The drawer will have a large surface area on the top

29 This drawer will have sharp edges This drawer will have sharp edges This drawer will have sharp edges This drawer will have sharp edges

User group feedback:People I asked whether or not these 4 designs look efficient, said that they looked nice, however missing minor details. For example, one adult said that initial idea 3 looked more like a kid’s drawer rather than an adult, therefore, didn’t want to buy it. On the other hand, a parent mentioned that initial idea 3 looked like it could store variety of stuff and that it will serve many purposes. Furthermore, many people stated that initial idea 4 didn’t look very appealing due to the fact that they didn’t like the colour white. Through the aid of other people’s opinion I will take this into consideration and create a better and fulfilling final design that will hopefully meet majority of the specification

Page 17: Resistant Materials 3113

What equipment are you going to use?

How long is the time scheme for this

What are you using this for? Safety equipment

Band saw 2 Hrs To be able to cut woods and bamboo

Goggles, Mask & Apron

Laser cutter 3 Hrs To create veneer to cover the legs

Mask & Apron

Spray paint 30 Mins x 2 To make the bamboo appealing

Mask, Gloves & Apron

Wood finish (mahogany & pine)

20 Mins x 4 To make the drawer appealing

Gloves & Apron

PVA glue 1 Hr To stick appropriate parts Gloves & Apron

Wood sander 5 Mins x 30 Get the sharp edges out Mask, Apron & goggles

After analysing my 4 initial ideas, I have came up with a final design. The final design contains parts from every initial design this, ultimately makes it a better product. First of all, the three photos above shows how the idea of the box turned out to be - at first I thought of creating a plastic door for this box, however, it would end up being a another drawer. Therefore, with the help I got from the research through the questionnaire, I was able to come up with a unique idea that could be implemented to this box. I came up with a bamboo wine storage box that can hold wine, rolled up magazine, clothes, towels, etc. Furthermore, this is a really good idea as bamboo is a suitable wood that can be used as it is cheap as well as eco-friendly.Next, we can see how the legs developed. At first I thought of keeping both legs the same, however, due to the unique nature of the drawers and the box I thought that the legs should be different as well. This progress shows how unique the final amendment is but, yet so simple. I thought about creating a small plank on the bottom because of the fact that it could make it more stable and offer more space but the disadvantage overweighed the advantage. Also there is a CAD drawing below:

Advantages Disadvantage

Offers more space for the target audience

Small surface area to place majority of objects

A space where target audience can place objects

Waste of wood

Looks appealing Redundant as audience will barely use it

Enhances stability Removes abstractness/uniqueness

- Possible play area for kids, hence will get hurt if it snaps.

Final design: Development

The final design meets majority of the specification and is suitable for the target audience. Furthermore, the final product serves variety of purpose, such as:- Clothes storage- Wine storage- Magazine storage

Page 18: Resistant Materials 3113

Final design: analysis

Specifications Present (-)1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

7 -8 -9 -

10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -

17 -18 -19 -20 -21

22 -23 -24 -25 -26

27 -28 -29 -30 -31 -32 -33

The final design will require several manufacturing process. Fortunately, all the necessary equipment exist in the school, therefore I will be able to manufacture this product. These are some of the equipment that are going to be used:- CNC Lathe- Band saw- Wood sander- Belt sanderThrough the use of these equipment and more I will be able to product a good quality product that will serve many purposes for storing variety of objects. Furthermore, in order to keep the cost of production low I will use cheap woods, such as plywood and bamboo. On top of that, bamboo is sustainable which is beneficial for the world, this can also attract audiences to buy the product as it is sustainable.

The product will have mahogany and pine finish so that the final product looks appealing. I believe that these finish will work well and appeal to the users and target audience. I have researched what finishes looks the best and I’ve decided on mahogany on legs and pine on the actual product.

Furthermore, the finish can enhance the durability of the product which means that one of the specification is covered. Not only will it make the product durable, it will also make it more aesthetically appealing

The final product will consist of temporary joints as well as permanent joints. I am planning to use barrel and finger joints so that the drawer can be pulled apart and transferred to a different location. However, the legs and the box will be made out of finger joints as they don’t take too much space as well as if they keep getting displaced, it’ll get weaker and will not hold the product together.I will measure and design the brass knob on a application called CNC drawer. Then I will print with the CNC Lathe so that the brass knob can be produced. Furthermore, there will be two brass knob attach to each drawer as it will be more comfortable for the user. During our research, it was hard to pull a big drawer with only one small brass knob, as it was not easy to grip the knob. Therefore, it is much more convenient if each drawer has two brass knob attach to it.The bamboo will be cut by using a band saw, also, they will be spray painted white. This will make the product look more appealing as there is a subtle contrast between the box and the bamboo. On top of that, the bamboo should fit into the box perfectly so that there is very little awkward spaces around the bamboo.User group feedback:After I have designed my final idea, I asked people around whether or not they liked the design. Majority of the people that I asked previously said they like the design better as it can serve variety of purposes as well as that it looked more appealing. Furthermore, the target audience said that it looked very unique, however, it doesn’t look like it’ll give much space in relation to the space it takes up. Therefore, I decided to shift my drawers closer so that it takes less space.

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Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1. Draw on paper the plan of how the product is going to look like, minimise the scale in order to make the model fit on the paper.

2. Use ruler to create more accurate lines, so that the product on the paper actually looks similar to what the final product will look like. Make sure that you use a pencil first, so that mistakes can be erased.

3. With these measurements on the paper, now cut out plywood and bamboo in realistic size so that the actual manufacturing can start. Note that these type of woods are to be cut by using band saw. *Safety precaution; use a mask (to avoid breathing in wood dust), apron & gloves (to avoid splinters) and goggles (to protect eyes from accidents)

4. Arrange the woods so that it is in group with what manufacturing process it needs to undergo.

5. Create finger joints on necessary woods, make sure to use a ruler to be more accurate. It is important to cut accurately so that in the finger joint there is hardly any space.

6. Assemble the woods that have finger joints. If there is a error/inaccurate measurement then cut the wood again.

7. After assembling these woods, use PVA + wood filling to fill in any gaps in the wood. Avoid using to much because It won’t look natural if too many wood fillings is used.

8. Now cut the leftover woods, cut it accordingly to what joint is going to be used. *Barrel joint, make sure to use a pillar drill/ drill to ensure the hole is accurate and straight.

9. Make sure that the nut and bolt is placed carefully into the correct place. If the hole is too big or the measurement is inaccurate, remove and drill/measure again.

10. With all the cut woods laid out, assemble everything in place so that I will be able to view how the product will turn out.

11. Many of the wood will contain temporary joints, but those that don’t (the box) will need to be glued using PVA glue.



rt –




g Pr



Page 20: Resistant Materials 3113

Hours 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

12. Now that the major piece is fixed, cut the bamboo that will be used for wine storage. Make sure to use a band saw and ruler to cut accurate and measure accurate.

13. The bamboo should be placed inside the smaller box, glue shouldn’t be used as the bamboo is measured accurately that when placed the bamboo will hold each other in the box.

14. The bamboo should be sprayed with white paint so that it looks athetically pleasing. Furthermore, the bamboo should have a coating so that termites don’t eat the wood.

15. Now with all the wood that is assembled, paint with pine wood finish. This will ensure that the wood looks healthy and appealing. Coating should be repeated several times so that the wood won’t have uneven layers of paint.

16. With the aid of laser cutter, cut out laser-ply so that it can be placed onto the wood to give more contrast between several different types of wood. Furthermore, the laser-ply will enable the product to look more pleasing and safer as it prevents splinters to point outwards.

17. Paint the legs with mahogany wood finish, to show some contrast between the body and the leg. Moreover, the wood finish will make the product look appealing .

18. Stick all the parts together will PVA glue, so that the legs are able to support the body.

19. With the aid of CNC lathe, create 4 brass knobs to place onto the drawer so that it can be pulled out.

20. After making the knob, stick it with nails so that it is firm, now that the product is finished, use a sander to sand rough edges of the product.

21. Check and make sure that the product is looking appealing and beautiful. Make sure edges are neat and the woods are finished with good quality wood finish.



rt –




g Pr



Page 21: Resistant Materials 3113

Turn the band saw on, make sure the blade is on hold and



Draw plan accurately with a ruler and pencil so that you

erase mistakes

Are the measurement



Draw the actual measurement on plywood and bamboo so that it is ready to cut with a

band saw

Are the measurement accurate on the wood


Get the wood that is measured out according to

my measurement, wear safety equipment (e.g.

goggles, apron, etc)

Cut the wood accurately on where the line has been drawn

Do this for every single wood that I measured out

Are the woods cut perfectly?


Create finger joints, with the aid of coping saw

With the aid of PVA glue, fill in the space in the finger joint so that it

stays in place

With a cleaning cloth, wipe out the unnecessary glue

that is out of place. Make sure to not use

too much.

Is all the unnecessary

glue cleaned?


After finger joint, now cut/drill for the wood

that will be assembled by the barrel joint

Gather enough nuts and bolts in order to assemble the drawer


Accurately place the nuts and bolts in

where it’s meant to be

Are the nuts and

bolts placed



Assemble everything in place (drawer unit,

box, bamboo, etc.)

After assembling everything, make sure to sand rough edges

that are pointing outwards.

Assemble the whole product with glue, and fill in blanks

with wood filler

Are there still blank

space to be filled?

Place the assembled parts together and see if there are any places that

needs to be improved.

Sides that aren’t appealing, needs to be covered by laser-ply. Therefore, get on the computer and use the software, 2D design to design the

covering part.




g pr


s; F




*Note to not use too many of these, as waste can affect the



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g pr


s; F




Make sure the paint is dry, then place the bamboo into the small

box (constructed with finger joints)


Laser cut the part, so that the legs will have a cover that looks


Are the measurement correct? The type of wood



Proceed to measure out the bamboo and get ready to cut by

using the band saw

Are the measurement

on the bamboo

accurate and correct?


Spray paint the bamboo with white, so that it will look nice and has a nice blend with the

final product.

PVA glue shouldn’t be used because the bamboo should hold each other due to the


Cover the bamboo with coat that protects it from termites

Are there still termites in the



The final product should be covered with wood finishing,

pine wood finish

Paint legs with mahogany wood

finish so that it looks more appealing

If there are pieces that are unassembled and is left out, then

stick it, with PVA glue, where its meant

to be

Is everything assembled?


To create the knobs go on the computer

Open the software that allows me to

create a brass knob

Make sure the dimensions and the length of the brass is


Is the brass knob

length 6cm?


Design the brass knob on the software

Format the CNC Lathe accordingly

Now press print, to create the brass


Does the brass knob have the

right measurem


With screws, place the knob onto the


Sand rough edges, make sure everything

is in place

Be careful the brass is hot, examine if the knob has the right


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o Ev


ce -




g pr



Draw on paper the plan of how the product is going to be like. Use a ruler to be more accurate, also make sure to use a pencil so that mistakes can be erased.

With the information now on paper, cut out the plywood in realistic size with a band saw. Make sure all the system is working before starting.

For safety precautions, make sure to equip mask, gloves and goggles to protect necessary parts. It is essential that this is utilised as without it the risk factor increases really high.

Arrange the wood so that it is in group accordingly. Drawer will be put into one side whereas the wine storage will be in the other side

Start to create finger joints, use ruler to be accurate. Make sure that the measurements are appropriate.

Assemble the finger joints, and examine if there are holes or inaccurate cutting that have occurred. If so, create another wood.

Use the wood sander to sand inaccurate parts of the wood. Make sure to wear safety goggles.

For barrel joint, cut the appropriate areas. Proceed to a pillar drill and

drill in the areas accordingly.

Make sure that the nut and bolt is placed carefully into the correct place. If the hole is too big remove and drill again.

For woods that doesn’t require temporary joints, connect with PVA glue.

Use PVA glue to stick the joints together as well as use wood filler to cover any holes that exists.

Use the G-clamp to hold the pieces together until the glue dries out. This will make sure that the pieces stay in place and will not collapse.

Assemble the whole piece together, this will form a drawer. Make sure that the barrel joint is strong and stable so that it will not fall when left alone.

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Cut each bamboo leg that will be used for the wine storage.


o Ev


ce -




g pr



The bamboo should be placed into the smaller box, to form a wine storage.

The bamboo should be spray with white paint, for it to look more appealing to the target audience

Paint the wood with pine wood finish, this will ensure the wood to look appealing.

It is vital to coat the wood with more layer of the coat for the wood to look natural.

With the aid of a laser-cutter, cut out thin plywood in order to cover parts of the drawer. This will make edges smoother and more appealing.

Paint the legs with mahogany wood veneer. This, again makes the drawer more aesthetically appealing.

Stick all the parts with PVA glue, make sure that the drawer unit is stable.

Use the CNC Lathe in order to produce a brass knob

Attach the brass knob onto the drawer.

Measure external faces and draw on 2D design application on the computer.

Now that the laser-ply has been cut out, use the parts to place on the drawer so that it will have smoother edges and looks more appealing.

Drill the bottom of the brass knob so that it can be attached to the drawer.

After the paint dries, place the bamboo into the box so that it looks like this.

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Final product

The final product has been made to good quality and fills in the success criteria. The drawer unit meets majority of the specification and is appropriate for the target audience.

With the aid of the CNC lathe, I was able to produce a appealing brass knob. Through the manufacturing process I have learnt that the drawer can be pulled more comfortably if there were two knobs that the target audience can hold on to. Furthermore, the brass knob has a dent on the near side so that the finger can grip onto it and pull the drawer easily. Also, unlike the other designs , this brass knob looks more appealing and blends better with the product.

Moreover, the colour of the brass knob is luxury and stylish. This really makes the product shine more and will attract more audience to buy the final product.

The final product consist of various manufacturing process that fits the specification in order to please the target audience. The specification was decided by the target audience’s preferences. First of all, the final product went through some minor changes in order to please the target audience even more, some examples are: I decided that placing one brass knob is too hard to pull the whole drawer, therefore created another one so that each drawer has two brass knob. Secondly, the final product looks very appealing as the mahogany and pine finish really emits the natural colour of wood. The finishes were also used to make the product more durable, as one of the specification states that the product should last for a long time. Thirdly, the final product looks simple yet has a unique and complicated style to it. The design really looks unique and attracts target audience to really buy this product.

The top of the drawer has a lot of surface area so that frames, books, etc. can be placed on.

A wine, magazine, etc. storage is placed on the very top so that circular objects can be placed into the storage. Instead of them rolling and damaging clothes inside, the bamboo specifically serves a purpose that will hold circular objects and prevent them from rolling from one side to another. Furthermore, this is painted white to show contrast between the black, it looks appealing and many of the audience has complimented this.

The two legs were made differently to each other to show the uniqueness of the product. At first, the legs were going to be the same as the design shown on the right, however, I thought that it will make the product dull thus created the other leg different. Both of them are painted with mahogany finish so that the legs looks attractive as mahogany is known for its beautiful appearance.

Furthermore, despite being thin in contrast to the whole product, the legs are designed specifically to hold heavy objects. This again shows uniqueness as it looks like it will fall, however, it is perfectly stable and safe.

The product is sanded so that the product doesn’t contains splinters and nails pointing outwards.

The product is made out of plywood and bamboo. These materials minimises cost of production as well as bamboo is also sustainable as it can grow fast and there are vast number of these around the world.

The product contains temporary joints and permanent joints, such as: barrel joints and finger joints

1The drawers can be taken apart so that the product can be moved to a different location faster and efficient.

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My final product is able to be used in different areas such as living room, outdoor terrace or seating area where the users are able to store wine bottles or even different things such as rolled magazines/newspapers and clothes in the drawers. It can store things easily as I tested the drawer unit with different kinds of objects, not just clothes but others such as small packets of books and electronics, e.g.: iPad, laptop, textbooks , etc. It looks aesthetically pleasing in a lot of places and it doesn’t not take up much space.

Aesthetics The overall look, form and appearance of my final product is unique and follows the design specification which is the modern look with a classic twist. It is also aesthetically pleasing and appealing to my target market, as I have asked many potential users for feedback and majority like the appearance of the drawer. Furthermore, the drawer unit really captivates the audience and due to the stain it gives a natural look.

Ease of use With a few potential users that fit into my target market, I have tested my final product and they have responded relatively well and positively. Overall, the drawer unit is simple and easy to use. It is also to quickly understand it functions such as the storage by the bamboo legs. Also, the drawer has a fairly simple knob that can be pulled relatively easily so that the audience can store clothes and textbooks easily. Lastly, the drawer unit is built in 3 levels so that whether tall or small, the drawer is user friendly.

Reliability Overall, my final product can hold a number of wine bottles, clothes and books effectively and easily. It can also store different kinds of items that are normally and usually used which are needed and stored. The drawer unit is strong and stable and is able to keep its position for a long period of time, with an interesting design to it, it is durable as it is coated with wood stain.

Safety My final product fulfills most of the safety requirements. As the final product has been sanded and varnished thoroughly, there are no extremely sharp edges or any pieces of materials sticking out. Overall, it has a smooth finish. Also, if alcohol is stored in the legs, this is kept away from the sight of children making it safer for adults or families with children to use. Furthermore, this drawer unit is structure in a rectangle shape in order for the clothes to fit perfectly into the drawer.

Materials I have used a different number of materials to ensure and maximise function and durability such as plywood and bamboo. I used bamboo as my secondary material for my final product as it is very sustainable due to the fact that it is readily/widely available due to its fast growth. My main materials is plywood as it is easy to work with, cheap, strong and recyclable. Moreover, i have used mahogany and pine stain in order for the drawer unit to look appealing as well as be durable.


My final product is constructed well overall and all components are attached perfectly. It fulfils most safety requirements and the design specifications. All joints (temporary as well as permanent) are nearly flawless and safe for the user. Furthermore, the drawer is constructed so that it is suitable for all ages and various heights.

Cost My final product will be sold between the price range of IDR 200 - IDR 300 as this is a reasonable price for a drawer unit that has various functions.

Evaluation: Testing and Evaluating the final product

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For the testing of my final product, I conducted a user trial to gain feedback and opinions from potential users concerning different aspects of the drawer unit/mini drink storage. The user trials helps to investigate how my final product performs .

From the user trial, I have discovered that a lot of the potential users (target audience) think that my final product is very aesthetically pleasing and fits design specification that it has a modern look with a classic twist. They find that it is very attractive in general appearance and like that the variety of wood vaneer as the finish are different colours which makes it look more interesting. They also like the contrasting colours of the drawer unit overall. However, some say that they would of preferred to have more level of drawer and boxes , for more space. Here are some comments to a few questions that I asked concerning the table:

Overall, how do you think the product looks aesthetically?“I think that the top of the product looks very nice. The different types of wood finish makes it look interesting and modern. However, I believe that there should be more boxes or drawers added to this, as 3 drawers isn't a lot of space.

“In my opinion, it is good that there is only 3 level of drawer and 1 box. If it did, I think it would be and look too much. The legs are a good shade as well. I think that all the colours of the drawer unit contrast with each other well.”

“I think that the bamboo legs could be stained in a different colour, to hide away some of the natural marks. I like the design of the drawer overall, its very different, unique and original. I also like the idea how wine bottles are hidden away "

Furthermore, they thought that the drawer was simple and easy to use. It is also easy to figure out what the bamboo legs can be used for; rolled up magazine, drinks or rolled up clothes.. The potential users liked how the design was unique and that there is enough space to put majority of their clothes into a stylish drawer. However, the main dislike about the drawer is that due to its unique nature, the drawer takes a lot of space in contrast to how much it gives. Furthermore, some households mentioned that it didn't blend in with other furniture that are already existing in their house.Lastly, I asked the five potential users to grade the product overall against a general criteria to help further evaluate my product. They ranked each criteria out of 5, 5 being the highest/best.

Users Performance Aesthetics Ease of use Reliability Safety Materials Manufacture Cost

1 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 4.5

2 4.5 4.5 4 5 4.5 5 4 4

3 4 4 5 5 4 5 4.5 3.5

4 4.5 3 4 4 4 4.5 4 5

5 5 5 4.5 4 4.5 5 4 4

Evaluation: Target audience & Final product

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Specification How I did/didn’t manage thisThis drawer must look smart in order to captivate the target audience Yes due to the fine wood finish, the final product looked very smart. The audience liked it as well.

Must consist of perfectly fitted joints to please the standard of the audience The joint were satisfying for the target audience, and they believed that it was a great product that was joint perfectly.

Each corner must be perfectly fit joints so that the shape of the drawer is stable and will be able to stand upright


Must look professional and finished well so that it will blend with the other fur-niture within the household

No, for some households the drawer unit did not fit in with the other furniture they had in their homes. Furthermore, they also believed that the drawer unit didn't offer enough space.

This wine storage cabinet will be made with plywood and bamboo because it is cheaper than pure hardwoods


There should be a minimum amount of materials used to minimise cost and to preserve raw materials


Must be painted in black or woody colour as requested by majority of the audience


Must be suitable for children and adults Yes

Must be low level gradually increasing so that both audience (short and tall people) can use it


If there is a handle, it must be firm on the drawer so that it does not break when someone pulls it open

There was no handles, but there were knobs that were placed so that the drawer can be easily pulled

Wood pieces are made from plywood and bamboo which are man made board therefore it does not waste raw materials because it is made from recycled ma-terials which is found out on page 5 during the research on types of wood

Yes, the wood that were used are cheap and sustainable which is good for the environment and it lowers the cost of production.

This drawers must use materials which will not ruin in the first ten years of use Yes, the wood is durable and even more so due to the wood finish

Must have variety of shapes and size in order for the user to store different kind of items


Must withstand the weight of books, clothes, jugs, pots, lamps, etc. Yes

Must be dark in order to blend in with other furniture Despite, the white bamboo the drawer unit is relatively dark and blends with some households










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Specification How I did/didn’t manage thisThis drawer must consist of joining methods that will be easily made so that it can be made at school (dovetail joint, finger joint)

Yes, the drawer unit contained a mixture of joints; from finger joint to barrel joint

To manufacture this drawer it must not include processes and machines that are inaccessible at school such as a metal extrusion machine

Everything was accessible at school

The materials needed for this drawer must be accessible and easy to manufacture The materials were easy to manufacture as it was a man-made board

Must be assembled with as little amount of parts as possible to simplify the design and to finish the drawer on time due to the time constraint

No, there were times where I had to re-do the measurement and cutting, as there were few minor mistakes through out the whole process

Users must feel comfortable opening and closing the door of the drawer so that their arms do not get sore using this product


If there is use of a handle, it shouldn’t be too big or too small for the hand sizes of users, e.g. cannot exceed the diameter of 8cms and should not be less than 4cms

There was no handle, but some audience were saying that it would have been more convenient if the knob was a bit larger

It should not be too heavy as user might want to move it around, yet heavy enough so that when pushed it won’t move

The drawer unit, despite having temporary joint, was quite heavy and hard to move

This product must not consist of loose nails, splinters, sharp edges or any other aspect that may harm a user

This product did not have harmful materials coming out of it

Must be durable enough to protect the items that is stored Yes

The drawer should be stable so that it doesn’t collapse Yes

The top of the drawer should be large so that items placed on top will not fall Yes

The sharp edges should be curved so that it prevents accident Due to the nature of the drawer, and the fact that it's rectangle, the drawer does have pointy edges, but not extremely sharp

The external and internal of this drawer must be made from plywood because it is available in thick large sheets which have smooth surfaces


This drawer should not use any other materials besides plywood, bamboo and plywood because these are the three materials most suited to manufacture this drawer


This drawer should be big enough to store multiple items as well as the top should be big enough to place pots, jugs or lamps


It should be 2 meters in width and 1.4 meters in length. The first drawer should be75cm above the ground so that it’s suitable for kids











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Planning is one of the most essential parts of designing a product and the project as a whole. The planning stage took longer than intended as I had some difficulty choosing a suitable and realistic design situation and design brief. This can be one of the most difficult parts of the project, because without choosing the right design situation and brief, I would not have been able to construct my final product. Due to this, I conducted a mind map to brainstorm ideas that will be suitable and relevant in order to identify a relevant need. I was attracted and interested to design/manufacture a unique drawer unit with different functions such as storage.


The research stage requires quite a lot of effort and time as it is one of the major aspects/parts of the design cycle and impacts the design of my final product. Overall, the research that I conducted took around 2 – 3 weeks which is the expected time to be used. Additionally, my target market helped contribute greatly to my research. This is because it helped me lot to decide what kind of materials should be used and the form the table. I conducted a questionnaire in order to receive all helpful feedback which was very useful when conducting my final design specification.


Another important aspect is the development stage as it contributes towards creating potential and possible final designs for my final product. By the research that I conducted, I brainstormed different ideas to check all possibilities that could be ideal for my final product. I created five initial design ideas and chose two that met the majority of the design specification. With the two designs, I merged them together and developed them for my final product design.


I used different types of manufacturing techniques to create my final product. It was quite simple to manufacture however I did come by a few constraints and difficulties which meant that I had to change some parts of my manufacturing. A process that had to be changed was the brass knob, the drawer was too wide for only one brass knob. If there was only one brass knob then the drawer wouldn't budge , therefore, I chose to use two brass knob so that the drawer can be pulled relatively easy. I also used other various equipment's such as the jigsaw cutter, sander, C-clamps. I also used PVA adhesives and wood stains.


The evaluation is the last stage of the whole project. I have evaluated my final product by testing the outcome of my product my asking potential users (target market) for feedback and opinions in order to identify their take on overall performance and appearance. The tests that I performed for the evaluation of my product were successful and most of the feedback was positive. I have also evaluated my final product against the final design specification and suggested any modifications/improvements.

OVERALL PRODUCT EVALUATION:The aim of my final product was to be unique, with a modern look yet have a classic twist with different functions. I have managed to manufacture a drawer unit that has different functions such

as storage and able to drinks and rolled up magazine. The drawer unit have spaces that are multifunctional as they can store a number of different objects, not just clothes but others such as newspapers, electronics, textbooks and more. Overall, I think that my product is quite successful as it meets most of the design specification points.

I have also managed to make it a sustainable product, by making my secondary material as bamboo which is widely available as it grows relatively quickly. Strengths of the product:

The wine storage box is very usable and the measurements are all correct. Lots of different types of wine bottles fit inside the legsThe drawer unit looks very aesthetically pleasing due to the wood finish - this allowed the drawer to look very natural and appealing The drawer doesn’t have to be used to clothes only, as a lot of different sized object can be placed in the legs, such as but not limited to: rolled magazines/newspapers, electronics and textbooksThe drawer is child friendly as objects can be hidden away from children’s reach especially if the table is used to store alcohol as well as the drawer is set in a level, therefore, allowing the child to

store their own stuff inside. The table is very sustainable as it uses recycled materials such as bamboo which grows fast which makes it easily replenishable.Weaknesses of the product:There are a few weaknesses of the drawer unit that I identified when testing the product and asking potential users for feedback and opinions. One weakness is that you are unable to see what

type of wine or drink is placed inside the bamboo leg. Therefore, when users want to pick wine out they have to check each leg to see where the type of wine they want is placed. As a result, this can be quite irritating for users.

Another weakness is that the drawer is hard to move, as the drawers and box is placed in different level and angle. This made the drawer unit hard to move, despite that the drawer were made out of temporary joint, it still took a long time to disassemble the drawer.

There is a possibility that if dark drinks such as red wine spill onto the surface of the coffee table repeatedly, it could permanently stain the wood finish.

Evaluation: Final product analysis