(Research) Frame Analysis

Frame Analysis OTS

Transcript of (Research) Frame Analysis

Page 1: (Research) Frame Analysis

Frame AnalysisOTS

Page 2: (Research) Frame Analysis

Random image of a man has no relevance until story unfolds. ‘Shot’ used in the article suggest themes of violence and use of weaponry.

Lots of symbolic imagery, toy bear left randomly suggests someone was in a hurry, or a clue to a persons whereabouts. Lots of cars abandoned reinforcing the fact people might have been in a hury.

City establishing shots sets the setting for the show, seems so be desertion and isolation as everything is derelict.

Font is bold and key words seem to be bigger, including the production companies names.

Colour correction to a light sepia type, reinforces the lifeless, derelict feeling. Some sort of emptiness which would be revealed in the series.

Windows smashed suggesting theme of violence and crime.

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Old/Medieval font suggesting it was set back in those times.

Production company places very subtle in the corner, very consistent with the medieval font and colour scheme.

Symbolism of the dragon suggesting this could be very mythical, but also very violent connotations.

Various different settings in the OTS suggest a conflict of kingdoms (Kingdoms suggested from the medieval writing)

Different lands symbolic of different clans, the fact the dragon is breathing fire on a ‘kingdom’ suggests the violent between them. Theme of conquering.

Colours are bland and basic connoting the old/antique side, suggesting this medieval period.

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Red colour scheme connotations of blood, violence and death, along with the black a major symbol of death.

Army has guns protecting and shooting at something which suggests there is something after them, reinforcing the violent connotations.

Production company names also in red with a water trail like feature which looks like blood running, very symbolic od death or injury.

Glass smashed, black figure around it suggesting a struggle, with connotations of violence.

Lots of zombies wandering around linking to title ‘Dead’, suggesting a virus or epidemic happened which turned these people, maybe this is what the army are trying to stop.

Gas mask and guns suggesting a sense of eradication, trying to get something out or away. Maybe rescuing.

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Production company and names placed directly in the centre or just off the centre the frames in bold writing so it is seen. Very direct.

Red washed colour schemes connotations of violence and death. With white writings for clear contrast.

Lots of weaponry and tanks signifying that they are in a war of some kind, reinforced by the helmet and gun a person is carrying revealing they are part of an army.

Image of two girls irrelevant adding to the narrative enigma, may be a memory or a picture, or even family members.

High angle and low angles to show people in situation of domination or the opposite, inferior and weak.

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Bold font, although text is placed away from main image, making it very subtle but noticeable.

Very symbolic nature of these images, targets suggesting he is wanted, blood spilling from the target suggest he has been taken down or is injured.

Graveyard, tombstones are weapons suggesting a key theme through the film, someone may die due to this. Hints at future of characters.

Red rain symbolic of blood, ironically falling on tombstones, suggesting death in the film.

Bold and serious font suitable for this subgenre. Along with the posture and smart suit.

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No set colour for text and they are all different sizes connotations of improvisation which is key for this subgenre.

Dusk aerial shot establishes setting of the film, where some scenes will take place.

Computer, suggesting technology is used within the film, also with the glasses the character is wearing may be high-tech for missions.

Character leaping quickly from one side to another, trying to not get caught which is common in this subgenre.

Different scenes in different areas suggesting there lots of travelling.