Reporting verbs


Transcript of Reporting verbs

Page 1: Reporting verbs


Page 2: Reporting verbs

Check what you knowReported Speech: Statements and questions, commands

Page 3: Reporting verbs

The receptionist told me…

…the hotel was fullThe hotel is full

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Phil said…he’d passed all his examsI’ve passed

all my exams

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The waiter said…he’d call the managerI’ll call the


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They said that he…should get to the airport early

You should get to the

airport early

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Julie said…she might be late

I may be late

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Raquel said…she hadn’t told anybodyI didn’t tell


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She asked us…if we could help herCan you help


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He asked me…if I wanted to danceDo you want

to dance?

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They asked her…if she’d been there before

Have you been here


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He asked me…what music I likedWhat music

do you like?

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I asked him……where the nearest bank was

Where’s the nearest bank?

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The traffic warden told us…

…not to stop thereDon’t stop here

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My dad told us…to be quiet

Be quiet!

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We asked them…not to smokePlease don’t


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The dentist told him…to open his mouthOpen your


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Melinda told them…not to tell anyone Don’t tell


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The policeman asked her…

to show him her driving licence

Could you show me

your driving licence?

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The flight attendant told them…

to switch off their mobiles

Please switch off

your mobiles

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She told her son…not to eat with his mouth open

Don’t eat with your

mouth open!

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We asked the waiter…to bring us the billCan you

bring me the bill, please?

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The bus driver told her…

to get off at the next stop

Get off at the next


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My husband told me…not to wait

Don’t wait

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Direct speech I won’t go

Reported speechHe said that he wouldn’t go

Reporting verbHe refused to go

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Sorry I’m late. The teacher …The teacher apologized for being late. I didn’t break the vase! Jane …Jane denied breaking the vase. I’ll love you for ever. The bride …The bride promised to love him for ever. Don’t walk on your own at night. The

policeman…The policeman warned her not to walk on

her own at night.

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Would you like to come to a concert? Mark…Mark invited Miriam to come to a concert. I was sorry I hadn’t bought the jacket. I…I regretted not buying the jacket. You ate all the biscuits. She…She accused him of eating all the biscuits. We’ll kill you if you don’t give us the money.

The robbers…The robbers threathened to kill me if I didn’t

give them the money.

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I won’t eat the cabbage! The little girl …The little girl refused to eat the cabbage. Remember to bring your dictionary to class.

The teacher …The teacher reminded them to bring their

dictionaries to class. I broke the window. The boy …The boy admitted breaking the window. I’ll help you with your case. A young man…A young man offered to help me with my


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I think you should go to the doctor. His friend…His friend advised him to go to the doctor. Let’s go to a Chinese restaurant tonight. Anya …Anya suggested going to a Chinese restaurant. I’m going to pay for the drinks- it’s my turn. My

brother …My brother insisted on paying for the drinks. You must see the Tower of London! He …He recommended seeing the Tower of London.