Research Met Shah.docnEW 222222

 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION For centuries, people all over the world have been drinking fruit juice. Today, it is available in both frozen concentrate and liquid form and packaged in a variety of ways, including bottles, cans, and—most recently—boxes. When you don't feel well, stop eating and go to juices." Rare is the person who can make fresh squeezed juices each and every time they are hungry during the day on a juice fasting, or liver or kidney cleanse. This could mean making a batch of fresh squeezed juice 5-8 times a day or more. If your lifestyle is such that you can juice as often as 8 times a day for 7 consecutive days, then it is best to do so. Historically, fruit juice was recommended by pediatricians as a source of vitamin C and an extra source of water for healthy  infants and young children as their diets expanded to include  solid foods with higher renal solute. Fruit juice is marketed  as a healthy, natural source of vitamins and, in some instances,  calcium. Because juice tastes good, children readily accept it.  Although juice consumption has some benefits, it also has potential  detrimental effects. Pediatricians need to be knowledgeable about   juice to inform parents and patients on its appropriate uses.  Juice contains a small amount of protein and minerals. Juices fortified with calcium have approximately the same calcium content  as milk but lack other nutrients present in milk.

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For centuries, people all over the world have been drinking fruit juice. Today, it is

available in both frozen concentrate and liquid form and packaged in a variety of ways,

including bottles, cans, and—most recently—boxes. When you don't feel well, stop

eating and go to juices."

Rare is the person who can make fresh squeezed juices each and every time they are

hungry during the day on a juice fasting, or liver or kidney cleanse.

This could mean making a batch of fresh squeezed juice 5-8 times a day or more. If your 

lifestyle is such that you can juice as often as 8 times a day for 7 consecutive days, then it

is best to do so. Historically, fruit juice was recommended by pediatricians as a source of 

vitamin C and an extra source of water for healthy   infants and young children as their 

diets expanded to include solid foods with higher renal solute. Fruit juice is marketed as a

healthy, natural source of vitamins and, in some instances, 

calcium. Because juice tastesgood, children readily accept it.  Although juice consumption has some benefits, it also

has potential  detrimental effects. Pediatricians need to be knowledgeable about   juice to

inform parents and patients on its appropriate uses. 

Juice contains a small amount of protein and minerals. Juices fortified with calcium have

approximately the same calcium content as milk but lack other nutrients present in milk.

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 Some juices have high contents of potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. In addition, some

 juices and juice drinks are fortified with vitamin C. The vitamin C and falconoid in juice

may have beneficial long-term  health effects, such as decreasing the risk of cancer and

heart  disease. Drinks that contain ascorbic acid consumed simultaneously with   food can

increase iron absorption by twofold.This may be important for children who consume

diets with low iron bioavailability.

Background & Research Need

Fresh Juices are very popular in all over the world and specially liked in EU countries

where summer season is at its peak. People not only drink fresh juices to prevent

themselves from the affects of summer and hot season but juices are the substitute for 

good health.

So this research has been conducted to find out the preferences as well as the currentdrinking habits of the professional institute students of London in fruits, fresh juices. The

menus of numerous different eateries of London were studied during my initial research

 but none of them satisfied my requirements. The eating out world of London can also b

filled by the refreshing things like a café offering different arrangements of these food


Mellow Juices is the name of taste, quality, rich flavors and freshness. This juice corner’s

aims to provide a sophisticated environment reminiscent of a London, moreover there is a

facility of cabins for families.


The initial investment for the project is 1 million Pound.

Mellow juices aims to cater to the needs of the customers with a sheer dedication to

quality and a mission of maintaining excellence in all our endeavors. Our mission is

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  providing best juices with style and quality. We go for the cable network and outdoor 

advertisement for promotion.

The management is given responsibility according to their skill. We hire best staff of 

area. Our atmosphere is going to be friendly. The workers will work as a team. Manager 

has responsible to monitor to workers.

Company Profile

  Nestlé is the largest nutrition and Foods Company in the world. Founded and

headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. Nestlé originated in a 1905 merger of the Anglo-

Swiss Milk Company, which was established in 1866 by brothers George Page and

Charles Page, and the Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé Company, which was founded in 1866

  by Henri Nestlé. The company grew significantly during the First World War and

following the Second World War, eventually expanding its offerings beyond its early

condensed milk and infant formula products. Today, the company operates in 86

countries around the world and employs nearly 283,000 individuals

 Nestlé SA (Switzerland)

Nestlé is the world's biggest food manufacturer, with around 480 factories in 86

countries, and a portfolio that ranges from baby foods to pet care, from chocolate to

mineral water. Its world-famous brands include Nescafe, Kit Kat and Perrier, among

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 many others. The group also owns a large shareholding in cosmetics company L'Oreal.

As with other food companies, recent years have seen a greater concentration on a

focused food and beverage business. In particular Nestlé has leveraged its performance in

sectors such as ice cream and pet foods with an aggressive acquisition strategy.

Advertising Age estimated global measured advertising expenditure of $2.3bn in 2008,

making Nestlé the world's #10 advertisers.

 NESTLÉ JUICY JUICE 100% fruit juicesFor over 25 years, NESTLÉ JUICY JUICE has helped parents raise healthy kids by

 providing them with a wide variety of nutritious 100% juice options. All NESTLÉ

JUICY JUICE products are made from 100% real fruit juice, providing an excellent

source of Vitamin C with no added sugars or artificial flavors. With 13 flavors and 3

forms to choose from, NESTLÉ JUICY JUICE has the widest variety of flavors of any

100% juice product. JUICY JUICE balances the wholesome goodness of real fruit and a

delicious taste that will make your child smile with every glass.

JUICY JUICE has also made it easier to store the family-sized bottles in your refrigerator 

or pantry. All 64 oz. flavors now come in a square bottle, making them easier to grip any

time your child craves a sip of JUICY JUICE 100% real fruit juice.

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Why do we need research?A lot of what we do in our daily lives is based on common sense, what we have learnt

from others or what we have learnt through personal experience or observation. But

sometimes common sense is not the best approach and sometimes there are conflicting

theories about what is best or what works in a particular situation. Moreover, what works

in one situation or for one condition might be ineffective or even dangerous in another, or 

when combined with other measures. Common sense approaches may overlook the

impact of external factors which may contribute to what is observed. Even in the domain

of healthcare, there are gaps in knowledge, theories about how something might work 

 better and ideas for improvement.

As healthcare professionals cannot afford to take risks, research is needed. For clinical 

trials, this is even a legal requirement in that pharmaceutical companies cannot obtain

marketing authorization (i.e. permission to sell their new drugs) until they have proved to

the relevant authorities that the drug is safe and effective. They do this by performing aseries of clinical trials.

Carefully organized and controlled research enables researchers to test and compare

different theories and approaches, explore different methods and learn from other 

 people’s experience.

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Main Research Objective

• To find out the preferences of the students of professional institutes of London for an

eatery with different arrangements of fresh juices, milkshakes, fruits, and ice creams,

& whether they would like to have such an eatery or not.

I would check the acceptance for this concept of a new fresh juice. Would they be

excited about it? Would they want to have such a fresh juice? Also, in order to have

an idea of what the taste of the students in these drink items would be determined for 

which, the preferences of students in fresh juices, milkshakes and ice creams, along

with their different combinations would be investigated through the research.

Secondary Research Objectives

• To check the health consciousness level of students of professional

institutes of London when they’re dining out.

• To find out if the students of professional institutes of London check the

nutrition value of the drink when they dine out.

With the key purpose of find out the preferences of students for a fresh juice. I

decided to test out the health consciousness level of the students when they’re

dining out. Do they look for healthy drinking items when dining out? Are they

conscious about this? Do they check the nutrition value of the drink ? This

way it can be determined whether there would be a need to list down the

health benefits and nutrition value of the fresh juice.

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 To find out the frequency of the following food items’ consumption by the

students of professional institutes of London:-

• Fruits

• Fresh Juices

• Milkshakes

• Ice creams

I also decided to see what the consumption level of all the food items i-e

fruits, fresh juices, milkshakes and ice creams, by the students is. This way the

eating patterns of the students can be determined so that it can be seen

whether they’re diet includes healthy stuff or not.

Marketing Research:

The marketing researches were conducting by filling out a questionnaire of 

different people and then try to implement their suggestion.

Research Questions

• Would the students of professional institutes of London like to have an eatery with

different arrangements of fresh juices, milkshakes, fruits, ice creams, and jellies?

• What preferences do the students of professional institutes of London have in fresh

 juices, milkshakes, ice creams, and jellies?

• What preferences do the students of professional institutes of London have in

combinations of fresh juices, milkshakes, fruits, ice creams, and jellies with sago,

whipped cream, gelatin, wafers, and rice balls?

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 • How much are the students of professional institutes of London health

conscious when dining out?

• Do the students of professional institutes of London check the nutrition

value of the drinking ?

• What is the frequency of consumption of fruits, fresh juices, milkshakes

and ice creams by the students of professional institutes of London?


1. Do you like the juices

• Yes

•  No

2. How many time you drink juices?

• 2 time

• 5 time

• More than 5 times

• Others

3. How much money you spend to drink juice per glass?

• 15

• 20

• More than 20

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 4. If you regular drink?

• summer season

• winter 

• all the season

5. Give suggestion you

Our Company

 Nestlé is the world's leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. We are committed

to increasing the nutritional value of our products while improving the taste.

Since Henri Nestlé developed the first milk food for infants in 1867, and saved the life of 

a neighbor’s child, the Nestlé Company has aimed to build a business as the world'sleading nutrition, health and wellness company based on sound human values and


The Nestlé Corporate Business Principles are at the basis of our company’s culture. We

have built our business on the fundamental principle that to have long-term success for 

our shareholders, we not only have to comply with all applicable legal requirements and

ensure that all our activities are sustainable, but additionally we have to create significant

value for society.

At Nestlé we call this Creating Shared Value.

Our Corporate Business Principles will continue to evolve and adapt to a changing world,

our basic foundation is unchanged from the time of the origins of our Company, and

reflects the basic ideas of fairness, honesty, and a general concern for people.

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Research Methodology

Research Design

Research design is master plan that specifies the methods and procedures for collecting

and analyzing the required information; it is a framework for the research plan of action.

This research for a new product development being conducted by the Evaluator is

 primary and descriptive research.

Overall, the research design consisted of the following:-

• Method for Data Collection:

• Survey (Questionnaire)

• Survey Questions:

• Fixed-alternative & Open-ended

• Undisguised

• Survey Method:

• Mixed-Mode Survey

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• Self-administered using drop-off method

• Personal Interviews

Survey, the most common method of generating primary data in which information isgathered from a sample of people using a questionnaire was selected as the research

method. The task of writing a list of questions and designing the format of the printed or 

written questionnaire is an essential aspect of the development of the survey research

design which is why this feature was given particular care because if the main research

tool being used for the collection of data is erroneous, the research findings could be

inaccurate. This research method was selected as it provides an inexpensive, efficient,

and accurate means of assessing information about a population.

The survey questionnaire consisted of two categories of questions. The first one consisted

of the demographic questions where as the questions in the second on were related to the

research objectives along with a filter question that screens out respondents who are not

qualified to answer a second question. The filter question was related to the frequency of 

visits to restaurants by the students and those who went restaurants less than a month

were screened out. The demographic questions as well as the screener question were

fixed-alternative questions in which the respondent is given specific, limited-alternative

responses and asked to choose the one closest to his or her own view-point. The questions

related to the research objectives were fixed-alternative as well as open-ended and


The survey method used was the mixed-mode survey that employs any combination of 

survey methods. For this research, 20% of the questionnaires were filled out using the

drop-off method from the students, the rest of the 80% were done using the personalinterview method.


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 The target population for the research was the students of the professional institutes of 

London. The population size was unknown with the total sample size equal to 100 and

the sample had 20 students each from 5 of the professional institutes. From these 20, the

sample consisted of an equal 10 students of both genders.

The sampling technique used was judgment or purposive sampling, a non-probability

sampling technique in which the sample selection is based on the judgment about some

appropriate characteristics required of the sample member. I selected the sample

respondents who satisfied our requirement of the frequency of visits to restaurants.

Overall, the following points reflect the sampling process:-

• Target population: Professional Institute Students of London

• Population size: unknown

• Sample size: 100

• 10 students of both genders from every Institute

• Sampling Technique: Judgment Sampling

Sampling Dynamics

The graph below shows the overall division of the sample based on age:-

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The main advantage of this method of data collection is that it provided me with the

 benefit of firsthand knowledge of the subject matter.

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 The weakness is reactivity respondents tend to give socially desirable response to make

them look good or seem to be what the researcher is looking for.

Sampling Frame it’s difficult to access the proper number and type of peoples who are

needed for are representative sample of the target population.

 Non response rate a lot of peoples won’t participate in surveys, or drop out measurement

error surveys are often full of systematic biases, and / or loaded questions.


The advantages of this method were that the homogeneity in question reduced bias and

the respondents answered the questions at the leisure.

However, this method was much more expensive than the other methods and was proneto yield an unrepresentative sample of the population and also limitation on the question

that were asked.

Preferences in Fresh Fruit Juices & their Combination

• The preferences in the fresh fruit juices include:-

• Orange

• Apple

• Peach

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• Grapefruit

• Lychee

• Carrot

• Pomegranate

• Strawberry

• Guava

• In preferences of fresh fruit juices by the students, the first preference graph is given














     P    e    r    c    e    n     t





6 7

The fresh juice of orange had the highest preference among the students with 33% giving

it the first preference. Fresh juice of apple was favored at the second place with 17%giving it the first preference whereas the fresh juice of carrot was the third most favored

with 12% students. The rest of the fresh fruit juices including peach, grapefruit, lychee,

 pomegranate, strawberry, and guava were favored by 5-7% as the first preference.

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 During the research it was also found out that the respondents were very much influenced

 by the weather and time of the year and often their responses were in tune with the fruits,

and other fresh juices currently available and the food items most common in the winter.

• In preferences of fresh fruit juices by the students, the second preference graph is

given below:-


















     P    e    r    c    e    n     t




2 1 1

Orange juice again has the highest favored response with 30%, followed by apple juice

with 26%. Lychee and carrot are favored by 17% and 15% of the students respectively as

their second preference in fresh fruit juices. A small percentage goes to peach, grapefruit,

 pomegranate, strawberry, and guava.

• The combinations for fresh fruit juices were:-

• Apple & Carrot

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• Apple & Grapefruit

• Orange & Pomegranate

• Orange & Apple

• Orange & Mango

• Orange & Pineapple

• Orange & Carrot

• Orange & Peach

• Mixed Punch

• In preferences of combinations of fresh fruit juices by the students, the first

 preference graph is given below:-

A   p   p  l   e  n  C   a  r   r   o  t  

O  r   a  n   g  e  

n  P   o  m  

e   g  r   a  n  

O  r   a  n   g  e  n  

A   p   p  l   e  

O  r   a  n   g  e  n  

M   a  n   g  o  

O  r   a  n   g  e  

n  P   i   n  e  a   p   p  l   e  

O  r   a  n   g  e  

n  C   a  r   r   o  t  

A   p   p   












      P     e     r     c     e     n      t




8 95


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 Orange & apple is most favorite combination of fresh fruit juices favored by 31% of the

students as their first preference. Apple & carrot are second with 22% and orange &

 peach are third with 14% of the students favoring it as their first preference combination

of fresh fruit juice.

• In preferences of combinations of fresh fruit juices by the students, the second

 preference graph is given below:-

A   p   p  l   e  

n   C   a  r   r   o  t   

O  r  a  n   g  e  n   P  o  m  e   g  r  a  n  a  t  e  

O  r  a  n   g  e  n   A   p   p  l  e  

O  r  a  n   g  e  n   M  a  n   g  o  

O   r   a  n   g  e  

n   P   i   n  e  a   p   p  l   e  

O  r  a  n   g  e  n   C  a  r  r  o  t  

A   p   p  l  e  n   G  r  a   p  e  f   r  u  i  t  

M  i  x  e d   P  u n  

Preference 2 in combination of fruit juices












      P     e     r     c     e     n      t

12 116

11 11




A mixed punch has the highest percentage of students in preference 2 of fresh fruit juices

with 23% followed closely by orange & carrot by 20%. Orange & pomegranate, orange

& mango, and orange & pineapple are equally

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Brand NameAs we are going to launch new product in soap category with new brand name.

We select our brand name

" "



Our Rich Flavors……

Add Colors

To Your Life

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Before starting any business in the market one has to adopt contains strategies to

introduce ones own product. We as producer and businessman, we started or established

 juice in the heart of the city. For this, we have adopted the following strategies for our 


• Product Plan

• Pricing Plan

• Promotion Plan

• Placement Plan

Product Plan

For our business , we have picked up to start different juice shop. In order to

meet the taste of the people, we will try to manage different and most latest type

of fresh juices.

Pricing Plan

For any business a good owner always keep in view the purchasing power of its

customers. To present our products to our customer at reasonable price, we should

determine its prices which can easily be affordable even by the common people. If 

we determine the prices at higher level, we will attract fewer customers. The law of 

demand and supply will work have effectively.

Promotion Plan

In order to promote our business we will invite our friends, relatives and other 

  business class people. Further we can also distribute hand. Bills and give adds at

cables and in the news papers. For two or three days in just to give fame to our 

  business. We will serve the people without charging anything or at reduce rate.

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Placement Plan

We have chosen the heart of the satellite town for the placement of our juice

shop. In order to attract the people, we have well decorated the Hall and has alsoequipped it with latest and amusement of the people. We have also installed TV

and cables.

Distribution Plan

For better service and distribution, we will recruit such sale by which areexperienced, well mannered and decent in their dealing and behavior. We will notsell our juice only at our shop but also arrange and introduce shop to shop

service in a very decent manners.


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:Web sites: