Research Paper-Expanding Executive Power. Overview Essential questions: Do president's have too much...

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download Research Paper-Expanding Executive Power. Overview Essential questions: Do president's have too much power today? Final Task: You will write a critical.

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Research Paper-Expanding Executive Power

Research Paper-Expanding Executive Power

OverviewEssential questions: Do president's have too much power today?

Final Task: You will write a critical analysis of an example of an expansion of executive power by a president. Research the historical context of the time period to see how it might have influenced the president's decisions. Research 1 primary source and 2 scholarly interpretations (textbooks, professional journals, etc.) to determine how they apply to the expansion. Interpret all of your research and write an argumentative essay to convey your opinion about whether the expansion of power in this example gave the president too much power.

Your final essay should include:An explanation of the context of the historical period.

Your personal interpretation of your 3 sources.

A discussion of how those sources help you better understand the historical expansion of executive power.

A clear argument about whether the example was a positive or negative example of expansion of executive power. (Did it harm or help the nation? Why?)

StationsYou will rotate between each station and have 6 minutes per station to read the overview and look at the picture.Take notes, ask questions Narrow down your interests

Hypothesis or Thesis Due 2/10

What president are you most interested in studying?What is your burning question?Format as a hypothesis or thesis.Strategizing 2/10To devise a strategy or plan of attack.Reread requirementsCurrent time commitments?What do you need to do, what will you do to be successful?PLAN out each step you will do, write where you will search for information, etc.Be specific about what you will need to get the work done well.DONT just say what sources you will look forRoosevelt expansion of powerSAY where youll look, what key words you will use in your searches and what info youre looking for. Theodore Roosevelt + Panama Canal Executive Order #

Research Due 2/13IDENTIFY 1 primary source and 2 scholarly interpretations.Primary: Newspapers, speeches, eye witness accounts, etc.Scholarly: Historical Journals, Text books, etc.Record your plans for gathering data.Be sure your sources are related to your topic and that you have enough information to address your hypothesis

ResearchCOLLECT your sources using the plan you created Take/attach notes about what you learn and interpretAttach all of your source information in bibliographic citations (might use You do not need to provide the original printout of each document

Good options: Google Scholar, your textbook, Infotrac (if you have a library card), the library

Interpretation Due 2/13 and 2/14ANALYZE your evidenceYou may use any analysis method you remember usingBe thorough when going through your 3 documents.What is the purpose of this document? What is it saying about the expansion of power? Did the president go too far, or were their actions justified by the circumstances, et cetera?

BIG goal: answer your hypothesis or prove your thesis. Feel like you dont have enough info reread or find a different source.

InterpretationEVALUATE your evidenceIdentify patterns, conclusions and arguments from your analysisWrite in narrative form or bullet point notes Be sure that you have enough new information to support and or challenge your hypothesis.

Clarity of Writing Due 2/15ORGANIZE & CONSTRUCTOrganize info in a logical and clear way.Draft that includes the following:Intro with hypothesis/thesis, historical context3 Body Paragraphs that explain and analyze each piece of evidenceConclusion w/final points about whether this expansion of power was justifiable or notMLA format, adhere to grammar rules, check spelling, et cetera. Include a bibliography/works cited page with citations for each of your sourcesCheck the rubric and requirements often

Use this order Submitting Due 2/20Confirm that you have every section/all work.Organize everythingnotes, documents, feedback, drafts, et cetera--as it was laid out in the directions?Review all of the sections in your portfolio Legible and completed to the best of your ability? Cover page with title, name, section name and the date.Complete the self assessment and include at the back of the portfolio.DO THIS OVER THE WEEKEND! WE ARE TURNING THESE IN AT THE START OF CLASS!